Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 29, 1936, p. 5

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page 4 trrr the georgetown herald wednesday i vcning july 29tfy 1936 wkioh1no man in the jftalamci n have been lieexd to say wbat has min pone i justify tils prearnc upon hi- earuir and wax in critical uiey ere apt i uilnk qial lw has done nouung hut interfere with nature llierrby hiliulk nature- wrathful rrlrloulson in the farm of riood end drought- don on til un fortunate heed a a punhmeiit lor the wolealr euluiig ilown of uic primeval font laying the eulirn land open to uu- otuiaughl of jiut and umn lloweicr a irw example from mi liilrrejliig article wriuni by jak uuur uw- khupvllle naturalist fcrrvw to uiow tltce crttlr lww far from tl- truth uwy rrullj a- lne nay um1 eiralrd tlw world ilr created man mid kaic him mwrv ui rnuitaar erry thing tu-n- on earth luaik tor hitaiwf at u animal world willi ikriufckciln the farmer bamurd liid rhd rrrate the jt lry rot nd ue llohlin and tin- llrrr lordt no llf gale rnni uir original vock and tiuii tndjhrouifh mall tit uumrnuhtv dm loped man brrod- omw for uirt hluh trjretwniu f uilr milk v mr to podiv ulr- great- rl quantity of milk ulu nr a llw best of beef tjtt- ah hivr btn ow i earth long tlnv pi o mv but uiclr dlllareiirr tnr- h recoil of maits tnatuiuemfni and remember man had lo inlrrfrn tti nature o develop ulrnr ho taking rieryihlilg into- consideration one is ineflnrd to marr uuk if nuui bmilw ufui ijrt to nlurc w-rt- ikldfrd yi tllf ficiw auwm with till uif twthhu thlnx ho has dk-vml- bn coivre tloh with uk crrau tw b imaflal ftcllicrvrnwfits fcould outwrleh tlwr wl tkt by tar mitvtrrtnn 3m runtuls ink and tiie iaim cupula b utc chif producer of cmr- boii buk in umi urtluti ivniplrt aoid puna uf uu- cartxm nmlkided in ajl tlalc ka ortiiuilni ut eiflpu ouunl- l- in im1 irom oatnaulai tlwi taluui i ud fr tniy purpoba but nln imlly in thn iwinuii ink irmdc mid llw rubbrr miduuy lrtnter ink u thr dnv i common wlui umliy other imihmtaiit ruclo of outn tmtti uiu oruitimlty il rrlcutlujml lrodut rw lut of uw v rly ugfs ri- krrmiitj roan rluncoal or ool inlxil willi uum blur or vaurnlh tnurh ulur uic- klylr of uic ordlnmry blutk itrliillntf ink of today uio brln riml toiuvutunita of which arw bunp- liltick k1 uilrk limbed oil ilir hlnrsn lucribn tile bivfitlon of ink ut ivil ithrq wtio lived between jorr lie uid aarr jix nd it u kikn thaf ttir ancifiil egyptians pre 1uk1 hiwl uvhi lntu t a very emxly d il am kyiua document ivjijni uilh wrlltrn charaeur of tir talr 3ibo ll c li itiu jx rxlstmwe iv 11 tltousuiul taa ltrr ute rmper- rftf txxce juvd of llomr vert woht i wn wvir dwrr with tvouruli in nulr ink aince xhrt days the uuulw t unit kflul of ink tuwr bn umii um loljiy itni of trw flivrt jiu in thr wvrfd nr mahufactucrd l paiiuu ikibblr aw 1 could wh ttt uht joiv a vrll f tht kirl in ihcr dirua if it wajait for on oiltitf utu jlmmk wliats tijatt utue aohble i d fall off x just0rabiht noxacofim kkw jow rttlct se i ai aataocaaack urw 84a flymf fiak cam claim no tille to real flight tmh can tly iiti r rr htl wtl aa r ailtly aa m it all wuu r mx 1 rvl iirar rr uhtl ham ar cmpll r l 1 ih il ran- of thrlr lll juil it- 4a u uae bkoj rctxer hi ivntulur hrrald dulri t6 iu liubllcatuin in-cau- of wmr d v rtt luif aiul ubcriiluhi tiuharl but til hoard of trad rralbvj uftt uvr liiki kouul be at tt- dliadvaaliiac- mrllh- cvut tls luimr tlcwxpapet atul liutltkit- cd trloru which rrdtitlrd in tlm paper brln ukrji oacr bi uwr owner of if uulalwl tvrt itwj ttie paper 13 lion brlruf prinud in uldoamd but ha much better u would tiave been to lutr kept the printing plant and xtart operating in uie home town tlve inall town paper needj the aup- liort or all local biulriwui men who ap preciate the advanlattrrt of havlnff a localf paper- every buslneaa nri juiuld be tepreented in it advertu- iny columna in aome meamire it for no ouier reaon tlian to hive oulaide rrtuleni a tood impretiloq of uie com munity ex urtjulnlnt tbroxlv itanwikv if thtr taarli tbe alro itlxra run to lb litlv of tlltiit ba any elallk i uumim for llui ulii of ttuxaliic hiilr urarw wltgllk pelnral lliiti wlu li l 1i ii ni u an i di b a ii in a leavhia ut wa r pi a mm thai power of clthhidl t tholf rouraa w bar i bay actually d ay a writ r la tb lhiunlljhta inulrr la lak htok laara or illoe holilltui ihvlr panuad ttorala ruld with li on iin khfaalun arv at uat a a parat lnit and darlv tbalr pruixllln powtr fruiu atrod atmkva of umi caudal tall on a bay teava tl water trartlcally aullilna u na rrorl aboui ib nlnwf ability of v iantiv- itn or bultcrfly flah wlilch la a na rive of wat africa uul it u kn wn that tbe njllnf traril in autw of ttelr antall alx the afpullvat imiiiijc utfotfi lu ttffte king taa aklpi dltcbtat of hi feel of mora aud hmv awral locbaa ab w tha aorfacfl of rba watar prices reduced on all summer millinery all tke latest shade and styles m summer kjiuirry for ladie and children rattr ftuaaian inatrtioaatil cim orchaatra effect rr airfbcad bluslcal inatnitnetit ceolurlea old rwcalu tba wild ropiuu iw r of itueala boo year kg with ma lively raualc of rarefre gypalaa and oery coauackn th inatruuiebt wlilch la called tar eloaely rvnibltf ukulala tb ur for hundred of yra ban been i he ravorlta kpualcal inatriliuulit of tbe inhabitant 6f old utiaata mild georgia and toe wild riding cnaaacku of tba- ateppre it baa 13 athllga and la playad la tbe mauiier of banjo bad played very feat it glv tbe aouttd aitrcta of ma orelnatra coimlut la f so and more at ringed lutrq taaate aaya a wrltatr la the cleveland ihatii dealer tuhagaj kanaka tnatruiuenta wbleli are aw divided into mv dlfiarant r a according to tbe taamiar in wblcb tba atrtnea are at la vibration are all deealopmenta of tb aaollun barp tlda vary crude ibatniukrit flrat caaalatad tavern ly of a frame acroaa wmlcb wtraa were atretcbed wind blowtac lrarn tba taut metal etriiui tjeadwcaa varlooa tnoalcal aoudda philips misaionary lahorm inirrnational llnlf arm kunday hrhoel thut wrrti ia uttrrcl abrtaut every wh rt prrm blnu tin ijlon laitlaoi ats h t u up umi ult our tlvi iuy uubbl v i buy uukiiitf li h iv n itl iii only clod a klnu fill a whole- utu i mr thyt li utvrn iuv lie bud for ttm come ui and secure vomc of the bargaunft we are offering misses claridge herjd block geotretown crtsnapsmot cuil i making a hobby of one kind of i picture subject u aataira uaawa ttabuaa b idu aubjeta with wklch ta tyolfy a auole ldau pkaaa w activity her ar two olctur from an arua- m0 collectloh plcluriwd lnhocuua daauetuda wslalflly art eollocuira often tndulga tbtr fancy by apodal lalng la oao klod of plclttra aub- jact auch aa landscape uiartaa vlawa genra skochita or portralta and aaaomblhik tbo plcturaa in a aaparate exhibit aa an amateur pholofctapbor you do aot have to bi woallby to onjoy a almllar bobby with your camura you loo ran mako a rpoclulty of one kind of auhjoct and dorlvu ovon uioro pluisuro tbatt dooa tbo art rolloclor bocauao you uavo made iba plcluroa younwu cholcaa for a onoaubit pboto- grapblo collocltob ro andleaa tbiira ara all aoru of appeallag in dividual object tyna of whlcb may ba aelaoud there arw tba dlf fernl acuvltleai and pbaaea of life iba varioda pbeetorriena of nature and tba characurulica of human natara all of whua may ba por- lrayd la laureaunat plcturea tf yotl wul cottlvala a tuacarnlag aya for tbaat ad bava yoeu catoora wita yon whatt you go place we kaov a clever amateur ho caaoaw aa wu aamacl winuug wtada harrtoaaa ru- wla aaraa breeaea ana aapajrra ho we bo aataaalaatld taa1 aa woald bard ly take kta oajaarm oat tf u aiad waea apt aiowla hl laarea oo- tsoc utx la um imp- of wtaa or iwraaalu roro pt a aaata twwtcy trt wit iraaaa and narmattta flulterlnjt in tbe bruoan wblto rapa at aoa wind blowu anow drift a whirling chlm uoy rmokn wind wblnpod nana aud bunting and tbu havoc wrought by ulnd another baa apocuhiod lu faca of cowband producwl a collodion uf cow portraits wnndiirful to ttw bold it la aurprulng how much amualng varh ly tbnro 1r lu tbo ox oroaalou of cuwl obpocuilly tbouo takon whan tbo now la alaruiod all who aa tbtw collodion uugh iau4muoua deauatude la tba babect of another collection in lug off guard anapabou of human beluga lu all aorta of aluluda of repoaa and chuckfull of fcbmau lalbreal bancb warmera in tba park trampa doalna tuhermen watarfront loafera and goaalpara on tb alapa of tbacuuaury atore htlll another circuit fan apo- claltae4t on clreua pldurea lnajd of the uaf lent and oul no one can aoa bia anapabot collection of aide- abow freak a clowna harkara w- pbanu aud gaping apedalora ub oat imntwduuly yarulng tor pft- ifut and pink lemouadu victtire bobblaa of olhtira are flroa ibxbtnlng waterfall yacbta ral road loooknotlvaal and ao forth wek your aabwet and try il taarval world of faa and advab tare tn it and a grant ohancw to aa yoar nrtau talaat ta th pho- toamaar b john van ooiumar celee- fayaheleajy thrychajogy la a wonderful tblng it baa aauch ta do with aur kucdea dv fall are it baa el way beau with ua hot by another name now cornea a pre fee or who ulla ua tbat the color ar tba necktie htt much h do with onaw eparklng aucntaa poo ht lea by a felmw baa wondered why ba gt heart felture jual ah be wan about ta pop the queetlon hut it waa due ta tba wreag nacktla tbla eparkolo- gtal aaya that an orange yellow tla la baceaaary u put courage into tba timid aoul at that motaaut wbeu a fellow needa avery ounce of courage be can muajtar flaanggeat tbat the girl woar thlvaie colora to help him along oratnseyeuow will nolr conndedce qreeu aaama to ba ttwj uaual color for baabful aullora and tbat a the reaaon they are bashful hut it doean i eeem that color would have much ta do with it aloe lava la blind ohio varmer wettlaa new wudwa quinhi victoria waa uuj latt of thu llanovertau una hhe marrltwl 1rlnto albert of hanatoburn and lotlm whoa family una waa vi at tin and tbeae became tba houaa and nam of king edaard vii and ooorico v dur ing lb wprld war brcauw the namo waa oermak if bream obrri1nnhhi ta th ttngllah peopla and on july 17 101t kclng ooinre laiuad thl proc lamatlon w having takt u into caneideretlon xhx name and title of our royal bouar and family have detor- mlnad thai banc forth our houaa and family aha 1 1 ba styled and known a rb uoua and vamlly of wlndaar no such hung a tramp dog notice to creditors by c t ilrujd wqt aul j hi tiimtt ila irwitit hani btk ij atu m rtwi lltll un u xi jfc iw wa i ii yrr lit- w be- ultxl but i tfitt ijr iis ulli 1 lml t- x vj wll t l it iiu u i f the jay bjrj ta fully dfetcrlh uu gaudy mark fnga of the jay bird one must use the uvlalled plan of the scientist uiw r prtm locludlna croat light purpllali bin wlnga and tall hrlglil colmlt blue aome wing and tall fast in rs barred with black and unpad with white aide of bftsd and tliro4l white with purplish cast breast and sdi a tight gray fading into wlulo on the belly and brnratb tall lb uk and hut grayish black collar blnik with hlntlt ngurlog brtwwtn aye and white at baaa qf tba fcaak ou mu lle aa rsaaal llealdoiita qf tin p uceful farla suburb of uontrouge were pnrturbwl over rumors tbat a liour in the dla trlct occuilml by two agod splniters uti a erltahu irunul rliiajly thu iml ice were prevailed on to infsllgate in the house thfly found 17 mllllur rlllia dating hack tn ih70 ui lorn rlht a rrvolvrra rounds of ammuul tloa aad even hptid groiibdea tv- mile thread la cifl heveo tallsa of hiiuu spun w4oleo tbixad plurkftl fnim tin necks of mbt laud lainbo uin fiihhl mod by tw wobtvti over eighty yaara of age of lav hltfttland isles into an exiulslte lace sitawl as a adding gift from tba lutandera to the imu h as of kont al lliaugh at m fs i iuuart the ut awl weigh luaa tbuu 2 ouiui a ounio wiu hrck automuuillh autiihlbh like ujlmi hunuiiei may eventually have to go tliorugh cllrika lor dlaanoala aiul corrccuon of tlialr troubles uucli a clinic in facc u already in aidatenoa in new york city it give a car uib bbjiib kbid of going over uiat a doctor gtvej a ualient- all tngenlou machine which teau brakea to determine whe- uwr uiey are equadhett and properly t for hodden fetops teat uw fcteer- lht appaxatua the axlea and ouiar runnlng parta u uaad 1 the auloroo- blla clinic jew device u aet in opera at ion arugrufa oar tuu bean rua upon it and in fcoflmbarauvaly brief time a rpeeawrthld fltah to ttal jbjhfiray wuhot or oandokc is lira f jii1isi1ll l vupnmbmb nvafle cnptul toapauhi a5v tam mto mi up itia haaaaltlbsal wraaajlm trimlrar uoto mriiasomfakl sdao 2s r jaobjafcsliybpn the a d borahs zd whin i mm ii tut tiod ijicukji hut how it huii lan ttuld thut flod j pruku to ilj horlonuilly throuth our hi w mi n thrnuuh hi lory und tltroiiuh liuulliitloru it b win n he mxukh u i ui vcrtlnilly ulut wi are moat cuilmioun of 1iu biidtiig illr quaker mk of frlliig n tone tn othrra kmik jf iiitjniuc hrgiyi lulu lllurui jly pruclldc oftlwt rrluilotu 11 u it ujioaihhj to nhl lltn mlnolx omo rcctpllv ami rrjiiiiuivc m thai un pplrlt of clod amy lve hli way wlu uh itullp wui hum of the kiultiimkri uf clod itim- hr never would have tuken n ilntarl road u may iihvi htvji lu tilu iihlly lit the impulmv ititl male him ourlbi it ut divine origin such impuur lired u tiockrj by truth lovn and uie umpl of plirlnt hut they ahoultl not be ktflcctryl of thought by he ab- tvornyil tham who ar living hear to god becwim very poiutfloiw d his uuldaiica even about dally oommon- ulucui uud uaiurcdjy bi great q- culoiui thofword angel rjneaiu rocs- igniter and clod hnn nluny rncangent to bring hhi will to uitf hwtrta of men moiuji titkl lhil were cohuriumlly con- uiqiu of ood guiding hand m well uu thui humble layman mi hip chrut uild that hbi followcm would ikot hla voice und they do if it b remarkbd tlutl all this ut jut paycliology may not qad be in the psychology philip arofj mid went when man obcyii jqod wakj- iion again spiritual hunrrr tl it clearly the holy spirit waa working nt boui ctuli while milllp war triintly directed to uie aiua road the t thlopuui treasurer wm riding t hli chariot rending the prophet xtuuah often thofx to whom wc lullath to npenk urc walttng for our help and wondering why we do not orier it tlibi man luul wealth and poltlon and ho had become a follower of uie jnw- lrh faith even nlntf to jerujjuem lo woriuup but ho was not wutsned in- ntead of waiting lils time gaains at the denert or tlay drenmlrui he mai rtudlng u clutiviy mil aeeklng light for hu darkened houl utue did he know unit already philip wu on uie way an a light bearer th chrbuan church in tthlopia ha ftlwaya traaed il orluln to tliu incident of uia con- cron of tlin huiioplan on the oaga road during the recent moiitlui wlen abyulnnta han bflcn in uu itnolllght of nown many referrncda have ben miule lo thli narrative using the text rook tflls soul winning ut lorgiy a matter of dlble study and niblo loiowlwlge an ouutandlng canadian minister takes his bible and roads to aoekers vtre ufter verse uucli a he that hui uie son hath hie uellfrvo in uw lord jrjiuji ohrlat nrul thou alialt be savd a bible training oallcgti kpembi much of 1u time drill in tf ntudenbt in mmor- ixlng uie key vcmea or uie bible one of the mort effective of modem evangeiuits rtwnd houra acii day with his bible dr campbell luu pub- lujuul a book on great cliaptera of tho bible atudlca uiat grew out of hla ulblo clojis in old london it u the uuk and opportunity- of theolog ical colleges minljlera and bunday school teachers to do such diligent and intelligent bible teaching uiat the bible may he an nffeeuve tool in the huncli or all chrutlans the mhlopian eunuch was reading uie bible ip a foreign language and he could mnkc lit tic out of hbf own trnnfi- latlon philip aked a very dlieol question urulemtandeflt thou wluit tlvou readut in uur ordc uiu was a play upon words something like do you hoed what you read phil- golden optkirt unity for now 1m under- uood why hf had coma dawn uie unfurl road catting a verdfet 3539 a lawyer oddrcaclng a jury plead for a verdict bhould not a praacher also aeek a verdict in every cerrnon and aliould not every individual christian be winning verdicts among frlendii and acquaintance a nail hold better if it is clinched and con- vlctloro are more lofitlng if uiey are regl5trod publicly a young man went to a mjnltor seeking spiritual help tii minister upcnt two hotim explaining the tflcls or uie faith nd fiving hhi own nerconal witnai aiul togcuier the two men had prayer tip next day uic young- man went to an eamoct layman ttlio pleaded wlui lilm to bvc liiii life to olirut and led uie young man to uio groat deculoti very often when cliruuan worker think they ate reapecung uie person- nllty of anouicr uie seeker ut longlrur for someone lo help him to decbdon in uiat ethiopian s diarlot uire t ictors led to conviction uie gcrlpture yhillps teaclilng and tlie working of uic holy spirit in the hearts of boui rnrn llie huiloplan came to a full hedged belief he sakl i believe that jetuu christ b the son of ood immediately he acted on hut belief lit was bapused and went on his way rtjalclng cliruuan deckion doo bring joy a layman at work ia iho new tentament tell us much or uie apoj tollc work of peter john und paul but it data not fall to re cord the great services of two laymen whohad been fccleded to act as dea- sotui stephen and philip in the convention of the euilopum piiuip won ui ouditandlng man an african liuitcad of nuiung uimiii hut laurel philip kept right on witnessing for chrut throuuhnut different clue uu he cumb to cansarca wliere paul vuittd hi in twenty years later chrlitlunlty ut a travelling religion itgoea to every country to every nat ion to uvcry clots philip bore clrcck name but he lived in uie i toman lmplre cxiualnrhl uie jewlsli srrlptiircft to an african and worked among tin sumaritlaiui wtvom uie jew dl illkid if all chrtallatu were work- tuu chrutiuim the church of ciirut could uum bt conic u saving foroa lit inclity church members too often iiuvl tin dteper exierlcnee of reli gion to ht cartkl far by inbilfcter and mlnuurn trust too mucli to aennon it lu iierumol ovangelbua uie winning of wiuls one by one uiat bt tooat affea- tlve and lasung aipnai to ui in dividual by an individual u uu- hope ful way of winning uia raoe ohrut qaaatlniia fee i itay our coiiaclouaneaa of ooda tuldance 1m habitual f wtilcli u more rewardlnt bidivtdual or group bible study f i bow tiad philip learpad lo lpterpret the bible f 4 i peraoiuu evangeljanl ever am un portlnencat 5 can preaent christ tin hlatory agasal tba paatt l j a wh ul r- aiul ifi j kvr lfrtl il i imi thr ltn i 1 wrll ir 1 til liedeiector flat ijl m ineicrat can hi daa mcr ja a rartkai imaerawea juv ittrir l lui ioch thing jl m llr tifln ux morduig lo yodthlul llw irjir itxuinle krrur brilliaill ti il i luwitr vtu imad rtwbt il ulllvrijiy irnlutc ciuiw ordrc tloil lahnrattoo i hr ob looking blark bx uk hlnr aiul mruiod- uad b krrlrr aiul lb uimt latrj hi lielitlug tjjvr- flime n y n in virnr uitovr tlir gcnrraj lutuiuig of the ikrruri ltuyareph drtrtuut of drcrplum trcluiulmf and llw lkoliukli lie wto to aitir u only oitr thf hi u cilrim pjlrclluhu ruliitiiig limn uiuwf aiul drill to i rinbm11a lit u m a ixa huriklnj tjir lw lwuw rs tl w iv uu t nb i uch thing oj a lwtljrf nkrr l lulu y i t a uio ho uu trumeiiu cmdliia uglily- r u t ut ij1 nc a cluihg uch a biwhl truurr pul umuj u t rwad u dtmr uu- name rr wu any t lltr liiorr uuslt u oeteyo ta oimuvl t m u l uwrtrnojororortt olood fcouiil shr l y llil to atu whh n sniomxvr ra br cilrxl h vd e-xh- up aipneaullrul uu k ut fc tmmkw uj rt i uiymrn urr lt lo hvr tbt mj hltt hick joo au k- v w dut0 jump hi a dcflard taamrf j t wlletl a mlbjeet ur r uia a lullr u aaataai aid ml lilit najtr or that a bell iwci yufir thi lt r uu otbiln m cslw ssls wirt uiuirtr uluw y in- u i irvirumhl a lie dkrrtir wlia or f loc u glve uie unprtjaon utry really hane uuuaa kd x ikxufte a unkc such a devlcr ltxtu aptrar pr iy iijjd lloarver sld krcler drceptton uh u m eaauer n3 ua liulltor i ouij diaanoacd y lm t w liaax rrom certain iyniiton juit jk appro ktrmt uanaa uaciwr xaiunvtlacw dlcltl or any ouwr pliylcal diwinler rutoh lh j isjfjr ran be dugiload un t rf aadd ck tlie xicil title tlimr dctajjuon lablh loeitf ifc 1jluuj uck- oratory grtw out of uie lit vavtiun why rprstbt irauj day maaere of trvrti yeajn ao a rr r thawathv crime for which no blame ever was turd ii wa- ntartrd lo make available a laboratory to glv fcxrart a to police in idtnuncetkai of all othan- typj of evauvnoe nreding tcirrlunc mtuiodi burt a uarr a metnbrr of ue coroner jury invtaligallng the- au- jicre auutorrd uie idea and wiui liu cooperation wlgmore 1 gryeu itavuig aii tlaimi or demand iiiil uu lauj jaite anil bhoruul died xi or ahoul uie kighlecnui 1 uay laj ax uuj loan of in ju in lite county of hal 1 1 1 iohjmi of oplario are te l ijl b la prepaid of to i o u uudrrvuined juitor i willuro 11 luumtsll utc j a tl r will tutd tula j jj ann luioiull married it d ijti utrlr tlamnl and id foil puiikubu in 1 u i uuitl uul lite ualure i i j urttj if uny wul by new advertisements new oeaa poola djlcnea and dralna lo dig otd oeaapoola ctaterpa ate cleaned on abort notice also whlte- wbalitng and arjy other work dona bathroom outfits co at lowest prioea ja wluka iwuf iso a it lakt noti i i- utal atlex uie i i ut dy m aiialu lu3ti uu- m ui tf will ofortl to xlktri ut utf um u the bui deorikaed lj uj tritut entilled thereto himtt verd only to uie claim of uiwb i hall ihrti luvr hid kiotloa and that ua- -d- rxcculor wul not l- i jltlr tr lit vij uiru or sny p lih iref to any ter on of wiwjmj luiit lie vttll uoi tlmi ltave irceivcd liolf v wmtvl t eiirftetoaiii 0xlajrio uiat 1m di of july lmq a irtoy laf kc ikdj ir uk id wniuim i si iilarftui waak waateal will aihmi-ctaia- ji importunity lo di uny kind of ttoir rrpalring and driiutinif att gardrii work of all kind apply lo t j iauui arietta u hlxkrulki tf concrete work i am prepared tu do ooncrete work of ull klkh- t umalro glvm free of i barge if you tvoilue anythln in ulu him- ptlbue 331 or wrluf bo fcii il wahur utwij to leoraje t4ftll 4tp u wood for sale ntoir- liardwood acapte and beach rnixrd toft wood moat reaaonajblr lir apply jjfcfc toat phona 51 w irorjaetown f noticeto creditors w lllfc iiattlk a u frilwem wevy ute el ua tewaahl r liaardal u the aavty mt llal- wood for saub cltolce uaple hardwood and cvdax j halk at right price ovdera left al i ahunuk or at my home ptmana saw trontptly attended to a uvinjttvonat wood for sale rity jtchool of hv a laboratory corpor- to be- unw ati ri rd atlon uz formd and alnuated with i nuiht acd ail brk iy nien the university slgaln rrttui tinw he rsci a ip fioon liad ohhatian wluletalng alwayr wa7 afwx abour tau wvvts uv uiikc waj ittlrd aad tratr uaird runn ing caja altacca ka etrc -diifapotnl- tarnl the- bnt freacfet iyam that stopped at the iialaaa hd tvuior fur a pejfscvr whn it wtt the aif was awy ajbojt two toonlha- then aae tum trtuni xio duly at taeri tovjkocau t mra hoenf tl rind pw liilca a tsr rron dean ktactilu john parch wai oarf u tree aae wnli bot- norfiiweam unver erous br- the- tw pcij ipp- tlie polygxaph ooniil cl three unllr one for recording rrpunstno rjionge another for continuously re cording uie puue wave and blood jirtjiiire and a uuki for recording muscular reflexce of the arm or leg to obtain body reactions tube is placed around the a blood preaure cuff b fatmed about uu- upper arm and baoatad to at prew- sure midway between the kyatnuc ana diastolic blood lirwiurei hubber lube aiiroxlmatcly a juarter- of aw lncli in jlametrf lcd from boui uv chest tube and the cua into knjatal tambour to which are attached hr penfi ai the pens fluctuate- wiui each puue oj rvcphtory rnovrment r- oorduils are md upon a slowly mov ing graph paper on a unall drum ordlnorv physical abnormalitiea uch as high blod prnsur and irreg ular iwiu or eniouonal bastauuiy caused by fear anger or other disturb- ing factors do not interfere with use deception trit becaus uiee unreapnar- itles are bfought out in uie control part of tlw record in ouiar wordfr that part of the record made by th subject white br ing aked few cutomjury irrewvant qiicsuons- uav you had your break- fau utis mortilng rtquirbig an an sa r of yea or nol will indkatt uia iihyolologlcal peculbuiue of the individual blgnincanca u ttacltcd only to use deviation from uie norms at the points where uic subject u being questioned a to his particular pr- iclpatlon in uie crime under tnrca ugation tills polygraph is used by insurance ootnpanlos banks tlepartment uores and other organhcauoria more than j 060 employe of u chicago banks have been examined to effort lo de- trct embcaalers of various sum in one instance a bank tvfilrrd to delict uw embeaaler of sjm teat were run on all m employea but tn- rtead of flnding one liar bt uie group 13 were discovered of lha 13 nhv eonfdfcicd to embraaletnenu uletl un known to bank ofaeiau train ttt wjrks bibf ks a vric was pavtrn ue iliodf boajxl a bark x glanced up and u pinde iittng tan top nf th- ckw down at see- with j crm runner i face- as batata a scotchajs xaioecird itut pav lojf for bavinr iiiw iit ihrrird bc- caue h bapord hrj uiii w luul fcw hcvthri ois haltov milk fatodvcots ladncii iaumistam iy fttvdv cofits tlie ptttraert building uiltoo on tuesday evening but was tilled capacity by a large group of milk pro ducers wlio met to tliacua with rep- redentativfd of uie sgrtvnimp oepart- ments at ouelph and ottawa and also of the ontario and toronto atllk producers association details c cerning the coal of aouk produetot survey which is being launched by the protlucer organiaauoris of the prov- ince uetween two and three thousand milk producer of uie province are cooperating in uiis movement and will keep coats raoordj lor uie com twelve monuis accordin to v k bum prkun of the ontario whole uuk producers associalion uie pro ject has uiree objective tn view meat to secure definite bgurea to asm pro- duocr representauves when baxtcrtna with distributors and aaanujaetured milk atecuuve ceoondly to support any move to secure lecaalatioa wlilch may be required in uie future i thirdly to assist uie producer blmaelf in comparing his eots wiui his feuow- liroducer and ultimately reducing uiote costs the wponse at the ual- ton bneeuiui was eaccuent appro nialely fifty producers aigued up to keep definite record and tt i tapect- vi a number of others who were un able to attend will also cooperate bt this movement which u the bd promising of any yet undertaken- by uie producer organisations of tbe province holiday exal r a new departure in uie interets of farm tiejp 1ms been introduced thl year by a prominent omh ontario farmer wtio uils week gave ab his farm lielp a weeks holiday with pay only two men are left on the farm to douui routine tiutle this move lias been mudi appreciated by uie farm hand oonceruad and it is expected uiat they will return to uieir dutks next week mudi refraahed froaa the few daya holiday th farm baser eoncerned believe that vey fartnaa oould adopt una pradioe if a pohcy of balanced f mrttung ware oarvied oiau till mcaou uiad erupa slwm bat aa sown uiat there k a veeka tail at that tiotteat iiart of the mmhwt and daar in this week theaw as aartbat farm hand to do bat taker a boudav wiui the farmera to sdiedul there wwum aw faav bt vetiienoe lnwjvw4 sgrilirihn iiracuce and tba- abort hotkhvy affmdk ed uie worker would reault bs proved work on their refcarn farmer nuahi wall follow un ksrao- uoa u would anon ba uiat a bottcy- of baiabol would ba no way harm use cropa baat would give the bardwork banda a mucli needed raat- wtfa i toad tblnc far aty nek aa hartbdaj adft j j dt btr oat of aoapr i koflo u hereby gtveii uial all peruins haiing any claim or demand aiill tlit uu wlkoii wuey wlu dicd on or about uie lit day of rtb- nirj 1ui at the township of ka- tjuciiitg ui live countyof llaiton and promc of ontario ar4j required to cod by poi1 prepaid or to deliver to lie unuvrsignd laullciuu herein tor ulrti wiley tlie exccutru of uie last will and tcaraent of wilson wiley farmer deceased tlwtr ruuncs and iddrvcs and lull particular in writ ing of thrlr claims and statement of v tir accoimts and uie nature of th ecurties if anj lild by them- i td take sotice uiat after uie sixteen ji day of auguit ad 16m iie aid exrcjirtx will proceed lo dj- tribal uie aets o the aid deocaied swong uie person kill ed thereto lilrg rreard oruy lo ue elam of uhieh she shall then have had notice jjid hat uie said eecutrix will not be liabe for uie vad atiet or any iajt uirreof to any person of whoa t jjrt iite shall not then have receiv ed notice datd at georgetown ontario tht- isth day of july ajo 1s3 ltlloy dale icc 3 solicitor for the said ellen wtley choice hardwood beech and atacoe ut woo per cord hinted wood ttbo prr cord hau ttm per cord j biatrou rharte ud aa- ml hugh lindsay bargain fares july 30 from georgetown tt trvkn ai j i at all adjkonu cnjft sutlanii ta cjnjl sbbaas ia suritime pronnces july 31 aa 1 to ckuw 5ss monbj 675 queboc cijy la0o sle anne de bemupre 1060 tuk j tttj tinuu uxid xlimnuon tnxa aumu aik t lumdulls tu c canadian national i tested dairy cpws iufta kaateds a cat pars bred tor type and production uxiy bauant ajaat ua ipree delivery on truck compensation certificate a cepted a couaierml twulttay re gaarawtea murco farms llrfdhay omt tilighiai uss usaaaaay oakuurla lr devaits pilb iw tal ti mocwk bn stoa vba our business is printing letter heads 8sale bills catalogues booklets aiofhce forms v broadsides show cards blotters stationery business cards prompt work low prices when you wunt printing you nulurally want good printing iwotuptly doate at uu- cost that u uie kind of printing we e qualified to remler we liave modern typo faoc wide aelectmui at paper utocka and layout tugitektiona which will cbauc you to attain real quality cliarctcr for your buainda or nter- pe be the job urtce or unall we can acrve you if you will phone our representative will call and tf you wuli ataut you in planning the work to be done lphoneno8 the georgetown herald

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