sixty nmtb ycr p of ptmical the georgetown herald tke getmngetovm heradd wednesday evening january lt 1336 150 per annum in advance 200 lojjjsjv- georgetown herald j m hoou rwauaber u4 flaaaujlar f the canadian weekly newspaper asotlat r- tuoe ti iahdal jlmef and kail 1 tor tvumtato butidaas rotac tast fjeri lor toronto tawftr m hail f9fcxtctr senctr and afall passenger buxulay pasaencer r mas net ud pa xog sua sjjo tun ji5 i new schedule jlkave jboioktown l6 pta 26 pm tun tun 10j tjn 54 aun ijmk pm 445 un tjqo kun b15 pm dally except bunday fjadly except saturday 1 oexnniay only i t balurt1ajgundaya and h days owly kastx standard tuck be fee mjonc- con faction uty puwectory lakov baijc 1uc xsnaiu u uncoon ktnt mnritj liuoagr to x4a tfcii ulrm luailh ntaxic w tuouaiuiaom i v fc frtaaer uahey u kdward ooak oordod gmjrdon 3 attain st- north hmnpuw telephone in harold fee iawtooocl lohlaw tertldtnc teraaptcfti t v at wax0c nfth huui a ml nielsen uac yoar hwlc cwoprsvctor xjray drugles tnesmnut la altiiiiml omoa over dominion hon oeorcetrnrn old vlak uatt tomorrow ymi are o fit of viteruy ijust ut itin 1 ui uiat died fw love un r liul of lhr 1 our u at knr i wr tetltul cp of up hi 1 juill ilwaj itr ll r my 1 m y i uie ii it tl c irnt or the foot t u kwm jrtans t bk 7m1 that uiu btu ul iiiie 4uutly ui yis t utah iittimltfuiwc nili irjst to a tuttimc xtlwar what s a tav r the clilkns itraratch uuiiuu hi a tccciil bullcun iliril ux ttioji in uiiswe to kri ott tvkriuxj 4ubtkm wlutt u u tuxr u eiluiil uji t m lax l a fucrd ctmilribulkut touujdi lhr nrtxtv oi a k v nunu i uirly ljpi dw tmrcd ol ir vnimnit luul utile- r no rtutui to tl c titl tl um- cittarii uml tit cortlnbutiimutl tuul 1 ttle nation cllt r lo die iblll ty o any mirticular tjtii to pay lor tlie jcrucw jrccii irwit uc tovcruincill it wa ljitlr days uhich inunp cllicii ut um vktltm ujj eeukllu4cd mwulji- ui un iter the imiwriion liial uotallon i n tirfstty evil ai u txuiller of lact mudi ixiuuijf uoulwi ioul nan rxuuiktf taltct ure necvalry and tultutloil lit ilcli i- 1u tnorr ail evil lhait ll f iictiitl til paying lot am ciiber jrtc urt ac a tax i ww forwrdconttimiaon li uiat it noil patd fnv 0ay w xcitiied to e cure myincitl- th forcr u rjrcls rd hoaljrr hy an buihoxlly ovrr which lhr tjujayrts vxrmljc control n thtr rtiiaaiiy at clcciiirilils till a ixnitnbulkxi u uwu ws ol frvmuitcnt butirc nn oiisoitima ntnu ui fmocruc dotntiruej irr of jolld hf tlw ncrdj or tin tcoikl- ulvu uinort kiwi coi ral ute lienimct in odr tliat tli- uot muj fc iwijuatrl tncl i ehw drltv back to ti ud thht i mi ifur iuj f llott unrr to v rar an xtra hankl s eason s a new year lies before offering new hopes anct new opportunities thatyournew year will be filled with adefed happiness and prosperity is the sincere wish of the herald editor and staff south ahtlca l1khv to y1k xv uqclcfc1 with th advance m in tutrxt-r- uian rnxttiltttf icm hockry is tmiiw ly rxlrndlnj it- bouiularv irrcsjkc uw of climate the atcu twrult to tin- ranks of uac conntlies which or are jbout lo lake xa loc hocky i ar naay bouth alri in jnh ai ahiftclal- lot- rink in conikecllon li 0i ijnplw otiilbiuoii u he wld in tluit city fttmi ptnbir 15th j56 v january lath litt while the rink l juutilwd onl for v dur- ution il i he trxliibltloii it l thought ulll be- ukrlt vcrnnd hcra id ty locul irivmt iilttrrcstr there u a uvouian to bririff a canadian oc key team u ojth atrlrji but hj ex irtv a a cotvjtkrd to be too urcl more liea in your rooms til s fylt i x blue john mcdonald estate queen st georgetown filxllc u kirn occuplntf iiubuc xiituiu to day hatiju lard roa to hoc lion hi u uruiioit umiermihrd his ntolh through oicraotk and ui cars of gtltcv htm mitchell licpburi pxtjjii tnlef uf on arto tiad to go aoutn for a holiday and has unimunccd uiat he aill rrhnaubjithalmider hlifp of the libera trty alur uif 1836 uaion through tir- und owraoik llut uitwf tncn uic ttrui- rinilhluucs in romimrioii to incn ocnmyiwe ttuilons in mdlrr ifld uiuiy tnau lnier uubile lie in arlou l aee uilll tile bei of uilriition utnu uc cd oilers ait dljnaj iallun the ro ihle aitli huoiy mn a ho utr j ubllc lire u uuyt uuy rorut cy arc liqblic iirojiiftyj ahd inn tliev are critlcii thry ar alaaj runl and tile cnlie vron mm ului takr nub ile olooi mulxilcct crtain amount of criticlan and uwrv u no uc bccomlnc abuii or arrount b thlnu are olhn laid in tironked moments tliul uould be bctcv lrh uniid wni ai even criucld for tlie uay tlwi conduct uicir innate hilinci and in mtiy cati lbube alio find fault ului belnif crltlled un uhiouic tlic rirt to trrti c the otlwr r el low huaun nature i a funnylftfcnir oi d cnticln huiun ut wuu twr unci tlu marld bfyvh kx lotion rojinai bo laktn to fair rruiclm and if txtticuni ku nlol utitrd it l liard to i a hut uum ttaiblic men aouut tiui uvor to hx away ulth judiiitf from wlul tuut wnrd in uic iias1 of cour we dat had broke out ob hl cax ta adder me and run we lor block dais tie vurtkcarvd d bbci wu tnn tna life wlwn wux yo tie wust jaatt en yo f eambor onibo kjcmine jj oil ico- do itiui iird uh cbber wux txn ma life uu hcn ma wire lorj cr kb ifrank petch ucnap o lv ik oiiih a mqkmhu nhritmhw llrn omakwma r s pt omoroidtaohua afommers foubock ingham buvmm to oair worth clt ont t our work tn qrwiwood commercial printing irf all kinds the georgetown herald offers yon a great subscription bargain that- saves you money rv ffutl lvii liil 2 lmtj ys yfiiv h i r1 oifr that will v you inonty grvjyoursltf and your family tasting njoxmnt and ntrtainmnt th whole yar through this is all you hav co do select inv ol these faniiuis milizines we can give you satisfaction tfcetcorattownherau and you will t 4 4 vrhola 4 publica tion for on yar from th data w rciv tha coupon hare is the lanlninr combination low ow gwtm i yji price e kd currftt tucxiwu lyf- qm quaani irr- gnijin 1 yr mahcmu hsa lafantuy qkcatwijiuvww lyr attj h mftfaum trf thu wonderful orter u atfall- abltrlo oid artd hew aubscrib- w 10 uua acwzpaper wa ruarmhte uve tulflllment u ajl knagulne kubacrifuoii and you harw voaiuva axsurmhcei that uua wcnecou urfr la fcaaetly aa tatwenled ur- bowab will bo vxtcfidad ruil tefm known mail coutqm tooav iti uac mxnx fudiful friend the horw 3 ant riot much interested multiple loxl unall animal of a couio doc whicb loocy telu ui b the progenitor b the horae- hocsiu and rock never attracted toe inucli but x am deeply lnlerestcd in llmt jriltkit vital inuluaent kvaioq- ivu animal wltlcii v call the modem lure lie h bevn u closely au locialrd ailli man that his own and inns hulory a- far back ax me haw icoriiv are closely pamllel bo he 1 uou tnmtt and uiu beast icw uloioat identical ever iinoe th tnirtt tinw u itrl rd uui kwimtt ci one ou arc ulnuki urc to run across rxf juvtnuoii uf cruelty u aunkk upon tike xcat aurk uuil ll l dolit tor lhe proledkon ui ikare lia liorioa ciukitmai jkhner jntu each yuur in ikfcoon l- uiuy a line ri tkuou of the kind teanui ca oj man and his apprccauoi ol hrj wouoeriui pml lhn wotaaj ll is my axrat cfcfiare ttiat gradually the btuaorul come uiu hlt owrt as a uattpahion oj kui and uw bcflrirtjd mau uaj hcjtl to uus ifaiuuui oo ccitahity tod has created no nobler mnimjl ulan a fcood uore ijm may he uirte to vimmy cjuiti uortunj wneu the barn tloor i- ipenej 1 lutaue puxyluuy ax iui miur ruai mxti- alur bvtt t thnc fciua uj ba worthy oi tiw lattiif ui liori clar- vucc ilaakix in 13uub aninud- doau la umt- tuver jordan and tl iah u- tra they bou eatclaimad imiold ui chjrlotji of the xntud as uuy discerned a certain anparillan in uie lk the imble a ay back to umt bitiinniiur oi the hlsxory of huot k tiled aitli references to the luuc and u11 donkey or mule wlto ors both xliojuit helauvs of the wore splendid huv- i mout of hla ureal adveiltute the 1 en lias aocomiianled man tt uluul doa attio ate hi hert out be j iuu he could not iru uix hlflha cato iuui uu tile rnater ride away hl inoriu ioe bocnctlmeci 1 was har omoiaaes u was tfplorauon and often outy m long- ouncy a per hajl u hunting trip but the lure unit uhlle uie tio uayed beiiiiwc or i ud q mlcl xluicvtriifct zx touch la ntcsia tlie ouier thu u was and 1 j 1 1 1 11 wa clip lis 0 maoaiau ajtrr acmu 1 jsiblica mu dird m1 otat cowpo4 eanejulltf gentlant i enclone lleaa mtwl uui um thr tuaaaxlnaa cbeckad with a yoara kubcitiou to ytiur bewapapca j mams strttt town aiuj ltovlnck u4- u hnrbb aatne but lie was airahu auch from africa hich tiulmucli to lmjroe the liorieocuiay the arliux tne to wliicif uwr horuj uai tuit aad to bay was the dxawuuf of tkoa lieeicd tear duurioti widen wr probably covcril xlui hani 7viklto buda winch flkrtouem ikicutiou to the enemy sio it is that uu wry earlier liutory is uld wiui rckrtnccia to uie tear horsa aiuuwar ctiorka alejcander tim cttat teho ilnbriahod fttcrui centuries before ciunst bad a wr oelchrlfcd cavalry which did uiucu execution to his truanics and ertatu liepd lilm to oonquer tlia llun knouti teorid llw uade and th ivrxian hkag ued cuvairj rfoapbclally the liur tetwn uwy attclurd kpt- 1 1 e h r- of early hiitory waa ratlur malkr than tiie ifcore of to- ua wlii ivr we j rcprclenti4oiu til lhr hor- and ridj upon luicieht tiu r iktfi or taptirks uie tnan isx ulxuv luuis down hrariyjotha iiauu kbesrxaowtii that the horse or hut iwriod was much tnalkr tluiu the tioru or today liut lite aiicknts did knoa ood iiotlt and ivey did liroduce tlieui even as early w un bc- linnlnif af uie clilrllan trat hiu hirian of bdlluiy ahalrc writing as aris a- tlie fourti eentury 1jc3 4a- nbru tlu ideal cavalry horbe in mm tluit no modem cavalryman suld take cxcvpuoa to iiowuur uut tliay liuu eitiv uieii liow a fine lior loutd look ahd whaj hb quoltilca tint jiould bi the ilnknjui diariot hurx uiv ruuud in both hhfory and 1 ict ion if you do not heue thk ifsul tlu jccoui t of the ihrdlincl cluiriot rue in licit hur uy lw wultaci it you are a hone liter u ulll hudci our blood uurob in your viliu aud your licart uuiu with luouun hie cruadcrs rode ate ay on their tury and did wny of uioir vldii uf valor u round jerusalem upon hore biurk ltu cnuhuarraiu atnd all the knlifhl of old rode on prattcbui cliuriicri who liard uwlr biaiteirti ulun ajui dijl inucli to iwlp hua hi iilx uvrd of valor oiu of iuf jithtm tliat uisd to make tluy luir loheru licart bum willi hi uiuruiuon teat tn ti a faithful liorae tetiu luid n btter days iethly liul ituf uu junk bxani teairon often 1 n uf tlu- uudi llut uie yoclcli for tlu ihvsriilloii of cruelty u anlniau louk cajv or tnauy of tliote caw i know uf few tblnc knofv rxm- i letiiuble iluut for a man wlu liasj hud uw ervics of a tine hnre for hie buur patt of tlu faithful uunalhl liu to imalu uli liha for a rw do ian to luuaone who will drain the luible- uhuualx lit pound of lotcmlll fruut ilt fadhmr body uruj often abue i ini jiul tutl uhe htm wiouxh to nat at tlie very utlwr nd of tlu tale fioni tlw diajt ibund are liw kuuca tejurh inritn u uucll u nhefclreu batli tlu wclrh and the bhetland icuj ly tl latter llow many cliildmiit ui are made liappy in botli tliht country and in kuixho by tle pimuxs ton ol u lajuiful lilue ihelland wla tetlf run lib oir for hu youiufl inaur clilld life wouidt hot b wluji it ll wiuutut ttie lilieuand jawiy v am urvuy leioked that kotnv and more uie hoiwa u being emancipated liuca hi funpttr urudgery ajkd eonunjf into tiu own ax the compan ion uf man and a a drhina bora tuitxaus ctuaciu ulio failed u ii their laiei lor 11u4 or ptvvioui 1u rjivc to accept idtuoual pciialties i uccoiduu to a new nunuj frxua li- l ftinmiijt ckputy mtnuier of lhu d- lujuueiil ol inuiucipji afiair wno paint- out thai uie mobi reocuu umciulmeul to toe asesmeul jl out i nei caie uf pc iilub which tippiy mt only to pjd ui ijij and future yciu but aui to luu- winch ar ltru ui iircvloui yeari but tehidi rctuatu uu ine rujte culauoa iqi lu tlu luipaul uixfc jirt aud thd penalty un powl under the u uiw pa- m uie iar in which uw unpaul uuu wvr tavied and then ui auutuou odd oiii the ucte jululory penalty of huioa at u rale oi oru uaii of one per l per huuiti calubicd truui jan uary lit ui lhvyeair lodoteiua that in uiuch the unpaid ta vww muled u uls uib fr u a pcrou tut ucx luxe- teiiuh wcie hniyt41 hi lsl atnouiiunjc to 100 and the by lav of that oar unpoed u pen oity of hvipciu lor bou pay nujit uicn the amount oauui by vuch a pcicui if hi wr to pay tiici ux ju-nilu-f- fi tejyifft be at touua- lultec of hm luo lyjaw penally jjbo ulmiulqot twaaauy w of 1 pr onil nx month from jan i ljij u oeptaulhct iui6 i3 monlua cquais tieu- juu snhso bllabu ik bvuato alatls okkjgjlsr cuieral reductions in hydro ruu 0iouhout uie province within uu jf will probably kvuli final the luuf tlecbxi lhroujiu tile hew cou u ujl fu quebec power aouaied uie tailncani and aciclalen uiocv u teas uwlicated at iwonto mjl aeckv auljjuah ailnrueyoeu iui anil hydro rw-ur- arihar ubuck said it waj unpoiiible yet u uiica how inurly uie comhtbum inmhi u able to coiuudcr kale toduc uiu ihey oortainly may be anuci luitod tue conbnixu with oauneau was rvveaud date tack to nov 1 a idle b dw hkemau willi the udc ijrxu quebec iuxcala beaaneet cflec ui tvb 1 u is uathnaud that the jowliui the first year ocr what wouiu tud been paki uialcr uie old oou tacts will iihwt u about iauou ui and tlie actual dilfcrvhoe be iteceu uie total which hydro will pay uurthrf the yox and uw touu paid year will amount to about li oooooa it u likely that at iea u uu0kw will be earmarked for lie l llleied reaerw fund bill it l kafiked that rough teckuuiua hullcaua at tw momcnl uutt about kxuooooo lulrflit be available for faxo reducuon fain heart by evelym cordon conarmbalata the fctoci for tha itoatit tlifc uvax ch1ng ltayautlks ouriiui the puit few teecks several llfei have been iuiuffcd out ptxaia turtaly b accidenu luvolvuui ai u noluwi and ah kay trains kir uiuie inexpucable reason llieie appears to be a type of driver wlio telui reckless yhlit and no uiouaht fur hb iiacnjters wul endeavor to utat a train to lie croiauitf every time he is kivu uie opportunity sense should be one- of uie tli quhites of all drivers and l uiu quality l noticeably uckhuf unuatf uxne motoriil aitii reopect to rail teay uw hiaa hie ruuteay conpanlofe in an ef fort in aioid accidents have caod tearnhur sianab of vatkuii tyyt to lawwud at ttearly all main ciua utup train civh are vakaed to be constantly on uie akit aabast pus able arrrldeiiu and vet hmsle ifrt killed teltb cftcvcdiial kularity u is about ume that ontario aiiuiitcd a law mu lu lliat of que bc piowinre tooiprluluf all motorists ur come to a full atop at all rllay cruuiiuis h iiiu abauid that laws are tieoury to cucnpel people u look after tlulr own let but juh la the tas- aikotarcuiciiu will no tioubt occur uhtll ducli leloauou u lmsed and tuuly enfurceel ttie fniluw who v it ho has line ut do feomcuuna eba wlule the ouc ratio- u uiu uunkizuxl mil t kfaltltlck s nacaa drummed artib aort unpallanrw oa hl daek i 1 i b gnt up and ur tit tntb tlma i hhi to ihwao 1 hla itttae dfat sr tva waaa i comlruj yol lat nle dow ilultr dnvnl d irltui tfiaee ira a wa aorrotury in th kir nrti adyertlalajtalecnry larer had been lit a uhml thbaaacnliy an l ija mornhia all momlacal wn tata uy tn wl i ku1d f ta- vrald hi bar mly fac waao ab wul i vmrca ybrnuab bat door wo- nretati ibelr offlera uijld i b ya or ttot rur rnoetha ba ha i lmi ilka unud whamer atop a apriiuc but with inaufnelaat rouras t uko the actual trap and now it aa tbouch ka had poaliwly rial off hy prosy rauar 1 t yratarday yoetraay wbaa b had walkad fimilv set aiid bocujht aa xpauuw acurajcanmt riajc it wrote mlrv thn and placw ii inafd the vaww ran- baoaatb the rlat vow bow to gi it to bart ft waa like a voice from faradiae wbaa ea the waut t th mothra with me mr a wtek saaa to tneef hr did hd worklo far onvdnt ywo arnphnrrh apa itatb bad thv mrrlrl tlr ctackuag in the crate aun be arrlaod- som uw aall qutetlyluaa fcaw- tb ettffaaw aarrod ah4 ultt dad lrd that wbev the u- diea procoded him tn the dining w be would placv th prcl ua bnx ea bar phkfwt aa pamd rntbw badrooea door whore abe wtail i dltnor tl k bad bolalrti thhklnc of utb abd f joe ahorto hrd aen tbfea lcxtbr talfgly more han woogk tb wbcuic llxbt button cllcfcad bk rbe adjotafaa room faatantly mltta yabeod ew ja ronacdta door slur bart leapt lite tt raeeboiraa taking tlmtl burdlee id coe- paduoa wttb tjh- aaplrahta yearaad ror the halt of wequb aeawca m bar face iome mr waa wltb bar ta it w aayoe but auartoav be ryd- irw aaauea bath- ts wuve wa ww mcndri arwl ullt ktew that volcw jae auertoaa uw almpiy to w feaewtber m b falud to cau the waat pleadjaa w ru but read hbl twt w into tit- nt otberwbwj the aectoas wtu drth tutt rj evarytbla aftaa- a eort uid taornlua kb aab braaly lfa laetee trara atrabxbtaned et tlrvi iv bad ao away kii nl luka m her an portal nhtfr to batata tip la k hml ii m maiot la hie brala tbreucfa a uu plw 1 bukaar aa ftutbsi oubw deak baatenrd ta htatww tt and anevseali uii aim aaala wbad the dear vns kfttly vmm eaer ba la tbrii anurvd wlirtly uurw tar pausl by aboer ilia aywa ware kra uhuu you i what hiwjm wiw h r rr tea ctaa yoave k ine to marry ar klllt any th wii 1 v- lr vra t taaarry you tour a tyw ht wn baa aiaoacb sh fltatrd h tkooca her throat wr twlei ocily aba dooeal km k votl aaawllt uh m tl alwayaj j to bob itoyeta rtg wwa v weajt a a tan jbaam ajtefisste alt achiac void iw h- yrl he had ore adored kaid in uiu a fc-hll- aeart he had brljknl i rr ao many waa to aocape puitlkhnint t fm facmoed her pur- lorvk imj th w4uarocut purple hi xwb rwaarrnl car pat it um lal ullt baiuu it waa only llun that i r lark tym kalated itwuit d ll i 111 way ihu abe brxd- f mitikul the writ lite peri- tell hr si n ilu t better- illtf it acern tji tin to do k tbu way illll hwvkwl hanl i 1 r llilu lar tbauk you m lu- x i vhi dltn culty m will sud baly if atruhli it n ni iij i hu full un fwl hit i mnd ilu thuuih rr the bumtr 1 l ill ruth cattu nn li in her evei terv ml uralnwl will ut a doubt ahe had hwa cryh i oiw hwre iliilh vvbmt the uat wr liar upe qutvrvd t ettrvltlag that waa aver the 1 u r in tl tebnle world the bu bii u u lii to rub bd jt raut s- iu1 ks tb rvau 11 kk he 1111 lied la a thick rwtalu wi icy i tt la ut uf uh hzittsjjniil iis1 i about hr thbl 1- te i y r oh u1m ahe u4 iliuj hrvnitb uealy whifn ltt t matt- wllb youy tl lu curl u i sl y m aod w have htmubd y 11 i ih yu catwel about ma but iwl w ciuiulot feat tkroub l oik un 11 itr ue klukd iht i 1 heaald trlumi urn t and all tbtf hi hour abamt tail i i 1 til lag- the wrotic b ui the hierchetullse until jo alwrt ti h i uerr uh u bealde uuvkw itflll ll u ui ruliui joe aald the w i w ul i full out of fwry tbl ne uuleuii 11 4ld lo yi taia feet loehl r sa lhatm wlul 1m- wna utyliut that i wuk ttohui l id lit k1uisl irttr terala uy awol i n w i irdl itwre wag h wupilah k hu ill ltuii he brur u uwii u i ii l rrl 1 oiy with l i wi ll i hi l new a a mast in the old year a toast to tha new may ha plcauicjf bo many its aor- kiwa lc a hope lor the future a audi for uw ewat a smuc lor llit present the hours tprruing last a loast uj uie old friends a louia do the new a loau to uie deaf trienda and oua to toe true a to our maker in- reaeseai fear wlien we meet in tho twclvemoaus qua vw rhay be here nurse ukram diuai otorb in true paavinfti aluloush ufe value o the pvuicipal rield crop ot caiiada in 10jo nt ea tlmolcd tat a7 per eenl decrease com pared teiui 19x uioaad valuationa are hoan lor cnthu txuumhla tiaska tclie wan and new drunswick tlie otner ix piovutces liave aowct valuailous lhaii ui ltu4 in quebec uie decline ul about- ftjouoooo la largely ucconnltd lor by ue lower value placed ott liay and tuier uurh uie same utuauoo caiils in ontario bda shice very lilue of uie hay crop hn mild uw effect un uie farmers cash h is slight in fact uie low values make live stock lauding- more profitable i hodachne of ahoux llbjaqaxio tn kfanlloba is mahuy due lo uui effects of rust on uie v yiakis and ha alberta utore teas u hop of nuatiy 44000000 ail hicreaae of heuiy flkkooo ui akatchcan is due to uw improved gzaln harrceaa brttteu ooiumbna ahowfi a aushl boueiment hi 1615 over uie valuation of 1034- lckt u wuboart wablucd riuluw suf ttie teasiuiig of oue unoll pillow slip cost a coilhuiteood house uc ex actly one hundrmd and fifty uouara the lady ui qnu beui how ane placed lis ba three djerjominauons a uunured litiy and a five dolar bill in a pillow cose she meant cxdy to leave uie money in this ludhuf liaoc until time permitted her id deposit the currency in uie bank alasr she furyot all about it atul when vash day came aionit pillow case money nd ail tetht luto uie teashintf tna tlune tetlh a quantity of other couicl bomrhow or other uie pmuj snjt just woualu t tetej clean ix seemed to be fulotl with tiny black pecka on dj ejtaminaqou he in duttiou liousftwife found tlnu liuie black specks tne uw ixtaul t of two nice baidc a- ta lmjai out of the full amount only ive dollar hill could be salvaged and uie lotitelful lady will jut mark up the balance to a costly experience it have now utrt keuloa mlnlria top clients rurnl aa hat canahian aul oh4in- tatiok a national afericultutalvtoouii at ivirunlo with metl irepraa anting oulstahdhia agricultural irtan ian lion rroaa moa scotia to tarttkh onlumbta pmsd a reooluuorj that or uie pro motion of uie welfare of uie fwrmeaa of the dominion it l deolrabie io lorm a canadian chamber oi ajpicul turf draluruf of a constltuuoci and teorktha- out finaliclal arrangrmenta tewe relerred to a knecial conunl the puvpeee of th chamber will be tn part b rourdinate uie of the verioua agricultural organuatkiha ilklvm- is alrluca lawiencaj g orecii khoas africa ho loun oape newhpupr in oreat african uyteriea lie buves his views otl uie mysury of uie men of the drunu by means of which uie hat ivci of africa ut a few houri learn of events kuitf before uie wtilte fceai- ovnti rivese quolauons from his new bookt appoarlui ilo ahswero leader missionaries tjiver-seam- tr captahu and ouar touies cf uie african tropjes who have dlscibacd use uhject telui me agree uikt theie la a lingua franca of the drum which la known to use cleverest drammcrs of practically all special laatfuaget wtuclt b the tsperahto of africa the drums do speak their talk is far more like the trl than uie uotdaih iil uie uurse code the moo impressive drum la that liouowed out of a huxe tra lruhk come of thi type are more than twelve feel toutf by rive feet thick as uie silt in use lo la only ail inch or tao in width the houowlnaout process calls for great tkul and per- ryeranoe laulty tejorkmanshlp would ruin the note of the drum the interior is often elaborately carv- uj tliat uie drum uxongly redem blai a idcous idol with face oonplete uud feci aiuf arms indicated one lip of uie drums is thicker uian ojiouier y tliat uie uauvewlll lell you uiere l a male voice and a female ohe itie clikf usually owns the talking druios and uiey are kept lh a iuchil plaoc under a uialched roof vlure no man save uie drum um dahs to touch uwoa riieir tihjre under ideal ooiulluoils is probably tievir uiore unm twenty mllfts uucii oupecsds on uie sk bf uie drummer man wlio in a nrojnerous yillatre doe no oilier te-ork- re uiut learn uie kpcdal tiahiea for lieojue and uihur hi uie drums latujuaire names which are taboo on all other occasions ilhth and low nou a hicanhlauiw rhythm to uro- iieon tar- become words that make ietise wtieu uie tribal drummer u lisunubf rvir uih to licit la known uie drutil tend whole wordii praaea and seniencea not tnere leucrs like uie uorse code atost of uie african iaiiauake lend uiemselvesj to uds af fect a clualk faftone aros a dlffer- tqt hicatilns just as u tune liocomea familhur to us atui may ba followed even wlicn half lioard so the drum mer call truhslale a faint meauahvby the context we hear but all our while uvtlht ation cannot help us to hiurpnit uiat hiossaue xtur drums of africa renuua a mystery wwu can wily llstdn a cood cllkjcu lluj klclielkjr ueoord liubluhed a iporuhichtj crfeej un issued by an association wluch alms to proserye uie telld life and tlie duhlseiui uf uie aoods j lijeaer hi sport anilllar uuoaan ufe never kul wnhmhror ueed inaijy or brutally 3 obey uw lawt work for better laws and upluild uie euforcma au- tnoruu 4 llouct tlie rihiji of farmexa and proicirty vwiicru always leave sm1 birds and ktttue birds ui oover s never be a itsli lung r discourage uie killing uf hame for commercial punuuas by rufusinif ul imirchaae tluplhe4 ft utudy aiid record the natural kua- uxy of kama xpebtea hi che hstereal vounc rvther akakw aa bja en la uie master of the waajuy ju 4 up- of nercj- match or eamp ore 10 love rrf3 throw down a i chjarette lut out nature and tta ji a l