Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 26, 1936, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 26th 1936 pwge 3 keep your feet dry arc you prepared for ibe wei slushy weatnor with good waterproof footwear t check up bow and let brills fumnhyour requirements a new ptair ol rubbers goloshes or rubber boots may preyent serf- ous illness tn your horne j for quick disposal we are placing a special lot of lathes rubber goloshes also a variety oecloth overshoes kmaw wskhaq- pers broken arses while they last at tinly 100 also a clearing lot of ladies sample shoes and broken linest marked down to 149 i t d brill co comer mill and main st photte 167 georgetown jt local news ajl wrdneaday tjrtil brgtn uxly regular meeting j town oouii fu ttfit tuesday sa rlorfc of wild krrttr w pr ttrausj hlng north ajooday evening advertise lu the liar aid lor ll rovriv ur whole curnrnunlly thl whiter must li- bren ti- iu aging to lite advocate- of tiudlun r ward ruddvll rriortv tjbelnv ouiul liog out lavlt priuay ttir mild irlliri lis mtucra llw quanuty of uurv and lc bo l it wt 4 out 1 arm added hemlii specials in fine quality fish for tke oonnsencenaenl 3 of ine lenten season l 17c lb i 12c lb 14cib s i finnan fillets haddies ijlvckajucbt salmon by ik tfac whitefish itestbut 14clb oysters ls 29c new cabbage new carrots fresh spinach 5c- 2 bunches for j5 2 lb for 15c porterhouse the onicesi j au 19c lb rump roasts 16c lb prime rib roasts 22c bx sweet clover butter 2 bj for 51c guelph creamery butter 2 lb for 53c stoknlnq glokv coffee i lb bag 29c chrin tyato uj v soups 2 for 15c oevon tutann mincemeat 2 lb for 25c wheat 2 for 23c we sellfor cash phone g i 11 trv w 28w w itjvivtexivei large pbg parity oats qakk cmiuh 21c 16 02 tin clark s spaghetti with tomato sauce and cheese 10c 2 tins clark 3 soup vegetable tomato or oxtail 15c no 2 tall tin picnic brand golden wax beans 10c no 2 squat tin glen wood brand green beans 10c no 2 sjuut tan gold medal asparagus cuttings 17c 32 o jar raspberry jam 25c 32 02 jar gold medal marmalade 25c no 2 tin habitant pea soup 10c 2 tins olympia brand norwegian sardines in pur olive oil 25c sweet pickle cottage roll in piece per lb 20c choice breakfast bacon in piece per lb 22c large pkg brillo houuhold cleanser 21c 2um silver bright aluminum cleanser plfcg 5c 3 cakes baby a own toilet soap 23c choice fresh fruit and veglprafiles a etfarnell phone 7iv we deuver wat11 new ons pool dltche and drains to dig old cis iiools cuunis etc deaived oil short notice aho while washlng and any other work donv nauiroont uulilu complete liulauwd kut lowest irlord- jamfca wullams kkuc 1w cvtgelowil u ccu rw arbx urns uwl laauioaj alts tuul o coalii cuaiwxt m1 or kairad ai livuu imlumvatble jrk ltsupiknauilj tint uumf wjuut tr uxurictykay likry hkottat 5t w whb j o btaa u curaptttowu uwi ddthli will ba cmumi for ulrtr l- utll wiy imtl ti u 11m- uuia ll i rl ajutl ouiiur wuuutn 4 ow irtsort jjrimf m numlwr tll w kducvtumi wtk doiit isall tu vtlt ioar rflmmil imlucmlioii vahc l brtiia tallpyrvrni uumiclaoul uic uumuiioii ilaivr yvu 9 tmtiut lir- it llieutif himui for fjilurr 14 llv icml tl wrk in uic qw hrsjr wr uw cmlvb iirr titnwci htrd kilrr tusvliur ulmuj ux iumwh x rurl tavil wmiirr y4 ill knll bk ttut lv wl fvinxl b ovoblka cmtlt br vxitrclro to ralcli taurlv tnajl a rur iu b- uutiictj in tin- ofiurlo lbjmtuti- u ciirhl furtn tn to cnl wrt-l- m uv hlicv4y h o iour lwkft jtoi- will o uv4r wisp- t thrf- aicl cocnedy l tho gregory ttmui- mas t9ui chaurle lmxth lvcrttr iruli unor wlu attiu trt n-guui- tsscuna t th wo tnnu llijjulw will bcuievl t uit grwn fetftj a ulaiu lit south on wtdnttulmy llaixh 4th at 3 tia ittve your old pasliem iui cr- ujt- tor ute 3llol plub collecuon bunpialku full ltrtktslra of lilch kill 40tr hi our next issue tin locitl council of wocdcn hill bold lhrir unuul st itrlcklt ts uul 1 oi itomw maule bldng uke ixibllc ubruv ort turtlav rsi iuil rttre iusvt bcen tnore horaea i uti in orannlowu lb imt ify k we l1u-vt- thn irt tbe uit tm yers ttw ljulinr auk 11 bury cnadlaui llilon euclire wrdiwdjiy lb ifith taijmmi lull a i 8 o clock adail jon sic oood iwiwc itetttji bwit convt kvd brina your mcuds dant totv the juvenile hockey mori svt u aiwa next tucwuy tilcht then- u1 be three dcfi be gl t orloik ttar hrtt m personals um j 11 ulllco i in tvieofuo llv wek kllendtn use i lmlrdfrro-n- conntkxi kt lite iuiki vurk ur kiwi mn j u uauknaie uiv- jrn and tijtnitry uaxkcnimi tend ur kriymjoi uacktmaie yrvre mi wmfortb uvvt wedntndaiy bliteimliiif twr cartlfm urkrnxir kedfilna ul i ll pyaittli j kl ute ituyaj vuk 1viim ui thl wrwk billrlmllimf ivr hjsiidrnvjr xmiviitloii ur himi u luimurl ijt aiwi duuiibara ijihik uml ur iwvc uxa rt itv4l immih ui lfuti urict plrtit i j luu u vtrul trk 1loiku mr itti rll aiui r ij amlrr- mnlriwjha uuaii tta tn- in tr- 41 durilttl likr- rk allnadtj if r hrutui ul tlic lul york ii irtl wlllum x- tlhhn j ll ul l uk lit- clrslr viii 4uk xmttt ifwtlon hirb hld ut the tnron ijkkie uil urtk umritmml jt auir itf u ilsit m imljjl isf ut auj j te mm uiler uribsatibt dl tuvimuo c murvuloo yf muajc- ue follovihx imlu t uts uadlui jtaowti hftn uirolil kurrnofiy t rje hi jiill liuddell tlfarory orad ii uetj fcaiiyder bvpoy itvrwj flrde h utrinrnetmmk bousm tlkfury owdn ii iwtt lifiir 14 cikv li miijiv lltnurv gfbde if wksirti jn ituruii i i a hdaor t rm cuule i jitn i 1rjiiw 1 t clav tumum- br iwaakvi ir 5y 4 urwj xlexm7ier oometimm ontario reitoru u very bruklrtnaam tbr aftsry1e ivi louttliree oocs ui jise lauer uaxltlimry tocotmjy t 2adabtr t qraihun ucnair ftl iiumi itc tm tutlil tmo srand coi a jtlrndld itelfet ru troer u kmmett ucolbboti uluo1 and t bull calf to the llouuef fxutr kt oeorcetovm aiul anoumfr bull to ur wm iu1i georgetown aiul till anouier lo ur jolin lleiulerum oeontetowm alwo a liellsr to clayton oujc georgetown the ottawa spotbu uy wilfrid ottawa ieb uuvthe uberal liarty ijioaa mens ol being vkarouur live aiml eyen in a state tt lalli revolt ruac week lh7 bvetunent re rtlvnl bl nuuty jolu from its frteodx a irom ilk opfiofsenls geer ilabeialr locked boms wtui the autisoriue on hlapli aufaskliea jevn haaikcots oullo 4 liberal t ujtttthl umrtnlrvdwoi a bul ton ute flrn3alofi bureaoi over the upnasnl fiwiuratson m tlte lecrelary of iumi i w a tucker kjbeiml uf xiouhern iael right up wo uie ultvuter of riitlio- jt the monelary ueatioai imi wa warmly atvtauded uot only by tlw rfuou eat comer wliere the hxl crrtilt aral c c tnnnur it but irotn radical rrlntte of tlw liber al bencttn ai well all in all it look like u- flabtlnx tion with thr im alirtl and radkw knenfaem of the i jbnall jkrty abblnc the midbiry irom aitliia while the otflcia ofapoai tim iabrt it from witbout ubomu rotca u bfiueve in rre kpeeeh mfid ij eeyorsd uw puotluor ibtt week u euamrd as a beadlhjr tjn j ocnv tilir nauruament wouuot be a bad waal in uieue uas when wq oukoli u wrbnwl la he kt harhl urn fbsltoa county live slock lopttovettaeckt aociation it let yean ago that an open far- men jraeetioa was batks to tha grc- ory theatre tn georatovn to diariiei the deolrabuity of sxarting uv- block imiiaweinent association tide county the goorretown board of trade reallalnr that arofiricroua taoaers ara lynonyanoux with lirosperou towns bore the hgfiii of uke neccoavtty est lmtkdtture fclr uacvannel who wwa agriculuiia jt at lhey time exjiulned u detail what auao an avuuclalkki ftould do lor the un broveeornl of live fctocfc and tif uac guvry kmncluhl of the ontario veertiawry colleae lave an inteaeal i11m hddienj about inreclioua luniam ui calur ur a o u itmynx of limfboum in uie chair i the meeting uiuudiatvux decided to torto an t auociation elected an 1 executive and taed a rewoluuon of aptwecuuon foe 4hh broadmlnderfncit the oeoneetown bwlnrjtsj gkn ex i breaking the thought that f cloaar co- operatioit between town and country kide oinixariooa could do muoh v better ctanuiuonx b gtmbermf leuier m- trd to now rward jjj sfcrw zzjz i your uinoort ur david wlln wtw was man hirer of the hank of uontreal here for otn utoe aiwl who has lately been tnanager of the caknpbellford brandt lia brm trmnsferred alvlnton ikocne 0ilr lifcver hand in any ilsrtns 0 ivews for publication but if we ballpen to m an item tn wluch tlwy are inleretrxl tliey are sure ko hand us a horth pale ataiw that would rrocae the liver oi a fular beaur do you retneosbfcr uwt oldume grooery toerchatil who always gave you a cigar or a bag of candy when you nald your bill well hes tixu doing bulntefi kt tlie tame ttand if people would only pay their bills it was urrd lasl wck uiat the population of tlw ontario iteforma lory at guelpli u rather urgvr uion uuial the official flguras now ho that ibt hundred and two linnates are rettfd on the books of the lnu tuuort kicking ta is on the way out laeeordlisg to inslimctlorl on how to tnall a letter isucd from lbe potk offtbe authorities in addition cautioning the sender wliere to place lbe i the luxlruotloiui advise moluenlng the tnvelope if the tttop l- kuoltened clwrrw l dangerj of rwnoung too uucli of uie muull ag it u aid wlille nrami4on civic ewployees tore doing everything possible to re lleve a flood menace citiaens of uve toatfi are urged to lake every pre caution lo protect uielr lon3 and buiirwil- places for with the eonltmi ed uiowfalu of uils uoonui and lee thlcknew in uie rler uracnpton siuiuld prepare for one of the worst tloods tar many years should a pro- longel wild spell in the weather lake place in live next month or u weeks why nuprrat wvr exxjoja roriau erythema petuphlgus ctups boils llmples itch jeung- wflim etc try kxkkfuoc the wonder healing ealve m 0c u m h0o reoinmeadad and sold by uaocormacks torug store and robbs drug 2ktore utliy gaww friauy ntgkt do not forget the hockey match on ipriday night between the team of r ii ulcatt oo leaders of their senior commercial group toronto hockey league and georgetown in lekiiabi auo there 1 a game on 1ft uy night at t o clock between the two georgetown juvenile teams for uve one adrnkalon cariawjubukftuie tlie home of ur and mrs john ullehell cartlno of seafortli was the xene of a quiet but pretty wedding on wediveday rvbruary lblu when thrlr unly daughtert- urgret fttlbta belli becuoe uve brkw oi samuel jolm uookerude of georgetown the ceremony was comluctad by rev a- c feast before an attractive arrange ment 0 iipring novrere ttke bride beootniogty gowned in a jacket frock of wiille uede lace over unun wlui liat to match and carrying a bouquet of mauve orchitis and illy of the val ley entered uie living rooni on tlie arm of iter fa liver to uie tralas of uie brulal marcli played by ulss jean uackeiutle iluer of uie groom ulna uanxery uackcnsle siter of uie groom acting as bridesmaid wore a yellow lace dre trimmed willi brown velvet with hat and acceor- ii u autch and carried a bouquet of taluman roces and freauas ur nelon cardno brouver of uie bride acted ajs beu man after a butfot luncheon live bride and groom left on a jiort wedding trip on uietr letum ttvey will take up residence la uielr nw liome in oeargrton fceiee4ej fr aaaatew ibw uecaue- jie lia1 been a uieatre luaplu for a number of yeari unt rrne ultchell uay llrampton wa reirctrd u an nlry for the- uaor lloes amateur liour program bux undaa usgliu after being cnt to kew york for anwudltton by uve rani gliar grotto club ur uay tuad won a a of amateur con tent- in llrampton 4oivired by uie ch during a ramiwlgn t tulj- tuihu for wetraru ork slie loteod cd to pu a uano accorxhah mit the judges ruled uiat it was similar to lhe iilano and hence to uiem urs- uuy wa not all amateur ataau larstmlled lat cbaueb for uie tlrst time in uie hulory of the paru radio will be lntaued in si lukes anglican church burling ton for next sunday mornings ker vlce it was announced hy rev o w tvbbs ujk rector the inovalloa l bting made to enable members of uie congreaation to hear th iclngk ipech whicli will be broadcaat at uiat ume parliiilonens will ajecnhle at 10 45 am 11 has been wuiounced ulnce uie broauca t ui commence at 11 rviuowlug ulu uie national am- uiem will be uug and uve regular ervlce proceeded with it is be lieved uiat a humbrr of cliurclved in the niagara dloccc will follow the name procedure arena co and band held succeaxful carnival the flrt fancy dre carnival of ttve jeoon was held at georgetown arena lat friday night under the bunicea of uie arena co and uve lome luflc licottuil uasid tlere a a large utumlancc of ckaters and 4vectaton and uie novelty katlng events and costume cohtesjji brought rorui keen compeutlon ttve mu4c by uie rand a- op lireclatfml by live dealers and uve 6vning througliout a one of merrl merit and good naturcd rivalry ttie priite winners m uve various evenl uer as follows lucky number prlxe james bal lantlne mens fancy dress harold uack ullton jolin donaldson urampton ladlas oomlc coalume rllui u11u uulon lully grant and moria tvilcr oeorgctown men comic coaubwr charlie wall george town lady national oouume mr tjcrs georgetown mens national costume jack uaclaren georgetown oldest couple on ice ur and airs w oreenskard georgetown best clown costume hector lambert ac ton boys under is donald ucilur- diy ocorgetoun girls under 1g susie coleman and uarjoru kent tier georgetown judges ver j l lambert k uontgomery urs tudaey uckenaie urs j o kelly leaidft trepared w us favt hnhe vank a4 nle de- inatmbf he seeal no- vajue nv being mllf lied of the party doeant aee ito- nf reforms if that country and tle party are twl sulkily behind them tlri- rritt liberal party has bit tire wid nght than the reure wnlallou hi uie ibwso parliament peared pi have a flae ptrat tufart the goverrunent policy on paiblc worr av a cure lor uneplcoment f defined with much clarity and eloquence rty in uve week by hon norman lingers ulniskr of labor in ipeech which won genera mehadtlon wluvouah ured by one member of the cjcjj- party ur rogers dkpoed of the ldhmt this wa- a government of uipexmen all wl and all powerful he dlsavowd any notion thmt without help thw or any other government ould cure unentploveaenl ttm gcrverbmen rellaed be said its profound reopon nihility in the matter- and the ex pectatlons of the people it would not tihlik lis respniuibllity hut t believed in wnustlng the support of all passible agencies tn the pfwarislor of work tpe government was saus fled that an orgy of govar pending did not otter a way out of uie tkpresion on the ootitrary pcrl4ed in it would brin about it is taking- w- duty of the government to the people or canada to kttunw that continue with unhalanoed and at the same time expect the 00- fperation of private and corporate enterprise in fcupplymg- more employ ment to this country t do not be- llete public etnployinent tbrougn vast eheme of public works b any thing more than a palliative for our nrmrnt ecorvoanic ills x believe that ultimately it would create far greater econoanlc distress than that which now exists uve uhuster said students who are curious as to uve probable course of this government in uve next year or two will probably and uve kernel of uie matter tn tatement of the brtuh gov made in october ibm and tiuoted 41 til approval by uve minister of labor tv kjkeral aumwaw the expansion of norma ftouvtty ulll most surely and rapidly hi brought about by the creation of con fvdence by steady policy in partlou lur unaivcla eonndence by a m xl budget uve lowcrlng of rates oi tnterau wlui resultant cheap and plentiful capital and in to far government action 1 possible by uve creation of facilities for and uve re moval of hbvdrances to trade ttvat theory is to be tested by the liberal government it will be as- ailed as timid as undramatte as un imaginative but uve indication re uvat a will be adhered to as closely as uve demands of democratic gov ernment uve crietf for freer spending and elaborate programs of work will permit the ulnlstry will probtably et uvelr faces hard against any ex travagant pervtllng programs of any ort ttve lest will come in a or two when uve employment are counted the government knows that iu fate in uve cowntry will not depend on uve debates it wins or icrvs in uve house of gammons now but on uve employment and genera lirosperity of uve country when lis policies liave tiad time to take effect judging by ttve remarks made by chief counsel at uve beginning of the texule inquiry it is going to be a humdinger ttve government con aiders that uve whole textile industry u on trial and must now justify the irottctlon li enjoys in terms of work ers wages and consumer cets ttve eovirrnment announced uiat an adjustment to wheat farmers who received ifus than 60 cents a bushel for uvelr 1m0 pool deliveries would be made itts unofficially estimated this will rou wm0wo uniyld chukxii young rtoilje my vlsir to actton on uonday evening fwv itui be uveen mi ami txty members of the young people union of uve united church georgetown paid a vlul to uve young people of acton united church ur grenvule uaales uve presi dent of the acton young peoples unioh aelcomed uie vutlng young people alter which he clkvl upon the georgeujwn preudent ails label ucdeimld utio took uie chair while uve following ivrogrum wa- presented worslili service led by afadalelns krwln clvarlotte lyon and jim lvans ihano soto uarlon overend curre t kvent ooutcu ltd hy illll uaclaren vocal soloruui gltten piano duct w1vk uouofiald and helen llrown account oi st pauiariiuv whiter school ljibel ucpermld kvllo lim uve iirogramme jack uaclaren ud uie group in variety of game h after which the acton young peoivle jrved a dlicloud luncli and a ujcial hour was enjoyed armand uacfclianuner expressed uie aptvrecuitltui and uianlu of uve georgetown young ivoivle for uie very pleaant cw nlng oiler whicli veryone joined 111 ringing auld lang syne s the separale school tax q wmm m slull volestaut taxes toj iublic school revenues bbj be direriesi i rottun calbohe stpvale schools s listen in cfrb 690 kjlo wcdneulay ftb 26th 10 pn wednesday mar 4lk 10 pm 2 1 wednesday mar i uk- 10 pan every protestant and pubuc school s sypforter vitallylnterestedr j m tell your friends to tune in i mh ivresldent kdwbc harropt and ur uacvanhel ameiary have nrxt of all ihwrrmejdiated between lhe trovjpcta oovernmettt and lhoee farmery whp wanted to profit by the onvernment purebred bull polio liave thus brought many purebredj bulb where umy nenr were becore during- uve past yearpot much work has bro done in the lion of hot and warble okx in horam and cattle- andmost herds in be county wew trebled last year to pke- vent uveas p the lias organised a staff of bomvaoipi chairmen and kymen all over the county to get and to keep a contact with all farmers uany ings have been held to dunim aeveral prajecta of improving the ouality of uveatock and it isanl worth aaytng uvat all the work all the travelling and oanvaukng has been done with kiut any direct or indirect rernunavav- tton the efforts of uve association u make this county a uibereulosu free area after a referendum of all cattfci owners in the county hadkwen head have been so tjveceasrul that accord ing to notice received uve veterinary pinpeclors will begin testing all cattle la the county and a cornpentaiiop for all reactors will br aki by uve dominion governmeril 1 uru g- wati jfcn mowpv glen williams ur and mrs kmast robson and babe of ouelph were visitors at urs norton on sundav ur llrvdley ueaumont spent uve veek end at ancaster ur and urs allan preoon were vljlors with ur josefvli ucumont over tlve week end- on uonday evening uve young uftns rlble clav of uve united church were guesu of uve young women uble class thar were about fifty young folk preaenl a irogtivjjve crokinale party was iveld uve winners being ur w bennett and utss uarlon schenk lunah utu served by uve ladles and lr george taylor president of uve uen cla5 moved a vote of thanks lo the ladles for uve enjoyable even log rtie h w club were tiitertalnad at uve ivonw orilgratw j iuu wednesday afternoon a very pleas ant time was spent playing croklnole and n singsong after which a dainty lunch vas lerved- ttve ladlas guild of ql albans ciiurch held uvelr annual baaaar on tuesday the event despite uie bad weather conditions was quite a mvc cfis the follow big ladioa under their president urs uerryday wvre in clvarge sein table mrs kaoiv urs davidson mrs arthur lleaumont homervade baking mrs 1 ladle y mrs lreston mrs lfrton upper table airs wagslaffe urs gugot urs crawford un hepburn un george iraston ttie wlnneni ox tlve uiree draws were quilt ulsi kannie weaver roast of bef mrs heaton tea pot and cosy mrs herb lrestein vino sing nouktsas during the 44 years uie alectrlc chair iuin buert used at shigshig iirton yil mep and four worawn liavu been put to doaui in il three ex coulionera liave pulled the awltch whicli sent uvese 3ti unfortutvateg into eumity vatwaa u liere said uve oomiisekclal t rav eller to t he ftmall town ivotnl kvener nlont you know that rouar towels ip tvoleis lihve faeeh iirolubited tn uils state for uvte yrar lure replied the hotel keeper but uvat tuwel was hit up before uve bw was faad- harrv to obugk two tsnglishmen tn india spent their leave shooting bear their flxst day they had ho luck until sundown when one get a chance of a shot and killed it transpired however the victim was an old native woman and ho bear as they were dtwm using the matte uve headman of the village appeared ttvey pointed out how wor ry they were such an accident had happened and offered to make a re paration the headman suggested the sum of 300 rupees or just over oo ttiree years uter uiey went to the same district again shooting bear they arrived at uve bungalow at night and once again the same head man appeered he made a simple re- duett if you sahibs have another 300 rupees i liave another old wo man for you to slvoov new advertisements petal far kje anyone wlhlng good oooley pot loas ptvone r 31 georgetown 5j on ytetarim street georgetown apply mies push or po uos oeorgelown p t fcee t ix room eottage on murdockr bt wairandalatrla light irnmedlat possession apply to mhx p v luackbum ptvone js4 ocorgetown- tf watch lwu in georgetown on kviday vjo 31 between waterworks hid and holy cross church gents open face gold watch inndat- please return henry marchmenl oeorgelown it agwats wamual men wanted for rawlelgh routeal i georgetown wrate today ra lelgh co lvpt ulaitsnjl mi treal canada tt gui waabj girl wanted for general house keeping must be capable and a good cook corunlal ivours and working condluons sleep out family of three in town oply tperienced need ap ply herald office thursday or pri- tiay man ling uils week up auction saucs tlve kaate of w a ttvomtvson stewiltttown will hold a clearing ale or parm stock and implements on wednesday march 11th vull particulars next week george mcdonald lot 3 uh line caledon will hold a clearing auction sale of parra stock and implecncnls on tueulay march ni prank pstc1i aucuonecr phone 61 r 3 georgetown wood for sale choice harduood uaple and deech mixed soft wood uot reasonable prices apply jack tost ptvone mlw georgetown tf wood for sall clvolce uaple hardaood and cedar ralls at right prlcea orders ft at humes or at my home phone uw romptly attended to a uvlnfastonk wood for sale clioloe hardwood ecli and maple at 13 00 per cord ulsed wood 30 twr cord ralls t3i0 per cord j ititanukxvjtd ptaane its r utu gmvtimh notice to creditors it the asute f wuuaaa ireml ul af the tfcwmtktar- af cuwgvsaeweay la the cvty i rvil irarwver tte- all ifjiixiejl liavlng claims against the estate of uve above nam ed wulian hunter wlvo died on or about tlve 3ui day of auguat 1135 at uie pownslilp of chliigumcousy are required to send to uve undersigived illcltor on or before uve twelfth day of march iftm full pattlculars of uvelr claims and any secnrilies they may luild uverefore anu takk woticfc uvat after uve twelfui day of march lam uve said administrator will iirooeed to dutrl bute uie estate liavlng regard only to uie claims of which lie shall- thew liave received notice and uvat he will not be liable to any peraon of whose claim he will not uien have received ivouor for the assets to dlstrlbutbd datkl at tleorgetown this twenty rtrth day of vbruary ad ittt kkxn trill m larkidon uiulciuir or wlllum 3indlay hunter at htwilnvlrawe- special retexturing offer j real cash money savings on dry cieani1vg i m f icre s a langley demonstration srxcnit tlidt offers real savings ivtt all your umily tht- rnost rcncroub offer wc ivavc ever 111061- your district we want you to it now wlut y an economy our new rrtrxturmg aitcl dry cleanihi nrocrsa s how satisfying ft w to put on garroenta ntibcle clean und given the- n body life and looks of rpbw materia b 2 langlcys q kod for tlirer- vvweeka s only t j any dress or mails suit t9 langukys cleaners and dyers mcbean co pbooe g4 wedjrrer georgetown save with safety at your rexall store dwt nt ur a jrl- ra1xh a fatxaoxx sileoal for tli week kontckl boby rowdck lies iso tor 3s 1 shaving hansil ui j kuavino ckatam evuk imr tsk ii tlii i will tacfcl xs r4 tkke is feoh u tw 1u so cant ak brfb iv so of i msl km s uavk vouk rw a fcnnies ra mm ahrmy wa cabttca tali takulets 5 54o vanilla ilavokrng 3 i xs sfllfc x slsrnrll tkkm robbs drug store fmottm b ketag baeaw oaxuuiatc onkoarrovrw early spring hats we are now sjiowmp a number of enrly spring knts in i crepes taffettas and corded silks m uie very latest new york styles also at few lines in winter hals al half priee in velvets felts and metallic come in and see them hisses claridge herald block upsui coeorgetown s ai u a u u u news in brief ocjiawas population at the present time la over m000 aruiur council tvaa inurucwl the contable of uvat village to put un oer arret any person found begging peel county council ha proliiblled uie use of ahart hy trappers on uve grourids uvat doga liave been injur ed and liave died before being tils covered tlve election expenses of misjs agrifts uaophall mp elect to grey rruoe in uve pederal euction of oct last amounted to glsng3 a ouelph man tvaa been found with 10- inch wtvetuone in hu iivusulnaa uaybe live reault of keeping his nose to uie grindtorie tlve qouuv aimooe county orange lodge luve decided jo hold thelr county cewuratlon tills year in alils ton qlkty lodges are expected to be present on uv hui of july uve ijui railing oit sunday pour people paid five dolura and costs eacli in urampton police court because uvey failed to take out radio license isoceie wlhon luu reurd as iiretddent of uve ontario plowmen aocutlon whgli will liold 1u an nual inlenmuonal plowing match at cornwall uvla yar kadi of uve auditors for holland township is to be paid 113 15 for his eryios tlve fifteen cents we takv is for amusement lax in camjibcllford two of uve tliiwe banks are wluvdrawuig uve royal and uve hank of commerce pulling out and uve rank of montreal alone continuing twclver of one of uva eturance classes of uve port hope puhlio uclvool xsewls roberts claims to liave novelty class at included hi hu roll of fortyhevtn puplu uvere are no fewer than eight twins all boy ttve town of aluum is going to collect 1u unpaid tafa- ttie tax col lector will hwake the drmaiwd and when uie klatiilory fourteen days tot al re alter thb decnand liaa beai made uve court will be ud aa u medium lo bring uie levy to lh oof f of uve muuklpallty whhmhhglwgluglhglmmmhwi chicks shipped by dog sleigh 10 mow zero all abve w arrival m 0 uie oarllea jip- merlj or uruy chicks uus year w uutde to ur a m lambert at otvmiauglu in nor thern ontario thl vcu uve middled january on janu ar aslli ur lambert wrota uve following letter dear ur llray rtio clucks arrived oih ly all alive plnl h d uve lat uiree and p ivalf miles by dog gleigh at ten below aero uiey sure look a fine healuiy bunch and am wrll plead a u lambert q if uroy chlckr ulll lind uiat h kind or ulp uluiout livi ifa u v jvrettv good uulicatkun uvat gj flray chicks slvould be vigorous m and hedlui when uvllvercd to ag you ttiey an sturdy and m strong wlven liatclved and uvey g are lacked rlvrht for jilpmeut m willi nutiiuble rare tlvcv live g grow and uirii and give a i m luendld account of uumselvet g in uie laying house tlic ecrt of uil inborn apj vigor and vilullly of uray m cklck u u our rigid aeltctlon ag of breeding u our pro- fg gramme of blooii twung owr gg careful 4imion of tiatrlpng g eg and our mtlliodjj in aj cuhutloii come in and let ua m give oji rnnjrtr detalk ag chicks fur bnnithlluu tl livery g vree fri or rasli dtcount oil m orders booked now for laur d- livery ivrliapa whvn we are furuver away from it and ow ue u ui lia rigtsl irerapecuve uve liragua of nauam will seem one of u momt ng iii euperlmenta in many fttr frejwbkaylilcd chick hatchery sl

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