Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 14, 1936, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday fcvenin goober 1 4th l5b fk 3 octob i4ui 211 one week ol super specials brills with cooler weather un atore for ut demand for war mer clothing and more suitable footwear 1 bound to inaneae to cooperate with those who must be thrifty but who perf erj quality jl rills offer for the nex seven days a group of super specials wkci you cannot affrsrrj to miss ladlesfxjr trimmed coats in o ood variety pf leautiful sntirt- niuj nlyci lltctfr con 8 art luxuri ously trimmed and ape rteductj for this week to 835 r 1295 t pure wool knitting yarns the famous ov brand one- orice balls in many colour o choose from super special a balls for 25c mens pure wool work socks our ow make remember tins la not tiuji cheap shoddy sock which you would cxpect at tint very low price of lsc t mens goodwearing work boots made hy the williams shoe co of brampton tough ruh- her outnol with solid leather insole super spcci- 159 mens all wool sweater coats fine wor sted cardigan style special tl q up heavy jumbo knit style special aq up t flannelette blankets urge size super special l79 mens winter overcoats in a large array of new styles and cloths all are well tailored most of them are full lined and the assortment comprises efysians meltons chinchillas camel piles and tweeds the chief models are raglans and guards these splendid coats are reduced for early selling to 1295 p t underwear bargains ladies winter weight vests and bloomers 39c mens penman n merino shirts and drawers 5l9c note items marked thus t obtainable only with each cash purchase of 200 or more of regular goods d brill co cor mill and main su phone 167 georgetown railcoki peas or tomatoes x hi li la um 225 cooling figs 3 lbs 23c flour 7 ib 2t7t cuukklu pineapple 3 for 23c rry ttolv fcinul baiter 2 lb for 25c bwfcy mcklko beef tongues fresh pork shoulders pork hocks ll 4 it xuh fresh butts tl tud 10c 19c vtuksii and vmoitua fillets lg lb silverbnght salmon j5 lb by tk u y macintosh applet c u bjci 25c ripe banana j b for 2je new carrou g ql baaket g hiwit oranges 25c 35c 48c we ttflt for cash phone g f dl tatit we 2r j duv1v dejlmver ap phones otce 12 re 211 local news kr iday and bwturday am clrcw ntghls 11m- mad dealers arc having uieir liming- again a utue dro urcnu very ncceary now about uw last fair of uil district will be uultofi which is tel fur or leber isui and 11ui r40xt mba ute big clrruh erade ui uie arena priday night now willi ue fall fairs about over uie tjogan will soon be uu your chrulmas stkopplng early f jackson oob lias hit rhasod uie denial liractloe of ue la lb oollop and will ik opni for buinrfc on monday october 19th the luteal council of women will meet in ux lublle library ialrmi friday oct jgui at 3 p m h orvllle canton is u town train ing the animals tor the lywne tint tlaitd circus prtday and sauuroay ocl is aiul 17 ur u wlllbuni lraenld the ilrraid wlui art rjcoefiiiaiially unjw muatroocn last weeic t toeaurtnl 37 lnele in clrcumfercncu ill rjanaei ttefinifc cluto wll hold uanr in uw arena roh rriday ortober tard karl ilebmati or jemrm of oaarrlllr will lufaily the tnilsic it will ukmi be time for candidat- fof munioltaal tvonont to secure two hato mw to trfrow into tu rllhi ald tlia utiur to talk oirouch ccoriclown lkwuc club will hold lucjev number draw for turkey irceae hd diickrns at their annual qornmunlly tree on bat- urtluy december lkli uf a w norton of olep wil liam taa ail ulnhf tree on hu uro- perty hi full uoocn thu u remark- abl for uok time of year ttm ftoowatorm ol yeatercuy moril- hitf aiul the coul windy weather of tlu itolklay week end heralded that atrlvau of old nuui whiter but let mm opc for a lew nvfw week of wanner weather tlw liberal oonvrvatlve aaocl- atlun of uie county of llaltou are holdlnir an informal at lluma in uie town hall milton oil tnuraday even ins oct 32nd ht 8 tm everybody welcome it lev p c jackson rector of bl paula churjki of nshuwl horval gavevs apundld addra on loyally to keif home empire and church at s meethuf of tit ekuu of st oeortfe at st oeoraen ctiurch lau week ohm wllllama united churcti sn- lilveruiry sunday next oct is hv ur urayley of luwluon will be lh ttpeaker t 11 an and tun sup per and entertainment uonday even- inn oct imh admission 23j and la cecil fearty nanasaweya 3 mlln want of campbeutul on ouelpb jtoad arlu hold an eztenalve clearing sale of farm atock implements hay and rain tuesday oct xh at 1 o clock- terms cash h j kerr auctioneer mione s acton it ttwt hlluidec of 0oreiown were never prettier and draw exclamation of uelljrht from all who have an ap preciation of the beautiful jack personals ur ijimtay wau jack walmi lor like week end uiu- imaii orreue luur acc u imjaitioai of fauuon axti- 1 willi jolui noruiway and licuu txd lltronto mrs fied llroucnliead aitd uug tiler deloce aitd bon lteuiw leuintcd home on uotulay alter a vuii l km imno un ileajoe neuleum of ueatue wali li vluuiui iter viler mrs- i uwurn at um liome of ur elmer c til mr ctuut uunuide wlio wa hi remembrance qiy with novkuiikk 11u llemem btancn liay drawlll clufce u iuumi we liave been wonuvrilim wttat iieotke to i i attitude will be utu year ln rmard to olyjrvliig it a- a public lioll day kor a number of years uiu lia be u a ery lianl duller for our town cuuncil to decide hut wlui acton ununitum and oliver ro8re uvr loail in uib neutliborlkood ob- irrliur 11 ib day of ficmembrance ji a imibllc liollday un think it only right dial oeorvelown bliould fall in hue laxt year we did hot keem bo urul clai futmari aikerteitce and udary w lletakl office stale apply jured wlieii comlna out of the mrx kihw where w were al uk1 oiu hp ooce oil lriday iruerealiis favor hlh we found ounelve too boxy to ably aiml uih c j lake aikd dauch bem ulun itiyllu kuvrl and seul lakeflrld were vhjtori willi ux and mrs a if tvller er the week end and un tlwitruu wllvm and daushher ialay of toroitu vprllt uie week wlui mru wluon parrtilcl mr aikd mrs olalr ur i jtflcnuetl orvtrden imanl toba was a vulto with mr and urs m aeiinetl durliiaf the ck mr vudet cook and dalicbur uelen of mount feniibi llent the m wpl he ikarmilf mr and ms uiepherd w mrt and un wul kaferr and ma tholma kabcy of tendon mi aim mrs jtonev uk pred jones ami mrs ouiw of tbronlo bpent lat week end av te ttome of un j u liuck suiwlay vulton wttli mr and mm t m lienneu were hev m m and mrs bennett of toronto and mrs conover and uiss coiover of erin- tie mrs a h vamiftlur mrs w q marshall mrs- a e cripps hfrs a itceveai and mrs c ouck attended tile wovhiclal wctu cowventkui hnt week held hi norfolk unjbl church ooelpli mrs kemsltead mrs j iloney do lesatea of the georgetown uranch ladles auxiliary canadian lelon at tended the three day oonveiition at woodstock mrs t grieve mrs ilraisby and mrs francis were auo in attendance the encasement is announoed of marion k yomujeit daughter of hut uie mr and mrs- j a olffeii oeorselown to tlkomas a lelie only son of mr and mrs thomas lealle of gireljvule tlie marriase to take place uu latter part of october mr w w h1u uus winifred stoke mr a iute mrs lilmmons of ntacar palls mr and mrs t s hill jr of ooderich mhs marlon hoy of avonlon mr thomas simp son ur ftay simpson mis mrytl slmpkon and miss- k dent of weston were visitors at the borne of mr and mr t s 1u11 during the holiday those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late mrs james a watson last week were mr and mrs jotm taylor gait mr and mrs howard of alberta mrs taylor mr and mrs will urideenum mr and mrs john uridoeman mr and mrs oeorge urldffeman mr and mm walwr uurlinston mr and mrs j taylor proa is a wonderful artist and hajtipred iucltardan hamilton mr aiwl dabionitrmled his ahlilty to produce mrs slierwood couhon mr and mrs neaullful autumn tints take a look ciuuim iteadhead lowvilk mr and knox preabyurlan church will mrs ulahchard mr and mr- orvillr celebrate its isui blruiday next sun watson mr ellar watson mr morlcj day a chicken supper will be iveltl watson preeman dr and lire t k monday evenlns wlven tlie birthday wauon mrs tliompcon wnun nla cake will be cut and a piece will be rtcaa palb mrs uobl laliu arton alvn to everyone supper aerwd miss u graliam toronto mr geo hrom 6 15 to o clock after which alfearen mrs pred hoijtlng mn w concert wlu be given hi the audi gardiner mrs c cameron itock torium of uie church it wood mr and mrs geo gordon mr mr oeortfe 11- jones special rep- and mrs geo uoync mr and mn rcbcntatlve of tip top tailors will be at o uriu st cos on saturday oct- ittn ttiu tauorlntf expert will dis play uie newest cloths and styles of suits and coats for th cotnlnff sea- ton and will pervmially meauuire for all mens and womens tarmena or- dercd on tlie above date it can you unashve ketun three full alse tubes of itexal milk of mk- nsia tooth paste for only 50c its only one of uie many bargains at the rexall ouiowax one cent bade wednesday thursday prday arid saturday nov hui 13th hui litti- robbvi drug store tlie rexall drug store it wlwai buylnft a new winter coat kep uils in mind etacli year more and more people are turning to so ars ttiat is why we now carry uie largest and finest assortment of wear ing apparel in town- when buying at silvers our low price guarantee your assurance that you cant do better anywhere this ahould make it worth your while to come in and hi tect our new pall and winter dis play vour inspection and compari son hi always invited- there is never any obligation it u ember ntlooed lay down our tool and rrmi like tlie ouur town men georgetown did lvt mean to slight this lay of the year wtwn all ijiould be honoring our greut war dead bul 11 wa loj buy not enough teresl jwyt by umr when uie do minion ootnunrril wrote in the jutuie boo- of our roihlry uiat november hui umuld be a liollday a day tc remetidiaahoe they meant all tiiat lite word would imply llw men of pfainlers field old uieu pavt ut krnp for us our freexiom sur- j wn caj jerere tiw suarifioa uiiy made on thu one day of uie vear may vmu council thb yeur oomn for- i 7ri iii iii u iiii in wuhi and ihuclalm- utl a public iwjj day georgetoail ja a widr awake town met uh not forget to remember imlr lollrn lieiiie on november 11th noli maliy iknul wlo eat whl ey know that it rejilrwi h70 oee- working all ulelr lives to lkroduoea single ikmilld of uiu beaiutlful sweet ntw advertisements pt rent stone imuse on queen su 8 rooms lemodellrd and redtoraud uirougli- ou i phone iwhv or write so 390 gtargetuwn l-m- hale ihire bred ayrsliire liaifer cawcai lmm good cows and off a sire whofie damn lias a record of 17 000 lb utlng 4 j itice tlodo a piece at a week old herd fully accredited clarence j hunter preenan il it 1 phone r 13 uurlhigton itp kfaane te stent houe on ontario street electric light and range ten ice water inside potesjorf nov ut rnt reasonable apply john w- armstrong ihione 138w georgetown tf to tub hjbuc i am prepared to install bepuc tanks cess pools drains etc also repair and tar your roof at a reason able price prompt service and work guaranteed james mudie yonge bt georgetown tf auction sale llollhjuioljjitjiituak tike undersigned has been instruct- ui by twos ritekktone to sell by public auction at his home market si georgetown on monday kvtnln octobkv lt at 1 m uie following walnut dining room suite table tlvalrt and buffet good as nana oak dining table b clialrs deaaty electric wajmr model g good as neajr tub- stand and tubs herenader 9 tube radio long and slioat wave used abt tnonlhs quebec kitchen range nearly hev good cheer iieater faaw steel lied prfngx and matlreas chikdw steel cot ue single bed spring and mat ire dreuing table washstand klt- rlien table odd chairs high chair child- commode rocking horse boys v4ftwi tricycle baby earriage lawn mower garden tool refrigerator ighus cupboard hew bday manue clock small electric clock victor aew irtg tnarhlne small talba congoleuin rug d x li rug 9 x la crown devon rhlna tea set 3 tiiecea dianer set 25 piece quantity of ttcnglln black- ware j bronse statute several pieces tit odd chtut odd dlslies kitchen utensils and nlhey article s no reserve at mr prartone u goi ing to england tf3lm3cash in ran of unfavourable weather sale will be held inside it pilank petch auctioneer dont miss the big circus -inllw- arena georgetown friday and saturday october 16 and 17 under fcuu of th loro rlflas lktluh iluul uonkkvh and a ix tilt animal clownj guloauc one aomishion only aduhs 25c children 10c proceeds go toward the erection of a new bandstand fall opening house hjkmsmms bed spreads a laror aaaortment of rayon silk bed sprcada colors new and up to date sizes 90 x 1 00 450 and 550 comforters peat tier and down comforters 66 fancy aatin a real bargain ok blankets axoolctt blanlccla roao rnauvc rrrn larg aiic al woo wfntc blanlcctsi rinlc and at j 695 lo s9l50 riannelette blantcta 64 x 4 and 72 x 6 simplicity pattcrnm 15c 20c 25c aukttts roi tunoun cucamkbs ax braks mcbean co store open all day tliuraday raomf i uiouiitom save with safety at your rexajul store fauiouvil 1u1avinu ckkam gumi bb a wrooouikira koxth ihrifa kjlaurys uok nijls in v u irmutf rowduth navaas aaimxs 4 ujwu tooth kaittb uinxsju oil saetnk far has week cvnx rousm us sse me u1haux moxzxua ik bclor kavk 1o0u rotacnnocs jom id tas bkt u hi taooats xi cb tux robbs drug store week- values mrs liltau yak u mrs ilarry llilson who was injured wtien slve was knocked over by a race liorse at the muton fall fair was re moved to uie itamllton gedfaral llos pita last week where an x ray show ed uiat slie was cuffeaing from a broken collar bona uurwe broken rbi and a broken jf church news grgea cbawb ilei woo thompson llcctor nlneteenui sunday afier trinlly chll dreirs day holy communion 8 am sunday wcbool m am holy commun ion 11 am pven sang 7 pj st alaaus otwrelc cleu wuluus ninetectoui sunday afttr trinity children s day sunday school 3 pjn ikvensong 3 pjn laauu ckwrel lev k o itavter minister 10 am sunday scliool 7 pan service of worship uev r m bennett mlion ary to india will preach monday pm uy j 11 illustrated addrec on india by rev r m renneu uallej cbwrcb bio tkmi sunday ciool 11 am tubiect tlie loyalty of god tl evening tervlce will be wiuidrawn to give tlie members uie privilege of worsidpplng wiui tie preuiyterlan congregation on uie occasion of uielr anniversary maliea a tka pakua dominion corned kttaa rvtaaytrarl cbwreh tlie seventy olui anniversary of this church will be observed sunday hit uth of october al ii am u r u m hogtrs ibvrlan church toron w ii kantner san w- ttand at tpii the service will be uiank our mistomers for their patron lt of urev dti mcker age in uia paaj snd wuli for our lrmior otur uani yir oontlnud to itesbylerlan church in canada and ul o victoria presbyterian jaret k mcmurchy kautrloos h ru a wuslc uy uie clioir under uie direction of w k capiy acaj1 bramiion or ganlst plorenoa paul a7w chwreli uarkaj 4th aiaalvteaary rev rr d t u mckerroll tor onto ex moderator of uie presbyter an church in canada was uie ipecial speaker at uie ooui annlvera ary services of knou irjbyterun church acton on sunday ttie con reauon was organised during uie winter of ims when workrnt of u v1ik cuildkjwh aid societv of th couny1km ot pul anu jiajlton semi annual report of uie child rem aid soctoty of uie oountles of prevloujy thatlelvefi brick structure uwur tin nmll j 1 t w ntud in ibm h u uit is the prueiit pam w ii ktnliur son wia fo annoiince the iwrck4e of the coa bualncaa fpriqerly operated by h vlohn mcdonajd eklala iiik oomttnuui 1aiitdnaqfc if tiik uanv oinomw3 aho crriinw wi- w- tuikaitv amiuiouiito w ew a riau kwh l tw kid unuis blue coal and hamco coke trajy fm- smmt atkuvtry at all tiaia juaijiy an1 sjtvic 11 ouk aim givk uil a lluai orjukit ami lih convincko ictsax chare diaaaaw4 jwuua aauj vnraary tiwvieea diamond jubuee annlvarary ser vices will be liald in knox preabyter tan churclt georgetown on suiuuy nextt october lkui at 11 am rev roa ic camaron of rogera oliurcli roronto will apeak and in uie even injf at 7 pm rev utl mckerrol of victoria church toronto on man day evening oct idui a chicken sup per and concert wlu be lield sup per will be served from 815 pm fol lowed by an excellent program under uie direction of w kdmuhd cappk acam ttdfl year knox cluircli oelebratftb its tui anniversary gome and lielp make ulu an outsundjiut suooess auimhatwi vo bulkier ai eon cert 4oc vvfayoody weloool wdi for ih- bia fwacfc ithliaaiaabi hav bewd on bvery bight for uie oircu and averylhlng u wall underway for th crug nlgtita a bumbor of cltuena ara under uie imjiryudoti they will be cliargkl anrtra for sldeahows and ouier attractionjt on uie inside uifa u not the case lie covers uie admission for uie entire sliow tlie lome rlaea hand promised uiat uiu would be tlie largest and brtei atlratotloit ever prvaented in georgetown so com and judge mr yourself tlie lfagkon high school eorgetowrij cklu rnlmuu famous tomato products going up i prices are rapwuy twusg theres your ckaaca u slock up oa tkyu faaaous foodi tm it mow i tease open on april 1st 13 nvv oomplalnla reopenad ttasea cases closed r- case open at sept 50ui lcwj number of visits number of ohlrc intervleam number of court aurndancc- ttoijuirory ommltmrnu twniiorary wardship extendvl llauaarriisl parvuu caser opan on april 1 t uuc new casei re opened ca caea closed cases oiwn at ufjit 3oth 103c number of vlil 315 number of ifflco interview ca nuniber of court allriutanct 10 fldidren ittaiw car as nf uih auli 10m rjmlur nil uoanhiig ivopira 90 adhuoi probation s wagd home 141 pred lumiea s3 ouiar institutions 3 nonwards 36 1 total chtldrvn under care sept oth low 110 number of vlil in vanf hlier clilldren are tuaced auj fo tcr liome in vest igutint 381 number of otilcr interview 71 1 t will be nols by thl r piirt tha j theru are iw wards of the society iutw being cared for in uie shelter liur ing uie summer all of tha wards of uw hocutj have been iilacel in pay pipe tdand cycle club are all solidly carv in wivau lutme while hits l behlntl uils entenuis all hut- s a iww undertaking jul daie it is h it required u yiur support lei u alvelby uiw society uiat u will be nwllivlv uie boy a real start on tliai naw llaiu satisfartory uulkd watolt por 11u uk palialw if hpaht s war b a civil war an i phfdav nuri l war would be a oorker juke 20oa tin mm xi singapore sliced cubes crushed pineapple youb oioick bulk rolled oats 625 posts bran 221 bovril rich beef goodness coolcintf oruorin nv is choice banana ir- riioicic it it kar larger celery c- bundi s- carrot 3 lunchea q ajx rmwjrr ami worfawja wwuliu miiv hikk u wk nttiyvvac 4 ot boitu 69 so 3 la ft bovrwl cbb tta of 4 10 10 be sure to enter s6 000 magic baking powder cull ft cur 28 ri2e con- est hominioin

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