Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 23, 1932, p. 3

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r y 1 nf the georgetown hfcrald wed nesday evening november 23rd 19s1 57 winter underwear segs r time is here oijr stock of fall and winter underwear is more complete than everiaefore our ladies and childrens new underwear assortment is much more varied and includes some very special lines tef fine wools and silk-and- f or ladies local news wools we es have of- added combinations some also new in our mens department first quality goods at lowest prices m d brill co comer m31 wad main st georgetown phone 167 manni adorers for sale vi nf e have made arrangements with the g g martin fur manufacturing co of toronto to have a display in out store for three days nov 24th 25th and 26th with a great variety of highclass fur coats from factory to wearer now is your oppor- to boy a fur coat at a great saving this display includes persian lamb hud son seal canadian muskrat racon beavewr etc mr goldenson repr of g g martin fur co will be at brill co on the above dates come and see this magnificent display of the very best in fur coats you have the guarantee of the old estab lished firm of g g martin fur co behind every garment d brill co main st georgetown dominations in town frday christmas four weeks tram sun day come and have your tea at knox church on saturday only 36c we have had good sleighing and rem winter weather the past week do your xrfas shopping af knox church bazaar on saturday nov 36th dobi forget the mission band tea and sale of homemade baking at the united church dec 3rd 3t nov 24th euchre at mens club st george church refreshments everybody welcome admission 26c hair cuts reduced magloughlin liluco huffman and gibbons local barbers have reduced the price of a hair cut to 25c place your order now for welsh anthracite the coal for furnace and blowei john mcdonald coal mer chant georgetown j 4t come and look over he assort ment of fancy workhomemade bait ing and candyjjjr pish pond for the the tea room at knox cuurch bazaar on saturday sknpson avenue united ohurch choir will grve a concert in knox church tomorrow evening thursday nov 24thjbbnt mfc hearing this wonderful musical organization mr r b buchanan had tfie mis fortune to fall on the slippery side walk last friday night and fracture bis wrist he will be off work lor a couple of week the high school commencement concert on thursday dec 1st will be two short oneact plays miss joy pawcett of toronto will sing get tickets from the pupils the winners at the euchre held in the legion boom last friday night were ladles mrs blair mrs j dick son men m collier r connolly b wtjcoat oont miss bearinf john robert- son of toronto cornet soloist formerly with st hildas english band at the- band conceit a the gregory theatre sunday night wa would appreciate a r for your subscription if you are in arrears we owe the other fellow and be to i e us for bis money we dont blame him but we cant pay until those owing pay us please orion lodge no 109 loojp held a successful dance in the arena last friday night the prize winners in the lucky number dance were miss i tost and mr h wheeler miss edith cave and mr ross thompson the committee in charge were harry savings po h watkins vg and bros h kin a taylor and r tripp personals mrs a m grandy of ottervule is visiting at mrs r e harrisons car les st mr and mrs j w kennedy vfetted friends at owen sound during the week mrs- w h wjllsco spent a few days in chicago last week with hex brother mr chas k williams mr and mrs george wriggleswortb left last week for toronto where they will spend some time with their daughter and sons mis audrey buchanan of kitchener and mr howard helblen of waterloo spent the week end witty mr and mrs y u mcouvray mr and mrs harry williams and miss williams and kenneth of toronto spent sunday with mr and mrs w ji wulson k mr and mrs r moteay and sons glen and campbell of port credit visited with mj and mrs w h wul son on sunday mr john murdock who has been in gueiph general hospital since his ac cident some weeks ago was able to return home last saturday bgs numerous friends m town will be pleased to know he is progressing favorably november surprises i t by betty barclay knox charctltbasaar tea the menu which wul be served at knox presbyterian church bazaar tea on saturday nov wh s as follows borne cooked chicken era berry sauce potato salad pear with baumert chese and cream dressing cake with whipped cream tea price 26c the womans auxiliary of st johns onurch stewaktown will bold a sale of homemade baking and afternoon tea in the council chamber on dec 2nd sale opens at s oclock at c to kvn chareb nor th remember the concert thursday evening november 24th m knox presbyterian church as excellent program will be given by a choir of fifty voices from simpson avenue united church toronto assisted by miss may devey elocutionist ad mission 28c band concert sunday nth by permission of toe officer com manding iorne bines scottish band win give a program to the gregory theatre on sunday evening nov 27th john robertson cornet soloist formerly of st hildas english band and now bandmaster of the toronto police band will give part of the program marenments hawaiian trio a popular with a georgetown wdmtnce will render selections during the evening program at 8j8 silver oocectloa children must be panled by their parents dance at nerval friday the young- bachelors of norvsl will give another of their popular dances in the pattabhall on friday evening atavasth joartlnbatnsay orchestra bui andereon floor inensger re freshments gents so tm jnoluded ladies 25c committee wilfred i lie jack oook wm taman arthur mbkane st georges wa of which mrs s kirk u president held their an nual bazaar on saturday afternoon last in the sunday school room of the church rev w g o thomp son the rector opened the proceed ings there ems a large patronage and the delicious tea served by the ladles was much enjoyed the stalls were in charge of the following ladies fancy work mrs 8 mckentie fusjj pond mrs v kentner country store cmra j d kelly borne baking mrs e young tea rooms mrs i w darin not dogs mrs h hurley daughters of the church mrs si mcnally the arises ware won by the fouowng quiltmrs hy hickens mr 8 smythe j chapman dou june oofeu bas ket of groce l hvts touring the cold small i many foods are off the local market this does not mean that use sur prise dish ntost be elmmtfd cran berries prunes and other foods may be utilised with exortlrnt results frame janket 1 junket tablet 1 tabliniitfiu cold water 1 pint milk s tablespoons sugar teaspoon vanilla flavoring cup mashed prunes put 2 tablespoons of mashed prunes in the bottom of each dessert glass dissolve junket- tablet in 1 tablespoon cold water add sugar and vanilla flabxng to milk warm to lukewarm natbot 110 degrees fj aon dis solved junket tablet tablet and stlr few seconds pour over prunes and let set until firm about 10 minutes then chill in refrigerator and serve lemon drain janket with cranberries 1 package lemon junket powder k pint sank m pint light cream 1 cup cranberries cup water cup sugar to make cranberrysauoe boil and water together s minutes cranberries and boll without sthrbk unta all the aktns nap open about g minutes remove from stove and allow sauce fo cool to make junket prepare according to directions on package using k pint milk and tt pint cream instead of 1 pint of milk chill in refrigerator immediately after the junket sets or when ready wserve put 1 tab of cranberry sauce on each dish of junket fairy spsnge cake makes 1 cake lh cups sugar 2 tablespoons corn syrup 9 t oradgs juioe y 1 teaspoon grated ov rind i cup flour- bw firs three rngrediant to aoort thread 00 degrees to 3kj degrees fj beat egg whites until stut but not dry continue beattntt whits pouring net syrup over the whites fom to wen oeatea yooto grated rind and lastly the flour bsfco to an ungreaa- ed tubs pan 5 mmet to 1 nour in a slow oven oop degrees to sb rtegitun fj frost with boiled orange kdng store m airtight cake tin fbotincb ofontasuo sdmmastx lcnchkon dishb8 the bt branch of the on tario department of agriculture pub lishes the sixth conp report of the se giving the p estimates of yields and prices of field crops as compiled from reports of a large stall of held eorreapondents the prrltmtnary hatlmatew of spring grain yielas published earlier remain prartirany unchanged with the excep tion of fan wheat and oats fall wheat yield per acre is nowplaoed at 284 bus as compared with the pre liminary figure of 301 bus and the estimator of oaut has been reduced from 33j6 to 3zjb bus per acre the deterloraung aflect of lodgmg of fall wheat on yield as revealed by threshing operations has been greater than- at first believed yield of oats was cut down considerably in south ern ontario duel to unfavorable weather at seeding ipme ana in other sections oats are light in weight due to too much rain and beat while fill- in- ji total production of both beans and potato is very much under last year yield of beans per acre is sugbtly be low last yeari being 14 bus as compared with 1s in issl but the acreage is only 91800 as compared with ifcsn and the total txoductsn is b14j64d bushels as against ukln bushels last year the acreage of potatoes was reduced 7 this year but the yield par acre show a drastic reduction dry rot is reported in all sections but most prevalent in wes tern and northern counties many fields arc showing as high as soltrot early potatoes were generally a light crop but of very good quality late crops such as turnips mangolds coi wheat benefited form favourable growing weather during the tall and yields are exceptionally good the- eornborer is worse than for eomj yean wet wea in western ooinl- ties somewhat retarded bs harvesting of late crops hay and clover yielded wen in most sectioravexcepmhe bast where growth was checked by midsummer drought and rains cams too late to prevent damage to bay crops but m tlmetfor oom and grata baying operations were prolongeoutay ftaonent rami in urt and central ontario and as a result nnnhybay was reduced in qnanty- pastures are in eacehent ronditinn throughout ontario and livestock is going into stables hi good condition tar beets ud bock- weekend specials hosiery misses silt and wool hose 75c sale price womens silk and wool hose sale prk3 womens pure silk hose new arrival new colors sale price misses pure botany wool ribbed hose sizes witowi sale price 39c women sheavy all wool sockettes new colors 35c misses ribbed wool hose allen a make 39c and 49c missev antuchildj ribbed cottorf hose 25c and 30c sale price womens fine silk and wool hose 89c simplicity pattern i 15c 39c 39c 39c mcbean co i geol rgetown ontario cams was g the little brat presented by the comedy players in the gregory theatre last thursday night under the aierotras of holy cross church was well attended and muotf enjoyed the players performed then- earn exceed ingly well and the production caused many a hearty laugh those m charge are to be congratulated on the suej cess of the play owing to the bad i condition of the roads the players were somewhat late in arriving but they amply repaid the audience by the entertainment provided after the performance the players were enter tained to a delicious luncheon at the golden gate cafe direct to you local one prffit bucks when we sell lor cash we can selllor less 0 hear cooperation imst week was stpreciaied by die public and we are specials far friday and saturday of urn week oar own sugarcared bxcon peamealed b ack lu by apiece x iwrtre cats or sliced 17c 15c smoked side j hsvlorwue prime young slapleten tyler vfeadins on saturday at hgh poon a pretty wedding was soetnnlaeg tf at albans ohureb acton when mary anne daughter of mr sad mrs edward tyler sr became tbt bride of cecil tony eon of mr tod airs harry stardcton of oeorgetowa her p a sawyer la tb onvtsttng the bride who was given in marriage by her father was vmcomlngly attired to blue georgette with gray arreamrku and canted a bouquet of yellow rosea the matron of honor was mrs lewis tracy of georgetown who btege lace dress with brown and carried a bouquet of pink rosea mr lewis tracy was groomsman fol lowing the ceremony a buffet lunch was servod at the borne of the brides parents queen street the happy couple left for a honeymoon mow- trip and upon their return will rasljq in brampton frae pram exams an jane ttb examinations in both puhuo schools and collegiate institutes in this prov ince will commence on june mth for next years term a change of one week from the 1933 date g f bjogers chief director of buucauon for on tario told the guobe it is mtimstert that the changed date may run into the summer holidays period but where students reside to a district other than that in which they have attend ed school it wat be poawble or them to take examination in some centre in or near their home town this will also apply the chief director in timated to these university students who may be affected by trie changed dates in 1033 erammatkms began on june 30th and in 1331 ob june 16th try a savory meat toaf or a platter of baked oysters for the luncheon main dish your guests wffl be debghted ifthe tollowing recipes are fokowed when preparing these dainties pa meat leaf 2 thin ainch slices salt pork diced i pounds round beef ground m cup quickcooking tapioca v small onion finely chopped cups canned tomatoes 3k teaspoon sal h teaspoon neppe try out aalt berg until golden brown add pork and drippings to other ingredients and mix thoroughly bake tn tof pan 7iji laches in hot oven 4to degrees fj u asm then decrease heat to moderavs oso degrees fj and bake 30 mttntes ion- ger serve borrndvr darutah wdth l parsley serves 10 baked oysters ik cups milk 3 lahlewponnn quick cooling k traspoon salt dash of pepper 1 cup oysters cut in half 1 egg slightly beaten 4 lahh unmsmi cracker crumbs buttered scald milk in greased camrrolp ip hot oven 400 degrees fj 18 mjwitra add qutoosdng tapioca salt and pepper and bake us minutes or unta tapfoca is clean stirring every b nnr utes add ayateij and egg cover wth buttered crumbs bafo ib min utes longer or unta crumbs are browned berves 4 i i i the prevailing open weather is wel comed because it prolongk the pas turing season and shortens the stab ling period fanners generally sowed fall wheat later this year to avoid danger from hessian fry jo some western coun ties sowing was delayed because of excess inoistare in the soil at to brat of september as a raauk wheat has less top than- last year but is very heatlhy and witt go into winter in good o fall ploughing is reported as 8 completed m compared with 71 at the same time last year wet weather in western ontario has held up ploughing and in haldtmand welland and weatwortb tack of rah has re tarded ploughing in central ontario weather tiwitth have been unusual ly favourable for fan farming opera- christmas cards now is the time to choose your ufcjmkilmaft oakds when stocks sre complete we have just opened a bigger and better assortment than ever of beautiful exclusive carleton christinas i cards at prices ranging from 2 cards for 5c to 35c special assortment 8 cards to box with ribbon tagxtand seals only tte 6 cards tn box with ribbon tags and seals only sbo 12 cards to box with rubbetvsgwantsafev only 43c osmle card cards for frbuing n besauonscards k come in and make your seuocrnonb now jeweller j h jor watrjrrnaker georgetown prices being l or crops are st go al though potatoes and beans are con siderabty above last year the total value of the crops listed on the fol lowing page is u4t340a for 1831 as compared with tlsmauqo in wm accbdbnta amd comnsnaation orange lee cream makes 3 quarts 3 cups orange jules i cup ang 1 cup tntck cream a cons mine orange juice and sugar thor oughly add cream and milk and freeae i mix qbbat jwobx faces tub sud gbtoss w ontario porlcr house roastlsc prime rib roasts j5 rump roast llc lb young roasting pork fresh hams qh half or wfaola lean shoulders 86 bank makes offer ha bhenawmu osas a tentative offer of s4400 hat bean made by the bank of nova sootlato the village of fstosstavlds to settle ment of claims of meoo made by the village against the oank to connection with the defalcations of dr 878 smith late u of the vfltsge the village council claimed that pay ments had been made to the account of dr smith try the bank without proper authority from the village of- flclayptraet suit against dr smith for tccovery of some pot to of the more than vu00 which he misap propriated dining bis term as vmsge clerk and treasurer was discussed but no decision was reached and the matter laid over unta the next meet ing of the council isdler- night with tl monday night was ladles night at the regular meeting of the lions dob when dinner was served at the hotel laoatjbon bresident uon a h fel ler presided uon w v grant pro posed the toast to the ladles asd ex tended to them a cardial welcome mrs a j cmaol respo to the toast a violin solo by j a thomp- son awai by mrs w f brad ley was much enjoyed uon w o o tbaapson introduced the speaker nf the evening arcndeaoon mackintosh of dundas who spoke iegsul lbs present depression to canada an the british bhiplra tjhe prooasdmgs were enlivened during the evening by com munity staging lion were present from hamilton dundas and ttort ool- borne taxsui approximately 300 parcels of land- will be offered at the tax sale to be conducted by the townhjpr nslsbn on november 38th the ails is con sidered one of the largest held in the province slthough it it the fast one that nelson tovrnshlp has ever been compelled to conduct many choice properties are using auctioned eft in- olocung 4 nmnbar of lots in roseland nark su several farms ranging in she from ata to forty o gomg on the block la hthe doubt feat that i real estate men wm pfc op some rare tergshu it is toteresttog to sots ghat iproperty offered for sale k own ed hj residents ofiarayork state toronbdhamutorvbrantfqrd and even in watt torgrcuwl sad oreerawlah oohntta bvrs iba taam are in arrears smos 1033 qraperloddf tsoryesrs omeyally pe bosr- ontr owlag t seres sre and there in the terrible days of the war we all know how the red cross stood ready to alleviate the pain of the wounded on every battlefront across theses arte the war a nnmaultar- lan service ss de faced the red croat hers at boms in the out lying districts of ontario aattsste strive for a foothold and bring is hard and luxuries are but a memory poverty ueslojmk for the weak and discouragement and slrrncs soon fol low there is need for a stroni hetptng hand sil toe bed cross bout up s msgal acenf ijuratng serraje first one then two now 34 outpost rttvg some sre small hou others sre more pretentions buodmgs all are equipp ed with modern medical supplies and appliances sod tseffed wtth tarined nurses these hospit are uu for one pmpnse namely to bring ex pert hospital and nursing care to dis tricts where otherwise there would be no such sav when babies sre born hi the kmejy little cabins back hi the bosh country of northern ontario it is most- often a red cross nurse wtoo attends the mother and looks after not only the new child but the rest of the famuy as wen sometbues it means driv ing for miles tn netow sero wea and trudging oyer snowdrifts through unmarked trails to r the home steads o fouows season stfll the bed cross nurse is there irving among the people of the com munlty she serves gomg where she is needed through sleet or rain or un der blssmgsan to care for the sick men hurt in the bush are carried by their comrades to the little hos pital anxious fathers and mothers bring their stekv and ailing children for taeatmentand advice when these little ones need deneate major opera tion or the spsclslised treatment that only a large city hospital can supply the nurse through the spl or- gsnttattonof the red cross sees that those little sufferers get their chance of ufa and health there si a great and for the services of the oulpobt tal nurse but funds are getting low what a pity if the bed croat were forced to recall soma of these nurses and- close rtosratolb rapbciafly now as winter is closing to if this were to happen there would be nowhere that hundreob even t of these people could turn for hospital had nursing care in s friends of the bed cross in abe larger dues of the province have re sponded generously but so great n the need the bed crass is forced o hsuean ontoraaride appeal n of this lamer nesp keep the outpost tsts open bend what you earn to the red cross headquarters 410 ferbourae street tfymtorrind know that thravgp yotnhalp the bvss of sioklltmechl axetbamc saved and wtth trained bors grrana ehsnee to wespwsajsjbi aaiawagg aawawaaawaaa there were 3jo smcidenbi reported to the workmens compensation board during the month of october as compared with 3jsa during sep tember and 4jb0 during october last year the fatal accldentt ramsbsred 33 as comsisred with u in nr and 33 in october a year ago the total benefits awarded amount ed to s3jl7joui of which tmat3u8 was tor eorig and s64t74j0b for medical aid as compared wish meu1s3 awarojed to setpember and tsnjcmx awarded last october the total ac repotreot to date this year number 3j83 ss com pared with 444m for the same period last year and the benefits awarded amount to saatttrua as compared with ttjseansts for the correspond ing period of weve got them little wonder microphone you havent heard anything on your radio until youve heard yourself secubje yotjks now only d cq frank c whttmee ratfio and electric service fhonk 3u geobokxown 3 terra cotta among those from a attended the funeral of the late john mcnally were wins k doroner and mrs wan herbert toronto mr wb- son ouektbj mr and mrs thomss towassad and son kdward of grand valley mr fred mcnally georgetown mr walter bayarard of oueku spent the week end wtth terra ootta friends georgetown forum of public affairs second meeting citizens responsibility for unemployment professor h cassady toro university discussion to follow knox presbyterian church georgetown sunday november 27lh 1932 th speaker 3 pjn oslvsr oouibctton mbn and womcn wvit smfl istamad uttla arur pnlilp you hoperauy parhas you can mend hla damaged tor taamst can soon b done but to help roand aajajagad lunsa ma waakenwl htue rranra ul a work of far greater moment if vrtll tax all the emra and kill f b kindly doctors and nursaa of the quen mary hospital for con- nmptira children to bring this tbara ope even f vv m f many other little children wnj are being eared for in this inatltatlon contributions to assist thla rreit work are needed however and a jtrt of raoner from- yon will he moat welcome please aend it to o a held s colleae sttoroato s browns bakery new advertisements miss lamb ntactical matkjtnttt ntjbsb by day or week for partleualrs phone mrs george town gsmhl rjtosrgetowa onsrtei far sale quajrantoed atogera good s to choose tram arthur jepson arietta st georgetown ltp stove wanted wanted cheap oook stove in reason ably good condition phone 35 r 23 georgetown up flowers plants db8h3nb and wkdlung boqtjbts preater florist 130 frame bouse on queen st posses sion dec 1st all conveniences ap ply to wm near georgetown b b no 3 phone muton so r 12 stp all modern consrenlencea near al- paper muss possession lm- bent moderate phone try our homemade pork pies honey dougjinnts fried cakes apple and pumpkin pses for saturday you will like them and price is right grateful ton are indeed to be grattaated on your snenssi in o m a account wbaa hss been oh my books a tang vhana accept my sincere thanks so rims a setter from a new market client dated nov 13th perbaps we can win your ap proval too try us kelly aadcen tneooneotors no ooflontton -j- no tatss i l i to beat six room frame house on charles st furnace apply to j w kennedy tf brlok bouse 3 rooms and bath an conveniences possessio 1st deo king st apposite greenhouses sujkf to t w treanor phone issw george town tf to bent on nov 1st 1893 or before cement block tan storeys on glen road close to f furnace water and light sink to utahen newly decor ated apply w k anthony box all branntcsl tf te bouse to rent on murdock street posse lrm insnediateiy all conveni ences apply to jss bsllsntlne hamilton ny tf raw oeavpools ditches and drains to dig old oats poo etsterns ato nlasiard on short notice also whtte- washi sa any- other work donav jamas wmiams box ib oeorastown tf jluguun tal mi qensral troops an thnss iwaosas wsirr at teoders wanted tandem will be received up to dec let 1033 by the oerk for the in stalling of a push button for the fire alarm to be placed in mr norman browns house information can be obtained from the clerk f u hbath clerk lylt fnurris beauty sinppe waving finger waving 3toitf phone 141 wood for sale obolce maple mrch and mixed wood at lowest prleesv j tost georgetown tf wood for sale choice maple hardwood and cedar balls at right prices orders left at a humes or at my home phone mw promptly att to a uvtnostonb wood no l hardwood beech and ample s300 hardwood lknbs an wood 3375 balls 33je0 any 6 in blocks of hardwood for heaters 33j3s prices sre for deuvered s rswsw nru v wood for safe- cholos ha beech and maple at j5 per jtqth cord mixed wood 337b per stogie word baus at el 1 w

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