Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 28, 1936, p. 4

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vi pw4 l the georgetown henjdl wednesday evemns octobcu 28th i936 eotaz m boom day ite time lor it ehed l-og- hras and precious pattwre rart old booex ban ataaded ughtx with coiowd redl- us lumbago went in two wehts mewcr fell bettor m h life xttough be lrtod many soesdled thn kmvld do it ogl itk cals ii uw uw a nun end they p- aaid calvin ti muler and mabel sleep wul not be liable for the ald asfss ior any part thereof u any abry are the editorial labia of every otwaon of whour claim thrj idiail not weekly muanr offlu to panaris u len raw received notice and fragrant btovmt urn wn laughed by and tub m day i i baked and acrubbed and a 1 and hd her brood and paiobed up all umhofcei v the oouid bo at the last um tnack mueh tb line that uae lor nulkung can vat all inn while beauty with bamhego lor h trouowd hta in tact until he found the right remedy icxuacbeo salts- tnesa his own word io leh nl rheo salls- heve bees a unwr- troea hnwhego i umd no end of other cewaedlea got no rebef whatever until on- day thought 1 would give u dwland to ny sucprb thwbjawbaao at ni after taking cruaenn ad those who cam and hey b wt her lortxugbl tarty rry day nd never ieh better m a ufewjc kcxuacbcn b omnbinauon of saln- acal uuu which aid to lin your liver kidneys and ttigestlee txwc lo healthy regua nelhuy if you coum e now kuacbes away uric acid rwynidix yaw u eg that the kruacheti treatment ibotud bring rebf in caaas of lusv literally enmw with literature spacttng in ore prewoum weesu tne obvious idea in mind is to get by uta a aatacfa fta nbucltyai bob- ota in any caa ute b no iuf latlnn of rownmilwi tor tne nrwe- papn for that whtcfa they have to mul naawty advcruinc pac the hkta icnanid and lyftod lha anicbal and nniiwirl to ww uw bad bjen thry taicht be knd no oouot bard oaoi tor uxtr tart in uw ah to um th omm- kianvn but lb wwniptt- wall uey khoukd do a all lor in kood of the caw it cannot be done all the tuner if a cajnpabjn lor nre nreven- lion tea ood udn and e brutn u w u fcnokud be tmrrtrd on on a lair and equal bab- there aould be im woal oblunod enlrrprtaa-jhul- wun r dalku l ormtlon ontaro ihbh tventyetcltut day of j octobrf ai 136 wut ualftlf mourtlor for the akl cawlrt t miller and uabel htei nolite to creditoks n ike saaller af um- estate at i ltss tmia ajt tblriyhv uxreablnc w took m tnu onbarm and t mm- rhlnm in rural ontario up to oct lln of tna 1m narrant mwl ftr m w j acott nnnounoad wat week altnnucb only tne i n bcuhs are in tnfcs ear wl b w- imwad to u beiow wl yaaia tna thti oxa toaa tax b rjoa bi visiica and wxt cr boa mountad up in tna nra kitth- baa oaolad oon- jddexanw ktudy to tba eural niaa hkx occur hle uooa are to ba a krpnicnea wban b of this yaara thbtyfkea flraa braka nut kar bcou ebdws umu lb kii incraaae in ttook thnabkotf braa may ba wrey due to um oaiaiea baadl rjhbt ctalk touw stuokino cptraest an aerattenba been knade in the arranvunenu connected ub tne pub- be iveaktoc coalftt at the 1m itoyal 1 j- law love umi texnpernoe chhaikh tkict 11 l jood neither lo eal twti nor to druik wr lwr aityuiuuf wtmfeby thy brotlmr mumbleui- komai 14 jl ljcjsoh asaaclkf ltinju m o thou to all thv nmlht hr in ll thy love hear lleoiml tle raiu- ni knd ktr and iet beoidf iis lcre vlutt imart call niirelnd t1v ix iw t tae 4aaaly wf italuea denlut ottck u hereby ivrti kluil all rrmn ltavkn any claims or de- wa aaalnxt like ute or- lrnjamln oouon who died on or ahout lb- eweenth day oi jufte 1k al the city of toronto in hie county ol vora and lrovtoce of ontario an requited lt eld by lonl nrhmld or j c l dehver lo ll undericiteedljctm uli i 1nu1 u fillri t orleretn lor vbctoila alice oouoik a ulvlui t llome a- b liunun notice to creditors oladmone rii cbll eej lam- fc oew 4xtrc a r ihorten annauoryf and wlbu u by the oaey ol l ho- jcwsttjajkjl- tw t aa rdaued of od- jri- c la addrehd ruu uudr b did bller iny word j irbrm taoooett hsrbbyatyrtl lut butor uw axmuad iutou hu ua ject rate tlw mouvrn lpi catl or orrhlnttund thr out vvtio mlt wilhbit qqlctrnlmt mmmr a kunce rouiul about vl umuih i kr ltee hut in lift tak not jwd1pr boot- tfihuih lor nr ui kma 11km art- to be thee and fttlaie yrvderuk i lltrner- 5 winter ipafcr npm buys anoordanc to tba raporta only tbree of tba na wee u by apa froaa an anctoe or traotor bloat of the kianatodar kiarud bx or uom tna acparainr itoar ooatry tba kbxaah to nras aaajr wrowa waat aafawncad v um tua aaaranal tlatntnt tba wnjf and knatr cnntmti aem to tally dactkmad aa ta of lb alodact ckark banu lady ua a feood i oum out wban you did to awbt olfc waa not ajotoa vary weu okn any lady ka an aak condna don to um tootttabu- ff we ad one fcnowud a aaan to tba audienoe oudl av ot it kx batora thtl ail it bavtn any clatov dr ue oaands tti the bite alfred lewi gluu and died on or about the ec- of septeaoner l3a bt ur in tne pounty of i york and province of ontario ae qtoduone tn b tba las itoyal wtotrr pairs kkacaft voutb to aaiculturr wnd at drat k was tr to b i addreax detoeered aacb emong ba tba tba fcr it bad boar baen decked that tba punor a con tow want on one cartafan s- dur- tba ant weak of kna valr all tn addraaaas to be dalhrerad and audcad on that date to b kultabw lo cation to tba ipalr buurftaa matin- cajuon of lb exact date of h con- ten will be toad to due couxaa tnb public apeaeww cantatk w a dkdtoct laatura apart from ibe uaual ptocts of ibe boas and rta farm and toaaouently a baa reu- of iu own toa m toaat not be less than la yeaxf of k and wtua not baee re bk alxt birthday on wniiwiliir t kl abn no cbki w wiln r who baa ouaapalirl bt tbe etoyal wtnlcr alr fax any bontoat by tne canadian oowncu of otrbi ctab work b aawe required toaeud by boot prepaid to deueer to tbe underalcnad solici tor lor btbej irene aoue the adminl- uatrbt of the estate of alfred tjtmu stull kwaaber deceased their natoe and addrwnea and lull particulars in writing of their dabs and ul aaenu of their wcoountx and tlw katurv of the mcuritiaa u any held by tbanu axd take reottcc that after uv thirtieth day of ekxranber ibm tho aaid ttbej iran itoue will proceed to dntrinute tne aasats of the kald deceased mmo line peraoni eoutlod thereto barto regard only to the of which ana thall then have bad notfeet and that tne kald fctbtl irene itolfe wul not be liable lor the ainty or any part thereof to fcnv benvbtt of wbrcta cuumx the thall h then ha- reoeived nottom djttkli at georgetown onurio akaluu tuiv of ukr tecuritic it ny iteld by j ihefn 1 and taick bwlcft that afur okcrity tie k la uu tnlflleu day of november 1 t urfdy toiwntoebt ca- be actlwhl u vjctoru alice- oollou iprederick zitb wutatrnwul- toinn- oouop cuttde uortoft 1 jfai tju 11 im drovorracy f co mrmtsr at twaecwaaaiha new saaee trophy p by the- sboyal wtotar ahr wul be awarded to the winner of the contast it kt expected that the presentation of the btopby wul be aaada on mon day eeunc h thir h tod h b aho understood that arra axe bame toade tor the aecond waek of the fab- to broadcast aewexel of um the oantaat all um en tries wul be rooteead by um a to than of eha work and touxt be balore october si to the oeu- eea seerecary canadian council on boys and obb ctob work w3 oon- laderalwi building ottawa though the wdua of ood tud ke ry yet they grind exceeding kenall tfaouch with patience lie tuhds walling wuh rtacactnfcifc grind 11 all and cuude wiulam will not be liable for th sid umtw t ii arnudrong kcc wul ot be llabie for the- hnportabt countries in llnv wt any part thereof w any t kb of dictatonjup ay tkerwrn of who chum they jdiall hol mbool fc return to uetnocracy i receleed notice admitudw- lovtnuprlu j wtg na- loaiex l georgetown onbno imm u dub and a cklral gown this twenty elghtli day of october a- for all the nations of tike wrlj d itnc jlejftoy dal kjc oolkltor tor the u1 victoria alice oouop frederick obwlaaone oolkni claude horton armoxoog and wil- liam u unger kc notice to creditors vouid be kiui toore duncull in unv ikoaever authority will tuw to w cetktraliaed becaui nations catuvut h allowed to iolk a policy of anarchy any toore than individuals world peace tan hever be becure a long a hall- a uuarti gfeat world jtoems cbjlra ahlolte umerclgnty uludlng u illht to declare war tne league tts nktibiu may jikove to bf a hnj lal- im the aaltr af the eatate af jtantt tering urp toward a world gom- coofcta lau af um twww af tnent the caawly af ihu taw 4 s eeaa- laws lvv bteti uur benefactors unxj l uwrwo rjotick te luotsby olvam thst j we jeet sfely al lugtt becalil tf thr tweedvaiahth day of october aali pernor tvavlng any clabni or dabuudmg bw whkh lutve toade ou isr ist toands againu ue uu janet cooper hotne tale wmll toeal conftuent- j leaoy dtalj fccc i who died ou or about the eighth day ly in public rtlauranl becauie aanl- soucitor for uwtwald tohel jreo itolfe of auguo itoa t the town of iuuon laws ate oxlclly enlorord ee oxiuour ror um aw on i gvtwk i u county of hallbn uavel with sne degree of iafety up- and rroeince of ontario are required on the crowded highways because u wt hy pot prepakj or to dehvcr- trafllc laws protect us it has taken hundrd of fears to build up lh criminal and civil code and highly organised courts exivt to enlorce ac- notice to creditoks rmrtsco s haraby klvon that u peraora havtog- any cubna or de- toands agahttt um wte learu trarer kfllier who died on or about the kreenth day of march 1km bt the ctty of ouelph to the county of wellingtoo and prbetoce of ontario to um undersigned aoucuof r albert w oooner the administrator of the eteto of janet oooner married bran deceased their bamee and adlcepted laws the tow may bear hearv dxwuues km lull particulars in wriliivi ly upon wrong doers but it is th of their claims and ualeeaenls of pirobkjii of ihoae who wish to d ulr accounts and the feature of the right we can bear with uvt liml yecuriticfi if any bald by them- ations of our ubarty in view of the akp take wottok that attar uw- j fact tliat uws protect our ri1u ihirtvth day of moeomber 13c ue jpaul br ueved of course that the uw ild albert woooper will proceed to l written upon the heart was the high- distribute the avtets of the told de- tei oandard- the tea command- ceased among the prraons vruadtoenls ftnd codified uw are neceury reojulred to toad by pou prepaid j thereto having regard only to the j as gulden but it u pot very high or to deurer to um undersigned aolcbums of which he thall uten hay toxkrauu to bbry uws because they udtor herein for calvin and mabel steep um executors of um laid wul and tauknent of lewu tvaeer atuler genueenen deceased their htmirf and nddrweaed and full particular to writing of their claims and oaueaenu of theu accounts and the nature of um 4ecuritw u any held by umsu aho yakk mottck uutt after the udrtieul day 4 noveeaher 1ua uu liad notice and that the told albert w cooper will not be liable tor uw taid assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he khell hot ihrti have received notice tlateo at oeorgetowxi ontarix this twentyeighth day of october a lelloy toalk ko solicitor for uv tald albeh w cooper 540 fteemka cach flaw mat aav tenwl a 1937 motor vehicle permits available november 2nd d jje to tke wivum in the new ear purchasing season wta the bet that increasingly urge numbers of used cart and trucks are now purchased at this time of year i 193 motor vehicle permits and operators licenses are being made available november 2nd 1937 permits available november 2nd save the pur chaser ofanew car or truck the expense of 1936 registration they save the purchaser of a used car or truck the fee lor transferring the 1936 registration 1937 permit can be procured without transfer fee this advance sale of 1937 motor- vehicle permits and operators licenses is for yur convenience take advan tage of it there are one hundred conveniently located issuing offices throughout the province you will receive quick efficient service at the ofte nearest you v- ttxfllti minister of highways frovince of ontario are statutory a higher level of life is lo wteh to do right for its own take the law helps to educate us as to uw diiference between right and wrong but our individual conacienced thoulo be ua final authority making us want to do right- takes t ifew people pay tak gladly butt halfhour of reflection about what our uute tio for us will relieve some of the pain of extforced payment te- tause of the money that cillartfts con tribute in uve form of uoua they receive the advantagos of educaliou police and fire protection parks museums health services car of neglected cluldren old eg pensions and many other helpful uncial ser viced it is doubtful if any money uaat we tpend brings us as large re turns proikortionaely as our t meyettheles taxes ihould be rotluced they are bearing too heavily upon uocr peoiale and rich people heavy taxation slows up industry many autt owliers are in danger of losing uhu pnhttrty tbrougn unpaid taxes a uritf iliarit of our taxes goes u liay farabelast ar slome coun tries are taxing their people heavily u preaarauon for war even ukqugh uwry liav paid very utile of the coa of the uu war- h would be a gtesa kliv ii we couv know the total amount 4 our taxation tmwigii indirect tavatiud many are payuig far more uuu uvey realia ute 1 to be loyal to the aovernmeut to repbct uv and tluujully to pay our lax65 is cutoparatlvaly aaty but when paul lays ion the uw of love the final guide of action we are umpted to ask who b sufficient for uus paul had experienced great ikersonal difaculty through trying keep um hundreds of laws and by laws la which he was trained as pharisee it was a great moral simiulflcatiou wlmtl t grasped ue pirmwlnle tlimt if only he loved iw could do fts hfi liked uuu is te would want to tk only wliat is right lie tel forth uae gi pruvrlple uiat lov b thtt fuuuung of the w tq uva by ui spunt ol love does noi allow laxity uallacr ll leads u heroic telfdiscipluw but uau ub- ciniine w unticrtakea voluntarily gnd imt because of axterual autuoclty clirtu surnmed up the whole moral law as love to god and love lo man cliaaclers are transformed through low tt one who loves and the ouo lw b lhti ilke feel anew tbv power of oou ul thrjr uvs ttooa 1 4 the best taoipefanc educatloa to have deeo spiruual experience tltosa wlvo luwj ood lose the desire for gin the expulsive power of new aitecuon aolvwi the aicohol prub- um for an uuuviduajl a aauator re- tunung from a trip abroad declare uiat kurope is weuilmr agalust uitoxl- cauiu oo my last visit to tuiropc x sgw a great change oertoa vouui are not drinking ktven oennan busl- ilcs men wul not drink aicohol dur- ilf uw uay a great change is oom- ug ovr ttrgpee and the youth of iicjumlipavu and iuni are aealnst alcoholic beverages kuropa b leul- ilif ajaerk now ui the stand against uhuiwhu lvy hotels are louiui ewryirhere if political ooiivurtlou wul lead mhi to be tomperap bow muelj more slaouid urtttvw to um will of uhi a a rule for dally ulel qe far iwfwm 1 what u uve fact in like aaylng tim kug cmjl uaw wrougv u uaouid uwers be evaitgeusu for uke uw as ministers are for the gokpelr 3 tuaould taxes be usttuded in fceti- taiatuag uuaost can durtohui love be taught and warned like music t i- is religion uke tlival toluuuii ot use uaiuor probiait vny cwcpxmxe lurnaca btawaa hawwtl gofcw wfjapm any apaewj wquipaamat i lawt wrlnter thousuru wwritchejcl ta this gwawa duatlesw yd o ht on tb whovwl ao aixnpw t neul oeaay nst tbtthodct yoo too wnjq encj tkwt you can keep your wnjdr bouwe ayamatc- al all boon u yu chance to hamco coke yob wfill like the wnr keepe the nouaw liwe fronv arnoke and aoor and ibe nail amount ol aaheg irl 3qsta wrill bfat your hosaw ag a towerccel nan orher hard luei ttahlton iveotjof coi ovcmc uamad mawaon cahataa h continued use in homes shows coke economical because one article is lowcf priced than another it u but necessarily q poorer quality the best illustration f this is in tne fuel field- carefully made coke such as hamco coke u cotuiuerauy lower in price thah other hard fuels but thmisirutr oi household ers after jcars of experience woukl buy hamco coke even if it ctkit know they fct heller hcatioe reditu with less trouble fewer ashes and bo soot or srnokt s the aonomy of coke has km been accepted by popuur opinion it his been demon- strsied un innumerable home furrkace5 and incteadtuc ujca show bow the good new il siucaiinj from one houihalder to anther the makers of llamco coke say buy hamco coke not g a substitute nor as u wgy of savinx money buy it because it u an all canadian fuel which will ipve you greater heating satufketiun incidentally you save truvny dollars on your win ters supply ol u chooie hamco coke hamco coke old in georgetown b w h kentner a son ib- mackenzie a son ritchie a atmr acton canadians ano tlulk industries and thill linl first jn canadas international trade the tourist industry a ru atut wortay of ite taou ukhlbgeai cukv hon utbetouioi buuaets bkb uougbt ijo iato cididx lis year tajit ettuaued to briaf u l tlwljooo000 dut jcai la our watetasrasl us4c ul aqaeury value lo csiuh aow uaks 4kej of iuii of tay of our cvnont not exorpikaj iboeswmtur tupoiuue ccmrftoui wbnu sad arwtoiiac but u tourni uwwury ku fowousl vle bcyooj kt tauu fiaoary ufoavt it diuen euclatoge of idi btrt ackboun ie- apjjul uderutajaax oofrfuoa lolcuafe uvl goojaul u tcctlrttfcts bhktttktat of lulwky wsxrvsy kj if- wy ttrvkt of motor tosdt tad boicl ktotaodii wn jil wtires iflietcu in cuudasa r4oduu uwl opnor- lujuivct foi cipusl laveuttwai fbroufli kit ocet htoul uwj mute ibsn ou truwltn dntkbuiej ihiouuout r4iaklt tbt iutvt ul klomied om of ihr lcuf uioii ui fjtakbnjt urvwe kur mc toufku utdc lit ulr itaiiud iu tocsaiu tkinuui to alvwh ouiulctv luuituv turn ua usfvuuuium nj guidtncc thctc uifxei rut ualy lnj luuuiul boipiuluy which tkciluilri ilu tkliane aivj lunvwi j kaoaey but comttbuee w istay other wy to auke tba vtun of touikus cotauov- bififiy nd ptatt yhauuajt of cuuoiam of tbe bsak of kloutetl 04 tuuoc wuh tutots ffota otker coutuikca kotrlt ltitkinuiivtvoa ufkct vcrvkce uuioat uukv m etui- mad tbry 100 atvl ibt tuwl of uiakuij trtvce tbey ae4 w the tok of motktksl h tiom tk gm1 llauhrt ajuhia u dv 1 kareuag of the uackkalx of ik hwak 19s1 caakh lu umutuoj jr tt u to 4hiui tuutui it vwur yew touaj l u ty ymi n u mufauluu xult ui tfowj asj ioir 4j kuh acmtuut tut fcul t ieta a r rulkfr mkl vkumuui lv tuutau 4aw tai vrta- vint tkavc doar gu dl kmuilt ulufeuaag kvt ttajvutum iibic u tlr j j wttcu cimitaif litlvtaulgluusnubj tcutjtu aaa e tiiaaijif k ntuc tkc atxai uj laifivi uiusmao- ii tuuuut giita uea vtltnw u tiikiiuu fa nj utmij tviuuujt 4 toil davr ninlt atll itw a bank of montreal sublhhid t v t t 11lau ofmce uontirbat ceovclowi brwrch x r smith rvlajaab- uodibn fxritiiscin pakuin stavici tiu oitcoui n n viaks juccimhii ofgaayloh a oorjuiwnt leclwr wa givuxg u kuon to a class of small cluldrmj on tike caiaar fwaclmr can aubouy tell aae wlwt a canary ran do uutt i cmllf ulkajry liny ltcase tolc law a dr devans pith a i hi i bin i kra- btaocvnwackv kwwg bkatw new adverttsemekts ukae ixawalsil for any com or callous wlucn can- uot be retasoved by th hew wfthw llivuo ulyuolatlcu ooun uahvk la 9 to daa this bww aalve ueausuiafi corns and cal wilii the ttrst appucauoo call your drwggtst today and oruw a iar of thai wonuejlrul isajlvk falwkhma of kug uanding wul wuuir ulghuy longer uwalment put taiw at ktac- oolujlacks liltuo cltouk- u wcmtd for sale chok budl and ktapw al fclm mnw cord utxad uaus uw ph turd uhmd wood m par ourd- j utanoexgsb yd tua irohtuc i am prepared to tnstal lank- ctiispools drains tc aho retkair bjki tar your roof al a raaon- ahle price ivooxpt service and work guaranteed james uudv yonge 1u iijonxetown tf trucking cartage au ttadi ot kaulla doua uuimutb ly iiul ihluau f c w mxx au towaskip ol esquesing wood for sale chokm 1iaj ood abtkt ukd brack mind tott oikl uki ttamjokhka kkx awjy jut 1uj 1tuam m1v wood for sale chole ui lunld utd oawr malu kt rixbt tvtom onwrt wt at a hunu ur ht kny hi lam imumpuy lutulmj to a uvinostomk na or cotkv or kkvikion or votiju usr kttufv u ihrvvby feiv4 tll a oouii till w lvl puvuiaku to lly vuun lluact by ilu ikmmmr uut juds ol tw cuukily court ol ihe county ol lultoii kl u iku4ui iwu oil wteu- uw aoth uy 01 october ifeac 1 a ku- lor tmrin4 all wl1nls kwkkr kjauxi ihr ruu nad ioora lru ul uw volmv uht ol um klunl- im ol fcibtti tur 13 uj smh of octobv law i u nacnnrrrr h cwk ol tuoaup umiu nu floral oesiflns hhin tt j farmer 5-

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