Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 7, 1932, p. 3

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v j- ji i- fc the gedrgetown herald wednesday evening december 7th 932 a sensible christmas gifts vkkk n at soee slmlag to the kuclptmt nd i caey satsattysag ike ohvr c 47 1 his year morc than ever the wise christmas shoppers seek delightful gifts they will be proud to offer yet such that will stand the strain of their cur- fjnances p sensible shopping is now the keynote and pit brills stores can be found the key to this problemv you will not receive cutrate seconds stocked for sale purposes only to destroy the friendly or loving sentiment you so faithfully wish to express even if you only spend twentyrfive cento get the best that your riioney can buy we have added many new lines to our former holiday selections including very suitable gifts for your holiday hostess we are justly proud of- o saby goods showing 1 suitable gifts for every age and sex may be purchased here at from 15c to 1500 ask to see oar specially p list of suggestions at n d brill co comer red and main st georgetown phone 167 local new ramim jubilee ball is direct to yen from local farms meat specicd sewings t chopped snet round steak or roaster 12v sirloin steak or roasts 1 5c prime rib roasts rolled 15c young pork fresh shoulders 7c lean side pork 7c pickled rote f maple leaf mincemeat 2 lb for 25c mu and scoab omn our own pork sausage 2 lb for 19c we sell for cash 5 c j- byckooe wretnen ijec 30ih stevsruown christmas concert tuesday december smh st esquesing township nominations will be held on friday dec 33rd sewing wanted by the day price very reasonable phone ss7 george town y at the usxtftxi wul meet at the home ot mrs w peck on friday dec 9th at 3 pan a change in canadian national railway time table came into effect on monday see page one we thank those who have kindly renewed their subscritpion during the past vfek georgetown merchants are show ing a choice and varied range of attractive it lookeclattfearly rcsatlng was a possibility the arena this season but the mild spell has ruined the joe foundation a barrel of fun will explode at st georges church s 8 room fri day at 8 pm admission 25c children 10c it freda irene and hugh may be mobbed byan angry crowd still they are ready for tbe worst at st georges s s room friday at 8 bsaueslns township council will bold their final meeting in 1932 on thursday deo 18th c at 10 am you are invited to the dance at bolton casino on monday dec 11th new harmony orchestra admission 35 cent dont miss hls opportunity to spend an enjoyable evening it at the municipal elections in ac ton on monday mr tbedford was elected reeve and messrs mcmillan w xjasby o jonas nd 8 lasby councillors members of the mission band of the georgetown united church bald a basaar in the school rooms on sat urday under the supervision of mrs george arnold fu the sunday school of the united mshurch assarted by the chotft are giving the christmas cantata the glory of the lord on wednesday eveningsdec list at 8 oclock st winners of the prises of the regu lar weekly euchre of the georgetown post of the canadian legion were- mrs f bralaby mm j blair mrs o btaoey m collier p mcotntjy h harlow an evening entertainment of hilarious and wholesome fun every body u welcome bring the youngsters and give them some sijeaplltung fun adults jsc children 10c st george s 8 room friday 8 pun georgetown fire brigade will cele brate its diamond jubilee on friday dec 30th when the 80th annual ball will be held big preparations are under way and there is going to be a grand tune keep the date open dec soth the second address of the series arranged by georgetown forum of public affairs will be given in the baptist church next sunday after noon on the problem of social si vl it unemploy ment old age and other insurances by miss margaret gould executive secretary onlld welfare council of toronto john qupin first line caledon west has an indian relic in his saw mill yard it is what is known as an indian drinking cup cut so it stands out on the trunk of the tree into this recetpacle the sap runs and the red man could drink his nil from the cup trie tree from which the log wasjjuigrew on the sage farm centre persol mr and mrs roy ronto were in town last mr donald u ouelph general hospital suffering from a qulnsey mrs c j beaaley of neville ssak in renewing her subscription to tne herald sends kind regards to all old friends in georgetown and vicinutt mrs alfred soper of baulnafad is visiting with her sister mrs margaret glassey queen8w and other friends in town this week mr and mrs j j ftihtwy and mr james scott left on friday last for lakeland florida where they will the winter isabel thompson who was operated on for appendicitis at guelph uenenuihospltal on tuesday of last week ls programing nicely and will be brought borne today mr and mrs albert bacon of al ton announce the engagement of thfelr third daughter olive v to mr alex job son of mr matthew job and the late mrs job of acton the marriage to take place early in december mr a c mckenxle was taken sud denly ill while on business in toronto last week he returned home st georgetown and after con lilting bis physician here was tafcetfvto hamil ton hospital where he favorably as xod make it to the preacher lifes to the joker its a jest to the miser life is money to the loafer life is test to the lawyer lifes a trial to toe poet lifes i to the doctor lifes who needs treatment right to the soldier axes a4arttle to the teacher lifes a school lifes a good thing to the grafter its a failure to the fool to the man upon the engine lifes a long and heavy grade its a gamble to the gambler to ttoe merchant life is trade life is but one long vacation to the man who loves to work lifes an everlasting effort to shun duty or to shirk even health is now determined by knowledge foqfuand what we do life h mostly janet we make it- friend whate your life to your nefc ad vert1sements miss lamb practical marriott ntjk8e by day or week particuahs phone mrs oeorge- for avk na s rvtdalsie gfvrfnatenaeibh general hei nursing in medical ewieal obstetrical oases erin ronald and karhem have moved to the village for the winter m and have tak en up residence with mr james bfcn- nle messrs mcsachern recenttypur- bfjts s x memaster hkaqs typographical auxiuabvy womens auxiliary no 43 to typo graphical union no 91 has ejected the following officers president mrs s j mcmaster vtaspresident mrs anderson reco mrs e deane fln secretaryi mrs f woodbous treasurer mrs e smltb ch mrs robert kerr tmuncl mrs o mcoee km r j snesth first international vicepresident to- stalled the offtoenv mall empire s3 foxes stolen w slaqqbtered fox farm raiders last night sought by provincial police who re ported that be townsend silver pox farm at blmcoe was raided and 33 foxes stolen and almost so others left dead tn their pens m c wektriok manager of the farm reported thcaffalr to the police the thieves entered during the night and the wholesale slaughter and theft was not discovered until today health report the following ooanm le d eases were reported by the moh to georgetown board of health for nov ember 1933 diphtheria 0 scarlet fever 0 smallpox o cluckenpox 0 measles 0 german measles 0 mumps 0 infantile paralysis typhoid fever whooping cough cereboapinal meningitis 6 from the j t austin tate the property now occupied by mr a bracey mrs fred wilson underwent an operation for appendicitis at the lord hospital orangevflle recent ly her many friends will be pleased to learn that she has r sum clenuy to be able to return home and is convalescing died at his home tn seattle wash togton on saturday nov 3th archl bald hyndman deceased was the fourth son of the late peter hynd man and was born on the old home stead ot sb third concession erin township cleared from the forest by his father and his family a very interesting birthday party was firen by mm geo wheeler tab line brin on monday lasti nov ktb in honor of bar ufv4ng friend mrs jahn barnes who has celenrated her twelfth annual birthday party at the home of mm wbe and who has now reached be grand old aje of m years mm sarnas spent ell her days in this oommunity and is much hon ored and highly es by the num ber of friends who called to after con gratulations and snare in the luncheon and birthday cake provided by the cases by hour or day call day or night phone ml georgetown banes wealed good team of work horses 85 r 3 georgetown phone far sale 19 fond sport ooupe m perfect running order cash 8m0jxi apply miss b penson it far sale coal ho stover unokum rug 1 easy ohairs dresser vppry to a mcclure phone 98 r 5 georgetown it w m s meeting ihae fr christmas t an l into its own flute every earths quarter from ont- poata tram schools and col leges and so frequently op from the under side of life folks wend their way hombv wanljsrvjr christmas borne b the centre the symbol the sanctuary of the family we cherish the thought of the tdnmtirt weve furnished for free delivery s to ab pnlwh in qout a hfittpf snot siuitiundliss isuiuutw own lumber coij 120 m georgetown forum y public affairs sanday december hui 1932 3 pm baptist church miss margaret gould subject j lie skbi smic omtvtwjmt health mmmiimmmmmmm i j dance at nerval friday the young bachelors of norval will give another of their popular dances in the r jsh hall norval on evening dec 8th martin orchestra bui anderson floor ager refreshments gepts soc included ladles ate oommittee jaok cook wm taman arthur mekane wilfred leslie it to- the gflibana weeds weddbag a very pretty wedding of local terest took place in st josephs church acton on novemb sfch when ella mae dsnghter of mrs george woods and frank son of mr and mrs t gibbons were mar ried the ceremony was preformed by rev f mcbride the bride who was given tn nierrtegs by her brother mr j woods looked very charming gowned in a dress of white net over pink taffeta the jacket faced with robin egg blue picture hat white itn and brocaded shoes and carry- a bouquet of bridal roses the brides maid miss ethel wood sister of the bride was dressed in royal blue bat and shoes to match and earned booqnet of talisman roses miss irene miitholland played the wedding march the little flower girls beat rice woods and violet louth looked very sweet dressed in pink s with hats te match carrying hose- gays of baby rases the groom was attended by his brother mr t gib bons the ushers were mr a white and mr n oamons miss deletne gibbons sang during the ceremony the groom gift to the bride was a pendant to the bridesmaid a necklace to the best man a hand made he and to the organist aptac during the signing of the register mrs tc white sang until the couple received many useful and beautuul gifts a reception was held at the brides home fodowtng the ceremony where about 80 guests were entertained to a very bountiful luncheon q were present from guelph qooiltoujish and toronto showers of confetti and good wishes followed the couple when they left ror toronto on a honeymoon trip the bride travelled tn a burgundy hat and coat with afcrano to match on their re turn they wm reside in press theatre friday rieeember mb the war correspondent good entertainment starring jack holt and ralph graves slim ammmerville comedy the eyes have ik fox news cartoon saturday december 10th double feature bill the purchase pries starring barbara stanwyck part ners thrilling western luyateiy drama starring tom beene novelty napo leons bust i toes and wed dec 13th and llih dinnerware nights be and the boss oooiedyromantloklrasna stan ding mlrian marsh comedy lady please soenlo fires of the vul can chapter t the mystesy trooper 7 card of thanks j mr and lata root j semester and fanuly neraby ooawevto friends and nelttfcors ibeir very sincere for the many kind andayi extended to them dttring the sad death of their beloved daughter the tot bs s the w m s of the united church held their final meeting for the year 1s33 in the school room of the church on tuesday dec 8th at 3 pa with the president mm hutt in the chair an interesting programme was given by the group in charge of which mrs tuck and mrs attstt are con venors the devotional leaflet a bible selection were taken by mrs wtaitmee and mrs allstt gave an interesting synopsis of the introduc tion of the new study book his do minion of canada mrs rumley favoured the meeting with a solo the election of ofaoers for 1833 then took place regret was expressed that mrs hutt who has served so faithfully as presi dent cor the past ten years was re tiring as also was mrs typdau as secretary and mrs modermid as treasurer after many years of faith- ful service mrs a adams was elected president mrs paiaiy secretary ami mrs ajlatt treasurer for 1s3s the meeting closed with the lords prayer milton john conway we are sorry to say is conflned to his bed through illness his many friends hops he wtusoon re- george white who has been em ployed in wtn andersons barber shop here for the past nine years left on monday for bhra where be has opened a new barber shop on saturday night eight vatuabsl english bulldogs and 12 tons of bay were burned in a ore which destroy ed the barn oslf curtis to tra falgar township and adlolntng ken nels owned by mrs james ksuett the blase is believed to have started from an u he stove in the ken nels the damage to the barn is estimated at 91000 uo by in surance behaved to have bean started by a defective wire a fire which broke out in the grocery store of w a walker barllngton at an early hour on son- day morning last did damage that may entail a loss estimated at hjooo in addition merchandise in the ad joining dry goods store ope by f- w tempun was also damaged con siderably by smoke the damage to the goods hi mr tempinx store will amount to tsfloo clhamatim acton mr and mm w b iasbjbrook ac ton announce the emsssvsnent of their only daughter lorena elisabeth to arcotmdd h dervell son of mr and mrs o h darveu aoton the mar riage to take place the latter part of mr and mrs george loath violet and sonny mr and mrs c bradley and margaret mr end mrs j mc- menemy miss k tralnor mtss o gasley guelph mba oasbens r-n- mrs stroud and daugh ter diana of toronto attended the ofbbonswoods vwumfna on flatiiilay tn acton on tuesday afternoon when mir john watson and mr chas parsons of toronto were on tbetr way to visit mr g h harrison in acton thedr ear slipped on the jlghway and over turned in the dtteh the accident h b the ajatti and agsw enth lines the ear a wulysknlght turned around tsrtos on the attppery roadway and then went completely upside down tn the ditch the pas sengers ware unable to open the doors and were foreed to break a window to get out beyond bad bruises and a seven abaenvt up mr watson and mr pareons w ot seriously injuredrvvswe press card op thanks the beaumont family andjv don camphor desire to thank ktnd friends who vkdted the late mr pied beaumont m ho end to express their a of the sefrlot and syoniathy sdvan them in then- has lost fat for threejears s8tbs wm iutofletber a woman writes for nearly three years i have been taking kruschen salts every morning in hot water and have lost 88 lbs of fat my weight before taking them was 184 sbs and a is now 138 lbs compare the dif ference it is marvellous my mother and sister are also taking kruschen and lots of our friends and think they are wonderful as regards diet it is not necessary to do one little bit of dieting in my case i have never denied myself anything since i started taking kruschen salts i walk every day and do not eat many potatoes or much sugar dont think i shall ever be grateful enough to kruschen salts tor the great help they nave been to me and shall never stop taking them or them to people i think peed them miss k t taken every morning kruschen effects a perfectly natural clearance of undigestekt mod substances sad all e watery waste matter un less thh wastage is regularly expelled nature will eventually store it up out of the way in the form of ugly fat w wanted two hoard wanted young couple preferred all ant comforts apply box -m- herekl st 7 roam bouse smell orchard and 3 acres land very r abply to p o box ess mrs alfred georgetown very reas coblns up brick bouse 8 rooms and bath an conveniences r t 1st qee king st opposite greenhouses apply to t w treanor phono l3w george town u te rant on nov 1st 18 or betas osment block two storeys on glen road close to fart furnace water and sink in kitchen oewiy deoor- apply w b anthony boat su b tf house to te stent rent on murdook street nmedlatety ah canvei apply to jes ballantme hamilton kt gt now cesspools yn end drains to dig old riomi piiola i ato elesned on snort notssa ab wbtte- washmg and any other work done james wuuams box iss georgetovm h a e ooutan yard general trucking at an ga removed- weekly at l rates phone ssi oxsrjbjxjatfown flowers plants designs and wedding boqtjktb x preaonr hortst phone 130 qksa stead ljii frakts beady shtvpe finger 3tp tf f phone 141 wood for sale choice maple hardwood and osdar raus at right prices orders toft at a humes or at my home phone sow promptly att so a ltvtnqstone notice to creditors wood for sale choice maple birch and mixed wooa at lowest prioebj tost o in the matter ef the estate f petwrsa abwt susaeetyelsbasvvwwev suea notice d3 hereby given that 1 persons having any claims or de mands against the late frederick o warren who died on or about the twentieth day of october 133 at the wn of georgetown tn the ooonty of ballon and prov of ontario are reouired to send by post prefsild or to deliver to the undersigned solici tor for thomas spavin warrens the administrator of the estate- of fred erick o warrens gentleman deceas ed their names and addresses and fun particulars in writing of their claims and sl of then- amormts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the seventh day of january ubs the said thomas apevtn warrens wtn pro to distribute the assets of the said dneeased re the i ti thereto having regard only to the claims which he shan then have bad use and that the said thomas spavin warrens wul not be liable for the said assets or any par thereof to any person of whose claim he hall not tbm have reobrmd nottna dated at georgetown ontario this seventh day ef december 133 leroy dale st sollcitar for the saw administrator wood for sale choice hardwood beech and tnaple at 335 per single cord mixed wood fs per single oord ralls at tuo per stmpe oord special price green on 4 stogie cords tor cash 8 tn blocks of hardwood lor quebec hu at s33s per cord x brannrorb loo browns bakery try our homemade potafpieft hogsey dooglumits fried cakes apple aastl rhrniplrin pies for satardsy you will like themand price is right browns bakery alwsy est wlsen dkft worrns mm sfwb ttse isotsshatte notjabat on tiav were cfsaatily fflsbatisj out toes in to cs4dbi up on the on btl if yon sire its xdrresws jon oblice widi retnittenoe the herald mortgage sale etxht acre pares ef lead in the the township of loounty of helton under and by virtue of the of sals con in a certain mort gage there wm be ottered tor sale by pubuo auction on satavemy the riiiniliiels any at des- esaser ims at the hour of iso oclock in the afternoon at the in the town of georgetown in the county of halton that certain panel or tract of land and lying and being in the townshto of esouesnat in she county of halt consisting of approximately eight acres and beans bntimaad of part of the south half of the west half of lot number tflrentythree to- the ninth procession of said township of es- ouesing and more particularly des cribed by metes and bounds to in denture of mhrtgage registered tn the registry office for the ooonty of halton as number isksi for she township of feuisajliia on the above msi prup there is said to be erected a oneatomy frame cottage and snail barn the above pum will be offered for sale abjeotto a reserve be for further particulars and oona of sale aggdy to sohottora for the i dated thtt that day of uss frank petch st used cars for sale your used ctr deajer vkuri si weve done bur christmas shopping early and ao we are ready with a wonderful sntsortment of holiday gifts inchidiiig silk and wopr all silk silk and liale and all angola wool full fashioned hosd at 85c 100 125 10 and 175 vsilk and wool silkand lisle and silk 39c misses and qiilds stockings pure botany wool j 30c 39c arid 49c- gloves ladies colored suede gloves 39c to 100 ladies kid gloves 150 to 50 ladies lined kid gloves v 225 handklchiefs ladies handkerchiefs in fancy boxes 3 m a box t 25c 35c 50c 65c 75c 100 misses handkerchiefs 2 in box 15c 20c 25c a large assortment of plain and fancy handkerchiefs tfom sfcjo 50c underwear ch woods lavender night dresses at 275 woods lavender slips pink and peach l7- woods silk bloomers 59c vests to match 59c woods silk knickers 95c woods silk vests 125 wool underwear turnbulls ceetee wool vests 100 to 30 bloomers to match japanese silk kimonas 20 to 30 ladies nunsveiling handworked bed jacket 2jkl silk sets v ijadies and misses vesta and bloomer sets 100 up extra large size bloomers 95c turkish towels a large assortment of turkish towe new colors and new prices the largest and best assortment ever shown in georgetown linens a lovely range of linen towelling lie to 35c linen towels from 10c to 50c linen bridge sets 175 to 350 bed spreads silk rayon bed spreads 80x100 275 to 435 sweaters a lovely group of pullovers the latest in color and style simplicity patterns 15c agents for langleys cleaners and dyers we deliver mcbean co georgetown ontario n a robinson live slock dealer and botcher norval live stock trucking all loads fully insured phone geo 101 13 r h thompson co for dependable hardware and popular gifts ccrl tube skale oottils priced 395 to 1000 v ccm hockey skates 90c pr hockey sticks 15c 25c 50c sleighs wagons and kiddy cars trade cash terns r aivs is te tjaemy ojvs as av eab 1st tjb gkt vowjabrtwd re special this weeh genuine duco varnish stain in ligt and dark oak qts 79c is 4 12 pis 25c i plumbing furnace work and heetrical wiring rs h tliompson co phone 46 w l georgetown x ttssffif 1 vl it a is s4wirfmfli fj lasllmiisiijviiiet

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