Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 29, 1936, p. 1

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seventieth ydar of puukation jbe georgetown herald wexlrseaclay eventoc july 29tk 193cl 150 per aimn sn adnnoe 2a0 to ulsa the georgcto herald jr m moouc member of mw canadian weafciy newpaper xxkkciauon cnr tim table nlrr april itoc ittttukdard ttme dug fcaxt towntrf laxseiger and mall- lawrllaer aikd stog0for toronto lusmngcr ituikdjiy only liiti or tnrunto how to make i 1 sja ibdi t iced tea a w uik shwp in your alab uatfcnertx and cburfp and keep ij aifcjaav e -e- the cost of glasses actlvk may sr is kjkavi ukoitgatrown uaixy aw jts van tlm- 11 is am as am iis pm 11j6 ajn 3is pht 1is txtai- si5 pm 445 p-m- is lil us p-m- 1120 pa 015 pin- kautkflm qtanixalu t1mk itineraries planned id all points i canada united biates i mexico iloncs fun directory lasto v kuux kjc oorgatowu ontario- otfk gregory rfaaalre tlldg- ulll bl mmnktu ml ljlmutton fcarnkwir sihlm- taiary hot mortgag money ta laaat onlce main stimt rioit b w c cunt ru u otocot oneill bloc main bt georgetown hkmd 14 po boa ik aanky ckavbon tuawuokx cook ua may st haaaaalwa o-u- k water uancy icc if kdard cook gordon oraydon 333 wain hi hm uarou at ilawtatica jloblaw ftnlutk bramplnu talaphfaow ms v at- watmuc dhol mlkul oooa uit to korpt thuradey a wl nielsen slat wf w jhiiihia cvopcmctor x41ay dilclba ttkvmml tk4r t lately mb urw mr wwm a naw riiahi uafegk fcyw kxawiiaw li year khata xsic hew uw aia- mnt awalftty ghwwr u wf hujuru ay wf iw unc uy fc i o t walker ro oirtoiurnukt kcvtiigbrr hrkctaukt ha u ai kours bkllg stou i or ya aaay if uwtr i village wim ar- un iltuil mt in ok aalui lm- uw luk tlrrit tetil lii you jy yuu hr picking jrour cam- lany atuj ymi at- uyinir u br fflf nkr llui- what atr yoti dolim tor ouwk wlui ar llvlii a mwrmbto itfet la du wr lita- u ku- to ipr churclua iltouxh oaxiy rrcatiucu v slill 14- unf udri ifui ouf- lit the hlchway and faykra r terr i and nuscryaiw jin w- io rh diaaravd wvl ryaa a wt- tnavcli thruuxh u thick of um- rtmy tut -r- rwnroroe our aanmujn ax kr knrrf bf our beddde and pray go rfc whft the dny boy rfyt cio ok in the ilutm of the towtc ajki folio our acaser rxamnte till lifes blowing bin kettja down ivdjrcartl tnurnhattt cuaadws railway centenary like crlebaatioii ol uw ccnleiiary tti luc lukt railaay ut canada all even ui lut4ru viiiilmaatie wj an unport kill rctiimi ui u caiutduui walxaial kiunt utlcxiu omajftuiuiy u e- kirw tuuin xno-dcualipmaiit- and pr- kjox j uaiu4kruillun lcrtmrall uuu4uloul tiacf lmnunon vijt tnal prucinu- av io ilieiix- uxti nuin ol ruitway wliti oufuiitut- d lite pmarr lute wtacvn- jukpfaiiie and ifit joints qn waanut aded untjl uai iars uw wtirnexlm- uunvule tl puwinlr lor bghttllluluur4n4ei oj lute ix mu not unul l51 that our railway kjth itiuulaj we ko to uw church we ukvt piile ihat lrue lluf lutf will knake an uannxaion r r t 1 we work whet wl tset2 ttlt itsaar maka- a will if ou tilt witliout a will ikctcs wliat um- law tlor 1 ir u wife u left but iw chlldrru your wife rrctclvk tl rtru tltuo uul lialf cj tlie ner vxlute tlwu rnnmnlnjt ilur ouir 1ml f itot to our nlauve 11 uure arr no rutuies this liall iconb to tle croteki 3 if a wife u left and one cjilld eachtaknfi onelialf of yoir tiuate if uw cliikj is a minor tie or sjw- cannot feet lite jjiaje until uw at of 51 is rcachrd in the tnrutillme like court taktrei full charge of tills part of the nuu 3 if a wife and more than one child are left tlte wife trcerres uoe- uurd of ukk talte and the mnalnlnk twolhirtu w dlvidad awwmmtlhe child ren ir any child is dead its dilld- ren luu- eroiulclillumn receive ucii jiar- 4 in addition uwne are a itit tnany knore dloributions ukc law com pels be made depending upon the re- lauoiuiiip of various lal titit fur- tlwrtoore tike adnumuralor is citp-bct- ed if at all posilhlc to llquldale witii uta rr and uui coupied with the kgal duuributlotu iivoocouy rvuih in o situation you ncr inunulod it can be itefi uiat th above dis tribuliotkit mlcht urit tcrrat luurtkliip tapscully in the ay of taodct citatrfta tike only way to avoid tills ls to make a will aktttjcxa-r- vouk loatkls do you know iome vmluable liorus uiod on rims juriafi tike intense ikcatr a iponte wet with cold walir and tkd to tike to of like bridle is a ret ikelp to a home alio a pinch of saltpetre to an elght quart pail- of drinking water fiiven in the middle of the allemoon will oe ajhreciated by tills noble friend of man give turn on onequarter of the attention vou do duxiuitoavoblle and ike will live loner to help you flnbii paying for your car i wuh i liad a nickel for every birl i have kied ttiat would be nce you could buy a pock of gum willi 1l noikinjik our o lrutck at jvabkngh why ls it necjlary lor a wedding cerenwuiy lo be matked by consider able un4mly tukue an like part of ukoijf wlko are tkot kuytng tike leading rain in tike ceremony in geonrhown and in mou other totnmunltieii it is txy to tell when a wedding tiu been held tike car containing the bridal couple is us ually pursued around the town by fikrodx maintaining a permanent kfture an uke horn buttona of their machines and creating- an uproar that goe a long way toward marring uke dicnity of the ocxaaion islot only b like noue nerve- wrack- ing bot uke punudng driverx t ilnaar uk- reckleats chancec in their kral l3 catch up with the bridal car surwy wlien friends want to fchow their hpnioj at a marriage cere mony lhe could find smm means of doing to wittkout endangering the mi bile safety and duturbing uie pub lic peace on 101n v04uk uay qhould you take off your hat whu- riding in an elevator car there is quite a debate on uda in the ait we note the tart comment la a- new york new4aper of a young neruai jiitnlnif ikerself wfes wiule wfar- rls to mv mind uke uetc act of removing his hat downt make man a gentleman especially it in domng it hit elbows jab the rite of everybody around him other de baters contend uiat an elevator u merely a vertical line of traction and fclkouid follow the rule of horizontal traction which u that a man lp a itreet car kejis his imton unless he wants to fan himself with it frvr- uker points are uiat ukere is less room in an elevator car wiken mtn carry their ivats in ukelr handu and that in a jam tike iaf esl plaov for a hat l mi your luad on tlie otlier liana mot women seem to appreciate uils eourteay and some of uiem alniost demand it ue- iid wlken you take your hat off you get a nice breeae from uke ven tilating apikaratui in the roof of the car right on your cranium in sum mer it is needed kwlmaflmo and autaxu why do we always ay dont swim allr- to qmail boya and gtrfe toowho uk to water like a ny does to tugr are thoroughry oon- vbkond uiat whoever coined thai warn ing fchould be rrarded as jubiic knemy no 1 of all saicoming gener- attet all however a view that ha penuaied for hundreds and probabry thouaands of years must ikave bome logic bclilnd it and it lias too ukund pliysiological reaaotut w ioroe three hourx after a meal our uomacii and upper inletlne- are busy breaking down the food into otlker chemical com pounds better uit- td for abaorpuon into the blood iream ad then for fctorage in the liver muscles and elsewhere the blood flow la to a condderahla extent diverted to the tttrtijtwa tract for this purpose that fcs why we fed droway- altar a heavy teeal now awlmming is a itrvnuoox exar- che it sends blood surging to the muscles tike jatet ts oompartlvely cool too ko that blood rushes to the ikin to warm the body iurfate ttkat means the blood wddkl b called upon to face two callsor really thre and would be adequately dealt with tlie ditciion would suffer and the imnktr would fl chilly tlut the uilrd complication the lack of blood to uke musdosmlghl have a much more bthpus ounseouence for the danger of cramps would be increased and cramps in deep water partlctt- larly wlken the sikore is comparuvety deserted at or after mealtime may be dlsastrous- the wiser plan ta to wait at least an itour after mcala liy uiat time dlgeuion will be well under ay al- ukouch still far from completed m the meal lias been a heavy tkn a two ikour wait is much to be prefer red uy liie lame reasoning one ahould not eat lieartlly immediately alter coming in from a swim which insert either strenuous or in cold wajr tliit may being on cramps too but in a different place if in a long race or if exhausted on coming out ukt food fchould be confined to readily alnorbed augary articles which give maximum energy yield wiui the least digtajive tffort byrup fruit julcas grape juke corn syrup and honey are to be blended r 1 heinz soups 225- tral ctnojufal j s isi 14 frank jtetch tiliil nil omalui itr ilwta iii monuments pollock a ingham llmmii uy cur jb worlb gmk on l h mm hr m pt our trtirfc id qr commercial printing ol all kinds we can give you satisfaction tie georgelowa herxm xxx wawawj i9ui vinieuakt 5 biscuits 225c 11c sncwi i honey 39- pep bran pickles pl9- 87oxbd 23c corned beef r 13c litty caalj hfc hostyfa boifcjsjj 29c dressing hojko4 sodteye red salmon 32c bovt com starch 2 it 21c mclrw aliorfej jelly powders 3 p 14c lifcty pork and beans loc peas io 4jux 11 carrolls l i i v c s free delivery r iry lt7a it liathgruwu u 4jwk and al ltte turn of ue century 17icvr nfes rere in operation during the uib- period lhete was- admittedly overvexunion of railway ooaaurucr uoo abd todajruia total sngwtraca mileaae of canadian railways exceeds ttjioti of whicli the canadian ones of the- national syxtesn account for about z0q miles utmiburty the single loco- aotlve of the pioneer line has given place 16 more than 3000 loonenotlvea ui a type and use undreamed of a cenxury ago and itiu in proceaa of evo lution and deve at the same time the two original paunger coach at have- grown to more than tjooo cars aqajkleid for days and niahtji of con tinuous travel while uke few oriclnal freight cars have grown to about s00 the phyxlcal expansion of the rall- waya of canada ovcrthe century has hxisi baaj uekcndoua and ao haa the ferowui ln all other branchea of rail way mrvlce the combined investment of ctnmun railways is now almost fouf and onehalf biulonx uke annual grcast earnings in execas of soo millionk and operating expensed ml motions of this latter sum no 1ms than u640o0oa0 is payroll ex penditure covering approximately isapoo employees from which may be animated the contribution which the railway make to uke economic well- being of the country ax whole but growing out of theaailway in dustry are other important consider ation both local and hat tonal with out the railway to give effect to the conjedecmlion of our widely distribu- ed province uke dominion could qox have made progress ax a nation our trade and commerce couid not have expanded as they have nor could the great canadian prairies have been tied and developed as they have been molwiihiiadingthe great and con tinuing cot of the railways to fyi uke plain truth is that uke country owec a great debt to the railways and fc but lilting that ukere should be appropriate ackrtowledaenicnt of that debt on the occasion of the celebration of uke prevent centenary the supremacyof the railway ha not been seriously chaiaoged utoill wiuilo compartiveiy recent years the first threat came from uke extension of eletrc lines about forty years ago in mterurban service and ukere were those who felt that steam would slkortly give way to electricity in the moveeoent of uie countrys commerce thxt did not rove to be the case not because of any lack of electrical energy but because the development of ue internal combustion engine and us application to the automobile led to um rapid rise of stul another form of transport which has largely sup planted electric railways and through uke wldespread conjuruction of motor highways u now menacing the supremacy of uke railway bs both passenger and freight services tike implications of this newer system of uansport were not at once taao nor properly appreciated until recently wlken the railways have found them- selv engaged hi a competluve strug gle wlui automotive transport for business uke movement of wliich was formerly more or less of a monopoly uve klu unof in the field of transport as in most ouier callings it will be in the long run a case of the survival of the fit test and most efficient and in present period of evolution and adjustment it ulll be tece for the railways to have regard to present trends and to anticipate the future una- they are kluhd to become a gradually lessen ing influence in a field which for hixny years wax peculiarly their own it must be accepted uiat the automo bile uke motor coach and the w truck are here to stay until they fas turn may be superseded by newer de velopments what the future will be for the automobile or the railway only lime will ull the adjustment of such change bt of slow rather than of rapid progress and it may well be some years before the new alignment is definitely completed when that time comes it will probably be found uiat there is a certain distlncuve field in which the motor ear will be admittedly uve most suitable instrument of trans port there will be another field in winch uke railway as in the past will be unrivalled in still another field and probably auxiliary to the railway rather than uke highway the airplane will have us distinctive place and wluun well defined linaa and in uve liandiing of bulk seasonal commodities hi the movement of which time is not of lira importance uie waterways will have their place ttiat is the direction in which we are trending as we celebrate uie oen- tenary of the eslablkhment of uke railway in canada at the moment there ts lack of uniformity in uke con trol and regulation of these lum of uausiaat this l partly drivctof car lu umillicl ui juiijlrium iuj lata ul j arti uieemetkl a- ltetaeeu guveriuneul a potential kilicf martkcke kv vell u lo iacx of lejtfc- uue aulikoiilv alirlc lkcfc ki no cuor llu1 ui juiiiumuimi ilavukg ulll 111 mukd and ui a iiiil and ikecrary 4cu tu autellucl uiofukg sucne jil ot- nr imil oj uur triiipjtlatoti um- iliikojl llx guvernnmni 1ml set up u diunkcdve urtitniit ol tikutipixc if whicli 1 liavebad ue tkutkour to be mircutj ux uie tuit tnuusr u tv my kupc llial wcmay oc auw to aocump- ur mkmeuiuig worxli vni0 lunkcon- sirucoyt- luiril lukd tllat loog be i ore uke aecund centenary of irmiufkocva- ituti in catiid cuom tobe celebrated the imiueiile 1 uf uaiknpukmtij jutjuyig by uke peiiud from janl u stay cil uua year bah lair to t id lor auio muhkpv- air sttck- aito basitiaktas wiutron it vxuikiasv trxatcottax ike moxurisi at uve wheel of bis iar jmu to loiaet ihat he is tidutg upoufuluil cilgiiyd uf ueaui aikd uial eeo pedvaariati as wru as every other ur duver uk uw sicuuty t ids potent tlwl iuum- i- l rtgjstar of liwilofwiikci for cmiutrfi uecurea ulu arek wlkeu he reieaaed iheacci- v- tit itluuo- cumpded by ids be- ijlteulturu4rtiw4bveaweishaf tklkacof um- mllit peod may be loujkd to hatu been- kcipluk in thv cfrtautiaunerji o uke new order which re ali iwjpe will gradualb rexilacv uke old so tar a uur uauspurt ltkdumry li eoikcenied iigned c d howe- sluiluer of transport cai uke occasion of ute one hund- eui anniversary of uie tiablwiment fnfa uf lraiuportatiou y tu desire lo extend ikearumt mogratu lationi lo uie ofbciau aiid men of the oaliauian nauooaj itailwayx wuhln kshose system is included uke original line oyer wliich the tlrst ualnln can ada hadells journey and my corcual greetings to all who are engaged in providing for the community sale and efficient lailway service during lhe century wluch lias elapsed since uie itist uain operated between laprairie and st johns the steam railway has played an osential and all lmportaiil lrt both in ih ouca ud to u uj n by 1 mul fcd bi i tn uuuuer of ittxhwi canadian national and to uke railways of ca as a wlkole my bcu wislked for continued opportunities of nation al service and for uielr iktrolperlty in uke years uutl lie alkead 4sgd- w l uackenaie king make lcweu ll drciaied ailbough lhere beeii aii apttfeciable uspioveanent uauott to ttar aie moiefats ln ckperauor and people are uiiiignhcm moie rwuiiung far more ticcidents ike xplaiiicd the talal accmjnit rate for- each lajooqjooo gal- iuoa of gasoune ounsumed which is an vxceilettl baus of comparison lkoas a pronounced mrop so laj this year from isl last year and u uke omrsj in recesu years yet there aejre uiree more talaluie ln aia uian 111 slay lyss he went on jtitic kuoti wvhaye lo jcacnjhxaa tlkte hsurcet is uiuniuakably that aj uke density of jjaluc incmases there is uend for more and more thoughuul cre and ooutey on uie part of mot- otilv ttke fact that city ri aje ukcrtasing faster than ouuniry ac- itdetils suppoets this conclusion- sfr lucked remarked uiat use per- aacques- k alooaix amllled at bavavlf u l kawwf liwmlrrvra ofuav4s- r daparcaawat aterwa akoa aad turaad aalckly to ataka the nrcbld dreaa awlrl around bar a k l oarn mrtvotaa ru iia ra wtm the roby anger iks tbat rvfflad wklrjtaa pfc i mrmy arra ad pw 5rss ily to law ho- w attsffy aa- aafrraw awttw olume ol tramc liters awaalw war dark aatr aaw fasr r i- j itr -taaa- aswltalaw taw yag awa wartly mow avaew la ut aafcad sflarata prompt wy at taaa it m a aalaaaeatw aavw ta jawk raatlfmtaty ik prle f talaga aa aa bad avsrrwe j a yaar agw aww ahf bad gmmtu aay hmw la taw cty aaa aald caaraw it puaaa i ay ibavflaatew cartwrlchl yoaaawaou- v dauara taw cura vesea kaaayaw raw warda of coareft awa wt wa taw ttttw paaek taffata at twaatyvvw av awawt taa bat tt eaat in sunajuetiiixie the jireliniinaries for the storage of ice on uie farm should be completed long before the ad vera l of winter afany farmers who have promised themselve good ice uorage havw round that when winter comefi there diniculties in uke way this is particularly- true of the icewell rei trtgerator wliicli is a favorite meukodi on uke farm in many parts of can- j ihtd but 11 certainly uo iwxrlosiiji i l- and lor oold uornre ol ouitf article y si or 45 mlus an hour has iuallslicft for uke next four or nte inonuu aiil ireveid to what extent the iktople of ontario isave lieeded uke luea ol uie mlnioer- mr llkkell pre- uicicd- we hi uke department know uiat uie courteous fnrit is the ife tnolona if ontario drivers will only try oouitesy for a change we ure compelled to add ukey will find uiat safety aikd security on lhe roads vsill aplomaticauy louow 1uer fur the fliss live months of uie year were a follows 1s3s lf ivrsons injured j xavj 3jas accidents costing gso and up jjrr xa deauia isg las itorrty damage uatjcxg tx far uie month of may there increases under ecry heading ao- from a stream or pond is not avail able ttie ice-well- uierrfore of partlculax value 19 uie dairy farm during uke lkot summer monuis tlie icewell tefriserator should be about 13 feet dwvp and of a diameter to suit rejulremcnt it may fa either round or souare tike larger 11 is uie longer the ice will last a well su feet in diameter filled six feet in depui wiui ice will liold four tons a luuuly jixe for a square ice- well ts eight feet and eiglit feet deets a depui of six feet of ice in a pit of this siae will last about five monuis in selecting a site for uie icewell is advisable to keep away from any well which supplios drinking water as uke seepage from uie icewell may ooruamlnate it if possible a shady spot where ukere is some protection trom sun and winds sliculd be ctios- ert it is essential uiat uie earth in the bottom be dry and porous or drainage is provided otherwise uke water from uie melting ice will col lect in uke well and cause uie ice lo meh in a very slkort lime the walls should he lined to prevent eavetns and uke crumbling of dirt on to the tee ordinary lumber will op jor uiie lining or cribbing as it is call ed provided it is made reasonably tight lo prevent the kxape of use water ui hlglily porou- ground a shed with b rentovahlf roof liould be constructed over uke aeil to pro tect uke ice irani summer rains and for uie purposes of slisde when winter comes uie roof is re moved and uie first action toward uve icevmaking proceis is to sprinkle the lining of uie pit wiui water unul covered with a thin casting of this will lioldjjie water v bid is poured into uie well about four lo six inches at one time this al lows the water to be fraen solid before more water is added until eventually uie ice reaches wiuiin uiree to four feet from uie top an other way of filling uie well u stock it trucuon and deaul mr tnckell iummtd up motorists must ber uiat it t just sudi a weapon uiey jiave in uieir liands when they ure driving their car lt every uri- try courtesy until courtesy comes a fixed liabit then ukere will be r- few accidents fauieed diverse i houses i cuy oiillren need a hojwuy suddenly it lus turned very warm tlkere is no sliade in use city a use ikavemenls are tkot underfoot stead ily applications pour into use neigh- borliood workers association bed- quarters from distracted parents who asking nouung for tnemsehe want only uiat uicir small dusdrcri jww enjoy a short while la the cool shade of uie country inviutluns have been coming la from many kind lioacdsas but unfor tunately uie appucauons oailnuaaber ukeea about uiree to one there are many pauieiie cases reported by dis trict aorkers roc ita there are lax htile boys ages nine and eleven wjio uve with thei- mother in two liny rooms over a store on a hot dirty street tlie mother at present is ill and use lads are having to l- after uiemselvs flow tt would aid that mother toward recovery if she v knew lier buys were somewhere hi the country getting lots of frah air food and sunshine asking friends to opes their liomes 10 unfortunate children such as ukese lie lichborhood workers association does not expect an elabor ately planned holiday tt u pohsfaed out by uie general secretary n stopleford all lhey ask is usivoppor- tunlly of sending one or two children lo a liome wliich will provide a brief relief from uieir hard existeocei ft might eien be a home on uie outskirts of lhe city just so long as it pos- seed a large garden to which the children could play wiui ice blocks gradually transiiorlatlon to dwllnallnu fwb wn into iolld auji ute asiocutl3 ttlua 2 til jiace bctan ui top of uv cally ilnl befor kavln town los covered by a toote boir and lb and uuunli lie or lhe aj be dale lop nf in well nrotected by a trap i and thin liousss can be sure thw uoor li uie refrigeration cliaraber is notlilnx oraaroeally wronf usbot l itre u rooa in your hoar lor a marieew gteaeaw at aa aad aqwarwa bar wvaly aboaldaea irtj eaaacw back into ay awa dagwaa aad taw daetda ww aald wtw aaw maxd froav tkw wraaafaag itwmm u kv trta black wraet watt xaa ewrk dtaeraatly bustud away wit aa arwdoad af irjectad itoeka uvu davla wklek abau st bt ilirjodr aakad tvrlvfatly vo kaaw darwad wetfaald fjwvw nr twetdad tkat if yi got a wew fooaal tt wawt i cat wvwr rwwaty- hre bockal ok bat tkls la a draaw taat awe t- a aratlw taat w to be ywar hwmsm maw marjart wauwd auarblevowary bwf bee asatw oraasfiied axalawf taw hard hvdlgaarswa wa davww kaaa facw t lawt a if yaw wwrawt data wail hv taw aaaoe w w if w dldat bava ka la ike baak aaw mtlkwa tl wmat be rbaew tf yww bad yaur wwy yaw kaww aw wkat i rahdr aawwt ic marjarw atrwek bsck twapwadvaty uawawai warwad asw ta g way aawwt raluag u wvw wlui a lwrawt v wbale rasa wf hakanv pockata saw aawl- tartd dave wick f bad a twrawarajagy lea ipaekaca tu cartwrbzht tuw spwltartnx wy dad told w paekat wat wf ta atkee- uarjaa frwwalagly hit bee up it a faataauc tkai aba aad oaw war aaytag tbaa talag kba eawjared wpa wakf- ice- fa note from use local clergyman or nrowlnent bwmber of uie coatmunlty bananas cuytaw met urge sise ioz oranges wet assd juey nit kie 2 1 aoz lemons 6 tar 25c cj ckm jbwa grtw potatoes 6 lb for 23c onions llaate lriai 1 j aad dry 3biorloc all bat data waaat uokiaa at baa ula waa awlagaa la a daaav tawa t s- ywaaavvwt tkw auablawt mamary a a april bleat about yaar age waaw yea praadd yaw d aaertcw ajaytatar wvaw ywar dally eaka aa v cattld atart ta kaalaaaa for amywlf yaw kaev baw aauca 1 aaaa i a aad yea aavwat glvwa ap a daata tala ita kawa gartiag atw wowa iw a laag th wva gobsg tw aattte u ae ae twr jw taat wag all tkat wacrad amgm w ta aba of all ike tkhsaw tky bad jalfcad akaut be r khrl aly tku1 ail tkaa preetoua ultkwraaaa twalvw aaaauat we bad kaaw tklakla kww astravagabl ak wax he dldat nwi kaw a ike aakaw algal k kad prwlaaj kar ike vary akw iw a fratarairy ala if ake waatad lc att rtaaa ake aaut aaddaav mvu aattla u rlgkt aow yale twaay- placklag 1 aetuag aw dawa law wu key tke brckld thsi w til lav4 fwr ataaa laasivrvaw if kaa kaaa fcae yaa fcaiw cd-kyl- dave aaetd twa bda aw feke caaiawt aaw waldav kaw k kaek tke ruky- aalwd clerk we ramlaw tousrd ikawc j krvwa uitad aaalriagly dave waa atiealag- kkj ttsw ivoud yauag upg klle vita aagae aulrkvd tuwwjb kit at ear wtlb pala ma ettpbad tkem tvtkr waa aa- aayaaee wka ai4ker clvk kartiaw wa rvam a ike roaaa la tkla alae klslffrar aka aaawj la aa aawartoae af ituby irlagwr shlla tka yaag ataa rv kea waluag oa aaw it aver bate aad aays ira jaat wkat kaa uaa laaklag far h waaba u far kurial areas iw- kat vlh sa aad ykay w jaal ke taarvud a yaar hw ak was a akv alxtaaa et uat feld u uy saw nulled gaatly la uv baby nager nails lurmwa to uarjmt aaj dave ware riiig traaaakad a ike iuua at tk sag- glag of the olkar yuag aiaa ua yaawaat itr tke eurk par- aavwead -yaa- aald dav aald slarjrta tke duavvrj tkat ttaikiir aka was kaulag davau kaad aad at ww aau kwck uatll kar haarkkw aekaa- i tklak 1 tam ataka aty old wkttw iwwul 4a aka aald xsua ox oava yla silkhiiiw m ila was la faet ike abmat asbsdad praf ai aad ke wan iurapkaagiaa la a trasa tke other arw ciaapaj kalf a taaaaa aaadua he awayad to aad fva s ku tar uok aa a uak af aajwaktftita tk caa 1 kalp you alrr aakad eaadactar yaa aald tke prurvaaor wltk ra- uf iuu aa to tkla atrap far wa while i rt aty fare aul kaata kw slagaslisa awples blueberries eic ji 1 spctul pk watermelon kwuriwdy aiae rfd idmgf siae 49c carrolls limiteq ont i wks riglitruily emharrass- ed wlkeii i liioikped my folk at the halkourt- lady wliy everybody drops a fork now and uien ocw vrt but everybody dotant drop one out of his coat sleeve nw kastk judge do you consider ttu defen dant a tvliable aaalir lias he good lenutauon for truth and verajcmyf wlukn arll u he honeat wlui you rour itonor that man has to get soaebody ehx tu call his hoc at a tbey wonx kaueva kwas

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