the georgetown herald sixtyninth year of pubficataon the georgetown herald wedaeaday evening february 19th 1936 150 per annum m advance 200 to usa the georgetown herald m- wuou member of uw caaadlan weatly k nearapaixr association cnr tune table fctrecu aattl lata 115 standard runal paasenrcr 7 16 wmv do uall 10h pumoitr uui uu a raiaenrcra lor txnio pundaratotoc aaat ruatft paauvirei lorjlfcrooio la ba i pin- rumnnr aba afall and mall sunday mali and iui1 and oaaac naata 111 us i ib i r newsdmdok uuti uouinowh ms aaa tjs mje alas aja rja tun ms ajn 100 tun kxs pjn is tun us din tim tun js tun u tua 1lss tun 11xs0 aaa dally xcel uunday m iqally pt saturday x saturday only t saturday sunday and uou- owtjua kaotekn standard txaak baa bet longs conpccnonkky directory laatf- uauc atxl qaorratown onatu oacaa oratory thaall bide atlll bl auoanktla m lanonoh ii ill in hihmr naaary raua trat aaortraa aaonay to laaa oatloaa aaala btxaatboulh swinbwamk aactukoaon aantaura samamaaa naaaraa a mamk w auoaaajojosom bjl aaooay to xdaa taaannnna tu raawfanra tae nam mar uaarhw kakxv omatioon uawauthca a cook aaj aa aay bl t tatar ranay xjx u fedaard oook gordon oraydoa ju aaala st- houh braaapton itaaphoaaa mi uarold b laaronba loblaa bulldtac brampton lalaphona ms r a wavsox pjdjl hjul oaaoa hour a to a kxnapl thuraday aftardoooa am nlelselst uat xw a ataaalt charopraetair xttay drugteas theraaat laay xii i al ma o4r xfcanbuoa mora oaoi our j v jo tun aaaatnaaaaaay raaaw laaw l frank wetch ucxnsam auononrnxat ika oaaaha raal aj aaali trompt saraioa chaltaahaiil m r u oaortttomni llrl knat oflloaohahriharn monuments pollock ingham successors to cw worth pabtalcat tat itbotm itt ititomi our work in orv4ad commercial printing of all kinds we can give you satisfaction the georaelownbcrau orange pekoe blend salada i4t1 mtntr call ll tir ui rk ui tmui iwiiwr 11m- ullalx1 j iir ut riloi or t- c fmr i lljil i w- it- f lil and uen i ti- thecost of glasses m w wcujaat u u ky ejtjmjtu- is ntcarfanc rr 1w w- e m eni miki d jha rru hn ttny a um kax city bri au o t walker r o oirrometit kykkiaorr stcoaukt hruiytm or xm uy nnit o t wlkr at 1 i ha lbrmaylaa a ir 10 vmui o 1 rurh if aaalut- r butch td u jhu- ituulat by llfr t iiu1 111 ftailurtj vtwf tj fvalmurllt i4 rtrrt-nc- of lu ji nrrv vv 1u jroivy rvhamllvw tuuultml march cent jl mile bargain excursion jkuanm rttm alalia sc ctklu te foi brampton georgetown kkvl u jwcenlcn r stations wti m cd 21 io oaiiniioquo llrockvillr iricott uorrtburj com wmltjhitv uivltay tvtrbtaro catnikamllford alirra kcwmarlft ailatklaw ivnclaiitf colllncwoam ueaionj ilarri orlltl ukuaaul gmvnhurit urc brfcla llunuville norui itay turry tjound budbury all towns in wtrw onlaho ti ttiie a trtnukatnirk htul nor harm onurio icjy nlxxu ottral fuy kaiuikmsljuf r-atm- miwlrudc geraidtbn jlllco notu itcfcju u imoi for trln ka vidy krh iiu u trw sal feb 22 jo toronto ct c c s oodeiich 3uelph llatnuuui unovr llmrriatui tnsruill kluctatrllne kitchener london liuol uiurheu niaara lpalls 0m oorfnd patslvy jmlnmraton jartj iort sigln hi cuiarlnx bt ltlary- sraia tkuthmmton ejtraijorrj strati roy walkcrton wtartoo wlncnam woodstock ooo ajdl fell 2j cunon tlckels awr aold aijt ticket axcnl l-w- vn ktetant lfanlu tvkim lniumiik 1vw- mwiii t acno sastkakmilollat rr i alu list w wllluni it 43 a canadian national air una llobby was in a tuare willi tiu tnother wlx lie was elvini candy hy oiu of uk cltrks wiiat tmu you ty hobbyt charge il he rtiilled aberdonlar kitunjr down to tea whats uiu uatfile ua kuldjtes is it tlos blcultst uls wife ay its doe biscuits tike do wl rin over this forenoon itoui puaaovj- mid rrf fiuri tttrilija nd tjt day t kurrisir jjrilv- ar brj mt tlutr uw itrldr ot nikrv ot thrlri the bimydou of imhlic tamuni all uw wtjrid jiall road vet uiew hav tamed life ui wfy burajni wlua live- lor itiker lw halh lived indeed i juitlwir unloiown- k atuhci xm1k a code fj uvbltf to hlcli the late kins fubcjcrlbtid and which aonjtly coanmentied to t school boy in the etnjure keul ac followa xvadi toe neither to cry for the moan nor tar tsllt milk- letx tne to dluhiyulji beln fjniumcnt and brnumentality clav intf to live one and dajiiin the otllrr help me neither to jkroffrr txx to receive dier ualm i f i am called ukm u iulter let nv he like tlie wellbrd beavt which ro away mwl unvrs in ulence tvach toe to ain heji i taay and tf i toa not win tlwn above all tuse i mi make tne a trood loier an ou lai kxek ktojtv a habitant cam tnto ntrral uw day kin isdvard died and a friend tw to the visitor to the metropolis have youhcmjrd that the kin of knsland l dekdt ta epued jean wtio rou link get his job wliy tlve imnce oi walfai of course tald tlie city tnaiv to which jean lmvently teilkd l dat right he urn t hv- betr pull wit laiurler old uald id like to ret married do yi think any fellow aould be my hitband youinf man don t aik me i a carrolls corn gaj- pta goau 8oxt 5 cocoanut fingers 2- 25 tender prunes 3 23 pickles x w big figs njsyraa t 2 rolled oats 3 11 milkid 3toua 25 cocoanut r 17- ftwil fhm tim gutiiwi salada tea vattlria7eiix31e 16 j miraae whip ifroi iw 33c m dii a cnllbr t soups 2 tt 25c ctrami prriio cocoa tlb b 23c cl a saaw dated coffee ub pis 35c gutksi new ooas marmalade 21c ckwaii cooj dr4vjrit iii pfadtcouu ztc j kui w r i soap fi 3 j 14c v s palmolive soap 3 ckci 4c a dpubl lmdvy soap comfort 5 19c tu aabmpbc toilrf soap lifebuoy 3 20c carrous spinach curwy kr auj eruy 2 ibs 19c onions hounu and akltv s lb lor loc potatoes goou cookhlmh coou 29c ik- tomatoes 2 lb for 25c lettuce 5 each grapdrutt j 2jc in km utatm oranges nek o b 29c meafium large 25e jox aatt v mak street free delivery phone 357 georgetown interesting newt item from near and far tltere mm ib laxnilitn on lallef in t7waw cieecnore auaftjimts uen t ajaxat uon lv uivnuusallias um bulldln of a 1 e cufltaaallty liall t 11 mooreltead elected ohair buli uf llrunpton htgh tkchool board he haj heenciairtna jtciorujln llos aihcoe1 four umeh u tnany neraon are rmj yed in taduxtry w corpwatl lud t in 1000 mit loaes in riarrte daxinc 1105 uaiountedi to 1 hxsd as coqapared ttlh sutvk3 in 1k4 bt-ltla- a de- trri f mustna uuim ccmincil norchaaed io cprda of aood l nxtni 8ap id w0 aooardln to qualify tlte wood will bo used for telief slclbume ld one town where their pectator npheer crttdllahlo- xxiar itualjcra of the ahhoslnc nockay phvj- rs rhe good portamanahlp of the imlburne ulaer applies also to the w j ilellamy lao been elected lo hu toui term a secretary ueamlrtr a r isiblfc school board at uw tnoeuni at the oeargian ujay tlrs auoclation held in barrie alilton a failr datea were oonnrmed iu september 14 and 36 hunuville titiaeni band has been reorcanlacd a wluls 1 lh tonho tor the alible society collection at jua lately totalled t3uu ancle omrkintf will be abol sjiortly jw the town oounciht of oo boiir and kort hope in order to leave knorv room for traffic lllshway no 3 which puaet over the toain ureets of both towna owen bmind council voted the aum oi ttjo tut the city khare to the urey and hruoe tourist association on uie pond lion lhal the orey coud ty council and the liroce county council vote the tunu of 1 w ch 10 tlie ajyociaiion comiuete ivorsatalamlion oi uie newmarket police tvyxeni fort to cope with an outbreak of uurunc ilkells ancr ulecal etlinr of liquor in the town wiil be one of tlae hnt duties of the ibae town council atayot tloyd told council hi inaukuiwi address arthur is developtn a reputation a fiirnisbin a steady market for rabbllx kecently ihckerinw ud of toronto bought at h atalrx ciwj hundred and nftyiour labbils rot wliicli tuteen oenm c wa paid lrom ute life of collinwootl familiar flaure paued out recently by uie death of ex warden william anftvl tom rorty yean he had been a citlaen and during the reier part of the four decade before the public inspector w j mfjaean of hed drtf txitrict school buperviior and former ferin boy ha been noolnted a jude of boxing rontctu at the hoc oiytupic game held in berlin oer- tiie average peron oil reaohlail tile me oi 70 yar hak fipect i3 years in bed anouier 23 in pleasure b ywars in tun neaniy 3 yeara in wailuntf juui borne 1 years inir hut we ail know people who are not avrwire borne j thexn tnded tea at times to hav talked continuously for is years walter do lkvelue artist and far- mer of clierry hili oooksvllie be came the eleventh haron d lalcveille eoently with the death oi cliarles prancu xavis at his villa oa the french hlvler wlui its public school ooi by batli uie fire hri and medic httutii officer penetans council is outuiiderin- uie advisability of aj- proiujonjf the onlario oovernmeiit for assntance after a ux months trial the city of suttbrd uvahaiidoninf ua jth re lief syteca and relumin to voucbers for the listributkaa of sujipues to indiirent jaialuea dr w v auroourt of quelph has been appointed to take eliarge of tur- kical work at uie ontario refoiua- tory iuoceedin i h o howiu hev john waldie who jias been uauonfid at walkers ontario has re ceived a call to the ilwtyterian church at arthur onl which he haa aocented klxaer lauiy oi acton was winner of ue prise for reference book in the dominion co recently conducted by the national women s christian temperance union ukliand municipal elections on jan gth com the town only tldjdo and meubeis oi uie council express ed uiemselvas surprised but pleased at tne anall coat this yr a county wed fair and convention will be field in uilton on uarch 6th and iul it will be open to all far mers in ilalton county who have ted to ell the vjla of inslewood claims to liave no one on relief the woollen niili keep many persons busy the year around tax udog do not eem to so vry well uiee days a week ago 9 pro- jierties tvere affered for sale in oak- ville and only two were distximid of it mini be tliat people have not uie money to busy wlu ttiere are 1703 persons rcelvlng old age pensions in uie county of alattcaie about four tlmei as many as in uie county of pj tiie uiet number are in orillla wiui s43 ooj luitfwood 191 ludland 165 ham ltfi in addition to otis uw num ber rdcelvlu public t is adddd 111 liuajaiea of ue county luuie of taiute tne oou of main unance is low only tl33 per week for cli inmate but uie eou in ue aggregate is a um that mean much to uie taxpayers george uernard bjiav tlve iriui knatisli playwrlaht socialist and oty- terver extraordinary is lualidaylng b rlorlda tti ouier day lie was atfc ml to peak over uu radio and uie remuaeratlon offered hint was saoit not for tsoooa is ahawa reported uiuaaer he uaougtii for a motnenl aiul uirn added with cmiiivasis not for tiowwoou ytie toronto cllubc elves leveral reasons for lir uliaws rerual of this fabulous sum air uliaw lias been traveliiug and probably was tired ur hhaw didnt want uf broadcast air- iiliaw u a woclallt aiul so lisat no uie for richw- imr faliaw is a militoiialre faaicordijax to report w u lias all uw ridiea lie reed and nobody would liave itald him tiooooooo anyway im ttwr group of polioe recrulla wre beuig lauiht uie rudiments of their job now suppose you wished to dicier a mob said the kupwtnun leit wltat would you dot ivu uie liat air answered caay nway kt ca u tu ho kr u up as far a down h froxn uw knld- wktt happens to tke hockey puc i low many of those liaid rubber pucka do uiey ue in a big leaie hockey unr ur pethaps to be more apevflla how many pucks do tlioa kuvnnlr huntliitf tans grab and mow away aj uey hy iran the ice wpen scene player waib to gt a utile breatiihig spell aks oou in tne ottawa jourhat wtthk urtice i lib u u utousht that ouom3jn uie taind in a peru1 of a report ue uocnbalon bureau of fuatisuca tias juit wot out on canadas rubber in there musv be x 4ot of hocke nnin plyea durira a whiter season throitaht the dominion jor the to- ipl production of pueks in dnr year was xitoo djoaen or to brinw u up ao sinsto pucka no fewer than 187 m0 of thine discs uat receive the in ten not tq kay overwheusung at onlion of 5 ilayers hi every hockey game vrhapa a demon statistician can calculate how many puck enter uie nets ui tewltlmate scores hut ufere is more of iniereat in this report uo f sporting nature itir ihsfadcc canada s rubber raetav lew turned out 5ct73 worth of rub ber igpods made from reclaimed golf balb and golf ball centres with rw other thlngx tlirown in nosldng u given as to golf balls manufactured in canada jbut 00 another pajt one gvn idea about that game whlrb drive many to stages of hrenxy dur ing tliom lovety bummer stiontha when the fairways are smooth and rolling we are bifcwtned that can adas anrtual uaportatlon of golf bait was i7018 doaens or smjqm of those ofttimes elusive sphemc one w ders how many garnet of golf are played in uie dominion during the keum fend how rnany of these balbr are lobtr canadiaru play with british gou balls almost enurely for of uie uiiportatiou 3fijr dos came from the united klncdont only 140 doaens from the united htates other facts in the report noted in dude the production of biam tobac 00 pouthea of rubber and for the little ones and some older ones too no fewer than 135t06 rubber toys balloonx and novelties uany these balloons of course are tossed around at such ray affair as new veers five parties by grey haired and bald headed gentlemen and even by some youth mspired grandma fur therthere was an output of rubber plav balls including bladders for footballs a total oi iotasis a lot oi theta unfortunately chawd by child ma on lo heavy traffic streets miladys demand- neceijutaled the manufacture of g07 6b3 bathing caps oi rubber and babys needs were coverd by a3afis4 baby rubber pants the government report lists this item asrubber baby pants iftewiing reflection on canadian bab ies in the ame way one finds an entry to uie effect uiat ftssy was uie value of rubber plumbers sop- rllea just imagine an honest can adian plumber of pliable rubber a most everyone knows that he moves as he wills eor cold feet during thee stormy winter nights uie item oi interest is production oi s97 06 hot water bot ties riaby again aiepe intothe lime light requiring a total of 1 lioc tdnples uul soothers canadian housewtvee whoe deliglit is hi put ung up thoce aromatic jars of pre serves every summer probably used a good ileal oi gloe4i pounds of rubber jar rings as the report says or slwuld it be rubber rins for glass jars whatever it is that was the total production there are many ouier rubber items of course mainly urea and footwear olo clothing uie total value oi pro duction in 1m4 being u4jmsal alamliauaai lincoln and h action uhefi deui lurrison and joyce urownlee of uie univeiity oi turon to spent the week end at the for mer home with reeve and atr c if jfarrtaon all are pleased u know uiat rev 1l caldwell who has been quite ill at hl keeoe on knox avenue has been improved uie past few days it is ttf be iteped lie will soon be about again jrends are pleased to learn uiat airs wta ipwtterson is contiiiulng to recover satistiictorily at st josephs hoipltal guelpli and all hope she may soon be compluly reaocred to good healut fauperintendent wilson informed the public utilities commission uiat 60 ow gallons of water uas pumped for uw kennedy ftre last aeek tliat hiuals one and onenaif ni the uantity in uie overhead tank the pump at the spring- was started at three oicloek to keep a supply on hand in cae any other flre broke out at the meeung of uie hoard of directors of acton vjutca las prl day evening ex warden a uason and o a dili were clioaen to lepre- ant acton yjjca luoh will ajr- semble in ifaindtion ilil week at the royal oonttaught hotel there for a three day isslon ur u nmlantyne 5ecrwwjrvof uie national council at tended the meeting at a meeting on saturday night last oi uiose interested in badmln ton at uie y- tlie ofnoers for uie club were elected as follow tteti dent miss alary ctudmers becretary or r w pearen commttlee ulss dorotliy uoplienxan jack held and dr a j uuclianan it was decldim to invite ur huuar oi ouelpli vjj1 o or instruction ta hit ape oalnu of badmlntot rve prsj moiikluold hints houjs planu slioutd not be kept too elate to the window pane during cold weauier ttiey may be injured by freeing in bitter weather to cut marsiiaxultows eajly dip ury scissors used for cutting into pandered ugar if aiiles are iirtcked wlui a fork before uiey are put into uie oven to bake the skins will not crack when sweeping a loom open all the windows and sweep towards uie centre oi uie room this tirevents the duu fmrii settlhut pa uie uooil awk gnd uie a alls do not get lo uukty uove the scrubbing brusli up and dow1 with uie grain of tlie wood never acroias it cold water does not oak imo uie wood as quickly as warm wlvrti luieiu become old and rugged looking and nver wi to stay frvali for any kngui oi ume a light starch big will give uiem new life for aev eral vaslilngs mewr hang articles of clouilng on kails if you haveit a regular rlotoes hook iiaace a 14100i over uie nail to protect uie clothing chill uie cup fruit cocktails arv to be selrad hi evult juicea or dic ed fruit oooktalu ahould kkwaya be tawwa ookl abraham unoohi was to riding a liorm in cooiiiag fvtm kentucky lie had ridden behind his liatner on one horse while his aluer rod behind tier mother on the other itorse a a boy he had suffered ill treat merit from uie old flea bitten gray knare he rude to mill to get soma grain ground wlde at uie mill the animal liad kicked him and he had been pot unceviacaous luio a wagon and taken home and itr was on joext morning when he regained tils aeiiaea his last words befor being kicked were olt wpt and hu nrst iftqids as he regained coiivlousnesa tteie to mnkti what lie liad started to say you- old hussy l iniftincblu was always kind to hi horse and wpld save it t uteccwt pi his own pomfort 11 bought k horse in when appointed deputy sunyor and he wat it khen it waj void becauac he yrau unable p pay a judgment against hini his friend james short however bought uie hpre wjrxlurped u to him wllow irw him u lake his- time in paying he debt as a practising lawjer he had hosnemade buggy and a raw boned horse and ihu horse s described in in advertlsemenrhe published n bpruigfleld newspaper when it once disappeared horn it stable atrmyed or atolen ipyom a stable in qprtngheld on wednesday ikui inst- a large bay norse atar in hi forehead plainly marked with har ness supposed to be eight years old liad been shod all around but is be lieved to have lost some of his shoes and trots or paceo any person who will take up said honw and levw in formation at the journal office o with uie subscriber ahmll be 11 be ml ly paidtor thclrtaulaava ii u told that 00 one occasion lb coin and a certain judge ell to jok uig one another about horse trading and it was agreed hat uie next morning each was to bring it liorse jind uiey were to trad without either seeing uie outers horse in advanc ttiere was to be no backing out un der penalty of having to pay a n tine the judge brought uie worst look log horse anyone could imagine im the crowd began to laugh at the joke he would have on lalncoln rjy was not long in arriving and on bis shoulder was jl wooden iswhone the crowd snouted with lacstliter lincoln looked at the judges horsx and exclaimed well judge this is uie first time i ever got the worst of it in a horse trade on one occasion there was to be a grand review of general uocleliana troops and the general and his siatt thought use trial 0 riding down the llnea and inspecting the whole army would be too much for ui wesldept klcclellan uiought this would be a time whet tie would bring uie presi dent whom lie tild not like into rid cule he planned to rideuiard and last hoping lincoln would have to rail benlntl a big bhde spirited ctiarger w- brought out for the president he took the bridle confidently aiul mounted easily and the liorfee6n who watched saw that lie knew liorvi the animal pranced and danced and whirled but his rider sat unconcerned a a cowboy on ids pony ai if he and the animal were one uoclellan led uie way and they went down uie field at a gallop the artillery thundered the drums beat and uie bands struck up hall to uve chief and uie men dieered it was a moment to excite the war horse to all his antics and tricks incon continued to hold tlie bridle rein with one hand while un disturbed he lifted his tall hat with uie other easily guiding uie animal under him unconcernedly lie rode over the rough ground hurdling uie ditches and keeping up with uie gen eral nd his escort the cheer greeting him were not less because of his fine appearance in uie uddie where his extreme height was not noticeable in our dumb animals are yoj d jug t with uie littl gott jilt jt dwu a ttiere nothli g iwrd thai you can much uiat youe i think or a while 1 tirlpful a thought hrm they stood by uie buid in mtoonllght garden gate hellef lie whispered huskily weve been walk ing out together for six years now you and i that we have will was the subdued reply aiid uve man continued v liave kind o got to know one another to trust each other aint wer o course we have will came uie thrilled response w1i lie gulped will you will you lend me my bus fare homer via broke it cor l iwiutliajr u utlnk llut it m ej i- 1 if you donl oijod defls you ewn do if you will hut you rniul do gad f i won t think not ot yburlfat uw tbp hut f thr poor lail uiat vwn pot atiapiunew clinot be bought v ami monev wxait huv i a crown hut if tii hu life yop find ijiere polling but dr-rsj- -lp- your y cup- tk hearv when wc bottom yauvc u rrvrjrd rre 1 tut oilier way but up y oklv scribe whrf otkcr ppgr say i aa we agree acton ree preset auuiaiesroencral itoebuk js auu kihjulring about defiance of the de- parttnriits antf si t machine policy it will take more ulan mcjulry te put the tpjrhlrnw olt tlie market wvat tbw nu 4llarrie kxainlner apparently the tjuints are creeping uuj rvlce stauon paruknce a ttaw lortt pulling up to a gas pump was lieard to jy to the attendant dlonne which of course meant five- gal jwst a catawr llrampboci conservator l william halley uie weu known ju t a gurtier whose feats of pre dicting events lnue failure have be come ji wet known claiming not to be a pfychlc or a fortune teller but lust a guccr during v his dally broutica u oer radio tktion cfitb for uie gatronox co answering one of uie umtlotv put to him regarding uie futurej of uie koclal credit aya- tem uated that hi ids opinion it would lie u failhirt he aid however i lunoiily a guer uik is just my opinion it will be interesting w see how the latent of atr hmlleys wonderfully correct prrdictlons wtu turn out kmusim far a cksaatgw irynruft now heoordr pacturef of uie new wardens oi various ontario countries are being printed thue days uus providing a tlmulu to uie mcaement for the abolluon of count councils milton jolin wlilte of tlie hank oi nova scotia king ton who is on a three- weeks acttuon b vuiting his par ents mr and urs georwe white sarali btreet here urv gordon parlow of alilton llflahl- slipped and fell on some ice en batudaj la t braking her right leg in two places- below the knee her manj frvnds hope she will soon be able to be around again ulss undue tufford of the pathological laboratory of the atet- ropolttan general hospital walkwr- vtlle lias been miccomjul in passing the examination oi the american as aclailon of clinical pauiologists anil is now an accredited l t laborw lory teclinlciant and is also a reg istered member of uie association miss tufford was formerly a member of the lab staff of uie lutaailtox general llarpital a movement l on foot to tabsbllsh a branch of the canadian club in milt n vs o iirelurtlnary step a ban uuet is belrg held at- uie ulltort tnn on ptidsv pebruary satli at t dju at wliicli it te exiiecled tlie perman ent orbantkatlain will be affected the cheers following hate been named as a pra- vuonal executie rj h dawnon if ullroy a u uacnabb h w afc- nlcho j white lock uany fanners in ilalton county are drawing water in cans and bar rels because- uielr own supply hag failed a long period of cold weather lack of any rain or mild weather to uppcmint uie supply has caused tlie iiortuge small streams and pond are rroxen and uie supply 0 many wetl ha been cut off- pion oh parcnmn see here buddy uiat other fellow u carrying two sticks oi timber u lien youre carrying only one what lime you got to sayf duddy that fello 5 too laxy to go twice tt your watchman u a telejilionr lo lw aure anil im an a nuiu lveroiie watchmaii at the ume ismn v i guard our liotno ajatufit etuerfteuctew fire auddvu airlivaaa uiiwclcojuu prowl er lh 111 ix that can liav- imii 111 the liewt 0 regulated uullluai irta ii6wj tliey tlont hav- wu to ou itut in com tliy tin im always wue to htiiniiirhi 111 viorl for very little too only a fiw oat tu a day ha vi- you a trinnrt in jt uwuur7 i out lawnf fmfchmi jar uif i glmalfy sujiy akrfcmafm i