Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 26, 1936, p. 4

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r4 the georgetown herald wed nesday evening february 26lh 1936 western canada fro am ythim goipg daiy feb 28 to mar 12 lacftaritw approximately cent a mule each way goodhn coaches omlv a cab rwvjuccs w ji u toto na wjtzi lie pdkpkiiwlmivui comvemtzht iiam stbvkz 6agoaoh cbkkad stopoykrs t ivwt arthur ort amlrac ont ud wat wo l cjorwo iil s s mml ur i u vccortlnea vu tnoii of united statm lywl m canadian national w u take good care of her wont you it joava fir trip tit- mothfir jua couldnt refuse auntse hfautta lovely invitation hut ehe cuit help worry- uig cither tltoughtful auntae kkw tlie utwer as feoatt wjoui arrive long distance call will banian mother fear icuig distance u an everready coknfort its easy lo use quick and hr oat u rurpnamfcly email ffvqa lata anye wj iveie- pcnj7 rail uw nuki iea jy afler 7 pao rvry eveatag mj lew unimui rates aix day sunday snapshot cuili studies in contrast day and nlgm yod photograph junior la hta allor ault bltt mr uk ilrmul for a party anil in overalls w you snap unci henry digging la 7 l ho icartlhi hud standing by thp car immaculately gerbod to go aome- where you tako a picture of 3u in bv bathing suit at the aeaahora and agel in ber coatunio for win tr aports you see the asbia face but different togs dlhermnt acllvl ilea thom are eontraula which you achlevw almost unwittingly with your bumau auhjectu but did it evr occur lo ynu to try for mich eon trail with your ac nlo vlcwa there la no end of oppartunlllwi bleb ualuru offer lor pictorial uuilli in contrast liy returning to old wuiojt at dltfortnl union and photographing tbnm in thn dufomnt roluu in whlrh tuny are clothed by tbu cllmallr changua or tho seasons ou will oblulo wtmft rnmarkabby ditrnruut iilcturon and at fourth bavo in your ul xbot allium a rec ord of oulnuirlitif lattnul oftau wucb ylclorlal r ntratii aro proitroa itlvo k uiit f moli r vutum u luooda aud 1 lakluic iktun u at ultf rout hvuh auil uud r dltfirtuit condl tlauu we nuhi vmtidolro of caimtra trlcku w rat hi r it would bn bint to aay wldn our fluid of raw ira knowbwlito for nially ood licluru ar rrly the rfcult of irlcvs isrhhiw tho win ipw fmw l dwttl wu otrtio oiiwntuh a vlw of a huuy rlly ulrm i not vttry iubi ir- litkt wwll iwrbapu not in um uvry ibty dr aw hut bvhu t you adaild 1u ahlmmerlnjc baauty oa a rainy dcy when tax tona umbriua rain coats aud aanbalt wtira ictlatenlug in tha rain after dark otfra othar noaalbuiua with tha couutlejw lt trie kljtnm balding aloft tbalr tna aaxa or whan aoua nubile wlfldlbic or taouuhiatit ia ulutnluivd by flood lights italu suow aloat ttatttma p chauglng mood a often transjorw tha drab and colorloaa into aceneii of groat chanu ucb a klnt4a blhg as watar gllatfulng in tho ruts or a cbuntry road may maka tho dltfnr- euca blwncb a routine and an to email n plclura of taat aatno road a plctumaqua bridge over a park lake may h roino much tnoro ap paallng ir pictorial cuniparliuin of this oblnot la drawn la a dl if grant seaaon a rock bound cnaal with th aea calm or in utormy mood rqvoali in your album tha power that la a neptune a command a conn i lor the art little noaalbllltli t wdbodlfd in a group or avergre p i aa they look in winter aud again i hummer hi flow rdottrd ttiaajo contramtiht with the aanin areun i i winter dreuu or tlto beauty of tbnndirlug waterfall and whi i uutml with bclnlmutlng ice liuik fver your album ihck 01 t iboju prltatu wblcb you bello would make gew d roinparluon an i when thn pnkper aeaaon arrive vlult that fafiilllar acona and phot kraph it a ancand ilutn you ii bi uurprlat i at the opportunltlaa an i tnit r nulls and nu t forget now 1 1 tbu mum to irture the invi ly cor traats ht winter hiaunv jo- vv f iii h coktulatlvk hkbx in canada when the agricultural ranch wj tahllshnq within uw dominion ucjiartmeni of agiicuiuire ib09 the object of wm phau of khk wax to ixudy ute farmers oo operative uraiml to uiai ewi under joint amngemeul wltli un provukdal govwiuneiili a kurwy of hum ajitnumuuia a undeilakrti in 1s3i wuh ibc txu4ttatioi uut uach a lurvry will be made juluknj or at inlervab ul a icw yrmr liw uitorofauou uua obulird fucmb lite u lor w peimaneitl rcoixl of cu ofwfauve acuvltis and iubhcaliu s1 fannrib iuaiimsa oncantax uooa in canada 1036 jusi lued by ihe dominion ficvilnenc of ari culture uijipuxneiils and bnugs up lo date the uifonnatiou cutitaiited lu bulletin 113 previoujjy puhluieu ttte content of ute uusj puhucatjoii ulte bajmxl on information received n farmera buailteu orgaitlauoii in 43paua in tas and 3m lutfi umi maxtacr the buiaila activities uf co ouenuing uoclatkilu duriitg tlwi ciu yejh of tkn anl 1933 lite records obtained jnev buiincul orcaalkajmuf aa itrtvcfit 01 the active lni ho unit dunng 4lk kaler part of fhe lau century uimi up fish out of water by i kin atc s aitkin pill uk wm imi k t it it h rrltll x n lb ii walrb iliary hwl tvnx r i ymn ya xir r 1 iimi co ii r r mr vtd lb w mi m air 1 ir um lii lit ti mr ik jwii br vl i i u i- ii l all wi if -lllia- bimu nrrt l in mih l 11 r 11 d l st forrd tln lf k i ur u- ni knuixl tirr bubau fn t1 rft uv hi 1 niri bj1 bin gray h- n i laly ii mw- that iihry v o uhl lo w v- tbaikrul tji- jfo jrua rim r uihlu w 1 u jnjvj a jr- llp smilba dll lr bt lit iu ul wuebk blu wt gatt tlla atontyt etroua tabic lias been dioring m grocery prices foro uie ail of local merchanb in rtb- lai hi cotnpah- json with pxeent day 13c prloes nkiy nauat of us woitalcr where we got the tnofcy to buy uwse foods 15 years ago but you recall uuu very one was busy everyone was working and everyone was handling a lot of mone thalv prosperity scene grocery priced of lttl disco 33c tin pabsdllve jap 3 for 3sc honey 5 lbs at sxoo ibm price lb at 46c grapefruu 2 for 25c patry flour 11 lbs at sue xoc jbiijljatans gcnkkositv our mukxaan4 getting tmrous wed ratlier wkh lied unp on every bottle that he lec the milk ktiacs out on top he withe vancouver la in idinj iiu year tha gbljen jul lice col h ration of its foundlnr in 1 vi s una of the features pltun rj lucluda aports events or nil khh music pgatals a special p rf nuance kj fibakinpearo a ai j ummir uxbfa dreatn in lanl y iark performance of llliuatla an indian vllujce a hauullin uuc kpeclsl daooratlonu and tllumuia tioas all over vancouver t 1c- bratlona will reach thrlr peak in the first ten da3 qi jul at ll n annual hums diaper h id at tho i m pre as lintel io lorta in fybruary at hlch oor 3ki huril lovers look part tbo rtijal scotch hftrpln was broul ht ocr from an com or and was carrl d in btcamlnr bot on a all vcr plalter by miii owen ikwar and piped around the uiprcu dlninj room by i ipetnsjor donalil cameron oreetlnra were received rrom oulh africa aus tralia the united htalea and xondaa laglattd qtatlng amphatlcally that uc- ress depends on luck captain charles m uudson dso and liar unil commander of q- boat for two jyexrs of the war had a hard job convincing tha active club international at hotel vancouver recently of tha antlre truth of thn statement tbey thought that akill courage and foresight had somethlnx to do with success after hearing soma of hbj adventures ttecently tha itoyal york hotel toronto held a cberry l con taat wide open to everybody and gave tan prliea tn order of merit and tba good housewives of the queen city were all agog tim judres of course had their work cut out ror them or may be tbey did a bit of cutting for thcmael it is a pity every llrlllah col umbia business man can not find it poaslbl u visit the pur ju particularly japan said c a cotterell asautant genoral man agar rrltlsh columbia for tho canadian pacific railway junt 4 back from a trip to tba orient klr cotter ii thought a visit would be an education enllrht enlng and of inestimable value in a practical sense two prom in on t ijrltuh rel dents in kobe are flglitlnr losing battle acslnat aiiacred puio tree which they fear is alw ut to fall on tbflr renldence arcordlnr to paasenrers arriving in mrtoria racenlly on tha rmprenn if ja aan they can t get it foiled be cause it la believed ir that in d a pestilence will strike tho din trlcl tba canadian pacifics blgrobt llnar tha 41 tootou rmprran r britain to be dealrnaled cabtn ship following tbu abolllltn of first tlasa deal nation by the north atlantic conference will continue la operation aj a bit if uisas high apeed do luxe llnoi will urn llalrd aleanibhlp paiuien ger tratfle manager oj the caps du iaxlflc said recently at one end of tba domlnloii the fcasteru interuatlonlil pok letl derby at quebec ftb 0 23 bit the high apots lu winter aru rt and at tha other end was the fni press oolf touruauifiut at ict rla february 1y u both aruui sored by tha canadian pacific hallway and each showing tho versatility of the canadian ell mate alnce both were indubitably and entirely successful tiki big has rtfarhed unprere daully lbvela iu wintt r wltli an average of b 640 akli ra taking week end tripe from ufrntrl to uearby inountaln rtsortg all va mu and with similar ft un sallsbla from all over the domi nion lftla tdevcjopmenl of cooperatic 1 in iwc iwrt b m afraid u ontktprlaes in canada moved 4oly rumi asilnni ibwlr lll trj p the reeori thv agricullmi fcv- u honikh ilrancb umw uuu of the r i i ptyuewcnt c6vr itf r arlty w i i uty rmeninhrvl durtng- thai iriod iur bur uc nest decade and up to the ntmlntf i i present ume organization uv bunrt r his wlti- lr mllbrre by farmers has made ueauy growut in numbeib membrtsjiip and bum- neax cooperative qiganhaluau now heed an integral position in ue moveknent of farm products tn tnajr set and the purcbaac of farm iup- pilea and they have gxlittd an un portant plsce in the field of can whan business the acuvltea of ua larger organisation inch a- tlte wheiat pools live slock end fruit co- operatives have reached a hujh jl- of development and have received world wide recognition in addition to these there are hundred of com paratlvely small orvanbrntioiu wlticli are working quietly and effectively hi urvlf local areex in w vecetabie5 iu flowers vegetable seed mstjmixnbiecrntpjms seeds 0rv34pkt bvual at fri ijr jtaed aril wa th ilrwt l mh at brvukrl llr wart rtuxillly hit orb log iw f tin i st hn thr rltrk clek f rrotlnl- tl v 11 na the sllra xxl iu0 hr plarv ai th tahw ul hm rttlns ully tjufulhhjc a aapkin ki 4 util lv piquant lltlu recv with lie bum uhg i lue yi in up dlrwrtttmi f br to hr fw u bly m lucky tt rtrv sw id a t w f ruablng tf will tx ralcb tin- h ls lu the u ruling all day to rred hlu iapare atul do a he iilia zirtcm lull an i si wing from bla taaornlng kin wr allpurd into hie seat la time to wlm the etlmel del he sell wlab i bad fatcu rrajrrlirio use jl canmckan nat una i rjy kfalkcuhi wb 17th what would you uuiik o- a uiunc hiv ranui uiruusli u gnaux drureuon u iii4jy pevng alt of it eaab expen ja vxcfiti a- rjuril un ceuilaj a proftcrty which in lins had eernril vtsuuodoo a- a return on prurd tupltal stnd wliidi fchoqd the bucr- ul loeiiditkuw of isi oonv back wouxd yield a relum of wobooooo w uivrcuxj cajuud hy rcxuw of lot ikftetrmritu in tlu propel ty uwl in uiciiuci would you uy ttiis iro- petty is doiunev h u no good uill twvrr pv its wuy7 tjtese wcrp among uic uuealun9 wldcii ll w talraeather of ssontmd d itector llurraii of afonomics canadian ma tiottal liailway asked of daiuidian buurka men in ipeaking w the ho ley club ikrre today hu subject wl home ulaooncrpuoiu of the calladian nauonal 1 tell way- it ii tint generally rcellaed oon unucd kr wlrweather 1 that uw canadian national itailwayg hi aaad ufih of all railway syuemii on vlifc north american continent tn or der of net income available for hi- terft cilarst can anyone who lia- a tilth of ibe attatr jltdi youirebding iue- of ui canadiaji national by have i bavent nvte had tlnee to iry ut tuj iww nblnie rod urn mult i ra kept br eyae eei the ratie abv wan iwahtig be ttirt what was 1 ahhyc in lltnry a tolrtd wubihtt hlf job b was like a iluh tut of water w all morning urn mltbera patience weasnrely lril lliory jeoif umiwhi arund llr weodewd almle l in and eut of the kltrbea llki bnrt egpraael nm hu eceided him rw made h r with ibill ereat after leach ur- hmltbere decided that soaaethlug rniiht be deete mte wan afraid of what tabxbt aappeei if ihlh wnt eu meaalnlely ak dried her handa and went to nnd bias henry win nowbere bi tbe boeae the eld brown hat k somhlbaaw were was knlalbg rrom its accustomed blsce la tlw hall he touat have gone att aeme- wbere far a htrell 3 lira hmltbara went t th telephone saul put a call tkrouab to tb ofltc e janes ward and oo mr ward oae iwldeet uateead with eatoauduaeevt- tbeei be bald ilut my deer kfra sml there we cant tslt your husband back iiw aareed his rtlraeal if you think the pen- kloaa not aiuwjuat perhaps we could lira wither bad to agta all aver again 1t unit a questlou of money dent you underslandt henrys whole life waa in bis job vow youve tskn it away i lu afraid ho afraid cant you and a place far hlu some where anywhere ob please ple tiradually the president earn around y txcab o ir shed tell ur sitillbera to com down in tba morning they d talk things ovrr lira rnillbera hung up the receiver with trembling ringers she d dau it i there woald be no need to tell henry that she bad called the office juki aay tbey d phoned and wanted him bark u ben george came home frem work she waa almoet frantic they drove down to the vtllsgi to make inquiries the butcher put them on the track ilia little boy bad seen ur 3ml there baa ung down towards the river where high haula over h ked bi moat dan- gwroua part urs sm libera whlte- rarel exchanged glsncea with ber aoa ceorgt drove grimly abiding the car trouncing and burling along tha 1 enrutted lane tie last bfty yards had to lie covered no foot through trie au they emit out dose to tha river bank urs smll here uttrd a ut tie weak cry or distress halfway up the 1 1e lay a crumpled brews object ll unh henrys battervd old astl oen erlpned bla mi thsrv arm aud steadied her ttiey climbed to tbe toi un 1 looked inwn immedlstely be low litem st in waler edge sat ur smltltem on a isrg rock uhlng urs s ulilii m i e i closed and a little pray er or thaiikfulntafl went up tbea she 1 toked d un again and cried out ooduu gracious henry i dont yt u know it h killing dark the scolillng lone in iter voice was to bids ber teller cnae n up weve got gimtd ni wa the ph med from tbe or flee they want you to go back ur smlthora ralsl the ashing rod awunl the halted book to another part of the stream anil let it fell in aaalu wth a lltllo uhuk lie 1m ked up at ibe hank ue lo lutrk to ll at fituffj oil officer- be iirlalmed- tin ur lire look he 111 id tie rod sal tie ml lutld up an inulki iflcuiil little huh atw ut 4 inches loig i juat isn ul it he said with d that sh ne i n mlly tousarrow 1 in g i hi- ati r h it nea this new rod of yours laidu ly e rga hay liu juit niariing to lle loari o the total federal budget to an estimated amount of j16oo0 0oo j toutgo and s j of the total tax bur- ler year on the cf ji and u u0 invtbtrtl ci4laj acouunt rnudted from ute unprxnernrnt in bumiwta condi uofus end tlwi ups result is again komrahal better voo see um- bt one fllfferenctt he tavrn tublic aiul lw 1 v uie ue uerilup urtbaie oanrrijiip can draw a ur ccfiuycarhohaca ijicrx ml hankruptry prricerdtnc wrr lu mltakea sjd uurt afresh wnii utc property wf rrcaiiltmlbtrif iwoj with pux mhoakca loruol urt and forgiven exnrpt pw ili bv tlir lnvrtoc wlu baa uielr uiu in uw jr rim canadian nutnial lutarvrf ilk- cluiallan o kilarim rtodrra bin t hear ute bunteit t t iily of ilk own rnutukr but eho loilfer utt uu uil if pw in air lr ial oompanum iuxtw haw kabl uw y would gbidly jll lu cunadkui national lor si do iwiuumehly ferlins tluil by doing lu- mnlr aoobl b betur off un uiwmhy nothing b lurttwr limii in- irum f tiave utiiled out uial iiv caruuiuii nallonal lia c cp u ihr- xittiuc dijuu of u djpirs jo irvir lufl ut make jnenr r tki upon tu tiutjyj cilill llw ioirr wugfit br pj4oix of fo i m wpd wilti ji ill tif w kuu jt lid llt rnvelluc bui im dkiioaal nt ii u nr m tni tnuiiprr a uld ufi iuii wiilrtt jk li lih tile us4- hi v wiucn tlh jeupj o auadll iivi- upoft uuf un7i in iht- huiioi ul iw lajuoc that uuiirultuc would br li ii nted ttit bihy culfnrnc aoukl al h mli at uu nroicrn fnr vi uu titi- fvopi of canada would tue uic uollisiion of ayjnic uiuler 44 o gualrai uw wtuioux lujiijii f uw u uvuinb tor inhrrju vjnciaalui ii a- uign at 4b60uol in a ainglej n j u moitulhan uriciiit u puy ull in ial cjjirii on tlii oultaiwilng loihx of tiuj fayvum ui unit linu jk certain critic oi uw ciuidlan nhuoiuu and oi cmtriuneiit owmrf uiip are lond or itoiiitlng i tinker oi com l u coinpjiloiii or the opr uung rulio of uur cunadhm nauoiiiu wiui uw antreunlt rutin of other but ruliwuy 1 liii- il-hvcnt- lector- all need to la laktnr into a- count befon one could druw nnv in lcnnce u- lo rullc optraliibi ilii citncy iroin u prid hi ui opcrut nig rutin when uinroughly iookxi into uie eoncliuuiin oiui would reacji uiat uw i4wd u uic optralhw turning back the pcc of tone nrtn lleeaa el uurasi rteaate1 twm ue deav riste ef the llermm- x rlftra ymn a frbiuery 3rd imi uiw edltn frajioi f iforrf town we kunceaalul in pejliig iter intrmlurtory piano e tinilnnll ni ut ioroiitti cmirvatory i r muic wr n te the ipimlulmcnt of unjuit i i hiouil to command of ute iiuiumi ittnr wlui uic rank of xi oiluoel at the urdu- turorlo on mmiday jni xoui ltrl by itrv it ll curb tutir art ur lliohrnond spelaht mn f mr uiul ton i j hpebxht fleikrurhtwii u cr allwrla vitinut ter damhur tt mr ml ur a it 1 juulri of lulhualhd v v hu lolk ini memtti rs oomprsed t the 1 1 lib tclmml ibiiid lf mj i- liult ju k v crheipii ur d j laltlm a ulld ur c ii ieyfuot tae georgetown herald r ijrii in itrolir tjjrrry took fto- l rl miltitj tut acon itji dealer to xlluijli lal tjjtirtxiav t nut ibthree nm n in jl t har1 lahor imtcrfd r llm by rv fn- ual trah- uoore v irr 1 ijeudd guiriy to a oharkv of i r ll abljtv llmg th rillli uunial 1 la lion iod fahr u u irtock judgjnif conteat will bfl the accibbon hotel tuhle on wwi feb 25 1031 knowledge of uicll a denaofustratcd lkrformance and has any uith in i ratios orl mainly from dilfcrnoes canada have any doubt ai lo the real m jjie ciaructirilc of uie proper ltd not from a dlti in clli tcmv i would not have yod feli clincy lite uk of omceri mui em- uiat x conider the present financial pjoyeea ol uu cm si will iland dlfoculue of uw canadhui lationai itomiuurbuui wlui uie brx as iiwucnificant and s tac1furtna ft inynuf to clilirud uuil uw cans which can be lightly brushed aside dutu national iui ilui or no tiuen hie qaralcm ui order to meet its lnl s compuredwiui private tndutry icrca paymttnui to the pubue ui lftm ur pairweauicr und umt uu- direct had to obtain tacf1m0 rrom the i usation paid by uie clhjc at pros govcrntnnt and for 1635 uie amouatient amounlm to tsiooopo uyur as reoulred will be approximately vt compared wui uie cjr puymciiu 1 000000 thec are very considerside 1 of 10c000 tuvd uuiriecl axuuoii amounts wldcli in 1031 made up indudiner nav jiftaa- jj irwmilim lit lo fullcu oldkrt will cl bboot 400- aid uill it uld hw by a laxaiiorl nf 3 mill ji me d liar i whttncr arc wc jgoinfc liu re lui htcn jmim- dixussion bi nocnt moikth and we believe a peu lion will he juvaciiuxl to uit ijrjfuia lux ukliiii iknnl ion to iday had tritntnn mi the lcad day just uic ume u msjiy iday golf ttie anru mm l i lliut unlf l played wluuuit am r trktlou on uic elahbath o that uii otlu r port idiould be per ml jiblr we do nol uilnk uicrc l any need o take auuy or attract from ute jab until da j an mort of ils rcllginus jmiuft xua been jamesway loutry equipment 1 mu tau j lv llu-j- kttriuw u a uliilwarcmifaliatouy a toeiw y u waal mjuiww h swj ut tmitm u u aewe e4 wut uyiaa wkmim a eiimeni siwl ftiklut in den of the country bui x wish to emphasiee t hat wlaen this cash de ficit is included in the eederal hud get there fcs houiing more to be add ed tlwe remainder of the book de ficit call for no additional cash out lay and is noftexutent in the aenae of being an additional burden with any crfmslderahle tncrme in tranv one may conodenuy look feeward to the caui deficit dimlnulung until lioukl we return to the trafoe level ct ay ittrt it would duappear higher levels uie syttem would not only esjly nay interet on lbs boodj but would alo return a dividend on the capital invented in it by usn oov- ernmfcnt even in pie somewhat dubious dltlncuon of income deficits like canadian national does not rank lir4 aniongv railways by any manner of means the contract operation french railways partly by the plato nnd partly by private inlereats year resulted ui a deficit or -t000000- fd0 franca equivalent in our money utunwamis of ttoddooooa jome people axioclaut uic urge debt of the cahsdlan national ilall ways dirdctly wlui uve policy nx pub lic ownership tliey eluier forget or lanore uic rsct that at uve ume tlu nroprruea were acquired uwy in debt lo uw exhmt of 1000000- 000 it was because they had uiu huite debt and could not pay even uielr operating expenses uiat bank niptcy uirealcncd and the oovern ment took uie nroperiues oyer nor l this the complete lory uie pronertlcs when in uu liands of uielr private owners liad been bled while in an attempt to preserve financial solvency so thai the new owner had to put into the properties large sums of money rehabilitate uwsm or to make good makshltt construction the exact amount cannot be ascertained but 1 would venture an opinion uiat it is not ur uuui 0000000 all of which is included in th debt charge able to oovwrunant owriershtp but peontriy chargeable to private owner- ddp- mr palrweauier said uiat amounts running into hundreds of millions of dollars occur in the accounts of uic government which own- the cans than national ayuem and reapnear in the accouihvt of the tcailway wholly ulc idea liad artm uiat canada luu two national debts the nne slvown tn nubile accounts th ouier kiumtti lr uie balance slieet of uie canadian national and that to get uie total one needs to add the liabilities of uie canadian national to uie net debt of uie federal gov ernment out of the distorted statement of uic tiahlllth of uie canadian tional conunued uie speaker luu arisen uie misooneeptlon of enormais annual losses ivonie desiring to slve public ownerlilp a black eye by tak 4ng a crack at uie canadian nauon al glibly quote dltorted figures hard ly ever les uuur 1100000 000 per year and ranging upwards to truly aitrooomioal flgurea obtained by mr ullton w ilarrison lrsidnt of the becuhty qvnera aaeocjauon inc of uu 000000 per year the fallacy be- lilnd uiese figures can beat be expos ed by uie simple ulustrauon of i mall business let us auppoke i man has 100000 tmwtlad in a busl nfits and that uie revenues from his business are enough to pay his wage bill uie cost of all materials mad and to maintain his factory in good uckhla condition paying all and public charmb md leave over 3 000 a year rhe ordinary man would saymy business lias yielded me a uboo prorit on my 100000 tn vtmenl but the man wk damns uie canadian national hallway keys oil no you sluuild liave earned 10000 on your tlooooo investment and uirrefore your plant lias lost you m060 and your businof aiuat hwua a note to you for uils m ood loes and iay interest on it ttili gon on for a period of veers and you will see uiat in a relatively abort ume uie business which bi point of fact was making a unali relum on uui invest tut caidtat would he aliowii ar a liope- les piopotluoti the oaiuulhin na tional lullwaya from lfts until wrll on into the deprtnuon in 1m1 paid all its waga and materia la on ottar- atlng account taxes and all items of expense except interest on inveahml capital including substantial provl alon for deiwecholon and retirement of property and amortisation of bond duoouut hi fact all items j ex fawiae wlieuuv bimedhibily needed in cash or itot and had udt over iuue- udng as a re turn on uap laoperty in veetmenl during the worst of uie dnpreaaiotl years lfiil 1h3 and 1m5 uie property jut kmwaed dohig uiu but did iwovlde more than suntruntt to meat all lie cash exjietiaes except bitereai in um a aught return oa um0oq per year on uic cjjt- uie total tax payments of uie two iy- nn- being 1100 000 for urn cnjl and tit 100 000 for uie cjmt ur lairweauier laid uiat alleaipl luul been made to promote uie tnlxon ocption uiat uie capital expenditures on the canadian nauonal railways amounting to toooouo from ld3 to date liad been ualed he con tended umt uie largepart of uus capital was widely expended olio luul lieavler rails stronger bridgei and belter locomouves and cars not been procured uie operating oous of uie property at uie present time would be at lct 12 000 000 a year moru uuui uiey are an amount eoual to uie lnieret on uw capital spent speaking as an economist con eluded mr falrweauitr aurtion uiat uicro l a railway problem co ufrious as to uireaten uie exl lence of uie country oaictuu at variance wlui uie racts if uie as urtian were true one would expect to find canada burdened wlui very high unit transportation costs- quite on uie cortrary one finds unit uie tcanomic unit cost of railway trans portulion i cana is n low a that of any other comparable countrj hi the world one would expect too to find a country in which the ratio of its wealth to lt railway capital wa low quite on uie contrary one flntl uie ratio of national wealui to invented cfidtal in canada lo be high in act for every dollar ex pended on railway development uie national wcalui has been increased by reason of uch development by an nivrrfa flmimi nf mvir tin fwl titiil tlilf vruted now almost beyond recogilltioii o thai churclte utrbughout the land huve uffrird areauy from uieae inroads urui many socalled chris lull ciluen- imvc become nervous wrek and spiritual degenerated by bltually lunoeensr uie lasyof iteat w urcumenl vui of course be ad- iaioiiluuit leonle who dont attend rhurch sliould not be forced to keep tway from sport in all but extreme ra ai utere b ample ume for sport during uie week we would not be opposed to it on uie uahbaui if k were ndt for uie fact uiat it would tend to furtlier impoverisli uie churches and after all our churched ore or should he uie baxls of all that l good in uie community we doubt if uie churches as a whole would say much about the matter if people were doing their duty as christians hi supporting and attending church each hunday and making mxt honest effort to live up o uielr christian beliefs it is mtat difficult tank for uie church now to holtflts own and tt seems to us uiat it aliould not be faced with ihl further competition on a day set nlde for uie cliurchv use spiritual i find uie unjl ft nm fftst- poortsmen will lure- 1 bilierly complain if uie church op- pores uielr demands but afier all hei too have a duty towards thelr chureh and to uielr creator thai cornea before port qurely uie one w ho gi e us our body and provided us wlui the energy and intereet to tnke part in liealthy rportlng re creation la entitled to a part of uie one uai each week tn have returned tin thank- thkt l due him for these merrier were we crippled or bed ridden and unahlr to take part in poru we would probably think a little different about placing our plea urea before our religious prm letr and dutlc- uowmanvule htatesman ceea blioaea lary so you ure among uie group sua average figure of over 10 00 and uils pended by uie unlvercityj national wealui could never luive yw nnd i congratulaud uie been brought into being wiuiout uici ire jdcnt on turning cut ueh a fine i all way development joung man pes- year tn advance united hlsoes soo additional single copies 3c boui old and new arfklresaea utould be given when chanc of wodress is reciueated advethong atutea jlegal no tice i ho per line fur first tn fcrrthxi vc per line bur 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