the georgetown herald ixtnimt year of puukalioo the georgetown hmh wejnewuy v ening juiuwy 22rt 1936 ljb per amwi m jawaoc 200 to u-s-a- tke georgetown hermit aaenaber of the canadian wmuv newspaper arwtatwai 4 cnjl tune tjoe ru afa aik 1 uimurd tim m v hmiw jj ua elllltl u klail 10j1 u jlii ixl kul en h- pwmutii lor tbronta m nuinjaj latnc lu pftaeura tar ttotfanto w h mm hawt od mu cm ki pmannccr fri aimn mad uiu wetaccr sundry- i- av xjkavw uuunowm jts aj- mux uw lis pm arjfcs pm css pm hj lam pa xlxbe aht ui am 1jm pija 4 4i pjn pally except bunday t riedly except baturday x saturd o t hauirdaytsundaysand hou- days only toastorm stakdaro tfjhfk longs conixctlokut stopc directory lutooy oilv- kjc koojamil onujtto ooct oncory tbu bide hill i tt hewn m lmgbon kuab iillrllir k4uj hul knnt klart uaay i lfcm oaletsiikla uha soulh swujbuknh uciuuuion bnun tudura tburtw uau w iucj1aujdoom bl yjrpwtt w ttmwvnr1 ui uukirion anltv gkavoon lawunck a cuut lunukit kte 4cs ky sl twrmu rt ml t ku lucr tuaejr 1ui 1l ttlnm oouk oordoa onxfett in una sl horth uuold i lmo lobuw wiwwn kc k watsok djub mjbjl fkank rerch cuunkk m r ii owtmru u r monuments pollock ingham saataoaq u cur worth gait out xam our wock la qraapood is delicious the gost of glasses osyi ftih largely wa the aaaluy w 4 rrm ld ow u3 hew 1m tariod m w kum m wt k nwmur fs otwaucefto ojtometkist kcy0slgirv klrtclaut kntmv k t kt ttohirs kikcug vroitic gwwat tm moami wdiuy i xr- itop that r i cold i na hurry with mlh uvalkp i if t cmli ua bli u tai k quinine buy qualxtybabjlchiicks strairronttfloac uid of one quailrnfj frotu barred plyrooulh rocks tkt live ly utcl pay all uri taucf ofuri bunjr kulbm kcm r j smim all vc fct r- h br t iw qw kkj knr order m dafs altrad ami mkvc sun of your chicks tnd wlv dltcouut wnme on caij f thompson ceofccfetown w kfiomfi u r s ko s llcgui thy well tto tour how u be xv niu f ooaiw uiv wo wm tnml or uuxr thw ckaca tut uui4fc itmb accident of birtli llul umhi citt tnkj uiy life a thlny of cmitli a tlhy drudgery kt uxmmunj i4rine or uuhj can t inkkv it kj ixm a trn of lco and love jl duy uul tlicn tdajj ihe liti kltloe chmr 9 uirouch uw moil of uili ulr ugk wtat thoucti llo rfmirlqf kwtf tike the tntfotlkm jjrkji wute be- iptw y 1 rcbins rvt u swet ktvciakp aj ewrtuliy he blpet nronplkjwtobac- of holly urt ot ttora so h la ttlvnl thm within a lurt nf wge cmbowrted grout w riw iolct lltts her uui yet kll inhale uw inrt-rvj- uf u lovely dower ttiat urti of ciulh but with the uowy tuur of dun xlutw to lirvn her pur- vum wet ht tiim ol uumwi llhor lirven taele tuirt tuuu unknown to m trul and bntvrly on beyond th ken of worldlnfia nrb or hbuj howeer it be work on uiy life uu tnde for work iul it far hunt wiuiln llijwilf uw bwuv tower uiiln thy rb uu ood the liired iupiille old ikotm by mrs tom jrrold gipjalibl ny wubor onre ah long as ru wnfir tlw klntt of itly war kcd hi alnctre opinion ol uw ilklo-jui- nlan war uwl is qootrd kj tyin it iuils me ilruj if wo win ill be klntf of ethiopia kod ix w we 111 b kln ot ltly- x ttte tepulkxion of canadian in the 9 lltnid dairie of tialr ohhia where the kupervufcai vrry urict has boeti enhanoed by the ork of ttif omnlnlon detmartvasni agricultures uork in ormdicauntf bovine t ubrrculotls the belief bewtrr among tlw chinese oiat freili hdtr4 a more wholeaotae drink ut winter than in summer with uwr jrtult uiat conumlktion rf nuk falls a ay wlkn ut4 lwt weather ar rives frlerwl sorry old chap but im looklnc foi a lllue nnanclal tucoor sain man youll ac to hunt further rw not the little nnaruual uicker jf un to be commercial printing ol all kinds we cah feiwe you satisfaction he georfetowiheram ayu faacy white corn tomatoes- wax beans pumpkin catsup vz 2 peaches aykw t v10 fii aybw nas mmmmmm 23 16 ayuooi juice cherries no h b 10c s iwj bjpa side bacon lit pi 27c pink salmon vfc t 12c 2nosk 25c avtuu cherries 2 bi 19c cmj biscuits ar- 2 25 allbran eftsa 18 good humor corned beef r icklfco smij carrolls tea scr 23 fmnmaty 39ox fl carrolls l i m l- it d r grapefruit 6 lor 25c potatoes 3fflw oooiuauj 2oc peek omons h and uttv 5 ibs 9c oranges navtb swrtl 1 8c doz otker special med urge 27c 3c 48c dox mjkau0 mra uili lettuce 5 tomatoes 2 lb 91 c tl uh uu 1arrt lkl nl ik- iwir wka ut l mi hflini mi wnu uu- pal ife rtinl tr m0 ifbrfly t l 1il nihd to tw wta4luw ai ibv il il it na4 hr hlrtrb a rttnl of a tu4nhh hruad uf ab tr wtu puwwfrul lot ki afar aa miirl lumjwil j tb- ljtm- h- trw4 t hlniv but it ul- 7 drh- r-awu-ln-r- tu ih- aatih uf bl amcata aal f klmli to hl rin ml ra fi ttt r tvo whb rraatle ij- bw r- a rt- ni u sllka ktmwv kaa4i rarwl tip to bld wl i ai for a ryth tialkrf- cvl into kw cbrrka st twi caa bad johnny sur- 111 bo4 joaaax nw o wvry abixit jtubtiay a ad ata w4c ctw humky with tkrak 111 talc- oar af j kcanwrul tuo tlrk wsud ku w flip bad a kaatlbhalk urrak akoai ruwnb k sll k uarrvit a kbowy aendvff a li f color tn- ln la a riot af kuatlr ultb kba tte uk1 part aad ao kaaay akata btla brd taarv wu ao wy ta da- trml wbo did kill je iuaul otp wot to the bopllal with a wa- wt la bla blp lufirv u- rvcovrrwt a cwtff tllck trard a atlk up jkb faa kla tfeor tamtsb t aad bu t tka bu baoaa for a yr ba qlp did ao adod tbat um wan fr aala a ted aot tb kud a baby lo kuy braka lontf ii atltl ba4 al coupe with bulurt tkruof kbvaa iaa la tbla coop aad with uvu in bla baa ba atarttd fc lodlaaa- ta tbat frrij r prartlcctly bla boy ta aupport aad aa ood patrroa faallac b bla baarl arala tbat waa drp aatwactlaa tar rolflllln bla pud to suck jabaay harratt a ukabu kadi tilakaat tkcd ud t1r or kla m- tft yra bad bna mil la brd qlp alared at tbr kllky llu bruwa balr tb abrewd blu rv bpa fall aaj teodr aa a glrlv tk- reaeaabumr af ratbfr aad aoa failaated bla car- ml tiurlt6alajc art ted the lafraatuun tbat iobobyw fcplih taihjkt b kaw feod aa vr wlji aa xiaalv ao atlou 01t placed a bind hla kbouldar l it to at kid wta a tba daya til bav lota of irk- yoav klraady dok tuo tauk- jokaay walvad tbe fiwvlloay wltb hmlla aad a bopw ayatuirv of bla 1 thin kaoda tba obrla tbat i thaaka wr tuataalru to bla b- factor b cbaacad tbf aubv wltlt rantty tact v1i tii almmit fatber glp aaaorlatltui whb mick wrtt bad altjij- brolbtrly lie kd a trkl uutns iblnjfu t trll wblcb mb jtthntry ayu kluw dli diutrted iru b4rty pniaila to rtiurn la alwmt a wni itut b wua no auune tban bp auua awa wdfb a hjoacd ww- in a tut car im ih1 litta off th nfllrvcb uumd at bla lxaaraaca of a local hank uilun a half bar wirtlr crtjlo tltvlr captive kiw all abitut tt ibpy uiad a dryl uu- umnmx sjtfiunaluitt a short broad bito bad drueu up to lb baak la a coupe ii bad luvlied lli vaabwr ta opra tha yault abd lb bitter bad dob irwtb plwtol jabuac ku rlbtt attr craaimlac hm tkota- uiad dollara la a brown uatkw bag lb baadlt got away llalut prf kuaa bad prottfctbd bla fraaa a ball af uad fird by vullaal qlpanrd i aaa tbe safta 5oov tot lb wratay kaaa a aor of bhl car proved tba truth of kla ftrit fctataaaeal bat feafortw- aataly for otp tt ud i th atarovmy tkabulut proof klaaa aad a wick looking rod la lb ttaalt ti rbay war aura now tay kad tk rbikt uu poalu la it belief tbat til bad pikd tka browa bajc la eoafad- arataa olp wa la a kt tt aay varl- atloaa la appeojraaca batw bjjaawtf aad lb roal robbar could kt b tla- tvoatoed analbor tbu waa akaut bifid tb koo wka jokaay h4 was aa a aid sir badatad froj otbar dwuibka it waa ua aukly aaybody bad aotud hw aarkad cmap and tbr bad bm ao trabtt atu hut tbera au aa liny ry a ho it k could coavufctal tn atotkortlu tbat b rwally bad yultad laaaay b ailgbt b abl t teo bla utaaraca in iim boya room af tk uaat ai th ulrk up hou told ik akarur all ha pruubuy could mad this imcnt a- roqvtacad but rajrwutdwd ad a dr ulyt lavtlcat johnny bad already looinaad af tib ndlwry llul b did wut kaow otp wa in cuttnd ho was la a fewrf of a- clu nwitt thinkl thai ilp bad plba hi4 sttrt up ruihl anr uavta aim in pay for j oka by aprrallma n hull lilt brt orty kurw at th tltmjiim of tlfl lalty u ku tatfarb uu ui nd lullu j imhi bad ba uainad i toe twluf iliui a ii ih rnrally trhr ibun ikj truth vmiru tbe uwpwty aabaj hlunlly if a had a vlalior thai aitar- uouq c unle uiaa wltb a smyl rioa larbcb aaawvrad with aaay piaip null b k lp trard wat back t prtoa jidiuuy sarrwi baa uartud tbal tohv ink u tv witaur iban dnpora k do yoo 56i yrjratf ihff t oarkt tn toronto bzar the i in una- i ined ao ahaj my iu the itorl dawdopod 1u ax n-orf- il dctumd in thu way i waa lea in uurnaai j ury oouniy a lhr todommc dy to accept a pouuon in u city ii wms lo uka aiilumm ol lm and the cusxocd of the pew at thai unr when any pcrwoo ol- job- be city ax any worx iroea pck aad ahow up- waa o kpaak of ham tor tw a xavin tyoocptcd a xx tax th cuy thu i had j mi to aucfc type tn c luafk jc aobaaaong prinlary ob john mrcrl at tax doliajs ajdwfc ay tfoakd bill ax ite earner ol rjabkobyi and tt wd saracawfwra ujjhay uffuc otuoa now atantz was faapdcr be balance waa kbeer vdtai far bar s llctn pt uzxoha at th rwm anc knan aulcaili aaor bbapokam than he cmr wui b ata u iiiiaiaiil kaax bclorc torapiokn ahsc f m lrt inatrsd hem- n up k-a- uat bohood behind ae aetiin 05u on a jcaroer facidc lb ftaacts of a treal oiy il wax munc thax 1 aoould bra co wiln an uoahmven inoe blo a my ura- brother roooad with mae and he bad a abaviz kil no i ilmad uptalre 4 and ittbrrl doaa lew bay tur khmvc an fjin la- lhar was put on mod tfata tbe trkoky kaaar cmm lorth toudctou weap on with a bend to the iddf of tt hauhaawaod half blade u was easihr to put on the lather than work the blade bo i put on boom aod toore lather liui a kaan ttirim out bobs city hie tauld not hunk a raaor ao at it i went with the curtou kesult that when x ined to place the raaor to ay face it ufied instead and when x bought 16 hit u the biade cut into bay cheek boon x ws waein aayaatl a red and white tihr and drmhri lo forxet all ahowt taavins and ut u the raaor to- tnow shovel the aoap- taxh tat tfakt kat a oxbtakt lor aain and acain i cut aay face at tovel should bake been uaod at tbe worst- aaobaept in cafeae ay brother who khoacbt lor a horrible nwanenl that i did not aut lo leawa for the city ana wu tryteaj bo rr th brrotad the raaor coa aae ered bar and with a towel cleared away um kuher to intw tbaav- truths aid khmwa khan 1 wax ben years old- bo x next day with ttrtpa of ut tn bay tnoe but tor onto is a kind plaee and bax tfifitwa thej looks of ban when as hrxt ntet w a unaihcr i years a lot of newsnaperaaea tot ahaved at a abop on a ajtieet and on a row of thclttta had jnu with their ontheaa in letters of ankl kapreiiiv exhibit of thivfrt ihavin- wuicx with feoldect naaae on theaa qo fcomtf back yea later to aa if i could tecure bay kauc and add it lo bay collodion x found they were all itone none knew whither tn ueareu x could conas to u was the buying of a aaiiiilaiiai cup in a teo- ondhand xtore tbe baoustacba cup hkr the private thakiaa bauc h fcone there ai a tiae la lb kay nthtwrt when your chub hav awnwd and having been bloued with son your ufaart caper wax to send the ohud on lis first buthdaya bwxntache cup all uch humor is naf of the patt a venerable barber now uu uut baore and boor every day be are ttfy in with anjmnl kaaoct lo fcet theoa honed aaen tt keeaax ar ttoinc back to handlabor hi tbavuar ythey axe hankrrtn for th old re liable raiori their grandfathers used with bladta of the lined ttod goeae them say uiat j ay raaor cxowdinlc ihent m bauak nd how yon may u b lux vl btanx xv sconanirt 0 itav wtwn uu thm fc aaucb about bank bnrthodxjan u in been tn inotland tallwr l in eoulen klory and pcactjoe that u a bayttery lo tne ardmary aaan and woman they k2ow about ailns muwnu and cneques but they know little about numerous other aemoto that ue henry are pre pared to rmj tneaa to enhenten lhr puhu on the wub- rci the hank ot klontreal x jwkt atued a new ecnuon of ua booklet nuxld your dank f and llow you wy use it prepared tor the pur- powj at vttlna forth the anany way tn aluch the bank can erv the in- diahwx lhn booklet js realty 1 kpoy aluabv baanual on canartta wt of the urpxnex it jrohw lor the re by the extraordinary ane of ocrow whath the bank oners to the puhur goonethidlr hke boor of ibeacr teracea h lntod ana not only fa each iervp cxpbnecf in uo- kuae that u eauly understood but uwj correcl aaethodx of p are abn deectthed j in the butcr popnection the book- let h uhntrated by reprodnctlonx of vnrioux wank lore correctly filled out and buch pouuc ax the dlffcrenoe mid uw btackm an uw wlvn the hlll an tnoors are purple 1 uw bonub ireiitrd oooers 1 ute uiror tri al aweetry tliroutfb itmi xuiuiy autumn hoorc lftet umi ahlr t rout i toolneitn wl uw drowsy hum p bees an tlw ptaintlv cry o ploei tremblfa ofuy on 13m breearv jm ott tls then my heart is tandn tpor my hame across ih ea for the wwj iru-n- left behind m an r wxat hae naalr vu aae 9 vhn ay- ovs are cloux h hjaher a my spirit free to oray 111 be back aaahi uspouand though it iiwju ac tar awaj an 111 jcr um ml moumalhs ah the bonnwr kleni an ttrems jul the dear familiar places i can ver but in thy dxeajdtf but wi momtrbj comes tha wakhi ah xt far trae hamauoe knalr yet the liauritin crnt hncer i the air hai mms rroir till btoom xm lass- chewuea rr and uiinjlrat- abnoq- thekubjtcts deahh wuu is that of borrowinc money irom the k a subject uuu la of lunely hi st and jpf partkuhu lmaortanoe- tne booklepaaay be had tor thp ak- tntf at any wanch of the uafik of unntreal qckool nurae rx xna iparr attendance ottfeer mrs c rmw k the xtaakn will baeet on the taeodnd vueoday of xto awnlh a tat ayvr aata aucb r1m and itlae mtii street free deuvery pboae 357 georgetown nurultf w th total huaabet of luttpi raded la canada was jlwxjhvl a decrease of tjjmu nouapared with iwt of uw lkii hosa xkmoat war railed allv at htockyaida and pack ing loanls wlul hjuu we shaded by carcau that ix alter lhey were kllbvl ttie actor was bortn hbt badly actovah aty buy whin x played mauuet uw audience took twenty khlnuu to laav the theater idkaurltaauyl wax h laaw ok uuneuiuurr v 1 is announced that rx are pa ink hueer nut that dm uiat anybody 1 lolpsj to uabam mora auanuaaty an all vi aay using a new blade every frw ad uity repeat tu when x was away for a month in lib a new blade was put in the kind of safety at the tune and it served wdl for a mo one would scarcely axleaapt that now luadeticlhns fcs now a kreat industry in itru nearly tvery tobuooooixt teenvs to tconkr you need a paaw of raaor bhaaa ax oftee as you need cucar or a tervihg of cjaaretkaa th jalcty raaor fcs uuowina away ui cmch and the uualp raaor m r- hewinx many of us old partly owm to th depratakai and partly owing to- th deatae men have to be fe and independent many are brinclnc aandfalherb raaors out of old trunka and they ax aaain rolling their own qaarettas they are in a revolt afajnit too merhanhwd an age they begin too th ask la the drug uore or ajrts alraanart lo ravtore to them the iokes they lovad hi thou- youth a rotura fat being bakde on all tldnt lo lb timpler uf e as for me 1 cant us the oklfahioaed raaor klayb x could if u did not bend to dahgeroua- ly at the middle uut la any event u x ceale doing aay own taftey thaking oeorc i will on alleuld ttreet ahaving us leading citiaens alaybe b een revrtd the buigs with our namtr t theea xhit this autumn x found a new thing hav al night before ratlruvg and do hot have u await you like a doo in the aiornfang of the hw day lakto vwtaijim ktjlftlts ksfjumo rbjlc scsooxf amxaktt the first baeetlng ol the xuhuc school board lor 1ac was held on wednesday evening january isth axeaoberx prcaent were john xx kelly a llarrnon it- xnckie and urx x w cleake the following accounts were paiaed mydm fflcclra- six tw carey 1m g k- bfluckart u ts the fnuoermg otqoen were appolnt- 1 for l4f crkhton 19 xxarriaon pobuo xmaidr uarkfawn acembernf h khlranrw board xoliktinti to banr caks ay low cost wt atakt with a view to affording visitors lo dnited stales whiter reutfts a gtealer oohvienc bj jag theu prtrat autcenobues by rail ih can adian railways are preparing a plan whereby cars aay be fchippad points across the border direct bom any point tn the xjonuiuon at a cost lntthitery baor economical than bft tag the trip by baotor car tn brief the onh chargesto the car owner to y the fhipeaent will be ua ob taining of a bond at a coat of tulm fctj th purcuue of a a ticket for the car to the poeot of dea- it vinder th hurohaiet oj the bond iqshcbthe car way be kept hi the onited tate for txx anonths and not the utual 0dy period which ha been in effect xn outlteiwg the details of th hew system f trt motor cars under bond by the railways xl c xtourher genera pauenger agent ofth can adian kauonat xtadways uaked that thtt additional convenience to the bafti will ehmmata all radtap which previously annoyed traveller at theborder it basins no difference whether the car t valued at klajhwfm j3soja5 tavl the 416mm bond will effectively cover the transaction air xfourhepomted out that under the preoenl arrangement the mfatonu whe ti to travel by rail was forced lo baotor tntb miiid xjored litates point of entry ttle the beoes- sary papers permitt the car to en ter and thehwctnrn home to fcneet his family and take the train nrtun- ately htr xourher continued under th new arrange aamt this procedure has been obviated the railways will how limply baak arraheeaaehls with the oar owner lo obtain a tltlm bond from a surety coeapahy to cover the custom reojuiiesncotx which we will denoait with the hearet united sua cumom officer and the only other additional expense will be the owner purchasing a tinglefare ticket for his car to ibaliiailwwi while the idea of tramporlihg motor cars acrots the mternallonal border at the rate of a tmcmxare ticket u a lev one the sysient has been ih effect locally to both canada and the ohiied states for um time aad has been largely used by baotor car owners who prefer rail travel to the arduous driving tor lohadhtah the extension of the time limit for use of the car from w days to ttx avn thsu will be of great oouven ience lo winter rort vbitozs lord twsh if canadas gor- t f v corduut to a xurvey conducted by the stslvkv afaxc ot mfxkt vwjqd tntauk na4 faulted leed tor live uotk otul poultry to th extent nf lmhu at a- ihg pouu of tltislti were purehaaed by canadian feeders in lam hnliaba hbmaalf into lb tpuht of lhh q ixlguj z co- boeaitryv tawvbeoraxmr winwr ills kx- caikakty as bsammg tff kkl and is rapidly hntrf an adept rjtnfal puhuc kaurauea lord twcd- minr has baov than fulfil hal iauiinilr lav has ailwnded numerous ftaaotioua and baa tpoken at au of lbem ills deuverm rveaal tmexruhvan ul the tfa bvnguage tha aaaucr of th pothned euotlon and the founded hh xtkeai whoa he has prepaihad ho tot adehwas his exceuepcy kp fault- kaxly and tlueutty not unhaxurally hts hlrrary works are anioying a groat vosue ui cah- hhtprum itia ifwrk il iwy wrote a b- hhtory of the great war and aho one of ids own regiment th hbyal ucotthji ksiiu- kca llk hhlloaophlcal xlutue as a emplifiod in kkch and keedx are acarcely ao u known as his hovefat kbrteln hi heroes young men of up- riht character get into all manner of cranes and ills kxcelwncy being good atnrylauer emerga fiom them triumphantly tt has bran uwllcated lhal jlohh lluohan will write a story of canada baalerial during hat five years in the xloaunkm operation aiut u pwd xmvisloa of uie nl qrancii doeauuoa dcturt- ment of agriculture the only ouwr 4toailar uryey covered ikm whenyyjavf tons valued at atttosi rtm purchased ivtultry feath led all other in volume by a large martin and c counted lor about 1d per cent of the total cattle feeds principally gar dairy cattle cam next with him tons folamwu by xwtn redd with icjtta tons and hot feeds with uu dvof only 14 tons of sheep feeds were reputed these figures include but a part of th farmers outlay for feeds they cover only mixed fcdx and do hot unheal lb axlmu lo whkfa tiogbb baauetak such as bran thortx h- ied od kmat ajulen feed lahkage tnh meal etc are purohased to fcupplceaent and balance farm grown feeds a compart iuryeyv would hot only show a bauob grea ume of purchasea but aho a paoportamalely greater tnamnt of feeds lor uve took as otmipared with poultry- iwedg tine in general hve ipick feeders depend baore wx- luivey oh xnppkeaaeotal baaterwds and less on complete bahmd feeds than do pouttrymeei the number of pedicre certln- cahm nregwlered by lh cahadlam ha- tional ue utocfc laaaordg approvmi by lb rwawlnwei atlnbaer of arl- bumure during tsxi wax varftl of that kaasvhwr xw war norma sa id cattle lxlv3 uwjrp vjma kvba y toewa t 1m ddgx ims poungt and im anals itam mournfully as he wejnad out of th window of the arkl tub i laugh luck tihaawwty the vidk aqwt llasawhy wetv got all uxb water around us to fash ktt two ctah taehe knonuf of dire ver charted jor ibm recently by 8el- umled btates navy who reads storm amliu at long ranxe in the ahadow of the moon working with h lorakula he uards as a vil naval iecret ataxwell pre dicted uie uew yev wul bring in the order named ever drought heavy dut kton a prooahle crop failure and doods lie could forecast l90ta weather iiljl k completely he jtl but the is36 bad tews u enough at one ahot- lle united skeptics to check up oh his weutrmap for the next twelve months for january and february predpl- tauon ahove tmrmal atarcn apru itay drought juw and ju nrougnc this storms will ttytn the bprbtg 1t t- the dry and a crop failure lt likely in august september october november and december heavy rains will be follow ed by floods- it is all ordained by the oourse of the moon he asserted and the only thtagmlutoxtttnts forecasts 10 or m jean in advance is the abaencw of tabulated data on lunar tnnnfinti fcafh tune ui moon tiaggerx its gravitational pull causes the earth to thlft la us atmospheric envelope he said and uue movements decide the weather lieul r teihbauer of th tj 8 navy who has been checking atax- aells forecast for the last year and a half ysaid ut mart conservative ktunataof ui litems accuracy is belief uuvn ts per cl open leuar no 6 to the womett ol georgetown an appeal to iko kcu mind of evy woman this ewctes of letters to the aumen of gcoretown faj j prompted by no elttin mo tive the lliiallon is to seri ous uuu we k you to bring your liilcllucrul niiiwir lo bear j all uil taenzct tint uirealohs the future of our hoauis yourt uonhv pent with your homehvncd bakery will toi at ivunve and cotlribute to ui welfare of your com m unity -aiu- you satlsptko to let i ouuid capital control your indutries and uilp outv th larcer part of every- dollar you pend wmi utaht hevwr to rtturh in the form of bet- ur busine and ecooinnc i profjrltyt how axany pennxes do you actually saw by buying your iurrait from bakers who have cut the pnee way below cost of production for no oth reason than to drive the i legitimate llomeowned xlak- eries out of buxines what will you uk kmtc- ki to pay for bread after are are goner irafyrccr youst uoatat support your independent j xlcaneowned xlakary who cod- inbutea to th weuarg of oeogetowh k ae aw w t limit i by vwav 1 ijri i r tl ill j kuumry f yiuigiaaaw nhbrown n backaches s j kucscacuail oont alwr us- 2 uu kiduacars uwy give m quick and ure relief a axx kkauuo olko3 jj s rumacaps s kkukvks tantai itatloui i tftkkdu2l tjuc hiuvu dr hammonds a bmia uuu ftud uhiu hiceuiiau that ww kr rtalnd ukd um irarfmunii irwfca jouujtui kat aaeueaadks ftr sir radio kkpairs u kwi b i ka ul hurjh lindsay unlailr c