Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 3, 1936, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtyjfalnlli year of publication t the georgetown herald wednesday eveningp june 3rd 1936 150 per annum kn advance 200 to usjv i tke georgetown herald jf l moofu twhlhrr aal fraawielaw member of um canadian weekly newspaper association cnk lune table lnrrtlw april 2bui imc salada orange pekoe blend has by far the finest flavour laladff tea i j i new schedule txctivc may sral m leave ceoauaetown da1l 0j5 ujn ilis am 1jj5 pm 3s5 pm has pm ais pm ujo tun 5 45 aurrt 8jt5 uhi 11 j6 tun j15 pjn 4 is pm 045 pin 015 pa eastern standard tuak itineraries planned to ajl points i canada united suuu and cm ural kfvttt jonn confectionlkv directory lukov uu-ilc- onloui onxory tltl bkk- uuu st tunneth ml lnuk6m wiliaif uuul uukr ust mortaa uoo la l4a rwi itn ffi r fiauta lankv cm1vboh lawkkncs cook ws iky it k huv luaey tux l fedvrd oaok gordon onjrdoo us ttla si nkvtfe imattiton lueoiaooa 11 r k arusok wns mjul ooo llotu- to katmpi itoundr prank fetch lmzhsan awononamm fc u ci wi ul uha promt brwlt challuhua m r a utriruini url monuments foulock a ingham 4tmwm to cawr worth gait onl fw4t our woric in grmatrtod owabtuy commercial printing of all kinds we can give you satisfaction the georgetown herald tit ule of tike late w d matt real tttuu dealer luu been valued at tllttjq and as left ukhl wld w who lives ax hurluiglofi oublohw lilt youye giving a tiiece oi bone uutclw llo no im nol youye paying tur 1l quick ljlan coolcno qulrkl on tkl irwlantiy off uknettu soothe odorleaa ihuls ilnit eookhuj by electri city thciut wjxm electric ifangex accomplish cookloif la t tnu tlcpiklably and tboiuimlcouy we can tu you ull thr lib tend outs of tire trio cooking it youvj ln- trrrvtrd utmj 1w bi ihca duy- of advanord conveniene g r- muckart r mw w c1iytw annual meeting halton liberal conservative association tle annual mcctinr of the halton liberal conservative association will he held in the town hall milton friday june 5 1 936 at 8 30 dst important reorganization and constitutional change will he tlicuised all members of the party are cordially invited l l nxck george e elliott president secretary thtv anfivls knfcw him ij a tunny little fellow of ulr vrry purrat type fw he hud a tieart aa mcllow as an aple ovrrrlpe and lh brlkhtau lutie twlnklr when u tunny ihlaif occurml and ur uahut little unklu qt u uiusli yh ryrf hrard ll lauiitird away the lurrtw and hp lauglwnl away uic ifloom v- urr all j pnaur to borrow riynr lho daxkneaa o the tomb ami iwj uutflmvi atcoajtuw oticon qf a lutiiy life aitd pakwkj with a laugh of glad emotion r into iaraduc at 1au a fid v uilnfc uwt anu knew hlto ajkt they guumfd id await ills coming and run to him through the widely opened gal with thelw facto gleamlnir tunny u pw liit uiughuu loving take and thinking wlial- a runny utll- angel h will make jatnoa whllootni luley ctbjuanv rrjllfalu h utlxomk for tthada when the thtnl worua tultry congrma wa held in ottawa in 1sot uie lafgv oonllngent of vbjtois from ocnnaity carried away wu4 them reeling of the deepest appeclauot at the open haepltajlty they received in the canadian capital and other tarta o canada they vulted thy made a point of making thu appreci ation wldley known and now alter nine ya the kindly thought is to be translated into deed it u canadas turn lo vult germany tor he blath worlds imultry congteat which lt to be opened at lelnlig on ofuly mih lext- mot only the oertaans who visited otuwa in 1c07 but the oflcalji ht the congreaa and the ocnmh oovenunent are making fcpecia preparation to weloome um canad ian contlngerit and repay uie self- impoaed deblof graxltude to caiuuliali lioipltaiity terra cotta um oeorg edge of toronto fcpent kmpire day with terra ootta friexwla we underatand that mr ft- w titarrit haa opened up a qualrie on mr 1 c ttvunpaonx farm on the 10th line ulss jennie ueawark who received lerloua injuriea recently when ihe fell fr he blcyrlft is we are sorry to leattctnouelph hospital and in a iwecarioum condition iler many frieiku here hop soon to tiear of her complete recovery j mr and mrs j kava and family have moved to zfcrubane where they are controlling a quarrle for the hum mer ur w j rutlftdgfl a son report trade featmnely brick at the reposi tory at present whip tr 19c shrimp 1 17 wuruuj tuna 2 i 25 uuv dii pickles 2u dalmy chm sandwich biscuits uund slmrtkraaa o 11 a c cnamfum x lt x3 laiaat peppermint patties rut mtert dllclui ii 4ac tu vmi can buy lastaall matted oteesc 2 ai k 25 wssunv pure orlnji marmalade m 20 aylmr choice tomatoes 2 l ayur bot beans n-h- 10 kihwll houl coffee 35 sjvr stir pllry i flour 2 55 kcllojji corn flakes 323 tea bisk 33 cuuj rita 2 h 2ot arrowroetoh hfc rot beer 29 nwayuuouj piaiwj tit- 17 h o powjrd ammonia 5 sa how w4j lflr if wui whl i luic flakes fe 21 economy in toiut soap fairy soap a w 11 cartolli dwa cleanser 2 91 for duk wli oxyclol l ni for all wiu sui 2iyt5 pl wht naphtu chosen tory leader llon wm kajfuu itows wtu last week wam chosen as um new leader of tile conservative fmhy in ontario georgetown ttukal hwek uistuct hkbvsts ul consume with power aervice now being of fered ln rural ontario t liut uian cost a lhlnl rural rate of three quarter of a cent fte power for farm radios washing machine- and sanitary systems together with other inducement brampton georgetown and atreetsvllle hurml fower dis tricts with others are displaying in creased hydro interest- during the first thrd of the fiscal year commencing nov 1 last u new hydro consumers have signed con tracts in these ower districts thu is much more than half of the u of 67 new consumers mllmatwd for um territore throughout the whole of ibm party lour of the new hydro consumers are farm dwauecs j as hydros apecial offer to far mers booomb better knom they in- elude free expert advice aid in pro curing power choppers and 50 per cent bonus on capital charges for primary uul secondary hydro line- rural ontario ls becoming hitched to hydro with increasing rapidity throughout ail ontario hural slower districts liearly a uurd of uie 123 new consumers dctimated for uie wttole of lb3a were cigned up before march 1 brampton hural poster district covers go wjuare uiles and has icxs miles of primary hydro line srvas lka conuua of whom 161 ar farm dwelelrs iteur new mikss of power line are eiinwcd this yealr oeorgetown hurml iower xislrict covers 100 square mil nd luu uu miles of primary line zt terves s43 consumers i6t of uua farm dwel lers three new railed of tine are fesjlmaled uiu year btreeuviue district cover ml square tnlkt and has liazt tulles of prim ary llnea it ctta 3 consume u4 of tlwm farm dwellers gevenj mllca of new line are esiimtod fori ibm salt b 10 6b20 carrolls cabbage 4 polalucs 4 i 25 htm gnu lbib no hlu mm tomate 2 lb 27c tettuce ssl 6c oitp nk iu oranges swut u jv1icy ifctca large 33c doz sue bananas 4in vuxuw 23c doz uiu1in vuxuw lemons t vua jjo 619 pineapples caulaltluinr shcul harfccl z six z main street free delivery phone 357 georgetown canadians uaiu alogt tujc- rionk cauls tuan tut kftmnjc of any otllajk couwrity ttab latest figures compiled frortl otdcial uturcw hy uie hell ciysiem as of january 1 1j5 and made pub lic today siiow uiat 3is4 tefetboae conversations were held in ca for every man woman and child in this dominion this record is approached only by uw united stales where the com parable figure for uie year was 124- it is a matter of lntroit that den mark willi 1673 and sweden with 146 conversauons per capita ww next in the line uaooj uie istrg telephoneuiing counlries of the world canadas outstanding telephone de velopment in um urtfcr centra la a feature of uie tiatlukst prefiented in uiis worldwide telephone aurvey with lgjbo trirphnrin per 100 popu lation in communities of sojmo and more canada ranks flith with use united statfcs in shtoi plaice la the lut sweden which has a eompar able developtnent of mj3 telephones i u find followed hy switzerland with iq1 norway is uiird with ulm and denmsu fourth with loir ul- phones per hundrd inhabitants in uie urgor cllifta oanada ranks high lo in tele- pliorvs in uie smaller communities wlui 734 per 100 population in com- munlues of iks uuui mo0o nopula- tlon uds dobunloii ls led by new zealand with 06 and hy uie united atalfas with 02 uleplwhias in ultee ls peopled areas on the basis of development uiroughout uie wliola population united stales is first with sm ule- plvonaa per hundred people ca bbcond with 1160 followed fay den mark 10j1 new zealand ultt sweden 0i0 and swltwrtand au qreat jlritun tomm lnui wiui oh ttie lalett rjstullos mak it clear that canadians continue as they have tin for many years lo place a very high value upon uifelr ulephonee as inttjfaled in the fact of uielr being tlut worldli leaders in um use of uie iervloe koval canins visit canada the loclal status of uie canine world oil uie pacific coast niovd up itveral notoluis recently wlui the ar il vol at vancouver ovr uua canadian national hallways of uunee arkto- crats amonf u10 toy biveds uifcy were tike uelglan qriffonw o much fancied hy leuropean hohluly ttii rare and ancient bread luu been pon- snred by many hoyal fatnilles tliey were imported from kngllih keiineb by urs alontague kaurher well known in social circles who rvlumod wlui llieni followliuf a tenguiy btay hi kng- land dox fancicn ar dlsplayliut u ken lnteiu in uie arrivals since uiey are utue known lure uotne of uw hollvwond stan ravori uie uelgisn uriffon and it is not un common for uw- toy dogs u bell in four tlgums ttie utue dogs ar lars hi uier own right and on uu trip across canada uiey liad numerous aduilrt as uiey took uveif airuu recovery almot during correspondence mlt josetfll baatlmont ttujlk of unihn nkwsrarttils hit carlton tunuitmi tie tim- la pusiind uiader toy door very moinhig it l said uimo proiiji- keart througli and i iov no doubt it b all lntertldg what utmuprc tik u le tattrnlloii to unall deuil-r- tls iniennl in world bffnln arid hi uu- trtty evidvmew hi a ult betwecu vicnr and hu church aartjen jliu l all given verbatim columju if it day afur day selfridgr publish luilf botumn on matters of passinaf intcreat every day something uke ufe mallu coruuinmejii oas column ctoday bt on the flnaii- ctal recovery of ijweuen and uu it tajtc wtial 1 have been saytug for srearsi i give you extract from u j sweden la enliticd to a high puco of hanor ainong uw r el lh world for itersucoeh in uie race ror conunerciai and loaiiitruil which followed tbc recent world- wde 4 r axle uepxesuw the oreal war sweden through a depression of a very wierioux charaoler at that time the oovcm ment appointed a member of ux itoyai coounissiuiis w assist uie country at urge and of course as is so often uie case ihtaac oommuuona had the effect of retarding ullnfw- uutead of aucusuag it ant all uioe in sweden drw a deep rireauvrof re lief when uve ootnmilons were abolished when uie recent dcpresloti caina in 1q9 government officials took ad vantage of tills prevlouv experience and decided to interfere as utile as possible with business instead of interfering and atlemptlng lo control matters which uie individual mem bers of irliament did uol necessarily understand a tnlsuke which un fortunately has al umeji occurred tu ouief countries tile swedish govern ment allowed enslness to be con- ductml in a straight forward manner by those men wtio tiad made a study of h and wlve stak was lu uie business and who were every bit- as patrolie as the members of uie government uwenuelves no momen tary restrictions liave been introduced with uie exception of lowering uie currency from gold lo paper furth ermore no system of quotas ha been introduced a system whic h fre quently been introduced nkuropean countries wlui not always satisfac tory results it seems to be known uiat uie ctuf factor in sweden s recovery from uie depression luu bem that her govern ment has not meddled with uie country trade nor vllh any prices on corulltloii of labor and uils per haps can be considered as uie mast important feature of uie whole lo tlie low figure of unemployment al present hi sweden may be anurely attributed to uielr pnera principal or letting bufonau and allowing it to aork out its own salvation- so muchfar selfrdge and uie times on wy own betudi i would uy uiat no ope could travel uirougu den mirk norway and saedn wluiout remark- uig the thrift of uc people in can ada we were told uiat only by tpeiid- lrufeouki we make or tiring back pros perity a fallaccy to absurd a lo ro- tnnrcno comment the morning luipera publish uie tlieeclica ui parliament vet batam erin ur and uim mr j ii henry muur j0i111 of n ada llrtiri of loruuto pent the wvek uid iih mr ruiid mr it hull ml vidu abbott of uie o a c llltipll mr jack abbott of caile- iinnniu uui mack abbott uj lordiii or in uf turonui visited ultli ih- and un abhotl ur ikjjwrjin xrdougml of toronto mr o o wirrvof winnipeg cmlted al hi- itonir of ur dundui mciiou- linll oil fiatl 4i o pr irirt stxllu lkmiur chwj 1iei fi lnging wlhon of dundav a largo number ill retnernber lien she went a number pf year u af utcf caliitat tatmtre oiwitli i hi swek with jk arthurs 0lgiial aifutbur wi tour uf oct inriij clio and lowns alurrn7d at xliouj losses of slheep wftrflad or kilted by roving packs of jot duriiuf olr pact few wreks tajr- liu r ih u1l1 district liao armed tfunijuri uh aiolgiins and ar night tkel passed mending their night- cloely walch lug tliulr dotk- lu bit auetnpt to end tile depredation of the dogs advo- ulr milton ttie engagement ls announced e mary kdiu ucaella daughter of airs hill and uie luu oeorge w 1u11 of milton to jolin h atrood of dunn- ulk yontumt um of mr and mrs ii w stroud of hurks lwlls onl i twt marriage to take place uie mid dle of june dr w e robertson and john irv ing motored to urajudford last week ahert uwy attended uie funeral of uie lute john moffat deceased waa born in nauagaweya and was a lonwr rjjetit of milton aluro he hud irlany frinul whn will regtecxo learn of hu uddn daui at a crowded and enthusiastic merit ng of hranch 156 canadian t- j gion held on friday may tnd ui following otucen were electaxl for uip ensulru year fmsident here adams 1t vice- president c h uoiwrtiig 2nd vice- president thomas court secre tary 1 1 alien treasurer adam armstrong sgt at arms h latnlui execuuve w randall c keni nedj o cookman t held and j taar surrounded by a host of friends j and many bouqucts of spring flowers mr sarali oluebm celebrated het cighlynlnui nlrtliday fct uie farm homo of her nephew anson itcduf- ec near ml ton on thursday lash 1 bonn on a farm ai postvlue trafal- iir townlilti hi halton county that her parents ur and uxs daniel mcduffee rfcfived from the crown ji has rujdd in tills locality all her life in her youui siie attended ttwlmunns sclwiol and the old method- alone l w church which were located on uie fann of licr uncle henry munn urw olllclan la wo are pleased to fay in excellent healui clmwpion ttie peeclis of uae lords flnt uien the commons the lords are debat ing at length uie bill to deprive them of uielr privelejte of being tried for alleged misdemeanor by uieir peers cliarlu first claitned uiat uie right being triad by ones peers was fundamental in uie constitution of england tliat uve ting 1ml no peer and uiat no one could try him as i think lie was right v will lot it eo at uiat and uie lasers ore discussing the bill qullc calmly recalling uiat trial by peers did not tavc uieir an cestors after uie 1745 rising i had intended enclosing uie speech of the duke of auiol but liave misiakl ii- tbe commons are dealing wiui the death of king fuad of egypt and their anxieties in uie luiopuu col lapse are not made easier by uie crit icism of uie opposition tliere are newspapers to suit all sides of politi cal and social opinion and the small evtnhiir papers are newsy utue tlieets one cannot speak loo hlglily of the wceuy illustrated papers making- as they now do almost an ultistrated his- mpm tory of the worlds dolngs rrom week 1 nierchant lo week there is nouuns like uiem anywhere else in the world i wonder canadian public libraries ja not make more ue of uiem and inlst on liavlng uiem on uielr reading room tables this weeks lsue contains a whole page of illustrations of uie moose luter mint tragedy patfe re lating o the kthoplan debacle a page to uie death of live king or ktfpt and uve ascension of his succasor king farouh last aeeks us filled wlui wlui ipuiwlld reproductions of the outstanding iialntlncs of live royal acadetn knglbji women ore crj utii ld- fornvd and take an uctivi part in poliucftl nd social nvocment of all kinds friday tiim- ronuin letters on uie lratpjc of nation- situation from lady oxford and edith lytlelon both constructive following one in uve previous usue by lord cluumi wood very full reports wluvout com ment are giwn of uve recent canadian hudgeu ttie papers liave been full cliartas laughlons apiiearanoe mollere at uie oatuedie francis paris u is claimed uvt frenclt actintf is uie best in uie world the english uvealre ls but perhaps at lioldlng uve mirror up to nature but ute french uiealre is beu as thealre proni- lus is a french play and li uaanin- cent uvatre wui a great ca t madge tltheradgv kdrva uch ann tbdd and uve old toronto favorite harry jonfts- atlended service at westminster abbey and st paul n cauimlrul tlic preaching was u ry ortliodiuc tlve singing especially at st iuul j was was magnificent tcvery return 1 find uve abbey improved uve prcscnt den u doing a great work in ida adjust ment of old iconiunenls the front ha been cleaned whlcli is a ureat ltnivrovemenu bringing out the small er figures acton mr and mm r l davulon and mr and uir earl il vincent and children and ulj eleanor griffin of erin visited toronto friends on sun- daj mr and mrs david chrltne- of kitchener announce uie engagement of ihcir eldest daughter iu1u1 jane to mr angus robertson kennedy son of mrs john ii kennedy and uie late mr kennedy of acton- ttie marriage will lake place quietly early in june a statement from uie liquor con trol hoard cave uie information uiat tlic corporation of acton would re ceive iwio as their than of uve licenses in acton to jjtarch 31st ibm from november 1st 1935 being 30 of uve authority fees for uiis ave month period i during a five month period sol traiulenls found shelter in the room ul uie town tiall la acton and regis- j ured for a higlii from december 13ui unul uie end of the month uiere were 4fi callers january had 04 february 77 march 7 and april ifi ttie quarters were closed on way 1st kunny hros actons oldest eslab- lulved retail business has been sold and uve stock acquired by a local ur u pallanl for over jut jean mess wm and john kcnney luivr coilducled a boot and i poe business in acton for many j years tlvey conducted uve atorw on malt street und abanj- fifteen or she- teen learn ago uiey told uve property and built uie present stare on mill st the keorvey brouicrs wlu be mied in actons business section but all will lh uvese brouiers man lean to enjoy retirement in uie home community wliere tlvey liave pent their entire life fre prfis interesting newrs items from near und far in grand valley all milk vendors mu t jeurr u licence from ui-anunl- rlpulity und ull eowa mu t be teated itw ctilnguarouy ivlrptiorae sys- lem have purtiuwd a new switcli- uwrd for uirlr rxcliange at clielten- tlam uipleraeiilary rstimatea tabled ln jlx frdrral house provide for cxpen- r ditun- 31 000 aad 70 for pen- xallguliveive wtiarf wlken her car turned ovejr threw tirnti after a tire liad blown ojt mrv lurok4wltsnn wltihantv auf rtrd jiotk severe ctu and brulseec lic muqtliy list resagned vpse itrlncjalsliip of cfeemore school his iao laaly kwoit jiu are abid leaving out uf 180 applications mr oor- dol h ktdd now ivachlng at dun gannona was chosen as principal of wlntiliajrn ijihllo tclwxj succeeding iw ute ai l posilrr aiiljoii loan councillors were very pleajd to learn at the lat meeting tli4it tx arrears were coming in at llie rate jf t a month and re- ikef cou only lllk66 for the rnonth of april tim town of hanover received 10s as its jiare of uie beverage room authority feed collected from uie three local hotels for truror minoif from november to april 1 bradford lntermediale lacrosse club received a pleasant surpris recently when uie manager of uie hradford wood lroducu ltd announced that- utey would make a d of tiweauhi l uie team and hon karl rowe unt a tlo donation while digging in the garden at k h elliotts plaoa on uie second line albion mrs marion pcarce toronto unoovrrod 1 full penny od examln- aljon it turned out to be an upper canada full penny dated le3 it t jw uil is quite a rare coin acton cllutcli to clxaftatatr diamond jurhjltac the program for the four weeks celebration of the diamond jubilee of uw united church acton as an nounced tentatively this week prom ises one of uie outstanding events of the year in church circles of that dis trict commencing with june 14th when the new pipe organ will be dedicated by veryjle dr t albert moore one of the score or more of young men who have gone out from uie church to take honored place in uie christian ministry elsewhere the following three sundays will be ob served in uve church by bermons giv en by former ministers of the town txoublf caused r txttttatjo maw l frlti haia4aaa 430 a da far room and meals at 10 and th a day fcere umout uie exiveiv j accounts of uve radio com- miiaii as brought out athlie iirobe is uiat uliat uve 1 license fee ls ued for maxcorroaclvi hww i tmw u ts utm ta rttir y uuuumh wkua kia b- svbliuy wwka4i4 anu li kcrfwtalr4iha- ttata i ti lia1 i luun htl lvtulkca jutt two mlt vu4 tat kst kusuu si tu im wla kkl m wjlua- ytvrf do u4 wuu kriaji clr cuil m- uja jisk slui lout kti1 lurvj h uy tu liwamt r r iiy- v nil luiat aaulrtur u nltl iwtuiw um si twie aaj fcfeau the cost of glasses deetsb largely aw use aaaliiy af iftta aad friit y we ajsaels lt a lkaraigh ej jvaatlailun is yarsi aiqawrlpaaea oar 1ua atw uw trice rt aaauty gussea u jjani as raiaeiilt aa any af use large city iwtfses cwttswu o t walicer ro oftometuist fcvkusi out 8fkc1aust hraaiuai who u at uoiuss dltut- stokt gwrw4awi use wctj wadaaeuay f evry aaiatfci or y way cmsitu o v wahuer ai kb abit l- klrwaaaiah 5 rheu1viat1sm a 1 1- i ii a a 7 aunt hetty uakwi alive idoiit believe no fat wdtuaii oould ever be so fat- uncle uy wlut y reading now hrttyr hetlywhy uiis paiwr tells about an kngluli woman who lost two tqousahd pounds switchino of ijtrtjlu on lcbvnljb ha1vs there will be no ihreax loiters 01 motor car liciiu plates next yoair hon t u mcquaurn ulnuur of highwaiys slated last week ttie k tiers hutoauj of ivrecedhur the num- bephr will be placed wllhui uie nmu- uer for fcxatoplei3f43 ur hlc- qlwv4n eid uiat lie and uie regu- irar would lry to work out aoua scliena wlkereby doclnrs would be v i veil a uisthiguisitlug letter otoe hundred numbers wiuunkc- ketter will be reserved lor uemberu of uie gov ernment nut yekrii lioeusw platod will liave rvd luinbeni and leilerat on a while batckxround ttie hew plated are behlg manufactured al the oat- larkl hciuf wsaloxy onilal a startling well piroveu remedy for all forma of rkeuriualtarii and blood ilxaorowa sou wtus a rnoooy back agrrjfoeit mtndelsons rheumauc remedy jprice- 9100 if you are mitfcring gl bottle rvow at tke geoi3getotv pharmacy phone 232 ritea v- eeaaqu hireirif kaaaa b u w eariea af meaaaw- mv aiiewasau kairwy u like ela4walal ftwf lfcwr eare a tlw kstauml atnawray 5 tvrwatta aiauasg- vwaw alale af lwu aaj aae tw fall will aay iww ajwfliiaia yew wask awawrrrcal let frt lawrawea tp yww vha ywasr i 11 1 1 n awd

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