Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 30, 1932, p. 2

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a pe2 r the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 30th 1932 i pure food store finest quality creameryfertter per lb 22c j lb bag excelsior pastry flour 2 tins clarks pork and beans 2 lbs best quality mince meat 2 lb australian valencia raisins recleaned australian currants per lb 2 lb australian seedless raisins sundale brand no 2 squat tin pears per tin 14c 15c 29c 25c 15c 29c 10c camp pure maple syrup per bottle 25c christmas cake nicely iced about i v iba each 29c4 finest quality orange or lemon peel per lb 19c finest quality citron peel per lb 29c- yl lb pkg ready cut peel mixed per pkg 15c lb bulk soap flake a 21c r quick suds per pkg s 19c princess soap flakes per pkg- 15c choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnell phone 75 we deliver kings i i heat market we dl only the best quality meats and fkod products specials for this week end prime tender beef cheese 225c 2i sf 9clb english kippers bowes mince meat 2 lb 25c picnic bam 9clb llcfc petits honey nasralfase nl wii he ktmoat i brampton 1933 or to mr ai qeo bokn memorial hospital sunday nov 37th and mis wm king a daughter died mcmatbr in glen williams saturday november 26th 1933 elsye mrmaaer in her 30th year dearly beloved daughter of mr and mrs robc f mcmaster beaumont at stimtbcona private hospital oh tuesday november 29th 1933 fred son or the late samuel beaumont olen wullams onu aged 6 years funeral from the home of mr undley beaumont to st albans church olen wunams thursday december 1st at 330 pjn interment m greenwood cemetery georgetown thompson in georgetown on wed nesday november 30u 1932 kath leen bradley dearly beloved wife of elmer c thompson the runeral will be held from her late residence main st georgetown on friday december 2nd to st georges church for service at 230 oclock interment in oreenwood cemetery georgetown in memoriam mclean in loving memory of my dear father who was called to rat december lot 1834 no one knows how much i miss you miss your kind and loving heart but i hope agsirko meet you a father dear no more to parr p annie esteemed couple y mwmod so a highly esteemed couple ton mr and mrs joseph motn chapel street celebrated the bosn an niversary of their wedding on tues day november m many amu and enjoyable scenes were recalled to the minds of those in the stimsnlstf family who were present at when she grandparents took the oo- osskm to 4rf w hi some fond rem- pork butts harry breakfast bacon lib pkg 17c homes sundried coffee ii sealed 6n 47c tin 25c eweryotie invited to come and inirwct oar cnmnlettt line of quality meat products phone 2z wmking prompt ddviery mr and mrs mothersul were mar ried on mov 32nd 1883 at the home of the bride parents mr and mrs john orison third line west ohtncua- cousy rev dr oa pastor of cheltenham rm ohnrah at the ttme conducted the ceromony mr motbenul and his wife are both the same age both being in tbeir seveotystxth year mr mpthersm wa bom on the fourth hue west chin guaeousy son of the late joseph vmitmn and elisabeth mvkane be has been a lifelong resident of chin giiaooosy township as has been his wife bta grandfather robert mother- sin was one of the very early set- farm oceuftodvbmg yfwpomwy mfwf tiers of the township and occupied a arm deeded by the crown over a cen tury ago mrs alothersuv has grand mother lived many years past the al lotted span of life and was in her 102nd year when she died mrs motherslll was born on the third nne west chirjguacouxy she was the daughter of the late john dolson and flora lacdousau dolson mrs dol- sons parents came to cbinguaccosy from krin during their long residence in the township and then- abode in this town tar the past twelve years mr and mrs motherslll have made a host of friends who bald them in very high respect they are members of the brampton presbyterian church and pouncally mr mothenul is a staunch liberal one who has given a ufetong auegiaace to ills party their family umjii law two sons and one daug hot john shnore motbersul is now preaching at ktraxatorignt b while j d p mothersin l at 8t petersburg ma for his health mrs j a wniocsrhbj toronto is the only daughter and with her husband and family was present for the de lightful occasion banner many old friends in ge ex tend hearty crangrwtrilitionii to mr and mrs motneram all by acclamation mayor bebve councnxoats pubioc 8chooi tbui8tkes and hydko commissioner elect ed by acclamation onfe vacancy in council will neeeaat- taul another nomlnahati meeting there will be no election for ofrices in georgetown tnis yei another nomination will be necessary u fill the vacancy in ward two those elected are as follows council mayori b itnu reeve harold cleave ward one joseph olhbons arthur speight ward two c j cummlngs ward three a b parr h barnes public school trustees ward one jrpi harrison ward twojonis j kelly ward three hugh dickie hydro commissioner h c dayfoot there was a fair gathering of rate payers at nomination meeting in the town hall last friday evening when the following nominations were re ceived fort mayor reeve councillors public school trustees and hydro for mayor j b markmirte proposed by w f bradley and w b shortul u e fleck proposed by dr mcan- drew and s h mooabbon c j cummlngi proposed by lamm kennedy and harold cleave for reeve joseph gibbons proposed by w long and h a oartley harold cleave proposed by john keily and n h tuck councillors ward one joseph gibbous proposed by j oneill and n h brown iur speight proposed by a reeve walaer councillors ward two oeorge davis proposed by wm thom pson and a reeve arthur semple proposed by thee allen and t w treanor c j cummings proposed by bernard wuooz and d porster octtfnoillors ward three a b parr proposed by alex keen and prank sykes h barnes proposed by dr mcandrew and geo dobson for public school trustee ward one albert e wright proposed by jas kennedy and s walker samuel harrison proposed by j wat son and w h long ward one john d kelly proposed by jo qlb- boos and oeorge davis ward three hugh dickie proposed by angus duncan and w f bradley angus duncan proposed by joseph hall and a b parr for hydro commissioner k c dayfoot proposed by w b long and 8 harrison at the close of nominations year he gave creditto the members of the committee and the waterworks superintendent for this good showing cuncillor joseph gibbons chair man of building and property com mittee said the work of his committee during the year had been light but he gave out some interesting facts re garding the value and vwint of in surance carried on town properties some properties the town held no deeds for a very necessary expen diture had been us putting of new doors on the fire hall but be had op posed the repairing of the grand stand in the park as he did not think it worth the amount expended he had spent two years in the council and did not regret it but he was not going to wear out his pants on the sai chair all the- time and if there was an election t was in the field for reevv if tqere was not gome to be an election be was not goiqgto put the tows to foe expense and would re- bank of montreal reports traditionally strong position tetal assets at 1cjstz uawm assets af tss7csws renal to s34c per cent of all ijahfllhn to tne n councillor barnes chairman of charity light and police said tus duties had been light the pimid and very capable work af mrs t ilvingstone in conjunction with the central relief committee bad relieved him of the charity work one street light had been installed and the pouce force wasworking quite amicably if a member of next years council he would endeavor to wujk in the best in terests or the municipality councillor arthur speight chair man of the printing and indusvia committee reported the cost of print ing s94 less than last year no warn propositions had been received from industries he agreed with councill or cummings that drastic action must be taken to collect the arrears of taxes but assured the working man that his home wouldbnot be sold over his head without an opportunity to re deem it he suggested the payment of taxes before due by purchasing re ceipts and saving the corporation bank interest the town is faced with a grave problem and it is up to what ever body of men may be elected to carry out the program on which they start if elected i shall do my best in the interests of the municipality angus duncan chairman of tzte public school board did not think tne cost of education should be- blamea ror lugh tax rate the east to the town had not varied very much according to figures quoted only as the grant from the government had been cut down the am this year being a- bout hah of last our children most be educated and we most keep up the standard of our school our teach- staff will compare favorably with any in the county mnd our school and truant officer are giving efficient service he thanked his nominators but stated he would not be a candi date for next mr l e fleekl a former reeve and exwarden of hilton said that while he was always interested in the af- fairs of the town be was quite sur prised when he learned he had been nominated for mayor the men who are conducting the business of the town have not very much to spend and they shukt not be criticised too i harshly these are trying times ttte dr town is faced with a difficult finan- axeoted boys parliament daons cough balsam lase strongest safest remedy for coughs colfk bron and all affections of the ai made from a cannula used by use london gi and is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money re- it is an extra strong remedy and the dose bemg small it will the 35c and 6sc huauliw caawmato defeated by the close election fraser latmma georgetown and mor- ley weaver burlington for haltonl representative m the twelfth ontario older barh parliament came to an equally close result on joiectlon day last satnrday with one potang district bothev still to be beard from the st is danns drug store i one 327 georgetown phone christmas cards row at the tune to choose your chrtstagab oarnr when stocks are complete we have just- opened a bigger and b assortment than ever of beautiful exclusive carlkton christmas cards at prices ranging from 2 cards for 5c to 35c special assortment s cards in box with rxbbon tags and seals only ise s card in box wrth ribbon tags and seals only tse is cards in box with rjfjl6n tags and soak owt 4e l come in and make tout sxijsotiqns now j h jordan watfdssmker georgetown icnton 8 a aoton it 0 georgetown 44 i ulen williams s aebgrove 7 0 nebon 0 ft appelhy 0 11 0 n renal 10 j hornby 1 0 13 0 oarnphrllvilv 1 1 mm 114 it is vary unlikely that the vote of bethel wm affect the result toe fact the only 48 boys out of a voters list of o voted in george town is very cfesppoiramg smce only a dosen more votes were needed to elect the georgetown ca scout news rrfci- v it tlvefftukiilbirici ok ttgb wwbehqpb vpfl 1kswnip tor is not generally imde ras ts ha inmate nsflsc ew the saving geee he is liable for the not of tab work men on cat job aad for spy damage the may do pays gu bills lor tatasrkus sad wages aad la fxeqn loser op bot but babsnat keep bis oauttsot free deuvery service to all pnllstl tn qwatsaowhi a lumber coitd 120 t last week three new boys joined the troop and were welcomed tor the scooter these newcomers will of ficially irf boy scouts in four weeks tkne daring the evening mr g stacey hon a m of the troop visited the rooms and gave a snort talk on bridge buodmg he ended the making of model as a very good way to begin the win ter work indoors on satnrday evening the court of honour held its monthly meeting and owing to the growing number of m ft was decided to form third patrol the question of patrol cotnpeuuon was also decided and the numbers in each group have been changed tot order to give each of toe three an equal opportunity to held by wih the shield now held the a euchre was held last evening tn 41m st oeorgels church club rooms the program for the evening and the work connected with it was prepared by the boys them- selves and the occa was suc cess the ptlmes were won for the ladles as follows lot mbs e for- graves lad mrs harlow srd mrs w speuee and for the twatlemen 1st r reeve zod varey 3rd r lorosso rwrreahments were serv ed by p boys and st the dose of the evening scooter o davis thanked those present and assursd them that the troop a their eaaronage the 1st oworgetown troop of day soouts wubss vo 1armcnise hi lbs preeedjnc year it intends to oouoct toys for the purpose of dhrt- bnmoaon ciradmas jtve to the more nvjfnrtvaata fstdsflisvof qsuias auys whsftaar ssv wn- hjr jit asavsjt tittf w and artermeetlng and called on those nom inated to address the ratepayers in the following order mayor mocrepxie was the first speaker he said the council was the collecting body to provide funds tee the operation of the aaunsdpautytne present depression made it difficult to function and the finances of the town were not tn the best condition if all monies due the cor were paid there would be a surplus of s1500 or s2000 the council- ss a whole had done their best with the money st their disposal the great bulk of town revenue going to meet fixed payments he congratulated the chairmen of the various council committees on tbelr good work during the year and left u them the explanation of the work in v individual departments he praised the bandsmen sod their lead er for their splendid vi s3 the canadian national exhibition and their enlxrtauunents during the year he thanked the central relief com mittee of which mr a maclaren was chairman and mr r b pouhs on ander chief marshall the wo- mens i apd especially mrs d livingstone for their splendid work in providing and administering to the wants of the needy tn town without costing the murjfaapausy one cent be also icfeu to the fact that tt was necessary to take 1800 out of the towns revenue to meet the deficit of the h commission if the rate payers desired him to remain another year ss mayor be would do so reeve harold cleave said this was his fifth time to appear before the electors of georgetown he bad ser ved them during his term of office to the best of his ability and had en deavored to work along with other members of the council under a ca pable mayor in the best interests of the town he did not approve of the raising of the water rates last year anxltelived they could have carried on at foe old rate by cnttmg down on the expense ho referred at some length to the work of the county council and explained the major ex penditures of that body during the year he had opposed the building of a third highway at the lower end of the county and also the oiling of the ditches on the other highway ata cost of s144m to haron he would be a candidate for reeve and if elect ed would endeavor to keep down ex penditures as far as possible in town and county cxwneillor c j cjurondngs chair- mna of finance i i the financ ial st in detail and dealt wrh the finances of the town generally be erpulnrri the penalty for nonpay ment of taxes and warned all those in arrears that they would be compelled to pay as the town must have the money if the rate were raised as suggested to meet the deficit those who paid would be carrying those who did not pay and that would be unfair those whose taxes are three years in arrears next year are going to be sold out if they do not pay if i am in the council public opinion demands that when the auditors re port is issued next february mans indebtedness to the town appear where is the money coming from to pay salaries and other nec essary expenditures if we do not get the taxes in i am in the field for mayer only under one eonditlon i will run for ooudonior the bank of montreals annual statement shows that the bank has been able readily to maintain its tra ditionally strong prrdtlon the ability to do so especially under the general conditions that prevailed will bring feeling of confidence to the canadian public and it should at che same time afford a full measure of satisfaction to the many shareholders of the bank with the lessened activity- in trade and industry a number of the ac counts show a reduction as compared with the previous year but hi every instance the decrease has been very moderate in view of the conditions which have existed on the other hand funds have found employment fof the time being very largely in government and other bonds and debentures at the same time there are substantial additions toveserves in the holdings of cash in the vaults of the bank and in the central gold reserves this development indicates that just as soon as there is a revival in business the bank will immediately be in a position to take care of the increased requirements of 1st cus tomers in the meantime there will he throughout canada a reassuring feel ing of cotrfldence inthe banks strong liquid showing large lfctam assets the annual statement whkth is for the fiscal year to october 31st and is presented in easily understandable farm appears elswhere in this issue it shows total assets of 76lowj7a as compared with s7s4js93j83 at the end of the previous jjea ttwiiyfr mong these are quickly available re- rources of 4397b8508 equal to u48 per cent of all liabilities to the public they are up from 417d65os ago as was to be expected the principal accounts in the quickly available re serves are r by gov and other bonds and debentures of a stewarttown on november the 3rd met in the orange han ident miss standish was mr boyd conducted period by the coratni tory of the church an amateur programtook up the remainder of the evening in work worship fellowship and edification the amateurs werercato buskers mr j brown pianist mtes p jen- kinson melody miss htbaatbon and master david hodge druxarnerv mr b bonafhon a talk on ladles hats was given by mies m jenklnson mfcs b smethurst told how she would spend a million dollars misses b and m standish gave an ne dialogue on radio static a talk on what i learn at school fay miss n smith rouowed mut and jeff were en acted byimr boyd and master jack jenklnson miss d wilson spoke on walking to high school- mr a milam and mr s tennant acted as amos and andy the program was brought to a close when seth parker mr h huntley with his followers cephas and ma- mr and mrs ft jen klnson gave a very enjoyable seth parker program com heath was elected chairman of uielaitsituaclon and whoever are elected to next years council win require to give very careful attention to the towns- affairs others who spoke briefly were sam uel harrison pubuo school trustee j d kelly public school trustee h c dayfoot hydro commissioner and wm church news st oc go cawreh rev w o o thom peon hector o sunday in advent holy communion 8 am sunday school 10 ajn holy com munion 11 1 m evensong 7 pxn st albans osoweh cucaw pm eve sunday school 3 and litany 3 pjn knox chwreh ai the pastor rev dr howard has intimated that he will during the whi ter months deliver a oni of sermons setting forth the messages of the book of the bible united chare rev r w rumley minister mr norman laird choir leader 10 am sunday school and bflue class 11 ajn morning worship sermon and hymn for juniors 7 pjn evening worship jesus our shepherd series on jesus for today ah are welcome at the services value of 288739064 up from 817 a year ago cash central gold reserves stands at 84- s7848s v dumg the period there has been l steady reduction in call loans with the result that call loans outside of can ada are down to 830471135 from 28- 353jw0 while call loans hi canada now stand at 6057800 against 243031 at the end of the previous year cwnent ttailiu osacter as a result of the lessened activity in industry and trade generally cur rent loans continued to recede from the higher levels of more active years and now stand at 83nab313es as com pared with 348j53s448 a year ago deposltb cantinne at a healthy level and would seem to tndirate a desire on the part of the canadian deposit ors to maintain ample savings ac counts during difficult periods total deposits are reported at s848jb3jggs and compare with faa90fl381 a particularly interesting feature of the report is that is shows total as sets of s7esj6st3 with which to meet payment of an nahfnttra to the pub lic of 6b3006j1b leaving an excess of assets over liabilities to the puhuc of t78j80jk4 a r ojv- special far toronto on saturdays only from all points bc4wen kitchener and toronto return fare at cost ot single ticket tickets h on satdkday only positively no atefdnds last bus leaves toronto bay and bloor tefnunal 1130 pm h response to public demand this company announces that commencing saturday november isth 1933 and until further notice that a special sport and show service with excursio fare win be operated on saturdays only for the convenience of those who desire to attend hockey dimes wrestling or boxing bouts or any other attractions tn toronto excursion fare win be return ticket for price of kexhjlar single excursion tickets can only bet purchased at ww and wm not be sold byoxivers tickets win be honoured on any bus going to toronto on satur- oaatof fare no fr of time granted oq excursion extra service win be operated from pronto leaving the ford hotel on saturdays at 1120 pm and at our win terminal bay and bloor streets at 11j0 pxn central ontario bos lines ltd 1191 bay street toronto midway 9881 x midway 9881 t v the profit and loss a reflects the smaller amount of vi offer ing during the year total profits were 468s40o as compared with 33- s86j7s in the p year the dis tributions made from profits were dividends to shareholders gsjmougoo provision for taxes dominion govern ment 457871 reservation for bank premises sloojooo l a balanrm to be carried forward of 145438 this amount added to the balance of 1- 103427 carried forward at the end of the previous year brought the total balance at the end of the fiscal year to 134sjbs the report wm be submitted to shareholders at the ivv niisiliin which win be bead at the head office of the bank of montreal on monday 5th the prisoner at the police court re fused to stop is bring but the magis trate fhiauy managed to get in a sen tence rad io and electric services a full line of radio tubes always in stock occasional lamps for radio hall or nook regardless of where you purchased your radio employ georgetowns exclusive radio and electric service frank c whitmee phone ml have your eyes examined by o t walker d0sc eyesight spwt brampton who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month raone watson8 dsuss 8tokk foe andftment or yaw may mm u o t wauebb ai ass oatoa ha bi the uc- style of glasses at reasonable prices cant p and ueut j hooks sunday next 8unday school at 10 am holiness meeting 11 am si day school and bible class at 3 salvation meeting at 7 pm tuesday 7j0 home league uadles meeting wednesday 8 pxn public m all at 10 am the sunday school meets to study bow to live with people of other races public worship and pleaching s at 11 ajn and 7 pjn the communion of the lords supper wm be oh at the morn ing service monday 8 pjn young peoples onion subject when angels came to men- and if elected will do as ihave stated oounculor oeorge davis ohaurnan of streets and walks said the road ooromttsee had been granted 3500 at first but were later cut down to 3000 and they bad kept within their lim it be gave a detailed s ot wheer the money bad been ea and denied the charge that more mon ey had been spent for leeswork than in previous years the streets in good condition for the money ex pended and be gave credit to his hymti committee and chief mar- shall for the work acco he- thanked his nonuhatorand se and stated he would not be a candi date oounculor a b ipartwehatanah ot the water works said if the ws that de tashw a small grateful too are in to be con gratulated on your su in collecting m s account winch has been on my books a long tune accept my sincere thanks so runs a letter from a new market client dated november 13th perhaps we cap win your ap proval too try us kelly a aiken the collectors obanoev1ixc no oouectian no charge tela est 1cm f great grocery itargaiits onneauy thanbwanf asi0u year and toe opsratis sra stout half ahhvo was w os rstss bat ii was expected at least fooi uia wcsj rs christinas baking needr seesled valencia raisins x rw 29c moconochles cat mlxtsdpssel rwd 21c orange or letnsmi peel 17c new citron peel 27c california white raisins posad 19c fancy australian ciurranto 2 rw 29c aaammaa valencia raisins 2 pc 22c apicnca red cherries raw 39c forney shtd snowball biscuits 10c an urbasaaoy attractive sals of frsshrvuek msrshasi cakes lb magic baajagpowder 1kvtla 34c chdicr 39c shelled walnuts 33c crisp whit pisces or quarters lb 44 pagiuapima pntlsllags ittkato ige campbells assorted so 2- 17c ubi x keens english ni4c24c4ac new figs 2 lbs 19c new rates pusesclean 2 it 25e uptons stoneless cherry carrolls fresh rolled oats 6 19c sweet brand 1 2 rlosstla 23c nestles new condensed 17c ieattt a ivcrt milk next washda use- chipso18c lux lttpi- 19c tomatoes aybacr bread 2 mo2ht2i crnsyrtap cam m beeuw 2 ltia nngget shoe polish 2 tie 23c zeni steve pbliaa ba ise m r a ty lemons 6 foe- main street m 18c onions 10 ox 357 21c etown

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