Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 18, 1936, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventieth your of pubhcmtjon 11m georgetown herald wecinesuy evening november lrt 1936 5 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa the georgetown hermit or u mook k-mbuwjw- and frfiru milrr of tlu culutuimll wrrkl a- u tiluut f c n r t time rbt- mruv sctl x7fc i5j ulmdu i ilm n lt la iajumr tti id uill lu rltcrr ml mull lnilhr to imullo tav-figt- v lultwbti- lull 7 isam 10 ju ubi 1 til lout ura 7 31 iin ajtttuir ait uiul 41- nfcr lu- rfmtcr aiuj uail w riuirr sttiwliv dully iasiige xceitt sunday i vain nmdi iali and leiigf stb uail and stulrngtr cm jm aw mjn 2 lis kti ujo put ii is i m rtravtlfti i new schedule lxavt cloltgkxown daily wrtt 025 am 743 a-tol- 015 tun 100 pw 4 4i pjtf 7u1 pj 0 15 tun ii5 pm t 3ij p4h 453 14 tjis p4n lui p-to- auso htn c duily ctt saturday ii saturday only a saturdays sunday and lioutey only fcastkhm otaxojutd tlmk itineraries planned to all polota i canada united states and uexioo ctaul ymf ucal intmt longs confatlonlatv directory uttov dajjk kjc kiairrbw uj suiw qrorirctown ontario ottea gregory ttieatre bldg ulll st kjtxnktix m lang do v sujtuir notary auie iirit uortgafce uoney to loan offices ualn street souui ihione 68 gxorgtown w iltone 334 c gkany ftarrluir tte ncul block ualn st- georgelown 0 box im icaney gltaydon lawknt x cookc harriuera tie 445 bay st ywtmata hmnpu 0l k fraser haiiey kc ii kdward cook gordon graydon u3 ualn st- north liratnpion telephone 702 harold it lawrence lahlaw building brampton telephone go at watmin djbs mus crraww owce hours if to 5 except thursday afternoons j jacttivon djxa buccior to ui lat dr oollop open fvenlinti a m nielsen hlfa var u rau chiroprmcior xray drugleas therajust lady aluwual omf ovr dominion ulai oeonclown hour 2 5 7j0 00 n m ctwrfj ylnursjay flmie ls4w frank iirrch llcujsklo auction feiii f- the duucs j vi and llallu prompt lervlc chclunliam 3 r 13 oeorbetoinri ci r 3 ivitt ortlce cheltenham pollock a ingham uiueju to cater a wortli gb onl juum tut uitwi hw u iiukcl our work in grpenwolxl cemetery commerciail printing o all kinds we can give you satisfaction tne georgetown herald orange pekoe blend sa1ada 14h ivk is mln an early showing and spcl price sle o ioys and novfcltles for xras kllflk tills ttujt xmas carps rr 5c itkd for- booklet fur 2 for c or 25c tins ic crdx 6 for 5c vatiik iuns tut kiutr aunm casfcs ky kww uj vl jhwy d cub luly kljdl 1 ou uj hintons jewellery gcorgelown lions club will hold a tag day- on saturday november 21st funds to be used for child welfare work its british and thi worlds best more heat per dollar less ash per ton a trial order from you im a repeat ordet for us phone your dealer h wiw it- mrn lit urn- lirimi mind yrrul hrurt- umi tatilui itulul jjll wtmxil tin hh net kill jjxi wimmh tpf iwul of iii iuv urn i hi fultli canada lags in jfuh consumption ult xl viu wt llr lr uuul hcimr4 u lina lull ljuiui hl litlwf without hiking i il uti fownd ir-d- i- in twilflir ini hot vktllh dtr k ilmir ri 1mi iitll ilwl will in lluh trlfi wronj nil- tin lalwl ja iif 1 it 1 j i fk guelph winter fair judges announced llw foun uri tlu judi who ill uucv thf uwartli in tin luriou clu- ut th ontario irovlncml winur ivuir clydr-dalr- uiul heavy oruuuhl u w fituplw oa c dwliih ivrclwwuv aiul iilifun u w carter llrunuuon uuhl llorw wm- netntui st- cutharlnw mid huh h wllui ouk vllle tdiortlwini- grant canipbrll mor fat llcreforti and aberdn antfu w if hunter orankvvlllc uarkt caule j u curdlwioe warum unoolnr ljlce and colloid j d itrlen ituijttowii dotml miroifcjilrf and soutli downu o licuulmiey todnuirtun oxford- and hatrip hlr lrij ar krll trtmtit clkevklr and guttojk liuliii vmhiu cuilor ciiu yorkijiln adam ttmunwon no i utrutiord ilerkildm and ttttnwortll- grore wullmtn quemsvllle buliibury trophi jl j knboe toronto and adam tliomoh strat ford aralru and corn w t g welner oluva clovers and graf stanley white dotn qcd uranch toronto fotatoto prof a- w aon ojl c- ouelpli and o w iaclialne oa c ouelpli akrcultural society clas 0 w uckay dum seed hrancli ottawa and c i 3 palmer dam cj urandi taronto ne- comlji clian- teller- gaines ornamental ttanunts george itobertdn ottawa ucdlterranean nred- g o hen- dtron hamlllon iuiau iland red javas jersi glanu french dorklnc suex lusd cape and lliorlhmeouj wm carter londibaro ovplnjctons except while wyan dotles i except alule jher and par trldjie and aiallcj w ibuxdltan game uantams white orplnaton polands and hamburcs t j laiey london hacic white siher and partrklffe wyandotte- wm cadman london utility ivjxt prar w it graliam oa c guelpli turkeys atyl walcr tvivl a g taylor ottaufi iliteon lejle iudlr gueljui oinpuril l llw pwiplr it iiuliilki ittkt- it ultiuilutl ut imir ilh ruin hi th i imwmi if atftj ii ihtltuhi had utlluil o imu of culltul ijfu i it it p ducmi kuniuidi uiul irim t pit i opinion ami u dnl of du- cmwduu rl a- uciatioti gt tl uw old 0 u- nun wiu will tlv iojliinviklmi of til umouti alxmlt t jtouiml iwt i mui h rt hi llu- jinijnuiu u l mijy imhii jl pouiwk p r minx yt acotrdliu lo uwurrk- iuit tf ntixl ut uu lulihiu in duir cjiuthun fuh i- iwttd llw r ihi world our for iu ifuvour aiul quli- ty rhutf think- mr luitt tin ita ontiinuhl v artt j tmid un tdiuwtuiil atuj mhrrituu wtlh tfaf lr nrtpultil llu ituvrwihirtu u itrlp hirru mirkct wuhli tti dofutnlitii and uwr u ckliujiun luji if the jiuttoitm roiltumitlutn o lth n tn be in lol prttun trij h iiiii un iwiuiuh icr caplu 111 uld tin uu apntoxinuiel ujumjm c ajtd wallhuf iwhkjoooo iwtund 1 flji willi mm pr jitt crilide for ut lf llollund i rru2nj rui umittloti of fudi ttw up imurlnu in thf- itraapuprr- ajtd muic kliu- of llu oomlnuut tlutl iol ttm lo h- druwliitv ktrurrr acirl ii ik to mr llrilutln uch ull liter n- would kdvl tnatcrlull in th- urneral wlfar it would b tti ill ute uun lor tat kin cmnjunlc uihj attfllulrd hi du- trie it would tiwrrtaie tlic ienut of lh itrtmurj proucvr and it would provlju rat tlinuhi- for ui uitln ilhlnu indulry the ottawa spotlight in vlirtid rtlton ottuwu nmmibrr 17 a rwuferfne tt th muiltir of aiiticitltui of tltr tihw pi-otinr- low iw r with uwt lio itibtuni uutlmfilh- hu bmi rullrd lor lamlxr mth ihl l u ttrt of a hkmjrum to impiovi ctiubdimti j1j fuim itmliuu hi lhi thiluii rcin iioauu tuimks ii alto v wiix ita school imxs will halton p l th iuetktn upikrnio t in th mind- of mimvrs of the itrrlvnie illjih scluiol iidal ai la i rtks metiiiif it was aip nounoed that hie account far tuition for jjul tvjdcni in halton county amounts to 4513 uil year a com pared to mil lat jar nine jialton pupil are in attendance at the jlnet vllle high ilmol lat ar halton county rfuid to pay slrreiulle for tuition o uu liil from trajulitr towtulilp bcmiiw3 uu lrl county council luul rrusd tumeiit of an aroount from oak- vllle liih kchooj tor tuition of pwrl jtuplu from loronto towniiilp i can t that uiert u any rtht- uonjiip between uie refusal of p1 countj council to pmy oakville and uie pojbult of refund or halton to jiaj streelvillc httyh school tills year laid o r church a member ol the board our account is due and wo uelkne that tlie halton ooun ell will forward ur ute money it lia been pointed out tltat ac cordlns to antendments to ui uluuii act toronto townjin pupll were iu entllwl lo attend ule oaklllt- hufh scliool while under the ume act trafaluar townjilp pupll are fully enuued lo attend the slreetsillle tool laqgl gaiv iv ijuirlov kent ifoiii tit unitid tiu kitd uwhrrr lit j catdinrr tm wn civhw miiklrtahlf ulliiuuiii u thr matter htr ituill jj ttrttl wtki in hrittll iiiol- tl ulir the i ion il madr ituuiii 4rhmlnary plkrvallo- alwtui ih tid of tudyinir uw iirltltji mar- kit i litui moti auuvrly artd aho thr di jmhutiy of wntclihitf ouutdun uuwiih and ultabiltly brfofw tbo mttu ru bull t poiylr bttiton lc ft thl jdt hhnsjc gjrdhur uutd otr ilr- plitx jtiiil lrr if iluton btwl iv j ii gitl tlie fotiir deputy mini ler lo inukt tuntu- likihtrhf for him jlottu unvilar iiih when uiry wrr hi ihitaiu lb ujfij ihtm to rpoft in d itriuli ntly on hl own uiintionv lailf hr lit- lriictd if i atkell ltmj loim r hji lock comttil uacr to vbjt the dfrfrrnit luhtciv and ititerviw luttnck orifanltuitltnl and farther cuii u- well u tlte packrr mr mk 11 will hve hu re j tort in ut liami ol lite mml ur by the unw the ottuw a conferenco lwuliu vcw urire f kvxwrbi what uie minluer of atfrlcultume fxpt all uils prvpuratioii to lad up tli i uil lu wahl an oruaiilxatlon loniicl hi canada to qut in tlut tut porting ol canadian furm product to jdvl- furnicn what l wanted on vlu otlurr xidt to keep an eye on quality to wulch market chanucw it ib eji peeled uiat thl- body will kctp close ly in touch wiui otne tort of uilelli- uince iervlce on uie other ude wtiicli will advice from time to time ltow tlte liipmeuts are bcinif received and uliflt can be done to build up tlu trade ulll furtlier llic lacu uud lltturus for lu3 tltow uiat markets for the product of the canadian furm are urowhiif steadily but therv l itlll iilenly ol uope for cnlaritrincnt llic cututunen ol uie dominion iuvl been uruuui upon ui tuhiloir of agriculture the need for lurtlttr tmplmiii on utii maltcr an kniitle market for canadian ihe cattl at onicwluit better prlci titan liavtf been xwalllini would be of lnrtnen- dou valut to canadian farmen in cvtry province rrmx la ytstlloj some rnllur sensational evidence imj bitti brought out by uu tunteon roj ul conunllon whldi t invciiisat uia uu lexuk htduto in canada pji brow lia l been 111 led hen and uiere ut ui prall urluch have been accuniunited bj ome of uie conipan ic epeciall when thei are l in cantrat uuaint utt wai paid ome c1 of implojee ilu hidden uiventory rjrve of canadian cot ton ltd iul alj come in fur atten tion tltoutfti uie oilictrs of um com- panj claim uiat cicryuilug wil done to afetfuard uie company against un due fluctuation- and uiat in tlu lorur run utc rere all came out in uu balance licet and luul uutu paid upon il thl view does not coincule surgery of the seas i m bttauio kurrao at tho canadbui iaclflj- ilmir kiiprii of japo had bla hlp m nurat- uid manvrar t cnint allan who arw ahown hmni trforti two drllratc- op ralutnu durinti th ttlilpa round trip to um jvr klutt via ihtoolulu juat emuplfutl hi vuiuvtuvtr on lb ootwaxd trip botwnoa honolulu and okottuiu the lumra buc tarttitmrt wr aid led for kimurly an hour whilu dr tkul rwaonxl a rujiurd duodtaaaj ulcer fritm a hinom pajn njr on tb bomwu3 trip btw4n hotoif kw4 and blianjlial th uttvktn onl doctor okjll wu kjitdn callod into play whoi u riilraia uajoott btoward mi alruka with cui ap4ndlrilut luttli taulettu aro ioovrinj well tbft t4iyaiclan rwporiftd dr luwutie fonuer houwi phylcuui at vatteoumra jl ptuibtt hnapltal and mutual of lhuvit klty ot wtmtarn ootartoa tndlcaj school at yxulmi out ulatod tltat the mrrc ot japan a kpwodldly iulrpd ojw rathw rmnu made tho operaiioua little dlrrtntl in praeile from anv pt rfontieil in ian o bofttitrdh hbt tumlitmit uttut ajiau la a truilualc or st iauui htit- ptial saakafimm a haa ha la tho kmpreni r jnpan for hie pai thro afid a half year uu prevutuly wua in uu fjiihri i of itu hu dr juartio mrat wnt to ita in 1s3j aboard tho iiudlaji au trlailon itaar miafcajra out of vancouver cutajin iit i i i-ulo- erin cner mioo tvlditlonal worker- wre ahorbed by canadian indu tru dur nu septembtr when hidutrial em ployment reffltered the lanest jjaiii of uie current jear a report lucd uuil llu l uut depart by uu dominion uureau of staatka tlie latter luw made a tenta- rt miow- that 10 km firms lncreaed tlulr ul mcnt at about 000 for ttooerw rlafrs from irjiseao employees on mccme between 1020 and september i t lo 1 044 178 on october i ulc 1 t apparently docs it piirure for october ut 1045 jude pcimllie nor does it in lioa uiat d414 eftipjojcrs imd pay- 1 c anilhmu for uie jears 1d1c- roll ahivrecaunc 007 017 workers conjurer now jr watch ticking injde chief are you atlned gpeotor im more uuin im amaxed umt watch i httjtt cone for lx xaanttis tlu ma t oul landing features of tlu october i t ism urei of em- liloymtnt were the unuuall itro- iiounred lncreaj- in manufaclurlnc in which uw oooptratliuj eitobluli meul abjrbed nearlj 15 coo uddi tional worker and in locuinj which direcuj provided work for practical you hear your ig 700 more jterum titan at septem thl itandker i ber il the txpaadan in eacli of tlie- indutriii wa creater umn in jitliled any othtr iear for which statlucs gave you are available bjinlnu and trade alo recorded ouhftuntlallj itelfihlened tn uj in jrv icev conoructlon and maintenance ilu trxnd uil eaanalh downward ajul uicn wxre alo la in transport a l an lhat pw crunch oats m w s3c x cihftbil fou imoi sandwiches 2 29c tomato soup 323 pancake flour i5c maple syrup w 23c suigod j pie pumpkin no 9c eklr spcil solid ml tuna fish codfish apricots u 25c chipso s ii 35c kirics 3 j 14c rinso it i 21c alb tin 17e 17oj tin golden corn libbyi gnlu pr tomato juice 3 ply blue bid red salmon 2 t0oi tint 10c 14c 27c cocoa nw iw chocolate k uu 16c tea tea oxo costs cuumhl timivb i k- di s7c d 5c 123c uuvdj pickles hi10c fj a r puddings l10c ut t c bleach tw15 ouuia floor wax i53 cjlju w lifebuoy 3i0c ko si vdat shooting a wamlnn to hunten to confine uieir jiootlna to week days wtl- u ued by dl trlct urovlnclaj polioo five mfcn wlio didnt abide by uw no jioolhiff on sunday regulations are faclns cliarae in kltcherutr in ad ditlan two -liotirun- have been elsed well il five rabbit uu fruit of an iii advised sunday jutotiiib expe dltlon in uamhui uie hunting pub lie to abide by uu reffulaliotli police inferred that further iiroecullorl will follow ir infractions are reitorted it t trlcuj atratil t u law lo eo sun nhib for any kind or u on sun day uiey ny motlwr xlaryt son ve arcn t you irry jou bit i hated the taue jiismriib in nkwtow iritick js soul at ucwuk ktrtax ur tlie unule which will be fallowed with e jtecial luteret acrtfci the ooun trj l u lutl effect ill etc dlcloiures will liuvc on uie tariff ohcy of uia mncktuzie kbit coemment sub stantial llctj ituve already been cut off tlte lknnclt duue- on leittllc and o far the action doe not jra to have ruined unj uf uie companlca it ha nabled uie canadian consumer to enjoy a bit more cltolce when ume canit to buy clouu and clotlihui tlut onjodl viho tut- brouuhl hi a uiip- meni of textile recenuy know uxal ihc ijriff l till moderately high on uuvt lliu it lo liappen tluit ute icvllatlon- ubout uie textile industry arrivt jut when utc canadian gov emmeiii is trying to figure out tome waj of mouifilns uie ltrlliji loto connnulruj free entry for canadas farm product it would not be sur lirtuuig if ome furtlier reductions in textile dutic are offered by canada hi return for malutenartnc of the ot tnwa agrexiutnt utnojlu iron aru tcej boot and lioe machineo arc oilier iita which ue may iee comina in more readily from urttaln after the cxi budaet talk about tufeure we an bimnnhuj to hear a lot about deft nee iirocrbm- about orders for utrofihuur about dettrojers i here i- not much uf an offlclal na lutv to announce a btcui deal of uu talk can be dumlad as idle gai lp but an entianced ulr force look like a afe bet wltert district headquarters of uu- ontario provincial police ovdhwd wlutdrawf a charge of itaving liquor not purcluuted from a covcttitnent vendor george harper of krin town- uil p pleadml guilty to uie charge and was fined 1m and couc or uuree monuu in the county jail at guelpti uls uarbaret lilrutham of george town spent sunday with mr and lira w tt niniham- lr and urx hurt buijeliam jxut line rin spent sunday with ur and un c justice llr tualcobn qincialr of niagara palis spent uu week end wiui rela uves here and at alton ur donald houston of george town spnt sunday with lit parents ur and ur gilbert houston uossrs d q leltcli a j harlan george saunders harry saunders howard ucarthur hruce pletclter and alvin uaniial are hunung deer in uie vicudty of baysville artiiur thompson ird line erin ulfered a stroke reoently and is un deraoing treatment at st josephs hopltal guelph his many friends wlh him a spedy recovery advo cate thl latif that lais to homfe i love uie whwiuitf uith tltat kads to tmme ileyond uie hedgerow and uic uit- tice gate ii eems to beckon me wliere er i roam to clowlng iiejrth u here luippy loved one wait it lures me of tentlmt lo w liuperlng tntj wliere mating blrtt are ne ling in uie pring to link tipped apple baam mur munng bee and rented lilac blooming b uie wing tjil jltue wlndinit itaui tlut irail to luune i tread it once ai am lliouch far away mi feet mu t rel tlu old familiar loam pot i am weary of tlu world- rough clay it take mr back lo humble roof and acton fan to ptaec lineer and re i and love umt there gertrude jean ul lot- terms of the lous simply explairved lllttt is how tih wtios uiul iiomt utcailts m ihmi is vaokum ol t ur william norton attended uie pard dutributors gauverlng at detroit htt week wtven uie canadian and american representauvec were guests of uie company change of considerable import thousand or lutin owru r cnauy once to acton took place lhls week mere ted in the honu improvement wlien uie ivead owce of lieardmore phm ure uonderinu i xarlh what co removed from toronto and are condition- urround uu loan how to now operaung from uie acton plant k0 about i cttinu one what it oosu hjwji tliklt juvlnills lull ajk guoiniis blaze iollcc alleuoj three jjlllon juyenlu- utr m ihilulbll for tlie lire which bluml up in a large lack of tmw in tlu liorj itabu at uie halton counly agricultural society fair urouiut about 4 o clock saturday af ti moon jjlllon fire brigade respond ed qulcklj and prevented uie building- from loing up in flame provincial cui tablt a j oliver and chief of ivjlce lladfleld invej ugated and many similar ihum here brief l an ixplanatlon ob- tutned recenilj from banking and other ource of lutw the honu reuo vation plan work out for the avr ue uppllcunl ur a after ha inj figured uiat certain repjlr to hl honu will re quirt approumaulv 1r5 to 200 ajt- piles lo a niarb bank for the hit ler amount for oiu year litres the re ull loan drount necetvci cah he luju back tlu lilu twtlve monthly ul talmi i second example ur ii needu luor ll jl 000 xi he a-k- i unit lur this itayabu over a two t ir period he si aoaptx cwi pa liter sonny why don t you get tlte liablt of qolng lo uie dlctlonarv hen you want to know how to spill word sonny i do tmeumes but some how tlu dictionary always lias it wrong oranges 2 39 nitre vlke sweet anj jaiey lcllucc211e ierberf grapes 25 lbs 23c sweet potatoes gibs 19c onions le 16 lb fr w saanil and do grapefruit s for 25c bananas golden yellow large size 25 e doz ssisss free delivery phone 357 potktoet hot house totmitoe celery crmnbemrt carrolls limited mi ill lily in tul ppl for a tlie general liead oface staff oom menced their dutle- in acton on uon day november oul on uonday evening a surprise birthday gauiering was held for mrs- james bayers on the event of her orui birtlulay at uie liome of ur and urs henry sayers her family and grandchildren were prfoent numbering 30 in all with uie excep tion of one daughter and family wlio live in uve wett on tuesday morning uie farm home of ur and urs ronald uc- laclieni at lot m first line jique- tng townsliip wo- completely des troved by nre the fire wa- dlxover od by ur ucaclicm wlto wiu at tlie barn about 80 it luul uien made uch headway that uiere was no oliance of saving uie building but a few of the contents were hurriedli nit carried out of uie burning structure loan on sunday acton hoy scout were dtcount huets of uu- usui troo in toronto and iiarticlpated in the church jior hecelvx cj it ode to st liamabos church for tlie j n uv bark morning ijrvlce about hit par menu of ml g7 tlclpated in uu banquet which try bjlance tt tin informallon followed during uie afternoon the contained in tlu foil twiiu qui- m hover scouu conducted uu acton and anuer lad- through uie uuuum tn toronto question 1- scoutmalrr o w uason was in loan cliarge of uie acton troop the boys anwir to anv clurhrtd bank envoyed tlie trip very much free qur lion how nun tlu moiiei iress be ued7 answer on addition alteratutil or reiatr u honu alnadj built but not for building new humi improve menis include iuu plumbtni f unmet in lullutlon iiaruli r iuu uny rqulpnuiii or ilxiim which beconu an integral iwrt of uu biilldliiu but not for aihilluiuts that can bt niuv ed lhuiu- includi prkuu duelling- suiull apartment hou jy funn houe comuliiaiion lore dwrllhii 3 who l iluvlhu ail ai r anj niun or uoman in ifood cndit landlnt viho own- hl or tier honu ututtur mortgaged or not 4 what b mi mi by iood credit tandluu an wtr anj pi r jui who pay hl blll uiul tarn u 4tlur uliu n iu to uubu liim lo muty un loan mir a r ooimbh u riod i are uulorrs rttj ilreip ailaer no g how l- tlu tu tint rijt-iu- an vurr uuallv monthlv b n qufr terly or other m until intuitu to tlu borrower tiu ti urniutt ixlui txund from ix in mh m ihn t year- accanluii to ii 7 are uun unv iddlllonil rh tr lit aiuwt r no 8 an tonn tilletl otii ails u i i vt thl imilk llllil ronu- which ntpiin ut h infotmu tloli a liuttiiu tthiii yttoil if au lpriil inn ttf lmpnui uu nt ull of whii h an r nitl lt uiul rliillii 1 ilur do tin lo faniu r ail wi r 10 win ail wi r t tlu in iximuin limb nil lie ulr tlu llu ivtttii rhe4iiu fioin kuriil or iiuo tux hvy ol isja

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