pb z the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 24th 1936 dont miss the big cele a and ex service mens reunion at georgetown banos clowns t- miflstrels midway garden party games sports parade june 30u carnival monster parade of bands comedians etc 500 prize for best comic costume jfunforall midway clowns popeye pigskin peters wimpy july 1st sports in park afternoon baseball acton georgetown ladies softball brampton w toronto bicycle races by winged wheelers cycle club for legion challenge cup tug of war races for all bands good prizes minstrels midway children free my is garden party 830 an ernie stratford ettgtnjh comedian charlie rosa tenor favorite e bruce comedian betty robertson highlnd duicer bill amott magician harry gsbbt pianist r h fell tenor soesl lacky draw dance in ike anmries at 1030 pa round trip rail travel bargains tra georgetown july 3 4 to chicago 7 port huron flint tjurand july 4th to gj windsor 465 detroit 3 kwujiu ti fnoa mil buwd ojjt s ttckj train information lutum uhuts from akvnu aik far huvlull ttk1i canadian national qkcsnapshot cuili 1 oftguard photography paut ad raulc statkla ik awta uatll tkty wr uh award mtud tkaa uuvmilim awafrakou jpaklno aaapaaou of nsobl baa tbay ra hot kwart that tly ara about to be abor tharoby eatcalas tbw with natural expralou sad la uapom paalttoaa u oft ealwd candid phntotrapliy w w of tha slaapsbot fulld like lh words of retard pkolouraplvy as man truly utwrlpllve candid tmplfisi thro u that klitd of ixpres ilou uu iho fare of the ftulijct and it may not always u llir but tin r u ho doubt that tor fi aalurul ipreulo ho tnuat ba utf kunrj at tha iboiaeut tbo pic tor t voaile which la alao juat vbal tha tor fiislonal pbol trutuir walla tit rapt ir i lu muklut a nl ud i o portrait oj tiard pliotnsrapliy u lota cif fun hut l bare are himrluut poluta altoul it lliat ubd tti un ohrvd to gel aitttfyim rvaulla you cub t uhool thouxhudy wllbout r- kani to i he dintuui and tdrousth of lit unlit nor rau you forgtt thtt hhi uri and fncuu aro juut aa liu ixtrtuul um or u iwimslimtinj voaa jsur ahoultl yi u vt ruuik hark kimnu 1 bin uiiih i thtt if you nr koiuk to ruirh your aubjoft uuu warai you may lmvt u do wnn atrat kic btalling or tsa til ht po ultlou suptmtaltttf roi t vuiuilt you aat m picture of oruiuu outdoora tuou t lrt uuu of tb children hr 4 hva tha litluully of tbo iiku ju wbura it will coma frou wha you taka tba plclun thb at your una artdn ituuur utulur apd ao cordtagly watch your auhjoft traxa a dlatauc with your camra eon caud i tvaluut but aurt for m la ttatlimc attuatlou to develop whati ytwj kd tba picture you waut to tako local tha mfot ffom wwlck you aim kolaic lo taka it ybfcn uuua yours la a flmd focus caoiwrv tuuaxhtv with your tyo iho dlatauco from that ajwit to qraadbk and tbt youiiicatir at tha polutot at tli right mark atd keplag tin ram or bhtud you uutll ou gut tbort stroll up and shikou if they look up at you before you kt uiro b1iou chalapt and wait for tham to r tuuio tbelr arllvlty or tuaku auu ca ucl muktuloa that will put thoui ul kuard u im it oixl r to tko t kood oif guard iuiaiutluuiti r you bav to bo utfy d tbu xrcla- iujc of blnuccy to piv ul imipln frxuki ukiiuil u part of ibu full m txwn you blunt know iho cu pabllttkfm tit your cati ru a cam ra ullh ultra fakl lbtuiaud tthultit plu auri rt tibltlvn pforurtutlallc film krmtlly ittrraitaa your raugo of u pot tu oily bkmcully for fajl urtio i but tha ordinary otmm loo will inake otfttuard kuapaliota if tlui utovcnietal of lh- h4lhct la ut l rpid john van jlii lkit llionrr at um naktrtmsa m urant btreet on nnuwlay june laui ifth uiuan uzm hydcr bckmd mitm of pvudoln p cbmdvu foraerty of ucorceuywn in bcr ali yx- by bus anp boat to old iillarhey ii w k trta- main and mill street vastly improved by new light ing system peehaltpn conservative pacnic at huttonvtuc located tiers aa si of uxt ontraj otaario luii ltock uocnlitkin transtnctauon cw mini uw 0c i imtkm co itoya w h lakme w lvjjs and uie wrtler akooc wtth oum kurna eniayed wk end trip frjcn tieoncrtown la kluaney ana ktardtoujlrj kland hy bust and boat vm ftalutday and sunday rnxt tmt vrchqn about sp jji in one of uwoe oooaaaocuouji bum of um arrow coach liita w arrlvtxj at owtu uountl docks aiwr h lcutaf ul run of two nour and lociy livn tnln- utc ihrouch a oautf ol oounuy of i ilna taint and fcnaanuvctat landmne at the tock um 8a ta crub 4lp s tn wantnc oillcwa st m rrgnaent- auvc of tranxpofaliao h comuanka and nwitiajr ui ue abou 11 wrm wvlconrd aboard by ub cental captain tvman and his officer after w bad hren shown our atale- roomi and a telrfnlhc wash uji waa dompketcd it was quite natural that th dining aalooo on the aroma- of roat turkey ra4y attracied a soodiy number of thuj sucats whoa w joined in effort to the our apfmwclalion to our hoaht by wpt of as touch urkay a pouible tnsether with tha many kood thins thai aoaapaiued t a promenade on the ipackma d of the fclahiuwdln under the iouin loud uarut aky enjoyina the cool hreeatt off the lake ustenlna to varied procram of instruinental and vocal sekectkins and an hour of social tntercoura and kood leuow- hlp and we retired to our comfort able berths lo dream of f arkas and the uhu of the morrow anj we were not disappointed the knornlns vras ushered in with a beaut lful uinrbe amid nature wonoer- und as we sailed ajonk the norui channel ukl the beautiful waterways traversed by jeuit priest and courier du bote in days of old- then we vbdted quaint kluarney the bolated nthln atauoti on the oeorstah bay vihere vtert with nchtlnc sum fish and bwa dmd bdes are aa bi calm clear perfect peace k oected tn the atutoea and the mafctfty rusted towertne crafcs the shores of vtanttoulhx apartsman i with fndhm bland of loft paradise and land replete lewend romance and history pait rtowtr kot and ilmmi hlarxfa and on to tobermony the rkhln viuaca at the head of ftruee wnlnsubt which is fait beeomlne a popular kpent a pl half hour after a very pwaiant xall down the ealtro shore of the peninsula pait tioru tlead and another enjoyable turkey dinner we landed at owen slound docks at 9 pn x and boarded our buses for the homeward journey arrivlns ht oeorcetowrt in two hours and fortyfive rti after kevlns owed sjound the ctasll rtfn ts a modem ship well fumlhed with comfortable staterooms with hot and cold runnlns water tli dinins saloon ts on the main deck and the ohurvauon aalooa on the hurricane deck- tlie ship is um heated throushout captain horman ucky b lu of the hip j asnew rhrt uale ix ailed second uate wra owens chief rrictneer ul htorrlaon purser and ur smith steward they are a can- able and courteous crew ad left nouiln undone thai could potslbly add to ui pleasure of the party the service ui the dining saloon was ex cellent and the waiters a seatlnnaaly lot of young- men the central ontario bus lines of which ur u tyne ls manager i ur ii j rymes superintendent pro vided fcxcelleiat beryioes to and from owen sound their capable and courteous drivers add much to the pleasure of travelling on their unqs and the public axe always auured comtort service and safety on the most modem and urvtodate bud wldch tltey operate the drivers of the apodal buses on this occatlon were andy woodley art hewsiead and w kutcble ttve party tendered a vote of thanks to the management of uut pom mam and owen sound trajosportauou go the central ontario thu lin cap tain horman uckay ur u xayne and ur ii j rymes tor the very ex cellent outing provided among the scenic wonders of the oearguui xtayj ht u cuiketowiik new lighting on htatn and aftll ureeta w ttleted uwl iatuiday and tle current luiikxl on in ufa enuing by atayor ctbbutu betore aii mmbly of bund- tcl of our dtlrn the umiui itine- tcoltuhk a as preaeitt or ue occasion tavxj u kocram of mus4c that de- listued umt large gathering tle ttew yjoecn wa inoalled by j ltviay 11a c hydro bxiperin- t ui oeorgrtown and much credit i due tilnfor lite pioanyt efltclent tpanimv in wtilch the rumiucted tniy hve old igbts hren replcl by twentyrone wj md aaxl llghu wtlli lioliophane rcdactiirs kjkde tt beaded globe wtuch h belt wahiiuf vuh each rain tfaeaa trgliti am placed on is ft- cat iron standard uipplied by canadian line uautrud lid of ufmrboro junctiont irooul tlie urstlefground circuil consist- of lead ooverad cahtc of x fio rubber qovrred wtrea and bare neulral tht wight of standard u required ui ordrv lo distribute the light evenly on roadway and kidewalx tim removal wof ohe old poles which have been au eytaore tor mahy yeatx on oof atalii uxects if a decided im- provement and the new toraletn las added materially to the oeauuncauon of our loan the town council are to be oougralulaled on seeping cieorgetown abreast ofthe timer by having the oew system inataluid- ailbt preteins the button tliat re- leastod the current to the new lyitem klayor slownh a spoae follows ladles and fcupwcltuens i come uus opportunity lo discuss with you this ornamental street lighting system which x consider is one of the greatest civic tmprovetnenu in the town of georgetown in recent year it is my desire because tt involves hits expenditure of hub- tic money and to that there may be no mlm iftderslsftdlng tn regard to the financing of this project to point out to you that the capital expenditure of taoojum was assumed by the local hydro commission and the extra oou to um ratepayers of uus municipality will be approximate ly 37sj per annum heretofore the annual street lighting bill to the local hydro was glsoaod whereas in the future tha wil be increased toj approximately ttioo to bo one toari or group nhim go the credit tor this great civic improvement to my co in council who have so loyally sup ported me in this matter t want cc express my appreclauoa and gratt- tlmle i wuh tx draw your attention be the cooperation your council have re ceived from my fellow hydro com missioners ciiairman j u uoore ur ii o dayfool they have been members of this great public utility commission ever since its in georgetown they have g uveir services wlthlut any remuner ation whatever during that period of um and in my opinion have served you faithfully and welt to our hydro superintendent ur gray who was responsible for the erigiimering and construction of this project x want to give considerable credit lie lias x am convinced gained the confidence of the hydro users in georgetown and probably mot important of all i want to expresj my sincere thanks lo uwj citiaens generally for without their conurucuve criticism encourage ment and good advice cwic improve ments such as this could not be pos- tlble it is uiat public slrltedness for which uve people of georgetown are nbted tlist enables their public servants to do their best ttierefore i am grateful for this priveuite it is a pleasant public duty for me to turn uia switch of one of uve tnost modem ornamental llgbtlng iiletnt of any twn of if siae and pouiluon on uu- norui american conunenl tlc ooirvauvc rally and plcnlr rul at hutlonvtlle irk last wl tknlay altrrnoon june itth altratt ed a tiuae uiroruf from alt itartt ot trrl llalton aim atltiulntf rounlu uuruig uu- alterlkooit itniulr lowif lag cloutfc and occasi xta hahl i irui kli itf tain games tic 1m- id lot youngiris and kvowii ujei not twui iuilball exhibition kairw- playrl afur uu- addnuur a unoc vas lield am uig uu- tutors al ui torpu- wrtu wdfrid llcignhtglon uii leotwad afcaulay sjjj- cecil vto t of uiwi y w it ireland pi ulrol ui lh ontario aljtlo1 w is rkhl uul aitd avuty ouien ilefore um- addrcuric hrrurtt hit- dvin prr4deil of uu lvl omuru aiicution imtitie t- jjm cuarters an lllomjill aiutuc tv lling hl 45 sm it ifclir uirlut- 1101 in politirnl lilr mitd 111- roti- unued intiueitce dcutf u wtln- metil a unr ttl the m u oulmuivd irmtltaefl of catutd innmii wim tnridce willbti frit ior many jrj asfoclatcd covktstywomkn ok rut- wosxu atksrr an event of outstanding importance to uwk interested la ut mcreasingly important part played rtf rural womens organisations tn the lives of country women at home and ahrotd was ute great convention held hi washington uus monui of ute as sociated olunlrywomen of uur world at uils assembly voudi from twenty- seven counfws met and dlsouued luroblems of rural life from ute point of view of the home maker seeking both iww ideas and the change and adaptation of old ideas to the end of developing better rural living con diuons througlhout uu world dele gates from points as far apart as the utfush isles and south africa ex plained uve part their organisations playd in ute home and community life of uwtir meanbers rvom washington um delegates motored lo fftoney creek ontario ilia i they might um hkuoric spot where uve first womens institute was orgaulaed and established thus creating uve tint link in a duun das lined to encircle uvt globe ttiat uve associated countrywomert made this pilgrimage to stoney crck despite an already crqwded lunerary speaks eloquently of the high efeeea in wtuch uve uouver insutute is regarded by all the world- 4 at uve invitation of uve national federation of institutes uls- kdlsa- beth appelbe represented them at uve tesion of uve convention held at stoney crck and at guelph on june llui at the oa c ulss appelbe who qrooeeded uven wlui uve delegates was asked to give an address on ivor voik in ihslorlca iletearch for uve province of ontario ttus work had ivrevlously been introduced to uve delegates at waslunglon who ex pressed much interest as ontario and incklertuly ha ton county plon- erhtvd uve work of historical xle- sfarcii and as the institutes are tha only womens organuatlun in the world featuring it as an urganlaed objective ulss appelbe accompanied uve dele gates from oueiph to toronto where she attended the luncheon given uvem at the itoyal york and uv re ception following at ooeemment t louse rom toronto the asaottausi couhtrywomert left for ottmwa and saontraal front which point they sail far home 1 oei your decorations ready ahd put them up lot the ha celeoratkmj on july 1st church news st geargea ckaveh nv w a o thompson hector tlilrd sunday after trinity holy com munvoa st sju sunday school 10d0 sw- uallns 11 oo xsa evensong ioq pjfl- uonuay bcsl keters day si alhas ckavxk clew wuuaaes tlilrd sunday after trinity uauns 9j0 a m sunday school ljw am uaited chareb rev p c overend b-a- slinkier 0io anu sunday sclvoul 11jw am hatious greatness tm poo ttve secret of uoral iogrfess 10m ttaaliat chareh rev e g uaster miniter a-ux- sunday qdvool too evening aorslup th gate of ileav- a welcome to au nerval rvthyurui chareh aiuvlversary service sunday june isui 11 00 am and 70 ixm special preextver rev george alucen ua of caledon special uusic auesia womens institute ttve june meeting ot uve euquesing wamens institute a as held al uve hoove of sirs w cromar on tuesday june 16th about forty ladles were in attendance ttve roll call was answer ed by birth month and birth stotve urs a agnew district prvldent and urs uerry district secreuuty and uvetnbern of uve norval branch of uv i ftere gueds ttve program was given by tha vmlor- as follows uu grace uc- laugliltn instrumentalist urs g uroun and urs w rhddler duets urv davu solo urs- ucuullan a talk on a trip ttirough england and scotland airs wilbtrt ckave ivaper on ountry community in uve rural sclvool urs- agnew touclved on w i work and closed wlui aioem enuued homr wn uerry alo referred lo w i work and gave paper on how to live on twenty- four ivours a day urs hubert appleby ola a vote of uvanks a as tendered by urs h lav on and urs currie to all those taking part in uve program and also to urs cromar for uve use of lver ivome urs j tfunbsr said a few words of appreciation oi belvalf of uve visitors and also urs king and urs itobertsou of hornby uve pleasant afternoon spent wiui hueslng women institute ttut evening v brought lo a close by uve serving ot a dainty lurvch and social lutlt luvur mvent after widen all joined in singing god save the king dr devaris pills x nil hi i jib mt i m 1 l ill la r li lor o iwr acmk n m- special prices lor ihc t f 1vt g 7 o week nd al iv 1 11 v o col wt h- kennedy onnw sflid ocr of agriculturr introduord v howe wttb a ijne badw hgp ur leowe le iw uwe omrvalurt would werp ontario it uve ivxt ruc lion the conjrrvallve tfrtj said ur row who a as given u lvv oauon vd a spbhuid recvud tli mm turn t canadian history it had stood lor the people wbo had nought lo wu cshada together wlvo had l aside factional and rrliglou ilulirtirfw confederauon a ooncralue leader lad overcoroe dlffcrcivtcr n poliucs iiad led in uie granting or a cotvceslon or right that ivrrmuuxl sextarate schools d pttf llw i latf bwnt of uve liberal leader of th- time hon george hrown tliat ive aould ivevrr lutve u runted separate sclvoou and lu lsq ur howe again stood for uve minority wlvenl it had fought and lost to permit uanitobato have uve same rights as ontario separate scivools liberalism he declarrd luul barred from uanltobs uve sam right that was granted a minority in ontario liberalism he said luul neve failed to avail deir of any lua a political capital yet ivad never offered to uve pcoioe of canada a definite clear cut policy he doubted to day h i wheuver one real liberal uculd say uvat the government of ontario reprefjented uve btt of uhanu thought and belief premier hepburn ive conilnuect had swept into ofzlce on a aave of election promises a pegged debt reduction of taxation maintenance of services assistance lo farmers re duction by onehalf of uve civil ter- vice reduction of the cost of gov ernment reduced gas takeg and ap plication ot all uve lax to hghway work a quare deal tor war veterans instead it so far luul accomplished an increajbd debt 14 major lax ln- creaa reduction of 12 major public services had cut off farm loan assis tance loaded uve civil service with aardlveeler jumped government cot until todaj ontarios debt aver aged kite boo per day since uve elec tion reduced to one uurd tha amount of gas tax cpent on highways and fired 4s3 war veterans from pub lic servioe astan example ot uve type of poli tics never hitherto seen tn ontario lve pointed to uve department of agri culture where he said fcpod men tried and proven have been sum- maru drntt and replaced with ward iveelers some half doacn uvem imported from alberta ouier examples were uve sluuneful dis- gracelul sight ot ontario houe in london its coatof arms tarrohed and its alndows dirty so uval use london tmo oked wlmts wrong wiui ontario sluimelully he continued had the government alo played political foot ball vilh hydro after promising to divorce it ot politic 11 luul dis missed one commission to replace i wiui anouver formed of two poli tician- and a liberal ivea-vaperman- the attorney general luul scurrl- louty sought to blacken use name ot ueck luul dug and scrambled to find sorjvetlung wrong yh he lvad fouivd ivoihlng so lve luul fired frod gaby u famous engitveer who prompuy found a better job ahd in lit place uve government appointed a firm of united states engineers trained to attack public owneralup today lve continued uvose en gineers admitted uval ontario faced a power siiortaae after the govern metn luul destroyed poaer contraots uval had placed vast power supplies at ontario s ticry repudiation had been utilised for purely political purposes lve said and now s schema to deepen uve great ia was ad vanced as a source of poacr together with ioae agreement attained by woine mysterious means vilh ur grautcuv alucli viould give power lie predicted vould cost more than uval provided under the repudiated contracts i challenge ur hepburn to deny tomorrow umt he knows ontario will be short of power lu three ears aid iar roue industries are mov ing to montreal because wlvo can ex ited uiem to conlder 30year eaes tn a province uiat flirts wlui repudl ation and undermine any usuranoa uvat power will be available for uiem in uve future then said ur roue after having broken every preelection pledge he had made premier hepburn himself reivudlaled by farmers- labor and uie veumru ought to solidity one section ot support by an action xor whlcli he received uo mandate at action uiat strikes at the very foun dations of confederation an action uul deliberately seeks to destroy peace and harmony ot 60 yean standing right- or mlnoritifi declared sir rowe- must be iirotecled and no parti luul sought to protect such rights as much a- uve oonsenauve pary hut when uvcse rights uere bued when any force ouuit ttaln uhder uule of uval right uuoe- uiing to which it uo- not enllued tlie tolerance of uvo inajurity was llalde- id be lvt aldc by uve very action of uve minority we provuse to repeal uve rectnl l eauvglna uve school a-wasa- uiml law declared ur roae utnld clieer we propose to return lo uve minority uvat wliloli it recede- fairly and lebally we prouse to protect it- right nu premier a tht l not an election 1sue i ay it l and x say uie ballot boxe- will jiy o x an the last u hid for upport cm a reli gious tsue uiat lia- been buried for so years you uu t protect uve mbs- orltth by protecting uie majorities ouverslse live majorities will no lon ger remain tolerant rnrmer wemlers fergunrr and henry also spoke during uve ut nvoon uall and auptre tiam tewear crve ronton trafnc cop lay you got going wluita tha matter wlui your ihillle driver im just fine thank you but x uilnk my engines dead jujtruhtitl new uw rajcc sir lai4n muku peas 3 lin for 2r pui vst wrltlncte brand creaniery bui ter 3 lb for 49c h5 cfffee 33 bfwciil prune- rnd ir li t sfwcuil iran mrjily shoulder roasts 13c lb short rib roast jy b bnskcl or pule bothng bf front quarters of genuine spring lamb 21 picnic hams 19 mklk ojaiutv s xv potatoes 4uw25c ull sh icr carrotts 2 for 15 hejd lettuce 5e u frklsiilnv ta cabbage 24 ox pltg 25 jqc u 5 ui carton g5 pouuts m wston- fancy biscuits lg 2 35 torma aatisr rxanu an y qiiautv pastry flour 24 lb ug g5c clmuih rrrren sandwich spreads fcr it l t colucn ktkav cheese n for 7qc lb- mt special i lemz asaorlcd soups 2 large tin 25 special dufr pure lard 2 u for 2 vitone 24 44 79 nyimer tomatoes n- 2 swat 3 tin for 25 ft esi caugbt georgian bay lake trout cmictntn rsi phone 27 w m king prompt delivery new advertisowlents w t gfeant loarrkter tu- otfiod onelll ulocl ualn sl georgetoaii plvone 231 po box ik arslas young lady ului luxtiltll training undergraduate nurse apply to bos t herald office 1l mw- fr sale rramc iloue of 7 roam on john street apply to j j glbbeiu georgetown lip ta keat houe to rent on uurdock street ocouivancy july 12th apply to jas raluuiline georgetoun u c4 1w klr chlld slmnvoru cot vlde pone like new alu good mattn wvone tfcgrl3 georgetoan up rvam evale child- prom in k condition aill be ild al a relnnahle price apiuj lo 1- it- ucgill church sl 1u te ttrttt lower half of duplex house- on klngf st next to sfar-lisll- tore lvs- lon juli i nth apply to jambi llallanune phone 05 r 15 georgetown u ktee keav wuiitwi vjcond hand extractor four i nunc- cavacit state price and particular uox u georgetown herald- tf rr sale ar tunt tvvr sale or rent fumldied uve late ur coos llouc on draper st georaetqaii apply to urs rmx qcomttown 2tp luy far sale about four hi acres of good stand ing hay villi be sold ot a rruanahle lirtce apply to mrs j l watuvn uaile ave georgetown plvone 300 1l ng lu wire h tired terrier tun head four uu white front leg a little crooked blurt utlui a little uhue an back tthlte on tip at tall finder will be rewarded by returning to ui ryan king st georgeloun phone 102- klangaiaw te svat six rootn bunlglou with all con eillence- and sarage ju1 off ualn t nad far lm mediate occupation apjilj lo j ii mackensle a san georgetown it trucldng nd cartage i am now prepared to do moving and general cartage of all kinds prompt service at a reasonable price fyink c whttmee plvone ml georgetown ita tf moneyour for blue coari isntl take tsijvantate of- the summer prices cpccojjy theatre friuy june 2fi boulder dam tlrul dnui oairiux tji aunjir ul lur t1u comedy the count takes the count cartoon plianlom slnp tox news saturday june 27 farmer in the dell hotawvpun rotavtdy with tlraa4alle aaw ustereat atarrlag fred stane uj jm raraer cornecly oti evelyn sports crcw racing cartoon betty boop arttl the king chapter 2 rex and rinty millar n at 3 a tuculay and wrxlnesday june 30 usd july 1st irond lady ausxmg dtellve stary starritlg alltse staejufabaei and ibasll f comedy cahing all tura scenic modern tokio cartoon musical memories watch our window toe wkkklv 1cs cttkjui tscials and owiciumiiy fresh strawberry sandae 13c 2 lor 25c longs confectionery rzs i i i ii m anniversary services at umehouse presbyterian church sunday june 28th smlw t is uj yj im kukburd cjij vy rev m mcginnes of westhill sim hi music bv till ciioib and uluthkl qvulkm oh touonto social on the church lawn tueulay evening june 30th followed by a first dau progranj in the church admission adult 20 cenu children 10 cenu john mcdonald est ate phone 12w georgetown lue ludlctuum cui ataily kbj ui castronox stomach towocb uk- matckf xknmf u its real fun to remodel and improve property it will fturprute you how great a deference a small expenditure will make new porchen tun roonu irelli acreeiu roof ink or even extra rooms are easily provided special price on b c cedar shingles we expect a carload to arrive about june 29tk be sure to get in touch with us before that dale if you want to save some money georgetown lumbek co lid