Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 30, 1932, p. 4

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a- a i y r page 4 the georgetown herald wedritsday eveillrg novtajber 30th 1932 lions club of georgetown presents k m m- gregory theatre thurs dec 8lh 1932 at 8 oclock pan admission foodstuffs such as groceries canned goods vegetables bread tickets milk tickets r bring an order on your grocer 4 butcher p to be dutribnted through central relief cftwirnil lee there will be a lucky number draw at this concert i na robinspn live slock dealer and bucr uorval live stock trucking an load fully insured phone georgetown 10113 of o with every oe bobhstt order from now until 1st of december price 7 burner 3200 9 burner 3500 double 7 for ranges 4000 triple 7 for furnaces with necessary equip ment 5700 it go to a tree when you grow weary of the boasts of men go to a tree my friend one that baa stood long patient years within a silent wood beneath its branches you will find again a thing long lost trees are content to be as ood created them no bough that turns ka golden thoughts to autumn ever yearns beyond a fcmm immortality oo to a tree in silence you will find in the soft eloquence at bud and leaf serenity beyond the voice of grief and faith about the reach of human kind man spends hie noisy days in search of gain while trees find ood in sunligbt soil and mm dubhah exhibitor sets record at royai fair the following taken from the darharn chronlrlr of last week refers t i georgetown bmoet farm owned by mr o s tfetxmgtbn of durham brake all rec ords at the royal wmter pair in the buff orpington class and just about estafcusbed che fact that it is the pre mier poultry farm in ontario if not in all canada the prizes won were second oock first and third hen se cond cockerel that and third pullet first old pen and first young pen the specials won were oipington club special silver cup for best cook hen cockerel and pullet orpington club special rtbbon or crssmplori best colored male orpington olub special ribbon for champion best shaped fe male orpington olub special riw for champion young pair and the royal winter fair diploma for cham pion display sunset farm won no less chan nve trophies and what this means wol be appreciated when we state chat this to the list timein the history of the royal that any corbsbttor has s ceeded in carrying off more than one not only breaking all previous records sunset finn bare has no doubt set up a record which may never again be equalled something to be proud of indeed the traphtes won were the mcneul memorial trophy for best cook ben cookfeel and pullet in rsngusb class- feather fancterv trophy tor beat cockerel end pullet in show to which class there was competition of over sxm entries western canada pioneer 100 cup for ch pen in show toronto association shield for best c of o to capture these prises sunset farm had a total of 14 single and two pen entries 34 birds in an aside from the honor of the outstanding distinction in capturing these prises at one of the best winter fairs in america mr her- rington and bis sunset farm has cer tainly put durham on the map as poultry centre we tender congrat ulations to our townsman news and lofgptianon for the busy farmer the fourteenth ca seg lay ing contest got away to a goodstart at ottawa in november most of the birds were received in excellent con- ditkmaod appeared to be outstanding in quality honey producers will be in to learn that canadian exhibitors cap tured eleven prizes in the honey sec tion of the imperial fruit show held in btngley hall birmingham bnglandj in october these included one first sixfseccoas and four thirds fael wood industry ba in ontario another example of tile ontario farmers ingenuity under present oon dltloos commented j a carroll dir ector markets branch ontario de partment of agriculture is illustrated by the fact that he is using bartering and belling wood for fuel until com paratively recently the fuel wood in dustry bad amost ceased today however it is a pnmmon sight to see wood being moved along country roads towards the city or from one farm to another in many cases where a direct sale cannot be made i understand chat farmers have adopted the resourceful idea of using fuel wood to meet their bills or hig4t it for other pro ducts c canadian pacific welcomes cooperation but opposes compulsory arbitration ew beatty kc chairman and president jrtakes vigorousprotest against proposed arbitral board in presenting companys case before senate committee considering legislation to implement duff report vtaua to stock sards profitable to phone 222w sb groat bo kaosoomb and jtjmble8 dainty bmss to serve with tea coffee or fruit punch after bridge or- when the ladles aid meets at your home hew ate two recipes that satisfy 1 cop sugar k teaspoon ssm sett whites stiffly beaten 1 can coconut southern style 1 squares mwweatmirrl choco late malted teaspoon vanilla combine sugar and salt bold grad ually into egg whites fold in coco nut chocolate and vanflla drop from toanpntm on greased baking sheet bake in slow oven 275 degrees 7j 30 christmas w e have a nice selection of christmas cards which we can supply with your name and greetings printed thereon at a reasonable price- m see our samples m i ooeoaurt cream jsmbles s cups sifted flour 3 teaspoons baking poasevr 1 teaspoon salt j 1 cup sugar 3egs well beaten 1 cup heavy cream cop e premium shred sut flour ones measure add baking powder and salt and sift again add sugar gradually to- eggs add floor ei- temately with eraam mixing well add coconut cub rou kin thick on jlchtb floured board dradgf with sugar out with lappa round editor bake to hot oven degrees f is to ibmmutes makat 3 doaen 3vt inch t have only ten platform speaker begin at hi mantel- shouted a bored the back of the halt minutes and said tl tts nto- to if my advice were asked com mented oamet h duncan live stock- investigator ontario marketing board i would suggest that those feeding for veal purposes could profit by fre quent visits to the market in this way the producer would acquire a knowledge of market requirements also i would suggest that the producer compare his stock with that of others rather than concentrate his entire attention on his own stock recently a quantity of calves was sought by a buyer from mew york- quality offered was the only feature that operatedfagainst a brisk market as a matte of fact 838 calves were offered and only 7s of thai number would meet the required quality for export this trade is operi to the producer quality for export this trade is opt to the producer for a considerable portion of the year nine months and when a surplus of calves exist there u noquestion in my mind that cultivating such a mar ket thus relieving congestion is of vital importance to the producer sugar bash i yjiime while no fee to required for license for a sugar bush or orchard the maple products act requires that all owners of sugar bush of orchard obtain a license for their operations not later than the end of december in each year a great many applications for licenses or renewals have already been received by the dominion fruit branch and the value of these to pro ducers becoming better known is do ing much to develop and tt- the indust canent crap report according to reports from middle sex brant and other counties cattle have gone into winter quartos in bet ter than usual condition pastures never having been better than through out the entire ub grazing season wellahd reports fall wheat gotog in- lnto winter in excellent condition with fin top fall plowing operations were brought to a halt by cold wnarnfir jn nnmerus districts wsufc in bast- era ontario reports that cattle have come into stables in tower condition than last year and that with a sear city of food and a general overstock ing on mart ww one would expect ry twn 4etfkj in the spring pom five to- three dollars fe mint moneyjtttals less e che entjy feeslji now osrtfc shew us e a h martin ontario beei worlds oram show bag barn sejvawi by the authorities at begins that entry fees have been materially red to classes where primvmorjey amounts to s2400 or more theentry fee has been reduced from ove to- three dodars ami where f than kf400 tljo instead ofsloo the maiuement felt that this charge would be more ip tf wllti present conditions ami that prospsc4 tlve axhtmors would welcome the m- duomon in fees as a result of this action- a domdqjerabw bjkrjsase is look ed for n the number of ali fa the co ohtsms it fays to vkfjak rags the low price of pork and pork ducts very often results hi the tag of many unfinished bogs this in turn forces the inarket to a tower level and results in many cases to losses to the producer whereas the sals of a flntshed product would have welcoming the suggestion of cooperation snd volun tary agreement but vigorously protesting against the proposed arbitral board and compulsory ar bitration el w beatty kc chair man and president canadian pa cific railway recently stated the case for bis company before the senate railway comoiitteecanbld- ering legislation to implement re- commennsllonsmaap by the royal commission on hallways and transportation in canada against the principle of compulsory ar- bltratjon e m- bodled in part til of the bui the company most enter its most vigorous protest- mr- beatty declaim qq fs supk rnsrlon of the subjects enum erated in sec tion 19 he mr a w amor continued wijl cw uj promt show that the the arbitral tribunal embraces matters of so great importance as to amount to virtual control tn all major branches of its under taking take alone the subjects of joint terminals and the pooling of traffic the former are the nerve centres of railway operac ubns and the latter involve the whole benefits received from such operations it is to be open to either party to propose measures involving these vital matters and if agreement is not reached both the princlplevof the proposal and the terms on which it is to be car ried out are tobe left to arbitra tion it wul be noted that every one of the subjects involve ques tions of policy questions of ad ministration and underlying both of those questions of finance and for that reason they are in my submission not fit and proper to be determined by arbitration the company welcomes the suggestion of voluntary agreement as to such matters they are quite proper ly the subject pf voluntary co operation put the company a startled by the suggestion that they may e forced upon it by an authority not responsible to its shareholders control by a tri bunal constituted as proposed should not be imposed upon a pri vately owned railway company operating in competition with the government baoways the sweeping character of the arbitration feature of the bill is shown by the provisions of sec tion 17 which declares that it la to extend to all disputes between the two companies probably this expression was intended as ind- dental to the measures of coope ration enumerated in section lfc but in any case it opens u a reryvide field of jurisdiction as to the arbitral tribunalsjt will be observed that whether mey of three or five mem- bersthe canadian pacific is in every case to have a voice in the apnomrjnant of- only one mem or the board in the last ai sis therefore the company be completely divested of control of its property in favour of an outside authority i cannot too strongly urge upon yon the seri ous nature of this feature of the bui as well from the standpoint of public policy as of the rights snd interests of the abareholders of the canadian pacific to control of its undertaking as provided by the yir statu tory law the company takes no exception regulations through theboard of railway connrusslmvp era and the control of rates faci lities and services in the interest of the public is a proper subject of legislation but part m of the proposed bill la a very different dnuter if t be the ttew of parliament that paope shall pw con trolled and directed by mother aid independent tribunal whose decisions shall be final and bmd- tng on thsj c pacloo then i would suggest for your consid eration that the government of canada and the canadian pacific should enter into an agreement for a period of years by which the company would agree to this form of administration upon re ceiving protection to the holders of its securities and shares that consideration behuawven because of the relmatnsbaiwit of the-eon- trol of their own property during the term of suli agreement in leading up to his statement of the cornpanya position mr beatty pointed to the great part the company has played tn the upratlujns of canada and argued that the proposed arbitral board was n fact an invasion of- the opmpanys charter rights riights mg the road and thus making confederation an established factr during the fifty years of its existence the companys under taking lias expanded with fhe growth of the country he said ontu its property investment now represents more than tli00000- 000 held by not ess than 180000 share and aeeurtty holders fever g00jm pf whom are canadians since 490s the company has is sued tx7ooo00oo ordinary capital stock at an average premium of 41 receiving therefor s381616- 000 all without expense to the do minion direct or nalrect at that average price a dividend or 6 yields a return of only l3k to the shareholders on their in vestment it la my bubmiaalon to your committee that the magni tude of their undertaking and its tance to the country entitle to consideration in any le gislative measure affecting their control of their property they have provided canada with a transportation service on land and sea that la unexcelled in the wottd and there is no part of her settled territory and no phase of her commerclaijlfe and wel fare that is not touched by the operations of the company and concerned m tbet continued suo- cjbss of 1u enterprise as the bbyal cboimlsaii company is can payer its tax last ten years ai 7000xilt per its lncorporati ward of u6f tag the last fifteen years it has enntrabnted to the federal ex- ebequer thesnm of f 85b0oo0o as a dtlseh it baa contributed its full share to testltutiona of a pub- llo nature- for the advancement of social and eonunerclal welfare the company he contended has been the foremost agency in can ada hi the work of colonisation i and development and as a war effort had been able to advance or guarantee to the um pire cause more than 1100000000 and to furnish means of transpor tation for approximately 100000ca soldiers and 4000000 tons of war supplies mr beatty r rod to the con solidation oi the government rail ways ten years ago the ca national bad at once begun an active and aggressive campaign pf competition backed by the credit and resources of the government to alleviate the situation arising out of that eompetluon the bui proposed close cooperation be tween the canadian national and has said the as largest tblll durinj gedmorethan sum and since it baa paid up- in taxes bur- the canadian pacific in order to grantedlt tn tol so far as the canadian paclflo is concerned he continued we would accept a statutory direction that we should cooperate because w are willing to oooperate we are satisfied that a fuller measure of oooperatloa will e secured from three causes first the ne cessities pf he situation second ly the statutory direction liy par liament that this should be a mat ter of policy bj the private com pany and thirdly because of the creation of a board of trustees specially charged with the duty of carrying out the policy of parlla- ment in this respect i observe in some of the ad dresses delivered in the senate upon the bill that some phases of the measure were advocated or accepted in the belief apparently that there was no other alterna tive which would bring about the economies so sorely required quuea obviously there is only one war in which the maximum eco nomies are obtainable and thaf la unification for the purpose of ad ministration whether for a limit- ed number of years or for a long term the royal commission haa considered and rejected such a plan for reasons therhsteax- plained in the beport but there canjbe no doubt of its very great rages from the point or view economy and efficiency i axa not an alarmist nor am i a pessimist so tar as canada is concerned i commend however to the committee the conclusions in the last paragraph of the be- port of the boysmcqmnusklon as to the effect r on the dominions finances and on the compsnys position unless we take heed of the present grave situation and adopt drastic measures to correct it i have already said that t regard the railway problem aa the most vital domestic roblem confronting the canadlaa people in spite of its imneytsnce there is a great lack of understandhuf r of what the real facta art and hi consequence there has been until recently very widespread apathy about it ifr beatty potnten out thai tha royal commission had found that the identity of the two ranways should be maintained- ai that there should be mmdwdn of co operation wtut a continuance of competition a niaxlmumtojy good win wouldbe necessary to reconcile competition and coope ration and he believed that tetter results could be obtained through friendly effartalhan through an arbitral tribunal the very fact that higher authority exists will toad to relax these effrta vr wa res- ponsibnity h deelareajhsurga this in the interest of bath om- pantes and kill peculiar com- meqtary on the logio of the com- missions findings when wo read that consolidation for the purposa of administration is rejected be cause it would put top gveat power tn the hands of a few man tblafsnenaoe in thekr- judgment is overcome by putting it into the hand qf one man 8m shown a profttjn times of depression the advantages of marketing only su perior quality products are even more marked than when prices are ugh for example in uw when hot selling for 13 cento per pound or more the premium on a select hoe was si an tocreane in the value of a 300 pound hog of 4jt per cent m ibm with a price of 4 cents per pound the tn in value on a select bog is 139 per cent ehnusriy the peroettt- age dockage on grades below bacon is increased with decrease in bog prices hoswy sgratat umin kmrts are aided by a saurld short honey crop peitlcularty tn the large quality pro- dnemg ou california and mast zealand ontario honey la being eaga ly sougjht by british buyers the sit uation b further strehgthened by a short crop on the pi ah le with the re sult chat a ooiendcrahle volume is be ing shipped west by hadhndual pror docem local prices have ftrated bout 03c per pound and few bsekespr era are spttrmr for less than iosspar pound for net qtajuty modnpe the ontario honey a asbossstidn stated recently they bad handled to date some 0mm0 pounds ss4 were prepared to export this s up to a rnullon pounds of white and sssdaa grades of suttahle quakty the rnarlset sttoatlan is isfadjy with the that th suftlus on hand of the past few years wtfl be entirely cleared up before the 133 crop willbe available canadians learn canada f v nasi special ai utolvin and winter display 6f i of unportedfawy le scarfs r slt v- rvv jj rvlade to order and reti by rehjjfe finn if you have some thing to sell whisper it to yoursev but tell it to all your neighbors through our trinthe r jl into tbemajor cities fj thmdtrn wtlad 09 tstlel train tllv i t jpp4ij t zt m ilitu 4 f as wel as intaimdhr trsvtfvhtopeengrranan unpreoedenterltnipetus by the pobcyof the cttnaoubnpaclflobsuway in hv troduolng the low bargain return excursion feature into the conms actwtltoirhtg the mrrent blito februsjy lasi and up mid- tn noterhber art- the- bast of cahada the ranway vubmiqtmi- rlvesva figure of 8or- iebwohsrvvalled themjelvn of these ospomsxmnrtta to familiarise tjiamia ex- i jemsuvea oountrvsiae of ouunj jn ay fu t totlib doorg iif the city dweller and tmedpieot the dtlea have learned to et soquahited with their fellowcltoens of other cities to d degree probably unparalleled la canadiah history y this innovation in railway operation distances have- been annlmlitwl fey these extremely low tares and trotti the uarltlme jwvlnetorto alontxeal- fnsh montreal to the bor ders of we ontario to the capital of canada to the ancient jetty of quebec to toronto london and 6a to windsor detroit and chicago and to scorafv intermediate places there la scarcely a point that ma nohx wtt d others brought into close touch small ad column many of our readers have been selling to the public consistently for many years past now jus mpavtjaaewb when a little spare cash is most wel come why not offer some implement or other article no longer of use to you at a real bargain to another who cant afford it new at present n- ia- m r nrw-

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