Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 7, 1932, p. 4

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r m v 1 page 4 the georgetown herald wedneada evening december 7th 1932 no hack ijor the old man weary discouraged wrinkled and gray the old man sal down by the way tie had hunted for work till his feet were sorew he had read the numbers oer many a door his food us scarce and his house was cold yet each one answered you are too om i just give me a chance the old man said 111 show you 101 able to earn my bread i know i am getting old in years but to do hard work i have do fears i am large and strong and willing too r and can do what younger men will do cfet out of here the agent said have no place for an old gray of the younger class ey we let them pass your hard luck cry pass it by t there no place the old man cried when tite right of a living has been denied a place provided near the end of the road where all the old lay down their load to be free from the hardships and cares of life or must they still keep up the strife with no way of earning their dally oread denied a living and yet not dead along the street a farmer came leading a mule that was old and lame too old to work his master said a he gently rubbed the old mules the i j oh friend til turn you out to a peaceful spot for the rest of your days mule looked up and began to bray as the old man turned and walked aiway l muttering low to himself said be a place for the mule but none for me depression and scurvy in olden days famine and scurvy often went band m hand particularly when fresh fruits ami vegetables m quantity were not obtainable at a lack of vitamin c causes scurvy but today we can secure vttamin-o- containing foods such as oranges and spinach at a price that will fit even a depression poctetbook give the children then- morning orange juloe see that they secure green vegcta him and salads of vari ous kinds then you may forget the scurvy bugaboo sensmut tutkakafsts serve scnssile breakfasts ham and eggsa pancakes macherel buns lamb chops cakes btaobits corn bread bacon and fried bread are all excellent foodst but not one of them is an alkali food there fore a breakfast ttmtteu to a collec tion of these is terribly unbalanced a glass of orange juice and a liberal quantity ft milk on the cereal will go far toward halanrh for fruits veget and milk are the three big alkalinereaction foods remeraber this not only at break fast but when preparing toe meals ii hunared he oy orange meat salad 8erves 6 2 cups cold roast lamb veal chicken or duck 4 oranges lettuce cut the meat lamb veal chicken or duck into small pieces and marin ate in salad marinade peel oranges and cut taksmall pteoes combine oranges andsneat and serve on crisp lettuce leaves with french dressing serves 8 8 oranges 8 dates stoned and chopped i tablespoon coconut i tablespoon raisins 1 tablespoon chapped walnut meats cut off tops of oranges with a sharp paring knife hollow out a small portion of each orange near toe top then work the knife around to lift out pieces of the remaining pulp un til orange shell is cleare mix orange pulp with dates coconut- raisins and nut meats return to orange shells place oranges in a btjong dish with v inch of water in bottom of pan bake in a slow oven for 45 minutes take out of oven and put on each orange a spoonful of meringue mad from 1 egg white stiffly heawmi jthat montreal and quebec markets are prepared to pay a premium for the red varieties of ontariogrown onions is proved by the fact that in both these cities the red varieties are atavng torso to 75 cents a shlgbcrtfthan tile yellow doa1 want fat lings it is particularly difficult in these days of lots of feed and low prices to get farmers to realise that the market does not want a fat hog at least not a hog of tnei fatted type so popular a decade or so ago the hog that take the premium today la the select bacon type which is compara tively speaking a lean hog weighing 180 to 220 pounds off carsaistock- yards such hogs have a jowl and shoulder light and smooth a- back from neck to tail evenly fleshed a side long dropping straight from the back a belly showing thickness of fteshrng a frank well let down and firm a ham full and a good general finish with no excess fat the best way to understand the type of hog that gets the dollar premium is to visit a stockyard or abattoir or grading station where hog grafting is being done and see for yourself the type of hog that nets the dollar pre- i mtum fts the producer paurio b sprinkle meringue with coconut and return oranges tot oven to brown serve hot or cold a marsranauow may be used to top each orange fan place of meringue serves 46 ls cop orange juloe cup lemon juloe 1 cup pu sugar 1 ta s currant jelly orated rind 1 oranfa- qrated rind 1 lemon 1 tamwrpoon grated hor mix ingredients beat tiraroughly heat and serve mary i hear you intend to teach after you are graduated carrie yes and i have the man already picked out loo cmccs fre e if yea are taterestea write ana ask as an aawat uua efler fall sekvicx itouftin saaee atm left seat free gives wataame uuwiawihan this is the 7th year of our own bloodvested stock and our sth year under canada approval a reliable government test cod ltvka on ewwn so per gauea write far new avwjea inquiries should be made now for december and january chicks a few pullets still left for irntnerltare delivery bray chick hatchery 1 claythjaw ave st cathakinks oat special autumn and winter display of trimmed hats novelties of imported fancy linen and scarfs fur coats made to order and repaired by reliable firm misses cl aridge upstair herald block less than three weeks until christmas i- vv e have a nice selection of christmas cards which we can supply with your name and greetings printed thereon at a reasonable price s fiu herald see our samples ty news and infonnation for the busy fanner r heavy winner at interna tional shaw the showing made ayontktk farmers at the international bay and grain show chicago said ar thur h martin ontario department of agriculture tsa clear indication of preparation being made for the worlds grain show to be held in reglna in 1933 with the judging of grain and small seeds still incomplete exhibi tors from ontario have captured al ready two championships and two lesene charraaonshkw r s ice of ohatsworth orey county was awarded the grand championship in field peas on a w sample of the small yellow variety the second fharimlnrrihtp goes to lbs mary mayoook of mutord prince howard county on an ex hibit of navy field beans mr may- cock has won championships at chi cago for the past three years j h lampcdaa rldgetown kent county received the reserve cham pionship la field beans in the alfalfa classes robert j shaw mono road peel county took the reserve oharnpvtvshlp ontario farmers concluded mr martin sent upwards of 1775 entries in the seed classes to cducago and have won more top prises than in any previous year 1 metatm rwands at turkey shipped to great britain it has ban reported to the ontario marketing board tnat between nov ember 16 and december 0 over one milaon pounds of canadian turkey meat will have been shipped to greet britain m spite of the fact that the turkey meat originated in the western pro vinces this constitutes good news for the ontario producers inasmuch local market will be relieved to that extent greater care neeaea at the concluding session of the bastern ontario obeesemakers con vention d b shutt bacteriologist a ajc spoke on the further eununa- tlon of cheese defscbt in sumining up mr shutt declared that there should be greater care in the steaming and clnamrng of cans and utensil he submitted the following resolutions tor ims no 1 every muk can and if posdble all farm utensils should be brought to tbefactory before day to be washed steamed and in spected repairs should be made at the factory no v- fttearnlng of all cans should be conducted at the fac tory at least once a week no s oc casional cans tor surplus milk should be st at the factory before be ing used no 4 pasteurisation of whey no 1 in severe outbreaks of fruity or motied cheese raise the pas teurisation tempearture of the whey no 6 strict sanitation in factory eojuhanent apple mr andrew fulton overseas fruit representative in a recent report states that the prospects tor good quality ontario apples to the united kmgdom continue satisfactory be ernpnashtes that it is important that documents such as certificates of ori gin and the ape of the shipment should reach him ahead of the shipments to which they re also that counter marks on each bar rel are absolutely necessary when a shipment constats of more than o car mr fulton uuautwj that the amount of money lost to the snippers through not using y marks has been tremendous in past yean a separate bol of lading for each car load would greatly fac c button at tj k ports flguies fur- nlshed by mr fulton reveal that the british market imported 7ntkw cwt of apples in 1831 as compared wttn 4001jm cwt in 1991 and ijtao- uo cwt in 1m1 this reveals the potentialities of the british market tot- abeorbing the apple exports of ontario silvu tonorntu continued from page 1 and then u happened a jostle a xjounot- a catapult of toolively lads through the doorway and daphane was leaning agalns the wall ruefully surveying her trampled foot clumsy idiots ejaculated ran with comforting directness as he delivered a most inelegant kick at the nearest masculine ankle and then turning to daphane dkl k hurt muchr he uoked i oh i dont mind that said da phane its only what it did to my pump for one glistening colonial tongue ta- hanging llmpiy by lis comer believe 1 11 run out here on the porch out of sight and see what x can do she murmured distressed i ii be first aid he offered eagerly ana they slipped out together daiitupia5e it matters much to you he observed there was some thing almost resentful in his tone expensive pumps like that you girls seem to flrk them growing on bush es not this particular variety daphane smiled nary a bushl well anyway it can be easily fixed not very said daphane its just upaper paper he ejaculated on a fancy shoe like that fibat in the world makes you think so i dent have to think i know she chuckled those tongues are made of tao thicknesses of drawing paper out of my geology notebok r was hick and soft almost like vellum i pasted them together and painted them with ever and ever so many coats of paint ran whistled incredulously if youll lend me a penknife do you carry one to dinner maybe i can rip both tongues off and be res pectable again she tucked her slim foot under her and worked with the little slipper while ran trained his pocket flashlight fountain pen sate on the stitches then he took the shoe from her and studdted it curiously regular cin derella slipper he said admiringly does it remind you of new radiat ors she asked him new radiators for the love of mike woman rescue me from the mass youve thrust me into with your paper tongue i mean your paper slipper tongue and your radiators there was something so intimate and friendly about this boy with the nice eyes that daphane plunged gay- ly into the story of the slippers that the girls had wanted her to get i hated awfully to dtaaappolnt them or mel she concluded and so do you remember what amy march did when she wanted some now shoes no being a boy probably you would nt ran was rumpling his hair and starring at the slipper waltl he cried ive got itl she painted em and so did ii cried daphane that was what made me think of little women at the table tonight i kept smelling the radiator paint you see i used that silver hronxe stuff tor the groundwork and then i did little paisley designs all over it with my oils it was lucky i knew how to paint a little- bow to paint a little sujoer ran agreed galantly but honestly you must know how to paint a lot to raake such a suck job of it- bow did you ever think of embroidering it sort of with a paint brush well you see a funny story bob- montreals radio police get the air s h 4 a pair of riant stcd mntcnnm tovrera hundred feet above the roof of police quarters on gosford street is the only visible indxai- luonhbat the general public baa of the police radio system which ill be officially put intooperatioq this week by feroand duf resiwdirectopof the police depmrtment of montreal that the new radio ayatern 01 be of value in the suppression of crime is indicated by the fact that while the preliminary teats were being earned i during tfie installation of t h system a call canie over the air to the te car driven by a police officer who made the first radio arrest in the mont real area several other arrests have since been effected during tests pictures 1 the transmitting desk and operator on dut 3 ajsowutg the two 100 fu steel lu and i volume control box on steering column all of the nat is visible in the patrol cars j dufresne director of montreal pohce department paul e defoers northern electric radio engineer in charg of instslbtioo of the police radio system v tadioequipped police cruising car who owis- the farm by ted bullock the alter cup offered by the saddle and sirloin dub of chicago m their annual essay contest has been won by the students of the ontario agrl e u t u r a 1 oouege jas cuuen a second place as an todtvktual competitor and won the silver medal fourth place wa won by mus regina wan der boom fifth place by k k jackson sixth by william butt and eighth by k q n thus o a o stu dents secured nve of the first eight awards and on this basis won the orand charnpionshlp trophy the honour which comes to o a c tlruough the winning of this trophy means just a little more when it is known that there were in all in u from sixteen agricultural colleges fifteen of these colleges are in the united states the subject on which the essays were written was factors contribut ing to the icftlclent use of feeds- the success of the students is a tribute to the departments of poultry and animal husbandry where a large a- mount of research has been carried on and from which some fundamen tal facts have bsen secured the bngush department in a students were trained also huch credit the students deserve great praise because of their interest and mduatry and then- ability to write outstanding essays bed up in my mind about some gen ius being invited to a big affair where everyone was to wear court dress he was awfully poor but he appeared in a wonderful white brocade outfit all the same and it was just paper that he had painted these bucklest- ran inquired hope fully like a small boy on the trail of another story t cardboard rather sealing wax and beads i copied e design from those in the window he watched her adnuringly while she ripped the tongue from the other shoe several times he started to speak and at last he said would it would it seem awfully cheeky if i asked you a personal questloor i dorjt believe youd want to ask anything awfully cheeky- she said gravely still he hesltateddid you just hap pen to be was it just this special week that you were abort of changer wuhyseads of money pouring in next monday just a dislike of rtonowtng or charge accounts or somethingt- she flushed -no- she said with her gaae quest tonlngty on the embarrassed face of the boy no i couldnt have bought those pumps between now and christmas you see- he went on the ghia round here all seem to have scads of money and they expect a fellow to carry a roll big enough to choke an elephant i learned last year what a lot it costs to be friends with any of them 80 ive stayed clear i didnt care so much last year and you know you hate to seem a cheap skate or to disappoint a girl either rf she ex pects flowers and taads and things he paused flush to the tips of his ears but daphanes face was all eager sympathy and cotnprehension and he stumbled on- you see i worked two years and saved up tor college and of course i get a job tat vacation and i earn quite a bit even while rm here but some of it has to go back home or it would be pretty hard sledding tor mother and the kids 1 theres one kid sister he interrupted himself thats a little like you and she has a lot of little curb all over her head too only yellow it was the curls made me look at you at first but you you were pretty splffy yourself he ac cused her you looked as expen sive as any of them and i didnt dare try to get acquainted honest- he implored her you arent just letting me down eaayt you really aresort of poor toot rtce human kind of poor with a heart that was very light daphane told of the plain happy hardworking home and of the college clothes cache and of the dishwaahing at mrs briggs apartment and if i asked you to go to that concert tomorrow night- he sain would you go and not mind a bit about taxis and flowera she nodded happily yes id go and no i shouldnt mind a single scrap it you should happen to ask me anne and mullcent appeared at the doorway amassment was hardly veiled on then- faces daphane president edward wentwortb beatty of the cjpjt- has laid his finger squarely on the weakest point in all socialistic theory he hag declared that tie share holders that is the owners of the cp r cannot and will not sur render control of their property to any tribunal and of course he is dead right the duff commission scheme to force both canadian railway sys tems to accept what amounts vir tually to the dictation of a csar is when you stop to consider it just a move to confiscate private pro- jrty it may not have beep intended to be that but that is what it la socialism the mild kind of so cialism that was reaponslbla tor nationalisation of hydro power in ontario la an anomaly it proclalma that all property whleh exists to serve the public ought never to belong to private individuate yet it is willing toj concede to the individual owner ship of that property- which he uses 1 we better 4make a frontpage story of uus weungrernarkwl the editor -whyt- asked the society reporter in wuprtss they arent very pro- that may be he replied out this is the brst account of a wedding you have turned in for ages that hasnt had as blast una tbej win reside with the mows me we you come in and get your coat i why it ts cokjl- daphane shiver ed in a minuter we mustnt leave those tongues out heret she saltt aside to ran some one might wonder obediently he turned on his little flashlight and helped her search but neither was to be found well said daphane rising at last and patting the one gay bit of paper more securely into- rs place of f at her girdle its a mystery but at any rate those ton gues will never wag again- i think they deserve to requlescat m pace agreed ran clapping a guilty hand to his pocket theyve delivered their me mage montys idea of a independent man is one whol entirely through life with of if you will sit down quietly in a corner somewhere and try to draw the lino between property which under that theory ought to be pub lic and property which ought to be private you will generate a first- class headache for yourself and that is all you will get- a let us assume tor purposes of argument that 1 am a farmer i own and operate two hundred acres which i have cleared myself seeded myself and brought into production i have built a barn and a house for myself and have raised my own herd of eattle from humble begiimlngs now su tpoae that some labourer who has ueld a job tor years and has drawn hla reward in cash finds himself suddenly in a bole a de pression is on he is out of work he cannot be allowed to starve he comes to me tor help if he aaka for work or tor a bed and food tor as long aa his hard luck lasts ill give them to him it i can j j it ha comes along and says flour farm does not belong to you it raises foodstuffs and food be longs to the whole human race therefore your farm is public pro perty and i am going to take half of it if he comes along with a song and dance like that i am quite likely to smack him on the jaw he has had the reward of bis work in cash and he has spent it he had his property and he chuck ed it away my reward i have invested in land buildings and stock it is mine i made it- and id like to oe any cockeyed theorist try to talk me out of it on the plea that the crops i raise and the produce have to sell belong to the world well it seems to me it is the ame with the c p it- just because one company is big nd another is small just because one owner is a joint stock com- lany and the other is an individual you cannot fairly treat the two dif ferently how can a man be justified in whooping for the confiscation of the cpr unless he advocates at the same tune that every taxlcah ought to be snitched from lis owner and given over to a government bureau to be run where lies the fairness in allow ing 4he little chap to keep his pro perty and forcing the bigger chap to give hla away people who -go- in for that kind of political thinking are the typo who would try to play baseball ac cording to football rules j a i can see no logical middle road between capitalism and commu nism our whole concept of life resta on the fact that what belongs to a man la hla if we start fld- dllng with that concept we must go to the other sensible position and declare that anything which belongs to anybody belongs to everybody oh i know the socialist will toll yon my point of view is archaic and narrowminded he will say it is inhuman and cruet but is bis any better if the canadian j is allowed to tali the owners of the cpjt hpw they must run their property what on earth ts to pre vent that earns government from ordering me to write this column to the taste of milord bennett and from dictating to farmers just what crops they shall raise each year and where they shall sell them it is all kinds of tun ptayjiur with ecbnomlo theories but when you shut trying to fit one of them into cotnmon sense you realise pretty qnlcmy thai there la a dark eland to every artygr ijntaa mortgage sale of atisrbkniiax reainerxes under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort gage there will be offered for sale by public auction on sataraay the hn teenth ay ef december lssa at the hour of uo oclock in the af at the hotel mcntakaa in the town of georgetown in the ojhlay of walton those certain pareels tracts of land and premises jamte lying and being in the town awseorgetown in the county of helton and being des cribed as firstly town lot number seven on the east slcve of main street and west of temperance street accor ding to a plan and survey made by nhbihokn muter pts and 3boondly town lot number one hundred and thirtyseven on the northeasterly side of charles street in the said town of georgetown acc ording to yonge and barb survey of the said town on the parcel firstly described there is said to be erected a one and one- half storey frame cottage ormshttng of six rooms on the parcel secondly d there is said to be erected a two- storey frame dwelling house in good repair the above properties will be offered or sale subject to a reserve bid for further particulars and eonh ot sale apply to meajers ora- ontario sollrttorn for the mortage dated this first day of decemb ibs frank pktoh st wood no 1 hardwood beech and maple tsjio hardwood ltanfae and mrxsd wood gi1s ralls txjm any q 6 in blocks of hardwood tor quebec heaters ls prices are for dcjfvered wsefj the one can thing you afford the great national pastime this weather is squeezing the expenditure column so that it will remain in proportion to the revenue the first step in this of course is rnaking a decision as to what items are abso lutely necessary to the wellbeing of our minds and bodies and consigning the balance to the limbo of things we will have when times improve you cannot do without your local newspaper for sev eral reasons the first of which is that as an intelligent citizen of the community it is necessary that you keep informed about what is taking place in that community whether your interests are being cared for in the gov erning of municipal affairs what is transpiring at the schools the churches if grants are being made from public funds or cut off and why what your com- nnunity proposes doing about relief measures where atodstuffs meat wearing apparel wood coal may be bought to best advantage where you may sell or trade some used article or buy such an article to advantage all the mtiroate personal news the deaths births and rnarriages and the thousand and one other occurrences jhat go to make tip the life of a community that is the function of the weekly newspaper its news ltinff each week carry the story of the activities of the community and in addition the effective news of the world at large its advertising columns bring into your home the best offerings of the stores and shops with prices and description the classified advertsstng column is a meeting place for buyers and sellers in every conceivable line 1 the herald costs you but three cents a week if vou will read it thoroughly intelligently you will re ceive many many tunes over a return in value and the herald is a good paper for the family to read there are many things children may learn from its columns but nothing they should shun its columns are clean carefuly edited and contains all the news 1 if your are not already a sulaacraber to the herald take it on trial for six montlw do it today now while you tiimk of it w the herald georgetown ontario enclosed please find 75 cents in payment for the herald for six months at the end of that time i will notify you if i wish to discontinue name st p o box orh r no po a ii

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