Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 18, 1936, p. 2

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page 2 ilc grtwgrtown i itraid wed nt jiy f v limp kiov mix r i ht la i jo opportunity days at silvers this w yotir chance to buy and ve on the season outstanding values we are continuing our i opportunity days for m i s thursday friday and saturday take advantage oi ihe bargains 2 on sale rubbers j we now have a complete stock of ruboer foot- wear to fit the entire family compare the prices ss and quality of our rubbers rejjaember our rub- ber footwear values have never been equalled shop with confidence at silvers dept store l where your dollar goes farther g phone 375 georgetown iiaaiaaaaiihirt news from the nya drug store christmas gifts for her or him jdo yooh ijloilino eajilvy and avoid tiif lait minott ituiui ouit xuab utoclcfj a1u- ajutlvimh daily unke your ctlor a mall deposit will lutld any article until xmu join our xmas club and pay each ueek until xmos to avoid live lieavy expense at tiu uit mk beautiful gifts to suit every purse popularity contest special 500 votes riven witn every boat of i 2 cakes of jergens batli soap for s9c maccormacks drug store miont in we beuvek ctott fctown mabk1id kiitk iiicky at lit mlrluul cxltedrd ui luturby november 7th uary jtaicpiiuao lllckry duti ur of ir and mra jrdir hukry to cluruj kdwnl kirk mmi tf ur uiul mit baiiiuel kirk tonuij iiu kmjv- in cetirifijtowii on u tiuluy november lotll lum georlb irr r kelly dauatlluer of the in i uurtln and getrib kelly of cujll tea ireland ilur luiirrnl 111 tx lieltl t rmn uic ituion of hrf nlecr mifcm muv loilluul church l ooorrtown iliunlclay mornina uervln ut 10 ocwk in holy crosx cfiuith interment in urrwmxl oiit r tleonfelowu tu hiirf at her mod im thwlph d guorut w it on wi lnr aiuy nov 1bu ims vt- hi attn uc cmulri brloved ulfe of the lah nainua j hurbjhl funrrl friday ut 33a t in from litrr ddeiirc lnlcruujil ut at uu lrinrtrfy n mimokiam r ofajmrj in lovinif menitry of our dear hlwjjalui and f plu r xii jam wimi ltuwd uuuy tjovinber ihlh ww lwte will ttd wnurf w minded of u day our luarpl writ trujlrd wit it tod took v6u oil tpuuth and we uh in ulooin wift- llirut t idly 111lmj ly wife ij child vtii dick carrol appointed coach of georgetown hockey teams famous coach of windsor bulldogs comes lo ocorgetowii tht season wiumno i cams lxpcctej number of ncw players k khm into siujc at pre seasou training with h uu ih mi utra lllltli luill ui 111 ik ld j uil lh 1 ium t to activities of gcorg town younj people societies ul utlvtll ii lol nry nlli lui lnr i jjjj tn i h it 1 1 mil i i pujii uuu i ou i ii rivdui i in lion tui uouinuim ku juoiyliii ut in omi i u liil imiuur uiiliaii mmlltl miui d til umll ijl i ill itiiviiu in ul mi ui iu h ikiinr hit ti t uiu ui ut ui tw mvmcipal matters tioik toun iutihr willi nom bin i kill day a wrk f rni i l ikrldaiy munlelpul irettcm huuun ui ironi mubi very nvdeu it u rumored tlmt u k currol uirr- f hi jirent himibn of urc t uiuu d council u1 run tar tlw iurill i tx u wlui itci- purr and counculor wh ui rk ubkckbuni rttlruitf uil will lw at ui- 1 iiuiiin loau four vucuiicici in uic council o liil i- rather wrltiur tnatu r ujui l li uoll i iun jltill uu kui ll iof iii rur i jiouio w ipi jv il hhu votk lutu i mil tiioii ltivl win- uoui in hid iwr m li iximtt im in ihi n ii l ollnr aupluo u iv utrr in in dudll culil tor in r v- a ll til w v u iiomruiild 111 w a uuui ot tii o 11 a ilul u lii t il tin t i in turikii imiuiim itui ij i ihlit nid diir lu our tl majti imli 111111111111011 il i wiitl hi it liick cuitoi utll kiiouii imirt nuin t6 hi icuk lrh lie n lily rxitlllt i liun chlimll fhllhl lunti tit u hi 1 motility liming i r tin i v null i n v it to illiiiiirf li l it u tot til ioiiiiii i in uia1 i oi h juiil in liljln hull hfur tuou i tiliik to u do kings finest quality meals al lower prices si i i t s l kloorlr jod kollrd pkml ribs oh bfcjei- d lu 19c uj slioulder roast of tender beef i port rhoufce or sirloin roasts of beef short nb roast mr ty v trlider i 13 lb i 19e lb 17c u ui iork s1igulder nr rotmu 14 lb i vru r bt ball m n llri li llratui a k v t timrv oull i pork uutis f pork chops j ici iule1 uu mi ol hviin illiiiuitr ls nin f- mil rtitiiiii riudiiii ty uu lt it r afhr in r tdili nm klnlliiiilh i l hi uuiil of it i ulil linsllll ii v hi r in nt iwi h uu rv j r id hv lit kfuij hi oiiuitor of tl ot irt nil oiilniiltii n inrtd i lud lr utid ilk in inn hh iiui lirtiyi lit u i r r tl 18c lb 1i il sf i 20c lb i rvnh ivmk spaaeribs 2 lb 25c iuiw-l- sj itulrj choice roasrs or veal jg lb imlllll korull utilkullrilii uiifl uljj lht kjii l nuul liy ihi 1-iryiiiii- 111 j tlul ui luxtul luvi mi toacli uiul ur carrol mill put iori louil back uxlci map wjiul lit did puhw iiimin hool uilnui nt li uu k i- l im- in in lln in it uu ul of h hi of uu ifu hltdietu-i- i urrd cottage roll 2ic lb i uiuil u il tiilil tlial jiu intuii n t romiuihui ihui uul iitlm i urh lu can do or ciori it la up to the mluycni lo wo uuit h wliwi ihirrly yuttllfll liuril nrw luimliuil- la el to nil tju vmiicim on hrlily j7ui a tookuib oi hil matcrul ou mid uius void uu xve a n tint niiunliil liroti iluurt uicr nomuuulon tlu arnct1 tl toiiuiionlj lumaii u rc ijuiu trum lru tm lo be uu lor m it call t 1 i it lfni uml ijtayor dlbbmt iu b i cwiriuran u lo be ull un blvm iniolhtr term by ocliuullon l l lhtli w imv unrrj liocver iu d lui mid belorc iiatau urilhunl i urn cunada nit ncry mtenaytr tliould uke n lntt mmdtr ln iill lint un miui ult ul ui municipal ttholrs und imvc lit blue und oilnti lliu jujui ilaloni or lir cy reitardlna ur kind or mm luuriibiycd under uick irmln cuocli lliey dejrr lo till uie rcapoitabfc pejd ol u- loronlo jjuiikr linl llu in mill liluud j ut coiumitut ul ml w ii kentner son jj succeuon lo jotui mcdonald etvlate dealers in coal and cake we carry a full stock of all sizes hamco coke bue coal and genuine scotch anthracite ready for prompt delivery at all times special feature a1 a sptclal feature for the flrt tart of uil jtuio ve weklv liijf one lucky number uclpi ului each imlf ton of coal or coke st tlvc time of noyiiu cntltiliuf the holder to takl itart in a ueekly draw far to ticket- to a nturda nlfihl uapia lkajp 1iockky oaui at uanle xaf garoetl tonuito ijue col giv yom confidence to burn for uty four jt ir i lme bun td no other coal except d l w anthruclte nov culled blue coal it luu riven me tucli uniform sal faction tliat i huvt inter con idercd a cliunue to oilier f ul f w j iiunt nnuiuard cwr new scuffnim s stdlu iuuiiv y tvf tlfn weu eratcuj eal quality and service is our aim 5 phones office 12 re 211 georgetown oneills garage 2 day phone offic 14 night phone 168 we have a firstclus service truck for towing or crane work we handle prestone antifreeze 3 kl 2 auo maple leaf alcohol castrol veedo motor oil br1tsh american motor oils greases peerless nevernox and ethyl gasolines tions of mayor llewie couiiclllonand uiu m dil wli ujui lol jtur puyoj mettiben of tlie gclvool hoard ui uielr ului u xuior club uu- lkll man inlltii t unul b nior 11imil hil hn hl lo ir iihcomiiilttf u to un par t iiiidil only duriiu of burnt uu irr iwrc uh proi ruin a- hil itliilm linunim ui to in i u tun irul niilun mr laul ilarbt r t u k hit rhiilr und uuc u vcri en ul litinnil r adinu an the lift of uu conlpaar ituiu jau i iliydcn tlil 4u frtlloutxl b twu pli ndid nrn leal nuinlwr pluttl hi un vl1i known intuit ul jwk mcloimld a hiorly vou of thin k uu tendered ml- ucljonald und mr ilurbir for wlilic lu i ir coinribimon f limit of lamb i fur suwht i i 2 lbs 25c stewing veal 2 lbs 25c inur uuaslliii chickens 23c 25c lb fowl up lwilur special sao rlkst kadi creamery butter 2 lb lor 5vc alcsm slmlus grapefruit 5 lor 2sc oranges medium size 35c tloj ijarge sixe 49c do fresh vegetables lar cabuage toc 6 qu 19c b i rinest quau1y tresh and smoked fish i i i j parsnips carrots large g qu turnips 2sc 19c sc obituary flu mecllni cloiad ullh the liy mi of u hmn and a prucr kd by uu itector ntt ul1cj ihm tiny l to l ikt lht farm uf a oclul lvliiiiii srilrli slylf ijrir kippers cysters p r reel salmon 15c pr ir 27c 15c lb ldit ttoolrd ciscoes blr t halibut steaks 19c lb i 25c lb t ia i salmon steaks wuja tuuvsa kuxv one uf corrtom g oldest uki uikbly teeined rreodeill in uie person of otcalli trrca kelly u til y at tlie lumvo of lr niece ulis may lanjptn church st jm uonday nov icui uuji kalley was a uauifbur of uie late martin suul cecelia dixon kelfa and wail bom in clauairttluul site came to ctui uda wben a youne girl and after pendinc n j time in toronto canwt u oeoncelown to make her home will lier xter the late ur john trujui bjib ha- been a puj dent of uil town for ntarly dxti years and hc ulwii taken intent tn lla wclfar si lier wrd year and the ut survmhg bt- 1 for llu 1 tdud c burrh 1 s on moiubly tttnluu nov dili hum xr iron i ull llu voinii issiplnj un n of the hultiin united churcl bjurj met in tlu uliiux church uytr of geortitoifcii clay ihrodacu uho wil a tandoui ullii the purlc dole canoe cluu u ulo mentioned u u poj-lhu- cuiulldute for keeunu out the puck- anil tt miuui i lorl liiu alcoll uho liu uuuidid tlu local ltuudl for u iiimilxr of rfumil fttr difula t luiv km clturli the blotvdt mmacv uho tlayd willi xliool room litn for tho clajnu ck gueljvb oac lat jcur uiut uho ltit of ihtir l d rjilp tniinliil tircted to bou1 tin olt ul lil chool 1olloulnu a jiort dtvotlaiuil local blue llni iwritd conducud b tlu georltloun kin luctiarftjui uho ha betn ui union tin irrbjurj preadtiil ur roronlo lor llu iia- 1 tun aaajl utli ninilh muib of aclon look be back on the liunu lliu up uiul l ctiarii of tin niw tint tim pienu fxptcud to lum up ului brother li fl lmdt hip certificate uo wulur ub hu au wn out of uu tn ide b tlie ite ur ovemiij itade- luiiu ouinu to in olla ruhn bul tu tniinliitfyahool tlu iuv ur uho ha lm it rtinluied sit piililj n oi umliuhlj thauked uu- 1 ht n tht rt urt uu old landbj lll ruclor und in tructix- a of tiu iuietiii lut uho uluuj drau a r uu leal numbers from ash ereat ln at hand from tlu croud uhcii lit i laiiu iioilj flalliruulad und ac uaj tn lukt lht ui und uho ho tihun ina lo numljer utr iry much cnojed- uam hi itur- 4 oiil h n tiu i iieaktr ur llert scott of choice thick smoked rillets tresh haddock fillets i 18c lb j 17c j 17c i pepper squash 2 f or sc hubbard squash large tile 15c citrons 15c celery hearts 2 for 19c lettuce 2 for 15c phone 27 wm king prompt delivery member al lier family alio will be i iiunm ward tin fa t leatnu uim oroiiio iu mounoed by a lar number or niece i er uho can t ivi uu bul a rn fqr and erand nieces olo a ureal circle lhur mont ulun he ten on tl jlu of iriendr wlio always enloyed jicr hull ulio can patrol tlit boaril or kindly imtiulality and keen ine of lake u pjact on llu utftu- if iuoc humour which rjie retaliud to uu uj ljujd sandtnjin mho ucul well ni tlu junior und l cupttttu lo plaj tnli niieduiu uil jcor hil utddail u mo t inure llnj od uri win u tin hwnn whire crotj tin croudtd uaj of llfu hud beun un the itev ur ovcrxnd pronounc td the binedictlon and a axial half hour folloued oo mlmbtr of tile y j u of tlie unit si georges eightyfourlh anniversary on dunday lait st oeonte r clmrcb celebrated tlie elsht fourtli annlver iry of tlie appointment of the flml rector and one of the former lncum benl uu ttiverend wlllbun liurt who left the pari j i in 1030 wax the special preaelter for tlie day ur hurt left bt geot2e to become rec tor of ah saint- niagara pulu ant war auocwled lire by uie heverend iarclval uayna wtu alo left st oeoruc s to accept tlie incumbency of all saints good contcrerallom n present to creel ur burt altltouyh in uie sixteen years which have elans ed ry many of uiom u ultom he ministered liave moved away ttr liav died durlns ha incumbency uie terrible flu epidemic rased and it was hla aid duty to officiate at many funerals special miljc was rendered by uie choir and the services wen cry in idrbir rev w g o tltampfjjn conducted ur nurfb services at port erie and bertie urojitn uicl und ocoret ulu an i church met la l uondaj itnlnif itahj lickliandli r and fuit juhr the xhtiul room or tin i und a iiuiubtr ol likl uhom l jiul h lirr aiu tlu- mulnj of hymn leant recall to mind llurc uri alo- flic kinj or lovt my sheiherd u uunuxr of pi iji r ului utll i o u l uu cripluru uhich utt utkeii moke up a nam in tin nurtiu rn hoc rum uiki 1ft itj ib 30 il txad kij iaoiu txpbiiiutl bj ui xlatkultil we specialize in pressure lubrication radiator flushing with oalule compound which thoroughly cleans the cooling system harrison hot water heater for autos national batteries brake lining for any truck or car spark hugs tested motor tuned by synchroscope firestone tires and tubes heated storage x n- oneill son g e o r cxje t o w n cujklucatu uu wediklvg anniversary tlu liome of ur and ur- prank mcculloch erin ont wait tlie cent of a happy catlverliuz of mcti ftt friend and neuchbom on november ltth 103c it was the occasion of their tuxnt flftli wedding annl veruury tlie liou -a- tastefully decorated wltli plants fbe dlnlruj room had a touch of irretn and yellow willi silver lrlnuninss aruj a white bell hung in tlie door uaj tlie tables uere ar raiiked u h ll v aiv of red ro j and maiden hair fern alo a touch of arcen and yellow tlie tliree lorej wedding cake belnu decorated willi er trimmintp about 7j0 tlu uue u lead by ur and ur uocul loch wen invlleu to the dtiiinff roam a umittuou reita- 1 of fowl und other noodle mr jmr oibiin acl ed as too una ter wlieil uie upper an rillljied the true u retired to the living room uliere a jmrt program took place ol community inuinu aiul peeclve mr glbroui culled ox iteevi hum uuiulell hrevt john mclhee vie a- charlie ovruind o i sckju and urc will uulur who all rxiurad conuratiutltloiui and uppreclutlon ol belnu pre wnt ur t curtle wuig a tlie jrllth which luui btxn placed in baatit decorute4l ullh uhilt ui n tlien tit km in by mr uojd hlluick and ur will ilillar whtn thr utrr opened by mr juon olbatu un 1 prcjeited to the bride uiul r ol twenty live yean ano ur and un moculloch both expreed their untie ful ttiank a plea li iff rruturr of uie eiuni wa lluit a number of ur ucculloch liool chuma utire pn a nt got- l attenutl rnmi 1 trump ton tieonjiloun glen wllllunt- uiul trui all plain i lun icar in ull afti uiul it 1 illlllll txicullvi work of itinn out t n ir ouii l kuiui to lrt t 2 u tin- hit lool out alton ht cruuil nir now- cllllll tin unupu truiloi u l tin tor of llu aduiitun ol 111 uorih uul ltlloj loll tuo 30u11l iridu m- of rortmio unher u ulio not cuiulul uith tlit knoukd4 iibutuud in cut- room- 01 out in juiu 19j4 10 m ikt tlu uorld hair choul it pop t their bouk iuj- m ol little mmu a aluubli cunura und u pint ol ad vulture tlit uurktd jnd ukld tliclr uu 111 tpm ol llluullhll l lor one full jcar lililll tulillavth comi trit and coiltiiu thirt thousand mill at u co 1 lor truu portaliun of 7ju0 tach i lie ujtj of tin adtnluru iii11- irutcil by coond lahurn jidc luhtcti uil ct n uii nil bj lxittrl lo it u triumph lor unutuur 11i10 ouru phjl uill ht told b oiu uf llu bro- tin r m llu uin ed cljurch uec 3rd ul 11 pin undi r llu uu-ijuce- of hil wc1u lickll jar chlldrtu 1 i ruin ul i rum rolloued the liion ol un crijmin ullh a itui tla tlie lcvotional part llu nut lliu cload ulth llu- liu i livmii 3w when- cro tin am tulvt in sport n g mccihray tlun uill u 11 bli tinu- in the old toun to nil lit uun llu hotkty con dm 1 iiblu rt ad llu ir uetkly itujitr und find hut mr dick currol lift xui n nmiiimd ro ich of lliu locui hoclttj uub i folk it nol neu i uvc imu hockti niutnal ull we uanteu uu- 4 oach to put lln boj hi line und t l 11 ihm uhal uie uill hive tot do nod ul haw one hut all 1i1l co l dotiih it t iki- n il rn pi irwn back to put thl thini our und tlu- club nctvd your htlp in wt knou tht j will anlj h iv t 1 l vou oiiu tvirione uiinu d 1 od mnkij tla 411x11 it doi voir old in urt uuul lo ti uu in tia 1111111tl for 111 acton cone loun alto gr theatre friday november 20 the country beyond atkrlilaury uary 0 lhe catutduttt vorikuud by jatafcit ouvrr curwutl vurrlitj umbrlw llhduit comedy share the wealtii screen song no other one muiscal city slicker tox news ni tiov ul 1 llll 1 t- riptkiu li- 1 und ll tuitt will jou t tint ull ul ufc bui be lrou 1 jou cun oiu clllii 11 told lit had ht monty rtudj jjoii a uuiuiiinnd the coach uiul ulth 1 or a wor- 1 uhftt jou f tlu brokt into iruudid uaj of life alter 1 abort bu uu j ritkl ul b mice tac donald ml loiuiry conv nor took li in ol uie nicttinii tiil actloii of tin pni opened with uil ini un of liinin jd tiil monitnu lb hi l tin ikltif ut uaodoiuild luvl a wrj uit n una iwtjur on uuuon und li charlout lion ixad a luptr nitiued uo tnl lonarit dt un 1 nod afur 1111 in k hymn 240 ji u- hall rum ulurcir tit un tlu met un u l brutii ht to u claa uith all nptaumj uu jouiil poplo im ucdictu n itaptitt tliurcb aunx ivwplcs unloa an inim tinir byj u mctilnu uo luld in the bclfountaln uaptul church on jridaj novetnur 13ui uith aboul tuuily live of our mim bit- in- 4111 lollouliuz the aliening anilrican und thursday back tictrli und uvn aruw utmiu ofl montrtal to nutt tlu uarooil ha uu bj the bilfountain jouni ptt ph ul utre 1ut11 a itearty uel conn b uitlr pa tor tlu priadnit lx to bruit ihun throuth to of our union ur iiilv wamc n tlll nl tll lc dul nat l lo imndetl rite program uju prepared chlc bul tujetl buck to otul to b uie ceoxllioun unan dlvotonal lll utin uur llouitr lu l tx wiminltut imtlir tic icadenjiip of l fatiirdaj i ana ului muph liufo fuuilb tlu ir iu inu lrtak otr uu ml ind uon inuii chicago on alurdav nli ht t a iluucvcr on uiuiu iiujit in u ulld und uool ami uin it ill and ticki lieu they i tud ullh uu lluut 1 1 on tia chi cato let 1a u un 1 oinir 1 havt a biuy ueek md on tkaturday hay entertain but ton uruhu ut tla ourdeiu iiuudaj uaj u to dtuoit iues churl k conacht r uho hil leafo are saturday november 21 absolute quiet it 11 run ts u- ihruud ivmi t ut tke tlue roij y marviitt utth atwul and irvne lurvey comedy pain in the pullman musical chanrinp of the guard porwy cirtoon islci loveski youski sport sun chasers matltvee at 3 m- tuesday and wednesday november 24 and 25 sins of man the uar of tlie ttunlry dwur jrau ilerjjl lu a utuiluual pfrtmrvuuue comtd v when youre single cartoon yoo hoo in the valley noveltv when tish tight cominc suowbar m vwwi tbv stewar1town wlun a mun l u bndin uulout r und ht uti l a iol uldou tht y ought to il uloiitf pn lt utll uhi n they te each ollur tla i tjut tut wtman in tltute hi id tlitr nionuib uutuni m tla council cliamtu r on im i tv nov loui mr wuiter ltu jui sr bun pn 4ii iji tlu ch ur llu nut uuj opjutxl h 1111 111 lu 1 ptiuiif ode und prujtr tii mil 1 ill uud biuliic dlcu fulluupij wt ultl ar uuad lo luivt lauu ioul iiuutuu u our nut l mi muculllun ot norvul uuv a tr luti it lini t ilk on lnr trip to 1- 11 nipt which uil uppn tluud b ull mr- irnti uroun ol uim him j jrokt on tn hull of in iauu ho la brant h climitmiill uuj lui uu itti bj mr di vrh wt uan li ul u pu ndid lum ini or anuiucc uhuh t u l ud ol c uul 1 in illtr raudli tut null bttx 1 ill ixuit jack uul rhlllu aunt lu mi utll ovtr ini huiidntl jur old mr luiildiiii of uori i toun iavi 1 urj hi ipf ui i ill on lau i in tiuriiixiu uu titoi ht to u tlta liv uu in la national aulhim 1 tilu li uu tin 11 4 rwil our in xt inn 1111 id bi ik ulh in tin tiuul ihitiilxi uill he in ihuil 1 of ul ladl uh liuk j 1 111 ll uxr hunt i glen wiluams mr uiul mr ailx wuncti mr and mr w j hill uiul mr und mn wm hudlrj motored to i rln on kri l ij tn ninj uiul ut n thr uuilit o mr uiul mr ivunk ucculitttli uin ctltbratlui u t ir lutr u jt mr clia boujcr ullh ur w ivck uctuu an cluitrman ur- boulcr nn id nd a ttcut jjjio folloued by uie ftrt ectiitn of uu topic on what i did jru nwun li iajij my jliil luld b ur fluv warnt a piano ajjo uu tutu by ulio tlielnm crhtp afu ulidi utfc lck gavt the iti iniiliider of tlu topic immttlluttlv fullouitii a hurt uiijil drill led bj mr luiulir tla bufounluui jouni juojih arvttl u dhi hllul hnuh ton 1 1 u ol -tiululchi- caki und tiu uu bruin 10reward for any crn or callauu wlilcb tauuiot be re luovtj by the uew uleulioe lu1 ii s tiimoittl oftn sifc tlib new lve tie keuviliar rrtu and rxd louis ulth lb flru apiiatktn call tmir drucicui u day ami order at jr of this wovlfuiti slvfc 40c uoyd iteitileal laboratories lor ivalr at url oruiaek u lr siore watch our window l wklklv ict tukam rkciaijj and oohtsotionamy j hawaiian delight sundae 43c 2 lor 25c longs conlcclioncry 22 i hi mular moeunif of the by ill luld in the bocaunl of uu i hunh on moiutu nov icth took uie form of a tea voyage abourd tla i d hip byiu wiui ull uu niemlwr prew nt nctliitf a- uu twu slip r pajier each ulth u ikcml onler urilltn herwui uent ni ti uj j vi rul mi mbtn a ur pn uii nt rolled a number the holder f uu corn poiuhni lip or puiier did uim vtr uu tirtkr laled a feu of llu mi iiibt r iiud lo aniiounri hwnn thin othir mill in u ftu uotxl hou iuv i u tin ir lurt in chrtllun uitrk hit prt nb ut uu uidinhl to lit u j n tint k i 41 uu ntpit ltd to tii ribi la nimniiui aiiothir told uhal it iniuiu ut iiliu to lx iivid b ji u chrui nu jnp dock ml u w aiut uu cloiiij lijmn uim tin pi a ant impromptu mwrum tiultil i our im u r projttmjiced tlu in mdn tun shout ihh mhis ulu k1i hulltl alllk it goes without saying aviation and marine radio operating wr b4talj aulr ut itixw j ky il- t 1 a n4 jui ilti uuuj w- muu gwj c j at l 4 1 uu willi mpi lit uij u 4 tkl tal wl tll utll lt l mmla i wjy 1 kalio cofjlkc 0t cjlnaua kwj lay mt yimorivq thit wht n vvt t iini to oift ul inu jut ht mad u v r w sl in vx r ddliuj liv alrlcullurul hepn ntaliv j at nrut i iv i im low lht iii whltrlotk thai iho local brunch of i i mr uiul ur u i w utlirn4 ul uu ontario lltpartiiunl of a i ricul i uil1 u hi list lu prt p irt d it n vuitor uith mr uiul mr tur uill cojulucl one moaui alvort uick tltll t lailll tin ll t tu tcntt uuiiday ctiiira 11 a und home p mi mr ordiii luibiaum und iaontunit at kllbrult comnu luunu i i cl lo lv ht ptlhlll iw v ului nmimlmr j4ui ur whlu u k will i on ouiuliy itt ulaivt bv w h lb minld ulu i pu w ii ur rhiuinn of mr uu i mr alt iaou liiriiitl iionu iiunlinu tilfi mil il tnil tlful uiul to mi u lirout ht npieci wm md jitlui hipltui iliuraluy liom u priucduli in hiihu h jkirt tlcr pi n t hint both oun un t lurt i btuk mi lluiltin tin i ol mi o iw uo iito r m l ih ol ciltli uiul of iwt rrt uuj hi llu rvl tt ul ahull t bun ti on junduv ufu moon niri to itvitrt ur wm lor u bcoll i ttii llir ihk ii i but wr hnjw fitim lo me her aniiuul ukuiii mil farm near inirt hoju ih oimlnii nun couva uill u mi i in r il mrl l tiilturt ullh ptrlal idlt nunn n uyt 1 uuk iw id crop all uul ftiullmllht farm uni baiilr pulilu p ikin it iiuilkitlhit tt ai uu lul ult n ml allttu uulth or unhiril uill m im iu burn und in trucior n food und mwikhrt ul- uiillli uill imvt lui u l uul ul iff riilloii i luddiui uiio uill lu in iructtiui in i uithinu atcoidli mr wilt uuk irutu un txnlui uiuul luin out of yount tut nl ktlbrltb inwwil a it itoiulbli fur w11 to an of nt k oiiu in 11 ul t d u uill it ur fiiturt nl in rt ulv t iti and put 11 to of t oiiiiirimn prot how sum t rt ar jt unplwuvill dutrhts brill co lbrtie luur ikuur has loiv vtiw george1 own i w mill miu 1a1i slk kfmu iw uai 32 oz jar stuarts pure seville orange marmalade 25c 24 lb cotton ba golden wm i lard wlicut tl i ii wlnie host 1 ifiltli bran 5 ih rrtah wlicntlila ll 1 r il cracked wli at i 0 ar sliirnlf strawlx rry marmalade il oj jar god morning marmalade no 1 tin tip i brand din d parsnip i pk nu j ii and i pink glws six rlxrl swt i pmt cotla roll in pic lb c lioir hr akfit lijicon in piece lb pi aim al d hack jlicon in puce lb c iioicl h01i1 i ham sliddj ptr lb j i u sli holnima in pnzc p r lb i p i ijok and cat ood pt r im new atock of raitms currakits dates rifia andweu etc of highest quality j choice tresh truit and vegetables our 81c lc 25c 25c 25c 39c 9c 25c 18c 22c 27c 45c a2vic 10c a e farnell phone 75 we deliver tiiamks llu iuuui t irutiful to the clu u tud j hool ehiltlnn for the pli ndu utli nd inrt ut uu lb nwyn brum iu rvlre ul uu cenotaph u pill llu tut thai tile iorvlce ua1 ild tm u uhk kiuj uie veterunjand llli11 iturulli lunuhl out buer thun tvir in rorr hie ilm ti ihunk tlu rlitpltty n of lotbor tlu uinliuht uu cleruy uu ibipd uu hov unit und uu- hchool chudrr tor llu ir m op ralkai hi uie prop f uitrvv iba rvulio of itviiuuidmhiuv liay ulu wfwjw lb i frvufcm wvi l wtu u to j tw rslvra w ju mltlwr an nt ion utrry yui bit uonye 1 imuxl uu uu

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