iwi 3 s b s silvers v are prepared for fall a storefull ofbrand new merchandise for the entire family wub your inspection at silvers new coats suits dresses shoea sweaters blanket cu to complete your wardrobe are kw on display ke- memberwhen you shop at silvers our low prsce of the utmori for your guarantee is your assurance money ladies silk crepe dresses in vy brown and black the nrwenl styles materials 295 iik millinery lilies llew full lint slnarlelt of the nrw pull ctentibns a 149 195 ladies twin sets r pure botany wool all colors at 159 ladies shirts all wool special ladies shoes clearance of ladies shoes which formerly sold up to 3 00 gomtf now at s1z9 ladies fulljfashioned hose in er- weight and chiffon we carry two of canadas outstanding brands 59c mens allwool pullovers v neck styl re 1 95 special 125 boys allwool zipper pullovers gg boys boots and oxfords special at 159 195 mens work boots we marantee tins to be the greatest value in work boots of- fered anywhere you must see them at 179 shop with confidence at silvers dept store georgetowns popular shopping centre phone 37s georgetown aju1kxval bammpton hospital on ru 2nd ims lo ur and mra k- ilatrtxr ocorceccvarii a daudlcx uary orw alfkuuwin ourlpti ial lloapl tal n wodimkrflflky hi- ui 1b36 icobnt a appclbr bcluvt husband uf jie ijll and mai of mu khai and uc bu jolm aw n rlutrraj lll b iiuro lils imvim- t utewuuuwii on krtday hrpt- lii llervkrt- at 230 oclout it liiur mritl ui urmtwuod crmefry oourijo town obituary bit jauks easut ma rillkson iv jawcx v attacltierfcoll liruuiin tnt itui oicgo diiywciaoi und ulnilon usumxj bay auk u t ilk lautnc ulur an uima ui iwu yijr jdr uacltteii wj bum in lbbl in uu jojids uluclf liultlcl tkwvdumbu canada u ui lis lata janus- uae plurruuu wkl jaiie fiacr lit- urudu uled irtau imiqalo metncu colwtp u imkl und luwllceil ill toiuswiiimlu ny tor cvral w- in 1bu caon to bull dtxo ur waluuw hamilton of flnst ltryurtui cjiuixh wu ill chaufcto ui uwt luwpaa merviuo wlilcli look dbtcrj l wleratcy tnorttiiiry lie u juiviw1 by lu wlil enxabeut manltiersmu lwo fconi dr trmjr ujuj imsrmmi wlu lia luiliuwxt 111 ilia utrcm fuulucp fcliul j mine it maclifcraoii o bjicuuu iuui ou tlmuvhur mi- llci- u ij wiulliijc bail fcloou uhl jdr kijtary j luor l tfblucinr iaicbui lu lba city ajltuo l htuix ttio tkuuu of aixjrd l- wjll bl tbtmiio oeueaml jujduj lix wod ikeaday liept siul ltw h uort 111 immb reawvefl ofwj of iofktowi11j bead kttowil tajkl tnotjt tloouraooii youlltf ueo knd uia ihxm tleaklil b lociiy ktreul by m host 0 xdesuu la- ocmum wk iv ftoa 0 um jolvu il 1mj uuuiifl btuu wbo ufttmml y lu 10ot auul 1b31 ectlvly 1i wu bora on lot m ten line twuin4c kjkd walt in 1u urd yeasx il- was u vousmn of the oreau wauf aikl a re kldctit of 0orruwu all his uje iu u aatrvlvd by 000 brother ocil of llamlltad and one auier ura a- ttolffl of caupballvluii lit was a hicmw of at oeorkoa cliurcu jtw funeral took dlaoa on jrlday from tlwr ihu of urs- hell lluiocr queen ul to fw- oeontaa cluircfa whcrt9 uut fcervloe wan conducted by kiev w o o tnoouiaon th tmdlbeaircrb wcni jolin uaw 0car uaw w uw tullaknorv jloaenh iiiull tit caliuur- lnc weakly uuuedce and ufrd lluxater there were tnany beauuful oovml ulbufcta tram kdalivc and friends ttofl member of the cana diaui icclon alleodixl lne funeral in a body and knakchcxl u greenwood txtxaciery wlterv interment took ulaoe the georgetown iteralrj wed atadiy i vcnin st pu iiiim 9lli 1936 georgetown band again victorious in competition at exhibition r awarded first pnze in class f ucvcn competitors w- tonied hoine by hundred of olizens gueats of cor poration at luncheon following rccepton iiav w uniisiuikoi fill vllju 0ave cumina meaith wc hobvall iron csyeat roa balx at maccormacks drug store j ss a o the cost qf glasses ihsb undf tfc uuy t fcs 1 w it y id m iv w s ft 1tluj li rt nol w iiii i 4i m at uty uwutuu o t walker ro orroiurraust kvksioht smmasxisr b w b si fcoaisys usiju stoajt o r u- wl wamum- st kb jfes la sumss4m aaaaa as lower rates on longhaul telephone calls i effective from september let agaa- rat for louj uialaiirvt lilpuum bervioa have lseti rwvurj itrdurliana on callj to tiali ovtr 130 airlinr unu dis tant lmja cffirsrli front stjiiiuiimt iri lliu u tlw jaalli imix lulanrv rut rrvi kinu ui tltt paiat arrvu jcaw it will uuiau aulutlaiiliail aavutjpi for umrvi of tl- rlrvuv viul ttnifravr lnraulil ratrsi oil faav slatublslaltou auj jiimui luivroon ralli uuw apply vir tamuk wfvr 7 ovioil aawl all day sunday iikh 01- i1am awaluttli ol l ualial mu oltntt solo kim wous itm llvalut w wooson ill su ulll ot- tofcutnto tl u uau onotf mjulu uu lifi kill o tljn ltuikl o whil uiu hu umi lunjir f 1lj f tuxi ta umi by lukiiiu ur i itii in mm m uliui ailh ilrvii buiwl at llu lul cuiiu luu nut niul kvh bituiii it i ntauj la i ihuiiiuy a luvin uuinbrr f orrsrtwi iulru tt pi mill uluril majm axlklu udjiklitjitur uiiiu uut4 aliuuid n lcurly it t w til up or ljulmlnut ur 1 rroll un j lit h ju ur ol lib ituiul hit imuiu u1iu 1 luuili llattd lri willi 1m1 ikuhl yink itiljiii ibtyi liuiki u ioiuj uilui u ouinli lvit c4iltdin ciu u uajul uilul aid tj poinu uikj lkutnvul ciujuil jfauxl fooclh tolifu thnu oit lbir rctmu 1 ami lliur tii uuila trtjy uur nut by um tl tiv loau 1 ipn juuidalui ltumtml u ui corner of muui mul mill uwu lirrc llu 1-vt- lljrilde uiid jr4l hiuwiriid cttuuiu luu u rimuud uiid r ulur clicer iv led lilt lit a bxiix bondru uui lit aiul uiyor jobril lilbboil octuiuloj uic txui vrululkuoib of uu uitl to uu buy on tin it jllciulki lichi vtrruilt llu tluutkud ilwin lor llu j lioiinr tluy luul kort lot u10 lowif iuuj uimi iv b uvctr pltiulid incoitl uf ilircu in 1 prue at toronto ultum in 1u31 10j4 lu3i una llrl prtid fur two oonecutivt jtan ux wut4rukf mmd cal jntuvul ilc pukl u lrlbulr to llu juiiulld uork 01 uiuulma lr lltuu lerrol ill uio tluuikod ihnc lluiui uiul 1 liwt ujor uxuart for ujdulmr hi uw rooiiulmi to uie hand undmatfcr rcrrolt tluuikod u11- blaor rjlliliu and ihpa luuid for tlicir 1 huidkl rccioion uivd wordt u i4lirnliituwi llu uturtbuted uuj urcjl uicoov of the band to tjie nltndui ookicrulion and work of uie infem bera afiwir filaylnu a ctuiulo of ikcliom tlie rnembers of uic llund were ten dcrtml u lundioon by uua corporution l w il uum cliarlci w iindjiorouuli was awanlod uu ttold uodal for lit holo part in tlie ui piece played by ule john at loaufc 1it funeral of um late jolm 1u- blnso jloree was bald laat friday aftnmooii gctuber ul frotn tlte lioou of his uncle ur j n uorea boo ifo was removed to the toron to oetwral lloinitat auust 2iu on live dootora lntructlonii and lilfi ul 1 was diagnosed as lyplkold fever ttu deceaaed wa5 born in horval twentyone years u9q ila was a um bef of at pauls anguoiuj churoh and hlfi dealhu deeply rorcufcd by his many youn friends- lie u sur vlved by uu tnollver and one uater uv at lwome many beautiful dor al tribute oonveyed nvcsaca of kympatliy from hl- many friend ttie pallbearers were uer bud john son td loutli w iloslner ii rouiler coupland j rankin interment took place t hukrrcu cemetery norval tluiee alio were irotn til oe ur and urs w dennis kit chwitr ura j couch kltdiener ur ira loroe kltclkener ur and ura j evans toronto urs had fowl toronto urs- lappa toronto mr and ux lb- llanbldce toronto tmx p if itoblnon mewmarket uls jean hobliuou newmarket ur and ura il pfciuu freeman urs a tbiuy acton ura j roberuon ac ion ml u ilobfcrttnn acton ur if iloberuon hornby glen w1luams 1114 km tllllvf his in itlstkht 1j irin mr ui muu alt tui mr an tl ur jin liujhl atuili uil htkluui ri-tiiriu- to i illi 1 irifb lu on p mliii u iwiu uy lu at win ijuilmuii ul ikxuiv wil lurr ium ih ik i il in iiurfuio ur und ui wiih utvd tiuubti r ajxlvy mr ntxt mr lwlu ur und mn i uii ml all 4 1 irrlu m ajf uiwl ur nurtiiaki vluh wrc unl mr lliey mr uml ur frank friui ur uiul mr ilwlmr mi uultutvjlubrth wl ju u if martin mr alluti colbnv m iiimt0i tviui uf 11 cvtonf wwt iiwhjii ptfli ol ivfontu nre wnrk bn with ur uiul ur wm to u mr al luti of ttuiuityim uiwl mr ij yd wdr of wrtirx uv win vu un wllh mr uiul ur mrc uhllum ul uiwldv ml maixnrrt tlionihrnrj ft ha in lion i tlu uu or h r ww mrt j 4 11 ilepltum tor u wrvk mr in d mr- itourt mrmrnrtnv tiid tlolblr prill lh- wrxk trwl in otlulwb chicken piuvrvt vljlrd llw vicinity op ufnuui 11ui1i mr uiul mr- is rdy wul lawi cultrrod a ir tvruyy to in ftulriiimuoe wlinx j ir fnw 1 iuali fcj- mulcd uful ultoul iso clllc k n were jnlrn special prices lor ihe week end at r kings l 1 1 i m iaaiv uuincuaa i itrmml creamery blltler 2 lbs 57e slioulclcr roasts of tender beef 13c lb lulvkrl and 14- boiung beef 10c lb slewing veal 2 lbs 25c prune ribs beef 21c lb lunrlrv and roiinj i ntk lktt hamburg steak 2 lbs 2c ckmce roasts ol veal luaarlra and huef speoal sale cheese mild canadian 19c lb n old 2sc lb kraft style loaf 2sc lb i 19c lb i mmiu jl kubnw arar rucd breamasi bacon s 29elb pork butts 21cb in uae lau live years our hand lias cntctod eleven cornpetltuuu and only onoo liave tlicy been out of tlie tnoikcy jflkty liavo won urt- 3 second i uilrd ami a fourtli oeoruetowii citiairu ore jutly proud of uielr bond and wc all tend lieartlft coimratulatlon to lliclr vry cxcelltnt kuder ueut icrrotl and tlac tnenibi r ol llu band tlj lollou lug by mr woun w 1 o known by many ol our cltlacn- will be appreciated ilrao gcorcctown bandl agoint ten competitor and on tlie judgment- of tlie greatest mill lory bond ouuiori ty of uic urltlji tmiilro uaor ad khx or kncllcr hall you imvc won tlui canxului nauonoj kxlilblluui conut in cuius ii tliele fact peak for thenualvus- uut a word or two about major adkiu- may help llioui wlio don- kiiow a grtat di al conemliic tlit- buunein of raajc to appreciate tlie alue of lib judgment i liave liad the iwlvllrgo to watch major adkln ut work willi liu won dcrful baiulnril in kluuer 1u11 x liave uxn uiji baiul jor lit rangcmeiits deull ol tlie currlculuin tlirougli which lil bomlanrn miul ptj before uiey nrw qualified a rclicaru uiuler major adkln- 1 as tenl ami exucuni a- a surgical opt ration oiul i have ctn both many u time lie nevtr iloj a jcrap of music he never relrora- a number uillll lie know- ccry iioti ul it and could write ule wliole tiling from memory if stewarttown mr and mrs kdcmr and children joy millo and uaylin and isr kvan of ivterborougk were guests of ur job doard and ur and urs jolm murray lat wevk ul niirmii ixnitli of kiiuc ion ijrilt um week end at lier itoms in strwarttoan mil and uks david rtucf najulavud the death of edna patricia price threyrold daughter of ur and ur- david prfc woodliouse tdwn ship oecurrd saturday aug 39ti at grace hospital detroit following an operation besides ler iorrowlng par ents one sller vvonne uurvivea tlbe funeral was lield from the lurnie of ler parents at 330 o clock uon uay wlui tnteraicnt in port dover cemetery iv w k v ucuulen itector of trinity anglican church bhaooe omclatlng tlws pallbearen were uerrul hare artliur kent jack rnxburgli ww urtrmand tlie flower bearers were dr drennan ward peachy stanley frankis and al tknuji tlie inpuy of tlie com tnunlty goe out to the sorrowing par ents womens instrrute on wdnccday uii tlie local branch of uie wopicns institute wn entertained at uie hotae of ur win uarsliall about uilrty ladies being tkreciu after uia opening encrcisa several item- of ihislr were dlsousod a uonatlon was voted to tlie crippled ctilldrens fund and it was dckld to sponsor a tag day for thn blind an invitation was extended to the acton branch to ba present at tlve october mealing to be lild in the public library and urs krwln urs oeo- pokt mrs il kentner and urc r oola wre appohtlad a conimittix to arrange for uils tneetlng tlie in vltalion of tlie utfcvaruown branch to the wouien of tlie oeorgetowin branch to to- wltli uietn beiit iui was accented after tlie business period ura pel ler and urs vannatter rendeibd a vocal duct very bullfully pollowlng tlu ura ilaym gave a talk on uomc odd and unusual he clpes a4ditionaf wcipw were gtv m by ura unyler ura ii cleave urs- cave urt- iaul uls ihuwl uarsliall for urk llcata and urs wtn ulndalr for mrs prod arm fct a it i prograuiune was brougfat to a elm by two very lovrly comet solon piayd by uaster joe wlwur wlu lias on so many ooca brought lionour to himself and bis iwmr- town by tlie awards lie lias von in variou musical competitions after partaking or a dainty lunrli fawung tuspersed lu it tkwn l1mehouse mrjltvl ar j a urrrdltli and juu ituvnuul uiul janu of iju l windar iwnl tlu wek nui wih ur uiul ur john urroilklh mr uml mr- jahuj nkkall and fimih- of lhktmit worw vlluim ujl k with mr und uru jolin nlckell spring lamb 17c lb stewing lamb 2 iw 25c th rt kff lb- blt ihork chops 23 lb fkoarr uity legs of lamb 25c lb kvvli imtila ad lllb lamr chops 29c lb f am ill krry mmri f shortening 2 lbs 25c u fresh haddock fillets 18c lb red salmon uealu 18c lb choice halibut steaks 25c lb rtcialn 1 1nm lry cooking onions 10 lb bag23c prunes medium uxe 2 lb 25c large 15c lb pellila pure clover honey v no s paj 49c no 2vi pad 25c potatoes 39o frcab fruits and vegc- tablcs at prevailing prices tomatocv cafeuumt cijcvmbckk kjlaul artu trc phone 27 wm king prompl delivery a tome remarkable muulcul wicmories but never out u- inmcndou iu uujor adkln s uut thai int all ao ik ha- tow me luuuclf many a uroo it l- po1 uvc pain to hun to liear a nou a sixteenth of a uimltone out of pitch nothing escape him eitlier at re licarol or on tlie concert platform nothlng 1 than perfection in all tliunp musical ull- him und as lio uiy he l iuild by liu king to labor for uil pcrfecuon even unto dealli tlierclorc whtn noli a man judg or georgetown band to be tlie bol of chvtn uicre miut be ometlilng i am laborlnu uil becail ceorlttoun lulk rlmurkhl me uil ummrr rhe band lsn t goad uj it ua of emir i told uilm it wa uutr uian it luul er been utilch it wa and l i so ihe next time anyone in georgetown lard a uile like uml uu mu4c kner only lia- to uilnk ol maior adkln and knuler hall and the cn3- ilaiulma ter inrrotl dally work l ainoiilt llouer thoj junt wit iim js or godi iom uuit ut uulr iot of work don j ulonoujy and willi uch llttli lu und udi rtlx nent mr ivrmlt mn leal mood l tlie lower lover- motxl ni hurry injdlji troil lire that no irnpjtl net no laluile iiv u hie ul i thai all trttr antlt- luhleli lu li clu nji dip d n in llitlr heart- aiul mr l rrotl mood uii i pit ndkl teel n iq il un rclkcud iur lecuy in tl l mutic of lu oru- tofcii baiul iluit l tthy tlie bund n ih luuiur u dl i at tlu lot i ibltion uil yiar at uu tiaiul of major adklilv x llraio gcotkelomi cluerio fulow baiuunun lor id ulu iua tri aiuik lli jou uuirllnii only don i uhi mt w and wun anutntll of u bur n l be ion i come uiikllnif inf i iitwr could count unjuiliuj over lour and ilruvo aiui th ink u xfr ivmll iu aid hl nn n dri all uie t mid llllin g h ri uftii ran ever uht uuni ashgrove tuejlaj teiit lt uajj our nffiular auxlltaxj methi in die sunday xhool room we ure cmlkhled bait mr ii caldaell of acton our cuel pejker a lier iuujct jie rjiof uy imaginary trp io china ulluiu il uu prciiarullon uie fureut il uie trip acrolt tlie iafe lundtnl and ihe urrii al el uw jour uy- end ttil aa- nuu inters uni lo u- knoaiiie her ilauchter ur anncu mr caldwell otloiiixivi our uuxlllory ten years so and ve art alaoy clad to liave lir back with u tlu devotional tatcrcio r tflken uy u ii wilon our roll call u-u- an utrd by a ertrt of uiouuht and many beauuful oiu ulre ulven uu kdiui wri2fttei u orui uuii a pleahig uilo at ue clou of uie meeting we were jiown many beorveou- lutnd yorkf coit- ume- ali arf- tatting runners ijide dljif tc whlcli un- cald laell lia- receuod from licr daughter lu china l inch wau enjoyed lo- cclher fiv and mrs j a neul of glen allan paid a jiort vlut lo irlend- lat uek and acre prejnl at uie auxiliary meeung urs c llujc and uv a kerr and children were vl 1 or ol tlie meeting alo a concert and pie tocml will be iteld on friday evening september lbui under uie aupice of uu woman a uiionary society tim nrtght suur ullon uarul held uulr flnl meeting for uie fall on monday september 7th in uie sunday sclioo room wlui ten mem ber pn liu inten ting plan- aere dluyxl llie next meeting ulll be eld uu ucond saturday in october llu united church ahvrifcry servicer uill be lield uie llnt sunuly in october j ijr- cl camibeu of winnipeg u natiii of trufalitiir towiujilp wlwne lu- tiuoi an unuuially ld circle of irtendu l vljung retainer in uie dis trict ur ami mrs gherwnnd t co luon uittille onl amuminnn uie crurage- meni or uielr only daughter uary colxa to ur jolm itoblnon ajuier- jm jouiy t zan of mrs anderjin and uw lale itobcrt anderson uulon uie majnriate to lake place in lowtlle uni ed church ajl spu i6u1 ul laura chljiolm ami tiioma court of milton rcrc among a party of lourl l who aere on an enjoyable to u-k- motor tnp lo uontreal arul uirugh ow adlrandackk m the united slatrf ur john tunrvell and uru f a tuntuell of uirll urr- jolm wrd ml- grvenle i aiul ur- j w all h of mil ion mommy to balllnafad on turixlay afternoon wliere uiey ljlee urs apru voung alu wa- quirth celebraung iir imui blrtlvday varicolorwd gladioli decoraled uie home of tlu- bride parents saturda for uie marrialc of clara doujjlaa youngl 4 daui liter of ijr and urs jolin u hardy or uulon to dr david colin hpfgle in of mrs ileguic uia uie late dr david igguvor cramir- lon iti- atlam b- irwin olilrlated ami tlw atvklini mulc oj pued bs mi marion wood at gueliili ctiam plon f ukul col t kktnt yo cowmani aurus lwiiicj iuouu keene of oakvllle will ba uu- new cmiiunamlliui ofuctr of tlu lome iuhm seoltlijo tue wsliitm ixool g 11 couwn- imc aorttiwn aceordlntf lo an announcement from uw tlpartmeiu of lulllonal tlefrtun- locut col kbene u promoum from uu rank of major lie has hitherto bcn kecotul in command of uwj lome ulned tkuui lie join uw regl wat hi imd as captain in ootainaiul of umi wkilla company lie beri ida knltiuw carr ait a prwtu til uw nnllahauali laotortatj tnaclune gud briaal wwl founded acton ctuiraplonililp winners in craln iwuf clu ob at uie kklubluon tuec day were wheal s e arlfiln a son acton barley s l qriinn a son iil jam w iloyd pickering tlu annual picnic of uic riuem district guelim a oclatlon uyjpu halton houteuu rank high at cne tie holtein juiw at uil ican c nj land- out a- one of uu uroni e- 1 juiu- on record with upward uf 4o0 head on exhibit- in uu- iraru campcuuan hal ion llreoders aen wcll to uie fore m uw majority uf the cla e- vnuiuig sllhuy ocr jiio ui prizf munc in uw inter county compcuuonx llalton breeder- in comiuhition wlui cntrkug from ivcl irui ontario oxford ieurboro waterloo and york placed uxxiiui to um trong group from oxford uy jcallad holland of anwrtca tlii- l an outujiding achievement for llalton liollcin llreedeni and repre- jiiu b far llw bel jioamg tlwj luivc cvtr made llalton nt doan ultncl guelpl aciatlon dypu j mnfzw ts ua lald lat titurday in uw aclnn tlw lollolng l i lc vlctor laarencc ivrej leilu liart t l- leuc ellon ucleoft j u nw land- and son- jolin picket ilobin jan ilroj a stark and son and a l woodaey and son tlw lalter herd brought furuwr lionour to uw coun u by jkcurlng rw junuw cliam puinjilp aaard on iheir lurd in iark ului iwlfountaln georgetown 1 uil bun and acton unloiu behu uell mir ented ul dorl mcdonald ila left on salurtla to lakt up her duties a iloeleluild science taactitr at iloam- ville high sclioal ur artliur uauckluimer ha- pur ctiaixl from ur peter hlltx lit- iirm in i- rin roaiujiip adjoining ur suackluuncr farm tlw bulkllmp on j hit i arm erc all durotl by a tllji iron- lire a month or j ago i jjr i ucl ac reliinuxl on uon i iir uw information da from a uiree monui- acauon in pullir uil loruicomlni icotlaiul jic relumed via uie s s li uuu nd hail a mor1 enjoyable lu llilay in uw old land llu reulanitlon in uie hlui sciukji tlit- jtar l 00 riu hrl porm l jimwiiat malhr tlian ui ual with m in uw el i tliere l but utr rltant in uu lull hen ur d a mucrai ua l iuiiihul and ul ii i uell uid miu u jackon hjl an uu u l tonti uu jurkm a imen ml ujirunuux place in the bluff piew lreta milton erin dtirtni monday nltht v c c miiuui xind jd rmul ijiii i uff errtl tlu uw of thirutn lup klllid b 1 iiu oju ut and uu rum ju ed uaxinn but tuu f the luwk a uniuwiiictxl la i ueek p 11 an oolt ulut lia ben roiutiicung u but cher bu iiu3 in ilrumpton and hla jn herbert of krln luive dianged bulnejw iteuilhi an i fri mil were ijucke al tin idea n dluui f jnnle noitl beloixl wir of uu late a c ucull ian wlui dletl almost inoanlly on rhurda monmit aug jiui while talking with u neiuhlw r wlui wttom ju- luul lunl uu pnuoui night she ua om of 1rtli if t kiuiwn rcnx diili liavli it urtel u u- l uuit wn ury of uu i rin agricultural society for tut ni baiul di ulli mr an 1 ur an l 1 uuit un 1 tlaiiuhur olilrlt y arc on a to un kj motor tri lo alaiiltoiilln ljaiul und otlu r pouil uf inttntt in ni rthi ni ontario dance recital uu pen era 1 danoe i ital i- a peccaclt nexer belone j in cinelouii tlie m rf oruwr num berini 0 crl utll pn ent a beaull fit and graceful dl pia of itilt rna uunal d n cce alt lnbed ui national ro tume lliu performance packed uu hart llom in toronto to capa city for uiree i wcejie nu hit and lw t eonhoan pipe hand ore lo b- cum mi tided for curing uil uttrac tum fur u c rntcrtaltmwnl of thr conununit on riiurjay iwpl 24ui wi uu ol- ttlmis l rrbv otuuij to fruiul i ijuu our cr jnct rt tluuil- fur their many kindiw j ami exiire loik uf niutl v in tair nmn 4u btnuirnuut ur lorre uiul tdlui ur aiul ur u uxatui hear hon w earl rowe al picnic on saturday good progiam of spot auvlrcas by promnwml men mucm by tlire bands dance in armouries at night khuwowv fahtk 4att woav sunnjunt it iui ireparati ul luive lin completed for uu big conrrvauvt plrnlc t be lu ii in nin rhoun iurk iu xt tat unlaj uftt nuion uu 12th llie jwirtt pmitrum liicliwlii g a liriir to her hm uifttutll uame l tuts n riruiiiplon uiul slu ua u member o 0iklllt uulu will commence at 3 uu church of chrl t dijjiii1 i urvlvlnu an tuo ilitr un k ii nkjuiu of cni mure aiul ur hie lurd 11uim of oninuevllli and two biotlwn jolin and pi ler norrl orangovllle advocate pm llu hon w rjtrl uou ivovlurujl lfwkr will ba tlw chief mukj r of tin uftefiuiuu aiul lw will im in to juctxl by iw it k aiuwrjui wlui for niany yiar ba hauon rt x etu tixt 111 uie rvmlerul ctoirmuwill ulu wtnjilp umw ihboil will ukr tl e aildrrm of uvlrturw iu hon lipoid mrcailey kc uiul llnwl i dingle pn ul i t of llalton ctuuervathe ahjielalum will tl 4i itt jinrt addr lh lon t luflen i jcutl in lutut uuuur of ikr juu j4 pcuiu lo tx hlbitlon la i wtk uul uie con t wi i w llaiul ulll ipi b luu 1 luruiy tlu ullenumn urtng our liaket iuui famllie- uiul u jt v uu cuy ilv rlxuh 1 wehome ami udmliuui l inn griry theatre frjay september 11 private number musical between the lanes shrt polo pox news saturday september 12 yellowdust arueu dnhu adatui rr4 lk imy vrtuw y i r kijhnr g ing comedy second childhood miniature jonker diamond music il jaclf dennvs band pepptrpot half witness saturday afternoon and evening on the stage vans circus acrobatic pantomime dog and pony tuesday and wednesday september is and is fury iriua f uol fayurri uanrttt ylu syany atoj spm ywy comedy wife of the party miniature little boy blue watch our window j ww wuukv ick cumxm wkclats 1nb oomncmwnv canleloope sundae 13c 2 for 25c longs confectionery 2s jpukesalt 3 large tub carnation evaporalal milk 25c c inli ill brind pickled calf tonrurs or pickled i ett rtuly to eat per jar christie s cold midul salted soda crackers ply or jackson s roman meal wufers or date bars it nj jar club i lous hr md trenclistyle prepared muntard j oj- botlli oxo cordial 10 cuim pky mi eft x cubes per pkg il nj jir stu irt s pun- ville oraiire m irmalide 29c s oj- tin nc il ion s jerj y brand pure cocoi c rto for in illlic j mis and ji llu i 1 pk i p irow ix iiwc- i pickl cotl il roll in piece lb clmici hnakfaut liircin in piec lb i nab boliiku i in pic lb m lb uir no i out irio omon3 mr jm russell repretentme wm curlc ltd wjl be at our store on saturday sept 12th demonslralins tlieir variety of soups beans spaghetti etc do not fall to call and sample their line a e farnell phone 7s we oeuver isc isc isc 10c 35c 19c 19c 20 21c 24c 12vic 23c jusfmfrubyt it moxjicom nttsr niw low ralcx k dr devans pilb a mtuu li 1 i vykm t