pko4 the georgetown hcrmu wednclay evening march i ith 1936 a uttia or estthlnl mretut wail man 11 i lie r4d uital bluatro wewllmr wimii llie in j u oil hit ll vould ythii tikr tii lav blisxard wlllt a lull n t mi of mall n itx- billow uluit v rather r vinii the i4tm miir to your kitem utuiui u- itk it itit iv linii w1uu- vxir ul i i illy i litrlrt wt ui lu miui u v hut ling and ik uh l till of kin ulmlll tiiii ft v ill tluw it j1iw and lliv hit tt ihliu tuf ti x v loir lltr- uxk ul i hrwjde hippblli ofii mi w pull lull 1 luttn u 1muil im muaiiltu cou du iriiitik ml ltitr null im tlrtord 1 in t iliium nw goodhye dont forget to telephone let iu telepkon take trio lui out of pwmlbyvsat it fco eay and xpektaiv n your voice winging back bouse or lo frenda you ha just loctt visiting its almost like being with tknt again just ak lbj long distance oper ator about raw as aoxn as jtm- arrive yoti will fine them aor- priainjrjy low lgm lafc anyan and -twiai- ks rails u nuti rate anjy fcfter hjm- mm lrw wfaaajmj hu au ov sunday greigs wildwood poulfary ranch ua awa kway at afcnrt static taw rjownrrraa w elei ft grade a and special mating chicks day old mlletwhlte leghorn white nocks barred rocks white wyandouaa and new hampshire reds day old hoosters in all the ahem breeds rmllets 1m all the above breed from day old to readytolay second oenerauoa ifetegisured male luwls in all the above breeds exoept wear hrnsrure heds oat war kwieaft tree tee uferaaauaa mukfw kal nkrh ttaw wk- l ml au kbaab f nljirat keiew rasumiry phone 320 georgetown col w a bishop v ar vicmarmal llatrd ax probably uw greatest ol ill ruthirr of uw air 1 colofirl w a mtahoi vc ojl and br u curc crftvu of iutat qruu tlr xlltt- ha br iralnl ia liut tm tit air vwt martial 1 uu- ttayal canadian air wm marklnk a it dorj th nnu dftca iun uoa wtikh uiu raulf lia bn cfntfrrrrd tit canada ifw nnuounoc- hxnl by umt uinutcr u national j- rhor of ute lilfih kioftour accorded tb empire fc bumi intnpkl arajrtime airman will be wtd ith great uuislaocion by all ikjsscnt and f tnrjalemben 4 tlte iucu naa tlie hji v and x irvke tneo benermlly limy- ftlhof m llw new vic- uarsliai tea tmoarn lo liu fellow airmen wu bom in own bound ontaho only 13 year ago waeu war broke hit he was attending lite itayal uullary couee at ttltijtslon and he went dveraeam aiui ukr 4ul cujtit later iratuferritmf to u itoyal hying oorpa lie made hu first rant ine fuaht in uarcli 1b1t wlten lw brouartt down the flnt of lius 13 onlclally identified enemy nlanea for which he ubae4uenuy accounted the follow n iar month he was awarded uwi ultl- try co for bringintf doan an ob servation balloon and a tcout olane in june his exploiu luul earned blm the duunftuihed qervlm order hll victoria crox catne in recoc- nltlon of one of the most daxirui war deds lie proaed the cermai lined alnsle hinawd thi attacked an air drome 13 mile back three nlane rote to meet him and were hot down one after the other iux late acajeaty kingoftrnwe konnally tunned the medals on ool tllsbop at bucklnsham faiaoe and told hfan he u the only man who had received the victoria crom the military cross and lite dutlrtsuuhed tervke order aljjie iinfc time later exploits brought him the du- unuldied mylntf cross and the french eovernmeiil added the crobc de chevalier of the legion of honour and the croix de otierre at the ae of 34 col ttilvop had won matt all the coveted badita of war service after tlie war col ulhop ncaffed in business in knland for a time and later returned to canada to be come vicepresident of die ucooll rvontenac ou company in uontreal reoenuy 13 yean after lie bv up hu pilots license he took up flying attain in order to commute between montreal and hu summer home muakoka lie paued the neoeasary xamlnatlons avl received his ucerue air vice uarllat uishop is honorary ipreldent of uie vlmy urancli of the canadian lesion in montreal tlie lewlonary suoefctss w ut the road to what is called auoeea in life 1 audi uphill and thorny o- lnjf that as an iruhman ald of a dirricult route even when you ride you are mostly walklntf and what is called uoees tn life has dearly and doubly lo be paid for first by the caxwunlf and then by the reeponsl- blutw are ww eoual to bothv ob- txurity in the world u not failure tlie clrlcf thine to succeed in your oan living maklna your own life truly liveable whether or not you materially as people say succeed in life there can be an art a tine art of simple living and homely fca in social incontnlcuousneas stir jamea yovall advertue regularly in the herald it pays if a munlclptdux votes dry aiarcn 3ut of nitw following year will be the lecal aaovlna day when the j- oovemmeni amendvaeni hroatnt down in the l recently mar si is the last day of the ontario lbcal year and of the beverage rocaaa autitortties which are renewed annu ally ttiv3overnmeal has previously revoked beer authorities within a siiort time after they were knifed by municipal vote rmler ksepbum rponsor or uw amendment kaid last night tliat it only extended to hotel men like protection which the oot ommtnt now demands for its liquor uorrs ttve oovemment was taking such a period of tune now he tald to close out liquor ttore leasee hotel owners the rmier pointed could be also caught by a dry fcubfa- clle aluirtiy after they had aunk a um ol money into their premuea ttie amendment the ihemler ttaul only nave tlutrl the protection ready afforded uwr liquor fctorea iuovivcial rahk and sancttatey ulotta mjin iuepr are to be taken to try lo in- terel both federal and provincial governments in the beauties of the grand and irvine gorges and their nisuiance asked in making improve ments to thcc natural beauty jpots a request wu likely be made to tuive the aorae taken over as a provincial luurk and a bird sanctuary establish ed ttic matter was brouglvt before uie last meeung of lite etora council by tlie parks cliatrnun william o duncan the georgetown herald offers you a great subscription bargain that- saves you money hate i a real offer that will save irou money giva yoursak anal your family lasting anjoyment and antaatauunant tna whole year thaeuah tlas is all you have to do k iiiv of ilksi and voa wftl l tlawhola 4 aajbgca- ians far one year from tha 4mm race iva- tha here ss tha combination low pntca s mlllilus jcirradtuqb qtubjum 11 v qouum cjjm 1 stjii m 1 1 1 owrgafwiiafcyo4il ttd wowiastul ottw u avail- able ta old and nw feuhscrib- rs to this newanaper we goataiitao the fulfillment of fcu rnagatloe aubacriotlons and you have ivoaiuve assurwocw that this generous ottwr u aotactly u rwpreaanud he- rwwals will be extended fur full term fehown uah courom today ptaaae hj lut o jata0arins mjur ckeeitutf j pwblkal tiowjt dil fill owl coujmm cwrejulltf oenuemen i ancloae g ptoaad aaul bve the thro magaxliud checked with m ynara aubacrlpuoa to your newspaper namk sjtrket town and pytovmctf l boole woh000 refuged m gift rlluir to bu4met a library of ilnmrn tufervtl it recently has iik hurluuitoii ijbrary board owner- l r an authentic ftral edition of hurk- imckenk novels pubustied in ikso tlie eduion w value at aoo ili- um volimea were offered the loan horary by j ll oulles 1to wour uee and david h olllaax 111 ivlaare avenue hamilton i fitlhro aiul mrmhrn of tlie llanul t it firm of runun cllllirs at co lui lit ilaimy to accept ine bui was at- irtliuutl lo tlte fact that neat of tne t iukm- dale hack w early and mid- vulorlai time tuiutauing aaauid alwaetien a um- ilurliitston library lkard hj tatloii j h oilllrs tauw he wiu of- ftr tin- teroaindrr of the books to the llurluislnn hln school throuah wmclpol j macp cle lha tim- br did us a favor he iaid i duuit know that we owned sd valuable a flr edition until chance rnodinu of kpwsiiapn article gave r iiftirniallon 15 mtw thkm ark jdiscaaded b anclbcans j onn oundred and ity hymrii inany of tlmm v old favorll thrown into um discard and many- more loiwd itoam will mave the next rdltieh ofj ttte book of come itaue ihibtulted by the cburch of tigland a tlffrrrpt book from the che rum in ue mr jones speaking us convener and aeeeetary of the hymnal committee tf which arch- bbjtop oweft is chairman and arcbr- bisho itoer and bishop ittouchau vice chairmen alatrd that this dras tic edition was heonkary by the modem tttite which ive say is hot jrasd by kuch old hymns as that one- beginning then u h tountabl filled with blood druh from kmmauels vein and klnhcn plunged beneath that flood loe all tlteir guilty stains this is one of the hymns which lie a lu lo be toned down -tim- commute u having a pux- xllng time trying to figure out which hymns will be lhromjoul and whjcri left mr jones stated every hyean has lb cluonpion aiul kometlm that clutmpion is a very nouy one liou6k amenlkmsorr amml isotcl owrjcjlh ootjikn tkxt if we ask any thing according to his will he heavreth us 1 john 1 ijojbok iajihaok luke ii 113 urewlhe on us lerd our bins forgwe and rnskc in strong in faith to live our utmoax koretu heed uipply and maawua aieang in laiui to di lrmrajaar ay kaamatr 1 tim- dlciplei asked jesus u leach them lo pray they were of course praying men their jewish ealth had taught them lo pray and aome uf the dburiples had been disci jes of john the uapust who taught his dl- ciplre to pra etut tlie prayers jrus were dlllerent from any that the dlvipw liad eyei ijaard befort there lias a hwdity impucity nauv- aineas and conndehce that was al together hew and faciratlng the tuvlples had learned that- jeaws lieiped by ids prayers t jle would hiake no great decision without pray r and three of the disciplee had leerr hit lace umsaaflgused as he pray ed compared wiui jesus lhetr prarrx were formal suhed arid routine v repetition one of the best ways of teaching any skill 4x to do ft v well thatolhr will oellrte to learn how to-do- better jesus did teach raih about prayer but nothing made the duciplra as eager to pray aj the example of christ at prayer his re- neverd strength his peace and poise his reuomhlp th cod in prayer taftaras rvay thb lord prayer is the beax known prayer in the world where in does ux power her kor one thing if u very brief some seventy words in tjuiui rawer still in oreek this brevity has made he prayer easily learned and remembered it is also a social prayer plural pronouns are used of those praying singular pronouns alone of ccxl in the lords prayer man thinks of himself in relationship to his fellows and dl alike before god tcho prayr vs spbitual with one exception it does not asknrr materia things but for moral victory and high mental attl tudea it is also a missionary pray er desiring the reign of god in the hearts of men to be world wide though the indlvlda phhuns are all to be found in one form or another lnlhe old teatarnent it la a chris tian prayer the phrasws are freight ed with chrlua cixnadenca in ood we do well to pray this prayer but always as we pray we ahould think it through to recapture the absolute surrender to the wtllof ood that it preauppoaea throughout this prayer gives first place to ood iriiafwiiaiii in rvmywr s 1 jeaua knew how prone we are to neglect prayer even though we have had untnlstakeahle experience of the helpfulness of prayer we often cease praying we make many cm jaaying that we are busy or that we notice to crepitors fn the estate u jaaaaa i i i ktat- ler late ml tke twwaawdw at t big b taw cawaoy ag mawaw tar- all persons having claims against the estate of the above named james anderson miller who died on or about the twentyfirst day of february i km at the township of kqucing are required to send to the undersigned solicitor on or before the third day of april ims full parti culars of uilr claims and any securi ties tltey may hold therefore and takk notice that after the third day of afril 1v3c the tald executors will proceed to distribute tlte estate luxvlng regard only to the claim- of which they shall then have received notice and that they win not be liable to any peraon of whose claim uiay will not then have reserv ed notice for the assets so distribut ed dated at georgetown this fleo- ond day of march ajx 1l tcennettl ul larkadok solicitor for barah sonhla miller itobert harold miller and wilfred me art uluer executors notice to creditors a use euale f caivmjtfcw aw sa4eu lata f u v village j gin wtluaaaa la la cawauy j all ihsateonfl having claims oslnat uut ostale of tlie abdve nam ed catharine ann campbeu who lied on or about the sut uay of january lk at the village of oless wllluuns are reoidred to send to the undenogned souctor on or baforw rvwirtli day of april ism full parti culars of utelr claims and any securi ties they may bold therefore and take notfce that after the fourth day of april 165 he t admlnislralor will proceed 14 distri- uuw uie estate having regard only to lite claims of which he shall then twvc received notice and that be will dot be uableto any parson of witoe claim lie will not then have rooetvad notice for the assets so dis tributed tiatkd at georgetown this third da of march ittc kknnkth m xjlhodori bollctor for mansttih campbtu ad- nunllrator 4t notice to cretxtbrs lairw lata a tke tanaihlj nf av- ajwing it tke- caaaaiy ag mamaas kvored f arma- ju all peitaoefcl having ciahtu aualiiu uie catate of tlie above nam ed george william laird who died or about the iweatyluui day of thruary 1m at the township of iuueung in the county of malton eiuier in his pairsoual capacity or as adutinliixmtor of tlie eatate of saia- b4h ann laird who dsod on or about ute fourth day ofiuxv vbb- 1 the ivlsquraing bs the- coun ty of llalton are required to tend to the underidgund solicitor on or b tore uie iurtlt day of april in full particular of uieir eialsaa and any security tliey may hold therejore and 1akk hotlck that alter the fourth day of april isotf bis esaxsi- tors will proceed to dlilrihute tuoab tiavbtg regard only 16 the clalnvs of which utey kluul then have received notice and that they ul hot be bbw to any person of wfaoaa claim tltey will not tlierl hkve reonlv- bd iutloe for the asset ko distrtbutad datkd at georgetown this third day uf march lmt kennktii ml lanodon tiollcltor for myrtle jne laird and jeau tessciws h to pay diacipleft forget or that lo work is to pray that out lives are prayers missing the fact that it is prayer s a life long habit that is tnoat erxeotlve prayer is a means of concentration about important truths and purposes prayer putt reserves of power into the unconscious part of our nh prayer give direction and decision to our wills ttils cannot be done by any one prayer on any one day but requires habitual prayer day after day 3esustold a itory of a friend coming at midnight to borrow bread from a neighbor the response at first was unfavorable but because the petitioner would not otaue his request was granted hoceouy theredied man known at the first cltiaen of his small city ills face was a bencdlci tlon and his influence invariably helpful liow had it come about there was no magic or chance in 1l seventy years of habitual praying luul wrought the likened of christ in him waal dae u mteawt 1 aik and it shall be given you seek and ye hall find knock and it shall be opened unto- you this a saying of jetus that we need learn unlearn and releam it doea not mean that we may off have anything we want for the asking of 1l to pray to be a plgnist will not make anyone a paderewskl overnight but to prwy lo uudy understand and appreciate music will create desires and lead to pruce that ln the course of yean will make a wnlfi prayer focusec attention and keeps one from scattering energies too widely seek and ye shall nod- does not mean that one may start looking for the cure of cancer early in the morning and announce the discovery in the evening papers does mean that if enough people pray earnestly and purposefully hos pitals wui be equipped for research and ck4itlsl3 wiu have the faith to long hours share the- reaults try and try again until some gud day this enemy of lh human race wui be oonouered in the long run it will be almirtdantly detruwutrmted that to lum that knocketh it ahall be opened cata caarweter ii is the most important factor in pray er is not man but god phulrpa urooks wrote this ffvt truth pray tr in not the conquering of oodvve- luctance but uie taking hold gods willingness in prayer re not appealing 1d a tyrannical faaonarch or powercraafid selfap pointed dictator we pray to our father in heaven he characters god b what give us confidence lo pray a good father does not resent rwqueats fromj his vjjdrexi be u as eer to grie as they are to receive ood is much more concerned about our highest good than the best parents consider liow much god tuts already done for us we have no teauton to think that he has reached the limit of hu fcoodneas- ibs feood wui u hot variable what we need above all is to pray according to the moral uandards of ooda wilt it u when we cease to pray overmuch for tilings and atof prayer as fellow- slilp with ood that hu- highest wee- logs come to us if ye tbtai being evu know how to give good gifts un to your children how much more uiall your tteaveiuy wirier give the iloly tspirtt to theat that ask lumt ai i rwlm liow would john use kthapua umyt 3 do we pray or merely recite the tha lord prayer what answers to prayer do you wtpectt do we really want lo receive the lleiy gplriir aoclogxts ans oftstrtnjatlon during tha ikumlh of hbruary 4m accidents were vwported u the workmena oumpensalion iloard this being an increase of 13 ova the num ber for january and compares with tsi during pcbruary a year ago the fatal aocldenbi numbcd 31 as compared with it during january the benefits awarded wmountrd thefio wjsujita of whfcli tohts was for otanpensatioii and gsl cll m for medical aid leunar laird his kxncuussv at tu teh i apeak exalahmj dealer who has uu bawved a lady without the usual think you fur tier purchase excuse me hoi saying thank you madam ine got a very lore uuroat and its very twin veteran of early surveys tells of pioiseegtns days r ctaartaa jbaaai fthkw 0er- a seawy aaa ingtaaa ta laeale cj jt ijbw j itjk louowtng article is taken from if 1ft ulaff ihidetln and prove intrrestlng as the ci pur aadersl the sagebush hills near sane thlrt miles south vru of wnticutn uc maor charles anrau shawtnht3 eighty third yrmr mill tiaraia tlie mountain trails vleep in the often hnd undertakes dd enttneering and uirvey obs with tlie ame enthusiasm with whlcn six ty tour years ago he tackled some tj lie tnitt remarkable railway ur vey- in tlie history of canada prw town can tell the tales thai wing back to live memory of thr ler eyed ietcran of the chalaand transit when lie dhvumri thf englp aertng hitrtry of tlie canaallan paclf 1c uauway you might deerv bir4 ax a roigoaten man of ronurucflurl dava living in virtual retirement outof thvway farming- betue- ment vei hlj oouuibution in the building of the dominions trutyaontrlnental railway ranks the bra tirrformance of any of the fther giants with whom he was toclalcd in jlhst stirring deeade ot rmpirr building oar jcwaaawalaw lah 0o much of m veteran u major ctxaw that unly kpe iruimate as cf hi railway building days remains alive to dueuss wuli hun the- detail t their joint expeditions into the itockit weax of calgary me is al fred mckay now wvll known real dent of calgary who as a youthful engineer joined major shaw on a ride up the bow itiver to the gap to lo cate tlie line a practical engineer who took hta degrwe in the field hav ing no time nor inclination for stuf fy classrooms major nhaw s perhaiac most famous as the ptalrie gopher who howd up the hardrock men in the mountain incurring the ex plosive wtath of the redoubtable mayor llogers when he located a tine from u10 gap just east of aruf to calgary which coit it was estima ted at the tune tlsoooo ws than the tine lofcated by major ttogers himself prom this incident major khaw takea on tittle satisfaction lie con sidered himself a representative the band of engineers whom the mountain men contemptuously f erred to as prairie cipherer and it naturally pleased him not a little to be able to prave to iheuoilgh and mighty hard rock men that the prairie gopher rntllh tunnel aawk burrow his way through the granite of the rockies as easily as he crossed the prairie gumbo- be that as may however it is not accurate say that at that lime major shaw was a true xjopher nearly cade of campaigning in ontario with wuliam uurdock of bowmanville onl running trail lines and locating actual lines for the dominion gov ernment in their preliminary trans continental surveys gave him more than a ootid ing acquaintance with the complexities of rock formations before he ever saw the rockies early klaraudaw in november 171 william mur- uock of uowmanvule onl and engineer of catmbushed reputation started a journey west of lake superior with a survey gang to find for the canadian government if railway could be curried west to the prairies from prince arthurs land ing now port arthur ills gang tn eroded a wiry 11yearold toronto boy charlie tihaw who was keen lo learn and a hog tor work lie wax imsofimkthabsaor and to do ho had to remain under murdock until he completed his time consequently lie followed murdock for sevrrml years through some not able hardhips jovoe hairraising ad ventures and more than one narrow escape from death of that tlru sur vey party of his it veritable night mare major shaw speaks interest irujly held back by delays at ot tawa like party rushed north and west in an effort to make port arthur before winter sealed the lakes grtaa yrmgawy we finally tried lo make it in the little steamer mary ward he said ttte captain refused to take the chance and we headed back georgian hay we were struck by howling bluxard that whipped up terrific sea and x guess the captain mistook a light on hore for the lighthouse anyway we hit a reef some of us managed to get ashore to miles away in an open boat the rest were drowned murdock was determined to got his party on the job that winter so we maile our way overland to duluth there were forty tugs tied up there and murdock offered as mueh as 3mt6 for one of them to take us to what they now ealj port arthur we started on december 10 rowing and sailing we rowed and sailed to our destination each night we beached her and camped we had been cheated on our blankts and utey werent much good it was as cold as s3 below at times each night half a party stayed up to keep the fires going we reached psrft arthur january s a month uus a day from tlie zlmtt we worked westward all winter hauling our supnlios in hyiog team our ration was flour beans and chicago taess pprk noted for its incites of tat and mini mum of lean continental line contributed umt a utile to major shaws rich rund of anecdotes concerning the old umee lie recalled that it was the practice 1q that area for the engineers io help the packers in transporting food and other supplies a days work was held to copsl of packing a hund redweighk 4n miles but frequently when ii wax possible hhaw and his engineering companions would tote hundredweight in kpaeirwd dluanc thereby getting taro days work in one leaving the following day free for fishing or hunting you cquvj handle two hundred immjnd nicely too with a tump line ht remarked but if you had a 11 uplr of bake kettles a grindstone tin of syrup you were quite con t u limit it to the hundred pound some of the smart packers w uld pick up a huge bundle of tea that looked heavy as lead but would l ith about 0 pounds ptom this job youhg shaw already mi engineer in tils own right went to lo ate a line from tengh rlvef to ottawa a job which took two yaarv it was the plan of the then canadian prv mer alexander maokensv w 11 up ottawa wfth thelakebead a ort arthur by a system l water haul arid short rail haiux ramcwlng hu laacrfice via the lower ot hirer and hi scheme tdrmed the rtirpre oj murdock lhtebch j ttiver toottawp warvey iri which major shaw- participated iri general charge of the work major shaw aaw wt lunsden afterwards chief enclnrvr of uirf grand trunk pacific anj a brother of peter lunsden who ran tse frontier becweerl afghanis tan and india v trie winters of t and to were spent with murdock in the neighborhood of lake nlpisslng locatlrut k trail line into what lr ttow nortli day plabaa b wtour flte seaion of issi found major uhmw in a new eiivlronrneru the mahltcb plalns iff liad charge of location ftui construction of the line rrbnt tirwndon to virdert and was en gaged in this work when general itouer chief engineer of the cana dian taclfc came to his camp and asked him k he would take his party to the mouth oi the ited deer river luck up a line that an engineer nam ed barclay had run to that point and continue it to a place called cal gary general itomler wajor tshaw stated was a fine gentleman and a capable engineer hut he was from tlie louth an old confederate army officer and did not know canadian conditions rully lie said lie had been u sure f could handle the job that he had already made arrange ments to give me bull teams i had l i a w the idem of taking oxen into the plains tn winter struck me as runny x told him i wanted tdn cmyuses lie ftalu sewrvy negt winter a- w swek major bhaw continued our 1 rations pro duced scurvy we tusd dur flru uiaw in april and had to trek back mo miles men whose leg had gone with lcurvy had lo be hauled on tobog gans wet snow made us travel at night and rmt by oay snow blind ness affected many of us toughened by iktee two ardous winters young bhaw found lus fut ure activtud with his duef murdock uuocent aiul agracble by compari son all tha way rrom the ottawa wvrr to tlie summit of the great divide major uhaw followed the tntnsoon tlnentaj railway in government and cj4l surveys prom 71 to 14 he worked willi murdooc on uwt hot be tween yon william and lut portage now kenora in this treacheroua muskeg country wltere it was no un heard of thing to lose a section of track or even a gravel train as if the fcrth suddenly had opened to swal low litem up ute- youtliful ultaw by a series ot wltat ui tins modem day would be called breaks earned a valuable promotion tut athiarilhlllty plrst lopograplier of the gang lie midden round lunueit tn eltarge wlten m gorcrnment engineer from ottawa seut out rmm the capias tb investigate rumors of grave irregu larities itad left young filutw virtu ally clucf ehgtaeer one by one his uiprriprs had left ilie job one to go away to get marricd and never to rvtuni the oilier to mkettd ute week end ui hurt wtlllaaft an interlude which somehow stretched into weeks in the taeantime bhaw went solemn ly about the buslnaawot building tlie lute and with such good effect that the invmllgatlng vhghtter from ot tawa his name was lanton found the progrnut made completely satls- factury although a first toporapher and not a chief ngineer had been doing um work not willtout its hahter ittiaiaw biilidtng of this vootion of the umns- wanted to know why i told him that ponies vould paw the know and get enough to eat where as the bulls would starve under those conditions general ftosser just laughed and uld x guess that shows i have a lot to learn about hits country that vicvr would have occurred to me general tlosser tossed major bhaw ft roll of bills that totalled tuoo they had little time for elaborate ac counting systems in those days and alajor shaw set about outfitting for the expedition tenable w iw4laa when general itosser came to my camp at oak lake and asked me if i would take my party to tlie south baskalchewmn and continue the sur vey on from utere to calgary major sliaw recounted li told me i was his bus hope as i was the farthest el of tlie engineers and that all the rest liad turned lum down cold being- afrmid of the indians and of winter ing in an unknown territory lie gave me a map from ottawa show ing several rivers running across the line we would haw to take portu- hately we failed to find litem we got to moose jaw finally and eampel there over- kuwtuy to rest the horses bake bread- and do other necessary work a band of indians came along and pitched taup beside us and were quite friendly at first one of the squaws however had a sick papoose and ajjced one of my party for some medicine unfortu- nately tie gave her a bottle ot pain killer and explained afterwards that lie luul told her to give ute baby a drop or two in water the jjtjuaw however thought that if a little of it was good lot of it would be better and poured ute whole contents down iter hahys utroai killing him ln- itantly needless to say there was much consterruitloo the infuriated iquaw demanded our immediate des truction wiui all ute barbaric trim mings aru ute next hnoment we were seised by uie indians you can well imagine uut it took quite a powwow and considerable diplomacy on ou part to secure our release mi exaasea prom ute time we left quappeile ivtil tome time in may we were cut off from ute outside world and uie ute first newspaper i saw the kenton flecord gave a circumstantial ac count of our massacre by uie ulack- leet like mark twain i was able to ay that rvports of our deaui had been greatly exaggerated one advantage of being utus cut off from ute outside world was uiat invariably i itad each piece of work done before i got instructions from van llprne to do 1l 163 i wrote repeatedly to ute departrnent of indian affairs at ot tawa telling thetu that ute ilalf- brwds ot uie northwest territory were demanding scrip such as was given to their brethren in manitoba and pointing out that unless utey got it there would be an uprising this information was given lo me by chief wloot of the tuactcfeet who as sured me that the iuackfeet would have nothing lo do with it- the tepliea t received to my hatters were lo the effect that the matter would be looked into but nothing arms done and the rabethon of laas became hi too the hi mile- between the mouth of tlie ited deer and bleary jrrmi ihtitng nowwtwo fast trains clip ntf the dtvlanre in a few hours but uien g lacing a llttw explored coun try hitter cold ut winter and niled willi f menace of hosule tuack ret llu outlook vu to uty uie least rynuf not a trw ovserted from major jisv tilue larty as ll liead i fr m uit cud nf steel into the kalcluvati and alberta plains continued liext week with utr search for calvary n i georgetown uerakf kaiawcrtxuiwa ta per year- in advance urjited sfalae soaddltlonai ftingu oopkaa sc feqth old and 1m auw3es should b given when eruingw of address js rpeatqd awvestiamg jkabm jlegal no tices ltt per lu tor orst in berlon 1c per line bor eaffti subsequent insertion iteaderaj 5o per tine lor each insertion if in black face type 5c per line additional notices qualifying ax coming events such as concerts enter ialq merits so ciety church or organisatipn meetings elf sc per line mini mum charge lid reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in mernoriazn hkf oc and lth par una extra lor poem birth marriage and death notice mo small ad vertisements one inch or lee 56c for first insertion and 3sc for awch subsequent tnseruon display advertising rate on applicauon althougli every prcnlk wiu be taken io avoid errdr the herald accepts advertising in its columns on the under standing that a will not liable for any error in any ad vertisement published hereon der unless a proof of such ad vertisement u requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald business office duly sign ed by the advertiser and wtsta such error or corrections plain ly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error noted is not corrected by ttoe herald 1u liability shall not exceed such a prtjfw of the entire coat of such ndver- tisement as the apace oooupaad by the noted wrror bears to the whole space occupied by advertise a advertise 1 laaw ml tloou huux radio repairs va u kmmu t mm i lmj hugh lindsay backaches s efacstaclrcs gone after using atumacarxthey give quick and sure relief at axx bkua toes rumacaps jtciineswav poultry equipment y 1u14sw ta awl t u a a t 1 t ailmljf m futw etj 1 a dtfy h v rj fchy s saj wuw afsk ku wyugf e eiistomstivl fxxliirts tt early spring hats j we are now sliowing u number of early spring hla crepes taffettas anr3 cordedl silks in the very latest new york styles ako a few line in winter hals al hall price in velvet felt uid meuluc come in and see them misses claridge heraid block upuin georgetown