Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 23, 1932, p. 1

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1 v v a the georgetown herald sbctysfacth year of publication lor sl the georgi etown herald wednesday evening november 23rd 1932 i 150 per annum in advance 200 to ujsa the georgetown herald i m moors pabuaher and proprietor member canadian weekly newspaper association cnjr time table standard time going bast passenger and mall 10 jo passenger 133 pjn passenger and mail 630 pm passenger stopsfibtpaaaengera going easi andtownto 956 pm- sundayi going east passenger s 8u pjn passenger sjs5 pjn j fragrance sealed in metal going west passenger and mall 7j5 ul passenger smsjn passenger ix pm passenger and mall 8js pin passenger sunday 150 am passenger sunday loja pm going north man and passenger going booth mall and passenger 628 pjn souls for sale arrow oicteae bus setwice zuo am uojsfi sum sundays an holidays only lajss pm m6 pjn l56 pjn 106b pm wnat is the price ox your soul may i ask is it given for glitter pewter or brass pi itteicd away in a careless proces sion of strivings and frettings for foolish po sessions of flattery gossip ng days what dd ou set for your soul may i ask when you sold it today for a pottage of graft and robbed your best neighbor of j kindly support when dame rumor started an evil k port in her usual prying way the butterfly girl by clara hersom weeks si i kibbe sixteen years old flvefeetten and husky slamm 715 ajst dally except sunday s68 y is pm 4je0 pm 7j5 sjondays and holidays only sj5 pin dally fare to holders of csxuo nrsasfifts jam ntvouunon a1 longs directory iji roy dale georgetown ontario cxjkuhce b srrlstsr solicitor flbnst fllhifhii i is wiggjns watery pnmie block qeoiietown tdspoonain vo jsramnscn ontario graham e b a h kenneth m langdqn money to loan main street socsfi georgetown if n examined res by v o t walker dos c eyesight specialist brampton j who will be at watsons erug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month phonb wat80it8 drug stoke for appointment or yea assy eonoalt o t walker at bis oldee in bn the newest style of glasses at reasonable prices t b watson djdj3 mjx8 majuon mum sua o0at joa jospt thursday r l offlce in lane block ana door north of oneiua oartiags factory boms a am to pjn chiropractic patansr flianiihi is tsars practice no msdtnlns surgery ostaopatt xray service ooob rarer lensrrhilnn stars monday wednesday and flsiiiiilsy to 6 sad 7j0 to 9j0 pjn other dam and boors by appointment usj frank fetch uowud atxtnomon lbs ossssaas of pool and trjwisbs 1 iwirwasr- ohsawnhsint postl georgetown sirs cheltenham mohttments i pollocks wgham j boooascrs oater worth i i n what did you get for your soul may i ask when you failed to stand true to the task to a cause you bad pledged yourself you turneil straightaway from the goal when you knew you were selling your soul is it wortti it to squander the beat of your life in an insincere method and bantering o and strife when a beautiful journey with sign posits so clear s is yours for the taking and brings heaven near qood deeds are the arrows pomtins the way 1 kind words the pathway to lighten the day j a flask oiled with joy and companion ship time the road is alluring and starts straight frou you m o m fced the doors of the manton motor agency behind him and shook the handles forcibly only the best of locks and hinges could have withstood his onslaught since nothing gave way he stamped down the wide cin der drivewaj to the back of the lot national ofpobtancw tu teu them gab out t the new way to buy coal blue coal and welsh ajthracite ob oram for 1 ton of isal 4 r no extra delivery jelrarfles to noktai iawajtttown qijd wnxuurs 8xonb aonool n mqwasisjm mtunt r 1 wsrowsic a pa johtadvlcdonald ojumkokawsfll 33ft yen knoar srfaere you are- clerrisivlerlthe tourists win betoaima tm u lost as tstsm amariean 1s wbenbe j on ttntd tsrse of the nsv- iavaatwwrj wiottn amglsllatonslisoiilanr atsans to enter the ebmnd i joktto suslntr dtaerent- over nijsotsrtat dutnixfst awe ttmatbssi a tsfjas f-st- tiom cwb ktghm m 7j00 luo still i mlgki rf t 8m pjm not to come the gordons had looked forward to this evening for weeks their ehinvale cousins were to motor over for an oldtime reunion yet here was dora in spite of her determination to see it through fit for no place else but bed dont worry said harry theyll not have left yet ill telephone and tell them not to come well make it next week instead long distance for big or little emergencies or as part of the daily routine is always easy to use quick and dependable canadian investors and canadian corporations have absorbed the 99 000 000 loan offered by the oovert4 mem in so doing they have bens- fitted thenvexveb and nave assisted their country money markets throughout the world have been vividly reminded that canada a country really in the ini tial stages of development has been able to meet its own financial require ments the world knows too that canada has thus expressed faith in her destiny and future and that canadians believe their country has promise such advertising if that it may be called is the more effective in times such as these the repercussions from our efiort towards fmsnclal seusufnclency will be manifold the loan should l the credit standing of the dominion this means that canada shoukf tie able to borrow on better terms srith substantial savings to the taxpayer tn annual interest charges such a demonstration of national solvency will naturally tend to increase the flow of investment funds to nada bringing greater development and gen erally easier interest rates the first step on the road to reconstruction there is not an individual or an in stitution in the dominion which will not benefit directly or indirectly from the success of the loan broken bohooutays the farmers advocate says that the school fall term is now so broken with holidays fairs teachem conventions and preparation tor christmas that pupils must be olover indeed to make any subtsantial head way we think that there u fore in that criticism as regards public school teachers conventions time was when he convention was held on saturday then friday was add ed then some teachers complain ed about being expected to attend on saturday which was not a school day and thursday was added and satur day released toe record is not creditable to the idea of devotion to professional duty the farmers advocate futrher notes teachers conventions and clos ed schools early in the all term is a little matter that the department of bducatlon might consider r 1 quires sounder argument than any we have heard to convince rate that after school acts nicely started following the jong summer bojldays a teachers convention u so absolute necessity we regard these crsranentt as friendly and in the real tntetatt of teachers as well as of ptntu and parents teachers oonventloni are very useful even necessary but way might be so arranged as not to liw into the continuity of school wont mada 1weriwgroind vajubii sport atrbaotians aotslaotions he invigorating rllmste of a tjnacsi canadian winter now rega as an advantage rather than a nsodsbjp owing to the unusual variety of beavkrirul ond appealing sports is attracting increasing num bers of sltdtdrs to the no across osnsds there are many beautiful and attractive snowclad mountains lulls and valleys which oner emeptlonal oppon for en joying a wide variety of outdoor win ter sports the principal activities throughout the country sis skiing snaw3hoelng skating tobogganing curling hockey bobsledding and dog derbies all of which may to thorough ly enjoyed under ideal co with the esobptlon of an oorsurinrial day durlnc tnldwinter the tampera- ture is not oald for psxtupatma in outdo sports wbae mptertravel is not general dur- tns tna a sssson there an insny ions stretches of wgnway which are kept conditioned throughout the win ter nioattstl the frasader lam al ways tad tratar sarssss a asodsjsjksa luxurious means of transportation hotels at many of the leadirigtstkn- 1 mer resorts remain open the yer round providing good acoofcoijqdaijlpn for those wishing to participate tn local winter events and districts hotels and cabins are open for the accomrnodstlan of winter visi tors inmenltoba the winnipeg bon- eplel abrtdle winter carnival held at the pas are annual events of lnter- i national interest while banff sltustsd wis nn4n fh4 h b jewe soenle canadian rookies in al- wme kanreef sports in kvery f is one of the most bnportant centres for winter sports record per- each province possfmws winter at- formanoes in sujmnptag have been tractions more or less peculiar to its witnessed sjt revelatoke the islands own particular siiiroundmgs praou- arjd mainland of the southwestern cany ab forms of winter sport are part of british oolumbla offer golf available in the maritime pr tennis and other summer sports for but a preference is shown for mickey the winter visitor and curling in the provmceof que bec- the major sport events centre in and around montreal quebec city murray bay and the laurentlan mountains lovers of winter sports will find vast territories in ontario which sre ideal jn location and in agenle beauty ottawa the federal capital is artjawmt to some of the finest akuns eomnsy 00 the contin ent while ttojtmt- of loeysbhtine formation concerning winter sporu in canada may be obtained from the nations development bur eau department of uup interior at ottawa those who deslra such m- fornutlon should state ft posstiie the particular diswov or dlstriou in which they aer interested to order that the most oomptete data may be arwllsd just out or the glimmer of the arc jttgrnnn the street he walked entirely icund the attractive 1919model auto mobile he hadnt seen it since early morning he squinted seachlngly at each tire to thejef rear one be gave a cautious kick then another not so cautious whistling in a relieved way he got in and pushed and pulled a few things and- listened nothing buzzed oat of luck grunted 61 and clambered out a few spins of the crank and with a roar the 1919 model asserted itself ahj said si contentedly again inside the oar he slammed and banged expertly for a second and in a whirl of cinder dust was out of the driveway and off down the street toward home whew but he was late i then he grinned that job was off his handsl the little old ladys boat was h ready for her in the mora ng that was one sure thing he had brushed off the top for good though st had made him the last one out of the garage whew i rather cold i si never thought of fastening his sheeplined coat wbewl but he was late he glanc ed up at a church clock as he flew by quarter of seven whewr- he rounded the last comer and swuruj 91ft to turn into the narrow driveway tlut ran along by the house the lights of the uu9 model none to rkuhanf il lumined the closed door of the garage with great care he turned them off he stopped the engine there iwas terrific roar then silence si hopped out snd surveyed his conveyance in the d of th back yard some boat 111 say be muttered and ran up the steps the kitchen was warm and brightly lighted tjo ma whats the news how are the eats his mother turned with a smile youre hungry again well wash up dear ive put your supper right here on the kitchen table because ttu to a hurry tonight did i bear you drive into the yard if youre not stone deaf you did ma batterys a little bit weak if i left it out front id have to keep my lights on si attacked everything in sight 4q the table leaving to the last the gen erous wedge of threetier chocolate cake say ma how about that shirt of mine the one with a oollaj on ah cleafl got a date th evening youve pleqy of clean shirts u your drawer 8011 right ma but i want the one with a say bs inquired suspiciously has that kid taken my s again tonight tr why thats too bad suaa did you want that one specially there is a supper at the church tonight for the boys and johnny does hate to wear a blouse under his coat i really must get oh xhats all right ma rm not you but hat kids been old and si gulped the last mouthful of chocolate cake and rose plenty of hot water ma he salted as he shed two old sweaters mrs kjbbe felt of the tall hot- water tank in the corner behind the stove gallons of it im going out mis evening too i thought perhaps you might come for me and bring me home sure i can where from there is a committee meeting down on orchard street ntoetyflvo or- chard n you know there are no trolleys near there if you doujd come down about tenthirty i sure can ma be there on the dot then m wait for you if it wasnt quite so far away i wouldnt bother you thats all right theres a srundlg out to the orange but ith he over early elizabeth and ill elizabeth bliaabcth deane are you taking- her shas why why i thought maldle oh i know elizabeth wont mfpd shes such a sensible sort of girl and she always has to be home by ten maldle is pretty and dainty but lent she the butterfly kind maldle lsrft in on this butter fly is right muttered 81 and started up the back stairs no ilsjdtowasnt in on it asked her morerra week ago and she smiled and fluffed round and shrugged but she dldntsvy she wouldnt then the aut minute up and says she cant go then by berries i says to elisa beth go to the orange thursday night and she says yes quick no nonsense to elizabeth i 81 after wallowing in soapsuds and hot water ended his ablutions with cold water and dry towel in two leaps he was in his room rummaging round for the kind of shirt he detest ed he picked up one and eyed it dis gusted no oollar on it some day that kidll get whats coming to him when his toilet was at last com pleted si very red and shining like a polished bottie and immaculate as to his clothing new down the front stairs he surveyed himself critically in the hall glass say m he called out whats chat smootch on my shoulder there whewt if i dont have the tough est hte mother on her way upstairs ran her hand over the smootch and said comfortingly just a shadow si bi twas eh all right si threw back his big shoulders gave one last backward glance into the mirror and grabbing his bat and coat strode through the house and out of the hack door which slammed behind him cautiously he eased his ancient model backward out of the narrow driveway once on the street he made for a certain cottage nan a doz en blocks away hoped elizabeth would be ready hated to crank again right in front of the house her bro ther bui a middleaged fehow twentyfour if hes a day was al ways snooping round eyeing a fel lows automobile and saying things dldnt have one of bis own and was sore thats all the matter with hknl just let him come out flatfooted just once bblzabeth always sensme was ready at the nrst hoarse honk in a long gray coat and with a soft gray hat on her smooth blond hair she trotted out and wrapped herself primly and confidently into her niche of the seat she had bsz blue eyes and nice teeth which however were just a bit too large for the rest of her face she too wts stzten years old she careful ly arranged har obccom and jat- j- w led her list wnewl why dont she getset- tlear fumed ai anxious to get away but oelore he could reach over and slam cne door brother bui poiiteiy did it iw ion and whii a hall amue mm- ucely examined sis panting chatter ing steed inen he turned his gaze on his sister and ner escort wnos doss 1 here he veiled above the tu mult whos what you mean demand ed si its all right 81 it isnt you you jude at gukplh winter fair er bui the car started with a jerk aren t some men silly said elisa beth hey inquired si silly he eyed tne sensible elizabeth suspicious- elizabeth nodded i mean buy said she you never said a truer word be lieve tne but wtiats he mean do you know i dont always un derstand him myself said elizabeth confidentially 81 with his head cocked on one side was listening but not to her whew ne muttered only three hitting conversation was not brisk for a mile or two and what there was was made by elizabeth si was thinking hed say something later suddenly elizabeth sat up they were rolling noisily along the well- oiled boulevard and in a moment would turn off into the country road chat led to the orange hall just ahead of them at the city line stood a traffic officer talking to a party of mentn a car that he had stopped ph si if a cop should bold us up i should die simply die of fright squealed elizabeth let go my rm growled bl you neednt die yet be aint stopping us is h the car rumbled into the oountr road eusaheth tooked fearfully back but almost tomediatety a barrage of dust hid them suschewl sneezed tsuzabeth daintily arbetooshal- echoed 81 and in advertently shut off the gas my goodness bil hliaheth al most leaped in her seat why what the matter we stopped said 81 busy at the crank when they were again on their way be ventured the remark that be had been trying to make since tbey start ed too bad maldle lang misses it tonight and he whistled uncon cernedly oh ahem iyt m h replied elizabeth the whistling stopped oh shell be there with her fath- er s si iu deep gloom glared at tnf com panion and then looked straight head arent we having a lovely time si and i can stay till tenthirty to night ma said i could but si listening to the heart throbs of bis cherished engine did not catch that important remark ly up to the biff door and elisabeth hopped out and joined a group of lau boys and girls 81 did not park his car with the others on the grounds but drove under a trig apple tree some dlstanoe off so that he could get away without undue trouble as be entered the building a fluffy uttle maid wearing a kilted white serge skirt and a pale pink sweater was tripping along the hah with a bevy of girls her bright eyes were every where halloo 81 she called with a of her bobbed bead si walked straight up to her the other girls moved away to maldle youre here yes i come with pa mother was better so we could both come i oouldnt make any plans she eyed the sober hoy out of the corner of her eye so that was it thought 81 fully weh so long and he mov ed slowly toward the foot of the stairs where elizabeth was hovering oh si caned makue softly youre staying to the dancing after the play arent you no going at ten replied 81 paus ing and halfturnmg ooh drawled the frivolous makhe best part af the evening dont you think so i mmh said 8f stowry but my mothers way down to the south end and rm going to fetch her home at tenthirty shell be waiting dot to be there so long and 81 sauntered toward elizabeth oh all right said maldle airby and ran off oauing gayly to the girls as she went butterfly sort thats what she is ah right thought 81 gloomily during the entertainment in the big oarage ball 81 slouched beside the sensible buzabeth he applauded the amateur artists snd guffawed at the right times but always a fluffy bobbed head seemed to be in his line of vision oh si isnt it cute cried eliza beth with her gaze on the platform it sure is agreed si craning his neck to follow a fluffy head moving toward the door when it was out of sight he glanced at the clock on the wall wbewl most ten he nudged the sensible elizabeth say most ten ready to gor do elisabeth looked at him m abasement why si kobe i told you my mother said i could stay till tenthirty tonight do now why the idea well your ma guessed wrong rve got a ma of my own said si and ivn going to be at the south end to get her at ten thirty ill be getting out the car while you and your coat ho started toward the door elisa beth with her mouth shut tight in a straight line followed rm out of the assembly room at the big door she skipped tn front of him si kmbe said she with her eyes flashing tny mother said i could stay and ikn going to you neednt hurry to get your car you cant go till tenthirty bi looked down at the angry ghl as a great dane might look at a dashshund and he had called her the sensible kind whew now see here said he grimly you under stand how tls ive promised my mother and a feller must keep his promise then then si thought he sawfa gleam of pale pink somewhere round he lifted n head but there was no one in sight youve al ways had to he home sharp at ten and thats what i planned on sorry now go get your duds and again 81 started toward the steps i whl not said elisabeth course you whl said 81 and dot he went crjndw the old apple tree 81 walked completely round his car and examin ed each tire tusn he stood whistling softly in the sernidarkness wbewl said he watching the brigbtty lighted doorway of the hall well havs to travel to vet to orchard street fay ooizuimadoasgaa v the ouelph winter pair celebrating its fiftieth anniversary on december 6th 7th and 8th again promises to be one of the most successful shows in its history notwithstanding reduc tion in oovemment grants the prize llts has been maintained at a very high level and compares favourably with the leading shows throughout canada and the united states the following judges have consented to act 1 for the 1932 show clydesdilesiprof w j bell kempt- vtlle percherons e c h ttedale beav erton 1 heavy draughts prof 4t 3 bell and e c h tisdale jlight horses a j bain hamilton and lieut col tlmnus toronto shorthorns e rpbson denfleld herefords w h hunter onuige- ville aberdeenangus prof j c stock ier oac ouelph market cattle 3 m oardhouse weston dorsets john robertson acton oxford d mctaggart appln haospshires a mcpherson wood- ville shropshircs root young okmjord station res david kelly shake speare southdowns h v gibson kotnoka leloesters david kelly shake speare res h snail cjintoo suffolks t l patrick bderton res stuart hall little britain uncolns a stanley oardhouse weston ootswowa everett mark little bri tain cheviots r charter blackwater yorkshireaj j e mcosgue allls- toh bersamlres prof r o knox o ac ouelph tamnrortbs john buck port credit credit res w f wright olan- worth grains and corn jrof w j squir rel oac ouelph and w j w lennox toronto clovers and grasses a e white- side ojlc ouelph potatoes prof a w mason oa c ouelph kfeoutejrcanean breeds george ro- bevtson ottawa cornish barnes game bantams bantams booted japanese polish i hblefleur and aov aw tyson ouelph node island reds javasi jersey giants french dorkings bus red oapa and miscellaneous wm indeaboro orpingtons except white wyan- dottea except white silver and part ridge and asiatics w j roberta hamilton bamtams oe rose comb cochin and brahma white orplng- tonsa polands and himsourgs t j wanted a man and what we lack and sorely need for want of which we bleed bleed is men of a more godly breed honest men in highest places men with single aims and faces men whose nobler thought outpaces thought of self or power or pelf men whose axes need no grinding men who are not always m hiding their souls eyes co larger things first their own concerns and bind- 4ng men of wide and godly vision men of quick and wise decision men who shrink hot at derision men whose souls have wings oh for one such man among us one among the mobs that throng us and for self advancement wrong us i him we would acclaim hld in highest estimation reverence with consecration as the saviour of the nation dower htm wltfi fame lord now raise us such a man patriot not partisan and complete thy mighty plan john oxenham it i 5 the newapapeb habit that if it were not for the news papers a lot of people would stop thinking for lack of things to think about says an exchange how do you feel snd act when you happen to miss your newspaper or ifis delivery is delayed a few min utes- lost then how would you feel if you dldnt have any newspaper at all while you are getting your news from your newspaper the intorsna- tion on which you base every action of eating and drinking and wearing clothes and doing bustesss and having pleasure stop to think what you would could do without it thats why bustoesrtnen who have the goods to satisfy your wants and needs and desires and hopes tell their story in the newspapers dislike is due to ignorance kelly london rocks white silver and partridge wyandottes wta cadman london utility pens prof w r graham oac ouelph the lights of the orange lwlldtogsla water powja o came into view the car rotted grand- j t pigeons leslie ridler ouelph ornamentals rabbits and oavies w j teale ouelph those empty front pews rev d n mordan pastor of first presbyterian united church wasner- vule discussed an interesting subject recently namely the tendency of congregations e to occupy the rear pews and leave those at the front vacant it is strange but true as mr mor- polnted out that people will pay extra fee to secure a front cushion in a theatre but will shun the same kind of a seat in church the pastor finds a number of reasons there are he says sitspteloos souls who are a- frald to have anyone else sit behind them then there are the curious ones who do hot wish to miss any thing and figure that there chances are better when sitting at the rear the timid souks and the sensitive souls are those who follow the usher for a few feet and then slip tno the nearest pew in the meantime the usher goes ahead finally stops and turns to point to a seat only to find himself in an erjzoarrassing position we really believe that the curious souls are the most numerous the ones who like to sit at the back so that they may see everyone else coming in aad then too there are not a few p nearly all men who like to catch the odd wink while the ser mon is being preached behind a pil lar or away in the rear they can get away with this however why should mr morden worry about a few empty pews in front the main thing is to get the people into the church at all in this modern day when there are so many coimterattractions border cities star dlslke is very frequently the re sult of ignorance the misanthrope the man whodislikes his fellow pb ings la s an ignoramus be sees all that is bad in his kind and none that is good if there is an acquaintance you dis like thoroughly make a study of him very often the disagreeable traits are superficial sometimes shy young persons put on arrogant airs to keep others from suspecting ttieir timadlxy people who do not know upw to say no frequently try to appear hard hearted as a matter of self protection as a general rule those you dislike most you know least almost anyone on close acquaintance wol show traits that call out your admiration wr effect of 1 coupon many bold escapades laid at door of noted buccaneer if and when captain kldd bold buccaneer burled spanish doubloons and pieces of eight on oak island in chester basin be laid the foun dations of a lot of grief for moderns now according to the latest marine information he has been rasponsmle for the wreck of a scow and the nar- row escape of two men aboard that vessel not only that the scow car ried some 3000 worth of material to be used in the newest attempt to locate the bold captains pieces of eight and it is only a hope that ab this valuable material may be re covered from davy jones locker the scow sank a week ago and a halifax diver has located one of the electric pumps and other material which was aboard the sunken scow many earlier attempts have been made to find this alleged buried treasurer but all have been balked when water has flodded the diggings this water- is presumed to come through some hidden channel dug by the pirates who buried the treasure drills which have been used have brought up frag ments of planking matting parch ment and metal but so far as is known no treasure has yet been dis covered though many attempts have been made to find it oak island where the treasure is reputed to have been burled is in mahone bay and is a favored spot for visits by tourists who spend their summer vacations hen and at other points on the can adian fjatlonal railways south shore of nova scotia young husband do you know my dear theres something wrong with the cake it doesnt taste rikbt young bride ttrlurnphantlys that is all your imagination for it says in my now cookery book that it is de licious teacher willie what is an em bassy iwuub a place where transatlan tic fttera ctenga taste the successful conclusion of the 1982 governnijent loan should produce beneficial results although the yield on the bonds is per cent the de partment of finance has floa an issue with a 4 per cent coupon rate the lowest coupon iwtth which the dominion has offered on a long term ssue in many years the establishment of a 4 per cent coupon rate is a gain of immeasurable benefit to all borrowers p to ab bodies having outstanding funded in canada the average commodities has dropped ly to prewar levels this has the burden on the sho debtors bran with no dlmlno- the turnover lower p islisf profits fashion in which debtors such asmnntctoalitles toad planing capital high rates with lender will accept a turn thus the lower coupon rate of the 1932 loan will ultimately have benign effects on canadian business generally by establishing the presed- ent which will lead to lower interest rates on the conversion of the british s per cent loan of 2 065000000 mto se curities bearing 3 per cent interest the london times makes these com ments which apply with almost equal force to the recent canadian loan the gain to industry and commerce will be no less marked than to gov ernments it wib for instance en- abl com with dear securities to refund them on a cheaper basis and the resultant savings would insure to- the advantagekof equity holders upon whom has fallen quite properly of course the full weight of the depres sion in trade and in earnings tma however does not cihauat the beneflta of conversion oapttat values haw been restored by it to the tune of hundreds of rnuhncm and the practical and psychological effects of this ap preciation of securities though diffi cult to measure are unquestionably very great it helps for instance to recreate reserves which last year had to be encroached upon to make good depreciation in securities and to im prove the balancesheet of every com pany holding investments the fact that an investors securities are rising instead of falling predisposes him to spend and to invest afresh a wobsvfor v bruce m bruer prominent wrltra- of world affairs has a good word for the weekly newspapers when he says editors of small town weeklies are more modest than you think here they are with what advertising men concede is the best read publication in the world and they make no great hullabaloo about it news about people is the most in teresting news there is thats the kind of news your weekly prints big city newspaper editors would shout with glee if they couu even approach the readability of the country weekly they cant every pair of eyes that looks at the front page of the weekly goes up and down every news cohrmn of every page how happy a city newspaperman would be if he could teu that to his advertisers alongside these columns of news are columns of opportunity who knows their value usually not the local merchants snd yet they should for they know bow well the weakly is read no the ones who know the value of these columns are city ad vertising mep miles and miles away they know and 111 be darned if i dont believe they know ft better than the weekly editors city merchants just couldnt be- leve it if newspaper men offered them all this every column of interest to everyone every- reader living heathy limited competition from other ad vertisers no waste circulation low rate yes weekly editors must bs mod est- 1 v

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