the georgetown herald stxtyjwb yew of pubbotoo the georgetown rwald wednesday evertltig march 4th 1936 150 per annum m advance 200 to u-s-a- the georgetown herald member erf the canadian weekly newspaper asaoriauaa enk time taue eawth aa 2 t andrd lime 716 paaaenaxr kn mall m lazm i jwaenxr and matl 4l3s i passenger for tnrbnta suoduti cgg aat lasaenger t passenger for twotq v ar i jrxia ataa anttun folea time sa1ada s mu uuirl ubokoktowm ossla xxtt la uljtt jss ajsat 1s5 psa loo kuau vi vt t cas a j tjn viw pja a tun tls lojfi njsc 7 luo sum joadlyascepi sunday dally except saturday x i lubnby owby t 1 j ualunlay suindaand uuu- da only ka3tkrn otahdaxtd ttuoc fcawet jlonos confecnonkky directory g4urx4or k ontario umces gregory tetuv iud- uu1 8t thecost of glasses fv jj oct walker ro- orrowennsx knacat srtocajlkf-f- aai r- wednesday r a aus wfaw ut bvtmt oj tilt ltoal lat piui tli i ulll iwi aiul i u bit f living in h tousli ulld tm nk- r i v iv mr ulu hit uir ul ma l bur t i ruiin load itlm llw bulth it ll rulirr- -ptr- uinr tl r- htl u t 1 411 li r uinil tun 1 trtmth it w klit ul jmirimj jiells too kutit vmi help llu m wjth tlwir pock uiul ihr li rnhi cwir wnher umllu u isy lu u limn lutll vliobtn ll thr mlwjj u m r uk- trail end rhjld on friendly glow lumbago attjioc imf eamsc k fciwtw rumacaps cokdcmvs u03m work or stdknt ym-r- hk c lxn n mtrorey owr hjne vinrlt lor school uutkmla ilij ininj ronuty opoomyi whll xtiwi ujtocul after utioo ksotv tb bormuwllk stnunuui in a icrtvful rviitorial corulrmil tuttiw- lorfc ki lolam there ttewa to be liomouiiiic nuiical ronif wltli our idactianitl ii uvii uben u admit ht from 0 4n to ni ive days l vk b not iwuali n liicuurtttf rtv naary kubetr tnurvtc mlndi rf ijv luuirnu it iufigttf ts fuifr xyirt dumb t udriilr or poor tociwr ikd txiurr f uwoc rroupi would t wbnit thai liiry urc to blame xa cireat brtuan rarlummt hw pmk1 a ynsolulio eaiklemnldx horoc wait for ltudetiu and lutve com nood iitocclini3 to abolih itn tv vklucfclutnl l in tills country nrwwk has came to be a nci- fcjy teml unlji fliidi time as jmr- luuncote ikete liave tlie courajtc of jfcir oomlrtuunc to abolili it as j nuunce it ui continue opines uw ihcll ulu w wit1 irk of luthbt uilili pur wuwr houv yill rbxt vur w4fb u kniiw i inil x u cun ut to inium tu and rhmr ttt ub w our loiul f jiuw tiralt put khully witii lav klillilnn tux uw riil m1lton tr wary weld u ifkknl of uu con for uie ljil ti mri cctohrajtfd hrr tntli blrttklii tii aturuay la w w laur ub of ulltou cele- lnirljli7il tilruwiuy m uoiuuiy- johi w fltmlnu loronlo tltrouli lil tojlciton pkmliitf uiul umoke iiu uud a writ btoseoode jtall com huticln actuui acairut tlw ontario win liter tif hij twai in u claim for tloo uurnaur u u re ult of automoblh ncculcnt ullijodly caiujd by ullurniv of oh dcfeiulcnt nminunniice of the hlyhttuy ttitt accuwnt took place near lrajal ilulton county arcardltitf to a toronto prii ics- jiatch hon t ii ucqiwlou uinu of uiul uui- iiil announced uiat tlie dipartment planr to tinuli ut uuldle uoad throuuli to ilurlinjiton tlil rummer tle cuinpletlon of uil work lll form jiart oi tlve deiwrt- nti mork ltrorum for 1w6 uie dejwteh ojy a iltmstrtet rrtlrcd elrrk and trta urcr ua uuel ol iwuior ut biliqikt in tlie ml too inn uonday nlliht u itu inl by hl assoclatei lr u n council dr it k ander- iteeve krvliiu ex flrcvca j v uttlr and j w blalu x councillors uxtd and c jone- councillor sjcr and v h gllroy xlanaccr of llw uank of nov a kotla siioke com nlimillnj mr iiiciiut on hla m icir- of inlre major martin pr- nted mr hem lret uitli a cheque i u ftobertion nut rpeaker du- cu 41 the admnbiue of lnduiie3 in u town cliampion t right tirl b marcahltta brucker attnmtyu m umgbon vixu uutvi uttbcy uilam ohic utalu uivm iailb bwlnhuatmat jt klicuaumkom iburlaurs uiidum kwjum ju wtanhl w kucuaitdou xla uofua to xtus tetcpluuie u baamttum rankv guvdon nucwaaracx coojt buua ku us ht bt iw i hipala om- tu fetuer bauey kcc u xdaixl oook oonloa otaydon us fctaia l movtb frmp tarphramt w lurold u imwxvntx jloblaw lhlltfca rmteptoa takhtem ms v a watmuc njqjs- huxa ode wouia ao a kteapt thaoy a nl nielsen ual y- ut rmunr f cfuropractor xray drugleaa ttaerakaml la4y tlwfc oeorattail lou tjd km la- frank petch f iw ci 1 af rwi waj kiaua ctwrltrrtliaw tfru oontloai url fuai oclofr ctfh ihaw monuments pollock a ingham buooo6tfs to caur wrtli xnapeot our wk bi qwwaaj m0400000000000 carrolls jam tr-tr- 32iar 23c uptomsteassatc cakehoar ir 33c criscow me 5paghetii tr9t natural rgs 3s5c jbllf 15c sunera cmj 19c kandy kisses 2 s5c clocalht gaaok 85c mahe syrup tt 2c pancake roar 15c cormstarch 9c jelly polios 6 25c soda bfe a it 25c chrbtits rftz 15c peanut bttc 225c lbbrs kraut n 10c corn brooms 29c crun saadwtch shortbread btscurrs 2 ibs 27c new apricots 25c peaches ewpj srtc new prunes 7c pard dog food 2 23c bartlftxp 15c peas gj- p r- 10c corn vwi jr- 9c tuna flakes 2 7 25c cheesevk 15c cut beets pork a beans 5c salmon 18c sardines b 3 13c bacon akjsu it 27c tomatoes sk 10c tomato juice 5c jb35c l 19c ioc coffee flavoioma ll imnumammmmwmwww commercial printing of all kinds we can give you satisfaction thegeorfelohnibetau onions saaisoa ut hit a mfcr 12c potatoes soc cattbage sew niu r- lij 2 lbs 9e spinach gimi cahy cm 2 lbs 17c grapefruit 7 for 2sc s5el- 2 529c icttimx 5ceack carrots mkw uikctc 2 bandies 13c peanuts 1umi itoahyuu ioc lb mll 4 ll h- tw i t i i jf mtiil- mi a rrfnmn t i imhirhnr til warr h lull t- ittill f ilo wllli uh- i xlxt nil illkf ituia rflnll ii bl ui i b pi ll v uthrtf hlm ilntl lm iulxilb tu it li ujiri i ml jltl lkbl mhrt u 1 lltfr slrii it ntr 1tli ixurt i r w iutl ilfrt i k f y klrlu mnlh if fj fr fawin wn plv n ll a ikon bud 1 il krluiusl pjrkd up hu jp mi i kfd ullib way tt thr wt uuifiljui b tikvv i -mr- ui imhi r n ujru pl h li bad rtd lln bil iii kwl 1 br t hmm ulill ulhut i mhim i i in lu dm hi r wiimi v ll vnull tilwr ibkhi lhat aih ihzurv i r jj hirw i mi prly bant in muii tu hsd llr lrl iw uk k uldr u all ul im- luttm thr slati rwlim iu4 itad kabl ibrn moder vkhbh uit i ii rail f r rtui lu if t imii lit almtllv two uu wind b bad lltmh btti d wn in jbtilrtit utorr unci it dbln i takv liair kin jf to mi tlia i h waa rallhiv faiil but ulilrli un7 thai wai tltv piixxw rrrli liu and kuitny bu wert lliflr nam h and whni ib lr uu uwdh r ciitjldu t lji lb iu apart how wa a lflii liid vank ttjn to cmna to any utvlnlnay ion ll- toui low n wond ritu tlxirva mi rotnauo can uf urtttrr wuy with tbrw iuliiclialii hhm twwly u lot to drop i ut diu- t tba twins hail to b dltuiuallilth kvldutly tht it rain twrmii to till tnr tcoip bad it that mm- llru rw tuiaikdnc micb nthr two jm lh aftt r ckioi drat nplaranc lw turtmsl iii at tb drxig htor- no- rfnlne wllh tnr iwtar but whleb oor tlcta krcao to run bleb around tba aoda liar vnui betting on ijta ihw wholf cohibturilty ktartfhl hhtliik mi btwlntc hj d dlrid ltfffnr wllb f liowa truta orglh to thu allnslralmil lumln atvd iwtvur bad had hnart tlultr now thin tanjhnjf yankee enkliwr hat kunk thttm twtlh thau one artenwwhi a uwu from ut- t v 1 drlfttd into town and aald uimthlbc about dm wife tay that burst the tnun wubf fhp i wh tlwtut faur o duck in the aftcnnkoq wlwn the twins ninw into b dnij rtoml iloth wr in wbltii juki their 1mhu dlfftirnt tut blu and oiw rwl ttif preaclnra wlft wax in lb- atint bujrlnc catnip ft r that hlx ilaltraf that ulwayu slt in her tcmi whuhtw m uurchoii right avtr to iht- glrla tut r aa a man in htrv a iuyniitt cn wtio sild that younic mr hrrell ban a wir she lhvr the prfmhfr wlfa la all right tint ht fsla ll iht dutj to lonk after iho mum in or ibe youh if thin in tin t fnlluimj rlkbi at her lwsal li houldn i hiivt lun au dra tuatlc as lr wan it kn wked all the borne talteat alinwa in jatvllb rljit into a cocked hat hon burnt llmmuh tlie cru m ttitwj war aim t black i came rljht over tn wbwv tbe klru wer alttlng tti prvctwra wife ha knd off hut th rvitowa aroutul tbe iwwla bar aturk and tard and njurd tliat all that money lbyd bat on tb twlna w ifood aa kane liw of tb twlua waa beatlnjt nlar uttoo on tb bor with her allpper and tb otbr waa flddlluif with a anda straw and brakjn it into ii ml piece i tcue tby fait prtty queer what have jrou hardr ikio de ianud- ue didnt alt down he atou- iminlna acrou tb table aud bin glauc includad betfi tbe twin ilia ion brown flnra gripped tbe edee of the labia that you ware married said one she aald it qulettlka but thare waa a lot bebltul bar tone smiie fulki duo i ubow their ewotloa by being nuliry tb other twin did she aald ea tbat you were married her vole wm thin and uharp la lr truatt alia detnamld vm its true tbe ooe with tb blue belt who bail xpoken first niend her llpa tiowm i beta am aok luirk lain- b r rbalr tit and iraw wan torn to rlnff mm i lay tmattertd alw tit llu li molaie mmim v bleb ulie hadn l taaiihl tin twin id the red im ll burst into a n i ul ir tnr rent of abuw sbf mid foii ultii hlie ttiuught ut mm what sin tit ne hi or all t aukeea uell it wbh aliuojl aa ir lw d irlipil off l clitlju and utiuttl there ouuid lim r the lellnwa alunk out id the si nv auhained fo- ber lbnif the twwti jerktr i lihd to slirk trtnally tbe twlnln tin- mi r b kmu to cry elan sltppiil h ymun i tin labia and iihik her in bl uruja llu klkbud htr you the twin in tin nd iwlt parted arreamlna and clau luy him with ber hft little bu u hon dliln i mm ui in nil lid hi win rlmilng and tijmwlny liln wplh lit tb hii i njiylnjf f a i ay 4 said that uii ii t itiut id ib l on rltiht k now i knew ve ui iik no mkiake irtff imj and i un married lam h rl daj 1 dl lilt liear the real flu ids beat jiii bent and be was aaylne h into carrie i on a mdt dark hair i turmnl around and pretembni to be i uav inilkhliik unitif hiuih glaumta i i eaewhhi wrwn duir luiui im hind the tull in tie rvd belt atitr b aba woiihlnt need iu dreim dlffjrni for fvirjiiiw in ihwd to km w her she d alub b ibu twlu ilnit tutu turrvll uldn t ijrk good prices paid for frw crori of 198l itclimlnary almatfa of the tns fruit cro of canada place th value at slsgiooo an cutmajwl wlpi 15 iuoo fur 103 and j5uajd0o for um five ybr average 1b30m caua diait fruit uiomii rrceivrd a bsrrev itturn lor utcir liop bux yer uiaii la m j y ar jliiicw laja aipiti aroouiiuyt fur bllshtly tore i bun two liunjji oi tin tytal vtdue ut tlife jcuj iruil crop when th ksts liroductlon wt uattwtwtrelc aju vd kl ulio00 iim average value afc barrel oi liu juil crop u pbaoetl ul ajji oumphred willi wis in 434 aiid jj ir uw ftve- yetr avcrafle iiuavuerrkx larld eeoikl pbacn lunbiuim cauadbui iruiu to total vaj- tio or produeilofi and the 183 ck ot j6juujj0q tiiun vajud at iooou waj wea lvr uut nvrycai averse oi iu sg0q quarts worth irjtu006 r 4vachai and urx which ul pail ycaltt jaave bocn anuut ute loadcu jjippod down liw i in lua omuotf u lkui lowm average value pw unit iliud plaoe l occupied by in tmap- ofctry ctup wblclj nrports a total value ol u3iu for loas u compajvd with vtutmhi for 1s34 and lb nve year uvcrago of u3500 uiiuui coluxnbm apples tnad lbe luiyotx diul coulrioution u tlua iltau kali oi the luii crop of iruil iova uootia witti a uknewnat larger luoduollon but u lower value per bmjf- rcl wab a kood keoond while- onlairofc tipple crop valued at ilildiy ko than iuuaoou ww uie only other wiucii pataod the mulloii doiur knmrk qlicboo applci ylekled uie rrlqrns to ttroer willi an value ox four dollars per barrel production oi pran cliledy to ontario and- bui and tliae two provinoea produce most of uie plunu peche and clierrles ontario aocouidj fort prac tically ail uw erases while ilritub colmnbia ontjtno and quebec ta ke uier prow uve nrfl iwilk ol l trawberrifca aiul ruipberriea what tourwt business memns to canada sjred free delivery phone 357 georgetown to rrttax county job hon duncan uaraliall ontario ulnlter of atrlcullur fcpoaltlntf at a uiiujuet in lumior of jamoa a filtniiaii rttlrlim krieultural rpre unullw for el announced uiat uj tumptaii will b auooeodfid by clirrord oruluua oi otraiford wwj haa been aurtouliura rvpreacttuum in ivrtli county for uu aai aevti ytar ur qmluun will take olnarcit within uw iwt wk- 11lon wtwt ttdveruo rf ularly hi the herald rtnd u paya btirt n week and be at tecuuar advartanf kir ue benefit of uhm who do not realise how touch the tourist hw ins o canada we submit a few in 136 the nomber of foreben car enxertnc the dotabaioa was sgosoeg fcooordlab the 10e- partment of national itevenne ot tawa tills wa an increase of ms- jm or nearly ten per tenu ovr 1934 ontario alone- admitted xrt4- m1 tourists 757 4m entering through ftut erie 73 til uirough windsor and g33kt3 uiroush hugara palbt according to a dlreclc of the ontario tourist liukttu in ten tnonuu of u35 united mlta tourlojb htit a total pi 70000 000 in ontario and of thu over 13 000 000 was spent by tourists travelling in automobiles and there fore nov likelyiio be bound to any not itinerary a totul oi ul 000 cant had jxly day permits and b3s cars re mained from ity days to ix tnoo- uu u refit rtrtnalnlna for forty- eight ltouru or icas wlmt do utcy cpendf tt usurps out this way a 4s luuir car is worth 023 a goday car is worth fntoo tx monui cox is worui ttil wow do tliey spent itt m ter cent jfor traiuporujtkm m pr cent for ho- tel and ounps 35 per cent ul th- jorcj 31 per cent for food i per cent for amusements 6 per cent tor gifts u is the opinion of uie tourist uurcau uiat mm year tlie ontsrk tourist trufttc will kliatter all prwious reoords inquiries from profipectlee united sutcs tourists to uie bureaoi a ere up 300 per cent in january alone william w hihxdrd ah mayok or toaonto in 124 bokn at sufjlnaj at- tknxmut ciexmulktown ulbu buoojc wuiiam weaiey huu afayor oi to- remto- in lbi died at ids ixmae sb3 luoadriew ave at fl jo last wednes day erenins oi heart trouble t wnichlas liad suffered tor a number of years he was 63 yeara of are soma yea o mr hllu ftuoared st bnntdawn bad ru sui- ncieuuy to loc ajbrr bis buucun bubveu in xmmx sunday nvwnioat wui his family he his accustomed place in jjautforth united burch par i3 yeara urp alias- was o in tb puhc life of tgronto aerv fnc as member and as chairman of the board oi tucailoc alderman lor ward one and controller befor becondos acayor hom on a farm in fecrin township in the county oi wuiiitow nov 2nd htz he went to- public uhpol tn krin yieorjetown snd qramplon hlch schools and llutdii uodel school after iraduaun from the iamlitnt mormal school ho so- cepted an appointment aa a school teacher in hal ton county in 19 1 se taler uucht in eiltagioav county and m ia9 accepted the position oi pruidpai of the weston tuhuc school tn lbol sir unit aas to toron to to become 5f principal oi the old jumttuxl litreet school ua aho taucht si the queen alexandra ucltool oqljrodvtew ave it was about this time uiat he went into the build ins- business hi ward oce rtndin the monetary rewmlxb of bulldina krealer than these oi teach ing he reabjned his position wlui the of bducatlon and in ibm formed a cceapany to jmpf his realty and bulldinar business he entered pubuc life as a mem ber- of the board tit education hi 1911 beoooiinc chairman in lftl3 lie was a ward one alderman from 1914 to lfiao and a controller for the next uuree years dejeauna t ti cthircb for the mayoralty in lah and beins ha turn defeated by tlkomss paster uie fouowinr esur kir years air tint was an active te advocate and encased tn welfare acthruj he was aupertnteskdesit oi tbe sunday school at danjorih i later qaniorth usuad quarter of a ceotury lie was vicbenidentiaf the q- turity life insurance company executive member of the hat uoys work council a director erf tbe uroadview yjulca a member c imperial lodge ajp at ajul an odd fellow an orangeman and s member of st uauhew a lawn uowlina club survlvlnc at uilts kh his wiow four daughters airs tte iumpaon uls saarvaret u hilts w june r and uus jean li lillts three wiw wufwi u uilts or john huu andwlulahl o 1111 tx ttus public funeral fcervloe was held at danfortli united cliurcli with rev cordon qiscoe and rev j j coulter omcl- aline toronto telegram ijtnt ve alio go wit danrliuf fret in cxcilrmrnl iiall to meet ve wlio pleauie doui begului lauk awhile tfe wlmwiapped in tlflji rirf lrget your libpn und your belie who have furkottfil lio to srou- ivuse awhile ve wtio iti uie buy mart ijally laki tl wnwn part who feat muiir uie wvury mile iause awhile ve wui iisjvr the tiarbor lol oil ilia ana arc blplevi ual lleiw upon u kavlpjr isle y tsuae ablw t- j suryy the wttyfcc which you go imtdcui it tu libjh or w7 ufe u tdiort beyojnd- tt ktemlty ilary k 1 lay hurst utllink silly uiat otburoh toe acton te walla of tu bunuxl kennedy block got free from their coalina of ice and fell down this week only thb reai wall isjww- left uandlnr- aliu annie h3iicron of uamll ton vbjtod tliu week at uw home cat ur and airs o a diufi ueurs it roy and harold wahs- uroush oi toronto visited their mother urs r it wajrpaorouch over the week end ur and ur roy wansborough leave tills week for holiday trip to fiorida pred alesander appeared in police court in acton on thursday after noon last and uut sentenced to uire tnonuu in jail the cliarse was one of oh tructlns uie police hi uie per formance of their duty alexander itad already spent uiree weeks in vail uftaluns hu trial pinal details were completed dur ing the wek and the ayas engineer limited will occupy the factory bulkjlnff erected for creber bros and remove uwlr plant from liberty bt toronto to acton by april ut on uonday nlm uie tnterwedbiu hockey club playem and eieecuuv were entertained lit a chicken sup per by some of utc club fans and upo tera the evettljmlsliald al the station lintel dining- room and plendld sujir was wrved it ws an evening pandered tlie team o winning uie groiy cliampionhin free lhts- bvbinahs bualacaatr followuia is a briei- trt turn mary for ontario as xuibuhed hy the hank oi uonireal under kiate oi feb und 193c wliolessle trade has been general ly ssusfactory and uie volume great er uian a year ago collections are fair to good- retail trade hi urban centres has been dull but severe weauier has sumulsted sales of whi ter clouiiiig and other ac airing 1 mer chandise width had been movlng- jloady anowblocked roads brought rural business to a virtual aanufcturlng has been malntaiiied at liwher leveai tlisn a year aga erin tlw imn griu mill lisr been bat umi un unusually lieavy run lately arcordlnfr to rrforti ute will race al everal local mllb lias bra deeply iroaen by ute severe frott uuu the tlow of water will not tak care of uie usual business we are surry to report uial mr william duvhuou wlio has been ul u in a very precarious condition mrs j h lfullc tuu returned liome after pendtrm a few weeks wlui mr iui mrs f riiouapon oeoetown mbvi m ulnfctuwn of oeorartown tpent fiunday wlui her parents mr nell felker oi toronto s for mer well known erin boy wtu as pending uie winter at fit ivtenbers florida won lumours in uie canadian howling- tournament at tit wurs- berff havlijs won uie single canadian ctuuniiuuudilp- j 1l matuuwo of urandon uani- loha recenuy bold iumi faith a regklrd four year old rjly wlui b great future to it o uotiudorn- of uooreliead minn while tha price was not divulged it ut unoeratood to be a tianilomiie tluur mr msuiiews owns and has old several track horei or fame j h lias also tnsd hlnvseir quite iiromlnent in tlie hrap don liockey circles flavins given- a trfiikhy c or uie lionors in a local league ib u a broukf of krinni huiniuircy uatuibwa snd will be re inemtered by many of our older readers advocate in judging wlist u fcouia sa around you don t mbuake ui ttgct- llonal for uuj hixjiortani wltateter u newspaper way ay deau lw automobile plants are busuy en ed but urea are oot yet movmar hi volume tel and allied industries are busier than they were twelve monuis ao furniture uanufaotur- ars are ouiet tanners are well em ployed ijoot and alioe factories wlui few excepuons are well occu pied on tpring orders manufactur ers oi rubber footwear are increasing output knitting- mills are more ac- uve uian a monui ago while hosiery mills continue at or near capacity textile plant are opcraunv at sat isfactory levels woollen muu were comparauvely busy but slowintf down is in evidence agricultural implement manufacturers are gradu ally increasing production and report a more favourable outlook flour millers ftiul domestic and export trade uuu when aowakjd vui viutat cuatxstsk statucy uoktstal our new kin wul be remembered by the exoervice men whom he visit ed at chriule qlrvet muiury hospi tal toronto as lott as ttiey live jlc was tlien live charming young- prince of wale his words of sympathy to utose in wheel chairs assembled out side uie building- marked probably uw most touching- incident uist oc curred durin ids visit to canada in 1910 completely overcome by emotion as tie looked along uie tows of crip pled soldiers uie boyish prince final ly found wordj to voice ids feeunss i do not know liow to tell you how sorry i am for your pieem condition i cannot find words to express my uianks and to esnreaa uie gratitude we all owe to you hut i sliall tell my fauier uie king wluil i have teen here today and i wish each one of you uie best there can he for tlie years uiat lie aliead of you and lien wlui moist eyes uie irince stepped oh uie clisir from which lie liad spoken lightly clench ed his glove oolng down each row of crippled exservlce men he spoke 40 each patting uie sluuridir touch ing uu iiand or head of each one iiresent it wasnt on tlie programme aa scheduled it was juit another klhdly klngu act by uie ittiice wlui uie understanding lieait and uila asan u today our revered llowrelgn the mall and ktnplre kcitafh ttie wages oi sin is what uie lawy- as ab tlie erowdnuy be laughing ut your jokes or it may be your uraowner the only petwoo who call cell your fortune correctly i your hanker a fellows assetsuunt give lils liabilities enouh of a race to make it interesting the terrible uilngabout divorce is the aaloment yod get from your lawyer ilong greeit is the most comforting oolor hie job you like that pays a living is uie most priceless ui all poasee- slous when wareybrfat we eteiu our judgmenl when we are wrong we curse our tuck we cant truly serve another unleas weaattsry his hlbilvtunleaa a woman la willing tn see that th buttons vat a mane clothe she ought k to saarry 1 ve seen 1kh1c laugli ut things a wind uyswnj hat and thr u brines a clumsy fall on slippery street inebriation kivc sopje folks a treal kow i sat alone at a show one night and heard a nan laughing wu all his might at slapsjick comndbuui fjinglng tiles he isugiirxl till om tears rolled out of his eyes and everyone there teemed to catch hu mirth till the whole- liouit chuckled for all twai worui vet some folks don t know wiut real htughlcr meoju or of uie goodwill that kind smile g leans they go around wearing woe begoiie stares just lending uie ret of uie world uielr cores while ouiers consider it almost a sill to indulge hf a friendly open grin how it wound me to sec a face look sad i alway- wl h 1 could moke it look glad i fot among uie pleaurcs that life can bring is uie joy uiat lives tn a true laughs ring ursula macmillan in uie luue bell sckmt ok new boosc is neak main link man l stary g wlu auj kauway allera man qeent is uie uue of a book of animal life in naruiem canada lias just come from tlie prcs for re view it is written by iamuel alex ander while a canadian auuior and ia as lt scene uiat part of canada uurough whndi uie main line oi uie canadian pacific runs it tells something of tlie building of uie une but much more about uie wild animals whose odc of life and liaunts were grievously disturbed bv uie hivasion of uie railroad builders tliere are unne thirty cliapters cqclt of ahldi i a mohs or less dis connected tale in which the beaver uie porcupine or ome ouier anhnal portrays it chsracteritlcs and lis hits mr white is eildcnuy a keen student of nature vlui a large fund of knowledge concerning the crea tures uiat live and moie uirough his pages i he luis succeeded in making uieju all lnteresung it may be ald tliat he lias given uiem all human characters but pet- itsps it is better to say uiat lie lias vividly portrayed in uie animals those mode of action and impulse wlilcli are common alike to dumb brute i and human beings and uirough which uie aiie can hop to under stand tlie oilier u l a most lead- able book particularly for young people and it ls very fully illustrated by uie auuior it l pubuslicd by country ufe ltd of london eng land and we understand ts being sold by canadian book sjiopo tilt good old way most people in modem communi- tbw live from liand to mouui knowing uiat uie grocery store wlui a full stock of provisions is just a few minutes walk away only a few maintain uie practices oi our pioneer forefauiers in stocking up wlui food for uie long winter monuis yet there u omeuilng comfortable and liomey and secure about uie current story from waterloo county which tells about uie survival of old customs among uie mennonltes in uie follow ing words a mennonlle neighbor of mine took me into uie cellar and sliowed me uie provision mode for uie win ter 1 000 jars oi preserved fruit six teen oured lims and sixteen cured slioulders tills is typical oi meiuso- nite farm pantries and celhir on uie sme farms probably uire are cords and oortt of tliclufleat- body liardwood for tlie fin barrels and barrels oi apples in uie cellar or root ivouse and a hundred and one ouier delicacies and necessaries enjoyed by tliese uiilfty people tliere l u pri mi live urge in most of us whlcli caus es a little pang of envy een if we do enjoy fresh rruit and vegetables at oil seasons qodcrich qigiuu mimvinylku klatliinc ilrevinif cold eattwr and cold snow ice aiul water henry cfren- chyi ihevcque wel known quelph all round auuete staged an act on oat urday afternoon fub land uiat pro vided a crowd uf almost one uious and people wlui lots of thrills levoque- msde good hl boast tliat he would be better uuui klrbor lhun- akian wlio jtmu himself uie hu man ileal who took u wlm hi uie waters oi the hpeed luwr two weeks ago leveque oy gamed uu bet ef forts of uu trailutnt armenian and produced a jvow uuu certainly won him a lot of applause ileomnlng his elouvej on tlio river hank leveque waded uirough uie deep snow uiat covered use lee of use river and madt liu way to a cluuusel uiat lie iuul cut tn uie ice ipst above tlie aprun of allans dam as iu trudged tlirough tlie uiow he casually muclied an ice cream com- he tuaua an aildhi to uie crowd uial circled tlie rone- uie act and tlien rolled in tlw snow vidvanoixl to uie edge of ik chnuiul and soak ed hifmaelf wuh water ilien lie dlv- tkj in um uie lengut of the cliah- nel and euu rged after which im maile another jieech to uie crowd and tlien went baric into uie water for a icturti trip after he had jow ly made uie chilly journey lie got out and st down ut a block of ice to bat aiiuhjr re crrufu coiui iu uie bkrautiikh- uie crowd slilvered arid walclied uu display of ahecr bewe osi fsunday ivejue was iione uw for- bis cxneilcnoe quelph