the georgetown herald sevtntkth ycur of pbbficatiom the geosxetown hsssuu wdndy etcning october 28th j936j 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa- the geocfictown hcnu ucotvr of the canadian weekly hrwj4r aaorlallnn cnr time taij kneel ky4- t ux tmandaid tumi oat kaaa irwuaeiger 7 is pkuxiter and wall 10jo pmsaencer and jtlt 53juft iaasecigsrs tor turoritor lojsrt pja iasencerx buxkdays fioiy u pm jpaasenger and walt passenger pwaarnger and uall fwiaerurer sunday dally waeucn except sunday wall and inucsenecr f hew sckfcle tnwnvi un ma ins uuvi flkostcktosrm daily jd ajn- llli ajn lii pjn t jls5 ii hi ai5 km sj1s pjn 105s pjn- aljjso ul 1 dally except saturday it saturday only a saturdays sundays and holidays only karrrsstm bt1hduu t1k- rjir planned to all poad salada orange pekoe blend has by for the finest flavour salada telaus anu alfcjsf wufkdrr do uu- robin sums-lim- rur at they broet willi liiiii as tat are uktw uf unni loo srlnji i rail to stive uie pun- of l ters planr- s4orc vegetables in 1 homt cellar tl rcttunt- trtumph lomos comtxenomuv xtmnttr directory lwkuy asakjr icc ttnt otoosss w qmnr oroou wwu bkkk mala at qeonjatowflt amv oiuvikmi uwimm cook s may st k vntmt ii at osasi owiuonita n lda at 1 uulia lewraoca tuvboa a xajdbkw aw f wataok iuul nuajl 06 houras to s i j if jackson tuxs bucotaaor to ih lau dr oounp oped a ois uy miily ol lad mojh fcw ckoacsrrosrn a m nielsen mia w at wu xray draku thsapist oom er iwihihii tsars oaonrstown uours 1 ul u paa frank tetch monuments pollock a ingham binlhn iftoakvs warta cwt oat or mrk t onoawl commercial printing oliukiads we can give you satisfaction tft frforfetowalerah no forluncteucrs or prophets needed its low ali content and higli burning quality will keep your home at an even temperature such as no other fuel can possibly do order a ton from your local dealer iuv bird m ut ttwu ktaiuuh ic tiy whlcii utry wnd dclcarty 1hv uiry an attlticlal limuimi of i lhrh- joy in uvlnu all rom uwy a irtu iu twalui a wl and bou that raclt utrir bodice and ukcl taith twiroyir uotct any cobln boat a vhctwr nct lluut that liii rvrry fellow iwre an waumicd uwm two v uarddil ulot about and rrwr uiruusjt uw 1w ttacsrd robbu jon and tick wltti doubt or rubln uiwlluckjmrd or un dean think ftoowuittoi lo put it tiiu as akrlikc brine back its clioirsien ajpun ktlfds tnake a better ioi of being birds ttian w frail humans belntf torn dcr a ooet txn imotoa futairrs to be avaklaaxc on novembck t ar hcal nwtwn far isn torotao october sstli l- hon t ul ikqumtea ulnisler of lllchway atukounoed today that itfxl uotor vrhtclo fcrmiu and ooerators uc huf will to on sato throughout the hwlnoe on movctaber 2nd the highway leparlnent is txa inc lk itsrmlu antlaeie at this uoae ao uial purchase of new 1wt cant and trucks will not be obued to pay for in rittauoa and o that the increaiiosly lara number of i lumn purchasers of used cans and truck will not have to pay the usual transfer fe with only two months of the year rtualninc the advance kale of 1657 fermlt is also twaicned to alleviate the usual but tnlnute ruth who 1km termlu avphe at the and of the year ma torioji who wish to avoid waiting in line will be able to do to by procur- liur their new permits id movtmber the ltf autoniohue rub7auotv plauai conunetnorate ooronauon year both tn oolour and tkla-n- the htf- urs ar white on a rod baekjfrounj with a whlt crown on each ide at the top the nuttaberlntf arrarutevoettt has been changed from hot year there will be no leller prriuw the series icuar will come in the second third or fourth potiuon botwtn uie numerals and ech plate will liave1 only one ferries letter in announchu the advance sale of ifcyt ivrwlu ilr ucqueuion ulu1 that thejlvparlment will be unable to oonudcr requests for special ar ranteeenis of nubckbfcrfi or pedal juries letters this lias occasioned considerable vtra work in the past and the minister hop by its di- contlnuanjce to cave uve expanse this extts work involved and at the me lime increase the etdclency of the service kiven to all motorists one hundred usulntr oisoes lnrouh out tlie province will be ready to supply uwr new permits and rctclura lion plated on november 2nd as for merly uioe living in districts remote from issuinc oaoes can procure their permlls and licences by mail direct from uie department of iluihwmyc motor- vehicles branch queens isuk toronto timj urorajbf of root vecetables lor loth u durliuj the winler tnonthi or loo jwnwit uttle dimoulty lleeu car lotycabbaic celery parnitaw pota mai torc aiul vulabacajk more commonly knoarti as twtxie tuiidna can be uored uiy in any irot proof mol dark hut ureticily ventilated ceuat tbe moat kiiltaole lemprratunr lor lorr u 23 decrem hthrenheti in au cat ualefi 1 r itltctde chief assist ilorticuiiurbu cnual kxperlapenlal tm ueeainlon oetiartment of asri oultuie the vee4ablea choten lot iblorafe ahould p weu krown free from luct injuriaa and ether blem- bjmst and should be of mecuuitt sue uedluiiaiatd veawtabie fully arown have tnuch beuec jiuduy uian lho larger over crown product a good klorace phie can be cheap tv conxtructcl in the corner of i dwelling luieae cellef ualns either lumber or insulation board a row of jouddlncs erected with ahealhlnjc 07 the ouler and inner aides will pee vent the extreme riae in temperature caused by the furnace the door of uae atorace oompartnvent should be constructed to correapcind with the walls and have two alidiiui panel one at the top and the other at the bottom as a means of reatilatln tike temperature during very cold weather it l better if the window on the ou- sde wall of the oetlar cmn be used as a ventilator if the cellar floor u concrete a threemch layer of candy loam oll khould be apreabd on the part enclo- ed in the vegetable kiorage compart- menl this will enabl the humidity of the comnalrment to be kept right nd by applyna- water to this layer of r at intervals the air cafa be kept mout and prevent the ktored vege tables from withering- this loll will auo be useful for the uorage of the cabbage and the celery plant which should be ktored in an upright posi tion with the roots attached thevcab- bage with the heads touching and the celery placed as r closely together in rows but with a space of eight inches between the rows- slatted bins made jot lumber one inch thick by three inches wide tbr ends aktoo and floors will auow aera tion and prevent lota throush heating the root crops and potatoes can be stored in thme and when the cab bage and the celery are taken from the garden for storage the loose boil attached to the roots should be care fully removed and the rough leaves atripped off of tua fcfjcmsatt switchman jn india there is a very large lum ber company that has diminutive lo comotives to pull trains of logs alonjc its narrowspiajre railway to us mills the logs are brought in from tnr different directions and the three linos converge into the main line at the point of convergence there is a switch directing the wheels of the train on to the main line an elephant is employed at this switch as the switch an ills work is so reliable that he re quires no direction from man each of the different lines converging into h main une is designated by disc of a different color from paui a osucin anu uaijlowitkm lajknds no farm no halloween fetuvltle that is lit position although little thought may be given uil the fei tlvlties of llallowe m aiul tlu farm as the producer uf umj iroiui of uie rarth are lrueparable certainly aiple and uie pumpkin two farm products are popularly associated v iti lialioa en but the farm is alvl the uumy of all the neceuary essentiids of ute hast fevrtj ttw fumble cabbage pci from its cull nary purpunes ruv a peculiar slgnl ftcance at llallowe en for do not tome maidens slly foru in the dark ness oi oie nigh l to tile cmbbagv patch to pick a stem iu order to divine the characteristics of tltelr fu ture- husttaud u the stem uj ull or sbofvj or crooked ho ahjul their niture husband bct the pumpkin 1 as a jack olan tern in tht hands uf a forikaomjj lad is the improved canadian edition of ttw humble swede tumip in europe aiul to tuny a vouui in canada th pu u the kymbol of llallowe en par excellence either for food or frolic but after all the kpple j man cloaely associated with the feaxt than any other fruit ut vegetable there is a special reasoif lor this lit pagvn times at lite festival uf 1n- na the goddess of fruit trees huu and iruits particularly apples pomai pjsyed an important part and odgi haled the custom of roasting nuts apple ducking ahd the distribution ot apples as gifts at this festive time the canadian boys who go from house to house asking for halloween apples are doing exactly what little boys in other countries did thrre thousand years ago- when adam was appointed to tires the garden of kden and to keep it toenesis 11 is the apple was fated to be of overwhelming algnlucanc to the whole human race in tills con nection the legend of the applet of paradise figured in the lore of ancient fcgypt aome fiood years ago tliee apples were said to low in tlvelr lop sided shape the outline where ev had taken a generous bite in thi egyptian lore there was mention of other apples the apples of utkahar all sanainrw on one side and bllter- s orf the other tn modern umei m the production of various kinds of apples canadian scientists have been and are in uie forefront of world re in the christian church halloween or all mallows eve 1 the name given to the evening of the 3ut of october the vigil of ilallowmass or all faints day uefore uw cliristiau era however the eve of the 31s of october was ue occasion of har vesl and other oerenvonies in various the festivities wliicli graj ually gaukertd round uie clurisuail ualkyweerl originated for uie mot part in countries under uie sway oz the druid religion notably britain plus a few indoor celebrations bar- rowel from the pagan roman fesli val to the godded of fruit thejwo cliief ciuunacleristlcs of ancient halloween were use lighting of bonnres and uie belief uiat hal 1 lowwrn was the only night of uie year in which ghosts warlocks witches imps of uie earth and air 1 and evil spirits were permitted to i wander on earth on i the an early showing and special price sale of xmas cards ausauv this week rc 5c qnd lk booueu at 2 for 5c or 2so ui ic crd 6 tor sc itay fw ftnrf saviv d clh early kll la ou ntrj hinions jewellery cnrpton htjaiaionsnaibj town of georgetown jj the second inatsknent of taxes are due and payable 2 at tbe municipal office on wednesday thursday friday november 4lh slh and 6lh tw plmrl ywcl takni klw 4xu will w ipirrrm br cdi a w g marshall coueao chrysanthemums large mums from 100 doz up singles and poms 5q per bunch carnations and other cut flowers distinctive funeral designs a specialty barber floral co phone 47 georgetown ulnuus ihsce bihi1s in a dl4h and our uie juice over thtm whru cokj ulty ttiay be urved with oc without lustn or whipped cream ilwnuci ufi cuul jnt we lit ol i iui r i ili ntf i noveiiiher the druids held uielr ret the mlls ta threesont snd ml in thsiucmivln lor hsrveit i7r rl7ciil zt l hi orulds that on uie eve ot uils itocs ol tcrrmpolvdlns eolors tealvsl fjsmsn lord oj ikalli csued jueom s sza e w xlok oustinslrl jrirrsf wits sr spijshrhssf t with tne lto on me enl and u 3 sfjjs ft tta elenhanftfsf deuh2tiheix i 1 ker w1 oompiluiment cejurations a relic of uie wor ship of haaju some always fcus rkoud to wcau korrv koat miinihkilma ttie syrnbollsm of the popy uu sorrowful appropriateness of its blood red blooat takes on a deeper signl cance wiui each succeeding yar can ada has adopted uie poppy as a aym bol because of the 60jboo graxcs in france and helgium in wluch lie the dead of the preceding beneration be cause of the 110000 canadians to whom the conflict brought ttlsablemeni of one kind or anotlier on poi day this dominion pauses in its nor mal acuvitles to recall uie ulcrttic of its young hxen to pay tribuu to their heroism and uie uncompulnlnj forutude wiui which uiey bore uiejr ship of llaal some cynics declare f fortitude wiui which uiey hore uiejr about tjial uie evu uyils of old druklieal itterlnt- at uie ilme time canaxli gum drops jelly beans hjs lsk candy kisses rsu cocoa milk flour wta 33c iruj peas 2 rjqlipj ia w 15 lb tu 25 biscuits nub lulhuj peanuts o- flgl economy 2 lb 2 u 14 t- 19 i coffee p 25 35 21 1 rl lht mist 15 hu vrim value raisins pumpkin sauce 27 flakes ax 22 1 s o s uokwwtarlauvvau k c 3 i chow sauce 10 spaghetti 2 25 two nroea were hnsmtns v u i i uie laertltand ouaubeattoator uielr tliane ol px ow2s bou tvsai umusbus youths wlio overstep the corn juuifa7d wrss llnark ol pur lun at ilallowevn and one otthem aid deys ius one j pe and dab to luhisli u v in halloween fcauvl an wufs dat reason- ailed rnlcularly to canada pumpkin uutolher jple is auo held in lush eueeu at distance is loo ions lo de ule imme um oul plnp- hubby calltoa upslalrsl heeue en time the lolloirlns recipe hurry down aurv atwtnieel an old colleie chum of lilne- i ivd ptal hemove seeds and srkte tcanttrom r jua out tul n ptoes one todl vpiave welh omtbaul- mn j l hubby oh weu jut slip on torvhhlns and coue down alary slipped on uie lop step and came down t o a t hat i t 1m juper uds cow 18 16 math tu i walnuts 9 25 uua matches 320 5 vuy sulmij pickles m bacon r4 usuj hju ijk 28 23 carrolls sj5s free delivery strivoi to llquldate an obligation uiose dlsablod men employed in ui vetcraft worksltops of uie cfountri wliose only means of livelihood is xlu making of uiese simple eaihletn corns tomwaatni castor oil r bmy asuswy w tlwwy tm am kawj tsaly iwm a ww tuu tsami glulmktno rwsw aal l fc lhua wat fct wlll casauisaa r al 1 wst fcf csj i vwrtilsji ul pawlssm 4 wfesvy lwuasrut ivisuaa a robbs drag store r le stand over nlgbl lvaln to eacli tup of syrup allow one teaspoon of vinegar and a small piece of roo ginger cook until uie mixture coal upon uie spoon add pumpkin and boll until uie pumpkin lias absorbed almost all uie syrup drain usor oughly uien spread on plates to dry when dry roil in sugar and pack between layers of waxed paper baked canadian applet liot or cold are alays welcome at halloveei partias here l a recipe wipe core and score sour cana din apples ihaxe uvem in an agate baking dish and fill centre of apples with sugar and 1 taaspoon lemon juioe or sugar and ewiamon using i lemspoon cinnamon to l eup ugar allow cup water for apu and pour it around uiem not over thee uake until uie apple are v t from a to s mlhuusv baiting every 10 how taxes aslk mid a package of cigarettes cost the canadian comumer 30 cents but according to the pinanclal poo l tlian onefourth of uiat 30 oents goe to uie manufacturer while nearlj imlf of it is taken by uie dominion govenuisent for eicl stainp duty on leaf and salob tax- and this u merely one cae of hid den taxes ewry jnrl every ult of clothes and practically alt ouier aru clers of eeryday ue bought in zn ada hiv subject to miar levies lor the purpoi of filling uie wlcrul lreasury at ottawa if all dominion taxes were levied in use ame way as are uiose iiuposed by a municipal j there would soon he an outcry uiat would force parllamanl lo turn it- acuvitik to devising mearl of sailtm rather uuui spending tilt tak olml 1 live on a bu y ci trxt wjiere north tvrl uu in endless beat pedctrian1 null to and fro and surface cars ionur tt liumblliig trucks and htnixj drains tuxl wluxxiiiit ptsxi both m lllukttr jiiut and arm blow itandorlans niu out fot tlwn lov childrt n pla with uiulilig toi i nevir hear it i nvan uu- luilx- to oiflw uio outbid dm pundornonjuni n-ilii- a luiin tlierts tlie hab lrarul puitu agitated b u hlcli itjiux vlctrola clianun all liuu converjitlon iui the t iluiiie jaw from a buju rlirunwl lu tlie iioojllt d i l u a t liuir electric x iu all lioueh u joj- i never har it i nm tlvc nola hut cue what bjppnued uve oliver ulght im all m jet from uch a fright a tnoue ran out to tali u lwep and awnuned nv out of a deep ourul uleep 1lorvuoe oould wr hsau gas aeulty aavj sieawaeli tsu lake castronox s powder ow bale al kaaecw raw mw crapes potatot3s na 1 cj osltr 2sc p celery java- sfca cvu sc bunch bananas faincy quality frsj a crisp 23c aox cranberries 23c lb ikw waauty locilx i sweet potatoes ium slktna g lbs 19c onions saaibj awj uvy lo lbs 13c grapefruit marvkn swrlaut urge siae 5 lur 2sc poppu8c isclb carrolls limited fimi stuls i0eu txmc uiss meals tialad maxte from canada tine ftsli food- are right at dk- luul of the alod claa tjnv rt u illiil aiul eajli digited and at uie xtae tltive o rich irr luurumu in and liealui buildtiic vltomlii- and muurul alu llmi uiei make an ideal load tiny olfer uiani omiortuimu fur lopui the nmilj nvenu ol tounc mani convbiivatioiv come pio mind for ilh ilad lxiloimr ll4i frum another nvcal am kind ol tish nui be ued and vatuiu dre iiuw ur caiiiud almoii or lobster oi an other kliul of caiuullaii can ik1 ilji or ome aalljwi niaj like to ilj pickled h4 ur luviueuxade lilcod ilji tuu dlftr but thm an 1 man dilli mi varv in ul cuiui uian flji wullabll ur jlhd uc uial it l iio jult tu iiij almoa ai lutr neurli evcrjbodv luxvr like lobjir ulad tlwr aiv different wa of makuu it omt- 4iiivk- omc morv i ubaruu urn i m nujilt and ia j ncip tuki a up uf diced loir- ur uttiillur raniwd uiutir ir lr ji bmim 1 bttr a ciitl- ul clvoiipcd cslt n and a niul ctu44d liaivi boil isx citi mis hum itwlher wiui uiayuiinai4 ur crcjin dnr aiig wltcn all uit niaurial luivc uivii tlvomugh 1 chill til and ni on ciip icttuo iruvi ttllll a 4h1u11iu1 u trw jig on ca h ual lit iit oi- scottlsll stum maclllcus c tstu suul uaclaitii ca tic on tin fan of cjwioh muuiiialiix vvltuli was hui t b ioitlji niauiu ol tui inipuitril nun the taml of tlu hi atlu r lia ijui aid ucuui tt ti lkuuld sfaoliarrn isuau a hi the old castle along uilh 500 acrvv ul land jnui uf it haul umurtvi l ivow uio props it of w j illo ol woawiaact llu- now hlloric aructure wa- built bl auxaivdsr uacliyn who obuun ivl a imu title lo ttw uxhkit j viral ian uller lu cdine fiutu col land 118 jar u4o ilw new oiirr ol that da uuuulit caiiodlaii ill aiul cu luitv would be likt llio u aukl fkroua and lis- iuxicvltmi with plail lur u ca ue wliicli lie luui ween til irlluoiiru about uie vr uul h f nuiul uiat llu- sp iu of ui nui iv t building lou lhmi i r ttir tiicome uf hu uuktl and uie pro jw it u tiiorigagcd lyisiut titled wiui uie crdltur aiul macltsnti lalr ivifl trar uf lssl count atluid uie iimiwit ti ually to ill jina duiuud aiul liuiuran aiul lis cuughlen kllcc mora and jracc cirur- dwvl ui isij and liunutd a yar ago uaii uilrkujiiul ivlict uf indian da- liais- us n louiul un uie laru aboul uu camls- fur ar 11 ut kneoca uf touiiu lu ok cauduu tuouutalu disusct