Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 30, 1932, p. 3

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v o iii a the georgetown hetald wednesday evening november 30th 1932 a winter o underwear time fr here i our stock of fall and winter 1 underwear is more complete than ever before our ladies and childrens new underwear assortment is much more- varied arid includes some very special lines of fine wools and silk-and- wools for ladies we have added some new lines of combinations also in our mens department f first quality goods at lowest prices local news i brill co coiner mn and main st georgetown phone 187 guelph winter fair december 6th 7th 8th unexcelled exhibits of hones beef cattle sheep swine seeds and poultry light hone show tuesday wednesday and thurs day evenings aj atata a anna itmnid tor b vernmaaaees general admission 25 cent reserved seats for evening 25c and 50c extra p j isobwen w wade secretary parliament bldgs toronto do your shopping early tomorrow is the first of december christmas three weeks from sun day stewarttown christmas concert tuesday december 30th 3t sewing wanted by the day price very reasonabte phone 367 george town f 3t norms barber shop brooke block georgetown otoe us a trial your patronage will be appreciated oddfellows dance in the arena i friday dec 2nd good music come and enjoy the evening i it dont forget the mission band tea and sale of homemade baking at the united church dec 3rd at womens institute will meet at the home of mrs robert erwln on wed nesday december 7th the ladles of knox presbyterian church held a successful basaar and tea in the church last saturday a grand little play is what one prominent man of montreal remark cd it is an extra at st georges s a room friday dec 9th 8 pan verdun rebekah lodge will hold a euchre following lodge meeting on tuesday december 6th cards at u0 everybody welcome admission 25c good prises it they say it could never be done but the impossible has tiappcflpifl the slippery eel has been captured come to st georges 8 s room friday dec 9th 8 pjn for the information of those who were not present at nomination meet ing last friday- an rnterim8tatement ls being forwarded to town ratepayers through the mall for the benefit of those who have not yet paid their taxes the collec tor will be in his office waterworks building on wednesdays and satur days from 1 to 5 and 1 jo to or by appointment i ho got away but the next time tab sly bachelor thinks be can have two orturee girls at the same time they are ready lor him he to a marked man hear of this weird plan at st georges sunday school boom friday dec mb 8 pm it only costs a quarter and iswortu a dollar saeseers wilfred qui arthur her bert norman herbert ewaa mcdon ald and harry king had a narrow escape from a serious injury in motor accident near freemans cor ners when returning from the mili tary inspection last saturday nor man pel b was severely bruisde and shaken up the euchre and dance held under the auspices of verdun rebekah alkl orion lodge for members and friends in the oddfellows hall on monday night was well attended and mud enjoyed the prise winners ladles bella wheeler gents jack lucas j t armstrongs melody makers supplied the music the bon ton bridge club held a bridge and dance under the auspices of the local council of women at the home of mayor macfcensto in aid of the central relief committee on saturday night the prise winners were bridge ladies margaret ken nedy gents h p cameron prise for 13th highest score yvonne adams spotlight dance constance deans and wilfred leslie persqnals mr c k berrfngton of durham was a visitor in town on friday mrs woo thompson is spending a week in st catharines the guest of miss richardson miss ada lane of toronto spent mr and mrs mr john toronto speni home of mr mr and the engagement of their amy daugh ter mary alleen to wesley ryerson douglas ba sen of rev w hand mrs douglas of lynden cmtttrhe marriage to take place in college week end at the mcdermid m moore announce norval the weekly meeting of nerval yjpj3 opened with hymn followed by prayer oy mr mrkmnon minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted few matters of business were discussed and the meet ing was then turned over to mr nor ton the devotional convenor this par of the program yrymi with hymn oi master let me walk with thee miss e adams read the scripture the top was taken by miss h ajjams mr nghtt gave an address on the tones a duet was then rendered by atr geo bignell and q preston reading by the convenor a contest was started to continue throughout the rn meet ing closed with hymn and benedic tion umehouse if i e n- why delay do it now let us charlge your oil to the correct winter grade as given by the car manufacturer check the ignition system and carburetor to make your car start easy even in the coldest weather fill the radiator with antifreeze we stock the following alcohol 65 overproof anti frostine glycerol pure glycerine and e prcfstqu speights garage rake specialists phone 2w georgetown bucks highest quality at real we sell for cash again this week end you can buy best porterhouse roasts 1 5c prime rib toasts rolled 15c shoulder roasts loc rump roasts lie young roasting pork trimmed loins lie fiesh shoulders 7c lean side pork 8c peamealed bacon our own sugar cured by the piece 14c shced breakiast bacon 15c crosse t blackwell tomato catsup a for 35c phone p f we deliver keep this data open the womans auxiliary of st john church s will bold a sale of homemade ha ring and afternoon tea in the council chamber on dee and sale opens at 3 oclock 3t high schawl the high school commencement concert to be held tomorrow thurs day in the gregory theatre promises to be of unusual interest there will be choruses and dances and two one- act pavys miss joy fawceu of to ronto the brilliant soprano will tug it will begin promptly at sjs on sunday evening under the aus pices of the mission band dr abd mrs b o agnew of torontogave a most interesting picture talk on china there was a good attendance and one enjoyed the program mr and mrs draff of churchill spent sunday wh mr and mm c meredith mr 8 gasby and mr arthur ben ton visited mr richie benton at plat- tsville during the week end mrs j n newton spent the week end with her sister in toronto mr and mrs wm dowdy mrs c gale mrs j meredttt and mm f brown attended thefamual meeting of the womens tnstltnte at the royal york hotel toronto last week misses margaret and jessie young of acton spent sunday with miss packer mr and mrs john arrowsmito and children visaed mrs swackhamer on sunday forum meeting last sunday the first address of a series arrang ed by georgetown forum dr puhhc affairs was given in the sunday school room of knox presbyterian church on sunday afternoon last there was a good representative gathering of ladiesr and gentlemen present mr a maclaren chairman briefly explained the purpose and alms of the forum committee and asked that there be frank discussion am those present after the address he then i professor hxm cassidy social o department univer sity of toronto who spoke regarding the citizens responsibility for unem- ploymeht after rnthg out that the introduction of new machinery and overproduction by uncontrolled competitive producers etc etc had great deal to do with the present un employment and depression be sug gested as a remedy that the domin ion oovemment regulate industry by advance plannlngpof public works con trol of production control of prices control of speculation regulation of investments etc he iwrhsm trusts snd believed the chain store was a good thing for the country there were some pointed questions and considerable discussion following the address following are the dales of future meetings new adver page 3 tisements heading strictly cash with miss lamb practical maternity kursk by day or week for parjxualrs phone mr 6 qeorge- r town r r no t georgetown house to rent on john street with 11 convenl enoes easily heated apply smythe main st u um the problem of stodal hospitalisation unemployment old age and other insurances miss margaret gould executive secretary child welfare council of toronto sanday jaansary sth ism some modern phases of municipal administration pr horace l brittata direotor oltrarns research institute of canada boarders wanted two boarders wanted young couple preferred all home comforts apply box m herald st wanted a childs secondhand cot and high- chair must be reasonable in price apply mrs mrjiran box 468 george town po lip for sale 7 room house small orchard and 2 acres land very reasonable apply to mrs alfred collins p o box 495 georgetown itp wood wanted two or three acres of standing suitable for wood bert howe george town up ta v balunafad the annual ohrtsvmao bntertsts ment of the united church sunday school will be held on friday evan ing december 23rd- remember the date the november meeting of the wan- ens missionary society was held at the home of mrs 8 h lindsay on wednesday pm mrs f w shprtul presidmg the bsrie reading from romans 8 chapter was given by mrs d moknery miss a sbortill gave a very interesting account of die work done by the strangers dent of the wmj and the watch tower which was in charge of mrs j mckechnie added much to the dance a a dance will be held in the town ship ball on tuesday dec 8th under the anmlcrs of the glee crab a four piece orchestra will supply the music lunch served admission 5c come and lave a real evenings fun the gois are fai and are forming a ing shorter courting hours it there is some dissection among them as many claim that in spite of an the regulations of the union there would be overtime they are organising any way at st georges sunday school room friday dec sth 8 pm just a quarter for a dollars worth ji kechnie ad sandy mc- of mrs a former resident were a- prtse winners at upper kechnie mang the canada college toronto where were presented by the earl and teai of bessborough on wednesday of last week james who is now a stud est at queens university came up for the occasion rev r s boyd and rev woo thompson attended the farewell accorded bishop owen in the cathed ral sehoolbous on monday evening by the womena auxiliary and the energy of the d addresses an pre were made by the arch deacons the wa and the aypa his lordship irav vary gracious ly t all in the diocese who had cooperated with him so pteaaant- regjm ipsasiilliiu the regimental inspection of lome rifles scottish of haltoivtsbk place at burlmgton on hattnrlaynafternoon last inspection was carried out by ool h f h nertabem and officers of the district and staff at the conclu sion of the inspection ool h expressed himself as well satisfied with the showing which the regiment made under major oousens the cop donated by major oousens for comp etition between companies in efficiency and drm was won by t go of georgetown and acton the lornc rifles scottish band of george were in for the first lime in their plaid troos there was s good attendance at knox presbyterian church last thurs day evening when simpson avenue united church choir under the lead ership of mr fred r seattle render ed a highclass program that was real treat for all present the num bers by the choir were wen given and includ both sacred and secular choruses a ladies octette a male cburusof ten voices and a trio were all wa receiv one of the attrac tive warmers cjfo tiie program was a piano and organ duet by miss grace patterwn ltx3j snd mtas beth van velaer axiom mha beth kuia mtas muriel grant mr a mqton and mr o good all contrliuted solos which added greatly to the tau iob may davey was the elocutionist the ammniamista fbr the evening were mlsa oracs pajoerpon utx31l mta beth van vehjer atx3m and mlss rt dtftvop the li of the choir weje entertained td a deudous umobeon by the ladles of kbos ohureji-ptof- to tat tam arrangements were made for the annual meeting which will be held at the manse fourth wednesday in december miss ida bennett of virden man is the guest of mrs f w shorttu the happy helpers mission band held their thank offering social on friday evening when then- friends turned out in goodly n to en joy the wen rendered pro which they pi the otnoruses rec itations and mouth organ nu re ceived very hearty art and the play the house of do-what-you- can which was interpretea in a very pleasing manner by the girls demon strated the trubh that ravjgjjnem comes from the task which is well done even though jt may be a humble one refreshments were uuiimi and the treasurer reported s vuy satisfactory amount added to the funds of the so ciety the mission band to to he con gratulated on the success of their ef fort rev mr neul of hornby had charge of the sendee in the united ahuron on sunday morning he also hainan ed the young peoples society in the evening when be gave them an ac count of life in the western states as he saw it rev mr aitken taking the services at ashgrove and hornby it bemg wmjb sunday at bethel mrs aitken gave the address a request tor second hand clothtng or new material for ns law been received any one hawiqk shy- thing to contrflmtf wol kindly leave it at mtas a bborvllls this week a the need is urgent and goods should be shipped st an early date respond promptly saasay fearaary sth ism labors point of view connor secretary ontario labor parly saaday february uxby ism the fanners pomvof view wo good farmer near paris a leader in all tanners o for years saaday march mb iso international peace miss elisa beth p manoalhim ufcbridge former ly of research staff foreign policy association new york sawssy april iso a l mccrtmmon ma uld pro fessor of christian education sociol ogy and theology mcmastirr university hamilton sbbsay april st 1su can we achieve bocial justice what am the first stepsf- professor john line collage toronto uel pboflr crowded theatre to hear splendid program halton anq house of refuge farsa crops and stock oasd a we corbuder that we ham had s very successful year the farm craps were good and theuvo stock hava done wen bo stated thomas h elliott when pres a report to the oommlssianers of the peel and halton house of refuge st the county council session last weal the cattle purchased a ly during the seven years of ids term jor feeding to fatten he went on as bishop of niagara srere killed during is killed during last winter a part of the carcasses was used for the home snd the balance was sold a large portion of the butter used dur ing the year was mads on the farm the small balance on hand at the beginning of the year along with extra eipendttures it necessary to can for 1060 from each county an order was made by the inspec tor of public institutions that n the attic is to be used for s quar ters fire escapes wul have to be pro vided although erection of same vrill entail an outlay of sl00o the comnussloners f this would he less expensive than to provide other aotommodatkn for those now sleeping in the attic this will another call upon feel and halton for funds receipts daring the year amou to s1ixs33j8 and exprnam 1048bjst this leaves a balance on band ot oljn an inventory of stock and produce was attached to the report winch was favourably received by the council champion la over it looks very much as if the dep ression was over on satu last nov asth a cow belonging to mr w a betsey -on- his fans adjoining georgetown gave- birth to three calves all are strong and healthy and doing one thanks i take this onrjertontty of the ratepayers for electing me- as dcuulor jprowardl by s for us9 throughout the cordmf year i shall welcome the coo sad advice of all the ratep m hejp- tng me to serve you sotessfuny the gregory theatre was packed to the doors on sunday night when the lome rifles bcotish band under the leadership of bandmaster perrott gave another of their popular concerts an added attraction on this occas ion was the uteu of john robert son canadas premier cornet soloist and leader of toronto police silver band who was on the prgram for two numbers but owing to the pro longed and repeat applaus from the large gathering very graciously gave five numbers during the evening be is a wonderful cornet soloist and tola selections were much enjoyed the very rax urn ni row ed by the band was as follows wanted wanted to rent small poultry house or stable near main street apply at herald office up bowse to rent all modern con uance paper mediate rent moderate georgetown weve done our christmas shopping early and so we are ready with a wonderful assortment of holiday gifts includjng siljt and wool all suk silk and wool full fashioned hose at 150 and 175 silk and wool silk and lisle and misses arid childs stockings pure at and all angola 100 125 39c wool 39c and 49c 39c to 100 150 to 20 25 near al- lm- phone 38 to six room frame house on charles st furnace apply to j w kennedy tt brick house 8 rooms and bath an conveniences possession 1st dec king st opposite greenhouses apply to t w treanor phone issw george town tf on nov 1st ls3a or before it block two storeys op oten road close to factories furnace water and light sink in kitchen newiy decor ated apply w b anthony box su brampton tf tw rent to rent on mnrdock street immediately ah convenl- hamuwus u b new ceatpoolt to dig old cess pools cleaned on short notice washing and any other work james williams box us a r oolman general tracking service and w yard general trucking at a0 times and garbage removed weekly at lowest rates phone ml n wood hymn rock of ages the band much colonel bogey- march the orandroastvr hawaiian trtd man ism nt bros march on the mau march the mkmy vlolln sojo agt jank ttiompsoo accompanied by mrs w f bradley night to june comet solo wsmlii iii i john hob by mob leavttt march t dlggtos thnrstoa t band hawaiian ttvii marrhmmit bros match national emblent marco under the double eagle- comet bo jja s john rob ertson accompanied by miss leavttt hymntoh dod of bethel by whose hand regsnentsl march the osmpbelh are ooming ceby friday rscembcr ind by whose mystery rides the rails snd love salves the riddle atrrtis ben lyon and barbara weeks ooanedy tts got me again hoaetty the regular trooper fox news saturday p 3rd matinee at 3 pm- double feature bill mtas pinkcrt adapted from the novel by mary roberts rtnehart starring joan blonde hell bent for frisco- ouv door action picture tuesday and wednesday december sth and 7th pmn nights the ghost train british picture mystery melodrama with the funny lanky fel low jack bmtnrt of sunshine susie- fame comedy chapter 8 the mystery trooper- does own floasevwrk at 70 with the help of kruschen for nine years now i have used knisehen salts snd could not do with out them i take a third of a tea spoon in a cup of water as hot as i can drink it no sickness no head aches now i am 70 years of age in april and just with talcing kninchem salts am able to do all any housework duties myself i l kniseh en sans to art my ndgnbours before i began taking it i was never away from the doctor but now i never need him i used to have stek headaches and then was not able to do any thing but now r is different thanks to knisehen sana ours j g kruschen keeps the organs of the body working actively cleanses ell clog ging impurities from the system and sends clear vigorous blood co through the veins and the resukt and end to an lifes minor fljs and miseries no more headaches tired ness depsesslon nerves or ouislllp- atkn tnntearl a amsatton of dellght- furireshness high apntbt happy out- lookin short sheer good health woo for sale cooke maple birch and mixed wood st lowes nrloetw tots qeuiseaiisu no 1 hardwood beech and maple 300 hardwood limbs and mixed wood s37s rafts swo any quantity 6 in blocks of hardwood for quebec heaters s3jk prices are for delivered j h smith hru wood for sale choice hardwood beech and maple at 328 per single cord mixed wood ta75 per single cord rails at s3jm per single cord special price given on 4 single cords for cash fl in blocks of hardwood for quebec beaters at sms per cord j brandford is or xtsj mortgage sale eight acre parcel w land in the township of esquesmg in the county of halton under and by virtue of the pow ofoale co in a certain mort gage there win be offered for sale by public auction on flslai day the ssveedeeash day af dae- emaer lsb at the hour of u0 oclock in the afternoon at the hotel mcglaaoa in the town of georgetown in the county of halton that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the township of ssquesmg in the county of helton consisting of approttmstely eight acres and being comprwed of part of the south half of the west half of lot number twentythree hi the ninth c of said township of xs- questng and more particularly des cribed by metes and bounds in in denture of mortgage registered in the registry office for the county of halton as number 1s43b for the township of aauuestng on the above mentioned ptup there is said to be erected a onestorey frame cottage and small bam the above p will be offered for sale abject to a reserve bid for further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to messrs graham graham and bowyer brampton ontario solicitors for the mortgagee dated this first day of december ibsa frank fetch 3t niwtlillfcpipi mortgage sale residential froferties under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort gage there win be offered for sale by public auction on satontay he seven teenth day af december mm at the hour of a jo oclock in the afternoon at the basel meglbben in the town of george in the county of halton those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate lying and being in the town of georgetown in the county of halton and being des- ftrstly town lot number seven on the east side of main street and west ot temperance street accor ding to s plan and survey made by obishokn miller fiji and secondly town lot number one hundred and thirtyseven on the northeasterly side of charles street in the said town of georgetown acc ording to yonge and barbervt survey of the said town on the parcel firstly described there is said to be erected a one and one- half storey frame cottage onrna of six rooms on the parttel secondly dfcsortad there is said to be erected a two- storey frame dweumg house in good repair the above p will tie ottered for sale subject to a lu bid for further partkmlara and condi tions of sale apply to muaurs ora- ham oraham and bowyer brampton ontario bometto for the mortages this first day of m gloves ladies colored suede gloves ladies kid gloves ladies lined kid jpjoves handkerchiefs ladies handkerchiefs in fancy boxes 3 in a box at 25c 35c 50c 65c 5e 100 misses handkerchiefs 2 in box 15c 20c 2sc a large assortment of plain and fancy handkerchiefs trom 5c to 50c underwear woods lavender night dressestf 275 woods lavender slips pinkarid peach 175 woods silk bloomers 59c vests to match 59c woods silk knickers 95c woods silk vests 125 v wool underwear turnbulla ceetee wool vests 100 to 3j0 bloomers to match japanese silk kimonas 2j50 to 3j0 ladiofuinsveiling handworked bed jacket 290 silk sets ladies and misses vests and bloomer sets 100 up extra large size bloomers 95c turkish towels a large assortment of turkish towels new colors and new prices the largest and best assortment ever shown in georgetown linens a lovely range of linen towelling linen towels from linen bridge sets bed spreads suk rayon bed spreads 80x100 sweaters a lovely group of pullovers the latest in color and style simplicity patterns 15c agents for langleys cleaners and dyers we deliver lie to 35c 10c to 50c 175 to 30 275 to 495 1 mcbean co ontario georgetown change of train service effective december 4 1932 train no 31 le toronto at 810 am and arriving at stratford 9js0 u will be can celled train no will leave to ronto at 73s am instead of 7js0 ajn as heretofore and wm arrive at stratford at 103s am connecting at toronto with no it from montreal and no 7 from ottaweno 28 will make necessary additional stops be tween toronto and stratford for further partleulars of these snd other changes consult ct17s cantthan natiimal rys flowers plants designs and wedding boqtjetb j preater florist phone iso lyla frajkis beauty sboppe maweeumg permanent waving flnsjar waving shampooing ate phone 141 stp tr wood for sale choice maple hardwood and cedar ralls at right prices orders left at a humes or at my home phone bow promptly a to a livingstone browns bakery try our homemade pork pies honey doajghmifg fried cakes apple and pumpkin pies for saturday you will like them and price is right m browns bakery swaay katy kafea car omars 5tr was never a verr vtrong girl and her work in a laundry taxed hor stranstb aevarsbj in order to save as much as shtf could to hlp out at home aha used to walk loaa- bloeka to her roomlnghouaa ana the chans from ta staamlaaen ntmoaphara of tho iaunsrjr to th oold or the outald was aiao harm- ra she esught a bad cold which she could not shaka off and when urn doctor was called a found that aha had consumption sh was ant to the toronto boa- bltal for consumptlvaa and al- loart wrj downcast at flrat ah had not ban thar long bnrore aha daclded that aha waa fortunate in deed far within a abort time tha wonderful traatment and ear which aha received began to hava their efltoct sha has gained in wabrbt nl aunny spirits hava re turned and during her working hour aha la able to knit bas jackata for other pauaats i v and nnnaaa am hopa- rnl that aba will aooa ba wall anougfa to return to work but ifit pltal her chance for recovery wonk have bean amajl wauioi the hospital naada funds bow- ii p carry onm work wul you belpby sandhur gmo aid its odiagtvu 1 counter check books 3 flbasavaleskfigcsbavbaasgb flaawavavstavsbhhb get your supply of counter check books at the herald office o as vt ka

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