Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 23, 1932, p. 4

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r i page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday evsningtmovember 23rd 1932 just be the best if you cant be a pine on the top of a hlu a be a shrub in the valley oat be the best uttle shrub at the side of the rill be a bush if you cant be a tree if you rant be a bush b f bit of the grass some highway to happier make if you cant be a mmkle then just be a bass but ttif hwuwu basi u the lake v we can all be captains weve- got to be crew otirres numethmg for all ol us her tteifs bix wtrk lo do and theres letser to do kr i the task we must do is the near if vpu cant be the sun be a star it sjcj by slae that you win or you fall be the best of whatever you are retail survey shows change brttr business predicted prosperity has turned the long awaited ud much heralded corner and is advancing slowly but surely along the sunny side of the street ac cording to a recent survey conducted by the business management bureau of phe retail merchants association of canada inc ontario division this survey denuitejte revealed vis ible improvements honany lines of business although the full benefits of the upward trend would nqt be felt by the average person for a few mon ths according to f p boselly dlrec tor of the bureau whose reasons are as follows when the stock market crashed in 1929 the depression had started and prosperity was on its way into tem- porary seeluslon for three m or morehefore the average person realiz ed it curtailed their expenditures and purchases or made any provision for liquid reserves to tide aver the hard times in fact people were so used to t and tajkmg prosperity and easy money thatrew were capabl of a wfnod when such condi tions wontdvcefise- to exist 7today all economic in- dices and barometers such as- cai loadings stock and commodity prices unfilled orders for steel money avail able for loans bank drnlt and ces sation of national bankruptcies posl- tlvely show that business and financial eaders are preparing for a period of expension and that the depression is over but once g the publicdoes not realize it people have been talk ing depression and practicing economy and frugality for so long few are cap able of believing that better times are here a canvass in connection with the bureaus survey disclosed an potential market for goods and mer chandise of every description during the last period of u a higher standard of living was creat ed by means of advertising and other propaganda people transferred into the class of necessities many things previously considered as luxuries such as automobiles radios vacuum clean ers in addlsjdn to many items of food and clothing the depression curtailed purchasing power and therefore gratification of these wants but it would take more than two or three years of hard tunes to eliminate the strong desire people have for things which they have en joyed and so pleasantly remember now with a return to confidence to the business structure and an aosur- anee of steady employment or poten tial profits the public will again start spending and let loose the pentop flood of buying that they denied them selves during the past three yearn which will benefit everyone to the i economio chain i money will start to circulate credits i loosen up the storekeeper stock up nus shelves he manufacturer start his plant to supply the merchant pros perity will gain increasing momen tum and we vdll again be in the midst of good rubes practically before we realise it hut it must not be construed that this prosperity which is well on me way is of the boom variety like the last with its frenzied finance and overinflated prices when anyone and everyone could make money in prac tically any line that they choosed it s not and those days are gone r seller dp all indications point to a period of iteady substantial growth when those who have something meri- torlcus to offer who plan carefully buy wisely advertise intelligently and who either know whakjthey are doing or hire experts to show them the way will have greater opportunities for huge success than ever before and partlcuarly is this true of the retail field where hit and miss methods have taketp suoh a disastrous toll in past years according to mr boselly who claims that we are now entering updrrheera or greatet ex pansion and prosperity for scientifi cally operated and individually owned retail stores in merchandising history these things are very fine state many merchants but how are they gofcngto help me 1 am just about to the bands of the receiver and dont know whether i can continue in busi ness for eveii another month this mortality ofrretall business de manded a positive and lasting reme dy explained mr boselly so the business management bureau was brought into existence as an integral part of the retail merchants associa tion about eighteen months ago isnce that time it has been successful lu re habilitating many retail businesses which were beaded for the bankruptcy courts this was acconxpttshed by a single process of reorganha tlnn the application of correct mer and aftrekeeping prmdptbb and in most cases by a substantial increase in newspaper advertising winch created sates and produced profits thereby giving confidence to creditors and thus mmhnf an unfortunate but otherwise good merchant to stay in business and i a success an excellent tribute to the bureaus work was manifest recently when one of canadas leading universities re quested permission to study the data compiled during this survey and the results obtained in the ap of sdentinc principles to ontario re tail merchandising special autumn and winter display of trimmed hats novelties of imported fancy linens and scarfs fur coats made to order and repaired by reliable firm misses claridge upstairs herald block r news and information for the busy farmer grading is desirable the current issue of the economic annalist official organ of the federal agriculture economics branch is the soui of the following statement the establishment and mainten ance of grades is particularly desir able in the case of cooperative mar keting the grower of a good com modity should receive a premium for the extra care and efficiency involved in producing a superior product canadian farmers or business men h farm products who aer look ing for new markets must bear in mind that their pro win meet competition from other areas and per chance other countries it will pay to study trade requirements and to build a sales policy around a product sold on the basis of standardized grades the preliminary report on clover and grass seed production for 1833 issued by the dominion seed branch summarises prospects for the cur rent year as follows clovers and alfalfa promise a much smaller total yield of seed in canada than last year while more timothy and blue grass are in prospect alfal fa prospects are poor as the first cut failed to set seed in ontario and a short crop of alfalfa seed is expected in southern alberta alstke is much reduced hi acreage in ontario and is yielding under average a considerably reduced acreage of sweet clover for seen is reported in the western provinces also in ontario brant and western rye grass in the weshrn provinces promise much more seed than list year owing to more moi sture during the gi season the acreage of bent grass for seed in prince edward island is reported at about 35 per cent ess than last year sweet potatoes a crop of 3500 bushels of fine quality sweet potatoes was grown on a farm of 63 acres near delhi in nor folk county this season by dr fltx- vmmrimn a native of the district who had resided for some years in new jersey and who was struck by the similarity of the soil hi the sweetpota togrowing areas of that state to that of norfolk the excellent tubers pro duced by him this summer have at tracted widespread interest and the producer has had more orders than he could fill his farm is in the heart of the tobacco district and it is quits likely that other farmers will be tempted to turn from tobacco to sweet potatoes next year the tobacco dry ing kilns can be used for dehydrating the tubers winter weather has set in and the crop is thoroughly dry vleo re recommends that the job be done with a huller or with a machine wth a clover attach ment puttng red clover through an ordinary thresher is condemned as wasteful fine opportunity for the junior farmess ef ontario economic production and market ing of live stock withspecial emphas is on marketing is the name of a new short course planned especially for wdcawake young farmers of ontario by the ontario agricultural college this course has beep planned because of the opportunities now opening up as a result 6t hielmperial conference at ottawa it will cover in an ex cellent way many matters pertaining to the producton and marketing- or live stock and will include the best use of farm land and equipment for the ef ficient production of feed for live stock in addition to lectures and discussions by members of the college faculty and other leading authorities in canada there will be daily demonstrations covering types and classification of meat an- preparlng live stock for sale slaughtering different types of meat animals cutting and curing meat including commercial cubs best use of fanning mills and their seedcleaning equipment best methods of hitching 4- 5- 8- horse teams for efficient use in farm work every progres young farmer who can possibly get away from home for the two weeks should take advantage of this specially planned course too late for last issue last wednesday the beavers dered w banquet to their victorious opponents and luckily for them no- jht egg sandwichs although was very disagreeable present ff of the parents the scoutmaster mr c stacey master with three of his- ready opportunity john approached his friend sandy with a worried look on his face im rather poot aboot he said i kin marry a wealthy widow whom i dinna love or a pulr lass whom i love ower much what shall i dae well man i advise ye tae listen tae yer heart an marry the lass ye love yere rlcht sandy i will marry the pulr lass in that case kn ye gie me the widows address hospital for sic oidrai 7 coixbos st tobonto 1 ooaatry branch tbls weeks until ris tm a s w e have a nice selection of christmas cards which we can supply with your name and greetings printed thereon at a reasonable price calient crop steperi reports from agricultural represen tattves reveal much dissatisfaction a mong fanners due to low prices of live stock and produce being offered eggs are the one bright spot in farm ret urns at present but egg supplies are very limited fall wheat looks promis ing to most districts live stock are in majority are now stabled middle sex reports that harvesting of turn ips and sugar beets was seriously de layed by wet weather sugar beets have been yielding up to 30 tons per acre in that county though sugar con tent is frequently as low as 14 per cent lincoln and other counties reported that heavy and continued rains made it possible to plow soils which were almost too hard to turn over previous ly from port arthur comes word that roots and vegetables were an exceptio ally good crop this year tbe canadian bacon qaeta the quota of 2500000 cwt of bacons and hams assigned to canada by the omted kingdom is not of itself of any particular im at the present tune and for all tame past canada has had an unrestricted entrance into the british market she now has been set a definite quota that she may export but that quantity is so large that it will be a matter of a number of years before the figures of 2j5oo0d cwt 380- 000000 lis have any specflc meaning the importance of canadas bacon quota si that it is part of the plan the main feature of which is the an nounced policy of the united king dom to restore a r stability in the british market for meat pro ducts by means of the limitation of the importations of all classes of meats of which bacon and bam is one the details of the working out of the plan of limitation devolves upon oreat britain it has been adopted by her as the means of aiding first her borne farmers and second the farm ers of the dominion it is from this standpoint and m view of the general policy laid down that canadas bacon quota is impor tant to the fanners of ontario threshing led clever last season mechanical injury was reported in red clover seed which came from central ontario the seed was broken or chipped and ui of poor germination as a result were re ceived tram oreat britain an inves tigation conducted by john d mcleod of the departmental staff indicates that too early threshing is largely re- sponsible for the injury and also un suitable and poorlyadjusted threshers down m the ottawa valley notjilnf like this has been reported and mr mclebd attributes both the lack- of damage and enerauy b per- acre to the act- that red sbavims- never put through the thresher tmtfl dear mr editor tbe prolonged nenoa of hard tunas baa areata a oust difficult problem tor ontarios woridnunooa hospital for stek ctbudrao wbleb only the bsnavolant public can ear bar tft a n mitsbell the hospital baa mil awl in its eota tola year 7j8m smsd sun an increase of 687 over tbe total of the previous roar m addition 8301 treatment were gram in tbe areas- outpauellt department an mcreaae of 18jxhl on one day 830 trsatmenta in xbm ple year iw growth in tbs demaad for the nans of the hospital while an i has been going on the emonnar of the donations nam tbe kindhearted nave daeraaaad by many thousands of dollars creating the amuatlan of far mom to ba done and fartaai to do it with tbe statutory grama yirl by the hospital fan much snort of bamg sufactant to pay for the actual coat of malntananca of tbe little pataanta and each additional patient means an added deficit tbe task of bridging the gap mit tbe cost of opera tion and iw1 usoonte usually bam aooompuabad by contrt- buttone from tbe b vola while the horpltal baa remind tbe major ity of ita menda who kindly donate to ita work yearly and le continually adding new nmaa donations dualn- tabed to a somewhat alarming extent in the l to last years appeal tor rondo and there has been little improvement inmaa i out the year t la i any cbud dsetune the bumana vice provided by tbe hospital should be refused the tr areanxtooe and can only bops that tbe kind- hearted people of tbe pm win eee tbem through the dttnoulty by a bmmt fanai mwwwi to tbe present appeal pubue danavolence baa tmut tbe hospital lor 8ok children to the proud airilnanoe of being the finest institution of ha kind in the world fte country branch at t la a recognised model and p in terested in chud welfare ootne from ell parts of tbe glode to inspect it any child in the prortnee of ontario deformed or memeofl la eligible tor admittance to tut wonderful insti tution where tbe vary ones treat- ment known to medical and surgloal science la at once available there la do class or creed distinction the vesy best that any hospital can give la placed within easy reach of the poorest cbdd boys the troop was honoured by a visit from mr jones field secretary who despite the inclemency of the weather motored here from toronto in order to be present the programme op with the usual prayer and flag break follow ing this came a splendid exhibition of rope spinning by scout a keen pi next a firstaid display was presented by tbe troop leader and this three assistants which was completed in ten minutes mr jones compliment ed the boys on their efforts and alter a short address he demonstrated for those present his method of obtain ing fire by friction in sixty seconds after this the boys gathered round the camp fire and enjoyed real cheery sing song memories of happy evenings in camp were recall ed when k spence sang some of his cowboy songs wnidp are so papular among all those who shared in tbe twelve glorious days under canvas after the conclusion of the sing song mr jones showed tbe boys some very interesting films on the care of the hatchet and knife he accom panied tbe pictures by a lecture on woodcraft which proved very edu cative to all about ntnethtrty a light lunch was served and the manner in which tbe food the pies in particular disappear ed showed that the boys are en deavoring to line up to the reputa tion which they created at camp it might also he noted that during the period when the lunch was be ing served tbe honorary scoutmaster spent most of his time in the kitchen which may account for the disappear ance of a certain wellbaked lemon pie a ten oclock the festivities came to a close and after cleaning up the rooms the boys left for borne the bvttkrfiy girl continued from pagel tenthirty a girl with a fluffy bobbed head and a pale pink sweater appeared in the lighted doorway 81 stopneod whittling the girl approached sfift- ly at first then at a saunter oh she said suddenly is that you si just leaving yep said he boons elisabeths first old maid do you always look under the bed before you say your prayers second old maid ob dear no i say my prayers first la need of contrlbuttoae and no amount would ba considered too amau please ask tbe benevolent in your community to help ten nem that tbe etory of the hospital oovertna st yean la not that of merely adding cot to eot and waiu to i advaaeu it is um etory of leged gnlnrl with all lbs indng l of tbe cdadloal ana sunpeal e ft is a of damanea wbleb have the f l nave ahrajs been mat by nee to appeals tar aid oelk the hosptt as have bean bankrupt as your reade p to prevam it frjom baboalnefso now raltbfduy yours ri b a story ever oanssdsu i w wbleb mkoue i umf would mortgage sale i 1 under and by vxbtde of tbe powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the tune of sale there will be offered for sale by j a elliott aantlaneer at public auction on friday tbe sstb day of november 1s at the hour of two oclock in the after noon at the farm of alexander inglis r r no 1 olenwullams ontario the following property namely all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the town ship of esqueslng in tbe county of wifrw and being composed of lot 34 in the 10th concession of tbe said township excepting thereout and therefrom that portion of lands sold to one fred w bates containing 75 acres more or less and also except ing thereout and therefrom that por tion of said lands sold by one thomas mullin to the hamilton and north western railway oompany containing 1 and 61100 acres and also excepting thereout and therefrom that portion of said lands sold by one thomas mullin and j t mullin to the north ern railway ckxnpany containing 1 and 53100 acres more or less at the same tune and place under tbe authority of a landlords distress warrant there will be offered tor sals the following goods and chattels one bay horse 14 yrs old one bay horse 20 yrs old one black horse 4 years old one bay horse 13 yrs old one grey home 10 yrs old one brown oolt 3 mas one bay driver 14 yrs old 11 holstein cows 5 yrs old one roan grade durham 8 yrs old one red grade durham 8 yrs old four holstein heifers 3 yrsom 3 holstein heifers rising 1 yr one sow and 13 pigs hassey harris binder 6 ft cut massey harris mower stt foot cut massey harris steel rake 10 ft maasey harris disc i 14 plates jtwo walking powa verity 31 and 7 one steel roller 3 drums two wagons cream separator baton set bob sleighs open buggy rutiber tbe one cutter on the said farm there is said to be erected a dwellinghouse with suitable farm bulinnajw- the lands wlllbe sold subject to a reserve bid terms of sale of chattels cash terms of sale otland ten per cent of purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the bal ance within thirty days for further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to harry w page bast block parliament bkkn toronto ontario solicitor to tbe mortgagee jated at toronto tills first day of november 1833 but elisabeth says she wui not began maidie and stopped shell come said 81 confidently told tier rd got to go at ten ive got to he reiterated- you know how tis with mothers 1 mmh munnured maldle t know dent ask a feller very often but when they do say nothings going to keep me from bemsr there at ninety- five orchard on time i maldle the butterfly kind of girl stood amnking for a moment then tossing her bobbed head she said coolly wen goodnlgbt si and flew swiftly toward the lighted build ing and disappeared st took bis seat m the car pushed and puoed a few nothing bussed he got out take your time si called out elisabeths brother bux who seemed to bw strolling aimlessly round to the youre novsn- glocm under he tree lng yet is tbat so growled sl thats so pleasant brother bui said mockingly youli go when elisabeth is ready and that will be tenthirty want to bet no drawled 8l rveund a dark corner of tbe building he could see a small figure in a long gray coat and soft gray hat yycure a wise guy replied brother bju pointedly and walked away whow thought 81 thlnks he kness whos boss does he the poor clownl he gave the decrepit selfstarter an other chance to vindicate itself noth ing happened whew out of luck hi grunted and clambered out y as he began spinning the old iron handle tbe little figure in gray came toward tbe apple tree si twirled and wlrled again nothing happened he straightened up breathing hard get in there elisabeth he panted the glr sprang to the seat and sat stul engines cold or j a twirl and a spiteful exi with a grunt si bacsfed suddenly against the old apple tree and stood there with his right arm cradled in his left the gui wasout of the car in a flash she grabbed the old iron handle gave it a vindictive twirl flew to the dashboard the ancienl enjne purred smoothly and loudly some boat eh groaned si rjroud ly whew my arm the girl slipped hi behind tbe chat tering wheel oct in here quick she commanded si got in say elizabeth this is some stunt believe me whose car is this anyway over the grass they humped and bumped and off into the sandy road only one of the occupants of tbe flying car saw a bareheaded girl run down tbe steps of the hah and gate after them in wi p say elisabeth didnt know you could drive a real car whew my arm he groaned as the car slid in to a rut say go kind of careful now these t th one 1 have to favor a bit they were approaching the smooth welloiled highway where the traffic policeman had stood he was not there now bound the earner they flew and headed for the city bright lights lined both sides of tbe road way r say elisabeth spose you alow up a bit that tall fight now have to keep an eye out kind of i thought so hear tbatt the outputput of a ntorcycle bearing rapidly odwn upon them could be plainly beard above then- own rumble 1 said bold up am say is it you maidie bra eyes bulged as he recognised the girt at the wheel whew were in for it state poiicel maldle kept right on say spluttered si its fierce for a girl to be held up its that pesky tall light he turned in his seat to look back whew my arml ouess its broken well here he comes i be added resignedly and hnrtid down m his seat eradlbschls arm and gritting his teeth against tbe pain the putputout ed on tyw came them and putputted away doam the highway and out of akght si drew a long breath the matter really with that taw w- only once in a while it goes out on sue guess well make it about ten- thirty hate to nussu tnex- were nimhllrei smoothly along through tbe city streets suddenly the car stopped at the curb what we stopping here for de manded si get- out said the butterfly kind of girl uncle jims up see bis light beep to see a patient drably let him look at your arm its only ten- fiftesn wen make it if you hurry get outl 31 got out he strode up the steps of the brick house and m less than ten minutes strode down again with a tightly bandaged wrist gimme the wheel he said polite ly maidie obediently slid across when they were again on their way si inquired say maidie how tout elbabeth oh pas gain to take her home thats all right then remarked sj resignedly she dicta want to come away early anyway so sobs bappy i doubt it said maidie grimly she totd the girls she was scaymg later and that youd have to whistle till she was ready she made me so and mad and when she found that there ientf was to be no dancing afte rail why- why then the butterfly girls voice trailed off into a murmurs then it- was too late hey said si pussled too laie for what to ride with you you se she was hunting she she couldnt and her coat couldnt eh where was it it itjdfsa of fell out of a window maule suddenly sat up i threw it out she confessed you men fotks 81 squared bds sbouldem are so funny you wouldnt have taken me wjtnout argumg and there was no time to argue isnt this orchard street 3 is1 swung mto orchard street pd turned admiring eyes on ids compan ion whew said he fervently heres number ninetyfive said the butterfly kind of gnrl demurely and its just tenthirty n a policeman caught her to tbe act of tearing a letter mto tiny bus wbleb she threw to tbe ground to the park and tbe following conversation took place policeman you ought to know better miss than to throw rdbbkm around to the park she what triwaarlrnrel thais not trash thats a tore letter from my very best bay friend a girl can wipe her feet on a boy want over him even kick hma around and yet hes keep rarht on throwing lflmseh at her feet in 8ptte at tlsblallleex ctf ns ooertaasda gasoline gets tanked cucmrmers get ptravrt ootf bails get teed op hinges get oiled lamps get lit walls get plastered o get soaked bens get tingled and get stewed a kiss- seems to hsrve turned out to be a labor saving device to beep a nothing i wtfe run her husband if you have thing to sell er it v to yoursev but te u it to all your neighbors through our gh awp fc- small ad column i many of otuf- readers have been selling to the public- consistently for many years past now- when a little spare cash isrjitst wel come why not offer some implement or other article no longer of use to you at a real bargain to another who cant afford it new at present v try a ftmam advt next week stij i- je v v i- a t j 1 iii iixjk- vvt- m w a i 3 i v q n i w i r n 4

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