Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 21, 1932, p. 1

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member oanerhan weekly n 7 cjul tbne table standard time getag but and man loan am 437 pja for toronto km pjn going bast sjj pjn for toronto s44 pjn arrow ts ejs ajn mjsb an holidays only pm j6 pjn 6j6b pan- hxbsa pjn ttt ass daby except sunday mo aft 1jb pm 440 pm m bpdaja and holiday only ms pa daily fm to holder of ax folden fate lafe open day and nk1ht christmas day turkey dinner always serving a mer christmas to all main st south ant lprpfimtof town jl esteemed gifts the thrill that comes once in a lifetime should arrive in the christmas stocking i anbvwhat thrill can compare for a child with that which a watch or a ring will provider or for your ug girl or boy the thrill which a- life timevalue wrist watch or pen dant wiu stirt we have just the gift for him for her er for fhjv youngster a vrbv mekkv 0hbi8tmas xo kul rrtvmrv lvftldjateucer jhjordan sx georgetown jeweller c a very merry christmas to everyone c v directory lev ii clmmmmx h wiggins ph chiropracttc cmawanv 1 swr practice prosperity free dby expert phone 222w five gallons of oil prospkrriv qij be from now until 1st of price 7 burner 3200 9 burner 3500 double 7 for ranges 4000 triple 7 for furnaces with necessary equip- ment 700 s tear guarantee wtth every hem s b groat y service otwjsgrir ttjqinliuno store 3 e and tj0 to a pus qatar a aad agon by appoms a jjkr i frank fetch et ii i fcli la the afettf way to jftfry com wesh anthracite ow ontefa lwlm baal or no extra delivery charges lo -jmnhm- jobn mcdonald vatynob jack wobdwig- 1w trmsrous poltte sekeacrtflctog nweajt laagkwm aad wxw stt ttooata htseant motes drmk or took at other woman but just myjlnok art merstt mauft pan worry dearie no woman wm atay married to a mak uke that choice plants and cut eeaxgswaanswawawaawaseeaiawews awmwawawawawawjawawwawaamawgggggmaw- flowers for christmas axalias cycleman poinsettia begonias ferns christmas peppers cbristmas cherries cut flowers roses mumms carnations marigolds violets all at greatly reduced prices i georgetown floral co to onveboy who afte off for sntndmothsrttaaer- el my- boyi b eoooomlcbl tdontj am minmmm vtmu forflbwrejw vit v- r h thompson co for dependable hardware and popular gifts cxji tube skate outfits priced 395 to iooo ccm hockey skates 90c pr hockey sticks 15c 25c 50c sleighs wagons and kiddy cars special this week genuine duco varnish stain in ugbt and dark oak qls 79c pis 45c 12 pts 25c plombing furnace work and electrical bri8tma8 is here what a thrill of response is awakened in the hearts of every one of jis by the stately sweet measures of the old song with its announcement that the day of days has come at last what images it brings up in ehodlsn minds what memories for those of us to wnom it means a mlk we think wistfully of ohrtn bves of yesteneir we jong to go home mr ohrietmts many of nt are messed tpth oldfashioned co homes when we can return to shr a real ghrl with our dear ones bssten the dayl we dream for weeks in advance of the welcome tost our n folk will give us home where dear eld customs are kept and abundant wall- wishing and good cheer mtennlngiee with the spicy christmas smell friendly faces bits of gossip gay jests and greetings on every side hearts lightened of their burdens so gracious and so hallowed is the thne bow mellow are the thoughts of christmas at home home doubly dear when the spirit of bb teachings glows upon toe hearth home a veritable fortress against the cold and evil of the world christmas at home what pictures of merrymaking and feasting the unspeakable delight of simplicity anticipation of christmas rgarnlngwendmg our way across the snow to hear eargerly the story of angels and shepherds houydeched churches where christinas carols blend with him of sweet bells from jewevllke windows the light streams across the snow the ah- is vibrating with the frosty magic that only christinas morn cantbrmg chtisttnastlde the very mention of the word pormpts us to send forth wishes for hppi and welfare of friends old and new but best of all christ- mastkle whispers of home and love of family the day that we love best of an in he yearruly it is of us surrender ourjves so completely to the ahnprhlrig ctivitle of he year that we forget hew small a part we nliy in the tenuh aebeam of things we are only an lntottealmsl part of tim worlds ctviiiav uon cttristrnm is the imu of etrohmtlos nsaif peace onl esrtn ooodwlll toward ownttow eaaltbu l to renew faith with the ageslffwhen wo ugbt our ctirlttnue fires wa hooome one with our ancestpis we add a spwrk to toe blase wmbb glows across tb horiaon of tot pmtthtlptna to perpttuate toe name for the future suddenly we learn why we lort this day west of an in the year us the imperishable season of giving and even tbtsmanast kmd word the tiniest cere makes us of use to arrijlsatlon- we ate carrying on the ot spirit whieh cold cynicism eomnuies and science seam to be crowding out- mpnunf nsrflment echoes in bur hesrtsl forgetting self wt lore manrind amnmenuy to be oon- cemed about his- welfare we are charmed with doing food under the magic spell of christmas our dull world of realism merges fito one of fantasy we remember the forgotten friend we are glad to gives few hours of our time visiting unfortunate shutua who will treasury the memory of a smile and a few kind words long after we ourselves have forgotten those little nameless uniemembsred acta of kindness bow they spring into being at the season of the king of kings enriching him who gives and him who receives in myriad beautiful honorable ways tha most exquisite emotions of which mankind is capab are in spired in the hearts of king and beggar alike and because joy inten sifies these emotions christmas day stands apart as the day we do indeed love best bring forth the holly the box and the bay vive evergreen who can think of christmas without themt what if we have migrated to prosaic apartment houses and prices of christmas greens frighten us well keep our merry christmas sail even trmngh it necessitate a trip to the country for a bough to decorate our tinier flat greenery is a tribute to the highest mood of the soul to lifeeverlasthup an integral part of the feasting w must keen faithwnh christmas lets tell the beautiful story with flowers as weill there must be gala adornment for tired eyes at holiday tuns and may the pixies hide in our holly wreaths when we deck out our eottage or castle for glad ahristmas dayl then the carolling refrain intimately invites us to draw round the fire why lifes dearest tradi are built around a fireplace what mysteries the christmas firelight reveals in its penetrating glow the delusions of the world are shorn of their glamour in its warmth selfish calmlation and cold wanning simply melt away there is no room for deceit and vanity here the pluto crat sitting before its blase realises that money and power without friends and love mean nought but failure and sadness he who has contempt for sentiment suddenly finds that nothing in the world is so ilt hi so indlspenslble as sympathy gradoumess and comrade ship oh do let ue draw round the christmas ore gra tiny tim every one of us especially the lonely friend and let the theme throughout be to make others happy for the once we reenter the gates of childhood and here is tenderness generosity and rejoicing the old world isnt half so heartless as it pretends to be the yarn pure wplte stars will shine on qhrfrmai eve that inspired the magi to go forth and offer gifts to the babe in the manger and under these selfsame stars we too will offer our gifts to him love and kind ness to our fellowman christnuis joy cannot bt bought with silver coins its quality need not he unique or rare the measure of our own happiness will be found in the amount of genuine love which aooompanles each of our gifts invite the lonely old neighbour to share your christmas feast see his dear wrinkled face wreathed in smiles to know that he is not forgotten bear him spin vivid and grotesque yams for the fancy e youth bend a gayry dressed c pie to the widow whose feast win be pathetically meagre seek out the hungry kiddies help ful fill their dreams of banta glaus a thousand honors to christinas the season of sharing let us add our spark to the great blase of kmd news on human itys hearth let us speak the language of christina stlde once morel and may it be the bleesedest merriest most beautiful christmas that for thee alumblsst the restless clock is ticking out the bourn that go before the dawn and icy moonbeams dart about the snow that shrouds the slum bering lawn the lawn that santa dans must cross kre be shall reach my bobysooc qhl who shan measure bertie loss should banta claus come not bleep apftly sleep my pretty one i heaimhe neighing of the steeds- good santa claus has just begun his round of ktndly deeds what has the utttehnan my precious babe who there he brings sweet we a gift from me a mother love- a mothers care a mothers care that shall not wane while hands can toll or brain can think until that day shssloosne again when thou shan crow lifes brink be brings a cress he rliign a crown and places them on either upon the cross thou must not frown for some day thou shalt understand shalt understand the nrecloosnesa that to the sombre cross pertains and thou wilt hold the crown taxless than of the cross the pains he brings the greatest glft of in bringing thee this the gfsthless love it of mm who took thy sins and when no mora thy mothers case can guide thy foo baby lama thy steps shall be mhmti by loee otom btvtae sleetv softly sleep my pretty one i hear the neighing of the steet oood santa cfrus has just begun his round of ktodry deeds arthur weir eyes rzxamincd i your by q t walker dojsc eyesight specialist brampton i who will be at watsons drug store georgetown i the second wednesday of every month i phone watsons dbug stobz for affonrxafsoft m or yew any o t waijnrjt at his osbea be the newest style of gl at reasonable prices each of you have ever known this is the wish of v thebditor santa clatjb 8tabtkd spaqr 4m teahs ago nt for the past few w no figure in international affairs has bean more prominently displayed than the name wean nay homage at tula time of the year to the great whlui whiskered old gentleman but very few of us know where ha comes from how old he la where he lives or what coun tries be visits indeed it is to be doubted that santa himself knows from whence be originates ah this being admitted suppose we explode the mystery of- santa claus suppose we try and find out the how where and w of the redcoated reindeer driver with the cheery smile to start the story off in typical fairytale style once upon a time fim started a war between hol land and spam that was back in the year lots the war tasted for so years it was natural that during the war spanish soldiers should wander all over holland telling stories of tbetr nattve land and among these stories was the one about the spanish bishop st jucholas it was told that this bishop had a very benevolent nature worked always among the poor had a great jove for children and took a keen de light in giving them pres before veqrtong the spanish chil dren held feasts in the bfariar of this saint whose birthday hi i was was on dee eth now the bpakish word for saint is santa and so it was that the feast became known as the feast of saata hlcholaa but in holland they nick named hktnolss and called it klaas when the r h ttiompson co phone 46 c iv- georgetown that when over holland for many years and the feast celebrated m that country it became the feast of santa bases and is stul known in that oountry today uwhers the great- ohgdyecoi feast held on the eth- of de on the day before that date the children are told that a great snip of toys frota jsgatn is on its way to bousnd and wbta it urives 4sh bishop santa boaae d m his scarlet robes and hi mltie on ms head stands on the trent of the it abvaeoompaam byta black moorish v bay laden with toys travel all over hol land distributing them to all worthy c during the night the homes land on housetops and the btaak boy goes down the chimney mow getting bask to the eighty- year war the oonfttot had amaatng results in opening up new channels of trade with other- countries new en discovered sod the story availed swiftly when it reached holland the name santa klaas was changed to thc-nor- santa olaos which is the m in canada know but the norwegians refused to accept santa claus- with the mitre and as a leader of the church so they put a pair of furlined trousers on him gave him a red capiand all the other things that bant wears and proceeded to welcome bun into their homes and norway is a cold country so the norwegians were forced to supply him with a sleigh sad reindeers they stul- allowed him to go down the ohhnney bufiln the shuffle the utile black bay was lost so thai santa natvto go down himself how ever they gave him a fir tree instead then for religious reasons i they hunt uke the feast of the bishop on decj otbtveo they changed it to the yuletide season or christmas dec 36th oem 8fkom lotto 8crafbook reflect upon your present bless inga of which every man has many merles dickens the meeting of the lord it tnaketh rich and he eddeth no sorrow with to those leaning on the sustaining infinite torday is big with- blessings mary bake bddy far blessings ever wait on virtuous deettsvobgreeve x mans best things are nearest him lie dose about ha feet r m munss the superlative blessings are those of the mind ivastraoge remember john wesley shared his esuesing council stewarttown dec is 1ss3 the council met pursuant to ad journment deputy reeve w o appelbe oounemors l l wesley murray and n a ro uiseuui wtth reeve george currie in the chair minutes of last meeting ware read and confirmed murray appelbe that the treaa urer pay ben telep a wh actcnubllc wlikies eossau eras cent st tams hmo town of mo fnp dwition court easts sisjoo ktmei o thompson premium on township building to dec is nu j senford cleaning stove nines st council cham ber hoc 1 doe file clips bc total 96c carried robinson mullin that the treas urer pay j sanf ord board of health account mob howard garvin mfflt supplied for charity 3jm howard oarvin milk supplied for charity oso total 1300 j h smith 1 cord wood supplied for charity sum wm schenk goods supplied for charity sut wm schenk goods supplied for charity tlcst total s18jh carried mullin robtaison that the treas urer pay the road sheets as present ed by the road superintendoit tllemb carried mullin robhuon that the treas urer pay h c mcchtre burial ex penses of robert watson ssdjuov car ried appelbe murraythat the letters from the cnr and ojem also the reports of the weed tnsnertnr and medical officer of health be oiled carried mullm r t leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to grant permission to the reeve and treasurer to borrow money to meet the current eau of the town ship aad that said bylaw be now read a first time carried appelbe murray that bylaw to grant permission to the reeve and treasurer to bor m to the current eipemlltme of the ship having been read a first thne be now read a second and third and passed end the blanks filled in with the sum of eight thousand dol lars and that the onpia seat be attached thereto carried murray appelbe that leave granted to totroduce a bylaw to grant permission to the b treasurer to borrow money to the current expendtture of the ship and that said bylaw be i read a first time carried robinson mullm that bylaw grant permission to the reeve treasurer to borrow money to the cuii expenditure of the ship having been read a first tbne be now read a second and third times and passed and the blanks filled in wtth the sum of sixteen thousand dollars and that the corporate seal be attached thereto carried appelbe murray that the treas urer pay board of healthlaooounta s v bsrrsolough meetings 6mjxv mileage m0 total 34qf george ourrie meetings satin mileage 1x40 total 3840 dtoh t paul meetings p40 mileage su0 total j6jo i m bennett meetings s34j0o total j400 carried murray appelbe that the urer pay alex mckay exchange tajkjouried mullin robinson that the trees urer pay the fouowmg george our rie meetings stxoo mileage scso coaunt aiosjm tocatsloxbo w g appelbe meetings tmjoo inllbageslss u taojoo total tiaojo tv l muiun meetings sasjoo mileage s camm ttsjoo total sus40 n a robmson meetin t43jt0 mileage guo comm ssojoo total iu7jm wee- ley murray meetings stxoo iig tlljo comm ksuix total su3j0 carried appelbe murray that the treas urer pay i m bennett stamps ssao george leslie stamps stojjo carried mulim robinson that the reeve do now vacate the chair and that it be taken by mr w o appelbe- car ried murray robinson that the thanks of this council are hereby tendered to reeve currie for the courteous and impartial manner in which he has presided over the meetings of this council during the past year carried bternai fob of crokltt xmas mix hard botfed candy per lb 19c 1mas mixture filled and hard boiled per ls 23c xmas special creams jellies and chocolates per lb 2fc duche5s special per lb 29c paacgjis tnie fruit drops per ls 29c week end chocolates regular 35c dx special for cjiristinaa per sb 29c wa also carry a complete line of baa ch sswesal g mow nkflsons hunts aad 8mfle8 n cbucaxks 1 lb box xrnas wrapped soc 2 lbs and over 100 and tjpwards xmas novelties of all descriptions from 5c to 50c kraddey nut kandy kora popping corn onnges and nuts at i prices i win yourself a christmas box wtth every s5c parehase yew wffl receive a msaaser nambers wffl be drawn on xmas eve and th wbmer wl targe 4 pownd bsa of metre celebrated xxx c prfan 1 u of mobs pot ef qom longs confectionery phone 89 r main st georgetown y main a restivo fruit market where quality counts and cheaper prices doszunate we offer you these christmas specials fancy malaga grapes 2 fcs 19c new mixed nuts absolutely this years crop excellent assortment walnuts filberts brazil and anmonds 2 abs 29c texas seedless grape fruit large 5 for 25c head lettuce large lieads 3 for 25c new messina lemons large size do 20c celery hearts very crisp cut up daily 10c bunch oranges navel sunkist new crop these attractive prices to meet every purse buy in quantities 19e 25c 29c 39c 49c 59cdoxen u1abbagbs celkbt bananas vbojrrabijts sto odb 8pkcialtds8 wk wish our many friends and cobtoafkss a mbrrt uhulblbfas much as christmas has meant to humanity lthaa meant no less to those lowlier fellow creatures who share with men lifes jay and sor rows whatever the burden of suf fering that rests upon the anbns world today it ideas by many fold than it was before that night when a little ehud was born ifa the stable of s bethelhem tan the spirit of ohristmss is the eternalfoe of cruelty no man who yields to its sway can look with other than kind ly eyes upon the least of those ttvmg things that have capacity for pain announce fresh shipments of all leading lines cigars in xmas boxes i from 50c to 300 cigarettes in special gift boxes at new prices case pipes tobacco pouches cigarette ughters xmas candies newstock of neilsons box mclcolates at the new phce lib box soc r- 2 sk 100 special xmas mixture 1 5c and 25c lb m his boy tbsshlp tamtw docks santo so many people are so busy oaring what the other feuow ftdiitag thentsehes acewmpllih noth- snd that they wbamc mary i dldnvtaow ted bad any idea of marrying yon armjse dldtft that wa awav a merry christmas to all e e yoijng phone 161 main street iii

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