Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 6, 1937, p. 2

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r w tko georgetown hemu wdotuy evening january 6th 1937 aiheotsd jn toronto western uoa- ptta on saturday january 3nd uot herbert thomas arnold be- lovad tiusband of ateltua uecineu in his 7th year obituary juun si stniinav laiiiehou luit uo ul iu ivoklcuu on dm joui alui john iiiiii htiiuxlv pvkuxl oi x guelph licitoiti hupul lkvajd ku uorn iu i uuujiou county vixt svu juvluj lirid ul u uu0 iol uu pl uu tlad bun ui uiiiy uwiiuu uu ut xik iu wliulu ul ku ill liuill ii wu u muuibex ul liuuli jjiauj uiunjj till lioouiwhld ulilll uwi u good lu uu- itw lullclul uhul uuvs hum llu uuom 4 ui and ill wul auubell uu jttwuy ut uw i uhig ouu uucted by iiv air iaphuoa u uve renuvui taken ui conlngshy vunetnry tor ittuxliwmlt- in urer wrrw wffl aowtiy aer given 1 lun bjauiedy ajuu norluu john kuaiuu htcri wnul lamtli ilwlf1ni uiiolhsr roapecuju ivilitiflu ui cmutguwwu uu olurul ju hkl ulku xlajgaio utvkluu widow ui ihu lite guurgu lluir pad ki ut tiki hou ul iwt uugh tr ill duller aim dooeaed wai bam l lioulskh clnuguimxauy tltuglu u the late air and urv- wm lwviuiuu and was 111 tier lulsv j or air near pwuecwsjd w iu june iso hp u survived by uuo too cliahc it near of newntarket and ope uughlcr ho chapter hill of georgcui u piv bruthei john ui oeorgoiuau jno uf glen wu- hrn tuyi of hamilton ernest til lagleaood altiwl ui inby fclmi iviis cuum li uirvlva bba b hvrmlwr ul ibe lilbt ouurcit uld u riklcul ul uthtfrcuxbu lor io 1l oi 1tii tu0 luucmi took tiloa jiuuuuy to iiuvuta will cmatuiry tbu jfccrvtcw belutf ouudlicukl by ttey alt iuxur lita lliboics wo john aiixcd fcuil juwi uaftvuluu brullumi qipttnf uhl bou lu biw aibut uiu kiu4iau wdl iwvkkuu biihw lactaa taul umiiuluu p4e vikini cuttyj an open uexter th iuvilifl irta bi bjml much to kay during lha pt week buut liu uany chtiiuna which john lujrkoocn helped to provide when uu th ureeu ol toronto chxixima eve ua iwrni injuzed 0verel ttywi 4hlt doi diink inuadottna hquor is bol law oa our fcututo bookx hut it u wrltlea in the ooa- tiltntivhi 4 tha hunuui body kxtwrt- vnoe trum otiu tlmoa hi da iirled tilouhol evil ellecu upon um body uul mind of thao who indole 1u its ui but it hi re lor httdera wripnuiic resemirch u tell u why uch eoecu ure produced by 1l munerou ukl viad teftis tad by mmttst testily to ule imct the ajl- oouoij it a rajiocync etfluo not as lormerly thought a iilmulmnx uouuocuuon of the drunken driver is ulilvcrtml what u not so often beard ll jmftmn ux the ttu- ptiil which leda a nun to ui t which ha kno3 will nudu him incajpjtlt op knowxmo when is incaijqili of djuvino a cail whlie undo the inuuenoe of the dru lie is not 00111111 eltiier toealml- iv or physically hocaud of its be- numbing fctfect upon lha brain uervou kyxieficllr pejthlent ui n in moderttlon il taot oeruinly re- ulu in delrkirlloa of body unue surely n inteluitciit coiulderauoa of thcn xcts would ulfttfet wiifdom place john qarteyoorn oa a tlricuy rednclnjf diet in order that auurvtioa may be his final end to tal nikftns tnuit be ui ualchwocxl of all who believe in the lety pirtt principle on behidx of lha wjcto of oeurfcelowil hits a iu alberta vannaller preslilfcnt urs c iu catherine uyfoot press qecreury foremen club enjoy annual dinner 11 kumnfu club at bmuto at bluue lul lieiuf u ai uxuicr at ciuiumi vula ouuttavtlle uoooay ecuua jau air t rwiam muunubrr lur ukw eveuiutf iniruduc ui uub weateieml tr jajt jlu- itk alui lwumi the uoaxk ul qx ltui4 aid piuyumxl 111 luakl lu tlu kultf air v rud iwuikhxi a uiaia lu u v uiiu ktilh ak ttbly ivpunl lo u ur alt mlhuii lliu um1 u uu uaa wm pro iwii by ur i wuid aho ilkeucd tiutli buut ahkh tut uu kuua uut it i hut klaia piwuiy ui umj xa and all u that numtncu uutkiti uiul dia uvu tlte bmiwa i u buuu r4outdcd chcrfuuy olid bitani utaj u the qumpany was pro- pumki by uuj duh itfcxolaiy ur uor oou ihcim and u replied to by ur ifc 4un and mr ucniui ur bumc sahti a rvcr ol j1m tmwth ul um company the aimx of lha man jujcmeul u bulkl up a phu which- il twr tuurddcred u be wa of the ukku modern ana cmnpfcu tuy uui nhusd by rprceumauvto ul muny cuaocru- li c and lha united blale tietciu kunwledcn uu mcleul pruductkui ur stone ire ul ual pubil thai ihe lurcmeu by dutill cjvlon had all uuftb their purl ui belpuui iu the build up u bmuh bpuka ul hi axkuciauoii vlui the compeuy meiili tnver- al of the men aho have irxown up hum boji in like oumpmiiyk serwlce a toast lo the loundcr ol kbe club u rred jqrouki was propoaed by ow prttudenl and ably rephed to by iir uruouh who ai lor many year connected with the company and who aa the louncbjr of the club- at ihe close of the dinner the ball room wa thrown open and dnctn iu enjoyed by all 7 iho present were air and ua ik btune ur and uu smith umrl ukuudcron wllhoa and ollmer ux and iln j lcaa ux and uxa w rmi ur and lira oordon spenoe ur and uriv c spenoe ur and ux h ucuenemy ut and uxa r raiam ur and urn j wold ur and mr -a- kjrahaw ux k uiu uhi ticbenk ur clem annan uh ml oummer ux and ura ft- jep- uui ux u lawrence uiu douglas the crofum vula manaremect wax wmrmly vx on the excel lent repau and on the oourteou and attentive acrvkw rendered avvociatts uonoat tajltraona oftlclal wuuam reld for bfrvenlben eexs in charv of telephone maturs in urampton was tranaferred to weinn where he continues in the utu cap- acily with the oampany ur reid has bean a telephone man for upwards of twentyseven years lie earlier days wer tptnt in barriand col- uutrwood ue came- to llrampton it years ago in addition to his duties with lha ball company he lias con ducted dance orchestra as a tide- line or 13 years and alo save atrucuous to first aid chu lie u a eood dluen and will be uhud by people of ttramplon who will wish him suoofes in his yvwposluun j last aaturday uriukjwas pre- aented with an electric iprili by uem- baics of the kew uarmony orditsixm at his home on will ttrt north ur held was a frequent vultnr to oeiekwlnwii and his frcud here wlh hb auoceia in ids new home at the annual meeunif of a a mo tvafaktax townhlp wilfred pic kerink wa realeclbd for a second term of three years other members of the board are walter royla and oecllwah georgetowns intermediate hockey team oil lo an excellent start swamp gudprs 7 to 1 on new years daxy x fast saraling atfsor loe to acton 3 to 1 in strenuous battue monday nmkt ly in guelph this ewcsune acton intermediates here friday night uons tou aaow ullkiatts ttie oeorcetown hoot club met lor dinner al the ucotbbon hotel on uooday evenlnc chief lone presid ing alter the bout to the kin whtf pipe were clottdlnc the atmosphere the twr of the eveninc oo latf mostly of reports of the christ- ma activities was conducted xvery- ihina appeared to have been wjj done and tatlsfacuon was expressed the chief then called for the in troduction of the tpemker and lion eki- uowhlrter introduced oordon alcott ihe addres frnlt1frfl of an expla nation of the plan under way for a uidcet hotkey lcmu in the town utviftr the national uockey ileatrue oansliuns of tdx teams of boys tram ten to fourteen ach team is nam ed alter one of the teams in the h hi and each player on the mjjul team wboee poaluon he plays the lions treim is the uspva rf oor don told of the enthusiastic recep tion of the idea by toronto hockey experts and their prophecy of its development into vmh bit after the address questions were invited asked and answered it was reeolved thai the tloo thould aponsor the team allotted to lhm ttud tupply aweaters and atock injpt kd lnuan was apnobabyj manater of the uaple leal uidsets aiter a vote of thanks had been moved to oordon fur his finer ex planation of the project and his in terest ux the boys the ietsion ckaed with the sittfcina of the uaple leaf axajctauc 1n cau ixwjno uiajuiatovayj ira l uukhey uramptnn appear- um befure uakiitirau w fc ucuvean in police court at mt charged with dloalna ol an eucsricmily oper ated slot machine not approvd by the uydro qwamtroon was fined tllk aocordlnt to oeorae w hou bur- ihujton uydro inspector uushey had placed the ilot akia la oueation n a oeorgetown barber shop i went into ihe barber shop recently and found an electric pln t not approved by the commission ur house slated i examined the whole machine and found that the cord was juurtclxcultlnjf which if left in thai condition might have caused the death of borne child playing- ue kama plumed ur uufehay and m4h him that he would be charged with oper ating an illegal machine he con tinued cuuservalor uy o utilkry tliu tlcortvlowu lulcrniidule team mbarkod imi u imuuiuliuf luxky vu uvc or uu aiut id wlwu uuy won and lual utlwu acll pud and xul- uur gatucc ll luiuw yeajh kiuc tlw lucml liutkcy club lia dropped kuch k ium uitcnutidiale tuain over ihe bufuih and all tiyiu pulnl to a i cry wucyjclul wjuh me leaiu ium1u a cr a debut uva ptiday and pfccaled to oeofgrloait lain vrry plciiaant new year kiwcthi le huo mkiaig and hard utuutin ivuitt uim atid a ucoug lictinoc btujlld nip byvltit gualieiui bui by alaluiie inihiaai uu imiv ulkl jrtil uuelpll back iu ulv hal city uuijllug under u 7 1 thiill cuuu uiuk curiuir wlu lkkl vour broughl ua whkuor uulkus tium hie tellar lu uruup tumliiu and uinagev rnutnptun iut uvti devul iiuf tnufct uf uifcir um experience lu glv ocurgetuwii u vulltuu augiv ration uila alnur and the vxccp uoual rooord crowd lur an opening kama were fcpell bound al ule touotl impruved brand of uockey whicli can be noticvd under ule ouacluiul and the wy uuelph vnivamped al every lage of uie game tlie uril period ruaudnod icow- leas wlui um ouelpli gualkper ploy big a brilliant game under lite bom batdzncttl by uie ucurgeloan i runt ttnn- lu uw icoiul iramc uie vhi toti began to weaxeu under ule fau pace and lvm qalbralui tcored the perioih tbuile tally got uie breaks in the second period and utuk advantage of them while ueoigluwn laued u lake their breaks u umi ajwu net rttu una periud uw the kkmbi kkjiuiig lat and turning it uu wuh liou vuulcul ui play a mucn de- nuio biaud ul liuckey hi many ittc uuj liowousi rcaigued tu umb uu4i1 unlit and ni many mure i4u uiuavd vexy puor aponsxaau- 4up lur uwf liru game oeorgetown uoing a much ugiiur team were worn duu uuncatyu by the heavy check lug hul at no tunc did inay budce uu uwlu and returned lha ooeapum- 141u alienevcr the time e tit lukivu oliver ul ualt rud w1o1 a um alstsvakiand ward and wuiuma atri deatlned lor the cupler hi tlibpvitud ttkere was no sco watxi was cautsit returning a giudgt and drew a pvuauy al the tiral t l tho irfoud period acton look dtunbujc ul thu break and applierl uw iwaor play disurgauixing um local uxtcvte lo the extent uf one ijulvi uarw aooounled lor this uutn ciomj uu uikwaw had the mhv- luiluiu when trying to clear ol knuckuig uie puck ow ue hue with liu hand x itw tnarrm evened up again und acton till preaaed hard wuh iiliieaod bplril aiter uw uarso goal mid lnuhay brokei away to make um uuoij tu 1 walters who a m to be carol chip on his ehoukwd all evening outweighed oliver ttailicuce and gut a trip to the penal li box lur xluee minute the locah ktru unable lb kcore and uie period inded actuu a georgetown uockey wait ragged hi uie third iwriod both leem wwmed to tire af- in uie uilrd period uie local boys ur ue lisjrd going hall drew a pen teemed to gain vcn more tpeed and ully when an aclou plaer a tkaled uie uuelph ouult off uteir fed- tai over his stick and the h puit it as- tuu to jicore then post w uien toil again while at uie half way mark rcaher for guelph man aged to gel their lone goal past us lone caihralui uicn got his hecond counur of the game wlui w hich ardou and anthony counting two more to make the fcor al the end of the game 7 to 1 il was a great game from uie local ktandpoinl and u pick ttars would be unfair so the team but we must rise and say sheeny is stricuy in there hidwy wai uie beat fur ouclph very few penalties were meted out and uie game aav particularly clean crichton tost end mcmillan wxrv penahaed hi uie uru period t01 and icalscr lu uu second and hall in um third j ttie teams lined up as follows oeurgtiouu oual udloue defence hall anuionv cntrt tuu aings oalbralui hlcliarxhon tuu ward crichton iutt k rldiarthon i3ew hurax ouelpli goal jotluuu delcnce ucatlllan coullus centra kaher uliui- ucron oemtnel subs urul itidle aioan kelli uvaule it gem meh iteuree percy allan on uoiulay night c joumed to acton along allh u ctoad from hem uuu mure than liall ulled the acton arena and altuasfd anouwr hoc key utto like only u14 two t can put on evr since uie tannery town lifl- luvd a liockey leoni there lias been nouilng but uie keenet rivalry beuis11 tlicin and georgetowii h0u1 teims htitubd liard from begin ning lo end and it surely was a strenuous battle oa uie teams ap plied uu iirtiure acton managed lo come out on top utih a 3 i score uhlcli l a iirett cloe score and might tiuw bicn easily turned around al uivi i-tafii- of uie ljame acton again took advantage with ixoriug his second goal of uie rtie red light oashed again but use gnal was not allowed as two acauu men were inside uva cr argument ensued iwhich is at worth noungj oeorgetowns goa came on a penalty ahot when greer looked pretty easy oa tosta peppy drive the penalty shot bt a twv ruling that ohjl tans are not familiar wlui and much ducussioa look place before uie shot we are not going to attempt to en use puy but lor thost who saw that game it should have been a goal in the first place regardless of the penalty shot ils tjus puck was hi the net and clear- tod before oliver could get in close rne period ended acton x georgcr loan i all players played good hockey a idle ualone w itichardson and oalbralui stood out tor georgetown and tvrry a uarao and uooney went au for uie georgetown ooal uakme defence hall and anthony centre post auigs crichlan ward suh tost w luuuuxhou oalhralui k hlchsrd um dew hurst- acton goal greer defence kent- ner walters cenlse twrry wbigs lindsay uarao iard uarao axbio hefcrce hpcedy ouvet oaol ttie inurmedumi boys have a very heuvv week assignment and we hope tlicy will be able to stand up under uie strain of four games la tven days last priday they played guelph uonday they were at acton tonight uiey play in guelph and prklay ussy aill entertain acton al uie here georgetown boys are throwing otf uuu inferiority complex and friday night will see uvem win from acton acton can be beat and e think georgetown have the play ers thai can do ll this year glen will jams tottam rtlayka ssmvscks in tsoc unitbvd csnjrsjsi ur stanley mexalca and uli viola allu boui ul niagara paux were r cent vnjtor with ux and ura clay umi aura uiu uargaies ttiomherry uf its miltimt m the goal of her sliter un jack henoum uver tlie wed end mis klieeu lutn ul toronto spent the olkutnaas ttoudayi v uua atyitie warrcts we arr vuciy to repuri itrs ltotta qllaia b ujil uid up aub an in jurd kurr but ww ikhjc to see her around aaui ujud ut oltara leh 1 miew k a lew wwrk ago ur and urx juliu kuucocg tnov ed back tiere lo their uid itucue uiis pam week john wagxtane iumi tlir mhlortune u lall througli the ice um tu ulen woouen uiib tlam uu uanday af lernouu john vmi toun exlrkcated irom h paiduuv pmahosi and lskwoe the wvtmi ler ida adimlura the cliudiett akai tuileced such di appniuucut at curiuna when ukey rvceiunl ioth ndxl art ay ul to boggan bow aielghx landuaigbx etc mil u tutu of know enywbec have al ivavl liad ut cuuolauoa uf tryuig out uietr katos um- peat week at uie tulw nieetuig of uie l1 it ludk ko w oh following om cvrii wrlit irltui lot ute njull year r 1jjj tuihr ida ukjjeiieniy wjm ssoer jiruu huaon um hhtrr uary wuou hja suter uarjofhf wauanvl pjirsnter lwita o liar tteaxurer sifter hulh lycatorju chaplain hnxer hasel preainn xx of c biiur kiuy pmouu oooductor nler prances uiuat xt buler kuher qunn otbhler b addy othcen were installed by huitrr c preaou ujlxou uf halum tjounty collage prayvr jervk with speci al meaage hi sung ale being eon- ducted this week by hev o l hp- ikeuiatu auhled by ux robert suyth al uie luuomuig homea uonday ur john wheeler soloht uiv w pre tuesday aar percy wagtaoe hev o l huphesuou wednesday ux w predion uns huth aans thuriay chinch uiu norma btep- 1 priday ur john hepburn br airs jack addy hvertiue u in- vund and walooeae on uonday evening jan 11th uw hiil congregauonsl meeting of the united church will be held at the church when reports will be received and the n election of ookoers will take place- a tervkce of praise and prayer wtu be held at uie united church on tuesday evening jan lub oond ed by ttte wemhrri of uc voung po- pies union the kmers and steward oa uie same evening will ammrwl the helton preahytery supper gathering at cjm ui uw unlled cburch george town when the prwjttcnl of uve ha milton cunierencc rev dr s t alertin will address uae rran ling srkoc adl be continued in uw church uu pxvday evtmiug the lith special prices tor the week endal ixv crlamlki kings hrmlu sjulk f1kvt rai omtaauo cakd q tuakscs hereby convey my slnoews thanks lo ur e a uaglouihlen ur hugh lindsay uie georgetown pipe hand and all others who so kindly assist ed me by their voles and in other ways lo win the norfolk planters amateur conut trip to hew york and audition with columbia liroad- oastlng jolmuy aomerson georc- lown dustless coal m mcmujan fuels olfer tbcjr cinlowiriw lolutely aiulxa american anthracite coal 1 stove and nut size tills coal lias been treated under the vikingized patented process and is absolutely duntle try a ton of this best qualty duttleu fuel and you will be delighted wlien liandlintt it mcmillan fuels phone 40 millsitleerr georgetown orangeville trounced by georgetown juniors 6 to 2 lor fade in heavy baiuijig bwky men poe up scoire to the delight of a good crowd for tke junior opener t acton will be visitor nt tueaday nftkt the flnt gmmcln uie junior ojxa unckey league ul staged here last night when oranjieville bowed to george town 6 x ft a as easily en from uie drop of uie puck uial a rouong battle between a pair of well niairjied scrappy outfits would take place and uie fair crowd uutt turned out were well pleaded with uu gam the visitors produced a team of bril liant slickliandlcrs while axanager percy blackburn ha a more husky bunch ol boy better sclioolod around uie ncu tlil team givo iromle of a nsppy aggregation uiat may go places uu year htockford hpoyjiead waller and and willie line up while h walker and while line up wlille r walker and leach lamhi for uie northern town ttie first period was cork3 and play wa rough from uie uart jack hopkins of orangeville mart centre player had the muortune to have his collarbone fractured in this per iod wehn ha received a tutf body check two penalties were handed out to wylie and u walker uob goldliam opened uie second period when lie grabbed a loe puck in front of uie otangeville net to beat duncan for uio tlnj goal of uie game itough tactics were uien reported to and orangeville phiyers drew three penalues in a row leach tied uie oore for uie visitors and urowu and utockford tangiod and were givn lienaltiet lccnt4icad aoopnnud for uie next goal when he accepted a pass from sanderson ooidham then served his two mlnutm for chargmg- and slockf ord made the score s to 1 on a pass from weuer at orangevule s nel this period ended without any thing exciting happenhlg further drown who look the brunt of many an attack on the visitors line recerr- xl a stiff check from teasdale at th beginning of uie last period and had to be carried off uie ice the locals then snored lure goals in xikcviion first tvadale from stockford sec ond preswood from linnrutg and ulj but not we if f n from welwr orangeville second tally did not come till near uie end of the game when patterson soared on a pas in front of the net from walker the final core georgetown oran- ville 1 it was a real game to watch and the tcore does not altogether in dicate uie brand of hockey played uungy ward blew the whistle and uie leams lined up as follows georgetown goal hurrow fence handerson wylie centre kem- jead wbags weller stockford subs teasdale sloud honoeld aoidham and pretswood orangevuleooal duncan de- renoe 1l walker o walker centre hopkins wings leach thrown at jetferij laltacsuu pry king oh- icpw acton juniors will be guests here on tuesday night bast and a good croad hould be on hand to see a few more old feuds setund and lamp two jaoart s junior outfits in action umehouse the community ahhec to express their thanks to uk toamship coun cil tor sandmg uie slippery hills and village roads alonday it is thought thai for years there has not been so much toe uu ihe skswoads as thei has been since last sunday uany moturhts found them exceed ingly dangerous and are grauful una uvcy can no be travelled with hwt saley i hornby following are uie newly elected of- ucer of uoruhy lxxlv no its xnr uia year uaster 4c hrowuridsja deputy atasber geo jay chaplain w devlin iuc becieiary c isobuisoa pin secretary h j gralum treasurejt c heaty alarshal atorley pyaook pitst lturer j t wltaoo yiiwvj lftiaurer e l lhvhsy commutee c peterg c hrooks jame lindsay pooer brain w s bealy church news wiaj u wasral waae ws asat ivt e k aw4 tiiiiaf ale caoa ie aaaa aaaw ws that say way asay be awawte agwu aarttt thy rtug su aswaag werua- pa carga csawreai hew w o o thoospeon rector pust sunday after kplphahy holy sunday school 10 vaaong 1 pin stsvccptiun is tijviiistayy cssajltanuau coupia on uie fiftieu annlvenjlry of uieir marriage ur and airs w w wtlk inson lield a recepuon on december 33 for uieir relauvos and frienil the hotl and liouts reccivuvg in the draw big room with urs aiken dol- son and ur walker wtlknuon th rooms were pretulj decurated wlui gilt boquels tlvoe puurlng tea at a table attrac uvely centered aiui ytllow munu caiuues and a taive wedding cake included urs hodgson urs walkrr wllkuison urs w 11 wukhuon ur o mtuui airs w utile ailxliui in looking after uie gumts were uvl ol uva granddsugblcra of and urs wukinsun piiyul nu- on alleanur wilkinson allle hixvehur helta wllkuuon and ituui uckech tile also uary ultle hilda ivucman urs george wllkuion urs harold watson ui duilakl uiruilr urs nixon ur alnwr wilkinson and urs archie uokencluite mow nurlalnhig uw guehi wcr ulv uiirlirle dawson ulluai uisses i and allle tiuiclalr lois and audrey wilkinson greeting were received hi hie form of a telegram from uie hon duncan uarshall and read by ul jowa of cheltenliam a r uf oungrmtulatioiis wa also re celvad from oordon odon alp twin atovh astsuvk at paax uopnax tli baby situation at use pa memorial lloapltal was somewhat com plicated jan 3rd by uie arrival of uie first twins to greet larf at the itospllal two sons ware bona to ur and urs fred spires oaorgatoagq une weighing two pounds twelvw uuncu and the other two pounds eight ounces lu vuw of um fact that uie uuu arrivals at the hoapl- tal wre imemalurely bom tnouhators luul lo be hnprovhad froni ordinary cou and heated with awctxic light bulbs one of the habies died on jan uli the mother and other babe are reported to be doing wall uaalsal ksvosty ttie following is uie report of com- inunlcelile dhase by uie woii to georgetown hoard ol health for de cember 104 dipliuieria kcarlet pevar ft cluckenpox i ucasleii s german uassui a uumps 0 inianuie karabau a typhoid pwvar ft wtioopbigoaugh ft oereorottplnal uenlngttfa s4 aikaav cwatfa gu watiasws puu sunday alter the kpiphany holy communion ajst iunday school a ivm anson 3 pm butter 2 lb lor sc m1u su rfefclp4 cottaie rous 21c lb stewmc veal 2ju 25c pork shoulders 16c ik hamburs steak 2 lb 25c i luunuurb oieaic brcaaiasl bacon v cw um 29c lb por but 2u a j spareribs ink cat o ik hu f u mi pork chops 23c a sausage tccial aix tto wr only red rose tea buwia ikjed tuou 2 lb 29c i potatoes fad is kk rt 2 m1kacu whit salad dressing 21c3s aajurr vnoi loaf cheese 25c 2 lbs- 25c 25c it rx kovsx vosur fresh and cured fish at all times fsuh vok smostsxk haddock fillets 17c lb tomato juice lary tins f iqr iciest bjtano jelly powders 7 pb 25c ckcoes larce kiipfieim freak oysters- 19c a 15c pair 29c jar isc lb ct4 w cabbage turnips 10c 5c salmon steaks halibut steak 2sc lb j caftrqts v jj fresh herring 3 lbs 19c red salmon 7 to 8 lla each wholr- fih 12 vic tjctsi sale ta 1 brr cooking onions 10 19c i new crop oranges lemons grapefruit tekphom 27 wm king rromal deuvery this and tu at in sport hy o- aaooihrray now that the bjoliday are over oeor sport cans can get down to business in a sarkass way per those who tollow hockey neat weeks prgram usts a httanhrr of games headlined by use fasterwwrtiasj ojla- clash between actoci and georgetown on friday night vat folks the game ol game b just around the corner it promhas to be use best game of the year and wi are ordering uie wails of the arena mov ed back to acoaessaodate the crowd and you will be aha to gat your tic kets at the wicket on the right and on the left w avoid a song lineup hatter gt ht early u you want a good cat risen on saturday we have uw evening of the njll atldget gae with king clancy of the toronto ataple laafs as referee acton junl ors play here next tuawiay and with such playars as j hnssh agarshau and tywr of use visiting crew this wul aha be a hectic alfalr the sc of the oaorgetown haoquet club afcn rmr this week and the ftyivonwlt of the hird and shuu game are gauirsg all keyed tor the opening gaawsv the slaloa club has to be ooolani with social evenings owing to use lack of snow lor the long uaika tuv p c orairend bjl ulnuter id ajba suiday school and alans bible class 11 u lha s ol the lords supper wall be observed 1 pin porgive us oar trespass hev k- g haxler aliniuer 1050 aju sunday school t pja kveolng service suhioct a young woman s resolution- uusic by a women choir a aelcome to all kcaax ksaasxyawaaa ckaveat sunday january aoth si school and uihle m i i at 10 am at 11 am and t psa public wor ship vhvti by us vinls hev ix ix davlchon aul at the morning servioe on january itth in kcnoi preshrterian church a mem orial tahwt will he unveiled and de dicated to uie memory ol the late hev u p cameron and airs cam eron the hev hois cameron ala mlnhter ol itogeiw ivobyttrian church toronlo will preach the tr- haaucarr sxaka unsmspulas in tnunicspahuast where voting lias already taken plane daylight saving received rough usage when put to the test h was delcauxl in uodwricb gait london kitchener and wale loo it bnms ttrance to find scattaraa communitkrt voting to s how taaw will divide their time during use it ts sjajanslililri this division in a parolual amy whkas has asada dayilght saving mipormlar there is only one method by whlest uie ing smh be hstwlwl or thoum be iiandiad and that is by uie pwd era government making- uw ciuuvgad time dominkiu wide a sysuai whiaw makns a possible tor some towns to be iu is lust plain nod- we dont heliew any ou will take action bcue there as tear of otl ending use rural vote th farmers do not like uwyilghl having bar use w otlotfc ta the morniil soon anough without beiug spaedad up and they bad u mor dinvaih to do nn wkb the oom- which change s munjliami whi jtrvharig the iiroadcast at the arena of um team lineupa aoalattca ate from the goodotm ts proving- vary urtairalng to sport tans aspeclally those who do not know all the players by name this maau idea grrat the better way ol tmioytng use and is ats pocohle by hugh lindsay oeorgatoem radio dealer gordon alcott as th hrvr th bvv hockey swoatsjfs look chic and they were donated by smith at stots ltd a oaorgetown has been fc nothing but us graatau poisiba hoc- ky tptrit this winter w have in udtasadsate iunior and a aaldget hoc key league and plans are now being mid lor a juvania iago all play ers alsgibat to play vanlle lsockey and thob who would act as rriivigri are reouesied to attend th wvenlhig in uv aretta thiraday evening jan at pita lets have a ftood turn out and get th uvenlw laagvm started as soon as ponibar thar ais often many houxs ol fijt vnti by l of organisauott thar ar timec wlin gasaes could h worked 1st during uie early season if teams are property or- garttabd th watlw th bettar lor uses boy at our future o u a players uallinatad has a team anured tn use uuia hockey letsga and will play uialr jiwm in th acton rink it ts a rather iianfjh skating promis tog gvregation ol battlers playing in maroon and whit and its record ta date liwlrtde one victory and oue tie gam ftockwood taden atills army kcvrton lorn parasersv dub lin and four acton rtiwi complau thb group and th jt has be adjuoed to suit th irr ot the interatrial e and yunw acton crj5y theatre fraruy juayy s rllna cupper the tagw ta air ihruh that avr u4 y aaww starrlag pat rvgwiaw comedy say it with candy fox news colored cartoon little ckeeaer saltirtuy jvhury poor uttle wch url ataderu ranuic vtarv oarriag shistlxv yksaruc comed one big happy fhttnly 0iurtooii ye old toy skop noxelly loetfina alono hillal at s tuesday and wexwswuy jayauary 12 aawd 13 rhythm on the range all urw asaurax starraag 1aag craawy comedy amaateur huaband noelt vttabkone internattonal screen song hills of old wyoming coulg boov uw ikay a qa tlaili lady the carmaa uaaty tsays aaj girt waub far th uart al the aw aerial tn garaaa uav ixki raoalvad your scheduler our initial supply ran out at prklay nightx game but more haw been prvated and you cn get yours at the booth at the arena or al uie herald otoe any um now king clancy coming saturday psto aiocsucv irmuaah km action oaorgtowti bockey tans will have their chanc ta s atidget national ueckey lcaga uiat fa action on saturday atternoon at th aran january ath ikpw laatx aaontreal caisadiaus asoatreal ivtarooiu uouon hruin eafto black tuaks and nw york araoans will b oct the ttt lor u the tkna ame aid atari at ijd sharp with new york asicans playing uve alontrwal adie to laronj game huston avalns vs asontkaal alaroons ms ui third gam chicago black uks vs watch our window on wcesulv lot caicam stsscxai and oonntonomass chettibic mirshsalww swht 13c 2 far 25c longs confectionery g2l w ii keniner son successors to john mcdonald estate dealers incoal and coke vc e carry a full stock of ail sixes hamco corcl blue coal ad genuine scotch anthracite ready for prompt delivery at all time special feature ten luck number tlckeu lor uve ivockey gam at th arena gnvrvi tovxn rrula january lilh betaeen guaxph and georgetown a ill he given to uu utnnen ol uve fir- 1 un tickets drawn on wwdnas- daj jxnuur isth iu tvckel gtwn iui each lialf ton of coal or ukt at turn of ument our new screening system insures you of clean well graded coal quality and service is our aim uisuino om ano all a kkv uatrv nkw veak phones ottce 12 r 211 georgetown aung ctancy of th toronto uaple aals will be on hand to rater and balp th youngiet in than- hockey dent kaiss uw gwranf and dont miss getting ansyiatnud with kong clancy irhahkw av uw una gastas iftc and isc castd ot talajstscs th rsvadty of th hvu u t arnold wuh lo thank lb friend and balgh burs tor than saany iin and isyaapatby lu uieir l radio repairing i i i rr 12 years eitperaeoce we specialize on this work j sanford son phone georgetown 54w n

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