Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 16, 1932, p. 1

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piilfivxs v w x r sixtysixth yew of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 16th 19 150 per annum in advance 2jd0 to ujsa the georgetown herald a voice fkoh the past umber canadian weekly cnjl time table standard time getag east and mall laaq a p k3s pm tanaenger and mail 6j0 pjm pvanengjer tops or passengers aping east and toronto mti iunuays going eaat j sul pas s56 pm 6 7j5 anx ut u zjos pea 3s njn a5qjn mlxt pan us a sms pja arrow bus job am 1mb am sundays and hondays only uj6 pin s58 pin js5 pan 10j66 pan aae deoy except sunday sj8 la 1js am 440 pm tj5 agndays and holidays only mb pm deny fares to holder of season tickets bkb uo dodbluiior at jlongs directory ucbotdau r theatre bid mm st x b oram what might be done if men were viae what glorious deeds my suffering brother would they untie m love and rite and cease their scorn of one another oppressions with and know shore llghl on the eyes all slavery all vloe and crime might and meat and corn to be free as warmth in summer weather the meanest wretch that everrtrod the deepest sunk in guttt and sorrow might stand erect in selfrespect jjand snare the teeming world to-tnor- what aright be done this might be done and more than this ny suffering brother more than the tongue eer said or sung ir men were wise and loved each other charles mackay 1850 a dean coovamena ou burning salt ishea no more hard labour and moon aad m silent- silent glow will save you jinter 12vmo home i have cbo glow l of it e features and hncicnt ooersdoo the new silent glow eurnace burner moarthak 1w newsiunrgujv wnau buxnu com- a4iki gftsgsr 195 r r somd ghat tml banaar fa aay aafhmriar iwmwjuw 1i chiropractic 3 blanes feather bed by edwin oola aw aaua imdbh cakade m ah af somtgkm pugrim b esvaya geiagat ate tmdsbmlghm f l 1 g r mjuckaiirr pbome ttw ar j lttankpetch isnra ti avq ttjpan to use the most ral md tat service available kelly a aiken svi no i f 1 m- the new wqy vtov welsh anthracite toeitrddtory charges to hwsttaumbr double- dutyl 17rom 10 flaeeue motor oil quarts tm skaid cans acme faaraaeit at the first tara- fsv vevwtuwaaotaryoai eieed fvanjtarf iuuhlt win aaotor ofl to assure easy etarmag aad efficient lubrication at all all tan paid i a waart this rlelt olhvdrwamat eai r swutv o la packed pire dean- and amadul- hf 1thodoht i was seeing things that day when i rounded a turn m the ties bellotes trail and eaar floating toward me that feather bed of blancs as i djdnt know stone then and as i had never met his bed you cant blame me if for a i thought it was some near that grew only in the sierra madras for it vras strapped to blano uwo burro the donkeys tony earn toad up above it and bis big wwterlromid eyes looked out from under it for all the world ilka one of those antedilu vian hats you see m pictures there wamt any way of paastng to that narrow trail at toast no way that i could see and the burraoame to the same qrmrliudon i guess be cause it stood there httntabag to wise old eyes at ate until btane shouted from behind go long there then if charged me r might have stood my ground but my horse whirled and was off down the trail nearly throwing me by the time i had got him m hand i back in the valley at the hngmnlng of the canon i figured that i couldnt gain much by going neck so ays- mounted under a live oak and ed my bruno was too much unset to grase andi ketjt a tight grip oft his rems when the feather bea came meandering out of the canon on iwr small leg blane was close behind it mounted on his hlg racotored man at sizing up a than but i didnt say anything it was blanes stamp ing ground and at wasnt mine on your way back to campf he asked me after a minute i was until your pullman made my qimai change its mind i admitted he grinned when youve slept on rock and sand as long as i nave youll forgive me for that he bald you donx want to help meound up a rustler do you ne went on its onwdown here a piece sow my orders were to go down and come back but the the rangers they otteh dropped into our camp and gave us about the trails so i said i was will ing as long as i got hack by night never lear about that blane if i pick this greaser up well go oack fast enough for his friends are tond of him that looked like action and action little by little atas what t w mounted and toward ties blane told me seems that a cordova had canons hunting lor we back down the trail on the way it the rustler it by the name of gniwg through the his own brand on the cattle companys calves just before roundup tune and blane wanted to nab him before the calves forgot whq their mothers were so they could give evidence against htan we turned off into a sloe about a mile above knrlquets and climbed op into the mountains a stream ran down the canonv m the rainy season but it was september someone haevsaid that it there was one thing toe american people need the of the poesmlll- in just that why the young often meet with is they try league little by ties of doing modest way one of tne people of america disappointments coey attempt too m more work to reach thtfr goal old man ukedj strides instead of it is easy to do a mini tlonj or be m little more give a little more attention to de tails or to find a little pleasure here and give a little pleasure there yuaie kmdnewen and little fajvers arcaot tourdrnanme we can extend them without handicapping ourselves it is when je try to do the big things that webtt the ana whether those tlg things are to change entirely our dally 8o thats wha tt was that made all the noise he called out he alkmad hla rifles back into 11a boot andtus- nvmitited beside me as for the fea ther bed it moved off to grase on a bunch of tthw grass well ru whanged i said as 1 saw for burewhat it was it is a feather fced sure its a feather bed he retorted with a grin canada geese at that i saw hla nngar badge then and understood i shook my hjead thats sure what owy eall travelling deluxe wheres the mahogany four- poster be grinned again goodnaturedly reckon i can get along without that he said therete apt to be draft down here the closer the ground the tighter the aoahv you cant get very close to the ground on that mountain of feath ers i said you dont have to he retorted once youre snihe middle of it you sink out of sight and nothing out a bomber can reach you it sounds an right i said its as right as it sounds he re torted warmly did yon ever shoot into a feather bed why no i cant say that i make a nraence of it try it some tame youll be sur- prbed tt heats sand an hotter tjh fain- i said i dont remem ber seeing an used in wranoe be aerotmisbd me more closely so you was in stance he said and only a green pool here and there in a pocket of the rock was left to show it everything except cactus sod mesqulte had become discouraged and gone to sleep until the next rain which was several months oft slsne drove hla watting leather bet on be fore him am i brought up the rear for the tnitf was wont down for only one horse once the burro took a slant on into one of the scummy pools and got down on its knees ready to roll blane yelled like a wild indian and pushed his boms in after che burro while i waited on the hank laughing so that i couldnt have begad htm if i had wanted to and i didnt but he got the little dank out with no more than wetting the comers of his bed a little farther on he came to a halt at a turn in the canon and got off hla horse loordovas place is just around the bend he said if yon care to stop here with the animals hi go on and pick him up i didnt like that very well then 111 miss the fun i said he glanrwrt at me sharply the fun will come later and you may have all you want he retorted as tor this i reckon its a oneman job if i can sttp up here afoot and some one has got to look out for the animals or my feather bedll be running away again be grinned and so did i i dismounted and caught the burros halter whatever mustnt lose the feather bed ironically now youve said something he replied i reckon if i lost that rd have what they eall lnsotnmla he walked away around the comer and that was the last i heard of htm for half an hour i had made la my mind that something had happened to ham and that it was about time to and out what feather bed or not when i heard voices coming down the canon i took my gun out of its bolster for shoever they were there were more than one and they were jabbering in mexican but it was blane all right heoame round the corner of the canon wall he had the colls of hla lariat m one band and was leading a cayuse by the bridle with the other then the rider came into view it was a greaser but a woman gresserl she was young and a yaqui i should say they looked like haranns to me but she was a woman and i had never made war on women blane had her wrists tied wtth the lariat but her feet were free whets the idea i asked him he gave me that grin of bis again she the princess of mexico old mbnteaumas daughter he said rand double our output of work take over the obligations of a or to sud denly develop from a acdaatlmer to a performer of miracles r it is a sample matter to improve oumelves a little here and a lit there to extend our entbrts a tru now and a trine again and to be mite aore thoughtful today and mite more happy tomorrow little improvements come easy and can be duplicated often wtth alight effort be was silent for a minute then so was v he said wlah i had known shout it then he added r it would have shortened the by a year later i came towotjder he wasnt right i ss down wtth x troop riding the snomitaro train over west of nogalee looking tor mcodeen bandits we hadnt had any rantna j with them yet but we hadnt phone 357 main st georgetown allowance for your old lamp or lante rfcrbttwfotohtaj mtttani udlmtv of hsngji or conattfchli- vxn faf l50 at our flora on axend omw oolcmn thefine praa- wmfwtjfcw ijaflapa wstlq llluffsttt ever psfoooooa tasyrgli daes ap to troablefree bating aarvlea at yoarcbolca el any of me- aipjhai aitiiir ou laaap or lamatn as part pavaaant eaear new ookvaan see your local 4eaur the coleman u4p ahdsfovb co ltd- 4 attuta t we ib jowmnng i- good that tar i had been sent down to tree denotes to talk wtth old rlques who used wtth one leg on the american side and both ears over the barbedwire into mexico tne said he was straight and dlunt tone the bandits any more than- we did and that if we sent one- man down to ban instead of a pla he ought ten us something we should like to know 1 it was boynton the cattle man who- told the captain that may nave been right rn i because be forgot to add that old bnrkraes tasted only mwrlrian and i orgot to say that i knew only ameri can ou aatoiwjne bad waved his hands about as it the meeiiiitlu ware full of bandits but when he- got through all i oould make out of it was that he was glad to see me and that anything he had was mine for the asking when i mentioned bandldos he bak ed asysayaiidslrew hxvhasid aeeoas his throat tfaatwas all right as far as it went but yea couldnt eat thelr throats nntn yon caught em and when i asked where are theythe nodded pleasantty and ordered his taqm wife to bring me coffee it was on my way back that i met blane when he had cot through trying to prove that feather beds oould take- the place both of trenches and of barbed wire because it was just as hard to walk aoroas a feather bed at it was to shoot through it i asked hga sbout old bariquea be ah his snonldats mertean fashion lie knows a lot wore eng lish than he tows be amid as for being mendtar he jaays the winner be on the fence in more way than being attraddto the barbed wire fart of bulaoeaysland was m toe tjhtted btates sad part hi uexlca twhen there are plenty of yskow eoras a- round hev dead nuts en the bandrta and whan mr bandit is wtthln esb tng dlstenta his taomwue drops in and tehsbbn now bnrknws batea the gringo ho tar- hen got away with it and both aaoes think hes their amhjft bis nue sarenooks affright x said s- blane arunted awk month and plenty mt tsstmo a kv waytwlth sens neopls i- thst didnt is very wen fo i rjrlda aswttwt x an aa goaa as s aatt i am hg her into captivity to be my bride quit your kidding i said may not be a princess but shes woman and i dfclnt con to help you catch a woman i didnt suppose you would need any help to do that that made blane mad look-a- ttere he said i alnt in this busi ness tor the fun of it any more than you are in yours but i reckon to take it aa tt comes cordova heard us coming snd cleared out be left ms wife to tell me that some stolen his branding iron thats how mudh ha looks but for his woman well perhaps they did i said perhaps they did what he aated stole his toons blane looked at me as if i wetent quite grown up be held something up with the coos of bis lariat then what do you call that be asked i found it hi a freshdug hole hi the floor of hla mobe b wan a branding iran if you look close youll see its been used within a day or two at that i dkhvt like to back down then with the yaqui woman looking at me with eyes like those of a dog what she got to do with it i asked nodd ing toward her she didnt brand the calves dtd she i amt ao sure but what she had a part in it he replied v anyway i reckon when cordova finds rve got her rn find out so youte going to hold her as kind of a hostage thats the way you do things down here blane put bis hand on his hips and looked me up and down as tf he werent sure i was there b you dont- like the way i do things i reckon you dont haive to wait round and watch me no longer he said i guess i got kind of mad myself then having seen ao much i ni see a little more before i you ieald he caught his hones bridle mounted jerking the anhnars round as if it were on a greased sartvel be rode up along sue the burro and shooed it down the canon ahead of i then he started to follow it still holding on to the bight of his lariat walt a mlnutel i said be looked ugly over hat s st me well- be demanded you may have the right to srrest that woman hot i guess you havent any right to fcogtle her and toad her at the end of your rape tm sorry i didnt bdpg the patrol wagon along anmrea you do in the north he retorted dot you see i bated to wake up the driver he might go on a strike i passed that by as long as i got my point the rest didnt oount tt youre afraid shell ran away from you rn ride ahead and she tide between us but 1 wont to have her tied nrtbat way ootnlnsmd a paga o and yet when they are all added np we discover chat we have done in finitely more than the big tig that we were afraid to tackle or that had hurled us back when we threw ourselves against ft any successful man popular woman or happy individual of either sex will tell you that after all there to nothing btg in the world that is not just a number of little things done wau so thats our little message this month dont worry about accomp lishing the big things and dont put off improving yourself and your cir cumstances because it looks ike too great a joh instead just start brush ing up a little here and a little there and just huuiuve yourself a bit now and a trifle again if you do that surprisingly soon you wm discover that your little hits and trifles have totalled something even bagger than the tag things you were afraid to tackle thats all there is to it if yen want to be successful just work a little harder now spend ttttto more time and a little more effort to what ybu are sttenapung and have a little more confidence in yourself and tf you want to be happier just be tittle more cheery in your greeting smile a trifle more often and be bit more ready to share your hap piness with others and but but not least read the little verse below it will pro little more helpful and insplratioaua each time you see it little by little the time goes by short if you sing through it long you sigh little by little an hour a day gone with the years that have van ished away little by little the race is run trouble and waiting and toil are done little by little the sides grow dear little by little the sun comes near little by little the days smile out madder and brighter on pain and little by tittle the seed we sow into a beautiful yield win grow little by little the world grows strong fighting the battle of right wrong little by little the wrong gives little by little the bight has away little by little all longing souta struggle up nearer the shining goato little by little the good in men thmiu to deauty for human ken little by little the angels see prophecies better of good to be little by atue the ood of ail lifts the world nearer the can william fleming french in the a dogs life in alaska than in tdbaalls aeaukm nowhnoc does the dog truly lead a dog late alaska that vast fra where for ages past he has been the chief imaim of t up on the arctic coast the hard hie of the wjktmo would be ass without the sled dog it la the dog who ill a him out upon the sea to alt aft day beside a blow hate watching for the seal that i t or p an the igtoo- the dog who tows the oomiak loaded wtth goods with wood and coal and meat along the beachrof sea or inlet during the brief mmwaer season it is the dog who during the flush hunting season of the spring to kept perpetu ally on the a trail hauling tons of blubber meat arid bone in from the open water to the toe cellars of the village what then is the faithful animals wage or this life of tout he is tethered by means of a chain seatoktn line or a heavy stick wood to a stake beside his igloo and there without sbeleartdften without food he must remain forgot ten until his services are needed be has no protection from the piercing winds that durlngnme months of the yeafe blow tnoasaantly across hun dreds of unbroken muea of lof and snow curled in a ball hi the de pression melted by his body in the hardpecked snow his bushy tail over his nose he lies week after week month after month enduring the ache of the terrible cold once a day a chunk of frosen seal or walrus is flung to him and be gets stiffly to bis feet and bolts tt sometimes a bussard blows tor days then the lwsanua do not ven ture from their igloos and the dogs tightly curled sh under the impact of battering snow go hungry during these storms many dogs are evenly frosen especially in the beuy and flanks where they are not so wen protectedby shaggy matted coats ss ehewnere the deep wounds re sulting from these freeses often end in death tjp on the northern coast we used the large strong li bones in which our annual mawiltes had been shipped north to house our sled dogs it was not easy however to pejeusde tnem to accent our offerings used to life in the open they had a terror of any sort of e t wild instinct alert for traps ic see akb our lead dog when first coax- ed into one of ifaess amproajsed doa houses bolted wlkuy oat wtth fangs much patient required in orogr to team to the shelters gffovueov far them bat onr efforts ware snll-re- scncolhouae shook under the force of nuazaras we saw inrougu in our toecoated windows our dogs tucked saiely away in toeir snug shelters lot arctic rsklmns could not- of cahrse make wooden shelters for tnelr dogs out on that barren tree- lem coast one building tn- pientuui snow we nad a at the govenbuent echoolnouse woich was our hoaae andfcuscuaveu the dog question we convinced them that toe oonomlc reasons ii no otners they should provide protection for toeir sled dogs- for twrtrtei saving the uvea of many dogs less food would be required for the dogs and they would remain in better condition and give better service innovations take now slowly among thls primitive people- but eventually we had the satis faction of seeing the with little snow houses in which curled some two dogs only too gttd to creep inside when tolissards howled during the summer days the au la heavy with humidity and the never- setting sun circling above the hortoon beats down with men- 1 van force upon the poor bea p at their stakes suffering the pangs of thirst the ebkiano is not often deliberately farutau to has dogs bis is the sort of cruelty a heedless child when helped them to fashion wateringpans from the nhteiiihons coal all tm they carried the dark tundra water to thelr thirsty dogs wtth childlike pleasure mosquitoes on those days that no breeae blows from the arctic ocean swarm in from the tundra to the vil lage surrounding the dogs in torcaenting cloud but down hi the interior of alaska they are at thetr worst there i have seen dogs lie whimpering pltifuuy a black rhn a- rounc each eye iiiimlm cr wtth the bloodsuckers the dogs too pfetety arha from thetr at then- faces to effort to drive their tormentors away the bloody circela about the eyes the raw mmalrs that one sees hi wstrmg through village m summer are sight and the cont scream aad whme of sled dogs make the days and nights hideous we staked our own doss out along the river bank wen away from the lush grass from which tnoanuttecs rtoe in swarms there a breeae cliasjrtng down river carried the masots away and they could dig piute in the bank on sultry days pots were kept burning near the dogs and the acrid smoke rising from smol dering smart weed made ao effec tive smoke screen many iisllna ajnoa the yukon and the tfnstue sat addto their incomes by mens dogtern mall ing dogs and- those kept purely for pleasure our dogs went to the whom we could trust not only to keep them a and wenfed on mulligan of saawi heads but who would protect them from the inces sant tnrmrnt of mos alaska being she ruthless land tt is a great deal of the suffermg of its to unavoldsble but much- by things wbat nkvbk dib the pure the bright the beauuhu that stirred our hearts hi youth the t to worldkss prayer the streams of love and truth the g after aometbmg tost the spnitn yearning cry the striving after better hopes these things can never die the timid hand stretched forth to aid a brother hi hla seed a kindly word in griefs dark hour that proves a friend indeed the plea for mercy softly b when justice threatens high the sorrow of a contrite heart these things can never die let nothing pass for every hand must find some work to do lose not a chance to waken love se firm be just be true so shan a light that cannot fade beam on thee from on high and angel voices say to thee these things can never dtov -wiitte- creight- measures such as those be done to relieve their misery beth c forrest hi our dnmb ant- public school report d following is the report of george town public school for october br iv ttraai margaret maelaren grant mlnana arnold brld baud me- bnery auee oosugan mildred david son and jane banatoy jean oofeu isabel richardson peggy adams snd joyce stacey walter ted franklin cleave robert foulto step hen bmmersod shd jack dean boost hyde violet ingram dorothy lb- nlven and kvelyn ssnderaon cttve bailey mary comer jessie mcdon ald basel tmiiiisikiii irene carter lorraine wright flossie smith ar thur arnastrong tmelyn wood bode rowe jr iv hods betty grant floria feller marion wultoanson jack bul ger willie cntnmma jean b mae deans kthel aloott jack hoaie marlon wbd helen twgr ro- bert ooldham pass kathleen kirk joan young bodes mcclure betty mtrflrt edith rqts and george long bruce zimmerman and gordon spaas may btoksn mildred gummer buns me- nany edna lebas jessie helen bonnes vernon coto armstrong margaret king i t m bona amne buuivsnt harry hale obve mannon bsrntoa herrmgton margaret graham betty speight bene young charles hoare reggie broomhead rain grin w and george taraweo equal james tooth oetta otrard douglas aoatt stuart jor- franeto golden daisy bralaby asoiyn hayes equal jean san derson and jean bauiow equal vera marohment ruth sckne of blasts roono at aingfai psrtlal somtion to the series of sny- stertous nplcrnons which rocked the city of guelph at an early hour li friday mommg waa mwalul by the police over the weekend with the dto- covery that the btoats were set oat to an open fimd at the edge of the out- ten golf course just below the o a c grounds information which they reoeti after two days of liwoalgaltiat tod provincial andatty pon to t spot where the espaosaons oeeurred t they are ettu very much in the dark ss to who was reaponasole alth th great fume of tna hlav suggested that gaptng ho would be found where the rtehnaiallc took place the ground wan only slightly marked apuntered sttoks of wood picked up tnthe hnrnedai vsemtty however gave evkleuue that the explosions were quite sew owing to the fact that the charges were set on hi the field same dis tance away from any laillilliasa the police are convinced there waa no at tempt made to harm mount nwigwwjwwj ftjh1 wedding annivkksabt mr anr mrs lfallaia smith onto orated their fiftieth wedding anniver sary at the home of then- daughter and eonlntow mr and mrs donald ferguson 10th line erin township on tuesday november sth when seven of their family spent the day with jas ouuavuns and phylas 1 wm oxtoy equal batty bttchto msr- jorie keen wm murphy oordon huts and annie anderson equal mar garet james margaret oultvet bulle armstrong bruce monlven aad don ald jordan equal pearl carter percy vd tfayaleotkjaan msrtm andtaaavanrai bosre eqnalv fpsstanma webstar margaret ooo hngh wb- son and jknmy bunnell equal btbat wood betty 8nyder aadray p equal shirley lstlon jenrds mer jeaste buts snatsnaw ton equal lenord bayner early helen blackburn frances giv en stella lane bernard lnggmn dorothy ouvadwumam boyto darts mccartney ivorman bald frank car ter br lt bona kate rmntoy baue clark joan hale boy peck jean wood larry mnkemae bvjph willi a beatrice brm jean btolr jack r ly pass vatorto herbert carney bruce qumsnar agnes me- dnre basel oraham fsraoe po s walker cleave teeny o henney equau and oeorge jasaea joi jrrr wobel pbtf btama iw beth coffin mary paul jack brm gharlea laaa frank ootmety jr if dotothy both millar joyce beta douglas coto orval patterson snd equal fred tost margaret bttchte audrey mffiar pass tttilf snn tawina bsgyj and bobert auatt equal donald i odfen marion guard jack xvahey walter oook bonald cripps and bulle iaong oeorge perry john bailey bertha cover apart of which waa ddtog cake ewge ferry beta rttohto which was deooratod wtth fifty causes in the evening about seventy g and enjoyed a social time ma venerable and este che daughter mm w x ris of sterling manitoba being able to be presentjrhe brldea and grooinsman of fifty yeata ago are atoo enjoying lifes sunset but were aj unable to be present at this ffttoth of anniversary fifty years ago elisabeth henry and matthjiw anlth were united in mar riage by the lata bev ib at laurel they spen fhetr uje in mono township having iwoently eome to uve wtth mr and mrs ferguson thto union was blessed wtth two sons and ant daughters vtcduke smith abhv tonr howard smith toronto mrs dave kinsley mono mrs benjamin bamrrel matonrthon mrs w j mlher m uu1 wueoa amaranth station mrs w j perrto amelia iiorrbnan wtnaa dark 8tertto hf a t- x crawfard albert whttney wel- mrs donald fei brm there are ul suai afjnar thomas comber andy fawn advocate ford st primer wons qeorge lattnasr bobby hoare ohsrne 801 joaep urusao harold tney aay you married her because her aunt left her a fortune floievin evetyn bui thatlaa he to havetaar- rtod her just the same whoever had left it to her when radios first came out they were troubled with static now tfs advertising and more a spinster so the waiter aaya to me how would you sate your rice friend yes yes go on spinster so i says wlatfuuy thrown at me big boy w ri- aknost any woman can decetve al most any man but it to hard for a woman to delude or keep anything from another sraman why to your oar paint ed blue on one side and red on the other x xjivltnaluteldea tan just j bune kelly and victor equal dorothy kmg and betty pant equal alan young gertie hute teresa ouuvet and jean barttuv equal ray hartow martha burnley helen shepherd k boykv brace mccartney taigieth darld- sbn and john evans equal dwrkx wood douglas thosqpson sr i hon bo oonnaly dora aiwmlfwisy tommy gerdon bshw tonkny row b doyte annabel maokto sbqhbsq f ujittb prbmsry bona mtey i cootnre bjbhsid jltoj jack auatt borah cl and tshav toy- laird eqoaualtoen jordan ar thur mbmatsr dobs sbepberd mar- jorie kentner bfuy anderson b joan ilorothy oiaafurd ashett nst jspp bdly oollter jamie c jan bhkte kfsrebanent xbflltvant abreda baawnbok mabel so yon and manrtoe are to besarrtodt wiry i thought u was a mmmmmiim i iv- ys fks m2k

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