Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 30, 1936, p. 3

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if i the georgetown i icrald wed m lny h vrmiih scpte ilrr 30lli 1936 kiiiiiimmuiihbi jaaaaaaaaai silvers present their annual fall opening u r-tt- sale again we present our annual t all opening sale this annual selling event usually meets with the greatest acclaim of any sale of tne year this year in preparing for his esnt we jed that we have surpassed any- thing we have ever presented before never before have we offered such a large assort- merit of wand new fall merchandise at the heart of the season at such worthwhile sav ings whether you are accustomed to attend sales or not make sure you visit our store on friday and saturday watch our windowsjor special announcements silvers dept store georgetowns popular sboppuitf centre hone 375 georgetown iiihiiim 1i1iiiihihriih iieiiluamhal ivrf klrmortal lion piuu iumloa dh uondsvy flepc- jmlx 1vm lo mr mna mr ii j llrldmsum of oeorgetowii biuu nobtt- at f lam norvad otu on frurtzdav haspt- 39 ltoa wwru- ataaibntu arttuu beloved wife ol uruuool ale l ktw tuierd will cmif plaur from use mtaytrin ctiurch norvad owl rdy ortiftxr 11 l 3jo pm llxtykl v nrvj cler in muiuuam intlhau in loving memory of lie ur kuiintwl liigrmm wtw inured awy oduwr 3rd ims iiubsfltrtf bmck of ual kulurt whrlr loveuneej never die hh dwwls ii lite uuid oi glory wllh drrmm us knr uplifted eyes ald brty livt all around iwt attd knuic in ut air she u far from ail usougktl of rado of tony ald doubt and care aloer marion imokam jui losing mrfnory of a dear wife and loving nwuvtr aim pauad away october md so tt wodoy change rum ytr u year and friend into day to day ut hew will u ooa i loved from memory dvi awy xwir rcmrmbered by llibband and cadldren 1ressvooo in loving memory of mir dear 200 and brother jritr john rvessvood who was killed in action october 1st uls wo cannot clasp your hand coy dear your race we cannot toe but let this little token tvu that wfc still reeaeanber thee hdly miued by uother uiom and ilroukerx ulpn wuliabut heigh ho come to the fair aim foik ilk klr ii11 t int r- lumiim hull huir llnu- fcsrull r iruftir- u v iism tli ui u uimi iil tmvt hfiay uiul luilty ixrtl iiv4m i l- klmkll u ux- o blw to lx uu thrikwlhiy lixr lt iitliy sv illlt tltf tjlwllmi aitultutl r if mstliiiou ijhiwi txi ujm 2iui kir it mi iy vr tmnti tiiw lialr lu ll lv sulr a liluivi wln-jr- atl1 frtriwlti n til iv l iliv lllbt vntri vvlr id 1 1 lid l rirfuxl 1 vu ottf au rkcrlwitt wif uj liu tvnn fiii mii willi an umanully ur tittuu ilsx iuul riilru u u int ij t til to the mxirlary in ivir incrcau tiiaj inantxr llarit- uw tiiwhv llwil ullrsvelsimsi talllib yrai 1 hor iii riimiuxtf ixilitit invti tai tykrubtiik ittr wluv luwl f nurmni uiraf bliad jim rtsnlaaj i kdduis l bo ijh alwl u m1 bfttr mtdwuy ol ruui utul ftijtytvblr fun totx wit ir ls- uuuy urn tutd r iu libt of iltt uiwf ur isumics-t- utkd tixl rucc uit lookrd orwafil ub pili vir at use llw liil i ttry hiliaiub to ixmtrrw v s vim it lock rxhibil ir- rvijc4td ui 1h all jwttviouj jjiows tuwl utc lane iji axinbiu o vu-uiul- irtill rotklnie lalw work and art ittar daay unin huir jmir of uw- vauurint tin loiw- uldr lwautiil tluivd itpfl liflu wliinait at uw ci i- will ui- in jsliuiihto diirimc tlia-rnttir- al risuoti atul will iritw an xit- uulutlnif tnusiraj jarourmm lttetbvil 3inv vijvrr soury wm ra wilvoti and ouvrr nvm- twf atitl ulicior- uf tlu imli lusvr llt thklhjlitf uhdone lo tnml ull yrars atvo a unujue trvent in hit- hulory oluar ixjcicty wr liivu all imni iul old to wmr ujid ty it isltcjlfciaii fine ciu rtahunrnl ikings the place to eat on fair day we serve only the choicest foods harry chu proprietor 2 main st georgetown news from the nyal drug store going to the fair on yo w home pay us avisit special weekend values norval mxs- ceorv oolkap who has been in ouelph llonpstal unctt hhe ieu and broke her thigh taoma weeks aitu u prttzresdntf nicety icf uiauy iriend hope ahe may be khle to reumi home 00 mr oeoop day who has been ul tn lvrordo oenenu ifaalal is con- balunafad ttao thankofferinfr meeting of u llafkpy ijir misilon liand wm held priday nreriin in the church hadf the tooeun was well a and a ittdh procram s riven by the chiktrrw under the suuervukiq o ura k sboruu mrs rev van- man av a very hiunuc aud lnterestin talk on mission band work hev mr torematt acted fcs rhalrman for the evening lunch was kerved at uw close of ue progratn the anniversary awviofci of the yjnlted church will ba held unday nov 1st and a fowl kupper the fol lowin monday rdcht we are ud to report thatmr qaua mcclure who underweiujiiiui a trri ous operadlon in oalt lioapital l proaeoaing favormhly mr and ura archie kentner and family auended milton fair on sat urday the beplember taeeunc of the mr wai held on tueadny ajternoon tn the church in the abaewe of the prealdwnt the vie president was in the chair the devotional tarci wcra taken by ultj qeairk loju and mrs p w ahortul the roll call f of the name of tle aj and incidenu in their lives beinc kwen by the tateenbera arun- thai tranawhiribf of the buaineej two temperance ltml were given by mra l mcnery and mn foreman mtts beatrioe iu1u took the watoh twwer and ave a hhort report of tne tteatperanoe work carried on by the utdety and miss annie slhortlll re ported for live uahy hand the last thadur of uie study ttook was uk en up by ure ipvireman lour of the ladka gave musical number and uia mectitui wafi cjoed with prayer district rally of oddfellows there wbj n lautte atundnnce of oddlwlows at orion xdce ucj frl tky hicia on use occmuon of the an tiuad ally of rarenlauvc of credit diitrct ho w jloxjj grand master w t knuthlon of ue grand louse of ontario vx uw tcmtxjl t4ekr of uie tvetlliuj ttse trvcnlnx- pnrau wi 1 uut form of a buqutt tirovulcd atul uctx ed by use laditx of verdun llbrkall lodce wtko excelled all previous cf forts in use delicious menu uty pro- tied diiriot deputy grand matter joo llall wan dutlrmmn of the trventatf and after uie banquet announoed the iwot lit as follow tile kin remkoiuled to with the liatianal anutem grand lode propoud by wm haines of llrampton district dnmty grand warden and mxmded to by bra brownie of toronto grmnd can ductor our viiitoni orojwmid by w j lucai mohle grand orion loda kid rcltoided to by bro murray mcdon old dmit txom or acton verdun itebekall ldti propod by uro- omer denny kohle on nd of urampton luklse wd rponded to by slttr held of verdun rebekali lodi4 r41owln the toat ust grand mas ter qliux ifave a very ahw v and instructive addrca on uut lms and acliivtit2 of the order which was much apfireeialed by uie latee tutr uur entertainment was provided during use evening bv jolmny kmmctsan mr uigby of gucoph and golden star quartette of jtvampton the uniiw of auld lafttf hyne brought uia lunpy tauierintf to a dosa- cajlzalvn iwu1 cvaaa ue iftc nyal cva imfa iul w4r feuulea vlek naaw tra nyal ue bxx ojok ciabcuilau aokt a c mnr or sftaciaifja try novakelp the canajuui kelp tablet made from nova scotia kelp rich m natural minerals 150tujfc 100 jergens floating carbouc soap 5c ciuv netuons chocolates soc poun box srniics n cliucklcs soc pourad toit smiles n cltucklea bulk 39c pound special rale in our ltrwling lhorary any book 10c per week royal purple stock tome andtooda try royal purple calf meal 25 lb bag 1j25 oav ooat couwins tllkv akuc vajluattuc maccormacks drug store hionc wr we dcuvsk ckoauutrown pure food si 0k1l no 5 tin newamrer honey 39 no 22 tin new amber honey 20c 24 ax bottle peerless culsup i5c 32 02 jar stuarts puve seville orange marmalade 29c 2 x 8ji otins norris brand cruslied pineapple 19c isc 15c 15c 25c 7e 29c 19c 35c 10c 2 buffet size tins lynn vulley peas 2 una clarlcs soups 2 tins cabin boy pure tisli pasle 2 lb plcff royal brand mincenvat suacruip corn takes per pk 2 lb tin falcon brajod pure cocoa 8 ox tin neilsons jersey brand pure cocoa 5 ax bottle oxo cordial t 2 ox pkfi club i louse brand pure catsup spice surtsoy soy bean breakfast tood redy cooked per pku 23c soy flake soy bean flour pkg 23c swrt pickle cottaiie roll in piece per lb 20c choice breakfast bacon in uece lb 23c fresh bologna in piece lb 12v4c 5 cakes palmolive toilet soup 23c choice fresh fruit and vegetables rji a phont 75 farnell wedeuvek caktd of thajsks we ticrehy convey to friend and neighbors our tuncere uiankn for the many klndni exunded to us in our aad benatvaacnt by the deaui of a beloved son huahand and brother the bvl bobert anpalbe mm john anpelhe mra hobeh appelbe mr and mra kmethurat anal rmmlly stove pipes qatluy hum mj- ij rwssu ma st sml ues bcuvck nfw iuka- ktlknscca kk stla uj cnt mcqlrray parr kuof jkuln 8t ktww uc ga harvest trrikgvint at st georges and st aumuxs on friday tvenltur lati uarveat thanksivlnv rvic began hi the rstrblu the beautiful little church tn ue glen was duurmlrudy decorated and a splendid oorttalkai kukered lo offer their uutnks to almlfihty ood for his bounty hev p il was was use prvjacher and received a very warm wekkome ijt ocorce churcli was likewue tucuuy adorned with fruit icrahi nowers and veetubleo tiie prealihcr on hunday mornintc was uie venfrauie arcluleaoon scovil of ut geonxea church ouctph in uui fcverdnir ilev ii wase was in diarte of use j-er- vice and prtaclsed to lus former par- uhioncirs tlve anuacms uraorrdntf and evening vrtt well rendered ttid monuru canatecauoii was only fair as tlaki lovely warm rain dlcouraed many the church was well tilled iaowevcr for kvenaone veacrahle arcluleacon macklntoui of ddadas preached at at- albana in uie glca in ui afternoon golfers enjoy tournament guests of sroitk stone cvdar crrt golf club was uie fccene of a luihy vent uit widiuwday wluii lanlui ju cttoiv tnaauiimc turvn of electrical bupplica georce- toaii tnurtalnd one hundred gnu trtrti distributor of uvelr product uiroustsout catuula and ue united loatea at a bolf lourtuimeni luncli wii aiul dinner after lunclieoti at cdar crtat the porty sicnt an enjoy nblc bftertsoon in uwt fcolf compett tion on uie beauuful oedar cret ttolf course borne wonderful bcoret wen made and everybody had a ftood time at 7 o clock use party ax down lo a dclicius chicken dinner berved in uie arena by coles of toronto uul a pleajlant hour was fcpeut around tlu fe0ive board where all done justice to umi good thin provided tte laaijt to tlse king was pro posed by mr smith weklenl of uie linn wtko was chairman uf ute even imf and responded lo by all tdruriiur uie national anthem mr smith welcomed use gueslfc jl waji a pleasure to meet with uvcm tuahi lie lioped all had luwl ral good time and that uiey would h back again next year ttie clialrman uven called on mayor gibbons wiu upoke briefly qmiui b tktone lie aid were not ordy eaptauvf of uadutry but unexcelled nots- ttie rajild progrva and aucoesa of this firm hi uie pa4 tltteea yeauns hs not only proved benosvlal vo uienoaelvea but lias hrougla muoh banpincss uie town of georgetown by provid ing employment for many of its cul- s georgetown is one of the beet industrial towns in uie dominion and lot of credit is due qmlui at fuona for making it uch on behalf of the members of council nd duaeris wliom i have the honor u refireaent j welcome you all uid wih uie fun of cmlui ju stone continued moaosa in uie future mr gardiner of toronto sang anhle laiifie whicli was mudi anprecutcd atiort apeeclies inurmlngied with clioruc were made by mr nell ora- luun of general tdectric toronto mr pritnk mr gawuncr mr crawler mr wilfred ford mr j m moore and mr u stone general manager of uie firm youngs orclielra cupnikd music during uie evening and joluuiy km tncnxnravored hie gauiertng wlui a number of selections all of which ad tied lo uie pleasure of uie evening the prle winners in th eolf com- peution were as follows ij low gross o ftftnid general steel warca toronlo 4 zxut low gross c cansneld toron to 1t low net c rftrh jr- to ronlo 7x id low net w weaver co toronto 7a lucky numbers d marr 1 tres- trall j imnk u llaaauton a vokeg a wohliln- il qmuh tj moffalt k kearn w uridges w llrook clierry il trei giffemclksli qulet wedding took place at spruce lawn farm nerval on wed nesday aftemoon sept 23rd when florenoe irene daugltter of mrs 1l il mclauglilin and uie ute robert mclaugtilin became uie bride of xtio ltohert g iff en son of uie lab- mr and uhk jolin oiffcn of george town rev n d mackinnon for mer tiaxor of norval united cliurcli officiated tlie bride giwn in mar rtag hy lir brouitr mr clias mc laughlbl wi in wlilte atln wiui long wlille veil and carried a large bouquet of bronze oolourrd roii mii haul mclaughlin iter of uia bride acted as brtdeuaaul and wore pink tulle net ului matching liat tuul uioec mr jmet fisjier tu groonu msn tiui aeddtng mulc wa iilay ed by uli grace mclauglilin and during uie signing of uie register ml ituui gliten aiur tlie coujile letv on a motor trip llir bride cr ing a wine coimrrd truelung tout wllh black aocejmie on uiclr re turn uwi will rctodr on tlie uroom farm louui of gcorgetoau this yotirig lady u rjisukg for the orcus to be kiven under the usptces of the luarnct rifles scot- iksh eund in the arena georgetown friday and saturday october 16th and 17th hand rmutalihlno mumcj i- rue cutcuh mr perrou put uie lorno juoes tbcoulli uand uurough two lioum of liard practice on uie special music for tlie circus hua friday evening ttic music is of ral circus character and uie sand l determined lo hae uvc tcore iell in luuid for uie big nights i lie ootumllln in charge of ar- nuigemenu are reoelving ilcndid co- oiralioa and uiey liope to give every one attending real evenings enter lalnmcnt and alo raise a uibunluu urn for uie new lisrwiatand fund orwuti uariloq who will direct uie rstgoont was m town friday ev6ti ing oamnleting arraiigemanu and lu ectns vitl taojlad with uie commit tee work uj far the pageant is i deter imitation of a rj circus wlui fun iiredominaung old lime circiu imu vlio never misled a uiow tlaz wlien tlie circuj was a mart 1 requenl lltor u 111 get u real kick out of uils luw hie circa luu a cornrume niaha buftc of animal and a tiou of ouier freaks and curkwiuui whioli inclikkat tiie wlldman from uonieo pie aianice twills the original orave oiggr etc ivanuls voali i iaweryone must rcure bag of praiiul bocauc tha l an old gimu ciluom and beulc wu net a cluuioe in cadi bag beautiful prise the cirous lt a dvqw uiat pkc rjme 11 u a line jiow for uie diikirrn u- wll bu uie graven mwi lyit- kiddles act a real kick out of uie unlnuil o knock knock wlio tlirrc glrruoi glrtaffaj wjio olrraffei jour inothrr for ten ctnl ilut liand buy vitu tiai uir tic kfl ery non u lp ritit ui lulit and gentlemen and icun iuur tlckel early ilsisuc tion t ruivl the anliual hry i lnok out for lluu gxualy lkw i afljbi finest quality meals at lower prices slfc iai sls frn mm shoulder roast of fork 15c lb kvnja rwca t h off uar au spareribs 2 lbs 25c 2 porlt chops 2c fresh pork butts tmnmmum vy uuu irmsa- 19c rtutw rati- ladc veal steak 25c lb roasts of veal 19c lb cottage rolls 21c lb butter 2 lb 53c ashgrove tlie aligrove youiut infopws ud- loii opened tlielr fall term ui lundy twuiiug 4epi xtui viui a itoodly number iirtvnt tiie lyrwdrnl mlas klvle neill ooctipted uie chair i dmiuod wlui uie buuneut pirt uie meetuig alter which mr gerald raluuii duvouonal convtiuir look elutrge tiie uieme carrkxl through out uie methig was love ai prvutd in chriuian living iwvouon- al ekfinljix weiv takoii by ml iula grmluun and uie ula for ui even ing wtia gjveii by mrs if wllwn mlu labi wriggunworui keaul uileroing paper tm hidlviduallty during tho tawvlhur muslhaj nurnbrm hy mr tmd attewaui and mr jtinu llird w- muoti apiwatw tlfe lie lit tabling ocl mil will be tlutkgt of the- hocial coutmlilev prime beef 3c lb kuiwirsa and umilfm prime rib roast lc lb haraburfe steak 2 lbs 25c 1 boi beef 10c lb rump roast beef 16c lb uit boraly unit roasu of beef 18c lb kitchener bologna by tb piece onions 1q lb sack 23 tarfe tmhi r vt soup 3 2sc sastrtal sw ftrw vnwhy shortening 2 2sc 25c stewing lamb 2 lbs 25c wa iu stewing veal 2 lbs 25c shoulder roasts of spring lamb j5 th breakfast bacon machine sliced 29c irj lddril fillets 18c lb aj salmon steaks 18c lb cfcor uw smoked tilleu 18c lb haubut steaks 25c lb prunes med size 2 lbs 25c large size 15c lb tm i ihipfciw u -0- on bnkt- ret package tea vi lb pkg 24c 1 lx pkg 47c phone 27 wm king prompt delivery the ottawa spotuht by wilfrid kgglcston ottawa sepl m canadian farmers in various parts of uie country an- rr to lmvj secured larger markets uie united btatfc as a rosule of uie trade agreement ugned m year ago tiie near tariff rates have been operating since january ut and the figures for eight months are quite encouraging 11 u always difficult to aslgn lo any one particular cause any national evenu because modern life and commerce hgve become ex tremely complex but there becms to be a real realuonslilp between uie lower tariff rates given canada and uie enlarged ijilpeocnts of goods lo uie states shipments of cheese for instance rota from a value of usjm hi uie first eight tnonuis of 1sos lo 1 109 741 in 136 slitpments of poultry rose from t1jja lbs to 17347il lbs cream shliimencs rose from tcveo gallons to 8094 gallons liorsea trom oil head lo u as liaed poultry from value of i65 to ij03 cattle from 81 7i4 haad to lb9io7 liead potatoes from 3334s3 ulliel lo ttjua bujicls lurnlpii from fcj- ca husjiel to 1josu4 bujjiel fvtrawherrics fronr 35073 lbs to ens- 003 ibo maple sugar from 1u9 70 lbs to 4 735375 lbs in jiltc of duty reductions exports of liay of alfalfa and grass seed showed a decrease but with uiee cxotzpuons all farm items on uie trade agreement allowed an imnrovir airiil it is quite likely uiat some of uwa would tiave gained treaty or no treaty but not likely that uie inuns would liave been so 4wctacular and now lion w ix ttuler mini uer of trade and commerce leaves for australia and nw yury lo negotiate new trade agreements uicre whetlier uie prefienl ones can be im- iroicd upon is a qucsdion rot easily ansa-ered- canada lias been enjoy ing uie better part of uie bargain judging from trade figures with both countries and mr kulcr may find it n to offer uime uihoautlal coiiorv4ons to australia and new 56a- land in order to retain uie present ialum of tradd these agrwemeitls were ugned in 131 iul b33 iireceding uie ottawa conference at uiat time trade with both countries wil at a relauvely low ebb it lut- grown quite reakuukahly mice wiui australia our trade at lirosliil l uie lmliaa it ever was wlui no zealand it is quite good but only about 40 per cent of prede luvlou levels australia b uie third hku cut of oiuuuluui tiroduca at praumil and new zealand ienui on un- ill whdi iuiktrolimi tlu- lmiortanc of uie nusslon ujkiu which uie mlnltcr of trudt and oommcnx l leaving ttiei arc unkcring 1ui uie dotnln ion iloulng act again lo sec if it caiuuh be mode a liulo more ifftx uie 17ic irtnl goiemmcnt doeon t uiink uie oatuie is very much ue but uuj found it uiene on uie books and ure trjhig to make it uork oiih about sou ujhillciuil for loans navel so far been ajhiroied providing home and apartment for perliaps wo ner- wux tiulovait touch uie fringe of uu lioujiu iiroblem n caruida i7ic housing acl only n i t uuil mall da- of j noil ului a fairly good income auiil caiuud or land gl roudi uvulluhie uiul held up unj b uu high co t if jjcoud manga nuinn hie pooplc iatu luvd imwl ing uu aont it no liclp ut all from uii measure it l iiojble uiat uie uilc t amend ininu lo uk act ill bruit it within uu copt ol a ft a peoui in nuirc modtt clrcuniluiux nicre l tlo 000 000 of rvderul inuiiey waltuig lor loan ojipruiul inough lo launcli a m mllluui dollar projecu far onlj eight ir nine pi r crnl of it luui been put in mirk ufur li r ig nvonuis til 04untluii more umlutluus limiting j ur- tmuv dtitloptji by uie architects ul uw naiuuuu kmiiluimcnl comnil siaa anl ue jull liave ui uie n s sefcaiou uuuoii to launch subodis cd butldinu or uuwmhd of iwiuw for workrr orro uw country 11 is uulicutfd rill cuilluu vaaoll l lalluud lo u4 a rvvlvol of uu 13u 13 cry for lm peru and cauudlun drfeiuw if war liajil broken oul belore uien ttier arv uniaing uullcatuuls uiat a body of ojiluuin in cuiuida belie uiat we iwd to trvnguuii our coasts and imiiron our air defetioe ei uie ifst jlngoltic of iiewipsiperu are btutniiuig lo uly uuil uie league un vshicli we basod our liope of uie pre tention of war hi thl euerauoti lias hkmenubry tailed and uut ta taul and aamiraisoe and aid vlwticn lab wi sliali 1ier a good deal kbout the moniue doctrine uie need tif a high ly urnvxj urliwi ijmulrc and ko oa crcory the a tre fruay october 2 a message to garcia uu awd lsniaaa unan will twt fcura ja alla klarwra ktawwyek aaj wadiae kwswy comedy rbylkmitvs fox news saturviy orfobcr 3 mr dcl coc to town giraiw rsiiiwur wirjy u inqhaf fraaltal crfcurriakg cay cartoon sliankrtacd slnjimales melody master jolly cobums band tuecday and weloeaday october 6 and 7 o dangerous bait af drahaa tail will um ue fiswea eaiuarriag ktctte davt awa svvskfec4va4 twaw r oily birds soenc si novelty vitapiione hifebliglits let sug agaw burriaag aastlaky tar tk tmu u uw iniiri v kaze helen watch our window i rest araaaxy wan csaotsf aysjpflui am posgayraqinpay banana split 13c a lor 25c longs conleclionery s ust wiabrim imtii lills lirft cft costs viti economy or eclipse fprnace 1w almlua- i kmj waxk rtiii aissaay vaarrt tj a v wsiasi kaata w aahaalataity ar3ti for aale v r h thompson a co 1 l nut i v stove pipes and elbows furnace ana stove repairs we can overhaul your heating system at a reasonable pnee on short notice plumbing sheet metal work eavetroughing electric wiring r- h thompson co phone 4fi georgetown v

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