Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 16, 1932, p. 4

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vr page 4 rkrtfsssrk the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 16th 1932 wb mjfr lnrren i- aahm i e- r better winter breakfasts at lout cost these an the days to serve shredded wheat with ho jiv warns you up fills you with r energy and youll be helping canada too tor every bite b a boost for this countrys greatest industry wheat i shredded whet t n bl biscuits in every box made in canada t canadians of canadian wheat n a robinson live stock dealer ani bokber nerval livestock trucking all loads fully insured phone georgetown 101 13 prosperity five of oo with every ban now until 1st at december price 7 burner 3200 9 burner 3500 doable 7 for ranges 4000 triple 7 for furnaces with necessary equip ment 5700 i tear phone 222w s b groat hots and colds by betty barclay november to the month whets both the cold and trie bot dainty seems to be in order tone m because of us iikiirtmiam while the other dem on tor attention because of the fan- ins temperature ere are two re cipes that at into november and the as wen sweet ratal pnw cups cooked and seasoned sweet potatoes mashed 13 cup bot water 1 cup crumbled singer snaps a tablespoons butter put sweef potatoes in buttered pud- dtnc dish and sprinkle with sugar over this pour hot water crumble sinter snaps and rata with softened butter spread over top of prepared potatoes bake in a bot oven de grees f 30 minutes 8 portions buw8 fkathkk bd oonunisesvtrom page 1 he looked me over tsytln his hand was itching to take out his gun hut his eense seemed to be argu ing against it j you win he said after a minute you know a whole lot more about this w than 1 do i re ed it would be better to pull her off her cayuee than it would be to shoot her if she trted to ran away but youre right youle always right its better to stop the with than with the rope i didnt answer him i had broght umto hold my tongue he had untied the taqul hands i started off at the the column next came the- feather bed and then the woman and blane i dtdnt enjoy that ride very much- x had taken a liking to blane untu he ishowed up with the woman and i thought be had to me i had seen enough of the white men in ustt country to know bow they fajkrabout mwrirann they dldnt try snack at present or apt coatee tea cocoa or any bot buroiaa win blend with this unusual yet tasteful dish a choke nocturnal morsel 1 country rareblc which la easy tomake while storing a le s of flour in the asms quantity of melted butter slowly add ttaeei iters of a cup of rank and cook for two mhintew be fore pucung in a half pound of soft rood cheese cut in small pieces sea son with salt cayenne pepper and a dash of mustard continuing- to stir until the cheese is fully melted it is served on butter wafers or bettsay pratt cap serves u small gtsgefratt 1 cup white cherries stoned 6 i j i lemon juke a cups powdered sugar bubyettes and emrelettes segment oranges and grapefruit oornhlne traits and sprtnkvi with lemon juice and sugar chin wen and add rubyettes and emrelettes the color note of the red and green garnishes may be further deeloped by serving trait hr doable mrwrsfl glasses with finely chopped green or red tinted see in outer glass ice la made m leeleas i from water to wruoh mnlarv coloring has been pbnnt saving s dishes have your eyes examined by o t walker dojsc who will be at watsons drug stare georgetown the second wednesday of every month atryonmibnt or yaw assy eassaet 1 n ids onevound of hanxbnrg with one te eac of su and ssir tesapnon ot isasjni sod m into mat l mixed cakes or leave to the bulk cut rounds of bread s to 3 inches in dls and toast an one side only efiad the around sea soned beef on the other side and bndj rare mtnntrs drop a bit of butter on each hahasug snd serve is sfusy gsrn toned with sliced to mato or parsley lawk fcst bflgsasi one snd onehalf pounds of finely ground cbuek or romp steak with one tasspoonful of f ely ground suet one tesapnnn of salt one tee- of sngar onequarter tea- of pepper snd paprscs to make up into flat cakes one inch thick twist a thru shoe of bacon arou th cakes snd bran or pan broil flftesii to wsanty iritiurbrw fall and milliner y in all the leading shapes and colors at misses cl aridge f less than until chisttrias w e have a nice selection of christmas card which we can soriply with ypur name and greetings p thereon at a reasonable price don joke ty prepared and gsi iiinh ed it is d as well as eoono eal tus a ant a dash of sugar not eojy and mrtlow the flavor but a w sort and savor by acting as a hlernwr sgent tor the other far the busy farmer news and info rr at ion mangles turnipa an are reported as very good crops gen erally throughout the province and the growers tune been busy harvest ing their yield reports- would mdidete that it- stock especially cattle are going into winter conditions hi excrtl nt shape snd the open weather is welrjomed be cause it prolongs the pasturing season shortens the stabling period they dldnt trust them and they had or less reason for both i sup- tfs the same with the mexic its like trying to mix cats and dogs mixing the two race either jean fight among themselves and its all tight but when they mix up with each other the hair and fur sure do fly we dropped down the side canon until we rcnfhrrl the valley there blancs feather bed tried to veer off into mexico and be had to roundh pf the coveted awards n 1131 and it is up i waiched the woman while he expected that our erasers win again the ctto-x- shew ontario farmers wui again take ptominent part in the competitive classes of the is international oram and hay show in chicago nov mth to dec srd in connection with the international uve stock kxposu n a b martin assistant director of the marketing branch of the depart ent of agriculture has charge of distri buting premium lists and entry cards in this province and vdll provide copies upon request entries may be made without charge up to nov 10th the oc wul have an ednrathsiai exhibit as usual and mr james eugh land of the oac win serve as can adian i of the t yri judging committee ontario will also have an orflrtal representative to take personal charge of handling the sam ple from this province and returning those which exhibitors request to be sent beck ontario won a large share l ere art dtk ere over 100000 lbs of eela are ex ported annually from canada principally to germany and e united states they are caught along the lower st lawrence river and off the atlantic coast a total of 5j radio receiv ing licenses have been lasued by the canadian government radio t branch from april 1 to september 10 ibm or approximately one br eve eighteen persons ot the population of the dominion a movie theatre has been in stalled oo r m a aorangi on lis australaaian run and passengers had the first entertainment hi that line on a recent voyage this is the drat ship to reach vancou ver carrying sound movie equip- see our samples iftfehekald t7 mmm chinas first woman barrister mrs lo soon kim tea wss among the passengers aboard the em- press ot russia recently sailing from vancouver mrs soon ob tained her legal training in eng land and la attached to the hong kong bar the canadian people a to have developed a esnslrlerahls taste lor macaroni vermicelli snasbettl and the likeitalian food preparations output of 14 can adian rectories la 1931 was 30y s1i4z3 pounds as compared with latz5 lbs in 1ss0 with remembrsnee day hi oar minds it la timely to recall the brief epitome of canada part in the war inscribed on a tablet m the house of parliament at ot tawa six hundred twenty- etgbt thousand six hundred forty- two bars the badge of canada fa the great war sixty thousand a hundred alxtyone mat death and naaaeit on good hunting la reported tram the bales camp near mstagama ontario on the mam una of the canadian pacific railway seventy miles east of bodbnry moose sad deer are very numerous dose to the esmp and la one morning a couple of o 8 hasten secured s floe bull moosttjend s deer they killed to the limit ot their licenses within a few days a free scholarship to be held at l bcole pblyteehnlque of the uni versity of montreal offered by the canadian pacific railway to minor aons of employees ot the railway was awarded to j p lseavalfsr lsyearold eon of ephram lsc- vsherchlef clerk at the mile bad button the award enutlee to five yeara study proceeding to the degree of bachelor of crrll emgln- aerlag canadian partita railway low rate istnrn bargain excurskms a highly popular restore of the rail ways operation atnea february last ha i been and vdll be well mstntaloed op to the sad ot the year outstanding recently haw been the trip to chicago from montreal ahd lbs ahorter trips toto and out of lbs major eltlea from and lo the surrounding ro- vtneei the ratfand a qosrur tare for return trips durtsgthe hsmetnbranca day holidsy vsa wall patronised snd this sloa te again to be orfersd for the chrtstmas and nsw tearhou- days doing it she made no move to get away i dont know whether she could talk american or not i know she dldnt she sat like a stone image on her cayuse if she knew it was becau of me that blane had taken the rope off her wrists she dldnt show any signs of thanks 8be never even smiled not that i was tooting tor a am lie ether but her not mnhlrsr rnadeufaer like some animal than what kind of animal i dont know for the most animals w show fear or joy or some emotion and she showeu nothing when blane had rhssed the burro out of a mesqulte trinket on to the trail we sat out again and rode op through the valley until we came to the canon where my horse had shied at the feather bed i had been riding along at a slow trot with only a glance over my shoulder now snd then to see that i was not setting too fast a pace for the burro now blane called out reckon youvl better posh along a bit taster through the canon dont want to get boxed up in it with night wwi on b was the first time he had spoken and i g by hs tone that he was getthsr over his crouch i dldnt know what he meant by ulllig box ed up in tine canon for as far ejs i knew that wa the only trail through the mount and in walls were anywhere from a hundred ton tfmys and test high 8o x wanted to aim him i coatf forget as won as he ooolo and it was mfclng dark so j gaye my home toucfr of the nr and took the fast trot the burros feet twinkled along after dm wjtt a mod that i wouldnt has baueved i hsdnt seen it the woman and blane took up the canter for when a cavalry horse trots out your southern horse cant keep pace with him i had been over that trail several tames before with the troop u was mostly rock with here and there a bit ot boulderstrewn sand i had always pinked my y through u the wie beforetw make a good showing thh year qaantity ml owterio cheese cenelarnd to baa od it has been brought to the altentinn of the ontario marketing board that dairy farmers producing milk for the manufacture of tlinen especially there in the woodstock and bdrrule dis tricts are wsechlhg with considerable interest an experiment to develop new cheese markets two carloads of the finest quality grade cheese have been crmirrgned to tendon england by the oxford cheese patrons woodstock sad the central ontario cheese patrons association belleville there the cheese will be sold in small lots through the regular trade chan nels eap will be conducted in selling cheese in dl stages of maturity and prefere xrfor color on the various british market will be hnmstigsted handling nature mcludtog nsiiww in t i trucking age british nd frieght as the various comm dona charges made by the british snd produce firms win be a cable to the ontario board i the p i srio honey on the brrh market exceedingly fasist v icsttj with bljne tag for more soeed snd j be knew his b i inrpt tolng trusting to my horse to we were ssrg the farther end where the canon cams out on th hillside above our camp when i heard a yen from blane followed by the crack of a rfne i pulled in jny horse and the fea ther bed came jammtak hpto bet croup apshttiu him so for the njn- ute that i had sb i eohld do to art htm fat band and couldnt see vfist was dotng behind me then i saw the taqul woman was off her horse tod i thought she had tried to get away and bun had shot her but on beyond her i saw blane he had dismounted be had got his horse down cavalry fashion and was snooting over it at a crowd of ms cans who were nflmg up the canon on their ca they bad taken a lone shot st bfan and i thought be had got the woman instead drive the burro- bt il buns shouted between sho- i thoogbt to myself that we cold have a chance to ass wtiat kind of a buuetstopper the bed would make now i ought to base din normted of coarse for my ug cavalry horse stood up uke a batuelght bullaeye st a hundreds yards but yon dont always do what yotk ought to do when you get mto a sorirorhage i wanted to get that feather tod back to blane snd i matted to get it hack in a hurry so i charged my animals he burro yeug st the top ofibry- rungs it vsbeeled about and went trntfflnr beck down the canon i e a scared mibt blane tried to catch it as b went by but it was no use it hurtled nls horse snd went on down the canon the pack- mg jopestjiad worked off the read end of the bed so that it floated almost level i slipped from my horse then and dimgi beside blane i but there was no need of it if the thing had scared me m broad daylight m can gu whst it did do to those ltoslosnb who believe tn ghosts their horses broke snd ran for minute the canon was fun of flying sum eio snd wheeling cay e then the whole gaor rt round a turn and the feather bed looking now as if it were moving over the canon bed at sixty miles an hoar dis appeared after them blane got to his feet and pulled up hi ho whst are you going to dor i shouted dot he shouted tin going after my feather bed bot theym ware get you thenf i warned mm get me nothing he retorted they mont atop until they reach mexico ottjyl then he wss off down the canon i i walked back to see what i could do for the taqul woman it waant much for she mart there her cay use wm gone sbo i guessed that she sma up in the hills by that time mak ing her way hack overland toward mexico and i wss glad of it then i set out sfter bsns but l dmnvrhave to go tar i met the feather bed st the next berelln canon and blane was riding frftllml ib are you an rsdit t sskeh aura he said cheerful enough why at u at i bet the woman got asray did shet- he inquired tt dldnt seem tobother hkn moon list bar go that was your trie i mibj at the head of that gang ro bet a tear more mar and go down and clean up the whole d bot ssyh he went on in a pleased sane can you beat rl beat whatr- it t tsathsr bed at mine i knew it was good sor wsr- fare hut when tt gets m on its hm d lags and tal thehffe dve bb waa lost cor sveda and so fm x high grade honey sre rng a favorable condition for caption of to sntsbb from the cable sta tes wtdtt present no crop new wearsnd b ey kt availa because of a shortage of trnmediate- ly available high grade new crop hon ey present prices on bulk honey may be taonaany bw it ta however that btiom wni c i above those of isat bsrvtes ta usaenrs a real service to the vageh 1 e producers is by the xsj rto oounciitd j a oarrou secretary of the marketing board recently in order to be in a p to a ram in inquiries snd to place buyers in touch with sellers the council la arsvrlr out query forms in an sttmpt to deter mine the quantity of whjter vege and at what price tou cis are wall lng to sen tr osrron no ed out that growers ho wsjlsctsd to wm snd return theso totars ayio m the risk of sdosjtn g posrjh le marks for winter vegetshv as to alto from thstr sssp plus of hog products for quirements this lndvitable surplus must be exported if a la a small s- mount and in unoertan quantities the marketing of such a surplus la very dafflcuil therefore tt ta neoeesa that this count- should developphog production so as to have a fair volume of product available tor export stead ily in addition to volume a quality of product which win create its own de mand is an absolute necessity it is therefore evident that the fanners of ontario in their best interests should produce as large a volume of good quality product as their conditions and means of breeding and feeding will permit for many years the export market for ontario bacon has been great britain the aenjtiment of consumers in britain is favorable to our bacon but te trade there asks that the qua lity ban be equal to that of other countries and that the supply hall be dependable these are very reason able demands and ontario taxusers must surely be prepared to meet them threw awahis such when sciatica yklded to i iiacogn there can be no doubt that this man has finished walking with a stick for it is now four years since ts discarded it he writes for 18 months i suf fered with chronic nclstlra and rheu- matt 1 and was unable to walk with out toe aid of a stick but after taking kruschen salts tor a short tame i was able to throw away the stick it is now four years since this happen ed and i have not lost a day from work i shalt never be without krus chen salts as they are worth then- weight in gold tou can use this let ter- ss you please as i can honestly recommend krusuben baits ta any sufferer cf if the elfcnlna organs become sluggish they permit harmful uric acid to amranntatb and deposit itself in the tissues muscles snd joints m the form of needlepo ted crystals which piercing the nerve cause excrurxtog pains of the six salts hv to healthy uric ac ts then given no chance to collect wistptju4es8 tf in these days of storm snd stress tbesource of rest and peace and comfort see run by the guidance of an inward ugh- as joyous brooks to then- own melody if simple joys around the evening fire sweet childhoods prattle and a mothers s he could once again the old old glow inspire once more the heart or heaviness berune then we should ask no meretricious sid from outward things for in the soul ye there at beings centre were the smart al layed and like surcease of pain all un- wralthllke would vanish this present sorrow and leave eweet joy today rest tomorrow a b oooper the laugh according to j a carroll ontario department of agrjcujtmt e these kj a very definite market for a good grade of malting barley certain interests with the idea ot en nraglng the growth of malt g barley in ontario hawe donated cash prises to be swarded the best exhlb of 100 pounds of ontario grown six- rowed barley shown at the royal winter fair the that prise ant of a gold modal and fhre hundred dol lars the other cash prises am rel atively smaller nailiij entered in this competition wul be judged more for snltahtttty for malting than for feed or s the most desirable features of barley r maltrng sre s f t a snd unkormlty of asi iwl freedom other grains ejeed seeds sad ticks snd other ertemal pan tea of sheep are serious enou at any time and cause more direct loss than hi generally iibshsjiiii iiiii daring the period when t sheep sre in winter quarters it is even more important to rid them of sd sources of irritation a eap oyd e that the flock be shan before and during the lamb ing othe rtse the iuteataltou is sure to be passed along to the ba which wm thus receive a serious set hart at the moat ftnpostsnt period of thetr ihiss prope dtppedin the autumn oh some warm day whan the fl win dry oat qak 9j the whov flock win remain cfaaa throughout the winter unless of comae other rmrtlnped ani ma are b to the famxr with the very convenient powder djfcie sheep are put through the of bother snd at a coat at only a tew cents per head the only thing nece ssary la to make sure of ood dto dilated to the proper strength and that every animal la gaeseii through the solution a wty and tr roughly ssturated rtchards was persuaded to buy a parrot that could jabber hi asyeral languages he ordered tt sont home the same day his wife n a chick i for dinner on leaving abe said to the cook mary theres a bird i for dinner base it cook ed for mr rfcbtrds whan os gets the parrot arrived first snd mary followed instructions gkmner wai sereed whats tt- etrtalmed mr rlc- bards mary told ban but for goodness sake mary he said this is awfull that bird coaktapeak in tbrso isisynsges than why the dickens dtdnt he say some tngt ashed mary he had been dudfag too weu and hailing a taxi bfc crawled gingerly inside witer iterbigly giving the driver bis drstrnatlcm it happened that the opposite door had been left unlatched by the previous fare and stumbling against it the inebriated one fell outside again he picked b tself up with gr cwbcuity and accosted the highly amused driver thats pretty quick work- he said how much do i owe you bridegroom i married for looks- bride cheer up youll plenty you just the wife bad been up on the bud get plan at the end of each month she and her hirwiand would go over the accounts together every once in a while be would find an item h o kl tl50 and a little farther on h o k flnally he asked my dear what heaven only rknows she replied ml am pin it d was happy la hr ho with her husband and mrm j two lit tle children it u true ther dldnt km much but until uw hus band took atek and taelr aavlnxs wro used up ltfo was pleasant enough long days and alahts or worry and anxiety oouplod with ex tra work had their diro effect how ever and a breakdown caused the doctor to aecuro hor admission to the it koka hospital tor con- butupuves sho was almost overwhelmed with hopel but befor- very loos the kindly medical and auralnx at tention the interrupted rest the fresh air and good food worked their -miracle- now sirs j u quite sure that she will go home soon to face and overcome life dlfflcultlet such being the effect return of hope and beelu- oftan are the airta of the hospital vork needs the onerous sup port or many rrtends without which it could not be carried oo a aub- acrlpuoa from you will be arete- roily received please send it to o a bald 1x1 oolleae st toronto x dlfflculuei of the re which so m koka tola wo i mortgage sale pwd t amt y yxftrrus of the powers or sale contained in a oertaln mortgage which win be produced at the time of sale there will be ottered for sale by j a i u hants hi st public a on friday the h ky ef jteveuvr le st the hour of two oesbek in the after noon at the farm of alexander hsjlis r r no 1 olenwllllama ontario the following property lj all and owo ut that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and betas in the town ship of esqoesing in the county ot balton and being c of lot m in the loth concern ton of the said township excepting thereout and therefrom thatsportion of lands sold to one fred w bates containing 75 acres more or less and also except ing thereout and therefrom that por tion of said lands sold by one thomas mullin to the ttnn and north western railway company containing 1 and 61100 acres and also excepting thereout and therefrom that portion of said lands sold by one ihs as mullin and j t mul i to the north ern railway company tig l and 53100 acres more or less at the same n e and place under the authority of a i odkirds dtstre warrant there win be offered for sale the following goods and ehatteav on bay horse v4 ra old one bay horse 30 yrs old one black horse years old one bay horse u yrs old one grey home 10 yrs old onejvown colt 3 mas one bay driver 14 yrs old 11 holstem cows 5 yrs old one roan grade durham 8 yrs oat one red grade durham a yrs old four holsteln heifers 3 yrs old 3 ww-t- helf era rising 1 yr one sow and 11 plgsmssey harris binder 6 ft oat messey harris mower 5yt foot cut msssey harris steel rate 10 ft use harris disc 14 pistes two walking nowa verity and t one steel roller 3 drums too wwgoru cream separator baton set hob sleighs open buggy rubber tire one cutter on the said farm there is said to be erected a dwellinghouse with suitable farm rjuudln gs the lands w be sold subject to a terms of sale of hnfr cash tbi 1mb ot sale of land ten per cent of purr aae money to be paid dawn at the time of sale and the bal ance within thirty days for further particulars and condi tions of sale amity to hahkt w- paoe east bio ck man bktgs tuuulo ontario solicitor to the mortgagee dated at toronto this first day of ibm commander now yos are en your post one dark night sud denly a person appears from behind and wraps two strong arms around you so that you cant use your rifle what win you call them cadet let go bo ney hog production has for many yearn part of tsmsidg operations itansds and iggisnlshy ontsrlo it may be freely scknow- ledged that there h b periods when is ices barely oovexed cootss but it la a tact that the average results of any tenyear period in the history ot hog production is prow oe or sny other- part of oknada shows that the t of boga has y a profit to the m teolgeu it roduoer h then over anaeriod of ten yearn the prod of hogs has proven to be prof it would barley bead- vlsable to develop this tan ch of farm ing in this sa m any other field ot endeavor the ng view of policy la wise snd necessary plans must be laid for a them plant should provide tor better methods of brand g fenrtng snd rear- ng and thfc vome of pr essary to mstnlsln a iwswrayy the w marta its -f- oisimlalwnal tmg prodmlon jbi can ada began to tie variant about lo irr the census year of u osn- adas bog rjopulstlon o ub u0- 000 every ten yesmstnoe tbat tkne tto population has steadily tistiiiilsim rtfl in lm ass had 4tn000 hogs this itself is abundant awoorttmt beg prod uon has on tin amag been prof le if you have some- dont thing to sell wnisper it to yoursev but tell it to all your neighbors through our en account ot the fad t that ospadal tajodomo a isrga surpta of aaartsu gra i and has yslatushpaab con- a nhsj pop i on k wol be rturall that this countaw ffl jsrodoos a small ad column many of our readers have been selling to the public consistently for many years past now when a little spare cash is most wel come why not offer some implement or other article no longer of use to you at a real bargain to another who cant afford it new at present try a small advl next week 3 ui 3 s

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