Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 22, 1936, p. 4

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4 a the georgetown herald wed nesday evening april 22nd 1936 that me witu life uxi hout hh beaut spec have um sick at heart round mere prayer and tears and joya each i a place met kryauty and sacrifice have btea- d with- tnasatrmunn each succeedlng thus bulwarked 1 servant to emulate the adories they strong how shall tall have what shell against thlx heritage pra- wbes for future hua they are prp- paredr angus munto huge bwjbh altts mml in an effort to buy back pros perity in practically u the large fntbkrintnaida there ara near fad 1 era buildings neartng oonpvjjuon xt tew rm if any wen these build ings actually needed and in mo cum they are creatine a hardship for other property own of the- amount of floor apace offered for rent in the new build toga or tn ute old bulwingx vacated when tha oovernment office are mowed to the new structures in fcastem canada the nenuon relief ta kqcmi largely to the town and cities and practically all mw rural murtteipeliua get out of it u their toportunlty to pay ttather than keep ao many men tn idleness group ooukl ba told oft lor work in the township the townihlp eouncll could d urovemenjlk would ba rural inn 1n sweden of the landlord laswwfdaite change or horse eapre regret but tt wowld be at haul an hour before tnafa demanded the i demand homes the kandjord tnotioned in the di veeuon of a tall man they were ordered lor this eouuaii he ex the tall man- aay my man will you lei awe have those hone if i pay you 1 liberal bonuar- x intend to use them toy pwrhans you are not aware who i bellowed the i sir am meld aaarahal baron george tfearre the mat and only one of ran t ban very ud to hear h hm e the tall man stepping into bis carriage- it would be a terrible to think there might be ta the kin of with ao aauc tor relief purposes it m rural municipal it ten have oat de trf more to return inr what thfj ham paid into the provincial and do- most useful their munlelpautks generally directions could be given by the township councillors tor the eatsou- uoo of certain taskathat would bn- prove the property of uw township and save money for the bwd owner the wnmrucuon of catches cleaning out of urge award drains would sav farm wrner a great deal of money for ditch ium arw a real burden when added to levies already too high this problem of tenet wui not be aptved this yoar of next we might as weu settle down tor a lone pull have arrived at wow policy to lower the costs and at the time fclve men employment that they might maintain their mor ale and tfceqieclnrmerai a4- vocale the tstend of thtwmkst kates is the downward vrend of inberest rales at but reverslnct an editorial in the rnfcti chartered aocount- ani tor alarcb draws au co two recent sign that the turn may have come the first of these was tha ro- spone of the london mar to the australian loan this was prbnaroy a conversion offer by which of mew south wales s inscribed ttock were invited to convert equal wm amounts of the oommon wealth 3 keedstered l cash hwbserlptlon at u were invited and the xmderwriters were left with half of the usue on their hands despatohes from london the edj- tasftal wihwi stated tlmt this un- tavorahle was not in financial tt and that it dne to market conditions and not to any tack of confidence to australian credit it would appear that our own tpkeernmentat ottawa by offer hi mew york of ttvwntnuwi ss4 bonds due 1m1 at tom to yield 1m balievws that the low pofht has bean passed and thai hlher biterest raijh have already est tn tha greet bulk of bond issues dur- tns the past year has been for rw- fundlnir purposes and tthqsi of the money for purchasing ttw w securities ab from bnd that had cmned to hasten a return t wui have to be offered to the public the proceeds of which will go t the purchase of capital goods to encourage the possessors of funds to invent in corporation bonds interest rams must be made more atlrwotrve the turn ut tide which we believe is apparent in the above two instao- ihould be reflected before long hi the issues of corporation iut a dont you agree that urn is a treat healerr ito may be but hes certainly ho beauty kpeciaust qsnapsrjot cuil know your camera u do ino from the utters the j x1u has received bid santa csaas bswstjkava paluil waay oi ni oat of bla bajc aad iulta gen- roaly preawwud tbea to thom of all aga attboagk wmhuru day aim 1 alaaplloed aaapboolltal aad allowa tor a oarlaia akaouat of varlatloa ih abattat apbed and uut prtuira aokaa ovtttfi of w cawaras tu to be navlag a kttu troubu la t unit properly axpoeed antpahola wall tk ftrwt tltea yo pwyd golf yow dldat gt a prfct drtva aid yout its prmollc hkd ankwrttaaatltmc that feaalta for luprovkaaat llaraw a suggwuioa tbst wtt balp yo fcl utlar raulu tbat u if yow follow it ww you take a pletur uake a aota of tba w you ttl ily that i uua lb art or second opaalug if you bava a box caur or it you lav a jwi0 cakaara you should also make not of tkafcjvtd of lb abaltmr tkat i 1stlb of a uacoud 1tatth or waauvw tt may hav batt wkem the prlala are rataruad you caj look at tkam aad y to your- aalf fib oa of llltlu u awfully dark and doaaat abow up u 1 w pectad lata aa uow i look this plotav at boon at 1utb of a toc- oad and bad lb dlabrafcw at at jl a httw too faat to lb proer xposare aadw a basy sky tha baxt tima uadar tba mm coaduloua ill altkar set the dlapajraget uolalec at fm to ut la more llgkt or alae wave the diaphragm opaalag at 11 and at tba abattar apaad at 1lvtb of a aeonait ao as to give ike pkure a loagar spoear- yo tn readily awe how valuable important tkls tafnrmatton wobld b to bait prnvw the quality of yoar plctaiwa lafai try for a kocwr tkla vrteb of will playiag wltb bu tavorlt toy the oae ba lway make a rush for wbaa h gu boma from school what u it alad a acootar an enraw wagon or a bicycle ilaa ba a cowboys aultr in any cat kfrtp your catara loaded watch for mm at play and anap a plclur of blw that u cbaractarlatle of bu play- tlua boura 11111 i will grow up but not bu pictures and you will ba glad uut day to lav blu bafora your ayes tba llttl boy agalu at play just as ba was ilataaubar tba plctur- you waut is bis natural alf so dewf ut aim iwm or you will mora llkaty gat an attatuptftd lupraoaatton of a wooda aalduir not huh ramam bar that be ubould not ba atarlog di rectly at tbe catnsra wba you anap- tba abutter lat bltn ba ibeut ott tba lb lug ba u doing otbwrwlaa tba pic ture buy look as if you bad just interrupted hint with a acoldlg and ordsrod hltu to atop uake two or tbrae abooi of blm doing tba par ticular thing you waut tba picture of and try agala if aaetaaary uut ii you gt that quality of baturalaaea la poaa and ait urn that uutkoa tba true cbarta of rhlldrtt h pictures if you raat vluialla a good story ulllng picture jmmi will and labw barabe uias lu wagalaa aapa- c tally tboa catering to tba nonm or cblldrau it would ba quite uausual to thumb through tb pag of on of tbaa uagaklaaa without finding an advertlsatuabt or story tvom wblcb you would get an idea you can apply to a fcimpebot la or around tbe loomi try it and dont forgat to kmmfi raod bf the aparturw yow bead and tbe abutter aawad 14 jlqllwyakouilllkr looks at wkalth rovkattt ooudem ttoct the rich and the poor meet together the lord la the maker of them all proverbs m la90n patisaoe luke is 131 lly murnlng noons and nights may nothing mean to thea por i may tare by lights ttiat uou caiso never tee ym eacli wan goes a way tu otlter knen urftaoen por each man has a tay that oswiii for hhn alone ucb man u r hunger u humanltys unsolved ptoblem aluliuns of people go i sleep hungry every night- ihe aril 1 capable of producing jood oor ail but our sysum of cuatrtbutiori l faul ty wa nave actually been destroy tug gteat quantities of toorhliif wtule mlulons are in need yet dur ng the depresaion a mars- a tood man hi kaany ways made uio nuulon oouara nrofw by specu lating in one atock what wul be hi mental atutuder lie will be worried to invest pla kalns wafwy lie vrth have to pay a large sum in income tax the cares of riches snjj ao en grow him tiial heftnay be largely unoontcious of tbe needs of his fel low men yet near his office tnea are struggling- for a place in a line to get tree buns and coffee and in dune the rich hum will accept this contrast as normal he is honored by his- fellow men andbv engrossed in business rus thoughts a ood be come leas frequent- when be has any time lor social life u js shared with people like hltnaeu thoae cloth cd in purple and one linen faring fcusaptuously every day rear man m 11 the poor man had little but his name the rich man was anony mous a certain rich man vaguely called dives in latin while the poor man has been lmmoraliaed as laut arun- what was his mental atti tuder could he love his fellow men could be trust ood as the dogs osme and licked hw aorer ue did hot want much only the crumbs that feu from the rich mans table and perhaps he could hot be sure of that in the year ibm this parable should hot be studied as li but ax life in canada lion people auw fcuxf dep upon reuef and thousands of one young fniutw are sull in relief eamp during the war large sums contributed for aoldiera and dependents but there has been such generosity during the depres which in some way is a greater crisis even than the war the responstbu- ty has been accepted by federal pro vincial and niiiiii4pi aji n bodies and the costs will be a bur den upon taxpayers for generations yet to dome it is to our credit that provision has been made tor those in need but the situation u far from being socially ideal in our country rich in natural hssouroes there should be ho beggar at the gau cawdsuawa awveread xx14 what would jesus think if he could walk down thai streets of a modern city lie would tee tkyacrapers cost ing millions and a few blocks away vermin tofeated hovels with several families living in each ue would ea three thousand dollar coat in a furriers window and a ahahbuy dad mot hmuatlng about a single pur chase in a five and ten cent store lie would seer wealthy diner buying three dollar dinners while a young married couple cannot afford milk tor their baby jetus would feel the injustice of all these con traits and would tay that jusuoa would some how have to be done in the parable he told of mhwin being rever when tha beggar died he was carried by the angel into abraham s bosom but the rich man who had an lm presslve funeral service wakened up in tornkenldbscostioki as to the whereabout of heaveaa avyj h should not direct thought from the all unpotrtant kubject more directly in una with the thought of jesus tha question of economic jusuos on tjarth dives in purple and lin en while laaaruthai the dog lick ing his sores oin aihae be a fink order of society waraw phtauaw kit bc in the study of this pfhpt the ctenhy of heaven and hell hak been the theme of much speculative controversy but there is ho d what ever that yy4tr statu do baoum thted this is true of right as wu a terong on who haht ally hiake right tw n to do it almost automatically ft would be a uruggle to do wrong xtf tha ma token those who habitually make wrong dwfrlorai lose tha power to do right the habit etfeou am mtmnh and tend to become ftxnd jesus jlpoke of a great gulf nxed behsus he knew the wide divergence hi moral altitudes between those who act from opposing f princlplel a person who bi accustomed to cer tain standards of living tend to iiv them tor granted and when auddenly as in the past aawan years adverlty combs the former favorite of fortune is aggrieved character may be judg ed fairly weu by the personal attl lude of poople to money rvw have the neomsary toner resources to wlth- ktand the temptation of either aud den wealth or audden poverty tt wtdaaaev kf u it u easy for our aocul sympathy to hwvane hardened tjb nation participating in the onal war still have military iww fllbi with aoffering knen yet armamehts are being increased as never before the history of man after a jarier of depretlon surely the ques tion of unempkrymant aiiould be a burden on our heart but politic are uu partisan and luxury trade nour- uh the rioh man to the parahk vra not condemned for betog- rich but for being tltoughtlea and heart- has lie could have halped lasarus at the gate but he was u interest ed tn lua cloth and huab uiat he bakly gave a thouaht to the beggar to need oondttlon itave improved in modern time ww know year the income of the united btatc was titty blilion dollar eighty per v of which went to people earning was than ave thousand dollars a yr but conditions may yet be greatly un provod the miiia must be gtvwn greater security as to work and aub- liit the uv the prophet and the gospel are agreed about uui ill far kkaboawjaw 1 llave any reforms followed uie price j4ad tnoulryf 1 which 1 worse self pity pimlser 3 llow loos can citvada ntluf fmymentst a iketog poor himfecu why did juu dvtdore povertyt wluch tovorveg more pert com mutuutt or capiutlinlt judi award the abihtdsy clock to the plflnuff derendattt and wluvl do i getf judgav you get the sight day in order to caur to an intelligent public one must have a mall supply llubbyu you dont atop tiatxmg m iwi going to ieu you a few thing wiry you might basin by lellintf nw why you eauwd m isaby tn your aleep ust nigh rev m sunday itev iluly iunday um oldlime evangelto dird the other day like lnamond jim llrady hilly tiunuay brlongtl to an age that l past ids lucn may tuef be seen again hilly flunday had a primitive mind aitd brllrvrl itr prctentwl u believe in a dvu wttlt ikorjk- itoot and a tsil it vu omvruknt to aiare up udi a pcraonallty so utat sunday tn bl antics tlte utsgr could leap about and du hu 1um1ow biutlng wiyi stall r along willi lit flshl of jor drvll sunday waged war on rum hl drams tic appeal to utr vmoiiuiut led thousands u riotaiuw and to lgn the loodtfr trtnjkmsrtly hut a check up later on rrlrd tlial like new vrars day good resolutions uwr voax were forgouen by many slier hilly wt town mr huulay n camtialgnu wens wry prontafale lie kept a clot nyr on the financial end of thlng lie tlv jtitjukee prohibition comejln and go out again arid family troubles cloud edt-the- uter years of hi life lie was u nlouireequtrr charactrr and he had he gu of making epigraum and fanbutifl phraw wuw of wlvioh we reproduce here snve mep xhy a umt word tvoly llke a horue at an automobile tit devil makc a lot of trouble for me but lm kmidjui hhn busy if you want your wife to be an- atigel dout irtwl her like uie bevil tike the toother who uddhfi inlaed her boy mith prayer- aiki good luckory you can t pray tiy kingdom comq and look at god through ihe bottom of a brer bla- jm turturud that ood docs a well a ite dor willi the material he has to work with an old soaks like a rottm apple ho already fallen and the- devil do4ni liave to thskc the tree dont try to be a daniel webster jesus put the cookies and jam on the lowest shelf morality lxrti the light it u only the polish on the candleetick when you get right down to the tacts there l nothing wrong with people but the devil in them i have no faith in a woman who will talk about heaven and taake itell but of iter home one of uve danger feigns of our day is the curse of idle mothers i dont know of a tajer arwtoarge on berth than youtyihother apron string one reaton tin oourhhes is that it is treated like a cream puff instead of a rattlesnake we are rnaking money by the bucketful in this country but were going to hell in carload lots freight prepaid ood knows how to run 1x1 busi ness dont be a fool and try to tell him how to do it the man wlw lives tor himself alone will be sole mourner at hi own funeral love is something you cant quar antine you cant reason with it any tne than you can with a bulldog with a hone a good woman is tlte nearest ap proach to liravm in human form but a bad woman can do more tricks with a man tlum a monkey with a cocoahut a father pays a tou bill but the devils bul biuu be paid by the kpcndcr x never knew a communist loclal- 1st or other had alio would refuse money if you offered it to him tlio who never liad anything and likely never will are the kn their criticism of wealth home is ute place we lore htt m where we grumble uk maul do right and fear no man dont wrile and fear no woman itn getting tlnl of hearing ood almighty picture as a putty faced doughkeaded mek peron llellgicn in america today is to the cellar of uke league of ralth oh i tried this nice highbrow theo logical itutf once i went to a book and i crammed my brain with ten- tences long enough to make the jaw of a greek professor squeak for a week it dldnt amount to shucks oo i vent and loaded up the old gun with rough on rat ipecac dyanmlie saltpeter rockalt and trwry kind of explotlve and i pulled the trigger and tiiat pharhee gangs been on the run ever tince god almighty enjoy a utile fun sometimes lie made monkey par rot donkeys and tone of you when god turned the booft on all but noah the people were so foul a turkey busxard couldnt ny over them without holding lis hcoe temptation is uie lun of which christians abe made if the devil hever tempt you you cant your rotlsiance to sin when a bo ystarts calling tds father uie old man puts in a good share of the night trying to open a jack pot lies up agfclnt a quart of red eye in the suds parka and crawl in lite hay at four to the morning he uiinks he is a man lie 1 a fool there are thousand of men so out rageous utat tltey ought to ba made o take a bath in carbolic acid and formaldeliyde and compelled to a decent life for two years before tltey touch ute hand of a decent wo man or ute doorbell of a decent liome tlie more oyuer aoup it takes to run a church tlie fauer it run to uut devil if you only believe ute things utat you understand you tttust be awful igvutramiu the hlble says forgive your debt ors tite world says sue utem for uteir dough a prudent man wont ewaltovv potato bug and utco take parts green to kill it temptation is ute devil looking through the keyltole yvldmg u opening ute doorand inviting him in you can find anuung to ute avcr- afee churcli today from a humming bird to a turkey bussard duihfed repentance 1 burntog ute candle of life in ute ervlc of ute devil and uten blowing ute nk- into ute face of ood xf every black cloud had a cyclone to it the world would itave been blown into toothpicks kmg ago home peogjle pray like a jacket- rabbit eating- obbage yank tuune of uie groans out of your prayers and hov in some if you would itave your dilbsrcal turn out ell dort turn your homel tnin s luncli counter and a aodgbsg yes and mo by hal c vermes eta u s irm j raayr an hi m mull f rr- wit irr- t r vki k mh ul i i iri a i- i lir t 1 aid tax u i t ii li ui t i r 1 arllnrl 1 r i ul i k i h i mi m v iy tlcy llul u i thai mlr v ml- shotrhi u mm a ri rum r hixl hlx rtrd f i tw h i- tml ir t i iflltr m xii titl rl r u i iii it 4 f r i kin tllt k lnjf list miiuflfd 111 tt h los iv r fh oti iif i nlli- ik lv n i a rv mui ii uldlf- mm arr ikeuvtlni tl hji 1 f tkrr iwj halilnlu lli r lurll srrlvni stxl iniutm n mvdlliut llicarmi ll4th qi lh- h ut h ate pn tbe lurf awl feuubey atlll voujuc tby wql run a rmd prtrv llcvtej i bavar nlewtnl th wn u rasltrf prtvavly vrltb ah ami ntvifry and i am atda m up tu erw bl wliea 1 ay nst mtsnshs will win ihla rxmlwt dy says mlw ue will plank down nr mil on 4hsnphnl a uviuj vu irw irr that h will art tlxr tnt losltltoly i vayri iwhu- m b bur ha away nn anoihor nt his jtiqupt atvslflnum rrmtd hat wben hurtle is gmta usrrj the iirkmi let nul w ute plain wnnls with rsney trlmtnlruia t why all lh vrclsmstory nownrksy 1 ak lunin aaye harry lt la ty to v n that heril la tlrvlny in pul tbe flnrer on u hkatn jw yjl in t rrnwmw that at tbe uf irnek m rw k hro i- gh u- a immdlfw up tn rttrmt and then slugway wltmr va i rply an i the riasfvn he d tklh u i i rl wrrjlmmly to crsrk d mu tbflr tl tish ou v lewl w i and lay rr helling ti sji by the pari tnotoel ayateca the rwlcbt un kag way may way up lb th air abd ltrtt wins hlmaetr five grand iv11 harry eonilnuea as they nr tbe pari muluelu here at arllhg tnn park toe ran t you are that hertle la trying to glvw us an ther hum steert he is ubdeuhledly telling cvrylody within m taallea to bet on thahgbal tberernrv there will he very tittle woay nn llttnky dory xrept tor what tlertie cracks down hlmaflf ho tbe price on thai lui will be very beautl twl indeed and itertie will collect hn other barrel nf cberrlee by but king ilopvw out n everybody alse and tut thst arclahtui u udder is in ded tbe khiiatlon it la plain to be kren hilt hiw all we have to tin u put down our donah ab hunky imry and clean up ouraehea that la lurfectly rlkhl i agree we know front tsat experience that luer herlle ib the bt plrkr af winners anu ng iir- so my vote la that as we have flgund mt that l really knows hunky dory la tbe hide what wilt wlh we should my down all ur ctterri right aerou hi no au it i waablnutu among us we tho lay our century noise aleng tbe line an hunky dory te win watch the board says harry whad ae alt in the aland now you will see that tbe price on shanghai whleb is at nntrat tnokl will atsrt dropping a luetl fcttea around giving averybody tbe false up yte i say and iba price of 3m tut kluaky dory will alaynp just like itertm plsutad that it would and that is exactjy what occur tba price ea shanghai goaa down until at live bnal sweep it la 3317 while the price aa hunky dory only nutter a httw and and still generoualy ovar w bucka tbror we know that we will beet ttertl at bi own gatne and we are very happy tndead hut a mudder ae frequently re- aasrka wltb bangtail and blond en can never be positively sure what will happen- and in tbls case we get the shock of our life wbae shanghai win it u indeed with great pleasure u odder reflect wbett hattu fcaeet be after tbe event ba tbe paddock we inrorni ou that you are a double dou- blcjroater and yeu ought to be abet at auurt and preferably before but gentumatt lurtle proleet wbae we explain hat ba lappaaad you do not really tblak that i would purposely provide that yea aheald lose your eatlre beak do year that little affair at tbe dag track 1 just tried out to aee if i could bj the totallser which wa aew te me then and it only coat yj tea bucka apiece which if you will- reaaa sa i spent a lot knot than that on tbe party caubretla my wlnalaga tadey bewavar i knew that you want te be tbe whole barrel af cberrle ad eg yeu are indeed tey vry beat pel naturally i give yen tba straight up aa bhaagbat tacfor aeya uarry tbe only coautullon we gets m te and out tkat you are not a dauhlectaaeir like we auapvcted howevac that do tut rmara u th tea grand wblcb we have lest va hunky dory rut as yeu are one of our partner i suppose there i nothing to do bat target it wblcb we ha berewllb but wltb muck regret i am indeed vwry sorry gantlet uiys tlertle that yeu de not figure out eorrsntly that at tbe dag track i did not uveajp what i bats but that when i tnl i you tn bet on hhahgbal today 1 was very serious indeed i sre with harry f roaclud thai ue ulll bave to forgive yea and isuhlallr tmaua as be and i have lwn very tnurb uarrird fr nmny ifjra vm liarv bad similar axperienca hi ttw uul llul barearter we will ha turt- i rvnwwlwr that ynu are jum a tutu ii uli i about tbe only tlnie aba liwaui ulml uhe saj a la when ah do nth njy aiitthliiii motkaaats poofu said the faxrners tt plain to wife tltose boyn wll nuke their mkrks in life tltey never a ere made to pandle a itoe and at iw to college they ought to it t vna jofiii aiwl henry tti clear to toe freut tnett in thu wwild are tura to hut tptn lies lutle above a fool ho joint and henry must go to ultool h a rally all quoth rjnrr ihown a 1m- ut hlf mug of cider donn xim dje man wwg in a day tor his hturroatt w a sunday school teacher discover ed to iter dugnt that name of ute mu member ef her chts had tak n as literal truths the talea of and nl gods and goddeme whlrb n had read in child n mrthotoag j st tr tmol um determined to tlmaroy xfils qvllef by a iiraiile logic and atk ed k wak it faipimuted the world un bl- ihouklerst atlas ul i mary a liulr girl tromiily rrmtnded yrfi now think if ite vm support ing ute world mi hb itoulder tj i he could hot itave been staml on it now wltst mipim rted at ltti7 tmutdeioun ulence prevailed ir i ute awl ttien u little girl oltr tor limn im ih tf hu brouterc tut in three iuk lraruln will kicver idanl bean nt r into iotst nut uh un you re bftrn nor tneiid a rod of broken inter r my part glte me nimmi mtcw hut hl wlfethe rroa wx ixhtod to rule and u th boyn were j lnt to aclimtl wlolf tni of course vfs left be mint tuf llli irttatoter uld ite itad bo mind rlv j rat 5 at trhool the uudertl tprnt ttint nidi one into bumitra- went ji tiu learned to play the rlute and iwllr and parted hl- ltslr of eouil in tiu middle tbouitbj hi brother looked rather hlylter utan he atw hung out hlv ijdngle if hrown u d uranhlt- nt ltomc their brother tn had takm a ttotlon into hu itesd tliouuh he ald not a word but trim med lui tree and hood his com and iowod ht peas hut uxneltow either by hook or crook he mhhagtd to read full many a book well ute war broke out and cap tain tom to buttle a burwlrrd toldun led and whfn tiu rebel flag went down came marching home as oeneral hrown uepaired the houe and broken fence hut he went to work on ute farm again wanted hu com and owed his grain and profile kaid he had common tense now common lensc was rather rare and the tate houae needed- a por tion utere 0 our famllj dunce moved into town and people called him governor hrown and hl brotlters wlto went to the city school came ltomc to live with mother fool tovrnshqi of esptsing lfet w4 sasue a farmer wlto was a witness to a hogucaling case teemed to be ctretcliing a point- or two tn favour of ute accused do you know the nature of oath the prosecuting attorney roared sure do you knosv you are not to bear fahe witness egalnt your nelghbort im not bearto raise witness again him im bearin false witness for him home of us save our money unall matters to we can uuow aaay in big bunche li oh i kit married a rirh ctuvslnxl obi oeptlernsn ton treet car to ruin velio luv just sef- lied in the scat ite ha vacated 1 iarddii me ur hut i jnraiu that rnl hr uiti lady perei ilig mail oti it- quite ali right ttjaix my w- d j f kantrtasty notlck notice is hereby given uiat all renl drnbf of ute towrtslilp 0 ivqije ing ate rcoulred forthwith to clean ulelr ccitarx grains yarch pig uya wanr c1omls slid other buildings slid premlvfitv aftd remove all dirt nitli manurr or ottter jnbfanonfi u hlch may endspger ute public llealut uttd lo llsve amw ootjipleted by the lsui of mnv twxt on which usy ute juiltary inajkector will com meiior- a general inspection all rcaldenls are eamecuy request td tovjrthp utrlr premkes oonstanuy clean and hi utoroughly banltary oon- duktn note no pig stye la to be erected wluiln co ft of any dwelling itoue road ttrect or lane d iiapono qanltary inspeclor exqiifctiiitf april ttnd 1ua at the iuhlic healui mijnictta1jty of oatoatcfllxwk ctusmu are at i a ax all u caaagiy with the trwbhe ueahh act notice is hereby given that all real dents of georgetown are rcqulrcd- foruiwilh to clean tlteir cellars uitiunjyards pig styes water closets outbuurings and outer prenuae and remove utcrefrom all dirt manure and outer substshce which may en danger the public liealth and lo have same completed by ute lelui day of may next on which day the sanitary inspector will conunence a general to- pection and further take notice tin the section of the public health act prohibiting uw keeping of hogs between ute lth day of may and lsui day of november except in pen at teat to feet from- any dvelhiu and s6 feet from any atroet or lane uiui floors kept clean from all stand tag water and regularly clmd will be strictly enforced all cltlxens are earnostly requested to keep uteir premises constantly clean and tltoroughly tllsinfrced joaeph aibhons mayor of ute municipality of george town apru 32nd iftsd 3t greigs wildwood poultry ranch ean new awawdy at abart atatlee tbe f ha wing frwaa rtl geveraaaent apatrevad mack orade a and bpeclal uatlng ctuckx day old pulleu wliite lrnoms whhe xtocks barred itocks wttlte wyahdotlei and hew llamphlre aed day old noofiter in all the above breeds pullels in all the above breeds from day old to readytolay beoond generation iteuured male hlrds in all the tthove breeds except mew llsmptlure hed gd er pvioaa free feed infers hern ealalagwe and eariy wrder amv- mesd ail khaaw af ftalaaauat prieed traaaaeahly s wione 320 georgettown into ttouse clutracter need rto fepluph youj oan bury ute man but character will beat the hearse back from ute grave yard i the lord may imve to pile a coffin on your back before he can fret you i bend tlie herd unu for a man to urw lib wild oats is between ute age of ttw trouble with many men u utat tltey haw got jum enougii religion to make them miserable a farnwr paying hi firxt vhdt to uw washore aidfnd a boatman if he could buy sunt of ute water to take lutme to show hi wife the boat- man assented and chafed the farm a a quarter a few trtour later the vuttor returned to the shore xty now ute tide had gone out and ute man kaaed opmhmtuutad aft the spectacle by cracky mhter- he said youve cerialnly done hlg- wliieaa famaay notice to creditors ih the koate af mary aaa carduell late af uae vuiage af tium wullaaa be the caaaty f ualuai wievw deeeaaed all hjuofiil liavlng claims again- t uu estate of tite above named mary ann cardinel wito died on or about the tturtyfhat day of marclu hub at the village of qwi williams are required to finhd to ute undrrslgud aollcltor on or hectare ute tturtocnth day of stay itoo full itarucullr of their claims ahvl any securujhi utey may hold uterefore xnd takk notucb utat atler ute uitrteatut day of may ltrm the sau texeculor will prooaod to distri bute ute til having resard only to the olalms of which utey aludl uten itave received notice and uuu they wul not be liable to any tasmon of whose claim utey will not then have received tkotice tor ute asaet so dis tributed datiab at ooreetown uu thlr- trcnui day of april ajj wod jcut7tu m ulwodow doilcitor for kldward ainwhlrter mr farmer heres why you should read your newspaper in utfi first place of all mr parmer ou are intcr- ttrd in georgetown becaile it la ute logical niarke- or ute greater part of uie produce you lutv- to ell george town people are ute conumeni of wluu you have to tell and you being ute producer of what they mut buj arc a person of mlglity unportancc to utem you have a coounon bond anyoitna utcn utat cefects georgetown or lis people affccu you by abecung your market anyuilnt uuit atfecl the formers of georgetown dl triot ha a vital bearing on uu bujnes life and general status of georgetown we are after all one in point of view eocvwnlaiilly in iircnuiig ute neat and other lltroj of in terut eaclt aeek tiu lharld l guided by uil uutughl uunu of bittrett rcgafdliig any iiiulj of farm aoric or life are luihltjud together wiuj ute nea of ute enure rural dhirku mwtiuilp council mcellng are given itarticuur attention also are ranner cluh inututea church bocietlos c uvljdctf tlie buyng oprtortunltus lulad by ui stores ttte lip raid 6 new advert ifaabent sectioli u of interest lo partners there l oontlnually lomcuumiyjif fered for ale utat l of uc to you and when you have anyuilnp to ell uiee advertisement- uke jour tocwagi lo uiouaiul of ituyers in your own dluict for a anall sum you urc aio kept conunually in touch with ultat l occuntng in oeorueuivtn oclally liuiajrlally and in municipal government by uic conililete survey af ute town uctlvllei watch ttu hi raid prsiil regularly and by uie coil lant cltanges taking place wtilch ui netts you arc kept informed ol tlie condition of your most lm pirumi uuukfel mr parmer you sluiuld be a careful rwuler of ttu he t aid every week are you t ttt cost u but 3 ceiil a week if you are not ahvady a uhxriler clip ute ooupon bo low and bioll ll to tlie herald ohice with lie which will ghe you ttw httruld for g tnonuu do it now 4 nil- 1ujiald ueorttown oourlo kudosed itleue find s ocnls ai subscrkituon to fllu ihrukl for 6 ummiuki at ute end of uuu uuu x will noufy you if i wlh it dlsoonunued shwvh thm georgetown herald swaaerlaalaei atataa j 5 per year to advance united otates wjvj additional hlngle oupaes 3c llotli old and hew addresses juniui be gimr wlteii change if aodrea l requeaod aalrertniag kuttealcgal no- tkr 12n tcr line lor drt in irit ui 7 per lute fur each ulxliueul hierttun readers u k i ut for each insertion 11 in hbirk laoe the v per line adiiiluutal nuucta quauftftog a coming i- vents such as umu entertainment ao- ctcty chuiili or organisation mectliig- ric fie per hoc mini mum charge ut itrpori of tncctrilr imim gladly inverted free in tncrooruun notsoes 0c and 10c per iiitai fcxtra for ntaov lurth mnrktage and lralih qoucca ioc ufpau ad- vertnccpcnui one inch or less lac fur niil insertion and tc loc tcli julbbequetil insertion liiphiy advertising rates on appiicauon aultougli oery precaution wul be takesi to avoid ilte hecatal acocdb adi ui it- columns on the- uhder- suimilag uux u will not be liable for any error in any ad- litlsenwiit published hereun der unices a proof of such ad- vertisrment is requested hv ue adfi rtter and returned tn the lleiakl buiuiteui ofbce duly aagn txi by ue advettiser and with uch error b correction plain ly holed in wrjung thereon and to uiat caac if any error ao neied b not corrected by the herald it liability shall hot exceed such a proportion of ute enurc cost of such adver- luement as the space occupted by ute noted error bear to the wltolc pece occupied by such ad v chnemcn t j m mookl 1ahhhr ttslid dairy cows rtjkeukds gtuama bxd for type uid kroductlaii sixty mbn ul up tv delivery on track kwdx cumlkenuori eeruzlcjaes b cepted u eoluler cuy irtal puuu murco farms undsjtv ont rkk ua hmij teuri debts debts if you liavent already sent jour ilt of accounts or holes lo kelly a aiken tw cilliilln ymj 11 mium be viae to do ao tto kadio repairs hugh lindsay ov vecetabie5 60u fiowers fe 1025 vegetable seeo 1 a af tat ase txaf hyvjuu bmauju fun free eijiiifiiil tizrt mfrttjen biaotxipiktls seeds onlvic4pm s reports chicks all and more than we claim pilom way down eau to 1 ivlnce udttard loand i wrap- uil u by a cat ulled buyvr of uray ctuckj t luve been ifcurtatf my rhlclu from ju for ute lau i jeara ancli and utem all and more utan you daun lor utem- laa iecic quoted wltst a i quebec cuuonwr wrote us aftir i recclvtna a ijupmcnl of too llru chicks the beit ktoklng i lot of chicks i lue ever re- l lvd from any tulpiier in on 1 u tluj acek before utat told you about an ontario 1 purchaur wito uas so pleaaed ifciui hu uraj flock utat he i aid tluit uny were better i bird uian you advcrtlud unt j it cluck of uuu stamp that i jou wan under youft brooder j uils itrtngr clet a copy of our iqjfi catauigur look uuo ute i tuvediug and luitcfuiry meutod j wltlclt proadue iuch clilckv r t cluck up t ute pricez youll ulut uuui very femanoahle quallti cnnfjilared dont de- luil 11 ur may m thtng i lu know w bray uiw chick hatchery lkn tauik

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