Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 7, 1932, p. 1

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1 t the georgetown herald y tart 150 per annum in advance 200 to usjv sixtysixth year of publication the georgetomfn herald wednesday evening december 7th 1932 the georgetown herald i m moore pahlbher and proprietor canadian weekly newspaper aaaoclatlob gnr time table standard time going east passenger and mall 1020 am passenger s27 pm passengers for toronto 9 44 pjn sundays going east f passenger 813 pjn passengers for toronto r 44 pm going west passaqgar passajbgex sunday yassenger passenger pawauifcrir sunday 440 am 856 ajn 30 put 645 pjn 10 is pjn 155 ajn 128 pjn going north mau and passenger going soatti mau and passenger arrow inct eased bus seihce j5 ajn iojsb ul sundays am holidays only 1268 pjn sm tun sjs6 pjn 1068 pjm 715 ajn dally except sunday m ajn 1j5 pm 440 pm 706 sundays and holidays only 9jb pm daily reduced fare to holders of season ticket tickbxf and bwobaftion at longs directory lb roxmxale banuat and sauettsar qeorgetown ontario omoeaoregory theatre bldavmffl st lions club ofgeprgetown presents ft j9 lions night gregory theatre thurs dec sib 1932 at 8 oclock pan admission foodstuffs such as groceries canned goods vegetables bread tickets mux tickets or bring an order on your grocer or butcher proceeds to be distributed through central relief committee there will be a lucky number draw at this concert clabkncb it wiogkks solicitor netaay lahtte mtst ninin block oc c telaphone 158 isasiam graham lalbowltm lu ate b ontario ft o orafaam x b graham o h kbhnkth m lanodtw sauettar notary rebs main street sooth georgetown w b watson bjub marion pbixbt ljx8 0 to i except hftaiiliinrai w u bxath ljx8 djda dentist mnr in lane block ana door nortb of oneuta carriage factory hours 0 am to pjn chiropractic todxson- taa cadmbaetar 19 yeara praottoe 2sasmviar- office onr dnmlnlnn basra monday wednesday and saturday x to 8 and 7 jo to jo pm and boms by ap inj frank petch ucknsxd auctioiatntjk ike oa law at rati aaal bartow pitaupt sendee georgetown slrs monuments pofttlock a ingham dupiapnrs to qatar worm sa new way to buy coal blue coal and welsh anthracite on orders par 1 taa of paa or mara no extra delivery charges to mobyas stbwabttowrl gun williams nam school mat owing a fast a john mcdonald ptkbfb urn oamwokalisf whats your name the store manager asked the young ap- puoaat for a job soott replied toe lad and your tint name walter that a pretty wenknown name r ihe manager with smile the boy looked pleated ought to toe he replied tve bean dstrrersrsj roetrles hound here have your eyes ejamine by o t walker dosc eyesight specialist brampton who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month phone watsons duvdci sxojui fox appointment or yoa may eeoaalt o t waikxx at his ofbee in bnunptaai the newest style of atsaasa at reasonable prices prosperity free five gallons of oil w every prosperity ob burner order from now until 1st of december price 7 burner 3200 9 burner 3500 double 7 for ranges 4000 triple 7 for furnaces with necessary equip ment 5700 by expert mechanics 5 tear gaarantea with every bauuer rnirtannd phone 222w s b groat wait a minute dads here too young joe wilson got his first awayfromhome job a couple of months ago though a stranger to braritboro be has yet to feel his first twinge of homesickness each- friday bight at 830 be puts through a long distance call and chats with mother and dad a treat looked forward to by all three with the reversed charge paid for by dad with a chuckle its a small price to pay for the pleasure it gives be says long distance is easy to use and is always quick and dependable laa a tmut am start 10-st- tttrn caui togtm m 7m pjm stul j big bt tmts a 830 pom a calx he dropped into my offl with a grin z upon his face he talked about the weather and the college football race he talked about the family and told the latest joke but he never mentioned anyone who suddenlys gone broke he talked of books and pictures and the play hed been to see a clever quip his boy had made he passed along to me he praised the suit of clothes i wore and asked me what the cost but he never said a word about the money he had lost he was with me twenty minutes chuckling gaily while he stayed oer the memyy of some silly little blunder be had made he reminded me that tulips must be planted in the fall but calamity and tragedy he men tioned not t all i thought u rather curious when he had come and gone he must have had some tales of woe tout dunt pass them on vor nowadays it seems to me that every man i meet i has something new in misery and in moaning to repeat and so i wrote these linesr htm who has his share sof woe but still could tilk of other things and let hit troubles go i was happier for his visit in a world thats sick with doubt twas good to meet a man who wasnt spreading gloom about sjlvertongues florence cranaeu means it was a blue and w afternoon in autumn a perfect day to be out of doors daphane kerrtweanher settled her self between mulicent and anne and waited for the football game to begin i suppose youre going to the all- college banquet wtth jimmy ray mond anne said to her not if i can think of a decent way out replied daphane well you certainly dont have to go wttrihjm if you dont want to doesnt the young man recognise r when he meets one but hes really been awfully decent and i have a miserable kind of con science the mildest kind of utile ra slj sticks into me so there wt any pleasure in it well thats easy say youre en gaged to us hlwoen proposed and then well go as the three graces in unattended feminine splendor oh didnt you knw she exclsimotj daphanes glance of surprise is hud up with a oouor bona and decided bob needed disciplining well if we have to go together lets go as grandly as we can put in anne we neednt look like a boquet of wall flowers no agreed muueent complacently and it isnt as if we didnt look aw fully keen together you two certainly are the shrink ing violets i jeered naphane now i navent any illusions myself i know t have freckles on my nose yes and oodles of black curly hair kinky hair daphane interrupted her and pressed the defiant tendrils down in both hsnds and your little pointed chin i and your eyes anne was waxing enthu siastic but daphane interrupted her sardonically yes and you fongot to mention that i have perfectly good teeth and a forehead what are you girls going to wear that was exacty what i was try ing to talk about anne was aggriev ed weve all got thin white crepes of some kind being freshmen with a hlgriochool graduation somewhere in the dim scandalous offing well lets wear colored slips under them and match up til get orchid and you mu licent youd be a dream m a sort of foam green and daphane in a fren- chy blue wed blend together so beautifully stpoklnga the same color of course and o girls i at ay- mans they ham a sale of absolutely adorable pumps for ten dollars theyre silvery paisley things with colonial tongues and the most gorgeous buckles they look twenty dollars at least lets have them all alike i think the dresses would be clever and the stockings of course daphane hmntated about the pumps well i dont know oh the pumps are he best part of it anne said firmly and then the thought of aatortal splendors went from their minds as the cheering began romleyl rom- ley i rom rom romleyl opposite them the seats were a pal pitant mass of aggie green and gold their own section tl with or ange and black and befre them the cheer leaders were gyrating with a fervor most religious it was to be a big game also is one of the cheer leaders today mulicent remarked during the ebb in the clamor alaot yes you know ran davidson they call him also ran dont you see its so clever because really he always gets everything he goes but he never makes a date gtrll mulicent sighed daphane- studied ham with her cool direct brown eyes older ing ran davidson aa he fellow students into mad enthusiasms of cheering probably saw him aa a young oreek god vibrant with youth and boyish beauty but danhane was not especially romantic and she her self wae young so it was not a yonug oreek god whom she was watching a little wistfully but only an upstand ing forthright boy with something singularly fine and clean about ban that marked him out from all the rest they w one class together and she had noticed htm from the first she was quite sure too ttiat be had noticed her and there had been a lit tle sick ache in her heart when the weeks had passed without any growth in the acquamtanobshto i think he could even talk so it wotikbvt bore you to tears she had written to her mother now jkn- mys not so bad but oh his line of conversation i dont mind slang goodness knows it would be a dull old world without any but 1 do like a little of the english language tntersep- ted occasionally jimmy- has qfteen doaen rubber stamp pnrasiw and hes tied a can to the rest of the diction ary he uses them fif rotation tu teu the world hot dog nisarda wrist watch and so forth its awfully in convenient not w have any kind of a boy around but i dont think i can stand much more of jimmy a new was of sound roared danhane and took her everything except football it fss a hardneld tie till the lest quarter whan itamis ueksd a dlraoult held goal and ended the game with a score of three to nothing by bbe time dinner was over daph anes pulse had quieted enough so that her mind could return to all college banquet and the qi dress in the dormitories auttthi dining halls the excitement doubtless still at the highest pitch but daphane did not live in the dorm ltories she was earntng her board and room by staying wtih a lonejy old man mrs briggs whom her mother had known twont hurt me a might to do the dishes tonight mrs briggs said to daphane youre too tired you look all of a fever daffy daphane however insisted on help ing over the foamy dish pan she studied her lilt re problem the col ored slip yes that wax absurdly skn pie soap dyes would transform the white into a prenchy blue of annes suggestion her one pair of white stockings she could dye also but the slippers ten dollars might look small to selfindulgent mulicent and to anne with her plelioric allowance from home but when books and pap er and essential fees were cared for daphane would have just one dollar and fifty cents left to last till the first of the month which was exactly ten days away the money could not come from home for even her little monthly al lowance was too gicat a drain on tlk family purse there was no time to earn ten dollars jhe extras that see med to go with being company to mrs briggs dishwashing dusting er randsalong with her own bit of washing and ironing and her studies ruled almost au dapbanc waking hours there was little margin for the lighthearted friendship that the other girls enjoyed little time for the social life that daphane loved anne and muibentwith 01 their money i aba said to herself frown ing at the fat vegetable dish that she was wiping let em nave their gor geous- clothes that dont cost them two thoughts i dont care for that but it doesnt seexn quite far that they should have gu the nice times too and the chance to meet the idnd of people they really want for friends twes no use talking if you dont ne time and money people forget youre on the map and prsttqsoon you wake up ane find you really arent but the colonial pumps to be sure they were not absolutely nec essary if it were not for the other girls she would scarcely have cared about them but she felt pretty cer tain that something kmdheaited in costume in which they oould au stand on an equal foothjg and she longer to meet her halfway thus far the question of cloches had not troubled her mot and she both had nimble fin gers and wits and the coueoe clothes cache had been growing for years daphanes wardrobe was well selected but it was not elastic well i wul if i can but i cert ainly wont if i can v she concluded wh sound philosophy as she pinned the dish towel energetically to the line on the back porch and plunged up the stairs- to her room there she ranged her shoes lp a solderiy line and reviewed them with a judical frown nice little snubnosed moccasintipped oxfords tan outing boots weutaed pumps those were all except a pair of white satin suppers down at the end of the line they had been the ultimate pride of her high school graduation but some one with fresh m on his heels had put a period to their youth at the last party nothing haderved to efface the stain d administered a disgusted little kick to their n beauty on monday after ctaawe she walked down to symaas with anne and m11u- oent and watched them try on the adorable footgear she held one of the slippers in her hand and studied it xl while the others were fatted do get yours while you are sure of them anne urged her they might seu out i cant today if its money anne hesitated if youre short juts now i can easily tide you over and she halfextended her purse danhane closed her lips firmly i am short she admitted but i cant borrow maybe iu manage tg do you girls remember amy march d laughed at their vexed be wilderment and refused to explain herself next day she went to symans alone but she did not go inside she stood long at the window gating at the shining pump that stood in solitary splendor satinbedded like a crown jewel she made a few notes in a book gaaed agattn and then went a- way it wan evident that not ten- dollar mils bad rained from the aides however when the great night of the allcollege banquet arrived it was a resplendent daphane complete to the toe of paisley slipper that dawned upon her companiona oh you did get them i handt sold out i seem to have them daphane as sented tsnt x die moat realistic night with the moon corning up like a big red dish pan behind the trees in laughter and high moohsequent spirits they hastened out to the dinner all that a from nowbkbk nowhere to 3ditor duncan in the canadian echo wlarton writes the following interesting sketch of present oondt uons in the world dinner was over a rapcame to the kitchen door mother answered it a young chap wanted something to eat yes come in she says din ner is just over but we can and some thing for you there was still some soup in the pot good wholesome veg etable soup a bowlful of which is enough for any man then there was some cold meat some bread and tea and there was still a goodslaed helping of apple dumpling in the pudding bowl we sent him ob with his stomach- full and he was apprecia tive twentyfour years of age and during die last couple of years had only worked the odd day wherever lie was lucky enough to find lu last night heslept in the town lockup tonight he will sleep ood only knows where he said jie was south ward bound just south no particular destination his folks were au dead eend he had no home for supper he will try the first homely looking door and nine chances out of text he will meet with a friendly charitable response to his query for a bite to eat he is a bum a victim of vhe depression his daily diary is something like this breakfast in the kitchen of likely looking ami bouse then on wards for a few hours on the road oy foot repeat for dinner then on wards likewise supper for bed in the lockup if he happens to be near a town if not in the bay mow of farm barn and so his time goes day after day no home no friends no job no rqoney a floater on whom the polio look with suspicion and see that he is kept moving onwards to anywhere so long as it is out of town out of sight as t just happens i have just finished reading les miseranles by victor hugo for the third time and in this man i see the prototype of jean vsljeao it was a crime to be poor out of work no particular place at habitation and society shunned such and persecuted htm but to day canada and the united states have thousands of just such flo going about yes in a census of the cttlsens of this country made today many many honest willing men would be listed in that column allowed for occupation as going about dairy from nowhere to nowhere and as we reeoond to their knocks at our attchen doom let us be sure and meet them in the spirit of hten who said as ye have done it unto the lefcst of these my brethren ye have done it unto me lt flowers dinner could be with friends and food of asts and songs across the cleared damask after dessert ds phane had a chance to learn whether ran davidson would bore her to team if she were to hear him talk for ho was siotlrrg at her right very correct in his evening clothes he did notjbore her to tears back and forth they tossed the gleaming ball of girlandfooy badinage da phane felt her spirit rise light and flee as thistledown this was what she liked i and then they had a little time to talk quietly just the two of them and she found that that was what she liked too we we seem to be what do they call it sort of sfenpauca the boy ventured at last keen aobut the same kind of things you know yes next thing youll be telling me you loved uttle woman the book i mean she laughed back at ban he leaned nearer and lowered his voice to a hoarse dramatic whisper wul you guard the secret with your life gurrrl weu then i used to sneak out andi read that thrilling book in deep becnlston and the haymow i had two older sisters you see as well as thtklwo kids and they had au of louisa m but i must say my inter est always feu wtth a thud when the lady authoress made jo rdve laurie the grand bounce i never could rouse any enthirsiam for old bhaer i either daphane said eagerly i dont think even these gloomy old russian novelises were studying tow i ate emljglse me such a sense of the dark futility of life as i bad when amy got laurie just then toe chairs were pushed back and laughing like two children who share a delightful secret they walked into toe next room together continued on page t motoh uqense fees to be rkvrsed revised motor marker registranon fees which the department of high ways under hon leopold will put into operation thai will it had beep authoritatively learn ed increase the annual revenue of this department by s150000 to aaoa- ooo although the revised schedule has been drafted tor several days it still awaita cabinet consideration and orderlncouncu ratification the new rates wul be as follows no change in the present for four- cylinder cars a charge of si3 for stacybnder cars up to 38 hp a charge of ais for sixcylinder cam beyond 28 hp a charge of sis for small s-cylin- der cars par b eights the charge wul remain at sao no change in die fees for is and lecylinder vehicles these proposed prices apply only to passenger vehicles there will be no raise nor reduction tor small truck markers a graded scale of inrstaim for large truck registration in accord ance with reported tefis of the duff royal oammisskm on transportation problems may be ef fected in brief it is learned the depart ment is endeavoring to even the registration fees and has brought the smalt eight into the same class aa the big six at the present time all eights are assessed 20 and all 111 not a personal matter success and failure are not alto gether personal matters whether you fall or succeed any number of outer lives are affected for good or for 111 whed a high school student falls in his finals his family is grieved has close friends are humiliated when a business man tails his employees are thrown out of work nobody can fu anywhere without casting a shadow of that failure across other kves that is the reason young people should re solve to be a success in the true sense of the word just as your failures harm others so your s holds help and inspiration for more than you dream opinions a go in the long run re sponds to what tne great masses of people insist lalilinimi aloua are not responsible for war sir norman angell i believe that as long as the right people continue to produce intelli gent- plays we need not worry about the future of the american stage katherlne cornell the past has shown us that crime ul health and leas of morale are ex pensive newton d baker unfortunately business is ruled by feelings rathjer than by figures nogei w benson the worst troubles are probably past and economic lec is begin ning calvin goolidge i prefer a concrete result rather than a mere formula lord reading if you dont like depression dont want depressions step wars all great depressions have followed a great war carrie chapman catt the measure of a mans real char acter is what he would do if he knew be would never be found out ma- caulay the rewards of life depend upon diligence and the mecbanao that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools confucius deliberate with caution but act with decision and yield with graol- ousness or oppose with firmness col ton some have wished that they might be troubled no more with either hills or mountshm to go over but the way is the way and there is an end bunyan i the four grim horsemen of the economic apocalypse mn overtaxation unemployment the fall m prices a ing to the cornering of gold and trade sfftyffthitflli first aid fob flappers the callous indifference of the 1 1 do not ask for lifes public to the faardshins endured by the j things modern flapper jcijnijly appalling nor scramble for the jewels fortune now that winter has come someolung i brings most be done quickly to relieve the nor yearn for painted hours of fitful suffering of those whose mission it is to brighten the comers where they are the street corners in toronto any morning now flappers may be seen at car stops pitifully perched on one foot which is protected only by a narcheesecloth iitocklng and a nearpaper shoe making pathetic at tempts to complete their liairdressing rouging and 1 inst irking with the aid of a mirror the size of a quarter held at arms length a heartrending sight that should bring tears of pity to male eyes and result in prompt measures for the provision of suitable windbreaks and mirrors at all car stops but does anyone concern hiwiif with the sufferhig and embarrasment occasion by curb beaiittlcatton ef forts no instead the heartless males laugh and the elder females look askance no appreciation of the plight and difficulties of the hapless flapper whose life beauty energy and cosmet ics are devoted to the amusement and entertainment of the race is evidenc ed this great growing and urgent pro blem is dismissed with a sneer and a shrug if the flappers want to appear lp complete makeup they can rise ten minutes earlier and apply it dec ently at home is the opinion of the hardboued critics is that fair consider what is expected of the modern flapper her home looks to her fr its laughter and sunshine her office expects her maprrwit apearance and brightest mood her boy friends demand all of her spare time prom the moment she rises fifteen minutes before tiffp tor the last street oar to work until she returns footsore and exhausted from a round of wiggles and giggles at the dance hau at 3 am her waring hours are filled to the overflowing with good humor snappy comebacks pert performances and un failing gaiety can it reasonably be expected that the oappen shall rise in time to rogue perfume powder llpbttrk and primp before her own mirror when the won der is that she is able to rise at all it is not to be erpwnted some other remedy provided by those whose lives are brightened by the flappers art must be found the transportation onmmlmtnn also has a duly and an interest in the matter if the merry flapper is to be oompeled to apply her makeup at the curb she wul wangle some way of providing transportation by auto if the boy friend has to journey four miles out of his way to get her tramway traffic will suffer and morn ing street care win lack the illum inating presence of the cheerful flap pers who make the company of then- dull and drab elders sufferable in fact it is suspected that this switch from street cam to boy friends autos has already gone far if the number of early motors which are used for make up purposes may be accepted as s sound indication of the trend some thing really ought to be done about h record oakvule most costly glee nor yet for fame farflung from sea to sea i only ask for mine a bluegold day thedear enchainment of woodland way my own a kingdom fair and asure- s rimmed y a day with autumn magic over- brimtned and just we two my highbred horse and l skimming the plain and clearing the hedges high within our veins an exultation rare a wild exuberance beyond compare o destiny one promise would i ask when ail is done each homely earthly task when i tread in lone years the sunset trail with weary earthworn feet and eyes that fall in heavens vastness may i find a a kziow my comrade deajja and my cau gertrude e animals waits forth in our dumb our bread and buttejt newspaper men as a rule have two things to sell space and sub and it would be just as consistent to ask your grocer for a doaen oranges just to nil up ss to ask an editor for a doxen lines in his paper to boost business or some project whereby the promoters wul reaiisw a revenue with the idea that you are doing a klisliwaw in helping to oil up space try get ting a free dinner at the hotels or restaurant just to fin up 115 batixions dominion cash foxreuef red cross needs your help the depression has cost the national freasury 115s317o0 hon wesley gordon minister of labor announced in the house of commons nov 25 when tie came to the dfavmre of the go unemployment reflet record the figures represent the do minions outlay on direct and indirect relief loans to pw and indus tries and the western wheat bonus and this government he said wul make every effort win pledge every dollar to see that those not able to care for t will not buffer we will continue to see that people will not suffer tor fuel food and neces sities of life party platforms party platforms are all right in their place then- place is for the party to stand on and for the people to know how it stands it should be so used or repaired or taken down it has been said that a party plat form is a very good thing to get in on but a poor thing to stay in on too many politicians forget their principles and professions they steer clear of them as aae wouldoestateeman declar ed a party platform is a mighty im portant consideration yes replied the other a party platform in politics is a good deal like a bunker in golf the rules require it but you show yourjkul in avoid ing it exchange a business mans reply a uve wire merchant in a neighbor ing town who is a firm believer in newspaper advertising and who backs up bis helief with good slsed adwerttse- ments in the paper every week re ports that he is sometimes asked why be doesnt cut down on the amount of advertising apace and thus save enough money to sell bis goods for less he replies we can sell mer chandise atviess overhead by advertis ing consistently because it ineerasea volume materially we must have more volume and volume mraiai more sales and a smaller pro of expense per sale which mts the nail squarely on the head and shows how this merchant ss well as other co ones are keeping up their sates volume by steady and conisstent use of paper advertising the laugh corner the other half yea said martin it was a sad case about hayes since he lost au bis money half his mends dont know aim any morer what about the other naif ask ed his neighbor martin smiled they dont know yet that be has lost tt tbere was a hwg at the door of a red cross outpost hospital in nor thern ontario early one winter morn ing so early it was that the sky was still dark except for a few pale streaks in the east and so cold that the blowing snow felt like sharp needles on the come quick please nurse my boy is very sick said a man standing on the steps rr his benumbed feet and slarjptng bis bands together tne nurse asked him to come inside and while he w ai at the stove she questioned him as to the childs symptoms then quickly preparing for the journey and p up her bag always packed for emergency calls she strapped on her snowshoes sod followed the man to the railroad tracks a bitter wind bowled over the froaen and little settlement the snow creaked underfoot a the railroad track there waa no comfortable passenger coach jo take her down the line a speederjor gas jigger was to be her conveyance for ten miles against the wind the nurse was equal to the occasion and stepp ed aboard she pinned a heavy blan ket about her and ducked her head against the blast away they sped the folk m the little cabins along the track bearing the chug of the speeder would peer out of the win dows whos sick at toms or there is the nurse the lad wul be au right now they would say as it tore past at last they arrived almost numb with cold at a small section cabin a uttle lad his cheeks flushed with fever lay tossing and fretting hi one of the bunks the nurse lost no tame in attending to him in less than five hours after her arrival the chjud feu into a peaceful sleep and awoke with fever greatly abated the nurse stayed until the crisis seemed passed and then had to get back to the out post for in the little settlement there were other patients needing her she left i as to diet and care and treatment in conditions that might arise and promising to return if needed made the journey back an unusual aet of circumstances oh no said the nunc all in the days work up here the nurse went on to say that when at the cabin she noticed an other child a uttle fab- haired girl ho played listlessly had a hacking cough and too bright eyes she fear ed the child had some serious trouble possibly tuberculosis the next time the doctor was near she would ask lum to see the child through the red cross the little girl could have whatever treatment was necessary whether in sanitarium or at home if there were funds also the nurse went on to say the mothar had tom her of a family wtth three small chil dren still further down the line who were facing desperate poverty there also lay work for her the red cross stood behind their nurses and sup plied necessities and comforts to those in need if funds were not exhausted the need for the work of tne out post nurses ts acute at the present time and funds are getting low these 24 red cross outpost hospitals are serving an area of hundreds of miles in the new sections of ontario where there is no other available hospital or nursing care for the people in sick ness childbirth accident and emer gency there has been a great call on the funds of the red crossf or this work some of those hos there- fore may nave to close keep than open people of ontario if every one who ts in sympathy with this splendid work win send what they can to the red cress headquarters i i 410 sherbourne st toronto uttle ehlldhood hopes been reaus- chudren men and women win be i mulkmaire yea when my mottier saved a great deal of suffering this used to comb my hair i always wuir- ad that i dktat have any the weatherman dreamed that him self was dead that he stood by his monument tan and read he hung the message thereon and has head probably warmer for was au 11 sweet young thing i have brought this book back mother says it lent fit for me to read librarian 1 think your mother must be mistaken sweet young tiring oh no she buit ive- read it au through maurice don you think my mus tache la becoming r maureen it may be oommg but it hasnt arrived yet first pessimist its hard to both ends meet nowadays second pessimist yes sad when they are about to meet fool comes along and moves the ends jos mrs murphy how are things tat ireland mrsqrogan who has just return ed from the emerald isle thing are terrible in ireland i you see we have bad three eras there mrs murphy what three eras mrs orogan we had the pagan era and the christian era and now we have de valenv cwakhvt enjoy it there once was a man who saved up for the future and put m his moneybox all ha oould spare but ah for the poor eoonomlcal mooober the future arrived and the it there n

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