Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 14, 1932, p. 1

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the georgetown herald 3 the georgetown herald wedneaday erening 14th 1932 t 150 per anmnn in advance 240 to ua i 1030 a an pm 044 pm ul va 44 pm 40 a us a un pm 04s pmj 10js put us a pmj arrow tamiisn jj jj ssivke 5 4 tu6 am o0j am bolides only 1xb6 pjn ojbs guav 10js8 ti dally awjept s ms us pm 440 pm cfjb bandars and hotktsys flotrytu 1mb dally redocadferes to holder of at longs directory p o theatre bide urn at frank fetch j e monu pollock onumertts jots the to itay coo i bine coal awl welsh anthracite oa oswara par 1 ten cm faal 0 mara voeira delivery chines to wtmru john mcdonald 49h f olden fate lafe open day and night christmas day turkey dinner always serving a merry christmas to all main st south phone 2 georgetown gift time is thrift ti m prosperity w gallons of o with every prosperity oh burnkb coder from now until 1st of december price 7 burner 32jd0 9 burner 3500 double 7 for ranges 4000 triple 7 for furnaces with necessary equip ment 5700 si phone 222w s b groal r h thompson co for dependable hardware llf if x l f rvttrapu tcdutb tpw popular gifts wear i phone 46 v 4- ccm tube skate outfits priced 395 to 1000 ccm hockey skates qpc pr hockey slicks 15c 25c 50c sleighs wagons and kiddy cars special this week genuine duco varnish stain in light and dark oak r qls 79c pis 45c 12 pis 25c plombing furnace work aaj electrical wiring r h thompson co a hklmng band htshould see a brother lansusmns in awe distress and should turn ana leave him com fortless when i might be a messenger of hope and happiness how eould i ask to have what i denuvl in my own hour of bitterness sup plied and so i the day is tost wherein i fail to lend a helping band to some wayfaring friend but if i show a burden lightened by the cheer i sent then do i hold the golden boors well spent and lay me down to sleep in m the defeat of alfonso scnujge would look after another little matter that interested aim therefore it came about that when messrs ticott anlteuieott arose from their breakfast of tried plintams next morning and entered toe waitingroom of tneir apartment they sound the erstwhile leading dentist of ouenca awaiting them when he sight of them he low bow bet us my pleasure be said to make you a welcome to as metropauas inank you said kulcott ana bcott taking his outstretched hands my name continued their caller las alfonso de ja latinos i am an gentleman olso same profession wis you -ah- said scott a dentlstt 81 senor replied alfonso i have as honalr then he launched out into a rhap sody upon the science of dentistry and from that be verged into a highly apocryphal account of his own stadias land experiences and then he gave a history of his residence in cuenca and fatally he touched upon the subject by h u m d urxno the afternoon of the day that messrs george r euioott and janes k scott doctors of dental surgery and cltlaroii of the united states arrived in the city of cuenca in use republic of ecuador their total monetary receipts amounted to fxm m mexican silver coin and a one pound note of the colonial bank of knglend it had been nearly a year since the last american dentist had visited cuenca in the meanwhile the teeth of the inhabitant thereof had bam looked after by a certain alfonso iqultos a gentleman with s forged as resultthe said teeth in asadry dilapidated otmflltidn and as a sscond result the firm of snieott scott made profits which outstripped the evarlcdoos iluemi of the junior partner it was an ideal evenly balanced smoothly- working partnership zht- eoct the senior member was a past master in the gentle art of extracting the maximum number of teeth with the minimum amount of path his speed record made in a contest with an knglsh champion at bellas in british honduras was seventytwo in an hour scott the junior was com petent to give expert testimony upon the subjects of crown and bridge work snd filling hb views regarding the nner points of the lastnamed art re undisputed jouth of the tropic of cancer how the pair had met at the myrtle bank hotel in ttr igned an agreement to pun together is a story that might toe told if it were but it is not suffice it to say that they arrived at the ouenca depot after a tiresome journey across the r- main and over the andes with a containing a ease of shining instruments a box of assorted porcelain teeth and six bottles of mallcahvw gold fimnsj also they brought with them a determination o do or die when they wrote their names supon the register of the leading ouenca be tel and hung a huge sign announcing their arrival from the second story window of that hostelry the emotions of the aboveajennonea alfonso iqultos were far from pleasant whatever feeling of hospitality he may have had toward the neweoaser was drown ed hy the g variety of profes- sktnal jealousy their advertisement upon the editorial page of the daily libra snowed that they were prepared to bll teeth with gold at the rav of 80 mexi a tooth and he that- their operating rooms would be crowded by the elite of ouenca i the surrounding country alfonso himself was never able to obtain more than a for the same work besides he was often compelled to see his patients depart mr their with their teeth unfilled because of the nonarrrval of the gold that he had ordered at ouayaqutl or uu wh credit in the latter towns wag not of the best once in lieu of the king of metals he had attempted the fi of filling cavernous molars with an alloy of his own manufacture ooppsr and nickel were its chief constituents and as he always forgot to inform ns patients that it was not gold be dreamed for a whle of fabulous pro fits and a vfua m the andes bat rascally americano the superintendent of safjear by coal mine clashed his bopesjtorjfeces by eapmnng the de- afwr that for several tnonths al fonsox lot was hard ana the people of ouenca looked upon him with an eye of snwanlnn and none but the ignorant peons from the backwoods cjknbed up him staircase and suffered to his chair but gradually he re covered his lost uestuso his p began to return to him for there van other dentist wttwn tan dnt journey and aebjag tee tfk the tide watt for no man and i m the son of fu was lag to ahtne upon idsn again there came scott et klliootx with a alar of trumpets end a bash of red ore and the winter of hb dttseoattnt set in alfonso was at the depot when the naif of americans arrived and with true peatman rage he watched enter the finest of an the c archibald curley of baltimore says the need of s mure rengntn xnat is a srntiment witn wucn inn oenunel agrees xiirougnout the whole postwar tu sat has oeen a weasenoig 01 fttunc scott ssked a technical geetinto look at eet said alfonso evasive ly he took his place in the operat ing chair and stretcned out with his mouth open scott eramlnrd the damaged i animal one of them he said needs ail ing the other ought to come ah said alfonso mo nerst then there were polite negotiations jd finally in onn of the fact that their patient was member of the profession the firm agreed to per the oprrattno niimg the best grade of malleable gomcor 18 in mexican silver the extraction of the other tooth was to he done gratis as sort of vgbvpe scott jxava himself with the pre- backs and drive to the hotel then he stood huneath the crooked coconut pabn in the p and saw the people of the townjmarch up in couples and half downs to have then- dental oenrlencw n died when the sun sank behind the thickets of bananas tn the east and the cathedral ball rang the cm tor vespers ha made his way to his studio and there tn the fast gathering tro pical twilight sat down to battle with his treaties or an hour he remain ed almost motionlww with his anas folded and his eyes half dosed when he anise the night had come and the smells of the evening meal wan arising from the kitchen of his landbvry upon the floor below and as he walked downstairs partake of the repast he emued broadly for a plan to circumvent jus rivals was in his brain and the vision of wealth was again before him that night he went to the theatre to hear the fair senortta attoex sing jn h trovatore and after the cutrain jell he went home to bed and pleas ant dreams the woes that bad rack ed hhn in the mornhig were guns to explain what ria next day k b necessary to main it known that alfonso was m bk t sh jftvths- mule whoa cflnahwo farsjiv very had colds because they were im properly shod whua he had labored upon uw teeth of his feuow i bvnad neglected ius own in qoenov two of his nanlnes one upon the left skto of hh upper jaw and one un tn lights ware nnch jn of rensjirs a tnnntti liefuie upon a dun day he had made an effort to ftbthesn but m ws stock of gold drat rsttuflow and hafound thvtaak aiwbinl and a paifstul one he abtndooedtt ifcnrrttiere wm en jatdjsi teth town and hs wonm has td tojaft ettsatfcd ajsojaa pa svt his part of the then when all was in tcadtnesi he lsetto work with the queer little foot- arul which had taken the place in cfflliaad countries of the ancient rack snd wheal down into the hard whst of the o tooth the tiny nredlensr point tore its noisy way and ever and anon al fonso gasped with pain does it hurtr asked scott in ac cordance with the dental ritual not a mooch gasped alfonso painfully endeavoring to smile bat he stood manfully to his guns and in tane the cavity was ready to be fjlted then the americano went to cabinet by the wall or tba foung as he turned alfonaox eyes followed hhn eagerly when he opened the drawer there was a glint of reflected mm and six bottles of the yellow metal stood revealed alfonsos eyes catrty tiqiigftd from their yr and whue scott rubbed up a little glltterlra ball in the pakn of his banc and forced it grain by grain into the tooth of the man in the chair ho utters face wore a smile of surpassing joy by and by after what seemed weeks of agony the operation was t an end and afonso arose and sought hb hat too bat my compliments be said wlh a bow bet us a goot job- thank you said scott the other wis anproval of you repuad al fonso we wrttibat as pooling what you say rnattn inmanow make it nine oclock- said scott and with a second sweeping bow al fonso went hie way prom the hotel he proceede to his -studio- and arrayed himself tn his best frock ooat and glossy hat and for the rest of the day he played dominoes at the club tn the calle don pedro the hours iinwimil to drag e- long as slowly as the train which ran from cuenca to the top of the moun tain and when at last the sun near- ed the borhnn he arose from the play table wh a sigh of relief and returned to his lodgings there he made another change of forrnme an hour iter he took his place at the door of the theatre and watched the eorwds file in senortta attuem was billed to sing the part of marguerite in faust that night and all ouenca was coming to hear her just a the flrlfllers tn the orchestra began to tune their squeaky instruments messrs scott and kuloott crossed the phvsa arm la arm and passed through the gaudy entrance as they hroahed by him in the throng alfonso bowed to them smilingly and bay hmj after the nauomr of than- rase how he wag when their forms dlisppff i ed through the door which led to the boxes be turned upon his heel waked away and now comes an la the story for tbethtnga alfonso did after he left the theatre were not authorised by the laws of kooador nxat of an then he made ida way to the little alley which ran behind the hotel it as dark and as silent and as rtuimuiil as the lowest gallery of an sfaandon- ed mine then be climbed op to a secondstory window deftly opa the latticed shutter the windows tn ouenca have no panes and crawled through then he softly tiptoed to the apartment of messrs scott and knicott sought out the cabinet by the wall pried open lis lock with his pocket knife transferred the six bottles of no 1 malalatils gold to his coat pocket snd departed as stealthily as he had come not a soul had seen or heard him all of the empl of the hotel except the gentleman who gloried tn the title of night cask were at the theatre i tag to senortta attuea and gentleman who gloried in the title of night clerk was downstairs hi his office tut asleep straight toward his lodgings al fonso steered tua oourae once behind their p doors he took the stx bottles from his pocket and dump ed their contents upon the table with deft fingers he rolled the gut tering metal tntoone oblong slab and with a amoe be placed the slab in his inside pocket the empty bot tles he took lntohhe gardejitbehmd tba bonce and burled but the landladys favorite the bushy gaudy croton in the corner then he retired to his end went to s next momlnei the prefect of the ouenca police was hurriedly i ed to the hotel on the puaa for an hour he was closeted with the prletor and messrs soott and abl and then the news new about the town that the americanos had been robbed when alfonso arose and came down to breakfast his landlady tom htm tba story the thieves- she said took gold enough to pay a kings ratnsom al placed hb hand upon his breast above bus ittt pocket rwho ta suspecteat he said the bandit imtalgue- said tba landlady he was seen jn the sub- spread the sheltering who ood4 mercy roof let faith make firm the floor may friend and stranger all find love within the door may peace enfold eafilreepingnlaoe1 and health surounajefc4ioarlkl the lamps that tight thet be radiant joy outpoured let kindness keep the hearth aglow and through the windows same be christlike living on the walls the pattern and t l paine la the wnrlitlan cen tury chicago back to god iugous oevouon tnat is or mucn ot toe distress tnat naa imiciwt inc worid it u not oruy america tnat neeos a revival of true reugun in toe hearts ana nunas oi men and women out every counuy in me worid tne war is uiamea tor uus state ot auairs it mmui have oeen expected wuw the aunering en dured tnrougn that awful lour years na me grief to left oenlnd at ine oss of near ones would nave drawn us closer to the fount of oonsoianon no ooubt 11 did in mniimrraoie c nut truue who did not sutler the loss of their nearest ana woo ned enjoy ed material prosperny m cooequeaco of tne war seem to have cut aside all mom resttainsc snd set aids tom degenerated the the selfishness and green that suc ceeded the heroic aacnnnw of youth m tne war had many deplorable man- iwwiratlonit tne orgy of drew into tne wnmpooi into tne ail classes and both sexes was use most m iw uckfcent of the time venous tn hiring and uvmg gave place to pleasure seeking u too mam purpose of life paper proou tnat di to the crash en- couerged extravagant uvmg tnat car ried with it a disregard for interests so that when toe enonomm rm lapse came nobody waa prepared to meet it the inevitable panic that ensued but mnmsined the seriousness of toe situs- youngs announce v fresh shipments of all leading lines cigars in xmas boxes from 50c to 300 cigarettes in special gift bona at new price case pipes tobacco pouches cigarette ughters xmas candies new stock of neilsons box chocolates atthenewkrce 1 ab box 50c 2 box 100 special jcmas mixture 15c and 25c lb instead of admuung that tneir uoubles were of tnent own making people have henome bitter at wast tney regard as unmerited punishment what is needed now u a genenv re- oogniteju tnat tne hii having forgotten uod must xeturn tn saox- ciotn and ashes to strnptrr and more vmoiesome practices ana with courage and iaitn mace anew oeguuung oaneo on those divine pi oruy from wnicn happiness snd proceecl o toronto peril the sea sauvoavs log how a naval vc viits won by the time i untenant wllbam ouy carr was sixtren ne nad rougn- ed nia way nearly ail round tne wood ne had seen nao mufueni ne naa bean neaciy caugnt ny a snant he acosp- ea a righi u a matter ot course ana soon aiterwaras he was w for at nfteen he bad gone to sea i apprentice ta the old mercnant ser vice serving under tne nardotuan old bramrn whom he hells angels ot the deep has snip lay in kelung harbour when a tnrnaao hit u sweeping tne oecks clear of nearly tons of h- coal and cxasnuigkott vessel loose among a in the harbour inn entry tne oer for the open sea throwing own ship and crew away to save tne others sue was i formosa cuffs snd flung on to a jsdge ot rock wnere in a tew momenta ana broke m two all night tne remnants of the crew huddled on the wreck un til the storm dropped and tne jap- were able to have your ex amine eyes y o t walker doj5c eyesight specialist brunpton who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month raonk watsons dbfjq stosut fo a or yea asay iisssaa x t walkftm at hb i the newest style of gliejia at 1 a merry christmas to all e e yqunc r phone 161 main street ijmitanmt can was in buenos alms when the war broke out feeung ran high for there were several nemian imers m the harbour supposedly car rying guns below decks ready to turn into commerce ratuers he proved the truth of one of these rumors by stealing on to the cap trafalgar sliding down a ventilator straight into the arms of a guard on the hidden guns he led on deck where tweaking from one captor and irnorsjlng other oat he raced willingly over the gangway to a etvu arrest from which be was soon releesfd with hb valu able information about the guns a tew days later he sailed for eng land to join the navy feaful only that the war would be over before be could take part tn it as a midstup- man with the battle fleet he saw the slaking of the oennsn tjxs the sub marine which sank the hague creasy and aboukir the anlmiarme bobbed up close to the first una of hartlcahlpa and immediately the dreadnought out of line her ram plough- under and into the frits the submarine was fitted up and dear of the water she si ally to roll up the boas ot the big bat tleship many of us could see the num ber oxb painted on the oonnlng- tower she seemed suiy cor moment then she broke in half and sank one half either aide of the bows them were no survivors two years later lieutenant oarr himself wu tn the snbrnartnw eervtoe ooe ot hb former ahipi charlie bonner won the victoria cross while serving aboard cjhnate tor telling tunny stories to my guns craw and trying to keep them main a restivo fruit market where qruusty counts and cheaper prices dominate we offer you these christmas specials fancy malaga grapes 2 19c new mixed nuts absolutely this years crop excellent assortment walnuts fiabetta brazq and ahnond 2 aba 29c texas seedless grape frutf large 4 for 25c head lettuce urge head 3 for 25c new messina lemons urrixeclox 23c oranges navel stmlrist new crop these attractive prices to meet every purse buy in quantities 23c clout 2 dox 45c 29c dedu 35c dw 39c dob and 50c dox cabbages cbxataty bananas vaxhrabijcs bttc ixsty bananas vb otjb srkciaitik8 cbxekt hkakts very eriss cat ap easy ak wa wish our many fktjendb and otjsooafbbs a vkht mbrrx- christmas a right luter- very likely said alfonso with a shake of hb head then he sat out for when h arrived jbe erosasbdvvy geaiomuavsb a pass until ttttrwoold ooene near enough to give us a oaok at her with our guu ihlnd that casual statement by the story of bow r bad aat telling his man stories whue the ship was torpedoed thru times fter maga- slne e blowing bonner forty feet n the air he received us vj3 pecause he crawled bank dated and half dead and gathered the remnants of his crew together again and told them another story or two until the frits- believing nothing human eould remain alive aboard that ship came to the surface to cmestloh tba peine party which hod previously taken to tba boats then it wis that oharue bonner mau eihg stories and went to work seriously on the oennsn uboat here b a book of adventure that proves if proof were n that ro- manoe boot passed fto the tea with the eeauhg of tba etajtwimp tnpn tkweaxhf xtnas specials xmas mix hold boiled candy per bx 19c xmas mixture filled and hard boiled per lb 23c xmas special creams jellies end chocolates per lb 23c duchess special per lb 29c puatit trirffruit drops per lb 29c week end chocolates regular 35c lb special for christmas per 29c we a uaaef 1 moibs nk1xson8 hunts asd sltxlss n cis0axbs at saw law setsea 1 is box xmaa wrapped soc 2 lbs and over 100 end up xma noveitie of all cleexription from 5c to soc kraddey nut ktutdy kotn popping com orange and nut at reauwatabto pgicea win yourself a christmas box wtta every xse ikaxetmetf ms 1 to longs conicdionery phone 89 main st georgetown t j h j i tjsa nniw

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