9 i the georgetown herald suctynintl vr of pubhcatioa the gcontelown hexmu wafeewky evening june 244 1936 150 par annum in advance s2jw to usa tke grclan hetmm nmrapaprr atmrllfai cnr time tjbfc ajteetivr as kuk hoc laiiuard ttmek w cut paurnner c35 1 psaicrr and umit joj30 i pmalf wad mail 33 pusaangrrs tor toronto 931 kufrr suikday only 1j1 pajtiwger lor toronto bo 1 oag w4 payttenger and mall i pmsaanswr ifli nwi4t and mail cjtt passenger sunday ll 13 how to make iced tea etevsmfwmwsv esaeswen avsswd wea iiunai tliedj tem mi dheapwd tea muam the cost of glasses wri aall and passenger atntmiroaan newscfceaut imcnte may m no 1lkav ccobaetown bamv j4 jd- has j ss ttn has hit 11 jo pjo s4s j els uu i1js ul us t- cis ub sli tun kabrsmn htxttoamo tomm tuocvkkica frlimwd to fall txuni lxns mnciwmu tllilu fw pisiah krgy wa tfc- wawuty f u frame j wa ssjemaew ha a iawraw tvye evawsasliaw u yaarw ow lm ll o t- walkek ft0 ortomkiust birkhigkr tkclallast 3 wb a at k6ws bujo stou th c of omwfvwa eye o- t walker attended the orxtumu ctfak on cut uf the ey of ctourai hck hm is mad la in the city of hmlhm mr waikrr slate lhat the methods of analysing use w lor ocaaur problen in children of sicnool age have advanced rapidly in th past jeeeml years that snmnty abieasi bxi um conxkouovi lacutioorr leas alumuon b being a twtfanr uur chud out ipty be ml um1 morr a wbccber b ts irtxuaur 4ptl u uw dwtutivk rf ibe mmd- n ducktiuciwl uiuruty cnudrwa und poor andwtx i w uaju by um ur tended bv ondtarnkkic ohklc fe op utmtiy icxtucied by or a m sksf- iimw tniromukty fawrfonw- oweiie uithotity od tochnkmn futkdarty fctmtho wr u l uitu bomi by una brwty dr ol pcyoul fa- t u s or m knur aaai fc i i llnflm jjftj t o t wakar t u jk u directory lutoov uaur kc nil ui omnrisan omul udinkim m luumutom 1 i ikimir hlir rj w klartoa mw u l odoo uiib stint i i kc i teaky 1kj0l u- klwud cook r k watsom rultu mjbjl oova uout u l kasast i t a u nielsen iu ri in rfciimajiiin xkay y bm s t j fkank fetch monuments poiujockjk ingham burjufaoma la owr a worth gjtt on commercial printing ol all kinds we can give you satisfaction ihe georgelowi herau 1i t- w bo4 tteouiu tvmiac cuv tly you bt bobatf wbmfu lh hulk wlih jwlt ihiule lrtw ttaa iuu nne thmkik ml but i thlok kty ndo dnd bubbung hot tnesrls ao fcmuer ootmlort un lunxty of tlot wbrr in ue ikatter uk none that tan b rumfcthcd knare oboomlcalty ului by the mew type water lloatms thry me irvtrala4kn- tury in what they provide um jjlekmi- irofmioaky irltn trhicfa uuy brunt bubbln hot to vu 1 tfttiiwilr otwts ve uul st us about u g r muocart acton blfci jcmn uorrotf who hks amo4uly ul for the put fr j mootad on umvlay to the wes tern kloapiuj tn 1uoalo lor treat- kwsnl all ili a4ui her a ootapkie and ipedy recovery the ncmseacttt is announced lots kteu dkuchler otur t a mor ton and lh late airs uortbn of alston ip jtr clareno orahaw en haaa ton ol mr and ux e a kh-n- hjn of grorxtloww ttk knarrlafee will take place on july uh air kc alacphrron o waihiiitlon ixc and air jordon of tvuroruo call ed on ur and urs a a duu y9- tctdy ur and uvs 1l p uckrrihm and mrs chat- a- jtuvr ot tttmta vbj- td at the itonw of mrs c c sjieiht on sunday uev t a- uoon mrs il t 1- fsu- and mr and mrs percy robin- on el toronto vww feutajj at uobr- crojtt on suiwlay ur j u mcdonald actou as una dkoimi to continue a zone onmrnnukf for another yr at a vrveftlntt of zone 13 of tike ruvi union bkk1 heu t shelbourna pouc tjuarters it was the hnu zone tn uom time nearly every branch briny represented pre pr tlun mr peter mclaren ts vbaiin with tus brotlker or jatnes mclaren at altaout- mich mr and urx mainthau thocnpaon vtuted with mr and mrs- j tbomp- ion4n oeorieton cq sunday mr and mrs wu ibitey and l jack of uimoa were bunday vlalt- ors with mr and mrs kenneth xteh mr donald perguion hs rlumd lukne frotn the toroolo oeneral kloa- pital where he wair undrcotnc treat- tawnt atul b convalescing mrs jouie walker mrs jennkv hull mrs j juoic and mb mary mcmillan vuited with mr and mr ii prankum at kfarruon on bunday mr and mrs il matthews and no graliau mr and mrs o x hoot ot klilhbuig attended the runekal ol the late w k anukony at brampton on tueday tike mckltrick family held thelr annual reunion aj eitanley park lait saturday wtken a pleaant day was spmt tii various shorts and the pic- vk luncheon mr and mrs earl uealty and on john of sydnty bc laotored la krln and are vkiiun with mr and mrs w t mcknery aiw other rela tives in tike oorununlty advocmle any other way said or wattcar the court of lh orddnla olnlc it was ahowa by acnal raw that the umj school etlac of lb child- tent vyl kaetecy lot vtaaal acuity wax utterly tneflwciiw and trveuenuy dutcerous becauaae of uw tafa of bocurtty th tba vya child and us visual habits an ooaapahety tec vmtil um child fa la yoars old tn uibib tawuh oot only the dlractiy viswal ptofakeau acuit abdiiy bo xmvm the tyt oomfortaoty on on ohcc d perception fusion and perception of hmwoawl ua the p odd are otkniroucd hy per an tin optoaaecry but um thikfc actual pattern of be havior the capacity u learn um beiaen ouidc life its ocial and a capactty ar all tiapeovad by um um graduate ctmic tractkalty snc of all children either in institutions or in um hoaac are found to he sufferinc from visual disturbances teiiarrh shoe that while aaore uuui out of 1 children can saw normally at dis tance almost one of 1 are visually l ttoa child who rebels mrys school who la un able to do studytec reoulrtnc con- rentration wh f highly- btpoua and irritable hhaost alway hok under rratnination a tack of visual adpata- which fa the cans of much ot iu dimculty inabaad of bcolduw and punlfthirm toch chlldnm it fa aaore than hkeiy uuu a comfeveg and aaod- ern optoaaetric fc y- fa mr walkar fa v about thewock cva trfat taking thvt asdcnxlon work un der the direction of the ontario op ts auociation will continue um atudy of the kaaterial pceoented bt um cunie by a partes of periodical aaatturupi and clinics throucbout um of peoplw who are not crosseyed keep lhmwlnjf tvom be ing croasyed only throush the x- pendlluiw of triandouj nervous and aff ort thfa grvm rh to taany aaptons notably heartache irriijjvbiuty retltes awen indicastion and vm fakore nervous bodily effects of thfa drain on vitality iteaearch has shown aaethodx of gtaphing thfa inability to warn and afavorb and aaethod of readaptiort have beea perfect it fa to beoosae convenant with those new a that o t walker ut bfa praouce for thce two dasi correspondence int ikkaumokt ttoxk ov the aatdtnu ov tuk kings ratoctjucation ttm cmrlton london lord bfaronxflrld a landbner him- fell oweraaed by the tnagnuudr of um city it fa a wonderful place thh london he make one of his characters tell a nation not a city with a poputglion gnrster tlian same kinedcraax and distritx ax different as if they ani under differ tpv- cnusfau and spoke dhfrrent langu km t have been hen six ukonths anj my life has been passed in a parkc jwo or uuee aquaree and half a dn streets ndft fa bo i felt on acondax night x arrived from leicaaterat 8t- au acarlet aikd old the tnul tnacni tlcriit u ua bern my goud lurtuita tu wtuieas alihuuah not ivl villuti my ranse of vhion i could itear clarier itutct pa iclng of amu hie uerald w wo utoon ad the 1 roc l tlon bcl witicli live llciaklj bouikded vj ian larwa alur tike reading a nnarj fall trr waji umltkded like king a ouardj pietycntcd arm and tita culd strram uuaftk pluyrd like nalionj1 aui luiie uve mua tiilrirsting figure vo bv u uuil of the vtutidul lhikc uf norfolk hilalnd piemler ixikr htui hetodllary jtrl iktarsuall of htaglana upon wfkoe ikouldcis rj ukd rohjurt sibuity of the airangetncnt uf um coronation leading uve piuoeiaain your vilfe it talking of toing prance uafa im r wave you any objections wo fxrtalnly nol et he talk rfid hjoncmucfamj beef vkwy s mj mi j pickles w 23c qa lal socaaye salmon w- 17c allbran bel 18c soipos dm l yij wl we nil iln tj uai i mi j j- ua wh h14 lmmij oitjii i m v lwvwuul uu i j aj tv uw q- f miracle whip by kraft 8- bil 19c mayonnaise by neumanns 34oi ul xxx vinegar stsit cm mjem00 10c 10c mctlatv grtm punch cwisc lobster w 29c tuna fish pears 14w 14c chmmj tjl kotwaurii bmlj sardines gluteal new j strawberry ai skj o iu j peaches 2 2 25c v 25c zjc 2 it 25c 1u mod tuilam tu vmnu emi ttduj ojc biscuits iu mod builam tu golden tip 33c a coffee it 31c tea fmt 27c tla 0 iibbtli sir i i crisco w21 foods 3 25c j cw svrup milk cfcuc dy ale 4 tifa16c 2 i- 31 u- 48c pastry flour silver star 7jb k 19c golden corn garden patch 3 it 25c jumbo peas 3 ir 25c souak deal vvtet vmrwle tmlhumm sos i 14c soap 2 j 13c castiu3i14c tissue 4 10c brooms jstc cleansers w- 9c 2x free delivery phvae 357 pancrvsa hilton after an sb of ten days tram the city x know ueu crots paddlngtan watcrtoo and vic- tom weu tat here aeemed ad entire ly dieennt pace wra t drwj wualhroogh a ififangt country of an entirely different styfc of ho tel and shops before ae i cached o frrd street apd famllur tiqpares and trijhtt t on ion streets are confusing la toroalo you get on u vooge st sty and no long as yod keep in on dlectrm u is atway yopga st te- mrday i was kietr ny way frotn st martins lane to um llaymalket tse arene was tamiliar but when t was u cranhourne bt- x sure i must be lost but kiieplng along lor a block i wax in coventry street and alright this happeul- with soma famous diorict ycu walk la a straight line from clkaring croui through the eiirand throuch ptofct litreet um street of ink where all the neapapers are puolfahetl v ludgmte circus and lull past st paula and no on to the city proper and he financial centre of the bmpira u not of the wcrld loday fa derby day and thougti rfamng efae fa usually fcpoken of in um street this year the interest u divided with the tailing cf the queen mary o me the interest in um der by fa in um fact of u being won by uu am khan which again shows lb wonderful dlvenjty of the ani- pie that thfa claxlc at one time unaland landed gentry should won ui t times by an fast indian pnnce fa even toore rtiiarkable than rame achievad by another lamoa indian on um cricket field and ht also made a new record as in um house of c the name of um victor was eagerly parsed around and one of um com- tounfat me with hfa uuial lack of a taase of humor nrototed to the smaker asking whether it was in ordar for m pa to dtouct the der- bv tie praker merely imlled you will have heard all the detalu artd treeaendous enihusiauil wiui wuch b oeen mary was ood speeded on her first voyaau by um king queen mary and um floya ptaily and by um wujc- nation it has been intatfeoing to he in the aefcrfet of these oolacs j the dais dluinctions of nglahdl ha alaaya interouod ue the dl uncuot ulelf did not worry my am erican jthodes scholar so much as at oxford um calm acceptance ol il if aak the man there with a cockney accent was not accept on an quali ty with the others and a hat aggra vated the american was that um cockney didnt mind lie could not sm ukal that in itself was a dfaunc- um tn anthony and anna um coloedy u the mf whitehau theatra goorc u d walur at the 5jl peter villi one pinger fa priceless its tm ere lemoc14cy that pouiuj kngland and uuikeping be fore um war um upper cluos looked down or you and nave you a half a eon cow they call you a man and a brother and give you tuppence ihl brinfi kne to ilrusji coinage i got a tuumliui of fiorlns and half cwwns new this mornlog and i t nk tlvcy ere rtally ujungulihftd works of art tii shuliag and the ijfanenotf is alio iupertor to our quar ter sod ten cent piece our live cent plce is umpeakable over here um piuny is very useful but bulky it iurprliinc hew many you use in dav for bu- fares and ugct it l easy to t why lrjuion kksys o orderly nothtog is left to vlkance as i walked along to qt jame palace for the proclamauon of tte kuigi coronation i was not ur- prfaed at the enormous crowd of peo ple kathrting but x was uirprfaed at um urge mau of pololmen hun- dmfa of um st james paiace is a brick cateuated buudlng buut right in a jureet the mau lacking uie unpnaiag dignity of buckingham pa lace it fa ttiu iuhlcieiuy important looking and made a tine setting for um ttru reading of the kings pro clamation it wax a lovaly umahlney udacient wnd to keep dard boating house qaeen marys urst acrou a i was fortunate in secur ing a position in front of marlbor ough itoube and immediately facing the balcony of prlary court super- lauves are not rnucl used here but even the ohtclaj rjrocranuna refers to the gorgeous tabard gold embroid ery with um koyal arms the mot ancient tn ejefateuce worn by um kings of arms ifoiaufa and pursuiv ants who made um proclamation in some important proousions you get a dash of color but in thfa ukere was nothing to clash it u die itale carrlagr av uie 1 fifth atewrd uf woainiilcr the marqdu 01 salisbury nothing lhat i can ty can eito you any idak of beauty the ulemii ty aavi the magjilooence of uiis cere tnony it fa one of tlmbe things that must horu u be appreclaiedy all the newapapei gtvo very full account of the procetyfuaxs the pkturos ihoprn tall do 11 of ouur because uf the lack of color the following u taken rom the report in uie iwn- ing hiandartl u as um dock atruck ten um gar ter principal king at arms and uw earl marmisll um 1hikc of norfolk in hfa scarlet irtts and hle cocked hat led um heralds oul to qhe uu balcony hir oerald atood in um- middle by idol stood um eafi mar shall and um other king ut ahn then came the mace bearers and trumpciors um heralds and purul vants it was a urip of colour mctixa the courtyard- above uie crimson ureak of uie belcofiy allowed um ta bards of um haralifa emblaaoiied witll um arms of fcngland tlken um voice of um carter principal king uf arms began to read uy the king a proclamation as lie read uie moat striking phra seemed to tuand out and linger in ttie memory wliereas we liave reolved by um favor and blouing of almislity coo to celebrate um solemnity of our lloyal corona- uon at wcmminter and lor much as by ancient customs aiui lu- ageti of this kealm as 11l0 in regard of divert tenures of cundry manors lands and otiicr imrttdltaments our f progenitors and predeceson kings and queens ol uve itealm as his voice went uowly on dominated um whole scene traffic had been stopped and street hofaes were only distant- the crowd slooo in v intra t unbroken xilence joseph hcaumont mw sprhlo and four ofankett the hew ejerrkor uf the gaol mr prank mcmlvm alo addressed the council relative to the propound sprlnss and ottker minor rrcoauneodations- poi- lowirur ttm sucxetlon of um governor liitcbltre council made a dour of tn ikkin of um prisoners quarters in um gsol and were particularly lm pro uhl with the cieanlineas found thrfrin a iwcia 6oamlltrr coniprfaiaw tfkc reeve- of utf varvous municipall lir lerommftkdnl aha i the equalisml u ircommftkdrd aha i the eiju amasment for ikjfc br left um ax for fm5 and- that a by law be paired cofiflrmlng um sum oofcee- lion lo uifa was rahed by mr ou- bcrt apt provoked mdc diicoiion but it was finally moved by mr nyers ecundd by mr tolalr lhat a by law br prepared to eqbalixr the assess meiil of the county after two read tngs it was movefl by mr hewsoo veoonded by mr byers that bylaw nov 6m be now read a third time lased mgrmd by um warden and the clerk and um niorate heal aslcached carried it was noved by mr fitair second ed fay ur byers ihmy a grant be giv en towards um maintenance d cer- uln rhlldren in private homes rather than liave umob returned to um clul- urenx shelter carried the flnance commttee recntnmend- eu payment of the following accounts mothery allowaimt may acct es7jjo uhuwrn atloaance june add ftasjm old age pensions may c7ubt old age petition june bajtt ctilktmiri aid society i klqjdo tuk uttax cocjntaty town county council day um ftoyi kiht members were pment and um warden oeorge currie in uie chair at um morning jiioo of um oounly council ikcld in milton court house on tuesday june 15th min utes of uie lal meeting vere vead and confirmed and otvmmiuiicalloii read mr george ilarru an belvalf of um burlington lions club pcutioned uie council for an extra grant to um lotermother of uiree tllue cliildren wlio unless um grant be hui must for tlnanclal reasons be ent to um oordon home to support um clill- tlren in a private home aoukl he mss expense to um county tjuin paying for ukclr malnlenaiiofi at uie gordon llome and hi addition um children if left where uvey are would be ure of a kood ikoma mr ilarris was as surcd um matter would he ifien every consiuerauon by um council mr victor hall slated uiat 1m had been asked to lay before uie council a claim by mr patterson for um re ward offered by um council or in formation leading lo uie apprehen sion of cliicken thieves since mr patterson had been responsible for um apprehctiuon and die subsequent conviction of chicken thkvefi in tra falgar township 1m felt ive was jusu ned in applying for um retard mr pinny contemkd uiat it was mr pat ursont dutv as a constable to appre- liend chicken uileis wltliout expect ing a reward mr hail drew atun- uon to uie fact that tlvere was noui t ing in tlie wording of uie by law to eruud cnstahles or anixme else mr n a itohlnwon introduced um subject of uie comperuauon allowed farmers lor the losj of coa reacting to uie t h test in um present kov- errunent campaign being carried out in um county the warden cave i as his opinion uiat uie fanners wliose cattle had been tested during the last four weeks were not rcuring as much comperuation a thoe whoe catue had been tc ted earlier tn uie um palgn in other word the farmers in um northern part of uie county were not given a square deal the diicusion war held over and council adjourned council resumed at a pm with all members present- tlie reporl of the startdlng commltteer aere read and considered in commute ol um who- with mr thorpe in the cluiir moved by mr ucnjven seconded by mr hamrlon tliat the reporti or uie sundlnic committee as con4dcred and amended in committee of tlie wliole be hereby adop ed carried ttm rounlj lwrlff mr w j hampshire addfeed the council w regard lo certain requirements for uie sbo as simclfled by uie iirovlnclal inspector of caol tike lnpector in i sisted uiat um straw ticks hi at was least one corridor be replaced with the hospital conunlttee recommend- 1 payment of lkosi4tal accounts amounting to slosjts the special oonununlcatiotis com mittee recoeamefkded a letter from llastlnci county be discussed in com mitter of um whole the letter ran follows that the government be peutlooed to so amend um municipal act uutt only persons who are pro perty owners can qualify for office on uie municipal councils and school board- ttm resolution was endors ed witll an additional siunmstion uiat a copy be forwarded to our local mem ber moved by mr hewson seconded by mr flyers uiat um following ac counts be paid pinance iu4eba county buildings lliwy agriculture legislation and hall ay uoiitafa printing suo 4 tsltltk moed by mr ilarrlon seconded by mr riobuwm uiat um hahon plcughmens aisoclatlon be given the uriial annual bani lots ts oarriedl milton the condition of mrs kaixabeui gtorey wlu lias been seriouly hi for several da is about um same today mrs storey is in tier out year a pretty wedding was solemnised at sunnymount parm trafalyar town ship um home of mr and mrs a woodley on priuay aftemoon june 13th when their only daughter lucy kileen was married to john 12 cham bers son of mr and mrs stanley cliamben of toronto itev a h irwin omclaled wldle mrs walter luiwnrd prrided at the piano milton ihihllc belvool hoard has in creased um salary of prinlclpal l w pouer from tltv to si wo all um teachers have agreed to remain an- other term at uie same salary ovily one teaclier miss dorothy ulgjps of preetaan lias rotigned fueadv increase in burials in ever green cemelery here may in um near future heresitate purchase of a section of wooded land owned by dun can campbrh adjoining um toutliena portion of uie ortnetery mrs w j hill of glen williams and mrs v leonard white of mil ton went to woothiock on prkiay last to llt uielr sister mr j m-a- and mr marsden wlw fa seriously 111 in uve city hospital ukere miss marion hush daughter of ur and mrs john hush of milton grad uated from um lloyal victoria h03 pjtal barrie on tliursday last miss ruji lias been a nursein training at the above hospital for um past three years the champion extend 000- irratulauons- ciiampkuti there are people in the cuiea wlko look on us kilirw and think uiat folks in small are missing some great chance they have theatre ana night- clubs iu pass um hours away llut they dont know what a kindly can brighten up a day and when trouble comes or wwrow wimii a loved one la no more us the friendly small town folks who beat a pathway to your doo so well 11 the cuy owejkn od on umiv reueas way wbr wed rafher have a neighbor rhaii a u4bi club any day slot machlvcs uccnj0 aetpn civic fathers have pased a h law rirovldlng for um licensing of meelianlcal and amusement devkea jot maclilrvesi pin ball eamea eux the fee being wt at iu per year for each machine that requires five cents or more for operation and 10 for machine uiat require a lesser amount for operation joan a as dlcujng um difference between jack who wa jnply divine but very poor and algle who was very rich kdilh trying to help her sakl you knoa money isnt everyuiing i know replied kdiui but it al ios you to be miserable in comfort gome of us can remember way back uheji depression were blamfcd on peojje alio liad money stuck in mat- ireses and old tin cans bananas vrttw hitt lute she 25c doz ikuifa ottown cabbage lile fin lluak oranges medlum large ftwii a jutob 33c potatoes new uomk ckowh lettuce lu rim m uij 5c tomatoes 2 lb lor 23c 3 lbs 17c carrolls limittp sheep dckg trials w wales lly alleea uarr ttrowu agricultusai falra are very much uie same in great britain as fat ca save that in wales tim sheep dog trial eem to lake uie plaoe of um trotting race which one mid in eansx canadian towns hot having visited art pain in england or ucouand as yet i cannot apeak of theov tn ire land of course lhere the usual shllla laghr battle to provkde interest and snentv if ww are to believe the songs and poems on that kuto- shall confine my thoughts to uie annual fair held at kaxirhyddon um etatt of hear adnural rowley conwy nrar ithuddlah in utfa um fertile dley of um clwyd the pair was opened by 1 around the field of the punt denbigh hounds 1 throe his upon xupeih mounts led um pack um men in their pink coat maki u bright spot of colour the bounds ulthougii very handsome looked rath- foollsli wondering what it was all about ho fox no chase just round and round um field- but they fol lowed um sound of he hunting horn obediently just um same with um absence of um poor utile fox we could all enjoy um pictureaqueness of tlva sceim before us to me u was just like som old hunting print come to life there were of course the usual en tries of heavy hores catue sheep and swine the cattle i noticed was e all of um shorthorn breed ench hug bulls led in some cases by the quite young boys the bulls are allowed their freedom in the fields over here and so do not seem to become alarmingly ferocious ttm utile colts too seem to be ex tremely well behaved and easily handled the old country people ap pear to be great animal lovers hu mane societies are of course very strict regarding cruelties hut x real ly uunk uiat toot of um people are kind to their animals because they like to be rauvcr than they are rorc- ed to be so ttiere were also show ring flitaea and competitions among riding horsed and ponies including musical chairs and ball and basket races the ehmr- rerl about here ride extremely well and umir little ponies tire usually broomed as sleek as satin- about 3 pun um sheep dog trtafc commenced ttiere were many en tries so it was after five when wee last dog nnislmd his trial the rain came in fitful ahowers and um wind boisterously hut most of us atbek kx out to um end the welsh sheep dog fa smaller uian um scotch dog usually black in colour with while markings al though uielr faces are pointed and uvey are always keenly alert they do not seem to be snappy ttvey are jul eager always for uielr work oaw lias but to watch dogs uiat are on uve waiting hive to e that h a like watchliig hockey fans at a game- in um trial so much time fa allow ed for hie master and dog to round up uve three or four sheep within the small pen t1m master controls his dog by means of different thhrnw and it was very noti uiat when sympathy was strongest between mas ter and dog uie dog did hfa work beat tim jveep one from a different nock to make um task more difficult are iehaed at um opposite side of um field tlie master ttiw a abort wlilsue and off um dog goes like a streak around vie fed of um field la get behind his flock he has to by whlilu commands put hfa sneep through two galea after lie has his ahep through one bate he must bring them back and put uvem uirough um other gate af ter tills the dog creeps in closer and with his masters lielp he must put them uirough uve runways twice tlvcn for uve last effort he must pea uvfcw it all sounds so umple but if some of my readers know anything about sheep they will know how con trary uvese animals can be tuerw acre moments when we onlookera all lield our breath then a great an followed by clieers would mean usat uie uule dog had his charges isdhrj within um pen another dog takes the sheep off um field and ahy trial fa on alui a iiew dog and other jieep one erf ormance was th fc uiiruj ujiuglaahle not on hitch lie- fore uve trials i liad teen patting uiis little dog just a pup really of fifteen nionuis having hfa first trial i could ec uiat master and dog were real pafa in uiis particular case the sh looked sillier than uvey usually do especially after fa was all over they liad liardly realised what was happen ingjust soma strange quiet force drove them ouwards i could not attempt to dmeribe uuvse wisd little dogs twfat ad turn and wriggle about fiat on theh atom- aclis to accomplish their difficult work all to the commands of courws or different whltlea whistle may uioaii tun wide to bunch the aheep to um right or to the lart t come in closer 4 drop tut and remain motionless ttm crouclihig incresos as uie last pens are ap- ivroacliod it was difficult to take good pholo- urnpili of tua perlarmaiica aa um iuid was so lartre and action wag alfu hut i managed to secure pic ture- of the winning dog molt mv- longlng to mr a led owen of petiucbo itoe ot aaph tills littie dog aba won uve silver cliallenge cup for beat penning vroenird by hear admiral 1 tow ley conwy of ilodrhyddon hall j i hom tliat some day pcthap hi the near future w may find many of uvee clever uttu welsh aheep dog scattered all over canada in a great agricultural country tqcli as ours uvere would always be a home for this type of dog three cheers for uve little welsh slveep dog al k agitated wife- im posluve uiat was a human being we ran over motorut in udck fog then were ulll on um road all right- waukwew hw1 fnlulllon fa what warns a bride that tf she odesiil make a doormat of the kroom he wilt start rlcbt hi trying to makrt a lured girl of hes