Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 26, 1936, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixlrninth yv of putackon tfce georgetown herald wcdnwkf efnmi febratry 26a 193fi- 150 per annum in aihua 200 to uia the georgetown hevmm umi cuudlu wcauy cjr tone tmfcfc uracth ajhi utv nas fandmra law 1 4 tea is srnfrraixrrt i newsckeik uaint ukokaxtowm ul tj5 uus aja us lis pjn us ku tun 4as pju vab tu pja li 105 tun tujo ajtt v badly except sunday u daily except baturday 4 x 1 saturday only i saturday sandaya and hou- days only kastejtn arramtjabu txmk loncts comrsczionkky directory laux avaut kjc owismmnl ontario oalcaa oraoy tau jbkaj ulll bt uwwtu at lamcbom nihil bihj mai aw vual kaafteaaa aboa to taaa- ook ilala sfeaat soala bwlmbuknc a ucuamsom banwm illllir hatailal wiank w uicsuuueoh aj- uoocy u loan kankv cuwm1m uwkxmc a coon kmm ma cs may si t nu la 1 i oai ptaaar baaey icjc u blaani cook dodos cuaydao us aula alartb uald b umwat lqomlw ft it k watoom uju1 mas oou uuus- u 5 kan ybaraday a ml nielsen tu yaw t lr mii xjtay dnicles tknmt lay in otfaa aaar tva lalon hm kaon tj m frank fetch monuments follqcx ingham uuan ucaarliwiaui g onc commercial printing of all kinds we can give you satisfaction thegctrtetovmllerah thecot of glasses ijl ml sllirs aml uoml from sea u nil tlw 111 i uv bt i uld r- nir u iiing imxht lo to a nir tlw iaiixr mlld hot bulc jit u uure would be jr ul mi hip- rum o- m sea jf uf 11 jill mme imrw irom se allu luilli i t trir tu-wi- eight lo ntr m writ i iuim tuvi aratth a- btya- tarey mm utw waaltty f is km wr api h i dth ktr r ri is ju- npiwr 0u ux kcw iww ioe m bnt mhj uit la jm at walker ro owtometklst kyksuort hmetakjst s fcl kobv3 mug ktou 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 tiii 1 1 u til i i n i 1 1 1 hit ni i i na better heat lesi attention lowestcost oal i a jon mcdonald estate i 1 queen st georgetown li i rr ri rrv w ivh ui trotuuir ttut wftulct br lit wulf at j vjiib now t0lt ttm if jvt mm ht uw at un stiouul r mr n jalin tvxtw o tar ai mrw ttk utrm rufib uti uiljftlt iouii htf ir lh otnt- all wrnl don sull rich nvwl twoud iw u1 id be t lumi tjfyn hfo cfttr- back jm mr hm clrw- to wrutbod down toitll kalti and ble 1 unlokl vvilli auvry immhv lcl- ju tlmt lloiivru il oh tttll id br i that oiwi tjiip tame not to me o jjcuj be calm o wiodi blow free illow ill bii klitt rk iwicne u tnvt out it uiou i-ciutr- 1 uhtne h wrmok to rwr morr com tjilliuf bxk fjciuj my all tlmt tkim 0 jjrm itui brlnu my ov uilp tvotne lo toe lfju winkler wilcox vision and service olen i lie tht abldaui in tor ju v li him the kstor brtnrth lurlll kauch irul john 15 sb lw2jon lajclate tubr w u u kls onltvc uounl toy w itlt tn ibr hrsvvtity vtmun be tlw fclount lor vwqn bui brd ttw putu bf dmllr duty ko tu prayer tr cojislqcft hav wkvn oi uuirv aft 4 of prjjf h wsv while h wiprjtaa mpon mount tbmnori tht jbo ttav liurrd- wv cnrv tandr3ld h th thfc trrflruon experience torwjti tc jtkus r bay bc ur it ir tao lbaii lb trwjkj r- uuoa frum um tpotmudn ttqmi p4jttuml nuuiakia experts if thut jihi mt doimtt vt t and nil ln btihm cuir to tor- rt to kw ii ta unllcm relief must show on tax fill uuqlctjial ux wiu this mr teuxt indlcaut wliat ttroiwrtioo o live ux rut- bi imtxvtd to wwt ditcct relief mr vrlfuie u in liter cl hms ruj- fd comwll und tx rdllectora throushcut uie urovliuy hkve been nouritd uii tkot bills milt iwucvu touch of uw tdlu rale ls kayln uiii tnnlovmcm rtllef rajs ttie olrich kolwry ox obcurintf the xtrnt cf rv lrourtwi tau t be aban doned mr croll commented there hai wni k tnidrtic lo include re lut oosi in centthl ilrtni and under aried headlnjcs vuch as lxiblic tod- iae or social services tald the minister tajipayen have had uttic ktra of how much ch one is ty ue toard direct rrllaf it is time tl y faciei lh fuctx- armrtjinjth we luvy uoed bul iftin to all munlclpalltl uutructlimr tlvht tax bill mtut tiibttclcmrly th iirotwrtlan rew iau to the totmj mil mte ttlic lnloimation may be untkuilablc but at any rule it should be instructive dates 10 oats 22- 3 ssjf bammg kdgr magic eashkt domestic shortening haiaiidllbi 13c jito ctjitma ctwj 16m ha 28c tea bisk lt 33c oreal pw 22c marshmallow chocolate puffs 2 25c silver star pastry flour 22c avoo wxsua lux flakes is rjs- 2tc floorwax ijbb 25c h ikokumhu ammonia 2 js- itk good anmam gold soap 6 21c a raspkmty swabttfty or slack corranfr glasscos jam c r 26c otown or beehive corn syrup 35c sure lite matches c- a 5c 3 20c camkmx- uano spinach cwiry tohb aitl 2 lbs 19c onioisfs bound and uatv 5 lb lor lot potatoes tomatoes tsiui 2 lb for 25 lettuce 5 eaci grapdruil 7 tor 25c lk iw iknai j1uumni oranges nd 2 n 29c medium urr 2se d if- sla -a-r- nicesufe cabbage 2 5 carrols 2 h2l 15c itmmty hkj a lrnyer if fcbooe had uoral luituwl reaerwrt lipoo which id diaw it wa he x daily kmtd or rllowhip wtih ood while he 1 ayftd with wtrr jamca and john tin- fahion of his counteaaxkos ai altered wldje we y cooicatnc tiiu scetons oodi will lbe rj- hlun of our character and conduct i friuenlly altered chaned utn ilr to lhoucnt jot otheri trom indulgence lo tacrulcial kwrvkw irmje tspcrl- tlkcat rwiaaie many chmpter in the hloaraphy of christian life kd aaj rwtre jj our lord was hot unmindful of the liiat hon infancy he had tx taught the history and kcrtpturec hut race tie knew the great service that had been rendered by aloaect as a lawgiver and be had beet attracted by the lophl bre loliah in mtne ways his transfiguration expch rnce wax a repetition of the teaapta- tkort eikrriene ut the jutwas deciding the methods by whkh ite would work and the fcno- tlvea by which he ould uve doriilrf tlie tranxflcuratlon the boottra aos the lawcier and hie taethod of j3iili ta lwoyawt ktood out contract tbelrd that cahx ditferent from either of these great historic ilrure tntead of afouni sinai at uount came cbhstl ni preme aerviee wax to he n 01 mount cahrmry his death was to be accomplished at jerusaleaa ttkx bi ter lurreoder his bnal kacrifioe wms to accomplish more than he could do as a national leader or- twophec the symbol ttthis service wax not to be two tables tone or ux tailing- from heaven but a crots- vtmhi wr kmir u is peter has beett reprimandvd for centurl3 or his voouh fpeecai ucveatinir the buudinglbf three lab- emacjaw in defenoe of jvter it may be laid that his ieaxhur average rankcxi high his confession of faith ot cafumtrm phwioot and 4ifc kermon 00 uve day of fentrcost ar tajdinx monuments of his ducemlnf speech hl uggeation cwt- the kcount trairujlguratlon of a building provct ftas hupromntu and unootuideced tt t blame peter let us in falmtts hnre hu feuilt- the christian tfaureb hai j4ktt many millions upon build- im nrojecu that might better have twn expended in human persnoali- tirl tti mawty of kuropean cm- tltadrau is not nluuaced by begga ground tlie doors the human pro- luct aihv-er- to be neleotcd in modem days twiors have given mil- lloil for educational faulldlngx ulkmreas houi tearhers and ajudetvts auilh itxriexiencintf aeonomie-bandi- rap that prevent the bcit tducatlon- ul work from being done ttvtre will auttys be tt place for great architec ture and gocd buildings are necosaary hut a better bvunce muit be kept between the expendilurea for build lne and wore direct human scrvkw ibar hum 54 m tlie rtnal meaie of like uount of tranfituralion can bvean aa much to us as it did lo iver john jtmte- the light and tho voice ier icondary to the command hear itira the trantlguratlon ronflrtod jcus in his ense of ms- ton and threw upon his uinniry the djlk tiadow at the croa but u has a permanent teealge for us ax well as a significant place to the growinf rxperienoe of outjloinl the trani- fiirurauon tells us that christ 1st the hon of god to whom we are to ttsuxi it is- easy for the chriolan church lo divert its energiu into th build ing of cathedrals and maintaining of organizations but her primary duly l to listen to the teaching of cfarta and to do his wul it may be that the item moral reiilremls of obedience have tumod christian urength into building projects and organtxuuc acuvltiftt chrut was more concerned wltli what happen in uw inner life via- twit n kxalled momanu ar rare rven mystics saints kiwi pacts feel max mum inyuratum only occasionally ttw bottfl uori6s record only haua doscn supreaely area iouys in the cxptrwrtce of cluist his visit lo the temple tus baptism his temptation ibelransflgurauan catare hillppl getluetnane the transfiguration rxpcrwnce uumi for a lew hours at live most and wtwjmu doftcendd from tlie mountain he was lmardl- ately in contact w4th the cxuel wli tu of life in tt need of an epcleptlc boy ft u signuioant that fceu passed naturally from uie exalted mood or prayer to relieving sutferlng- ivter 1vu uiat tike trahsfwuraiinn exierukke wx b umpiring- thmt it was good tor the three dbiciplm to be outre but the world hid also bocke- fltud ermtly from the healing ex ample of cnriii iiu sympattiy his readlnes lo iwlp and his use of divine porer to meet human needs jump us that woruup must be mlat m to work prae must be pfepara lion ror action vision mud be har nfj to dally tasks keriktei wor ship on flunday should help us to do our ork well throughout tlie wotk- aday week alomlom prayer should increase the fidelity of our bertioe throughout tach day conversion fiperlettow are- not lo be hallowed moods to be treasured utey are ra ther to h souroe4 of power fcppurd to cliriitlan service whian relicon thinks only of vision tt rj ln- -rsoakml- kthrvi haoplo think only or wotk uiey hrcome toutlne it l when we relate our hlgheat vuions to our loweu taslu that we end the glory in the gvey qmuhi 11 iw 1 1 was the tranlikgurattot solely an inward ekpericahwr 3 wliy is aaount calvary more aacr- rd than fltnai or carwelr 3 why do church o frequently spend touch more- twi arenlfeoturl tluui on ducatlont 4 lldaf uay we hear chrisaf how may our religion help us in our dally work boleresaxnc new itogns frocn near and far the death occurred on jtn- 31st at the home of his daughter alrk o wrtgglecworth lot 3 con s lruilsu of afr joim h campbell father of afr jolui campbell of waum and omer uu teleikhotke itnetnan at oeeeweiown twenty two imad ni jermey ncttttt vfleci by the highway were purciuued tn ilramptoii recent y and sliipped to australia itusuell l limluu proprietor of the queeha hatel tturhngton waa founu dead in bed one day last weak lie- la aurvhtd by his parents one brother and on sister ttie lax rate or fuehtoond ii1u kiuv leciiatlveiy set by council at gtjt a reduction of i mills trom ejr tuwj of fct mtlts tlw null ra otla orolia council taa appolnlcd a j taylor s tak collector mi a salary of g0 per month taxi ucetue fees are ci5 lor ov- car and 10 for tfach ad over 20000 ht vtom beplember 1 ittso to ber si isssj uoensot of aijutonuuvo autonvblle drivers were auspended ac4brdin to 1 t released by j 1 luckrll registrar of motor vchl ot this total 4jh4 werf tajnttt were l deparlment and j ilia street free delivery phone 357 georgetowi dttkonal cai- uiisjwnor k holmea way at toronto on rblth bne was k daughter of the late john and aflartaret holmes of jorval funeral took place to horval cemetery ftoos west of amarantli toanshlp has a freak ag or perhaps a pair of they are of um soft shelled variety and the vculal slae but ara gained logethe by a subuaikce siml tar to that of the eggheli and about an inch in length the illalton oame and fish sto- teotlre wsaocialion have issued invi tations for their sixth annual stag tlinn-h- which will be held uus yw at the vuuge inn oakviue on fri day evening february tttli at js0 odock at a committee meeting of the burhngtoa high bchool lioard held on alonday eveoin4t last a resolution was agreed on lhat taboard ask the council to levy tor tills year in tle lax rate the sum of voo which is an increase of 3doo over last year b reoiisition a oeogctown doctor waxioroed to break toost of ontario i speed regu lations when le rfeced the stork from georgetown lo the nearest hospital the feel mem at ramptori with a prospective mother the doctor ac- wnrh the ten mile drive tn ap proximately 14 minutes and had to stop oo the snowy highway to take the bl from his tires free min ute after the mother was admitted she gave birth to a son albert fage for a number of years a member of the feel and xunerin regimental band and a war veteran died last wednesday til the toronto general hospital lu his tli year af ter a brief uhkeis slpor tlte great war ur fage luu resided ul uramp- ton and was a member of the local balration army corps he is sur vived by ills motlver tn england lus widow four children all of llramp- lon and a brouur in fbnlhlll 1uv david 1l gallagher kju hjd mipltler of lundyl luv united church in niagara palls has accept d a call to s johns uniled church oakvillcv ue will take over his new charge 61 july imputed by wern under the financial responsibi lity alter an uident xas year 1 1 upcmuona putjinto rffect by the department or imposed by magistrates while under the ujsancial keapouubillty uw 3k9 stkpensian orders were issued tn 4b3 financial reaponslbluljl au petuuons luulltng oh vere lilted when urootol flnaocial ntsponsmuily iumj been ajed and other oonditioos fulniled lwtrhc u five year period mjkfis such siapnislons were lifted hecklesa driving tonvictions j tbwlng incidents jhin tesjutad b acidenta aocoujised far js of the fliaancial responsibility 4i fouowlna were lu causaj and rium ber of other financial reaponaildyty suspansioos speeding resulting ss peraonal uijury 6r property daznage 1s racing h driving without uc- eni 4153 criminal negligence 16s other ofterjce 434 failure to katisj ry judgment 333 policy canuatlori 3js failure to return to froene accident k3 driving while in taxi- oated xm1 twlxt th cur and tint tir a tralford man tells an amusing story of the sequel of a callat his home by a knight of the rojui over the protests of her husband the mans wife gave the transient 35c to help toe get a bed for the night chances are the man told his wife the fellow would go right down town and treat- himself to a beer the lady the hqiik would not believe it ttte fellow had such an honet face jvt said to prove his theory the husband donned his coat and sha dowed uk erstwhile visitor when the transient turned into tlie hearesc beverage room the man of the house turned too but when the transient ordered a beer and pfcd down a quarter the ciliaen pounced upon tt uy quarter he told the startled transient and with that he pocketed the money and tetrode out what memwhws g1t ttwe question if often asked what do meadbers of parliament get every person elected to parliament on october 14th can hor look for ward to a salary termed sesional indemnity of t3660 per year it i ooo oyiltaebut tlciirtvlnn brought about a un per cent cut as wu members ftetrertahl privl lege two of uwse are tlie rikht of rree transportation ca ally canadian railway and free tualung- privileges wlken tliey are in attend are at t lion or parliament transrjortation priiliege do not in berths and toeals a cabuwt minister in mm to his sessional indemnity of imoo fcets salary of tsooo the prune ulnlder gets ilvcxxj the leader of the opposition tlluldo acton ur and mrs cameron ucatnery and ernebt rensoved last week tnelr new ikome at xtaulnafail all regret their- removal roas actort but join in wuhuuy them success in the new farm itom at tlwe meeting of acton fair hoard wednesday artemoon the secretary was instructed to write brampton fair hoard latin that acton fair would not clianire their regular dates september 32nd and 33rd ununpton fair had changed their usual friday and saturday ul and rvcroached on the acton fair dates on sunday mrfmlntf last a brier taetiwmial servioa was conducted at tlie united church sunday qclkoul in meknoo of mr rvank p kennedy a ho liad pasod away during thg week ur kennedy eas for yeara a superintendent of tlse sun day scnmii aiwl was for a couple of years superin iruwnt and hls work and example imve been of great as sliance in rarrytna on this effort tt was a fitting tribute funeral services for tike infant cullen son of dr and urs william cullen of acton born at st marys hospital kltcluner on saturday and died tlkortly after birth were held on sunday trow the home of tlve grandparents ur atwl ura d cuueti 333 frederick street kit ctktiver itev clarke logan otaclated free preas foreman k you think you u for roalty hard labor apphcejlwau snaae of the k judw in tba tdmtry hawj thoudbt ao erin ttke tonn ahich raaed over the rounlry uit tlmrwlaj blocked ttke local cjmt line and there was no passrner train or mall until satur day noon it is twelve yean tltta month since tlu local branch of use cjpjt was blocked by snow at lhat time lhere vas no train from tua day until saturday on friday afternoon um tlie punlls of avin isibllc school iwld their va entlne iarty one of tike ouuandlrui features of tike afternoon was a pru entation by tike pupils to ur john scott who aas long astocuufcd wllli tlie syluwj hrloied cliuten of the village ikassed pearyjully away early sunday mominv february ivtli hi uke per son of uary jane uurtuiy beloved wife ot charl k uculllan follow lng an ubses of a few days from ajjkotilexy a former well known and hlglity respected cilisen of krin tbwnihla pasted away at tus ikome at uranf ford ontario on tueaday february 1 1th in the peraon of william jolui hoe after a lengthy uliwea from heart trouble horn hi luwrlck town shin in itrrt tie united hi marriage villi uary crosby of the same locall ty bl lmtz in 11 he wax bereaved in the death of his wife in irrj he united in- marriage with ur j uilwr of krin tbwwnjddp when thay spant aometixne on tha lam on khouudnt havk to mjfen l tragic oomment was made bya youmr fellow on his way to the eiec- tric chair at sine u he said hair as much attention had been paid to me before i came to tlie peni tentiary vs j have received here i slkhudn t liave to burn tha com ment is quoted by dr harold ucfee itoblnson of luuadelplu who lias- announced a nationwide campaign to reach 30060 060 american youths from fourteen to eighteen years who are not attached to any religious de nomination niagara falls lievicw smv moknlvf fkavkk lxrd gle hv gianr uf tur today iii a rli u ijeilul uay iokltu uidv or lite hgtit driving lrly fur the right uay my feet refue to move in patlis ctirist woull disafirove v llut may lliey be satft to ruri innnd hcjiung any ne j uay my r- no sighu behoii lin epiatedly untold y bul way they thy glory w in ipe hraaeruw he rafftii the sesv uay mr eaivr tucorda hear caused by un forever hear hut may they aitentiie ue tc tbaj t voice aldch vealu of thee may my loiujue nd wordl recite that to evil may incite hat mai it mjuilre to worth all wlko lrar tt ou uix earth may my mind no qimrter gire fulfill tlioukthu uut onbr iv l to doulov thj imace true chria dlnii in mat to renew uay m mem ry ukuuxht retain tlia insplfe and inllame with tt lioy ami lo see gods oan will lullilled in me fill me- wiui dtvine ambition to unfirove mahs low comfltion tu us may my life worthy jos of tike man of galilee w may my hands oils whole daylong nextr do anotlker wrong huf may lhe most active be working love and charity iiy the late itev hobert keener milton the many friends of provincial constable george qookrnaji of uu- ton wlo rcotnlly returned home from cluristie street hospital toronto where lie was a patient for several weeka- undergolnif treatment for serl ous war wound will be pleased to know tliat he is able to be around again although very weak uulon town council lias appointed e k valae as atesor for 1u3c sue deeding chas jones who luul held the pouion for fourteen years ur jones is now in his ksth year and is unions oldct nativeborn ciuacii at tuesday evening meeting of the town council a by law was pasbd appointing- george e elliott soucitor for the towtloi uilion duruig the current year we understand that ur ktllott has been ouvdtor for uke township of ksiquefiing- for some lime a can of tar placed on the stove to varmhi the otboe of the georgetown tumbjtoompany udl street here yeattexday afletnoon exploded us lng damage to the offioe to a con siderable extanl the front window glass being- blown acrou live street the whole of the interior was cover ed with die tot tar fortunately no jane wax in tle ofc at the time or tlkere might liave been a different story to teu as the result of bofwning entang led in ht belt of a machine which lie uas operating at the canadian spinning ulus liere on wednefday of last week clarence uoriey of tills town was rushed to hamilton gen eral ilopital wherv it w itiw rd by x ray that his right arm was broken in two place between tlie wrist tmif elbow and tlve upper mus- cltfi badly torp as were also the mus cies of tlie ukoulder morley liad been employed only a abort lime when he met wltli the accidvnt champion fa1d consciktkce uonkl fok hat cukck ekktor v pecullarmlxup in hat clieckr on paventier train sottye 15 vears ago ctunc to light today wlien ii c hour iter general passenger agent cana dlan matlonal hollwas received an exprm order for w oonscicnce money from an unldenilfkad person according to the letter tlie writer was travelling belwen lorulon ami toronto bul lus return potion of uke ticket wn only purchased to hamlllon tike conductor in collect ing tlie ticket- punched tike hat clkctck of a fellow traveller for to ronto but inadvertently the clieck was nut in another mans hat when a iw- conductor took ovcrthe train the owner of tlie toronto ticket mov ed out of uke smoker but lie wa tble to slkw uve return portion of his ticket from toronto to london so uie other luusenger rode between hamilton and toronto free of charge so utey passed me to toronto won dering liow uie mistake va made and only recently did i find out tlpu the error was mine the 3 has hren credited to tlie conscience ac count of uie rallaaya apiiarenlly tlie writer had computed liu own scale of coftipound lnlerat on uie um owing for uke present rate one ay between hamilton and turoruo li 115 what other papers say vcregatlng uw ftwer tsu thomas ttrakl tliomas iteul uj of new wettt- inilister who lilacs lite bagplpn on ihtrllanvtilt 1iu1 u beiag given a room all u lumself he may yet have the wtkole building s cbrent tirom taxwayeea almonte gaxeuel nem from ottaaa that dvll aer viee salaris are up sosjkw tn the estimauat may bring loud cheers from uke capital city but wont elick any enthusiasm fiom taxpayers in other parts of uie dominion uatager of iwfeeilaa ijclence service an infection following eyebrow i j ucking recently caused the death of a young girl and a phjsthan de- nounocs the ducking of eyebrows as not trt jrely utfe en if skin and forceps are slerillatl e ulnaritiea ktale cateada iltenlrew uerclur apiarenu mhwuitles rule canada tlie prime minister in his address said tliat of uie its liberal members in t he i ioue its were elected by kniiuulty lotea but thu was due to tlie urge number of candldate of uie 33 conserauie however 35 aerc elected on j minority votes of uie ccf and social credit groups 17 out of 37 were minority winner in ouier woruu 47 7 per cent of the uberau 67 per cent of conserva tives and c2q pe rcetiu of the inde pendent ytouiis were elected on knld- oritx votf wkat next fgaitttr llramiootij unyor ltcdrlde peaking at a meeting of toronto board of control jikl the ontario smller of public welfare liad agreed u accept the remoial of jnam from toronto streets as o ruttf uork and coneuenllyl to pav lwothutb of uie cot of such removal with fund from uie provin cial trrttun torontos mayor must surely have mlundertlood uie mini ster ttiere l no more justification for ujng provincial fund- tor reeaov- lng snow ironi turonlo streets than tlitre 4ould be fcr using like funds in pacing far uie cleaning of turonlos city luul some ci itlous i- cts 4orcup sluiot trketrnulis u- some iieoiuc believe egga or alligator- liaie no hard iliells- ilirtt have the hlghnst body lem- lratunv of an creatures tuttllioru of year aere required for lulies to learn to u shanglial china lies in about use aiat lautude a- uablle alabama corou l huule from cjkocolate vihlch l made from tike cocoa bean isinglass l olilxuned from the air ulaudrni of tisl liitthonuj likie memory and can be trained glatu bees in india build honey comhi eight feet hlfiib- korean clothes are pasted together instead of being -evd- ouid itbrauons hate been kivown lo mart landslides and avaunthe xxif unlike human beings do not lime power to recover lost vitality vlatlnu carxl- f tlw chinese are er larje aiul usually bright red la color the water on the urface of rivers truirl foster tlian tlut an the bot- the hlglieet ambition of a dibvesa l lo have u fine bofrin and a one luneral it uould take c80 060 full moons lo create a much light as we receive from uie sun the american indian has president ftoofevelt for a squav a bucult hakm during uie pan- i h american war is owned by u3ss hrrence fanclker of pyier ala alaiku has a ilji which wlien fried makes alt fncleiit candle tlkere are uiiraxuiuurly 5o60 mucvt in uw trunk of an elerhanu uakbuf certata her wealtn falheryilo can yot have the clwk to aj for my daugh ter wliii iou ire earning sucli a jnall ataxy f iultivr w 11 ou ce i ouln t like to turn kkuii my job until i was aur of your oonent greigs wildwood poultry ranch kktert mw la iiuht iwa kuiuuav araiuml att mmk unub a and quecial uatloc chicks jby om ltiluivllu letihoou whre iux lunod ilockx wlula wjumiolua ana now luuiitjon unln day okt tlowuni in all uu above hru kulluln all um alrtv bhdj fium lay old to rvadyti lay bad onxratiutt uafuad uala ulnw lu au uar abo brcwu axotol maw llamtktfurv llw o aar krfaal haa laaa ajaiad aatauca aaj aaaty aiaar aav- u maaaaf i ii kikaa taia i phpne s2q georgetown

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