Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 14, 1932, p. 3

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i ts a ft- e br 1ft t r fes a sensible christmas gifts wbleh are at feucfctfcdtr pica rim to u rcotplrnt and eauy satwytnc to the giver i his year more thatfsvever the wise christmas shoppej seek delightful gifts they will be proud vtp- offer yet such that will stand the strain of their cuigo tailed finances j sensible shopping is now the keynote and at brills stores can be found the key uthi problem you will not receive cutrate seconds- stocked for stole purposes only to destroy the friendly or loving sentiments you so faithfully wish to express even if ycu only spend twentyfive cents get thje best that your money can buy bceney fct too searee to spend u we have added many new lines to our former holiday selections including very suitable gifts for your holiday hostess we are justly proud of our baby goods showing suitable gifts for every age and sex may be purchased here at from 15c to 1500 ask to see our specially prepared list of suggestions at various prices r d brill co corner mid and main st georgetown phone 167 the gift worth while if in doubt what to give see our display gifts worth wmle over one hundred different gift novelties no two alike and moderately priced from 50c to 200 the recipient of one of these gifts will be charmed with it janns drug store pbone327 georgetown why delay do it now let us change your oil to the correct winter grade as given by the car manufacturer check the ignition system and carburetor to make your car start easy even in the coldest weather fill the radiator with antifreeze we stock the following alcohol 65 overproof anti frostme glycerol pure glycerine and e preston e speights garage brake specialists georgetown breakfast bacon 1 lclbr ft stjgak ctjbkd and bwokkn boildtbam 23c lb head cheese slss- loclb pure lard mm 1 oc lb chopped snet ssl 2 25c young pork fresh shoulders ol pork 7c lb lota p chops 2 lbs for 2sc we sell for cash r c j buckoese local news the georgetown herald- wednesday evening december 14th 1952 personals page 3 stating a the arena tonight nine more shopping days before christinas ksqueslng township nomination friday dec rd firemens diamond jubilee ball and supper friday dec 30th the boys had their first hockey practice at the arena last night stewarttown christmas concert tuesday december 20th st a draw for a quilt will take place on friday night 16th at the legion euchre dr f r- watson requests that all accounts owing him be paid by the end or this week the lions club will hold their annual christmas entertainment for the children on friday dec 23rd particulars next issue mr a o b luxton a former manager of the bank of hamilton at georgetown died at his home in mt forest on monday dec 12th the annual christmas concert will be held at blue mountain 8 a no l on thursday dec 15th at 8 run admission 16c our merchants are displaying choice lines of christinas articles and their prices are as low as the lowest do your christmas shopping in georgetown 1 the sunday school of the united church assisted by yjue choir are giving the christmas cantata the glory of the lord on wednesday evening dec 21st at 8 oclock 2t waterloo school christmas con cert will be held on friday evening dec 16th good program refresh ments served admission jsc chil dren free it one thousand tulip bulbswere planted this tall at greenwood ceme tery they were presented to the cemetery board by mr w8 bradlayj of the dominion 8eed house 1 the oddfellows friday night dances have been postponed ustttil january 13th when they will resume again with jack armstrongs melody serenaders supplying the musle owing to he illness of the presi dent and the absence from town of a number of th officers the meeting of the wotjto which was to nave been held last friday was indefinitely post poned the firemen were called out last wednesday night about 10 oclock to a chimney ore at mr fred mccart neys john street fortunately the are was extinguished before much damage was done a social and drawing for a xmas turkey- be held in the legion rooms olmpionday evening dec 19 under che auspices of holy cross church admission 26c come you may take home the furttey orris andjfoys how about a dance newjears night monday jan 2ndr tbe sons of st george are planning a danee that will start 19s3 off in the right way in he arena monday evening jan 2nd another of the series of sunday night concerts being given by lome rifles 8oottlsh band will be held m thejuregory theatre next sunday evening dec 18th co at 8js0 this entertainment is being sponsored by bandsman wilfred an omission was make tnx the report of the wju3 meetingof the united church held on tuesday dec 8th in not stating the new of ficers of the mission band for ims who are mrs isabel cleave presi dent with mrs cummlngs and mrs arthur speight as assistants caledon townships appl to the dominion railway board for an order requiring the cpjfc- to main tain stations at caledon and mono rdu and asking that proper train service be maintained from bolton to melville will be heard to ottawa on jan 10 1933 krecutors sale of the late j h phrmer otall the farm stock implem ents hay grain roots furniture i miles south of rockwood on wed- dec 21st 1130 sharp cattle short- born grades implements nearly new 10 months credit off for cash r j kerr auctioneer phone 34 acton cssmmg far the nerlfc any person having clothing to do nate to the womens institute bale for the north please leave with mrs george campbell not later than mon day 19th dane at ota friday 18th a dance under the auspices of terra ootta athletic club will be held hi the town hall qlenwllllams on fri day evening dec 16th terra ootta orchestra dancing 8 to 2 admission gents 25c ltn hlr- med m victoria bxu dr ernest bu who was born all hornby 72 yeawtagp passed away at victoria bjd hist week dr hall was a son of the late r 8 hall of hornby and a brother of the late mrs john wrigglesworth of aahgrove he was the last member of the family cabs of thanks we wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy extended to us in our re cent sad bereavement by the death of our beloved wife and mother mr joseph scott and son fbsciotjs metals in tj8e as standards of value mr c jrussell of oormley was a visitor in vbnra on monday mr and mrs thomas trtill of erin spent sunday with chief and mrs marshall miss margaret olassey of toronto is visiting with her grandmother mrs margaret olassey queen st dr and mrs p m fisher of is lington were visitors in town on sat urday j messrs clifford booth and mae hewerc of sjb toronto university spent the week end with mr jack buck at his home here mrs will king who has been quite seriously 111 in brampton hospital during the past week is now improv ing nicely mr joseph beaumont was in to- tonto last friday attending the in stallation and induction of rt rev derwyn trevor owen as bishop of toronto credit lodge elects officer mb u c daypoot worshipful master fob 1833 there was a good attendance at credit lodge aj am last fri- dkysnight when the following officers were elected for 1833 wnh o deyfoot ijjh d wilson sw george dobson jw oufford moreton sx arthur robinson i o wakefield ford treasurer dr 8 qollop secretary george ford- tyler nelson robinson sb sam mackensle jjs e e young churofnews st georges chan rev w o o thompson rector fourth sunday in advent holy com munion 8 aj sun day school 10 am holy communion u ajn evensong 7 pjen the annual sunday school enter- tatnment will be held on tuesday evening dec 80th in the sunday sctool room fine program of dia logues recitations carafe etc- ad mission aduts 25o ohlldren other than 8t georges sunday school children 10c st albani chareh qlenwllllams fourth sunday in advent sunday school 2 pjn evensong 3 pjn knox presbyterian chareh services as usual on sunday christ mas sermon on christmas day chil drens christmas free at umenouse on 18th and at georgetown grd united church rev r w rumley minister mr norman laird choir leader 10 ajn sunday school and bible classes 11 turn morning worship sermon and hymn for juniors 7 psn evening service music by the choir all are welcome at the services salvation army capt pederaen and lieut j sunday next sunday school at jo ajn holiness meeting 11 am sun day school and bible class at 3 njn salvation meeting at 7 pjn tuesday 730 home league ladies meeting wednesday 8 pjn puhhe mtjeting au welcome baptist chnfch sunday school 10 am obrlatlan standards of life pubue worship 11 am and 7 pjn in charge of pastor a n frith the questions js qhrist- nuu overdone and is honeat tes timony of value will be considered on monday 8 pm young peonies in charge of the missionary group sub ject pioneering in bolivia sunday school christmas festival on the evening of thursday zrnd inst swallow ho sbobbt of their- winter home the gold standard is the measure of values in a monetary system in other words if we wish to compare the values of certain articles we say that one is worth so much gold an other is worthy more gold another leas etc before the invention of mo ney all exchange was by barter or trade in the early history such ob jects as wampun shells salt tobacco and beaver skins were used as token money m america gold and silver were selected as the standards of value or several reasons then- value is huge in proportion to weight they are easily carried and nonperishable and especially in the case of gold their values change but little from year to year the nations of the an cient world used both gold and silver as standards tor their coins then from the seventh to the thirteenth century the double standard was in general use then great britain and later the united states and other na tions adopted the gold standard m this country the gold standard im plies no restriction on gold imports or exports the redemption of currency in gold coin and the coinage by the mint of all gold offered it britain abandoned the gold standard this involving the abandonment of some of these j mat the thing i a rrilnurtm- delivered a sermon of only ten minutes duration at the conclusion he explained i regret to i inform you brethren that this morn ing my dog playfully ate the portion of my sermon that i have not to- uvereqv- let us pray after the service a man who was a member of another church shook the preachers hand and said i should like to know when thatdog of yours haspopsr rd likeone io etve to our sxactly where the swallows spend the winter is their own secret many students of birds ornithologists be lieve that they go to some island near south america so far however no one has definitely located their win ter home they start going south ward in july which is earlier than most birds it is evident that birds know when it is time to migrate and when to return to us they also know where they are going tor certain birds will return season after season to the same vine on the veranda of a home arriving on the same day of the month each year this fact has been established hy placing numbered bands on birds legs before they migrate it is nothing less than marvellous that they are aide to know when to travel where to go andthow to get there and return gene stratton por ter a great nature student and writ er once said what determines the precise minuter of their starting to come to us or to leave us or how they followed their trackless path high in arr across seas and contin ents mostly under cover or darkness we do not know one fact seems obvious that some force or influence takes possession of their actions at these times and that they cannot help doing what they do some call this instinct and others call it subconscious mind missouri farmer i correspondence fnew advertisements inflation or currency thi following correspondence from agnes masphwr hp will be read with interest by our subscribers dear editor the inflation of currency is a much talked of subject these days it has entered the realm of pra politics efforts are being made to frighten people by the use of the word infla tion and there la confusion in peoples minds in regard to it an expansion of national currency to correspond to an increase in na tional wealth ought not to be called inflation indeed unless such in crease in currency is llrsrthconuhg de flation and falling prices result fn a land of plenty a land of burst ing elevators and oversbacd ware houses we and much unployment factories idling andean impoverished agriculture the gross annual revenue of canadian farmers dropped by at least one bullonl dollars in the last four years fanners debts remained s fixed in terms of dollars which means that farmers mustell from two to three times as much produce now to pay their indebtedness as was the case three years ago their cost of living and production has fallen but slight ly the continuance of such condi tions will drive the agricultural in- dutsry into bankruptcy and canadians into as yet unknown suffering the lack of farm purchasing power is the direct cause of business s the rising tide of unemployment and the huge deficits of governments which are resulting to general para- something must be done and that quickly which will enable canadians to use the wealth they possess and that something in me opinion is the issuing of moneystiy the federal gov ernment against goods and services without interest in quantities suffici ent to move goods and absorb services such action would aut increase the prices of exportable farm products enable farmers to pay their debts with dollars nearer in purchasing power to those which they borrowed some years back enaple farmers to buy goods on the market atari factories running and thus absorb the unemployed lower tbtc expenditures oj govern ments for relief of unemployment increase the real revenues of gov- ffrntigftjt ease the railway problem through an increasing volume of traffic stimulate exports and revitalise the west with accruing benefits to east ern canada place canadian farmers more on a parity with their chief competitors in australia and south america it would not impair canadian credit abroad since australia has been able to fin ance in london at 3m with her currency far below the pound sterl ing prevent refunding debts to new york which involves ojily a change to our american creditors prevent meeting interest charges in new york as these can be made to gold or goods cause the cost of living to rise as quickly as the prices of basic commo dities and would give at the same time greater security of employment and increased personal revenues the economic strain has reached the breaking point the government can relieve the strain will it do yours atocaraly agnes mscphall mfss lamb practical maternity nurse by day or v week for particualra phone sir 6 george town at r no s georgetown ontaria miss daisie whitmee graduate tiaelph general hospital nursing in medical surgical and obstetrical oases b nio december 12th 1832 erin within three miles of the farm on which she was born 76 years ago mrs james morris wellknown resident of erin died of a paralytic stroke on sunday she was stricken on wed nesday mrs morris was twice married her first husband william bowman died 35 years ago mrs morris was an ardent w in the presbyterian church i surviving are her husband two daughters mrs howard overland erin and mrs alma everdell huls- burg and a son harold of alton interment was made in greenwood cemetery erin wife at desk tve been asked for a reference for our last maid ive said shes lssy unpanotual and imper tinent now can i add anything to her favor husband you might say shes got a good appetite and sleeps well trath bt a nutshell the reason some forks never have any luck is because they spend too much time wishing on a load of hay or looking at the moon over their right shulder fool ball speaking of footbajl you wont mind if we kick a little about the arrearages on the herald subscription list hows yours the herald threw away his stick vvhea sdauea yleum i mruckca there can be no doubt that this man has finished walking with a stick tor it is now four years since he discarded it he writes for 18 months i suf fered with chronic sciatica and rheum atism and was unable to walk with out the aid of a stick but after taking kruschen baits for a short time i was able to throw away the stick it is now four years since this happened and i have had no return of the complaint and have not lost a day from work i shall never be without kruschen salts as they are worth their weight in gold you can use this letter as you please as i can honestly recommend kruschen salts to any sufferer of if the etimrnatlng organs become sluggish the permit harmful uric acid to accumulate and deposit itself in the tissues muscles and joints in the form of needlepotnted crystals which piercing the nerve sheaths cause excruciating pates of sciatica the six salts in kruschen stimulate the eliminating organs to healthy- regular action mischievous urio aou itmmkvsmn notice to creditors cases by hour or day call day or night phone ml georgetown hones wantedf good team of work 85 r 3 georgetown phone boarde wanted two boarders wanted young couple preferred all home comforts apply boxm herald st on john street with all conveni ences easily heated apply mrs smythe main st 3t ball for bale pure bred holsteto bull 1 year old good type 4 per cent dam herd f ujy accredited and negative to the blood test j l young terra ootta phone 26 r 4 cheltenham ltp for sale or bent 7 room house small orchard and 2 acres land very reasonable will lease possession immediately ap ply to mft alfred collins p o box 485 oeonjhown ltp for sale 10 yorkshire chunks sow and 8 pigs 3 yorkshire sows apply lloyd hillock lot 4 con 10 erin township phone erin 38 21 ltp shooting match at lloyd hillocks lot 4 con 10 erin township saturday afternoon dec 17th turkeys geese and chick ens shot guns and rifles used am munition supplied for shot guns ltp ta house to rent on murdoch street possession imme au conveni ences apply to jas ballantrns hamilton wt if new cesspools dltehea to dig old ces pools cisterns etc cleaned on abort notice also white washing and any other work done james williams box us georgetown tf a e coiman trakhu barries and general trucking at au tarns and garbage removed we st lowest rates phone xu flowers plants designs and wkodingi boqukts j preater florist phone 130 francis beauty shoppe mareeulng permanent waring finger wavmc sjhainpooing ate phone 141 3tp tf woqd for sale choice maple hardwood and oedar ralls at right prices orders left at a humes or at my home phone low promptly attended to a ltvthastone wood for sale choice mania birch and mixed wood at lowest prices j tost georgetown wood for sale choice hardwood beech and maple at 325 per single cord mixed wood 8278 per single oord sails at 8x50 per single cord h p fhalhgte cords for cash intablcka of hardwood for beaters at 8325 per cord 1 brandford phones ms er sssj wood no 4 hardwood beech and maple 8300 hardwood limbs and mixed wood 8275 ralls suo any quantity 6 in blocks of hardwood for quebec heaters 8125 prices are for wood delivered j h smith paeae 84 r 13 no ehano f wosoi sj sojutar for in the matter of the estate of frederick o warrens late of town af georgetown m the county of hattsn gantlesnan deceased notice 18 hereby oxven that all persona having any claims or de mands against the late frederick o warren who died on or about the twentieth day of october 1838 at the town of georgetown in the county of halton and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solici tor tor thomas spavin warrens the administrator of the estate of fred erick o warrens gentleman deceas ed their names and addresses sad full particulars in writing of v their claims and statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the seventh day of january 1833 the said thomas spavin warrens will p to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims which be shall then have had notice and that the- said thomas spavin warrens will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall hot then hare reoetved notice dated at georgetown ontario this seventh day of necember 1833 leroytmlav wia aaht admjnjgkmtor nqtice to creditors in the matter of the bankruptcy of thames john 8petghi of the town ef georgetown ha the province of ontario debtor notice is hereby given that thom as john speight of georgetown on tario made an assignment on the 8th day of december 1032 and that the first meeting of creditors wnl be held on the 18th day of december 1032 at the hour of 3 jo oclqc in the afternoon at the court housethamll- ton ontario in the office of k w thomas the official receiver to vote thereat proofs of claims and proxies must be filed with me prior thereto those hawing claims against the estate must file the same with the custodian or the trustee when ap pointed before distribution is made otherwise the proceeds of the estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto without regard to such claims dated st toronto this 10th day of december 1832 n l martin ojl custodian 73 king st west toronto ont browns bakery ttry our homemade pork pies honey doughnuts fried cakes apple said mince pies for saturday you will like them and the price is right 39c to 100 150 to z0 z25 v 3 in a box weve done our christmas shopping early and so we are ready with a wonderful assortment of holiday gifts including silk and woolali silk silk and lisle and all angola wool full fashioned hose at 85c 100 125 150 and 175 silk and wool silk and lisle and silk 39c misses and childs stockings pure botany wool at 30c 39c and 49c gloves ladies colored suede gloves ladies kid gloves ladies lined kid gloves i4arwkerchiefs ladies handkerchiefs in fancy boxes at 25c 35fc 50c 65c 75c 100 misses handkerchiefs 2 in box 15c 20c 25c a large assortment of plain and fancy handkerchiefs from 5c to 50c underwear woods lavertrstr night dresses at 275 woods fia vender slips pink and peach 175 woods silk bloomers 59c vesta to match 59c woods silk knickers 95c woodsssilk vests v 125 wool underwear turnbuus ceetee wool vests 100 to 0 bloomers to match japanese silk kimonas 250 to 30 ladies nunsveiling handworked bed jacket 290 silk sets ladies and misses vests and bloomer sets 100 up extra large size bloomers 95c turkish towels a large assortment of turkish towels new colors and new prices the largest and best assortment ever shown in georgetown linens a lovely range of linen towelling linen towels from linen bridge sets bed spreads silk rayon bed spreads 80x100 sweaters a lovely group of pullovers the latest in color and style simplicity patterns 15c agents for langleys cleaners and dyers we deliver lie to 35c 10c to 50c 175 to 50 275 to 495 mcbean co georgetown ontario headquarters for christmas sports outfits ccm boots and skater skis toboggans ski harness hand sleighs snow shoes hockey sticks ask to see the ski sled just the thing for your boy or girl merry xmas to all i richardsons hardware phone 25 georgetown choice plants and cut flowers for christmas axalias cycleman poinsettia begonias ferns christinas peppers christmas cherries cut flowers roses mumms carnations marigolds violets all at greatly reduced prices georgetown floral co browns bakery clean up sale buy ypur xmas gifts now af rr- mntqns gift shoppe watchmaker and jkrvkuefc t 15 deartog- prions stock must be oeanedup by december 31st jkwel1xscx mn06 watches ohjoo ghjmal otjmsb tots stattonhry books gamuts tmoorstipokb nc l 28 off on repadra me safe lusts 1 i f

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