Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 22, 1936, p. 2

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pace 2 the georgetown herald wed nesday evening april 22nd 1936 silvers weekend specials for the ake of mart economy see the fouowins specials al silvers this wwtltend mens blue denim work pants menvbrkht dress slurt mens cotton and wool dress sox boys tweed knickers and bloomers boys pullovers with zippers- ladies shk gloves in uue ana grey ladietl sibr crepe hose ladies printed sdk dresses ladies silk crepe blouses ladies spring coats are selfinc al sharp tn prices a soodt assortment at nd up silvers dept store where your dollar goes farther phone 375 georgetown uauin in wubctl its april ltth uia this eeuth would bo ueev- could we beer his reiisemlmred by the lwmiry busukju men nrjrhl aft lion dub dmner kx mavok stkwajlt or khton to ouilit nrtjuiija or tmjl kaino 98c 69c 25c 98c 49c 49c 39c 249 198c electp1cal trouble if ou have elecurc wiring- or lmlaltalinn troubles call la if you wih lo keep out of eleotri- cal trouble call mx 11 oa are punnhw new work the um to set in louch witir us lb nw heres your wirloml trouble solution in k nutshell g r muckart jobs open farm help is urgently needed in ontario uncjployed men j- flrmmtc your kvcedx to the needreal fmployittfent rankld oflce rjlef arwniutrtuoi or aftraail turml repbresaativs or write direct to tke uwlartusnej david a crouu mtmntctr of tator pwirwkziet ride- tcxnto ua jomth motberaul died brampton pa sunday april mix ei tcr a lone nen she we in her sut year born in halloa county she we mu noreoce etta kicuey bbe had been a reaident of tttymp- lon for the past 33 years- bumrl- lng mm her ntihand two daug mr elmer ingram end lulr welter burro and a eon clifford mil oi brampton two brothers w j stick uy branuord end h u kickley toronto end a alster mrs cberkwt vint t georgetown ma mother uli we member of the brampton baptist church mrh sa1uui vawfuxt a nun uf faouori towoldp aim sarah valine passed away buikday at her borne murray su liom- clalb lvw ugh t 3tiyid u yexe u she has reolded in lumilio for u jen twenty yeers her h prede- ceed her three yeera md a tal ly of 0e h end ttve lauichtccs tf inmlna to tooutn her lou avnd tevere her mcaowory they aoe wllberl jto- bcrv om oeoree thoanea eirv appteton tra tbocruu mis wuean efrs shisppcath ell of bemnton end efn honteri tjeirott mich- om broiher ur jvmee mill aotoo the fuhecml wes held on wednewtaty with internment it iucatuaa mr end un w a mecahhur end juooi mlus of anton end mr end tin win buck of iettapcellvllle joiend ed the txi t liaeir luj kl li huwl mtttlbooaa vuu tjti uw lotl bui w ul the club- liut i iwwcleut w l 1wvj twrd 1 el u ttetlmriuuf aluf ell he imittskrit ul u uwit umiihiuu tiui ur eul uve uu tu il kuu hj ellud u miut jtpll ltibujii- ho uuruducivl um gitat jlpi r t ih cxiuiui h iir lcvit i j lwv lilt uwa lullr iatulr- ji oluhtmv tf li oai umli ijhh jui cudiv lie tu ll a itx dub uwli i u lw- i e jy to iuiy couunuuui liri ho eel oi uu uu beheli uf lukuuir ui iie un- ol uv mt u ihrre rv ipy ptjoioe t wmi u cruiute end wek uu iv nu- loir utaj beutjnnen whctv ueduui r jck lalikteivce ahkt iny rrjc t the ptutfic ajuutvi wlmtu uiituui on the fti utrudut- kutotukk amd h1stsk due at beomk w tmair ajwia tiii anifcxilvtini sport a vk ad lhfl nrnwhettend ti- cluhr timtr not brr kioin eny cfhttini rrrrithlnbi in rnedlnes i x uu- hr jee4jn cokl urr i liw tlir eady lold up t villi tkl m4 ttakuajt hlnsjetl tmif ui uii- b hk- bcfop tl- tteabrtaiup uf u wulsj ytl cjl- club li lurejjm hv i aid bmiid alrtsedy in juii t krr luna- tlar konjbrlttp hau ril iiihd 15 kveryuuiui i t k- ixmilil 1 a u ucrilul iin alllsuutti u7iaey we h xmlif dull uj iu tntmbrr luil u iwrkli dr h i auwli nwmllur ortit vm o li- likaiv- r lidew m t willu eitd twily kd o to to tviil lor e use r- oq the wooden miai bikr liek u ukn ueue h uiilriu thu tirtvluje la rented ii r um-uriai- on sunday jhoni special weekend prices at ki 5s s rsxjai duffs or dumarts shortening 2 ik- 25c 1 sttllial neueectee bea cltaterry i butter ii 51 rtat ar briasei boiling beef 9c lb knvis t i raw hmburc steak 2 ik 25c salmon large tins 29c small tins 15c on mil rlliut rkndkr ba shoulder roast 14c prime rlbs of tender beef 2lc fluiswlra jna kwllrd luwne ut u- wy eij ueuul el tiki m enuu puxixki- uux en xhouw follow ue rulu of hw toed- thrtv ww lotn l 1 t obey uw lee of the luvd tul er touili in 17 rood uro ol 1km aouueti ejtd muiuctpehlle murtupd uw iu lure ehd todey e lt uiuthle u vv we have too meny bodiee to uoveru if tailllon pethjl we nuut ikot hunk of reimmlietion but ry out our oun vkeeu uiel ouf crdit end irpuuuuu be tnelnuhved ttouht ould ui kieii es to ik our chlkjfei w belna rehl todey it is lot rich lo leech jteulutf wltheut ttiln we baul put methhu into life if we vxpect to feet ettitliin out of it- not tneny chiuxli- fcre utcd beyootf capecity todey but our penel insti tutions em oiertmed ttiix u m dudtenee to pereutb to ihc1 knore llnvfl etlli uvtrlr chlldten ttker- li to jfcreet tpuudbluly rtlnt upon our leheerllculdr tlk- lions club re douu mr end mr a ttreet wfark hi iweliihuf clilldren to- apetli tuid indinerenoe ere r- fent many of lh ceu jo halurdey eftmjvoop next wilrox corm kiddell of the lo iui rlub will tpphwth 3- utile irim ref- uvbe twld unovtr ue fcui imldehoe t lj4c j uew lef wlwvlmean li prt rorwuo el fctlobllwii fmtk ew rc scewbee flankof veal 2 e2sc choiclt roasts of veal aieewtti eesa riw 19ci veal chops iftc- mhtf mery anderson eeed to petn- ed ewey thursday nlcht end at about the aatte hour on jpridmy nlcht her brother adam johxt tuxed cs died they were andecxt of the lele adent anderson end lived tncether on ly the old bomeoeed tn trellmr about i4nslbw for two miles below ilomhy both were coiwlitions pmrvellbitf totuy unmerried and had been in ul health rt relorni b our bellols and for jtwvy time a double tuneral took our duty lo uch the hihur fccira- phvee on monday eiternoon when ttoii bood cllieenjilp it u our duty the brother and idslcr were buried lno tnahlmlt lew atul provide ictulcr- the family plot in kden oemetery georgetown letjaoa news a well atwnrteh zo 13 cacecutimr meetin wmi hold in the tion tu- aetnbly room on tuesday april ittfa captain j m mrrvfc ifkne jaep- resentelive wax in the chair ar- kearement were made xor church purmdes in menloo aotoki and orancerllle during the oornme eee- fjmreral bnnches will twend to compeie in uu ttei ceremony for the adams cup at urampton on june 1st the tecular kneetlnc of branch 130 will he held thursday ftcokoriow nlcht l concert party from oudph 1- don will tnlertefai the local branch members and their wtvaat alao the member of the women auxiliary attd their husbands on thursday aiwil 3uh j oould w secteury was presented vhh the ltmc beryice medal recently fay ool ctxtsens the atinnejr u veteran of two walni and a keen lecion worker outumu u the leexttnx bahey vx- portinit country in the ihituh ampire and itouminl the chief txpofter tn foreicn countriett the exports from both countries in the world trade have drained in recent yeeix airenline belnjfj u only one country thowtn tmlaent tncrteaed exports durlnc the period under review ittlmj unsightly smudges wash right off mellogloss wtircfiyour kilchgqor uthroom walls u flniiihfed with lowe brothers taemi gloia wall fiiuak mkllo- gijoss tliny will ruin iheir baauty for yeaim becmuse waahinsr with boari and water will jrmovo potit mk staitih at- marlch iarudiit and ctihsa without harni to lite fiimju mkllqgloss in very ekiy to ami prad fur and cover the urfact uiuroughly ajc for a color carl ihowinif 12 modern colaru mkllogloss cmiioha uall naint can be used equally ut11 011 burlap wallbourd mital plaler cnvai or woodwork k h thompson 0 hardware ptumhinit hralinfc tmsmittimfc elcctrac wtnnjj hot air and hot water furnace work phone 4 georgetown slilp we ukould tco foraerd with caution tempered uitli uve lesotts of the pat we are not bankrupt if we have hot losx our spiritual lie end should crry on with faith in god our country and the future- u fc everyoodl iob to take an in tereu in the life of hie country stick la use old pruulplc of truth and tonea return to conunon decency of life square ourehe and drive into it for we tauit put wometlunc into hie beforo e feet aiythlnc out of it too many ant to lean oa outers tlaero is no better country then neda and a country that l- wxmrtji dyinff for l worth workintt for go lorwud keep on ue huihaay of life donl block the road take others with iou and picod ay tuul hafspl njh by crice to others a ota of thanks aas tendered mr suaart for liis vry able tuklrosx a vote of uianlu was ako paud lo mr tttoinias klwm lor his dona- tiohlo live iiiinshiivc fund duraitf ut euiiui miuicel elec- ttoju were rendered by pije mmsot alcx titjmxt jolui kninvervin and ui jcmic ucdonald acotunpaiuit of tike evening mr wallers and mr qraper of iaronto accomtitilrvji mr tttewart aiwl wcre alo uuxi at ilia mimrvtr tlve uuut u ute lutors was pro- pod by h j ileldmatin and re- poiuled to bj e t montjzotiaciry w t eaji and warden george cunrle enjoyed party at mr and mr eliona one oi the moat eaioable events of tle eun took uace last kriday nifiht ulven mr and mrs tlujanas ta- jaa cpeoed uveu- ivome to the ladles for a card party the proceds of which wtdre donaud to live buiuliine fund of the lions club mrs me- whtrtrr and urs hurley received uu cufels at use door when all had arrived cards and iiamas were played f allowed by lite sen ins of delicious re- frtiluaents tti pn were then presenled by mr and mrs kuon to the winners in the competition as follows jrtnd mrx arthur beuple wond mrs or paid th door priae was won by mrs john ix kolly when miss betty snyder picked the lucky number tiie reading of uie tea cups oy mrs lawon and mrs heon wax a foature of uie vnhitf and added much to the punxure of the tueeli mrs or paul on behalf of the kueus uuuuusl mr and mrs fcuon for uu use of uielr lionvs in which all had spent a moat pleasant even ing in reply uve 4 tkot and hotteas pipreiicml uveir plrlure at liavlnc uva privilege of entfetudnlnm uve udlaa they also uvaiikivl uve u01u wives and daukhlers for kupplylns cake and sandwiches mr harold mcclure for lil aslsunvce and all lio liad holprvi tn any y lo make uve event a groat success ttve esrirunx vu brought in a clotw by all anting uu maple leaf reroof for the- last time club twtuuo a all ip all the cycle club wtui on uve rued w kooci lumrt- imlo ajtlu ervc hold eery- l uu lhd snmi hmr about uve jjuh li irw tlebtvu club are uiromrlruj ut tyrvlay may ht its the event at 1 lie orul hs and the mew lurummi are supplyihc thp music- ou cant itouibly ahord to mivs lhi dene- for uvere is ta be fetv- ru a si ho- dooc tpriae juit t tliv unjitkeri atvd the d l wih toe and ssc still furtwr ute draw will take liatv at ituermlsswm in the lucky number draw lor prises that u al j brlrur iveld at this time the boy iiec kvew equipment this uauui and vcur kiipiiort in buylnc tickets and cohuf to uw dance will be more hum aihitwclsted ttke piun have bh n doivated by utrchuilt of the town tuvd will he annouivced next k te the prised bi maccor taurkj druif store window and se cure your tickets at once only loc tacit or 3 for sic oeoryetown is gobuf to have a hajix up ball teain uux frejoo wo uet trio line and do your share to mil the hoove town on ute haasebell map lull anthony who played brilliant bovkvywtii uve local dub this win ter left jotoe time ago to play la crvu for uve hew wetnunster selisybelli- we wlh hill ucceas in uve wel and are sure his tine por1utanvhip will carry him a lotuf way luu muuuavouver xtiwttptori u- crp phtyrr aiui wlia played hockey in uve cliincuacou ltjtue here bhst wlnur liaa also led to play for the new weauhuter saiinonwlhes ilnmiptun 111 surely mtu these ivlayers it is runvvred uiat a tennis club uill be fomved at uve united chlirch and that a court will be bulil artlvur illllmer of oekille has aeatn befi elected trewiurer of uve ojiajt ttw toronto stxday bike race hiuvs sunday at midnight a hum ber of uve local fans arr expected to take in part of this exciting spore ureal prsure is being put on willie ivlucer vrouvottr of the race to team up rorcfay jpdea uve van cojver ti and jules andy ltt popular tvenchcanaillan per- loraver for uil race they are can adiau lo be sure and always give the toronto crowd plenty of thrills welt siwute ooeauwx permit any- uilng furuier see you nxt wk- p ivope i t- ttoajb jutsrflajp 1jlsj ott ok- tatkcouktv iajlsk- ba1x ijucua at a uetlng of the tricounty fl league held in acton on thurulay ulglvt lau the fouoaing of- tlccr wert elected for uss lrcqidcat k uyder acton vice prrtident clarence klna george uiwu secrttary ivank uouoway acton the league has not as ye been udanllely ticided the ouelph cock learn are not entering a team in jus league his year and brampton are still whwnj what to do they liaie until lomorrow night lo enter tiu11 there is milton team which walked out of uve group last play in the lower county league but alio have been left out now tkt oakvtlie and port credit have moe l into senior ball tlve ecretary of the avcue was in strucltml to write bronte campbell- itle jlurllngton and watcrdown u m if uvey would care to levin up wiut uu uptver county group this war another league meeting will be held in acton tomorrow nlghl dlvon rslaku peas 3 29c 1 oranges mrdium sire 23c tox medium lartif 35c dox lrtiyv 45c tior ortakise martzialacse 1 to jar 21c ctafje brmml sweet mixed hckles large 35c i srciac jc picnic hams i 1 9c lb t shoulder roast of fresh pork 17c lb j cwt ok iw bau pork chops 23c lb specul clarks soup 3 tins 2sc v white corn 3 29c grapefruit gxk1 tiic 6 for 25c 1itk 4 or 2sc lukry iiv brwvlau cv coffee 1 lb uk 25c i lb golu iltoal coffee vucuum tin 39c fresh haddock fillets 18c jyioice red salmon l atad rnut cab 18c phone 27 wm king rrompl delivery j live majrruuc took place on sasur- li aliemoon april lnh at the ftee- tory in llurluixtuo ui helen fraser dsustvuer oi air and mn irvednck luwar mului to oohn u allen son oi mr iluvkrl allen burlington the cremouy wsw perlrmed by bev t liver u lird ths bride who wi lin in inorrumte b her taiher was bownexl becomnigly m blue silk bet owr blue atln and carrved a bouquet of swuvert rcucb lilyof thevmlley and forest toveholu uoeiuig ceremony a reception was held at the luvuv at uve brules par where tlve euc were welcomed by mxa dewar eoruvg klng blue uedc tcc wlui a cortege of rose and luy- of-uie- auei and mrs- alien wear ing green crepe with corsage of roses ivcul lilyofthevailey the house wa uraiuuiully uecormted with tulip- and lilies tlve wedding music was played bi miss k- dewmr mint oi uve bride mrs a tuhord sister of the brble ringing because injvowiug uvt reception the couple left for a uvort motor trip the bride warlng nay blue triple aheer drns gray and blue tked coat with blue wolf collar and blue axces orves on their rxturn ihey will reside in burlington new advertisements with jbhnsaaanville asbestos shimfites not oave lawn vr worn out or caught itrel a jijuvamwsivule axlvnto jstuegle iruuf ivo only ibcauliluj it jinirttwtivijtttvaur imui oieverl you nrvanv lln i jallullllvtll iii vkklutu i i j uti am 1 itlr- iu v u ii t ytai im uuk uu i iu a lul kktiuvyrnrllltnl iiuu georhowfl limw co norval the atwpl laster old and hew litna dance of the norvei xuprove- ovenl society was held in the lertsh i lull on friday eveiaing last there i ihrge crowd and the event wax one of -the- belt of the teasoa triple l cjfcmierfttuprjllejthe mutq while w louth perfonned the tluluvi it floor maiuvjscr all to uve delicht or uve large kauverlng deiicious te- treciunauts were served during the melting the ommutee in clvkrve ire miss b magulre miss k loree urv c arimwood mr j loree mr giahant and mr w coupland- tsvftkcotta word has been teceued lver tvf uve daui of arolde smith lau week ivo ivwsmj aay at uve hoese qt id on ht uie week ttve uitc mr smith was forwerty a hlgldy rwiapect txl rojdcnt of uus place and we ex tend our deepea sytiipauiy to uve bereaved family and friemhv kwiiee fornvtrs rvuiruig help pit a tip ap- vlj to ildief cortnii favn george town v at let tw sale oomer lot draper and lome gts co x qb sacrifice for fifty dcwlars aihuy i margueretta st toronto crgcojry etpcrienorxl girl it desirea tic voution town ivrelcrrcd apply 1 o box xx gcatiretawn ttp iw s-i- tunojiy seed also register- siiaruiorn bull 13 taonths old frwl uve t b ux a n uark oeorge- toam bjvone u r it st neuee ciluen who want bwe for raking lawtla uv ore rvxhieled to kvatlfy relief rjoatsbtusion phone li tta7 kitchen cabinet m firuclass con dit ton will be sold cheap to clear at once apply herald orfice or cell os up uwav fer sale rrame- house with two land for ale will sll cali apply mrs a collins srtfiox sad oak v uie hj acres of clveap for t kuex on victoria street georgetown apvl at next house or write lo box georgetown i o itp te kue4 house on ouelpli street s rooms water and electric light potisstion may cth apply to plvone 301 gcorgtiaowij- atp brick iuvue on main street tdx rooitu batli and furnace wired for electric range garage may lit- apply j w kennedy kggs ffer sale luue enough evgs to upply an ouwr ciouuer of two and will deliver each wek grauwl ecs 341 and oter at 3 cenu per dtvivrn irris than ivtait tnuie henry wilson oeorge town tn the a tr e fnday aprd 24 riffraff frml avitea uantaje jjh llarlw aud sprr yrary comedy sailor beliaxe fox news cartoon moll moo cow and rip van winkle saturday aprtl 25 in person ushc ceseedy drawua iurruix cleger usxerv avul co brebt gang comedy little papa chapter 5 tlie lost jungte uith tae kihsi vrruluu fruiw tlw manajteawit ef thu thiatre cw ivvsuuriev liasiied bae the leasare u prexent aa an added freiwre ail edeeauoaal reel gjrain thieves ala ta oamsm daa u ctaln rru by taaul aud 1w va4 la tu lktr ou saylttnw aruik utli eatla at 3 utt -ij- tuesday and wednesday aprd 28 and 29 thanks a million jwaojil aat that featares a dearu tutue and uach ele- bruiw ie a eraekhsig eoavedy ruittce ilarviug blck pewcu aww bvwewk italsy kelly tadinff and euvera comcd i lis old hame vanety countryside melodies watch our window vo wb3duy tcavoujaal mcials ano cxtmrkcrrankky tropical fruit sundae 13c 2 lor 25c longs conleclionery georgclown concert parish hall norval wednesday april 29th 8 p m choir oi st thomas church toronto heard over suimhi cfrb sundityjj6 630 pm admission 25 cents if fa t reul ttirec ivuuv to rxul on jolin st tuiiii st aiui lh lhw apply to u wtlllaituon uuelivh st l4von iu oeoretowru ip sd rv a quantity of clvolce seed iva lor jalc at 1 00 pr builvel aln lied clover and timouij aed apply islcrs llrof lot 1 con 9 krtn i uh umiiuhk u now the j oto willum s i j ucllrkle b buajy eotatml liiif lumber tor tin omr mour l hrrrtjy b that mr georve lyon of hyay sasktoww coxttai pal3t mtlla ivo was here atlrtvdlng uve futverai uumi auvd to apply to s of his brouver uve ut a u lyons lleuti unt taivmor lo uirevdev is cfaartr- sei rwr katvle clrtmtii alrallu ko 1 jloio buijtcl mil m i 13 00 bulwl ttmotlu n i tjti bujiel atoke timothy aiuiurr no 1 to auki til 00 per loo iu oic no 31 lurlo unul i iflf bujiel oac no jl ivgl rt turbv trad no 1 sac battel john alexaiuler lot 11 cxvn 8 aur tu anv it it 2 aonwown jtp mswud nlu c ivools ditches and drains to din old ceis pools cisterns etc c i mrd on tcjiort notice also whlte- i jung una any ouier work don butlirooni ouulta ooniplbte ut lowest prlogs james llix 1ls gearuelown 3tp iw retuniod ivome h fc 3j years live ive vtjtcd ontario be fate and mils ive note tnany chvuurfl in our hjinlct mr j l- crahve liajvpetved with wivai tsilglu lutve bmi a serious -o- ckjent oive day ust week wbeu com- tiur doan uve incline on luihelu st ive lo4 control of uve car but baaiuur- vl to pull tt towards uve bawk the rwuu beuig tlua lie uttset cine ot lib men who was wiui 1dm juraived lo jifety before it tchd uve dsii- kr suiu- ur crauie escaped un- liurt but the truck was badly daiu mtrd mr w k toanictvd had ills rv roudy uijunhi rrontly wv iwive h ul aooti be ui deck again mrjj trr uvii tgobvery meury jti oo 002 temple iudg toronto illicit ur fivr uve company h jnrotice to dog owners any iw ron who qtis or liatboc e u tt jvall ivrocure a tag on or before pi it j ma tom lvruvtu fftuuur to secure teas will hi tiftvtoirt to rouri tags may be bvwl tnmi w tttwn cutk or uve uu- dcrjtfivwd t w cj trucltinte evrad cairtase i am now prepared to do moving nivd iriverul carta je ol all iclnds ironiia rke at a rtoauiable price 1tvaik c wmuivee plvope hi eorgutwn itp tf te uw rldle if iou have w ce- vtvol tlc tank ol clvrmlcal tolleti llusl llcej puoip- uur nut whj ikh cull fay pliimhliib slvoiv uluon t 3usw a we liave live mtva up todale equlpmriit for uuu kind of work work done with oui mil or tus sip vijk waalew will awvrectaje an opivortutilty to do anv khvd of liou reielring and liecoratuag abi garden work of all kind apply to t a kvoa arlrtta maltultall cnllecitr t oeorgetown tf concrete work i win nnpurvu td do concrete work f all kid h titabtci given fne of imnjt if 3 require aiiyuilna in this lim i liotie 331 or wrlu box 5 a uullr oeorye st george- u ul 4tp u wood tforsalb cluvlrt maple hardwjpd and oedax at ut rittlt lwrlcos ora left at a hume a or m my hmne jhvane uw 1 rompllj uucndod to a- uyingstona i wood forlvle clmhv hardwood maple and wwin1 m i aolt wvd most s v vf wood for sale 1 uui mj ultod wooj mls lr vrd luujfeju tl j tutanurokn so ar asii 1

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