Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 12, 1936, p. 2

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p82 the cnielowixjcrald kvruiiik august 12th 1936 brampton cauiucu on sat urday aui mb ibm at walton manorial iurcb ilronte by ilav il h pttdes agiwjfc youngest daohter of acra a cmpbell lu ctiaries j pramptuu only tua ol william and emily j- kramptori of toronto formerly of georgetown- bulo ilahltt at wasaa heach on hunday a usual bui ibm wubert charles ilartlell of lirampton loved husband ul lydla uartleu in lilaulh year oocfat in georgetown on satur day aut ftui ims jawet luuoer- amu dearly beloved wife of uilclieil cooper m her t7ui year in mkmokiam wilkon in lovlug meoory of a dear wire and mother iohui adehor i wuson who pued away aug hui b34 then- u a link death oarihol lrvr love atkd rrmambrance lail forcvrc kver rwnemberej by eliixbaiid and jamtiy voonoln loving memory ox our deaf brother james henry vom who laueti awy in oaelph geo rtwl hospital aug e3th ibs two yeais liave passefl la ion br biilnourliearta your face sll beams cod knew uiat lie was suffering- trial the hills went hard to climb ho be cloned hb weary eyelids and whispered peaoo he thine ver remembered by loving hro- unrnjblelers and hrolienlnlaf obituary haftul atttcllaxl ooorut georgetown lost a wl- knovn and respected citizen on oat- irdsy msl aug bth he dealt claimed janet hendenoo dearly bo loved wife of mitchell cooper mrs cooper wax bom in h la wn ago came to canada when quite young with her parents she was marned bo air cooper nearly 60 years ago mrs cooper had been a resident ol oakyille fcverton and acton be fore coming to oeorgeiown forty years ago xteoeafced was a lov ing wile and mother a good neighbor who wul be greatly missed by those who knew her bed lhe is survived by her hnsha three cons william albert and milton two daughters mr l 1u tbomhlu and uk u l aldrioh and a sister and bro ther in the united btabe mrs cooper was i of the pteshyterian church the funeral on mooda whlob was private was conducted by re e q baxter in the abse of her pastor jne pattbearera were atesxtx w c anthony w t fcvamt harold cleave wm barber john held loraer c thompson interment was made in qreenwood cemetery haxfcna m v moots last week there was buried in oeorgeiown cemetery one of the old dtlsens helena n v moore wife of mr john b morton she was the firth daughter of the lake jal moore and agnes uccoah bom in oeorretown in 1w7 educated lnaqte local schools and at whllby coilese married bo john u- uorton borne forty years ago the family resided in atarmora until thirty one years ago wnen they moved to fltlrung where she fcpent the balance of her life burvivlng are her husband and tour daughters late agnes slorton and sir il b vandellea of cleveund ona ut james watson of uadoo uxz harry uylec of tweed one bro ther mr john t uoore baby koint uoad toronto and one- suter airs el ex hh- of stirling and seven grandauldrerx ha was a devoted wife and loving motlter w c wuttajcts a yr of brampton town coun cil for urveral year and- 4 retired merchant w c uarueu died sun day in lus uth year wnlle holidaying at waaaga lleach lie was uwrctianl lor 30 yean unll ulemenl a year ago when jolin ukceeded lum lie a of the uoe william bartleu and re- kld virtually all his ule in ute bowu wuu the esrepuon oi a lew year he itent u bualnru in toronto lie a sni bowler and curler a fl u the local club lit 1 rnrmbrt of brampton u church and luuio lodce ajk and ajt and uie uoru club lie is uirvlved by tih widow iormcrly lytua aleubrr two bonx dr w v lett uojl jobu bramp umuitliter uhlrlcy and four brothers uikl live u georgetown high school u moe sriorj ftesulu alexnlkicr uary k kkn oomp cbkg ij sl can elul aig arnulrong helen k- a- c elarbrr 1aul eja 2nd chem intt ry- a0u1 c ry qowrp eleuver oladyv-trtypl- c il comn lui ljpl- itceary doris t xal cotnrx rr auui-o- et oomp snd licucy eiaa oalg c ptoya lad uowmaii anne aftanc uisl 1m onai let aulh c jpr auth and utron aarmretlt inc ust intl lliys lia lat aulb c lat comn srd r auth c yr oomp c cleave wrankilrj w- can lllit tod alg sal cook nld can itut- autlu c lalcomp ird rr aulh 3rd y oomp srd tjoajigah xootntm oomp- fcng xil 2nd can hisju c alg c crtpps tnehna c can hist abe blsl c oeonx est pnys tod ll auth e eavb ktuyh a anc ftlst 1st oeom ird ll auth c lal comp- srd loeans france at can hist lat aulht c lal comp c t auth c yy oomp 3rd fc eda y can hist 2nd anc hio 2nd ehys c chnl c lal oomp c ecvans uarsmret k- can hist 1st alg c oeom ird rfays- 2nd auth c ll oomp srd- lvans alariorie a can hisl 3rd anc hio 2nd alg 2nd 3rd rpouus etobert u xng xjl c can llbt snd eiyi srd hendcraon janet wl eeng lit c can hlsl c alg tod latimer william el chem lindsay etuth l anc eusl ul geom c phys lt lal auth 2nd jlunan harold k can eust h eng oomp c fcng tit c alg c lyons kathleen j can hist 2nd ehya c mefv rtaser alg 3rd alacdonald jessie m- kng oomp c can hist c uaclaren uargarel w- ng cceap 2nd kng ul 2nd can hlsl 2nd alg ul uaelaren stewart a geom 1st phys 2nd ucallljrr jean alv- ey c chem 2nd laocumber umer d kng oomp e kng ul 3rd can hlsl 3rd alg lacetartc eda ec anc eusl 2rd ehtysics c lal auth 3rd lal oomp 2nd uerrltl audrey l anc iu5l 3rd uulholland ecatxueen kng oomp c kng ul c can hlsl 3rd alg 3rd overcnd jprances u kng comn 2nd kng ul 2nd cart eusl e alg 2nd e c kdeniimltli enamel chem c stacey joyce kng oomp c can hul 2nd sttphension norma d jmiys 2nd lal ootnp venduamttl sulllo oeom 2nd ihiys 3rd lal oomp c wuliams eurry4ng oomp 1st e2ng ul lit alg ul can euil 1st hiys ul wlluxin charlotte can hisl c wood lenore t can hlsl e oeofai c lal auth 2nd lal oomp tod- young halen kcan tlx c two women seriously injur ed when hit by cv miss u iiahals41n and mml a m tianlv taltjkn to ool- untiwooo uosrrral tlw cummuiuu fcu jjiockod ou luimiay u leajn o umj aocwdcut wtiich vaumul at lliarti ou iialuruay wlcu ui lumuni cnjufitcujwn ijciiool tcatucr and hlt a k orajtdy ul oucrvui rly ul oeurietoauj wtio rd aciu llarruxiii and alls g randy krv boui ui ui grncrai ataiuie hospital ax oouumaoou wlieie they wt en alter ute accideto uiu llariunn ioulrumt ltun a povloki iruuuire ol lite uluu aitd atr urandy wrtli thofuuuu liaclure of uw nht leg trie lso vumcu weie walsuug along ukd ilantof wiifcaga near txkitl wlvu a car auegediy tlnvcu by wolf ml uwraiot ol aowutrew avc lofbiiui wlto wai buor cluwiied 1u cruiuual urgilsnce lyonwi out o the uarktie yoklcaugkl botli peflej trtaiu luiui valh- uri orandy icapod u ooeiide uit th leudet uxuck lr a glnciiul btow uirowlng iter pd uus toad uiv uar- rfcjaa did not have lime to get nut of the way and the car struck nc lull iprce uivlug iter a dlunre of twelve ee aliut liarruv wui kiuicscd udv ooiwbious whue alii tlrandy ed deoperately to- no- w- iter- m uia fourth sblakelock picnic will fee lell at trafalgar park oakville saturday august 15th a 2 pjm sports 5 pm baby show two clases under 6 mon ths and under one year a 6 pm amateur con test 8 pm concert high- classentertainers 9 pm hon mitch f hepburn premier t a buddoek mjpjp hugh cleaver mlp e hurop criuriuan coftee supplied and milk for children s bigger better brighter than ever 2 everybody welcome god save the kins mumhuahhhuishumiimmuhililbh move glombuj health m w norvall iron eyeat l warn uaue ay maciormacks drug store quick cteui cooking ojdlckly ai and instantly oh fuiaelesa wtotka odor- ul thats what cookhw by rleclrulty meaiml and thee are uie elcuhc ranges uutt iu comiuuli modem cooking best wt dfendably and eooao- utlcally we can ull you the ins mul -v-sti- of electric cookery if yoerte uotermied and wlu hi uua days of ad vanced convenlenov is nol g r mockart at the vine of going to preus w are pleaded to repst uiat the condi uon of both klks harrudp and mxa urandy u somewhat improved an- lha they are doing ax well as can b expecteuundcr ue rjrcumstanrrfl balunafad aliss hiyliss rxtreman returned to toronto to take up her duties as librarian at the university alrl wm- kirk and eon cordon of toronto are visiting at the home of air john uckechuie slivi ueuie cole has been removed to the hospital in hamilton lor treat- mnl we all wbji her a tpcedy rooov try ur and urs e4uup harford of to ronto vbitod unday with friends hi the village sir den campbell is having a new house built on his arm bcre- the august meeting of like w- a- was held saturday afternoon at the borne of uxhl ii ll lindsay elans were made to hold a field day aug 22nd at lir henry hilts hev h n konkle of the wafton or ejepers toronto gav a very in teresting lecture and lantern slides of the work being done in the leper colony sunday evening glen williams uro wm xjobbie and daughter louise of clevelanl otuo xere uw guests of ilr and airs art iicott last week uiss gene eclrby who has been spending a holiday at bala return ed liome last week kliss thelma lickuily of battle is tpctuiing a luilklay with uis eve clark ur allan law returned home on galurday after a motor trip to new york and various other places of in teresl urn itoberts and ijtr sam etoberts who have been esteemed residents tier for many years moved to their new home at umchouse last thurs day ul albans church qunday school held uielr annual picnic on satur day at swasuka ueach some eighty one members made uie trip by truck and car and everyone spent a very happy day in the draw recently organised by mrs eloy norton and ulss uary watson of the lvtjl edge the win ner of uie clock was uvs wm ivver- ton sr ttve proceeds of the draw were for the ryfe and lvura band ashgrove the young people had charge of the hornby circuit on sunday aug bth at betttel and ashgrove in the t and llornby in u eveulng uiss kc uirfaean of china was the kpecial speaker the music was sup plied by the young people the siunmer meeting of the auxi liary was held on tuesday aft in the sunday school room when u young ladles had charge of the procram with u1ss isabel wrlggles- worth in the chair an impressive devotional period was taken by ulss huth olffen reading theust chapter of sl johns gospel and4inglng out many beautiful thoughts in her toa pallon prmyer followed uiss juar- lon uiller ravored wlui a solo alter which five of the girls took us on a visit to some of our missionaries on vacation in africa china india and trinidad a pleasing instrumental was played by kliss joy huddell then uiss eta graham book the study chapter on kducalion in africa at uiis time a duet was umr by uisses haet luddeu and kdiui wrlg- elesworth mrs wurse closed uie meeting with prayer uiss joy and betty ituddell liave returned from a pleasant holiday at fupley the services next sunday wllf be ui cluurge of uw young- people from uhliel united church the womans missionary society have secured mrs hooper lately re turned missionary from abyssinia to speak on aug 23rd this will be a privilege to hear some one right from africa glen wiilimmt in 1858 the following regarding uie village of glen williams is taken from the w year old canada urectory aien wmlamjl formerly called wu- ilamsburg a vluage situated on the eliver ciredil in uie townslilp of ks- quslng and county of halton lhs- tantrrom milton 14 miles from to ronto 30 miles and from georgetown station or uie grand trunk hallway 1 mile daily mail iopulatlon about 35a uuslnoss plaos and factories alexander ituunas blacksmith alexander william heehe uilas edge tool maker brown robert pump maker cliapman ttkomas uioetnaker cook jolm jr innkeeper cooper archibald saw mill owner craukc thomas sliuruiakcr liar ling joshua junior todrr donald tailor forster jame waser captain j o gui william bmkeeper grundy atutrew blarkunlui hardy cluurlok johur i l raid joiui tailor laldlaw j u genrrul dealer ladle lleul jolui mclean john tailor murray john joiner ttewarl james mason stull caittain jolut thompaon jamea m millwright rweedie juscpu saw mill owner webster at sulcllf gnurul dwu wullams oluules ihoslmaster mill owner and woollen tctor s tab crasy wtu suprinuldrit of msmne asylum dad you get utose five men that es- ieapedr guardhvet w gu uuiteeul actm take first playoff hiscball game zc ountltss fcauuats and ult uatt1n was gtowltowns downfall j flay in acton tonight ill tiuim or utctxl wlsir gur no iriimr ilu- onlrw watf tt u tnautt 7 kiwirk knock kihhl liny ktiul uutl nouilug but titc itlwj of ute actoii bul now if you wiuit uie lmmuliiaii prurr luilwoukl you ijay bttout ute any pltruse ve uuttht liavc uied to uxltfm- uut ptr fxlialulhe ul umi po- tlil -ciisjuukul- ol gvurstown wviv rudely lanunctl lurk iiuo our uuoul ourlpl oy u boriaur u-bu- uk the iuwa j alliitaii k d wluch rcmtndnlone of main jtajji uj1 lu chicago on lite tu of j we lud sturcely iubd ourwplu irt ur lujnomd olueil- iuli wlmi wv atie ruciluy uwulcod irom ltamikloililp uivutii by u uaccuui ul osr htoa ruuilng bear utd liu unvitiimu touittur our boy foeuiy cemixi quile liuruud sitlcn ealfed upon in luutdie uie bull was ltlua trvfh errdn would jnaku it appear iuj imunas bul the altutarb went to bal and suconeoed irj reaping li ilirre were no nuu ui the ttaa- ood but ui the uilrd luelph went mu uw iim1 wlmi uwy txored two nwar it aai lbe aujuarx inrdrupi in umi imirui fttr ury matiaaed u lirt ou uip mi in wtuti tluy romped llu- iwm k thnw umes fch tearb xuini oiu- tti ute hiul and uie rifij lialf j ute slxui saw gurljdi uv up uw 4m wlien uie alljuaii errorefl liodly atml alloled tni iruiu how- rrr umi redeemed uiernclvi iii on ulsu lialf u wittuu- gsme frtaj uielr iiiuwi t u 6 lutnmood tlul uie burling tir uie matu- wlille wlieeur mruann uimi iuumi ul took u i umd lor the allkur the alliuan iimi 13 hits ij ooultuxl j tlhre fctr- ill uir ganw u hxtirle4l by 1 mlrtrf l u k d0 a 41 u j i o cl ll7 13 u sb mawn jl kobrrllll httvies r kuhtc i miioii krlly cr lulni if llnmmoimtj tim ioxv v oil yea acimi ac caorgwbau lllli acitul l georgetown 11 fcjf roracion r lj gcorgcuwu 11 ucslarui atcolt olid walters oftl-r- rdvtry utile to myiaiiy llie actou uceibe mcuauii u lie luid bceu ulconlrd uiy kind of support would have giraioejunjetown an eved duuioe of beailug acton acton was retired in uie mux with no damagr bufalur two were down in uie sec ond lus support wobbled juul 3 ruom came actottsv in the third his de fence blew again and jlejty ln dis gust walked from the mound al- cou came hi to pitch and isslki ub lhe ilfui aod wasuickad for it hitt and 4 runs waltcn rcuuced him hi uie ilfui and before uie side could be retired 10 ruiu luul been recorded georgetown sconxl runs hi uie j uilrd on hits by cliaplln luulile and ward and in uie sevetiut hllclile shuecld woods wanted and ward hit to uilrd and all hand were safe wlien lulchie beat uorton to use base tudor eleaumont uien cleared uie sacks wiut a beautiful long drive to centre it was tie longest hit of uie game and went for- uuee bases- tliey reured hi order in uie bhjhu- and tunth mtclue wiui a ward wlui 1 luelwejgig a double ekwumont wlui a uiplexandr double and woods with a two bar blow were um lieavy hitters lor uie scottmen acton displayed a snappy brand of ball and a powerful collection of cloutersv u uiclr pitching stands up tliey liaxe a good cluuicc of winning uie cluuniiionslilp tiie box score aixrrait lwrji if toletska ts clements lib ilraumonl b wuld rf h morum r ltruh c il mrlont3b wlieelr ucuann n londoil p wultrrs ia ia 41atted or wlieeler all k lrpo a r 000 0 fl h u ikj a k 13 ib i in uh gkojtgetown ab it ie ik a e l hitcliie lb 4 3 3 4 4 wooda zs 3 1 1 0 3 0 ward rf 5 1 p 1 0 1 uouumont 3b lb 5 1 y a 1 i hoare c 5 0 1 0 1 3 alcott if p 1 0 0 0 0 0 walters p 3 0 1 0 1 0 mcnalty o 4 0 0 0 0 1 uenluun lb j 0 1 10 0 0 a eulclile 2b 3 0 0 0 0 0 ucuann p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ctuiiuin u 4 1 1 0 0 3 3s 8 11 37 0 11 acton aej n u ro a terry if 5 5 3 1 0 0 n uorton p g 4- 60 b 0 j- walerlioue lb g 2 3 10 0 0 lindsay s 7 0 3 1 1 0 it wateruiue c 7 j 1 i 0 0 anderson c n 1 3 6 0 0 b morton 3b 4 3 1 3 0 tyler rf 7 4 4 3 0 0 waluhs 1 7- 4 3 g 3 1 67 2o 34 37 10 1 n u k acton 0 3 300 1 4 0 1 2a 24 1 georgetown 002000 4 0 0 6 jl 11 summary 3 base tills woohs ward ueaumoift terry andersnu tilcrt 3 base hlu eleaumont strike oats mcuann 3 alcott 3 wallers 4 uor ton 3 walks mcuann 3 alcott 3 walters 5 uorton 4 hits and runs off ucuann 5 uiw i- in 3 innuigs none out in uilrd off alcott 5 and 4 in 3 13 innings off walters 14 ana 17 in 4 33 innings off uorton 11 and 6 losing pi teller niryf wmi playa wallerj unassisuwl kit on baso georgetown 11 acton 13 tunews liours umpires leeds and ilydeapptlf eveton ni home exntll tte heayy sluggeri for a xiiis ani tiiatin sport oli elum 1 1 anouier ueek lias rolled up and over i t t and once again we might remark uiat nouilng very exciting to georvu- toutl llas -liappetled- tlie goorgetown iaper buy were lit a puyoxj game ticv saturday but uiat didnt mean a thing tit nobody around here secrffc to give two liooraa wlkcuier uicre are play- oil games or nol i t t tliere wai a time wlien the local business places almost closed down to see a playoh game but now you nearly have to take use gas wagon around to drug anyone oul t t t not inycurs lias georgetown been ui a nlayoxf which was- wluiessed by such a pour crowd t t- t and no wonder did anyone ask the score sfl0 and uie errors almoij kept pace with uw score 11 errors t t t it took uiree pi tellers to anally get uie gam dwwter uie fans had nearly all gone liome n alcott and wallers t t t ilut you cant blame uie pitchers for after all uiey had utile or no sup port it uiusl liave been an oft o y iwliicli uiey liave loo many ir else acton uas just too good for uiem but uiey liave a cliance to come baca o- nlnht ifuicrc is any pep left hi uiem lit tlie local nine need to uute some tainters cslf uie acton and union teams in regards to putting some life in use game t t t mo ve dont want to pan uie horde team but wlml else can yoli do whets uiey make such couily errors and uirow uie game to lhi liotlest ri vals ecvcn some of uie best hi our ciiiuon gummed up uie works in other words uie truui must come oul t t i mavbe tonight will be 4 alifarent story heres lioplng and maybe it wont ii it is we will take it all back t t i the lutung is up to snuff always has been hut uie fielding and pitching oli me i tt are uiere any pllclung prospect after all its pitching that counts more uuui anyuilng else it is our 4iuess umi harry woods mlghi iry he lpd rjulleiwrep wt on4 special prices or the week end at kings i simiai wuiaxtwi kwaad cwr butter 2 its 55c shoulovr rout 15 u ruk bwli aimliwuket iung beef pot roasts 15 u hj cradlnn jq lb hunburs siuk 2b 25c r id hnh kouu of veal 19 lh slewing vel 2 ibl 25c shorjtentng 2 ibsi sc cewntry klyw- saert isrkul sausage 2 25c rork shoulder 17- lb lirx rauncn f hill ijra raiimcw rvroi lak slewing lamb 15 ib bologna tmfcrk tav spring lamb 19t 15c s puteliia 229c krcial tr brawd tender peas 3 lins 29c klwou cheese 25l lb ki1 klyl loaf cheete 25 ib fillets 18c steaks 18c- ktkcmjl red rose coffee vl lb tin 21c i lb tin 39c wetloni crackerettes ckristies- ritx 15c pk tv4 rjtrv v fancy mixed biscuits 18c lb srlxtab soups tea 1 lb ug 49c huucu willi- salad dressing 8i ox jar 21c 16 ox jar 35c 32 or jar 53c mikacti wmr sandwich ispread 23c phone 27 w m- king prompt delivery lhtug-hlcfc- st t t trler wltti ii must havvvbubked uurtun twlso bejjirduie moundsmen are weak with tttatuck ory wiuivi kits in g trips tyler wltti it must havvvbuded pat up 4 in 7 including it doubles j water- see his etforta mf naught- at una tiouse 00 in g and manager walters time lie would hove stood use acton- wlui 3 or 7 andenum and terry n uveu- headi aliu plus 14 aggregate 43 3 j ken nedy and partner of georaetoarn 3 wins plim 14 aggregate 40- ft t uax gcluorling and joe louis each received tl4o or uielr 13round lkeavyweight fight at uie vankeu bta- dium recently official figure reveal ed the actual paid attendance was 49s73 hild ule gross receipts 99- irtxol of winch m7jrnjll came in at uie gau while uie remainder tmioo was paid for radio and mo tion picture rights t t t uayba 1 uw ttparilards went in trongly or ucrotsj and football and liockry tliey wouldnt need to indulge in civil war to get uie scrap out of tlieir systems of course uiey have bullflghung but not enougli of uiem liave the omiortunlty of becoming matadors premier hepburn will spck at liberaj picnic yiafalflt raiuc oakveult satu1u1ay awguijt iwb evemler uitclieu e hepburn wul be the iirincliial speaker at uie 4ui annual ulakelock picnic ln trafalgar rark saturday august iwii t a ulakelock jj1j and eluglies cleaver mp for halton and other promin ent liberals will also attend ilans or uia event are istpldly apiiroaclung comiuetlon and an ex tensive program of entertain ment u being iircpared in tine afternoon uie sports scliedule will begin at 3j0 pjn and will conclude several novel items children under six montlis and from six monuis to onu year will be entered in uie two cla for uie baby show in uie early evening a special at traction wul be the amateur conical open to all amateur entertainers and entries are to be sent to gordon leaver a program of professional entertainment wul follow pretnler hepburn is sclieduled to speak at 0 iwn smacked uie ouier extra base plysj each liavlng doublas to uielr cxedil georgetown was at fault 11 tunes in uielr defensive work and aluiougn it is liard to oreleil uie consequence of errors it is nol difficult topxurmlut uut uils many errors would bring la- m many runs or more in addiuon u has a dislieurtenlng effect on uie pllcher and demoralixiug effect on uie team as a whole not to- mention uie fans point of view tlie diamond was in its best condi tion and ho ccucs can be attribut ed to uie playing tlckl as ac tun field ed fiawlossly except one mlscue by walters at sooond is bunting a lost art uany umes a bunt along uie line would have crugul aton hat footed it would ulipear auu uiat acloh luul a good opportunity of practising uielr bunt tug wnlle enjoying such a good lead the iocal boys go to acton tonight and me can only hotic uiat tlie day of mlluclos is not pat tlie picture looks dark but a reverse score night would put georgetown on lop of uie sporting picture in halton t t t the walerltouse boys are certainly smart fielders t t t tudor located ids baiting eye ssk5 spriik zzsrzxsrs the bamx populated he hit ico good work rudor double t t auar eke out win over guclpli mapl leafa ttie uirut crosd of uie baseball season turned out to uie beneflt game in the jiurlc liere last tlmnlay ight wlun guclpli uaiile leafs fnlor were defeatwl by llu halton county lrague all hilars the game was calksl at uie end of uut tuui innings owing to darkiuas and uw txore wm 76 ft was uie best game baseball seen in georgetown uiu year ttiti benefit name was lield hi the iiiu-nrvt- of al lutchle who was in jured in a leauur game- early in uie vason und wiii incupacltated tor some time all playeni gave willing uielr service and uie sporting ikipulace of geortrctown and sur- ixmiiuilug roinmuilltuvi turned out in due style to lend tlielr tlmuvclal ai vll it- vku1 suihmrt tlie thanks of al and the local club goes out to all wlio ussltid geirge ilalnsworth or tlie turonui us pie uaf hockey club acted wm utiuilrr aiul atvr uie game math many irieiui in georuettiwu whouel- come him lack lo our fair town soon again lloui teaiiu tjayrxl lieadiiup ball and guve ttu- ciowd some atutlous momenta ouelpli drew one run lu benny seemed lo be connecting of- ttner and liartler and accepted 10 cl unices and ho wi-tnvm- 1 t t t cliarlle ucnally was hanl to keep down altluiugh anderson tried liard to sit on him t t t tui hoatv luul a long run or his enured cliance mid it was a toss up but the otjlclal tcorer gave it as an error kd tiad one lill j- t l ultchle and cliaplln ere hll- uiur air buluie field lug- oli myl t t t gaohtufcrrowns ilrjuisk tlie sun was atdnlng clear oer liead tlie birds in uie trees were gay the papers luul been carvlully read for today acton and georgetown would play tlie diamond was in al sliapb ilu- wavers were ull of iwi ti uut liow uie opponents hung uie creie and put an end u georgetowns rvp iudor woods and ward of course and- dont forget uie amiable wt tried uielr ba to stein uu- atirse uut acton rrripunued wlui uie baw and when uie smoke of balue clared our broken dreams we could not fig and though for tftvorgelown we cheer ed and ctiecred yet uiuse acumilos beat us m aiolaglos to moaiier mogruifey r esques1ng council slcwurtiown august 10th 133d tim council held uielx regular monuuy maotlng on uonday evening fjictuiireeo n a iloblnson coun- cillon w a wuson ch uay and ldwtn iluropwe prienl hecve george currle prcoded ul uie meet ing tlie minutos of last meeting were read and conflrnifid coniruuiilcauons uere read from ucil ivleiihui co gypsum lime t healli association theatre frway au 14 13 hours by air zua riu comedy tickets plense fox news cartoon neptune nonsense saturday august 15 silly billies t tut dnlui ul uw iu viu w l novelty desert death minature important news cartoon tlie phantom ship chapter 9 rex andrinry m iq 3 tuesday and wednesday august 18 and 1st things to come svlg xtxx ike uta 1w yirs imj t timm h c wrik screen song its east to remember minature weotpoint of the south coming uljeuificwt owulu ith iuhtl yylm m4 ire dtta watch our window vok wexkxv cs ckkam ktcculb and oontbononkky banana royal sundae 13c 2 lor 25c longs conifeclioncryis moajier tlio tlwuks of al iii lcll w estcud- m1 to tlie ana wlio attended the benw- trume ataged last thursday al buck on tlie ground again aui hi two ret and waa on tlie lineup in uluruay game tlie ftiu lpartb- uiuiujilp of the iilayers of uut dirfa nt cluba of tlie iragur ui coming ba hhugemwn and uie cluelpli uuue ijalt and participating in live iatne uu- greauy aihkreciated t t ullton isdla lawn howling club held a mlved doulilea louroament ijittirday wlien uie following club weiv ipiwnled in uie eompetltlal wtiliui was kn ut all tunes hranm- ton ivruton crediton acton lvllni- uml cuuauuui autotnobllc lxd- moved hy n a iloblnson sccoruiod by c ii mai- uiat tlie treasurer iay the relief acoounts us presented by the etellef olllcer jlto10 carrted uoved by kdvlu llarrop seconded by w a wilson uiat uie treasurer iuy hoard of healui acoounts w- llumplircis taking walter hodge liumc i ruin toronto general hospital ti00 i m ueimett taking mrs i worlold lo ontario hospital 00 ur c k iitevenson ro mr s wil son 1300carricd i uovud by c- ii uay second by n a llohliison uial uio trnlsurur iuy lkll ivplione co 3h131 tlq wll tlj7 total lli7 ttic county oitiec supply co tuinillcs tlij3 geo t wlioll uu account twoo carried moved by c ii may socondd by n a ilobuison uut tlie treasurer pay tlie roau slieels at presented by the itoad superintendent tl033cl carried moved by c 11 may oonuod by n a itohliuin uiat leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to prohibit uie liajlng ul vehicular irajftc on bridge over uie cjvtllt luver at norval and uiat said by lu ue now rvad a llnt unie curried uihmi by kdwln llarrop ucondcd by w a wilson uiat llyuw no act to luuliiblt uie passing ol elnruisr traltlc on bridge ovur the credit luvwr ul norval luiviiiir been read a lirst tinu be now rvad u roiul urul third lliuifi and iayl and uiat the seal of uie corp4irutkui be atlaclnd therein cartxl uoveil by n a hohuikn uconded by c ii may uiut uu- council do now ttlmni to uuni uaulay jii-p- lembrr hthut 130 pm or ut uu- call if uir ueive curried churchjews vrritare jvkt tbe fear u ibe lwd u lh kejtmmutg of kuwudav wt fwl tau wimlub aa4 aaastrwcuau liw i i tins eagle brand condensed milk 35c 17c 29c 19c 17 16jz- tin golden west hrand baking powder 2 lh tin falcon hrand pure cocoa x lh tins falcon hrand fancy pink salmon no 2 squat tin gold medal brand choice asparagus cuttings 2 tin3 devon brand sliced peaches in heavy syrup 29c 2 tins tip top brand lombard plumg qc clarks sandwich spread assorted meat flavour tin fjc 2 lh tin lylea golden syrup 23c 5 oz tin gold medal custard powder 10c 3 tins cabin boy pure fish paste jg sweet pickle cottage roll in piece lb 20c choice breakfast iucon in piece lb 23c lreah bologna in piece lh 12vc 2 lh maple leaf soap flakes fine quality in bulk 25c choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnell phone 75 we deliver i swvlrnl dnlai jrvfe ol tliu pi4byt4iimi lliililuf and united cliurch wuuria um georirrlowi and ullton trie uuiv ulll lie luhl in uu- unltml wlmitru i mr ilawkr and partner of church on iunuluy aug 0th ut ii am iyttsluai 3 wins iju ifl t thomas bin 7 pin hie servlei will im coii- uavui and partner of hjamploa iducuxl by tlie hev l l havulvhrof lie itvbvtrtin church sunday imwil- will ik- heui in uwlr rwiiec- w rhurclui tniteit burcb servierk au ike unwhusw charge lumtau aug 16lh- umelloum 1 1 ii i churchill 3 pm jt ou williams 7 30 put dit uuaker pastor lluv g i stepliehsoti ila kalvatimt araty sunduv aug ifith crwtoti lor- ner ifuiidnv scluiol is aht kt vkv ul ii am lit uorirrutisuiuhiy bcluwil 3 pm dt service ut 1 juu dju iout uuiwly in cliargij itev w o p hiompson fetaetair teuui sunday after trinity 1 u ii d a y ichooi 11 aw ijoly coftununio1 u g rmong t pm ouruorau oummunlou of uona of jit george t tun um buwiy tfctooa iom

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