n 1 si i r the georgetown herald vednely evening september 9th 1936 pbe 3 its shoe week at brills this week brills feature the very latest in fall footwear we liave jut received several large arupmestfs of smart ne sjsoes for lares man and children rnarxes to fit every foot and prices to sort every purse our ladies shoes in suede and combina tion leathers are particularly outstanding d brill co xkla itmi1 young lamb prime rib roast boneless and rolkd j fresh hamburg steak legs 25c lb 1 si loins 19c lb front quarters 15c lb 22c 2 fo 25c pork sausage osjm w ksjak 15c- n p guelph creamery butter 29c lb 4 bananas i tb for 21 new potatoes 27c brown label 31c royal yorsc tomato juscc s for 25c pork ad bera 3 for 25c tea bisk 33c sbredded wheat 2 for 23c j corn flakes -sssaxss- 3 lor 22c w 1 if 5 phone 28w we sell for cash c j buck we deuver local news i hurrah or owirunrri hand i flure were proud of our band jwliy usouklnl we bar iconfrervaiive picnic at leorge tjn hrtl llaturdmy uuuai and act went back to standard time uit uonday mn uabi durham im- will re uime liet clwws in piano and vocal f laturday hep 1 zui it w reeds auction sale of jer sey cattle itiday eiept hui u line rrf unjui of urorgvtuwii ilancbig itecital bl ue amta oft tlmrsday kept 34li under auspices eorglowii lipe hand keep uil dale open wojtdr tf par elllarts realby witat dm lrfnte tilfuu icuih hand is doing by way of udvetisbig our town jliur lliul w fcali howr lro ibictal ileudfr ml uie big conferva uve iiisiiic ut tronrhown 1ark next haturday uunicipilk will b tgurged percent of uw coat of insulin n- 11 led lo bsdigeuls by the ltovuiciaj lnkartmcia of kralui ja f in of uw wctu will be lirld at ue tvoroc of jslrt- arthur lleeve ry friday hepc htb at b clock w if imic b brteritim lpbdd lrun fur boy j and gbi at the cnu servat vr luaiw bi tiw lark he uatun ay sfe udvt fai anouter col uffsu t o cars wre badly datnaend in a coll joi on the uwtilli line ai ufa turn bo btimitlown hill about i oclod on ifainday evfunjc jrtuu auly w ow was lnjurod w thank llr au wilson far a copy if uui lind dm advocate an- laoum its uw trftwlal opnbi by lrc naitr- tbcrhart of the nrw knlllt con dtklm v hi thai wvxtvn town u v v q uuuu buiic instruc tor i llalton county public fcchoolv luui i rrti kppolnlod tauxic tnsirucior for u e xuuuncton hich achool tlva taxh rxtf of knusic in thtv hlh acitool hi ati luauauralioii uds yetur a latkn turnout of wicraiu from many points hi llalton and ktroun urn fcxpocbxl at legion zono 13 chuir i parade bcuyf tveld to knox irrb tcrlan diurdi acton on tiun day avtaritoon hepl liilu abws hjrrj eaxlusim actmlx hi qonrom for ute csebrataj lv lockaf aisoos for woxotm gome in and hav u fit you with a pair of ukau remarkable fchol kr uyle tuul comfort ucy are imturpisd- personals uik- itcllman of nronto v la ted arirndb til town uuj week mr kiauik bmtemaii of ixwdaj wal a wrrk end vtjlur in lornn all- lan ucknuk- of kiiiclon a liotncr for uf txuiday rdc nwl ur and klii iorifn joliison of citkmio xjwt um- work nul wtui ur and mn uairy ttorkronl mi- and itru a c uruuijiy mriil uw mik nul itoliday ut ilklcii of foiimito imtii ur aruiur uay j1 hlpll o of waat uu wji at kx in the comet muo competition toe boy 1c year and under joe wilcox awarded the cold medal ant pebr and knade the hlaiest marks the day bi hbs clatg in the churl ouet lolo ooflapetitiorix prank carter won ullru place lioui boys are m bera of uie lome juil 0oouhji itaiwl and were proud of uea oon ipratulauons boys caa4fam iliu tlociaj eveninif for all hwaaherx to morrow thursday ibcepuon lome luflea ciioouuh uand he on itand at 1 pin uundmy uutt for zone church parade in acton cars lea club rootns at 1 is uereu ipd kned a number of berets aro on ulle at uve rooens boys and girls attkn1r1n 1 uigs ctifettimcry tfcrs y ike flkwirg raor use hoy and cfbl ulio turns in uu mont wraipcx of meuotve ioe crmiuai rei kouoii cluicolhc or tops of heiiaon luy cup at uie conservative picnic saturday sept 12 will receive fii a tuxi pound box of fmhofie cjiocoiau a uond urue of a one pound bait of nluons clsoujau u1 be klvi aai boy and elri liaui- uw ucond urea4 ruimber ui- umj al bly cm t w tamrkwj u ly ii aa mmriy longs confectionery and ice cream parlors mks acncs vounc tlaujnaiak caxaaatataju iftua i41lttil a v urs agiv- yuumc itsulinalaul griul old lady clebrlfd iwr ithui turuulay at lier luuaf on heptaber xil a century of llie lias falwvl uo isull iwr utile for lll ul jse doe not aooet jwr blruulay uierely mlbtoiu to mark lir erex aw tlktre is pliure in uve anuclpatltwi of 0 blrtlkdaiy and iiraure in uie lc of use frteiuls who ereot uw on ue ttuaaunuui occasion uoder- aliuk lias been iter watchword and us- ulll obarvt nuidcrauon in itet dally uf ilr ltuuuf ls a utile dim tawtd and ijie can na lonjfer ihi cwtstl udl lo rvad but ler snruo ixtll carry iwr out into uve worbl soul llie u coute-nt- a dmutjliur of uw lau joluf ekalui wtso nunr from irfothuid ut ttld on ua hfqi ibw wot in chbufuacouaj ukwnahln iwv timaiort feo bk ks far u uw dl of the fcauckartale re- u4ion when iwr fautar hid 1u rifle um a be jmcbnl by uw hfck tuw uw ue kradoul clnurtn 4 the land by tnafwns of hamhuf bcw at which hutr pibw of kia wrrw bunvpd while uwi plonrrs and uwlr wlwa ate huw aupfwrk bi uw ibjltt of uw ur oh auatlrtd a uiue tubaard aclkoof and kat ftrm roufh bw bewh to war iwr a h ci tuid ut hi kn 6f n jvardrr bnwli in um wwle churoli usutli of klclfountabi while u ateru tnbyteia tabtate druwd proay hrsunmfiu ower twr dnwxy iwad ttw bit bar tvwwtiibcrcsd wrne only atba in ft us achool in uw winb vi us uinimer may were nardod on ihc land lp an age whci all uw rrtti available wu utvl to ull uw toil be hind ihlowa drawn by oesn uix vouiui marrtd at uw aft of u and mowd to lb uaulaafad iwlliborliood rrurbyt to uwlvllla4 is yean ajto ulw uill wu a old broocli blvn lifer by iwr a wadding iircawau church news m- owwa cbwca ibrv w a o i 1 huamfhkosv lctor lj hourtprtbli fuuhuay vi after triikity moly tal ioooxiinno -w- sri uuikiay hdsool id up a-w- klaliru 11 ala kvnjluakaj 7 pw m cbawlt ur- wullajw lourteetsiii hunday aftca- trinity lloly cttnun utaiori i mtil sunday sclvool 100 l bm aja monday school ii jh saict wmiw- atoderki nabouok- 7 libi l4i oreat lhoblwm ia ctiri uatdly itev kc o uaktar lajoor 10 lua tiunday school t p4h- llervkv cm wonddp worklrtsy with ood a wel row to all thursday u pjt knkl wbaa aabi in uw amauir cord over ckot horfolk hanters peokram at toronto but 4tday jotuiny knuiwruoii aoorfcetown won uw first prize t2s casli thl alao make him fcudbw for uw final oonleat ia tlecidv who kws to hew york lawsg wrvtoe klajaw llr aleic qrecory an ktwuud re sident of 0rrtown for many ycara and tt yer of ae has rooelved the urst luix hervioe order floldlers uadce to be prefwntad to member of uw aalvatlon army in canada at a matting in uw urampton aalvatlou army citadel the preawnlatlon was made by ihitadwr hrwik 11km toronto at a icrvioe arraiicd capt cyril kveritt of dramptua by lkr ktrue urs wullun ciemenu toronto wmi the recipient of a ttlirwjig klsowcf but nlaht at uw home of urs l fjchraff llrampton a coore of friends from brampton and oori town prontod iwr with a variety of eifts and employee of uke oebvfce- town telephone fexihan pve iwr a table lamp uus cnnlanoa whit m yvhf uw prfrwnlitlon airs ciemenu was ulu kdlut buulvant youtlaxat tntif of ur and urs william dulllvant oorrtowa- mau cbsinrfi at awl wlwn tnolortnif luune u ullton from acton bi lil new adan last ttuxnday nijtht u k mhcon aooauipanid by robert mmlnie managr of uu flank fix conurwrce porcu liad an evxit- r ejtpfcrwaoe cfawkitat uervln otawi farm on uw smcdud line ur nixon slowed lus car down to avoid hilunjf any of a hxrferj iwrd of luire- bnad jorcy cattle owrwd by ur blm1 wluoh luul wandered onto uw road suddenly uw bull of uw herd chsnx3d tlw car wiui uch force uuu it caved in uw fiont door wlwrc frletttlng was seated maslilris uw thus in uw window mrjuwr of uw two txwn were injured osamplon id uali rw bab m a- ibiaia oomnwiwdnif on naphmlwr 1st enrw for motor cars dropprvl to half price for uw krn of the year ihuchaers of new cant rend the bcordt as well mm owners wlko not have the price to buy earlier la uw year those wlko were to boaat of cfwninc a cixcytin tier oar were la a poaitloa to woaire puu tar w while thou who had etsiacyunder autofi only had to lay rfso on uw line lor the uice tiuny decorators which adora uw ryont and back of every motor wolsicle auouwr rwiuouon wu in uw price of regular diauifcurs driving llcrtus wlucli cuu only 160 butead of 300 wifvsltwaru lairum a pretty uimmer weddlnc was txue- tanlacd on saturdjsy aujpat 13 uw liome of ur and urs weuiukton incram 39 caiadoru suesot wlwd uwlr dauclater kuwl jane rt uw bride of ciareoce w wriaw worui aoii of ur and urs if fee wrijcbkswui of kcrbi itev w utaiuey kni ottlcuted ttw bride kjwco in uarriake by iter fauwr wore town of bluui pink ailk onxtnaa wlui a coronet of rlowxs fuw car rtd rofirtt aivl uiyofuwvalley utu uarusa fioobtoe as brkbmmald was eowned in unxjuouw blue sheer iter towers wre talumsn rotes- ktbjar wriuumworuk urtn only lrouwr of uw briderooats was fcroomsjiiati tii wedding muuc was playod by cecil llehsbuch couhi of uw bride lhir- lu- uw slgnlna of uw reuier ur kjrwru uraisuon toronto tan i love you truly urs w ingram cluue for iwr ilaugluers weddbig a ttowu of black and wlute wuli slsoul der bouquet of wft pais and illy oflw valley lira p k wrlggbs worut mouter of uw bridccrooin was gowned hi black triisle slwer wlui usoulder boutjuet of rotes ttw bridegtoom gift to uw bride was a clwst of kilvrr to uw ibkvhmgld a fcokl compact lo uw luanbt a aiab bag to ukd aulolal a boudoir bou and to uw btwt man a ugnet ring kvl lowing uw cwrcnony a woddhig brwak fait wal aerved laurf- ur and ura wrlggamworui left on a wedding lrlj lo uuakoka- upon uahr wum uwy wul realdti in tttratford ettrauord ikaooii herald caatt ot tlant urouwr and ulster aivd ramuwe of uw late aldr1 l uull wuh lo e vwas uwlr krautude to iwha nil lliuiter and family auo uw many mend cdnnukd aikd feuow work i fur uwir abwevw klndncwj ud arniiw by b our rot had brwave- ux flayer munnl uw week rod wtui foot ur- a if ucui iprirt the wrek ikd hli ilart bl town it k mtrtcnil of itnxkvllle wu u vlilor ui um- ikmim of ur nu u ixmuj during uw- week ur ulvl urs w jf biilu ujul liundy ol ciaty imluiui viuuvl ur and ilrv tsullvet uu frvby mr uimf ur mjurtrf llutock a wiigltt mn a hubbard tunj uia k liludd kpettt uw ttolhby wvrkc etui bi montreal ii itaacl wuldw and hu uuje gtuet lllinihi rmoisl iihl t live wtirk ud wull fruhmh bi ivnt liudwuii tuul jlair wll cajbdii ojsf uowimy atkl uri- uoviuy of lorutilo vwukf witli jttf aiuj mrs alsdrroil wrr uk vitk end ur aiul um thos- crbw uiui audrey and alvd yea gonoi ut tl lumw of ur ctuirlri itullford v c at colboriw over uw week end mr jarnni t- cavcof lvttou uul ur luc iso t cavu of ubnooe hpeni uw week eud at uw home of pureu ur atkd un it cave uu aluile iomhi ulij wuabhjl fchon and un alguhe atul ujr jus hbioit uf cornwall ure vliuiig wlui ur and un itko kuon main ul ur and un lfowurd kknltwr ur claude kenuwr uhs uarorw kentjwr uks adiui davis juuj dr v it- wauoii hpetit ue week end at tuden lake ur ii a weboer uls victoria wchuer and ur and uix hrd webster of wbvdor were vhilors at ur k o uarbers during uw pajt ulii nora uckenge of toronto who has jir1 relunwd from a vlul to iwr lukne in ireland was uw guix of ur and urs tjeti over uw week ur and um root rwui ur and urs joteph gibbon- uks and hie key uiss jesle leavltt mhs ouve ut wbi logan ur herb uluanccr- ajsd ur james ingles spent hunday and monday at uoaford ur and urx j campbell of wes ion ur and mrs 1l g iluchanan ur laard uuciuuian querin and ux ktxi- of kitchener were visitors during uw ivollday week mid with ur and urs it ucgu vray uus wbinlfryxl lildkts ur wilfrid hill of niagara falls out- ur and urs liasdy and daughter beuy grantotl and ur ami mrs- uummers of london were sunday vlltors at uw home of ur and urs g u hill king bt j ur and urz h weston uiu gbulys wtoon utss doru aiiiey ur uteve eaton and ur itoy weuoa motored to callander and north hay over ow week end and returned by way of uw uuskoka lakes j ttwy report a wonderful trip ur and urs edward d cooder- luun announce uw engagewnt of uwir dauglkur kauileeti arnold to ur john wellington wluouglsby um of ur and urs j a wulouglsby uw marriage to take place saturday oe lober uw uiird ln at- imuls angucan churcll ur atul urs w j bell of detroit vere visitor in town but wxk- hiu as iw was fanilllarly known in uw old days in georgetown lias made goaduand ls looking fine one uung we like about hill lw never forgrl uw old loann and uw boys of bygone years nmirnl t in pnloble ihat uw agree menu will be varind to allow uw argentine aiul uetunark u uiaw uf uw present tiulvor uwir goods liritain is concluding a iww agreement wlui uw argentine aid ii 1 quite llkrly uuu it wul be luu ktiatod with v uiis puclmlity in mlid lancer tsreauting paee if mrilulis jdc denoujuo uw agree ent umi betung hem u dial stw mi t give uuoo until after uw cor siuon in may rtkat would give cuisudu a little longer breauung biwce in wlilcli to ouaw lo urini wiui luualii l every budget uiwe uw ouawa i mif eii ce canada luu lowenxl du tin ugalllm lirtlalil lliat jw will in du t in uw 1037 budaet b vlr lually uiuird 11 may be uut jiy givbtg ugn- lltut uw b willing to pay u little tnotti ksw m coiilbkuaumi uf ui agnrrpwnt uuui sue uu lo get ill uw fliht place hha may be able to reutbi uw of a free market in luitaui nils wall a rising tkw uf agricultural rtsillurtalqpy in hrttain would be a major uchlnvrjixirit wtiatcver uw expsanatluil wlwther it be improving btu4nr liurtaed tkrct or wluu cutiada i kteriuil tryde l jiowlng a kreat conic buck i lie value sf july export was th- k suiiw 1929 al rail tvt uus rate of kwarly a billion dolun a year in fact in the past twelve montus can udab total uaadc has been in uw iwigliborhood j fljmuxxj hiaia a big- imthovernriil- new traoe airrenieni wiui qrr trialiy ltusi4a holland gild uwluer- buid iaich us hon w u 1ulcr l ijdd to liave teutauvcly iwnouaird urn bound lo udd a litue ln uils rb big lmid of acpada tlernal uad- tlwrc are uow who belllue hie bn porlaiwr of such commerce but in untal prowrllv lia- alay txjncld ed pretty closely wiui a iwaluiy vol umr of in tenia tioital trade so fan mattiuw tlrwacbt uanltoba liai a droughl problem bw uwmigh not tut bxtelulve it t nweung wiui u10 utleiilon of uw fed eul uoenuucut abo tu ottmwa spo4liftm hy wilfrid eggwtlon ottawa september aaknt markets for canadian products l 1 matter about which uw prafent gov eminent is giving a great deal o time and altffilton one of its first acts was to oonclude uw trade agreement with uw united figs a fttfr was to exchange notes wlui japan bringing a laru war lo an end later there were agreestwnls with ilalu hraxll poland new zealand uraquay this summer canada had uiree uavsclllug salesmen oversea- tifiiair mission now they are bock and uw government is dlsoling lr deals uwy made ldle uwy wtrv away wind raio of course be rau fled before uwy take effect uesxrs dunning and gardiner were exploring uw hrillsli market which alwajs ranks first or second some tm one mvin uw ouwri among canada external markets ottawa agvriwibjt uay c tlw ottawa agreemenlv wlilcli gave rtmruua frw entry tilus tariff prefer end for many products were sign ed bi august laki and were for live years certain hut uwy do not aulo- lically terminate in august 1u7 tlwre is a provision uit if eluier country gives sis tionuis nolioc uwy terminate after flye years hut if rwluwr country dcrujuncr uwnt in uils way uwy oonunue lndelhilteiy until sis months after a notice l glv en of course uiere l no hkrllliood of canada irving notice nest frvbufary that slw hants uw agreemrnl u r mlnated in august it i- true uwrc were features of uw agreeiniius wlikh the llbeml deisouivced uut now it is prelty clear tliat uw ottawa act gave c a good kl nwirr i nun liritain uian stw gsve liritain hriuln is mucti more likely to give ivotlce iwxl fobruary uiat slw urtxt uiule- uw asrfiwiu with canada hut uiere is no certabity about this uo far site lias not uillmated alveuwr tiw will or not canada took uw prraulfaai lo send hon cliarles dun nlng over to london montlui before any aotioti was peiulbig so uiat if any adjiistment canada can make will prevent uw reiudlatuin of tlw agreement this can be done bi lima lo keep uw agmnwnt alive tlwse uiings are secretu of slate hut my own gues u uiat canada will be prvpaitid to make fairly extensive co lo urltalrt to retabi ute kreiit free market tlu eiijoya for iwr major products thin don not twcessarily mean uiat i hrltabi will mhtahi iwv hlgii dulws against canada a compouuus ttw pyflwnt ko7ernmeit u morv inclined be fcatiartnd wttli free entry for canadian gouda hd usat hy mutual tiiik and tiivt in sport wtrt collier of georgetown tnade flne slvowlng at uie track meet uw canadian national kxliibuon last week wlwn iw held fourth place bi a held of 31 competitors in uve 1000 metre race i4iu kdwaixls wtio h just returned from uw olympic game was uw winner of uw race tlw wutgfod wlwelers cycle club are staging another of uwlr popular road races lo guclpli over uw week end biartlng at 3 o clock sunday artemoon uw boy will leave uw calo and after making the jaunt of kpproslrnattly 2 tioun will be wel corned back at uw same place ttwse rares tiroted ery bitercillng lat lrall- in uw girl swim ut uw cjjc last ttiursday evening busan robertson of seabrlgbl nj sped to victory in uw uireemile race lucy cpeiwe of toronto and may looiwy of warrefi ohio spbsjied to uw tlniji line in a dead heat for locond place it ws a great swim and one of uve hell yet held by uw cxi- after five games between uuton and acton the llalton county cliam pionshlp was anally won with ullton again taking uw lionors it was a great series as boui teams soemed fairly evenly matohed in uie final game last wednesday night uw core was i to j d clement pitclied hw uie winners wlille uarton hurled nice boll for uw artaruons bcor by innlngj r il k acton 001 010 100 3 0 6 uuton 000 003 03 g 4 hramplon and ookvlue ladies soft ball learns will play at uw conscr vauve jiicnlc in the fiark on saturday afternoon tills will be a game worth eeing and its free worried by pimples and eczema complexion uijblemuhed iter sut weeks ol kruschen ytr uw last tw j irtsr- ailtet a wodiall my face hoi cucrml w ui i pimples aiuj rrxl tdoorlw aiul 1 tiad enaittsa ml vn tw k taj d foil ainw i tried ktiumi nium uitd itmeiils wnj uw slisburt ef ftct i sl so wome lisit inateh decided to give krisxhcn u tr al aikd wiuiout any xalgerauon wiuii 1 weeks tny luci an wulmmlt u blcmuli aial i liue tut luul u jgn uf ecaenia uiie 1 tuki krurtwu liu larly ewry knfhiiing und wuld im t if wiuiout it- imfr ftf a i 1 implt and wwuw tui iniu ulty due ut lmimjriti in u bbxyj im lalit tob4mi wlilrh u iukljl uxly ir gum ore full ttg to expel nil ui vstenl krumhen mlili lulp lo kch the body organ fimcitoninc 4orftiajii utul hnduiily uius imfveuun ui ur tiniulauuii u lmpirifl in uw blood new arrivals childs all pure wool pullovers a lovely range sut different styles yama cloth suit lr- for m n r lclirs pyjmi t 10 pircri no two alike dress plaus suit ll uit child h or misses school drrsws pyjamas i lovely ranifcp jinsorrcd htyli mu m i-uii- v yjti jolo s7nphcity patterns 15c 20c 2sc new advertisements lar ale fcltht uece dillliii utun kulte sood drei er uild tuilger wing machine of sale a at hrrald ohvv mi- tar kteat rnocvj cotlugtf main ut souux modcni convrnlenor- apply to ken lieui u longdiui imioiw abw cscorge town axmlnster tpg 0 x s2 feet apuy o uj hallalilhw jucen yt ctuitc town ii ar sale ryiwwuher brnpliy no j bedroom ulte unllque tablt iloor covering organ dohcrti t and ouur urtlcl- apply urs huk draper gt georg town ilp agfcnvs uannj ivery liome it a jiroi pect tor our uiw of jo0 luuswluabl iiecjll u our iilumrn and nuke big maiui ijtlierienoe uiuwoviry wriu today while territories ar olll 0u a fiuni leg product co o70 gl clement bt uonlmaj lt jersey cow jts bred ttui june aug houtein cow 5 yrs bred julj 2fl ttwse cows are ail milking well houtein iwlfer 2 yrs ud dee uoisuht heifer s ynl d apr 3m jersey iwlfer 2 yes bred apr 0 jcr sey heifer 3 yrs brd uay 11 jersey heifer 3 ijm bred 4 jersey heifers m monuu not bml 2 jersey iwifera knonuu horoks black mare a yrs huck mare n yrs trus caji prank petc1i auctioneer w j auxandkr clerk haseball u long pat in georgetown uay v4l dear readers wiui your kind permission let our fertile mliul re mlntce back on day of ltackfy kua go do you remember wlwri uw glen and georgetown luul not esions on the ice wlwn uw games were played in uw outdoor rink by nes-ey- ulll wlwn mercantile hockey nouruwd wlui teams from ue uills gmlui btone and a team from town wlwn wacky and air cole ued to ploy for ullton and rode in a jeigh wlwn uw juniors played st uigen in a playdowm wlwn teddy king lued lo u from behind uw net wlwn jolumy ullchell of giwlpl got salmon goatt wlwn ivte reld could weave uirough hi opponent but fall at uw goal when herj tost and uooney olb son ued lo tangle when jim algie of hramiiton al ways luul a good yarn to tell wlwn henry glwppartl bowled tlwrr over on defence n wlwn ray hnruy ilayr a good defcisjve game wlwn alf alwn irlojd vure duke trace harry tcocey playd lor uw clcn wlwn uie junl ir urrted ui uoltui wiuiout tlitlr uniform it woi n nsotley crowed wlwn ileworuown and urn house played uwlr annual gume when ah cole plaje ror btrat rord uiul wa culled klng cole lu n gcorgj town importivl half u team of luursand till co ildn t beat acuui wlwn i rcy gnu am plard lifi wing when herman cole ujd to rat jmrwl at all wlwn tudor ileautnoiil rtmbl jup in to uiem wluu eon town iiluisl ktlch n rr lt uikrt ln junior ploj off an i wolkerliwi in uir in termed talr when uw cnr jiilor pam of ixiroiitj uuytvl uw lorl uilt niirjll atev ami after uw orm periotl tliey rlioe up side ami clutngetl wenler to make a itanw of it wule scvcrd yu ucii to iirepaiv for poiilion lu aub hjectrul woik uust im mec lianwallv iiwlined rhd wlllblj lo take uvllmbary training at home ilm luwlng ability will be routrvd lo oonw lo toronui for practical jwjp expetleiwi lxrellent umurtunlty for rell able men with fair education write aauiig age aiul lumnt occupation ta itrlllsli ainerloan iiiuilule of itgnrering uay 14 aiwd grocveiior iwmlo auction sale op cattlfc and uotuvks owing to buildings and feod being oestroyed by fire uw undviigisid lus been bivtructed by k w beta to sell by luiblle auction at lot 12 oon 8 bsquesiug on htluay silttmfttlt nib imc at one oelock uw following jkftsey crrijtpur uwi bull slwiuiamere uicke tctoi 3 jrs old jenty cow 3 yrs due bent jersey cow 3 irs bred mar 15 jery cow 3 jm brd uar s3 jeney cow 3 yra bred uar 3ath jersey cow 3 yrs bred uaj ic jersi cow g yrs lured june 31 jersej cow 5 yrs brxl june 3a jenwy cow 0 yrs bred july jersey cow j jrs fmjwned acxntw jtou fnlky ctjsankatls and dvtata mcbean co htokt user- tihirmjav artkknobm at jus i iiosi ci w ukuvek oeoauibtovrn a si tk 4sa rtwa save wtth ovaltint mi1u1i tailutn w set utx lot oil safety at your rexall stoke sfxcials for this week aihiuaucx fmr mlwti h 4s ut rbkr hscw mah rrljills imtmd t kifett sso a lllht hll uitfht for sc all i watlusian rds and jtscls tuiku 0v tlllb rtt a rtvnikji w suxaill l1istek1ne tootu rakte kkxaix onirmik jasmine mavino crkam robbs drug store irilomfc 1c we babver tuk tgltvairj btoauc- glexutcxtowh luo waated w ntet to nmt six or seven room el liou- witlv rnroge preferred oc lober or november apply by lettai in llos v herald oalcst ltp i to thl huruuc i am prepared lo intall lank- ce ckjoi- draui etc mlialr and tar jour roof at a reason able price prompt service and work uaruulced james uudie yonge ij georgetown is floral designs wrealbs twaya ibskau aad all frlwal wark waaae aisd delivered kuictrs fctljikonahlx tbakw ij7 j farmer robbs drug store presents professor and mrs but la a stri af practical payckologkcal deiirknatrmboi wbeu mrs bart will sal yawi- iwaalenis aaul answer ywat tae tlohj fgkol ahahlrd by al richardo aivd bis eimbrieal aiagiag gwuar with srrry kenwie it uarfi vte every night this week at 30 oaaute hlaeulr garage uabt st omrvtbwm no charge no collection tomato soup 3 cherries tuna fish junket uomtman stokes limited choice quality red pitted trz flakes l it utt t mf i cowans perpcction cocoa fi 23 hawes jlb 23 tti hormel boneles chicken 2y tai1lhts oft powder auortrd havort xxy i heinz hakatd beans 2 u rolled oats 6 z5 fhesekvinc kkfldisites sealers s i- lsrs sue dos bulk vinccajt i hincs ritsktr ws mustard cokiud h s3 sil ss pamwax ltrt12 zinc um us mciclino specie wboh lb i certo bos v tea domino mb it lb lit 49 25 l richmello mah minute oats ssoi iw 5sot lis choice cabbage h1 si 5c rirm ripe tomatoes 25c bskl no i onions iim ik 2sc special cooking apples 25c bda 1 virvtlnnk in frsi i nut anil vyrtaii jiihi t iphonr id wc deliver 35 10- f smvimbmrthmi s u irr t lfrtve t r i i lriil r umii lllh auil lilb 1 l m