Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 21, 1932, p. 4

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r s boss page 4 the georgetown herald wed nesdey evening december 2 1 st 1 92 r wl dad will be at the store now dad had left for northampton an hour or so before with quite a list of the fauiuys requirements when peg suddenly recalling the knit ting parry at the browns that evening realized she was short six balls of wool quickly she reached for the telephone hell be at the store now and if he isnt mr coyie will have it ready for urn an incident typical of the valne of your telephone in the daily roarine or in big or little emergencies it smooths lifes path at trifling cost you meed your telephone special autumn and winter display of trimmed hats novelties of imported fancy linens and scarfs fur coats maae to order ana reusareo by brmmihle firm misses claridge upnun hnu block jolt printing a specialty yx8 too mtjch kvbrxthina here is one that- is gsbott the rounds or newspapers which sums up the cause of every kind of trouble it seems the writer siren his ideas in a tense and trenchant manner too much oats and too much wh too much com and too much heat too much ootton too much oil too man hours that we dost toll too many highways too many cars too many people behind the bars too much poverty too much wealth too many people have poor health too much politics too much boose too many wearing high heeled shoes too many loafing too many beta too many falling to pay their debts too many spending dough tor gas too many talking of europes sass too many buying heyond their means too many buying canned corn beans too many caudlllatami after your votes too many wearing old overcoats too many hiring than- washing dene too many playing bridge for fun too many looking to ohcle too many people dont give a too many poets too much prose too many girls without undemlothm too much buying of goods on time too many people dont save a dime too much ball too much play too many officers on big pay too many taxes too much spent too many folks spend every cent too much fun too much ease too many rips in by b v dx too much talk too much law the damest mess you ever saw 4 b b tue aiveb that madk eoctt away orial africa in the very the unebttlotmbnt bkukf garden over fifty destitute families provid ed with a plentiful supply of vege tables and saved from a summer of absolute idleness were the results of an unemployment relief garden project sponsored by the rotary club of fred- ericton new brunswick in coopera tion with the adjacent d ex perimental station some of the famines worked gar dens on land about their homes but the majority of them were established on a piece of land donated by the experimental station the station also furnished a lot which was used as community potato field the rotary club furnished fertilisers snd spray material inter ested cihwrns off end prises to stimu late a proper enthusiasm federal and provincial agricultural experts gave plenty of advice and the result was a striking success two or three incorrigibly laxy fami lies fen down oo the job but the others carried on with splendid ajbrtt and some of the plots would hsm excited the envy of even the most hard boil ed professional gardeners after fu their systems during the summer with she vitamins of let tuce radish cucumbers green peas and green beans these families are now facing the winter with generous stocks of potatoes cabbage turnips carrots onions bottled tomatoes dried peas beans and other veg and who can measure the value of aroused hope and renewed morale de rived from a season of pleasant oc cupation the idea is one that should be spread around there is no reason why the plans should not be tried in scores of places in eastern canada next summer the dominion eperimental station at rreoericton new brunswick and the rotary club of the same place will be guvd to share the benefit of their experience with any groups who wish to carry on similar proje in 1933 and who will write to them for in formation slight drafts the fellow to whom harp music is distasteful is going to nave a tough time in heaven so long as you are happy hat does it matter where you are or what you have it is all right to give the devil his due but there is no sense to adding a bonus do you really think you are capable of sitting down today and telling some young man what he really should do a chbibtlfas castol heart of a little south of equator there rises one of the it and most famous rivers of world the fg of the nile are in one of the remotest and least civilised bits of the earths sur face and the greater part of its course lies either through equatossal swamps or through barren deserts but before it has finished its long journey of four thousand miles and reached the mediterranean it baa travelled through the greatest king dom of the ancient world and its broad stream has reflected the towers and colonnades of vast temples which mark the spots where once stood the proudest cities of a great emipre for thousands of years its waters bore upon their bosom the glided barge of famous kings and of mighty gods while the ships of all nations from crete from tyre from sidon and by bios even at last from faroff athens and the islands of the aegean swept up the stream before the strong north wind to unload at the quays of mamphu or of thebes and drifted down again with the current laden with all the fintvnd beautiful things which the cunning workmen of egypt knew so well how to make but the nile was not only the wit ness of the splendour of ancient egypt not even only a helper in the making of it it actually made the whole land in the beginning and it kept on remaking it year by year and is remaking it still for a long way after the start of its journey it runs as ilhavesald through great swamps where its current is almost choked by huge masses of matted reeds the sudd which have to be cut through periodically to clear a channel then it comes out at last into more open country which is barren and desolate on either bank and just at khartoum another great river the blue nile comes rolling down from the hills of abyssinia to join the slower current of the longer stream the white nile as the equatorial river is called the united stream flows on past the bat tlefield of omdurman where the last hope of the dervishes was shattered to pieces it passes the first of the six great steps the c down which it has to fall before it reaches egypt and gliding past the ruins of what was once the famous city of meroe it reaches the point where an other nwirt torrent from the abyssinian comes flowing in from the east to join it the nile has really made egypt and goes on mp it afresh every year as it has done for untold nun dreds of years all the black soil which nils the flat valley has been laid down by the river in the course of ages and it is refreshed and kept fruitful year by year by the s flood which made it in the beginning and it is the black soil that is egypt the egyptians themselves in ancient days used to call egypt the black land to hnginiih it from the red deserts which lay on either band egypt then the first of the lands of our story is simply the ribbon of fertile land which lies on either side of the great river which has created it and the broad triangle which hoe between the end of the ribbon and the mediterranean or if you like tt better we might say that egypt is like a illy whose long stem rather crook ed in plsces is the nile and whose broad bloom is the delta james bal kle in the ancient east and its story what means this glory round our feet the magi mused more bright than mom and voices chanted clear and sweet today the prince of peace is bom i what means that star the shep- tens through the rocky overhead goodwill good fj good cheer is a great lubricant it oils all lifes machinery good cheer is a great producer it adds wonderfully to ones active abi lity and increases mental and phy sical power it makes hosts of friends snd helps us to be interesting and agreeable good cheer will attract more cus tomers sell more goods do more bus iness with less wear and tear than al most any other quality optimism is the greatest business getter biggest trader truest achiever m the world pessimism has never done any thing but tear down and destroy what optimism has built up in the business office in society in workshops everywhere the favor ite is always the cheerful fellow with the bright smile and bright thoughts qoodnatured cheerful ones do not waste their vital energies as rapidly as the grumblers or the too sober too sour ones do they work and live with much less friction oood cheer is a simple habit it is one of the best in all the list oinveiira peel plowmen bepobt oood ij a most acceptable gift to that friend far away m to those who have made their home far from their am folk noth ingis quite as acceptable perhaps as news of the oid home town the doings of the boys and girls they used to know their comings and goings their joys and sorrows as reflected every week in the columns of the local newspaper your boy or girl sister brother or bosom friend will appreciate the herald more than anything else it will be a constant reminder of you 52 weeks in the year two oood rules life is a battle as every human being finds out somewhere between the beginning and the end of it every man and woman who is worth anything has fought through more than one discouraging struggle along the way the publisher of a bag modern magazine who has fought his own- way to success quoted the other day two rule which be said he has learned from an old cavalry captain and had found to be the best on guiding aphorisms first when in doubt charge second admit nothing to be a hardship the first rule applies to action the second to thought to a soldier ly attitude of mind taken together they equip a warrior to enter any struggle with more than a chance of victory they are ennaby- valuable to the modern business man struggl ing in the press of work snd worry and they are certainly appl to the dally difficulties of life the worst obstacles which grow as one looks at them often melt away before a determined charge upon them a man is more often beaten by bis fears than by his enemy as for hardships many young people cheer fully endure when on a camping trip or an excursion discomforts by which they would be completely discour aged in doing church work for ex ample almost nothing bearable is a hardship to a determined and cheer ful will and very few really unbear able hardships ever confront the average person to learn these rules snd apply them will be a help toward victory peel plowmens association held its annual meeting in the offices of the department of agriculture on bat- dec 12th james laldlaw treasurer reporting a fmf on hand of over 200 considerably more than was left in the preceding year it was decided that the mafrines of the association shall be rotated throughout the townships in the fu ture next year the annual competi tion win be held in either toronto or albion townships she trophies were offered for competition at the match this fall one of them being won per manently officers elected for the coming year are bon presidents w j lowe and j m dolson president alex ifo- kihney jr vice presidents russell wilson mono road and w l wilkin son brampton treasurer james lald- law brampton secretary j o shear er brampton honorary director joseph motheraill directors ghlngua- cousy m w carter herbert clark david craig and herbert russell toronto township herbert black wilfred ellis fred lawrence and b parkinson toronto gore robert gardhouse john crwia and arthur julian oaledon watson wiggins w j- wilson and clifford storey albion orland downey and b west- lake auditor frank thompson ibrampton ew sj4rhuldv imjmcftis that motmrist httped design r foraaanee with proved ability ipfke store and belter miles that fra die first car to offer father nodraft ftuamm theyll come hi tadtr thousand to learn whats new and advanced in modem car design and we bos that roe ill join them youll as cover more reasons than ever fec- melaaauinbaieks z4oj prelemwa over any other eight in ha dries class mora l than ever way yesi should choose a mclaasalinbukk for the joy of extra yean at fine canada has walling now canada thrills to the aw laelawuinbuleka the greatest ever built treat the driver point el view 30xm canadians told general motor what they want in their neat ear aad new these atotoriats will find that melrtkblinboick l score rjbansver the choice to aaake for savings and eauaf action theyll find that the new mclangh- unboick is wfostnaaaed even that it and new par- reliable asotoringl vbinmaiiom maw tawggff what 3mm motorists told us coaoakh foafcwi- on dsjh 3 v phone smw on dispx ay soon s v king georgetown a scotsman was flying from cray- don to swilsssrsandl and ess pud looking round noticed that his pas senger appeared to be very 111 his fsce was red snd he was perspiring freely so when they stopped at paris the pilot aniggeabsd that the botawman should break bis journey and see a dootor the scotsman shook his head a flchtf he theres nothln rang wl me but man alive youre looking ter rible expostulated the pilot theres something the matter with you well its like this explained he scotsman- wamrtw comuv to croydon by your car i read a notice which said extra luggage was three pence a pound i wasne gain f pay r that so i slipped on ma extra clothes and he opened his overcoat ohderneaih was another overcoat bealso had on two jackets two waist coats snd three parrs of trouseral th a gbodab a letter from a friend you will soon forget her i and be happy again jilted lover on no i shant rve i bought too much for her on the m- istallment plan wife tm going to town tola after noon hubby shopping wife no i wont have time i just want to get some things i need a newspaper headline reads burg lars surprised by bank officials work ing late who wouldnt be dramatist why are you going away already there are three more acts to come guest sorry thats why rm going away perfectly young- wh toerre is wonderful to me mother me everything i ask for mother that merely shows dear that you are not asking enough my for r v hampers any person wishing to donate goods for christmas hampers being prepared by the womens institute under the direction of the central u relief committee kindly leave same at mr joseph watsons residence maih st north anytime from i i i i e one thing you can afford the great national pastime thin weather is squeezing the expenditure column so that it will remain in proportion to the revenue f the first step in this of course is making a decision as to what items are abso lutely necessary to the wellbeing of our minds and bodies and consigning the balance to the limbo of things we will have when times improve you cannot do without your local newspaper for sev- era reaso the first of which is that as an intelligent citizen of the community it is nemasaryfhat you keep informed about what is taking piacesrshatcommunjty whether your interests are being cared for in the gov- v erning of municipal affairs what is transpiring at the schools the churches if grants are being made from public funds or cut off and why what your com- munity proposes doing about relief measures where foodstuffs meat wearing apparel wood coal may be bought to best advantage where you may sell or trade some used article or buy such an article o advantage all the intimate personal newsl the deaths births and marriages and the thousand and one other occurrences tjiat go to make up the life of a community that is the function of the weekly newspaper its news columns each week carry the story of the activities of the com and in addition the effective news of the world at large its advertising columns bring into your home the best offerings of the stores and shops with prices and description the clas advertising column is a meeting place for buyers and sellers in every conceivable line the herald coats you but three cents a week if you will read it thoroughly intelligently you will re ceive many many times over a return in value and the herald is a good paper for the family to read there are many things children may learn from its columns but nothing they should shun its columns are clean carefully edited and contains all the news if your are not already a subscriber to the herald take it on trial for six months do h today now white you think of ft the herald georgetown ontario enclosed please find 75 cents in payment for the herald for six months at the end of that time i will notify you if i wish to discontinue name stp o box or 1 r nb c- vv r iifcilif4 v vi r-

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