Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 5, 1936, p. 4

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t yfxr- pa4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening jfcbniary 5lk 1936 iv no in tttiee nor tn rank he no in wealth uke wk bank in puwhm peace and rat xtw no in rtrsy mm to mtr itlnotn books lie no tn knur tn make us trury blearf and centre tn te 1ma we may be wise or rteh c but never can j blest- hae t nor pleasures oould make us happy lang the heart ayes um part aye that nvekea us right then let um eheertu aequjeanw hor make our scanty plramrm byptntng at our elate and even ntwmbj misfortunes ecene i here te alt hee met wl aosne an thenkfu for them yet tney 0 the wit of ace to youth they let u ken cauwel thejr mekw us iep the naked truth the real kind and ul tnougn if m and maw be liwenrui right severe r tnavsa wtt there yell varqsnd ne uher where t uum vs kbwbtann- the radio has 4eloped bat mkuu competitor wtthf u nee paper as n advertising medium in the pau few yeam bol hen appear be kme of a feectior sh- krl- jtnund crane president ox painifc7 turtny company ba jtngtand u fe- ported u have stated 0lnw arm would concentrate on newspaper -ad- vertkata tax ibm a it had proved um whu the ndio u wnrtonwwny powerful 4denhdng medium it expensive to it largely upon the in- and h dtfjiifvii troduotsho of stunt feature that are apt to b ti to large sec tion of hatrnera the novelty of radio is waning arkt while manypeo ple would ciadly lliup to art enkar- taming program lhey resent the persistent advertising chatter and frequentry turn to another djirjosr the selling tnteriude the radio also has lbs umuauorj to tar e space b concerned end can hardly be developed beyond its present capacity it would be im po to ncccenmodate tag on the ah- aa there would then be no room tor entertainment and the radio woukl become a public and private hat nee tfee inane r b tn jshhrhed institution hontb and tks appeal ha more that use the radio realhw the nooes- atty of nshsx the newspaper the voice of the a o entirely takn the place of the printed pace end the attreottvrm of ro tm oasplar actvertknng the ear la not ehvnye attentive and tt la cer tainly not as intensive as the eye hroocn which we hkve been trained to receive edncauon and information the radio wfh rmn to have a place tn ails si i ham hut tt can never supplant the newspaper as an attrac tive and effective medium of del pnbsktiy to snapshot guil i dont forget the baby uajt accessary to cbsok sack over ital statistics on do vyrck wprk to know that uinosanoa f new babies made their debet into ihuwoem dartaeibe nasttew nuntbs in fact a lot of babies were wru yslnmwy jlowwsay ereat have uka s iomhfturjolltwrewrtrvauittbe chances are that lae majorttyjaave w so busy watcbrns the aauca of tke luurevals hbu tbr have r cokupuuly overlooked the fact that bablm have absbltof krovlaa a and cbahcldje rubt bafore ttareabv road syes vlikout tbeh aeelaa tbe thataxe la si- dlsposltloa looks w actions cuts thlnx tbe baby may do today aisy b comiwuly orgotlen by blm tomorrow a snapshot woaldpr sorve that little baby cesure tor yars to come of course you wat uny aocatm racord pictures of the youbsjater bat fny the moat hart tnake an effort to snap the baby when hi u dolnc somethtajr- boober or later be wtu dtecover that ha has toes to pfey with snap a bletunt of him when kle tiny little bands have a strangle bold on bis chubby coot yob will cherish that picture m years toeosse in a babys ufa there la the tret time for everything theres ba tree smile the brst tine be reaches out his little arms to be taken from hla crib the first time he pmuu ahaself up to tbe aide of a chair and then hla brat step by all means doat tall to get a picture of bis nret axcarsion to bis hlgh chair to jolu tbe family tor bis brat meal at th table afake it a practtca or betur yet a duty to have your ussj loaded at all tines and ready nwacuon at least he nrapsreo to- make ono dy a week- a picture uklns day dd theuwatehfor that picture jtaakloi opportunity a pktarelrueb as the one- above taettttealnapletojnske wltb thslit of three boleoood baib providing you have camera with an irs of eterleaa place an ordinary boor lamp aboal- three feet to the back d4a the left of yourathc as shown in dlajcrstn above 16or ucmpb should b- placed as shows in the dlasram about ftvw feet away with both shad tilted upward so as to throw thu light directly on yoer auhct you should have two photoflood bulbs lr lamp t ip rnnili u bat the dlapbragw at s3 smi shatter speed at 1li of a aecood jnoaa tbe camera properly turn ou yoar photooood bulbs snap tbe pic tare ahd there you are if you have a box camera or on with a slower laaayou eau make a aaahllght picture with the aid of a bulb wit lbolobsjih balk you will heed but the one lamp place your camera on a tab or some solid object and set it tar nme within arms langtb and st yoer side place a ooruntp with the shade removed ttambve theboma light bulb and replace with ibe pho- toamah bmlb mov- open tbe shattr of your camera switch on the cur- rent tor the photoaaab bulb which wtu gtve a tlvu tnstantaueoua flash of tight immediatelyatter the flash al the shutter of your camera yon will get a lot of fun out or taking pictures of your baby and in years to come theae plctaree will prove to be a real treasure akw or start today john varquildkh -4- save after j a e l li p t i l 3 t u niht nul v i- t 1 t l s 1 ll jesus insists on fugtheousness f i feraarenry ms 1h oouew text why call re me jjord tinm and do not the things whlcity sayy luke 4a leuaorfspabaaoe tito angels keep their anckent plaoea turn but a atone and start a wing i its ye tis your estranged naoes itiat talis uw uanyplenoored udng taechan ad yaaght j aa a rule pupils do not rise higher lian tttelr teachers canadians and tubift i ndusyit iks and tubik bank grain growing ilanxy jiinc i tail atsacenncf dej icu tns us that to hk cuy chcy wcj to thicui tbeir rain with a flsil we c6ullac get along that vty uowadayi theres ioo uud jauks vureiigbiicnry wmuu lave nuhtakal help to produce grain at probt in ihtie clays but im in ctvour of employing as tnur men as we can hanxv thus every hntable ctnajisns point of view oar lattsl bank of moatical nutugef tells e ilc if td ucuiity a all light his dank ti willing o icnj money or neceuuy tnouwnnnpletncnts by the way our loui u the lunk uu been ptitl jf in full kfwt the manager itaproomcu to sj- vanoe snooey agunu the tale of our wbet to pty or harvest labour we couldnt g along without the banks cooperation it will be helping us at usual when we neet fooney to the spring for seeding and for that new bara wcu have to bujj one of these uvys v some of the banks services to qrain grow er business dkcejuing accounu savings couau money ordvu and traveller cheques the cathing of grain tickets and heoues banking by mail ujclceeping of secuiities losas fof pltatiuj buycuiflg nd farm upmenr bank of montreal atablisiibd 1bi7 1ibad ofrlcm uontkial gcvetowa firmrtd j r slkjtu lvlnnhrr moihin fcrhcisny xnhiwd tws vics tm outcowm or ns vsagf succstsvul oratlon luuilly take a pupil farther than he hue bona himself and may quite probably not take the pupil even that tar great u the responsibility to teachers because inlarge tnceaure the ocauny of ue puhus uj beuiadecloed by the teaclienl people now tn mid- die- life can look back to uw teaoh ertl la youth and any that one teacher jttoped and- sjiothwhtadered bapeci- r j icv important that veuglous leexncrs be uuelugent arid of hlgh character beoaua otherwise the very lourttaips of lue may he poison ed jaut likened ib acrihee and pharlaece w vlnd lenders of the blind lnsusarl otwuinav surd dlmo- tion teadeni and followers would kuunkt and tall both in pubuo aclioohs and sunday schools- ln lng attention is hebslf given to teach- ef lralnlna mg whd understands how uke mnr mind works can teaoh rarjnurb than one thinks of pubfhj bj iiujp botue with atoall nackx to be tilled judiciously education u beat interpreted process growth the teachers task is not onry lo- transmlc- knowledge but to gulde- and enrich experience hptlnler and plank 41 l cnif who hid worked for years in a carpertler lhop made current this proverb about- aeetng the mote in an- otliera wy and not seeing the beam in ones own eye dr motfatt height ctli the contra by trsewlauhg the woiua as apllnter snd plank a c responding indian proverb speaks the kieve telung the needle that it luul a hole in it it is a fact that we delect must readily in others the faults of which we nre ourselves truilty only we ace large the aulm of others nd bee small the uontical fallings u ourkelves christ met many peojje whose judgmeou were out of all proportion depending upon whellicr they were criticising others or uiemserve it is only when we overcome the fault in ou that we can have proporuon anaxhajrily in our judgmenu of others accurate ulfcritldun la rather rse a paychialrut will rrequently reveal in others charaoteruucs hat they might easily have cuacovered for themselves as long aj rerential treatment to ounwhrea andr m prejudiced attlludes to wards others we cannot see the truth we heed to recall the pro- verb of the rjln and the frlt tree snd pratt 4sas jesus was able to express deep truths by aimpld ahalogies vyhen lie wilked to show the relation be tween character and oonqiast he tuoke of a good tree bringing forth good fruit every tree k knoem ids own fruit par of thorns tnendo not gather ngs of u brmmhle bush gather they trapes much effort haj gone into the teething of eu tiueue but right conduct depends upon tuner nature more than upon superficial social code a wild tree bears wild fruit and a bad man will in the long run act according to hat nature conduct depends upon cixaraeler the heart must be made right first of all par vt speech cannot be disciplined by courtesy alone speech reveals the anil innermost nature alany who would like to be considered uioeare kl- eer mt wood buiscoord- uuf to jesus there u no way of doing rlgiit otlker than flrat beoomlng good at heart- out of the avtwkf of uie hrt the mouth apeakeut our pch should indicate our reel-sel- vea vetbal it is one of the weakneas of our human nature to try to makirrferbal otflrnutuviss ajtocuse moral negmtlvea qf course we only deceive ourselves we hn that anything mauters but reality we are what we are and uuugh we may try to hoodwink others and ourelvea- we wr4r de ceive cod what we say can never atone lor what we do actions apeak louder than words jeus found aome people ready to naxur him but they would not live according to his stan dards very blunuy he removed their tnaks aikjng why call me xbrd lord and do not the things which i xayf one of the chief troubles of modern religion 1 that verbal pro- feslon is loo oaten the chrhiian way of life u regarded as secondary ohrut always groat emphatis upon action tbk do thii ought ye to have done inasmuch as ye did 1l there is of course a place for pubuo profee- sion of faith we must be ready at any time to witness to our faith but the moat effective witness is our quality of lite expressed in laeartng and oebag 41tt jesus spent much of his time in lechln- lie itnew how important jt was that people albould hear the truth and he did not heeuate to at tach great importance to heart rtgr his saying ttie hearing how wan preuhuoary in the doing ue uiree rjrograulve riib comang hearing and doing the man who comes to olurut bednt hi teachings and puu them bun practice 1 like man who built his house upon a rock foundation uuu withstood the floods gain an uluetrauon- front the buuduu tfade on tbe contrary the man who hears and does hot do hi like a man building a house without a foundation only to fae ewept away by um hood in religkaa as in all life no amount of theory nan take the plane cx deeds theories of pray- vr may be thoroughly uibught but they are use leas unlese ww aoiual- ly pray we may rhapsodhw ahoul love but love is only a ennlliivknl ear ideal until translated into ptue words buuer no pamnlps but actions count qwaaueee fvir th i i i llow may we make the ptofeaidoti stand hjgbt opinion v 3 how may we avoid the danger of introitpecuont 3 wliat determine our conduct 4 wltat are our moral negativee 5 why j do u have too mock showman tli ip b e c sctnjrmachek yu aak ma mur wby abmirva 1 pevrerawrn are barrvdrron aeilajl la my tviuraal tbe rae aay be traced dlrnctt to senor jatnra ban wbu nim krp aa e fuaey aoan in an aiurrlran revue imttlbvd- ex frwly thai nlaad thr boat rala ro 1 lu bjmj ihrmurh waal be waa iilvaatmj to cell hla kbowmanahlp raumml many conn1lratltna tbe troutilv atari ad when pablo my waiter inorrawd tnv thai knr ape- bans bill amounted to feurto pveua not counilaa tbe glasyware which in eplril of rrlolny b hau burial anroae the street at lb winnow of av coaapeniar pedro atl owner of the cafe de ordo itok i apprperbsd the intojrtceted seoor and su thai nee ansmeq u- able- u mn w er dlahweak aeae la vrder teaget t thai wlapwaauagr eild rfuor oaaehart whbva shudder if gs can bring y eo 1 buaioeea yeetrw practically e nctyi hg now- just leave jl to my tfv tie haavfonce bee anj impersonator be sald and eouldr your statable ameriraae eo abry that any- oae would be deceived and what baa that te dw wtib mt- y uetaendeu w easy- sa pavtia etok a march en you wltb owoeral taraae didnt he now suppoa you go bias ee betrw tbaerowd nlwaye relieve oae v ultu ebewialkaupt wbeisabe hseet bopular aaan la cara cas tsdayy it m the renowned matador lar- eu del ttoya who llkane decerata that poster over thejbar beaer capebart areas and aexvvved tbe poebar carefully w piper be claimed a deaddnehl tealcbr i aball give the rforvaancv of tay c for you impersonating oarevs 4sj aeyal- at ala taaaatssmw 1 dispatched pahle b hla hotel u get what he ealted hie saakeup kit tbeo a wearing pable ba htleoee x seal hint te bring back a aaslsesrw sjult from the rare which au tbe eoatuaaee far ike that eight with great trepldatien i awauad seoor capebart u did net aatil ban oclock waesi we bad dtd aw tie chat i weald junieem be wee ssalader oareta del tuye tteatty ae be etenoed np tn tbe bar tbnrw aachlag be eau m night i will give ywa gre u afba x g bs the eeace af the ehief ef penee te atudy kiaa ar- x betd ill wellaey kernel maaaera chlaf ef peucag ueueet gee eat u pubuc xwt yew tsdab t shall slay lay part with the w- erwueai webtung a great artiat be seat owaae- oapeaatvuhd dene ala werfc well on the fallowing tdgbl tbe talk about the real w ad matador bad fe spread areuad carncaj tbateer bar was crowded bualnvaai wag better thae u bad ever baee fast u 1 ebearved tkle pedre k- viks say competitor daaceaded apeu wva ogwghivtrby aeaieeadtt knew the full extant ef your peritdy tbe clerk at tbe coru mar fceefeatsj that be remud yee that taauderwkult i tried w m bint t alaa kaew be esatlasa4 thai saner qapakah resded mdforas thre f a eblef f te waiefa he wiu kaaequerede i will deaeunee bias tbe balnute be eemee u i will uc au caxacejl knew bow the bewerable b de valaveca apoaaere laaperbwe i inset aa invite nnlebed fepaakisar there appeared la the deerway a se en hs the eve aalfom af tbe ekief ef pence with bit jawatafbue waunai ht a aaeet udntary wetnaer kavita apud bin inetaetty wf a plgl be cried faapoererl baee that x aaey uaaaaak yeer a buievolenl hid manv vhhared the vluwge i on obin day tm ctutted with the ltaswepwr lor a few uumenu and then aatd uy the way a poor fallow came to me yesterday irtornlng and eald he wwe starvln- i eout hint in you and uld hhn to have a good meexbi my eitperwe cad he turn upf yea unte right in- b14 th bmkeeper itow much do x ewe you then a dolhu a dollar i he bnai have bad l udyelaed jneal lor that what ttd he inwr i -p4ve- hk of cigaretsoa i roeaor a at- murae a buy airf ituroaaur u dews he want- patrons the uiini to hi at tale wnanhiruj oaea asew wjbinibid ear table ewviaenf banje abet up and arbkw feke waawd i ati ilia gving 7 tnera wee g etariled cry tree the ewnaraaw leee af aaaaseaveat ee the fnee ef pavit er tbe w isrhus did net teaae eat their ewer wee the reel eblef ef pehw ae tbe sajead af gmns wbe eaebed bale use sv awl searched tbe fmntie pavtte a v jau very veeably ikeiitsi bhw tt wee fall a half bear later thit tlirr capebart appeared ate wee us evttnary brreer eobe twr which i wee prerwendry taaakfwl aeat knew why yee wre hate 1 ansd wt i aw gralefvj udud that yen did aef carry through year leaner- aeanuon j tut 1 etdr beevaulwsd hi aesaav- aaeal abeet twe bours age x feave the grsstesl lsapareonetiee ef aay aaureav be eai fe ef haaawbpv far x wee before the aaoat erlueal aweleeee i have ever faced i and that wan vi eaeueatly tbe cbler ef bouee and pedre p vlb r eald 3ar oapebart 1 eelwd ajftbau and tela then that weuld try te uepareaeate the cblefef pellce here teelgbt and te doing no i was dlagulaed ae the clerk af tbe ceetuner where yee hired thaif aaetadore ualforver the georgetown herald oilers yon a great subscription burdniii tluir saves you money rj ri in tin fiitt s- yx har u a raal offar bat will i ravey aaoney give younalf and ymr family lastins enjoyment and anf ihtslemant the wkola ya idneuflh this is all yen have to do and yen wulr tbe whole 4 nublka1 tions for one year front the data racaive the hate is the anavmg combination low tprke x mtl d rstvwaw- s wg cgeaampues llevrwoaurw etftl maoyam lyr kalfk street w town and pnovfnc oktanio collxct8 pkk ocnt op wcvknue raokt aatrtoet taxes autonaohiiee were the urgeet re venue producers for the province of ontariot nearty kijwt3o0 being colle form that source this is an ezoerpt from a toronto newspaper announcing that the on tario pubuo accounts revealed a pro- vinldnl defictt of titi4eogts tor the period october m 14 to uareh si 13s ordinary revenue lor the fivemon th period totalled ttlmat4 of thkt the gas tax brought in ktm- 719 and llcauee tftbosl a total of tloatoea or more than 0 per cent of t revenue in bl caturr pvxectoba tbtno a uu u an hvltraltnn thai one has had faith in your honesty runs a message on a blotter sent out by the calumet index of chicago a massage that continues ba part a bill indicates that r who knows you depends upon your honor to keep the word jou pledged when yourecetved the goods which he fur niahed it is an honor to receive n bill the first of the month tbur eredltor may owe for the goods he hasieald you lie ewended credit en the assumption that you wcadktvny him in um bo meet his r to the iofabcr m he rails to makw cash payment to hut iobher he must iiiue hltnou extntevwek tf yoer i never receivw a bill it anght bwdnani chat your credit was worthies that no person trusted you thsvt wen www held ha such poor ottatm by nmm ui wen pour imiemi uy uaw who know you that none ear them has even been willing to take your word that you would pay credit aa the moat precious thing ycal havve credit comes only through juste of hrsieetj ancr prompt meeting of bine when they are due yjbaocype mews the day prvachmen ll drmk to i win the- woman x kraw amnican tu drink bo the day i make my mai w irbdima7e7rvmm wtactwl oill ilrtervjtiedayojlhr our business is printing oil umkno buk1no 1xah moulu cltkatk juuut uuu th trrtlwiw iwhmlry but th tollowtae ft q4i iunuujyduy vkuu4 khp jxulua tf the um u th bud- nia vhioh iuiltw th ohmutlila vw- wtw in ntrmaiin v11 u uw u al omkomliumy ihm cuhto nt per aunl it mm poulhl to dlrart th jfub ea hrauchi loto gkaui hi 1w4 lof th twotfctoi titan th mltiurat unt tt nu uka teuty lilil honiihi u ibr y th rm utd th ku ana tjl fdnftd kt thtf to a tkl ux ind urwt hat crua oil b bnnsht lout- cuwla tutadjlly by dtpto ul hihn ih vm u of nwlatk-t- by booul uuka with fct bvww om- cty t iim icol u oothlid of thu trud bmwt b tfaml to ta qulnmteu birtr um winur haoslul j jiav voo buneoairaom ntn ttrorwj toub letterheads sale bills catalogues booklets office forms broadsides show cards blotters stationery business cards rb prompt work low prices when you want printing you naturally want good printing promptly done at fair coat that u ihe kind of printing wc are qualinod to render we bave modem type face wide selection oil paper atocka and layout auggeationa wkicn will enable you bq attain real quality character for your buaineaa or enter- poe be tkejob large or atnall we can aerve you if youwill pnoae our representative will call and if you wuh auut you in plg tlie work to be done v hionenvs the georgetown herald r- v

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