po4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 4th 193 onlt a dajd only ft dad wtlta tired far wlnf home from um dally rat brliagtng little of ooid or fftme to show how well he has played the uut glad is his tieart ibtt hsi own rejoice to wr him coior and to hear has voice only ft dad of ft brood of lour one ot ten million tam w more nodding along in the dally strife hearing the whips and scorns of life with never ft whimper or pain or hate rr the sake of those who at home await onh a dad neither rich or proud merely one of the surging cio tolling striving from day to day racing what ever may come hi way buenl whenever the harsh condemn and bearing it all for the- ipvej only a dad but he vtveft hi all waftoj to smooth the to- hts children uolug with courage clem and trim tts deeds thai bid lather did for tw u the line thai for him i pen only a dad but the best of aaen afar xnd ittl- the special act to town bai been puaod by the ontario legtxlkture oeorgetowri again ahowed their clan and easily defeated acton last thursday bight at the olen ktnfc by 1 score atr it- v cameron alia h lawaon air j alcuermld aft o j hnssall and atrs ktwore att tite pi women afisakmary bociety tdmitnc at toronto butt week a meeting of council wras held to dimu plans for the proposed hew waterworks itysaw v the following advehlatvnent ap peared in this jssue and wfll ah- lhe difference in value of tnwavxc of today u model jpqo chevrolet special louring cart fouows jcimeswciv poultry equipment tlisimi stool fvixlurts i9u0ws jpivebow top special oval bwvvled glas pocket in back of front seal tor aide curtains apeead nat rail channel bumper metal bislrbxoenl board gralpad afauit cry and bonnet toatnted dark blue wilts white stripe oord urea all round the list price on this car wiu be uimn foil oahawa- testep recipes ick cuam in wwctfat loe oua has many qualities aincn eniaend its xxemsmnnhtnot only for parties but as a regular i family dessert througtioul the winter eea mr principally of ti end e cream u a uulrtuous wholesome and easily digestible food heceuse of lis vilamin content alone ice cream eaim fur usenf a place lu thejwtnter dietary ut it is a fallen t did aource of ute vitamin lound lu be a safeguard agalnvt winter coku fn addluon uk buuertal ui ice cream and ute uc which it con lalnx provide um heat atuch the body tocedx to cmnlat cold it be truly laid that bo oliter food bo dellciouajy combines foojl and heakli value willi appetite ap ee1 in imjui return aoney iient for ice crvam 1 well wbely sfieixt lac crtaat tartx ptu cooked tart ahrtl wilh eabv oover with meriiupie made irwm a z wlutev and s lableefpoutu fruit sukar et on board cmcred with paper and ttroem ifi a hot oven mm 4eree4 v k frvc immedlalely jfus teavcteoft ncabotiinca tux vuit afzjftoklajl klr pevcy amlth of lifmrton ta now encmkvd upon 4ne draft of the juudloaotaupr ibr the c uemorlal on vlmy ludce wtuoh wlu bear the nameaof 11 jujo jstoma vnd men of the canadian xorceawho xftu durtnc the war ftnd have bo known crave rx- four year afjc anlui has been encaged in the task of deafen- ln the whole of the lettering fof hls memorial front bis designs rub ber stendta are made ftnd by ft pro- oeas of kandblaatlnc throucn theae stendbi the name or tnicrtptkxut phocaophy fat harmonised ledge naktny ft harmonious life tt bl the seuflsclpune which lifts u to serenuy and freedom knowledge b power but only- wisdom b liberty u wlu durant- war bl the tucneal bspreexlan of the national will tor curvjval there fore politics must serve and war oonunaodtt leneral kridh dorff early spring hats wc arc rtow nkowing a number of early sjiririg knt in crepes taffettas and corded silks m the very latest new york styles abo a few line in winter hals at ball price in veuetx fetot ui metabk come in and see them misses claridge herald block uprfur georgetown 1 cup brown xur 1 cup white corp uit l cup bulur i cup cream tjou vmpoj ii rup lu threadx jben add- uulur and serve with your fawourile ii cream 1 quart brick ke cream layer of cake 1 inch thick on whites la fruit smjf cover ft board with papr aiul llace cake in centre tlnmoukl ice cream od cake leaving about i ukdi cake extending beyond bnck uu all sides cover loe cream sim cake aitli uermgue of whiter of tgg and migar wp quickly in twit uveu 40 degrees j zuip from paper on kerving dish and ire t note aferingue taay be pruikled with shredded oocoanut brfore brown log vaaiua kee creaav 1 uaspoon granualtod gelatine 1 tablespoon cold water lcup milk a cup lugar 1 tablespoon qour y- pinch of kalt 1 x im cupfi whipping ctbu im teaspoons vanilla uoak gelatine in cold water latal v cup milk uix sugar hour fthd salt with remaining cup v t add to hot water cook abou minutes tour over beaten egg lie- turn to beat and cook 3 minutes add soaked gelatine txx wdt ii cream which has been whlppeclt pour into refrigerator trays freeae note the egg white may be beaten separately and folded in with ootden tlvstt thou shall love urn uxu uy ood with all thy toil atul with all tny aoul and iui all uur strength and with all tnynsukl aad uii ncignhttr 4 liocif tuke to an ljom ajiaul luke 10 25 st in ulr of tlie mare of ue vlw and 11m worlds ueriuon ixur lollow the siarblased road aimi be true lu lite vision lr at bwt lb only tlm vision is l vim nouting can ivold against lleu rut tne wuiged i tw right la tc a u fl iuiliig ltt aliddie ages ft group of wliwd lurit speitl days trying u de laie luiw vhe elernav iudge wimuu vfue a tic in which there was au iqoal tunount of good ftd evll itmvt tunc auuld tiaw imen spent ui iualii greular advanuikv u stluajy itrluiti liulg leuplc ta make uie i iiiucrance of gui ui lhelr u illi uuiweurb liie amount of evil lawyer in the parable of the gdorj tloi was faaugaj wauung lo uus mwal duilea iheuretlcaliy kh iceded to learu that convlcupiu cctne tliiough actiyujui jesus had lite ngnl v taaclt una quibble about lunducl because lite wtmita lllo of jkiu aai a uetnonsliftliun of nelgb muit wrkuu ui um carpenter uh nuslreui muking yomca and llmixlu for his nrlghborg bad been uu nirnmco of practicaj soda ljoput during hu public mini uy our lurd responded to the appeals ui uullcitn wtlhuui leganj to dssltncr iuil ui af race mnl or class jle vii known to uw rend of puhu- uil and iinnecs yet lie could t4ui41l irupdly to people of wealth uw huh puojliuu mis uvuitiboru- ik-eu- aa ute outcome uf ills love for uu fillusmil bin aum rauuilstofclc times to ttl rlstnt however it came about tt likely that some egos titer um dis covery of fire prehutoric man in his hunt for food found that by picking ftnd eating um tleads of the grain that grew in the heidi he could sat isfy his hunger to avoid eating the whole plant he learnedto grind hi grain a bit between uones and it apparent from the worn off teeth of mummies that lie alio ah ome the ground stone slang with his grain however there we had the firai ilour to make oie craker eraln go down better some one uiought of adding water and ergo the lira douch a few generations uler one of the youngaters grew careles and lop ped some pf his grain and water mix lure on ft hot iton kcveryone looked and taled grul started dropplns more dough on more hot ixoacs- tney tiad disoovered that brrd vs good then one day a careless ca ud forgot and left her dough sitting out over night ah dkhit know u but in that time tt picked up some wikl yvst fkialing in the air to the morning when he itarted to make up the days dry flat pancakes she discovered that the batter bubbled and rose on baking and the bread vat delightfully tender and motet instead ot hard and dry then dough was left out over iught and leavened bread was born imai t uajfckirrion or mm ask heule u you want lo gpow ihe soil uf usal i am tunou uu you uial my neckties show ilw siatus ol sauce and wua cine u leu you tlua i always drop ay cioclung uu lhe noor altu uial 1 u neverknown lu 4up uu u tell you unit 1 ftlvavi wear i te sp4cal siimi oi nais altu uuu i ve tiever oanou a tu ol wiliur parl uuuuti palb lumt il tell yuu tnal i sslutol uug or ijjuce w tune uy ciuvnce alto uim i iun au wfwmid uiutg leant who l hiy iieigiiborr tills was the yufciliun lhat uie lawyer asked of jeuul kmdcuuy uw lawyer wanted ine aluaer to be exclusive rather than liiriixjve according to lil tradition tul noiljov coukl not be his neigh uti tnu lie wouw exclude uie j who luul lost caste through areinohna evfovs rif tmght prow ably lunu toi uu of neighbors ta his uaii ismuj attendants at hi owu luigogutr or families living ncxt ouut 11l poult of view was legal- lie lloa umble u lie ihoukl do ft kuwl deed to someone who was not ollicially liis neighbor christ ulude was the exact rftwlt uj3 good will was inclusive rather than even uule enild- irn women and publicans today our opportunilkw of lulgiuaaliness put ii heavy uuuml upon our heart quauuea by mom of icientuic inventions the world has become a famine ui japan a war in filnb all tudemic in africa may hav ulediale reults upoa our safety pros perity and wealth here in canada file only ale rule u to be concerned lor tlo hjghet good of all the purpoof religion education and cnuuuiuuu l not to develop class consrlousnes but jobuild up inieul- leni human conciousntas laweisftaaruesa 5 artul have helped hy giving us rtvduuc luctuiras of the tftri win fell jatumj uuet ou tlie road from oeru akin to jeivebec ware enahlea to piciurv the nuui aounds and hetp- canadians and til ella inftustkibsan the ik bank fisheries gh uvej of asbtttmbg uk jiu udlooyou bth bib all 0w luwr bill yet jua but u kelps sae 4o leep got wstn i iluak of tbr uotusada of talks ww hctjiua 10 fcj 1u tust iulrf au u iwtnimuar sad wk 1uil wsui sjmtys big tbougk tle oucf wsi ullu ia tae otber ttty about bow ilut coot any usited it ucui fuauy um lie sfj ku jhiinur hjukj ibty wodj do s vkole lot tnur i they couu lp ikr but bed for sllyor tu in twy to uv bsak of uoattcal sad loiiuvvtl oi ttwetf phtmsil vrfuiukt to ludj a t um uoisre j jsatofcovric tbey uoataj bsil tl r losu oecsuw slot bf kou sw ieitvgoiij llua ilut luuaevi fet goie to be sad botubt iol ui tbc oaanshy fslow took si iltr buiantis bur klt ckkef iileiuuiit to smc coalikaluil of cotuac tatf j u lsdai leea for ike bvak of u twty coallat ksve wccirojcd snj be sud t tla wsy wak a lot of ike oikcr luwy coooctas ukf a gbui wory bji sj i know its ttuc bbrairte tbe cktf tolj ew too 1 mlon lc icllt bnd everybody btcsteu kc bvcl to tslk sbuut ha tuak its lay baas too i ksvc a uvui rrotinr tkc blu llivyoub sobwl soine of ike ftinks urvwet to ibr ruluog injuv- uy and ut txaploytet lkiuru cbrouug stiouiui aasiutak of vkumcotl onuwtml jjint lisic and ctnbt tntnlmkhi uiluiij of lmufukl uviajt atcowitlt moary oijfti tiiwcllris luet bsakhig by kuii tinilelguborllofcls takes tnauy lumu in modem days tne robbing iuoocas may be carried on within the u by mergers poanbines tari a taxation in wciwttnjqbayncr iuxi on by var uck of industrial aleuaros tkpreulon cycles and the luacement 01 human labor by ma- cnine our world has recently had ilurvy million uncnpiayed modern uunoe lias been unable to prevent the repluuon on an enlarged va of uw jericho road tragedy the prob lem is complicated by the fact that uia inyury is often done ipipersonally a ecaemment huty pus ft law not kiufwiiur uuu it win rob certain people of uielr homes the head of a big buuiwas may make ft dlwi in his oil ice thalrwtll alfeot homes through out a a hole nation part of lhe talk uf tlie church tiie press and the radio is to give detailed inlormauon about modem conditions of life ta order that social evils may not hkp- vta through lack of thought as wu as through lack of heart ladsfferemee u u ft is xignulcant that the two in- ounces of haartlessnes towards 1 wounded man which jesus quoted vtre thosetof religious officials the jmesi and the levite had their eo- a engrobed with them that they could not lake lime to help ft man who had been beaten and robbed could hit happen in uie modern chrtstlus church it is possible that ft fash- lonahte congregation worshipping- a beautiful lone church should be unmindful of a slum only a few yards uaayr is tt possible that donors of iauwl guw windows may be obuvl- ous to uie itruiutles of a mother toed- uiff seeral duldjen on a relief dowt h it passible uiat the suooesful cap- la ins of fuoanod in uielrclubs or summer lionses ate univwwuhm of uie menial anguish of a father who iul iort his job and cannot tind aorkt and all uie time we may be wurnfccling our kaugion as a tirr of public floeuly to a creed generauty to an organlaatiott jt- llrloiris more ulan social service bus ft religion uiat does not eanress itself uirough social servloe has mis ed its goat tw c4 basaarauua utt in u certain canadian ally there l an orgaiusauon of women known as the tmunaxitan club their thwf puritou is to care for the tubercular lioar they provide some cou la ft tireveulorlum they oft a kniswi alise adults who are cured may have shelter and be given fcasy work to do itie children of tuberciusr twiun wtuiout eoonomlo rvaoureee are pro- tected against extrdnae want why llmukl iifiuan organlxatiou be nailed a iiabuuitan clubt of course there l only ona ttplaminauoii it ls caue of uie example of uie good ttamartlan in uie parable jesus spoke uerety of a certain csamar- ilsil but he has become the good imutnaritan- kven this is ywrt the final louroe of inspiration to i arvim tiie good samaritan lrttd flnt in the heart and mind of christ lutalwlf lie it was who row ak national and class mih and uugllt that humau need wag 0x11- cient justlriosuou for helpfumes bank of montreal established hit iibau ofmcr uonteal gaaarcelown brasacst x r smith muuujer unukun grllclsnt banking saftvick ymm outfl co im at ltrrskut ornuis 1 luve we any mental ftftirma- ttons and moral nagaliva z lias your neighborhood a clr- cumicrenoet i imwrf wftruwakl nhhonaham in the light of nafehbortlnea ale there any modern paraubs to the priest and us lerlter a is uie climax of the parable u and do ukjwisetr new ecu poou ditches and drains u dig old oeaapoou cisterns wto cleaned on short botios also whha- washing and any other work llalhioum outnui ftt losreat priova ho lsg favflrgewown ftt slie 11 tell you uuu she hone in v 1 uailig tuy coats on peg liui by ulnuig ou u uuui 1 wucf llun hjhj es llial i wltl soieuuil iittuid as swanks uiuetiutig liew lln oihos on jtt tneliu oalru ijwn orucr truli ssew 1 bjirll add ftlihougli right well i knia juftlwtigt 0uhju xaae t- lu htles u emj vne list beiow riom emiun ueu cake iioti irt ui wauetatouu and boav as if king were he t 11k mfy 1 jwjwjiv pudduag tialuing stanoasujs oclioof leochers bl mer vorkbavo ocet sufpraau ui leatu vluu a prubav- llunary petuxi tias been in operation ict ytarl it has never been puouc hefotc but hoors of pubhc uoul teaclnng uccnses have juuged by a set of stahdards tne uaxqvrs uxve been warned that they uui be dismissed wtuiout luttner ado u lliey hill lu tlye up to the requlre- uienu durilig lhe llrst uiree years of uielr probationary leaching tfore aitt the regulations 1 personal habits habiuud neat- iwix clekliliness orderliness x liabitual refinement good man nets tact courtesy oooperation im- sciuslincs a habitual useof correct english in writing speaking 1whlng hhunsl industry reliability lionesty integrity habitual kindling cheerful- eaov ft aistt- sympathy- for children c skill ln thn and in adapt lnga thorough knowledge of subject- matter to the needs of use pupus- 7 ability to maintain d bod to develop character g toyaliy to the public school sys tem to uie children to fellow teach ers and supervisors and to organised kaatspivli of acrvloe b continued good health moral era ton physical those ftre high standards yet they are pretty much luong the lines of what canadians expect from the school teach of this country and we are proud of the high standard of teachers in our tchooh we are pre pared to match them sgin york any day interetuuz new items from near and fa uravenhurst tialf holiday each thursday lui xi aioies ciod b being crtllctard by nntnr of uie busl i rtu rrtirtt lumber uealrr nl iluttmrxm fli a werk tf lun day miliiil while lire- lug he wai a nrntl nlun in tnaiiy arid i uu ilirllm- tumiultt a liau million u llnjt lo ttiulih ml briicvolenl aitrixunalrly 51 ti ril bsr brei taken ii m ih tru t ju lj 1 i nktlullaulk imi lira factui dn ilouni i ut nw i ufiii u u rrpufted ui tint of abokit 40 rrom cain it llm rxmlul arthur tut to rviniiim tlu- hi 1 1 iiiii 1 x- 1- ui nli almn- 34 years of fatthful aervtor u uiat inoituunn he starred lb ibq3 with uie ttalrrh bank at or and valie bimi rntrvrd tlie idora branch at n mur 17 ims v lalsifcj moslv miuvi irfl unrlatntril hi 11 cana tlaii liik- i i i in ymr or more lo- lai jbto7tj jna bank ahtne the u xi hunk of cuiidds has xi 50 i3t in tmrllihrd lund lu 11 ix ve i m t uiiudun laa iuiir tlie dil 1 it in tr to 1 wj lilt j 1 annually w h il 4 wll unclaimed monry lit 1 iii 11 bllk notice to creditors racjcace aski and taclkt cakte ttiousandc of packages of bees will soon be coming into canada from the souuiem states and uiey will be ex pected to build up into good honey- producing colonies by the time the main honey now from clover ls ready to be harvested to do so however ays uie dominion apiarist uie bees mill kequlre special care from the time uiey arrive unul they are well islahhshcd in their new location rieekeeptrs who are expecting pack age bees uus spring should get tr toucbviu uielr nearest exports agent or customs otneer and arrange for immediate delivery of u- b wlien they arrive as soon as uie packages are receiv ed they should be pot in a cool jiady place and th screening of the packages 4rinkled with cold water or a very thin solution of sugar and water this will ouleten the bees af ter their long journey lairinglb late afternoon or early evening the bees should be released from the packages tnto the hives every ship ment of package bbes bj aooompanied with full instructions for releasing the bees these taaiructlons shou be followed carefully ueekeeptrs who hftie combs of honey saved from the previous years crop are fortun ate in that the bees may be released on them and extra feeding eliminat ed if dry oombs or only foundation are available then the bee will have to be ful until such time as they ftre able to secure sufnekent food from the nelds after uie bees are tastaued they should pot be disturbed for at wast a week other than to- remove the eeopty paokag and replaoe it with comb or jouhdatfcon and to see that uie queen is rcaemdtrualher cage she thawldaw its id within thirty six hours after trvtalurvg the b unhecessary disturbance of package be for the first two or three weeks after they are in the hives usually causes them to supersede their tjueeo and many a promising colony lias been ruined through exoeslve curi osity methods of installation and care of package bed are given lit pamphlet no lrf a copy bf which may be had free upon a prj tat to the rhibuclty and extension urahoh ririwlnlon fiapahirtanl of agriculture otuwa t i auction sale fajlh vtock ijmrtjeatkkti tyc the undersigned has bean biitruct- d by the adrunhxralrtx of the kstale f wa wyajr x to sail by publio auouon at lot ib tul ujo kw at stevrartlown on waknasuav ktakudu 11 ik nds at one oclock the following h01tsaouack mare bay mare cattfjckasteia cow due time of sale hohleln cow frash cow bred lu aug llnbtekn cow bred in jan llohtatn cow bred ta nov h cow bred in dec cw aho xwlrl vorkshlre sow bred jan is 10 pi 3 mouths old m yearling wluie ijsghoru htxu oain and ilalthkliiiot bug of barley fit for seed m0 bus of oats at for seed is lbs red clover ed quantity of hay set heavy breeching harness 3 horse collars u uaotor 3 furrow oockshutt tractor fwti uassey harris binder c tt- cut frost aj wood mower s tt cut rxula-paok- bf 9 aeouon drag tailuvaior irs may harris hoe drill hay rakw ulootli culuvator steal whaal truck waaon lumber wagon 4 wintlim hxnows soction xaver harrosg three walkhsg kaoughs atautkwa set h i fig hi gasouae ncln bay rack cutting box fan us mill 0 m wades krindstoae one hdiae swlgh one liorse waana hand weder pair bolsur ftprtnaw so69 lbs cap post bole digger awt chata blocks hay knife liay fork kcasavy harris treawg separator giahi bags chum hog trough lawn mowav parkaf heater coal or wood wheal barrow ulo rods uusuuty of usad lumber colony house is ki on skids brooder sboubator vd vdaij um ftaodej shovall roraa boaa whlnwtreaa and other article 1t4uiu cash hume currie ttailt rttkjh cterk ul of tnr xtt hlth i lkr ul hasbr use hool sixiulitiiie fit 11 iur ji i aaawaw a w tiimioii riit tnu r t uie llrsvjllll si ulillti jluul 1 au j i los lls illtf rllmv lu ifakmplon aa at onl of ml i tb 1 ifr ol lur ylv najrn- thu ki the duufu irprlriulh ui uit- tcuuir tvhamtvbw maim larfurrr ahsofuluul tf tistl t hiayner uuiuir n aw hifai tuu eielrd f u wfwui niotdir ah ptrklcrtl lor ls3 nil tesult if ountlnued exukntimi tbrr r ine muluikl oarnsnl lid l l ajiui huiiitr vtt 11 iv i till jny n auguu ims ij n lllji cliupusrmu y art- i l 11 t lh uildcrslltped r ii or ixiti um twelvlh day xi ycu ltn lull iwrtlriutti j ixrxr rulm- ulul irny euriurh ikey j if buviih- afuliatkf oarnwnl lid l 1 ciflmr puhs la tiistalt nourr blatdt olj aho ur otfcl machlnr- i tilrh would reolke mnioituriit uf 3s additloiol tors tunsf r ft iiewtjiitcli colohy ln the holland klandi nmu ar ainis d hy the muntejial council ami fol lowing government 4nctum a nurn ber or setuers aul be brbubhl out fnrn hullalkl tarry bound council lia ordned a lieclal audit by u- lrjvtnrw of the accounu ui coanection wttli uie new municipal building on account rf dis satisfaction exprewd by tlie rate bayers colllngwood teaclirnt are sull nig gling along wiuiout u 11 of a ti cheque while uie town council and hoard of educatum remain at logger heads arthur village l exiettenctng some trouble with lu new waterworks sy teco because patrons ate leaving taps running to prevent uiem freezing up during uie oold weauier ttie town tank holds so 000 gallons and tt hag been twic tmjkty reotnuy kttdland lo i u playing jio4 on starch it m to the grand oranse ilodge for ontario west drwgateu iul number about ljiod ttie ontariouuniclpal hoarl lias apljrovaav of an luue of lta60o de bentures to complete uie gull teller i power development i norman d hall manager of the jtoyar hank at fclora has retired af i uii vltl i 1 1 irl tliul anrr th tue th ui ttut utll lirkd lw dlvtrt i it tlcritit jijmng v2nid only to 1 riafrft m rlilcb to lhall tbr i aw irtyivd iw4kt uimi 1 hi hi wilt n 0 bt ltjbw to um jkrxm uf wlmm utm h wilt lt uiny hai trcehvl ii uim fir hit u ji vj distributed dalkd at wryjoii uibl tavnti- hltli da of avbruao ad 9m k1hn1tii is lanodon s hrtur filr wdlistn rindlay hunter st administrator collections iiinro lfel we have been kuo- 01 fully handling cellectloruj for an ei er increasing number of clients surely this indicat es tlutt ye are efficient and responsible bend in your list of notes and accounts- if we fail to collect we charge nothing for our aer- kelly a aiken ouncsnuut omtutm ftt lad no oottectlon ho otav georgetowq herald year in adiance united btalws soo addluanal ungle copies 3c hoth old and new addresses should be given wlieu change j aodrcro- is itoueiled aalwausiag aateakegal o urn 12c per line for m t tn iv f ion 7c par line ttr mdi kubuueiii- uieruun 1 lead e is m t him lot each insertion if in black laoc type sc per line aiuiiuonal noticvc quallluig u louiuui evenao udi u ukiu tiilrrluuniill so- cltl clmrrh tr orgatuxation uut 111 1 tc gr par tine knint loilm cliulue ijc itrpofts of tntutu 1 old uladly ulertcd ire ui nwinorum noucea ioc uiil 10c irr luic ia tbr tdvni ksiytti slamage and iv ith notlcev sb mall ad viwmp atc ittoli oress ok lor iuf insertion and 35c iy eilclt ubseaocitl inscrtson lilly aihrrttsliig rates on ivilplualtull auiouv1i every precaution till be tvkcn to avoid error ill herald ftootpx advertialng ii it column on the undfcr- tatmiing that u wuj not be iuitilt- frr an j error in any ad irrti ttnciil publlslied beteun- drr unuj a fcyoaf of auch ad nl lrmrm 1 requested hy the aavwlu r and telumed to ttm hutidd bilunav office duly sign rd b uie udvetuser and with mich tnor or corrections platcr- 1 tuilixl in writing thereon and in uiat case if any eytor ko no td k not corrected by the hvrald iu llahdlty ahall not ncwd cuch a proportion of uie entire cost of such adver tisement as the lpaoe occupied bi uie noted error bears lo lhe whole pace occupied by such advcruetnent ot ir xaooalc ruuker r z- ature looks uirough uie txperi nce of jirnllllon jvars we took thro iffh tke experience of a few mlnuls0orge uarton cutten our actions are largely determin bd by the economic circumstances and codes of our ctassvsherwood bddy the western scene prerailro ad tlu- la match driir was as nroud of hk charge as a hoptoad on no 3 but uw passengers felt differ- 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