Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 27, 1937, p. 1

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i t the georgetown herald seventieth yer of fuuication the g herald j if mookjc a h rnfritto member of uk- cautadlan t4rwp4f association weekly cnk time tmbic ikntvctlv sept nth ls3d ottandard iyp iua bar ckmnuer kmcnter and uail kmocii- knu uail paacafaxtas for toronto pwaaebger sundayj only faaaenger utd maui -p- the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 27ln 1937 tea for every taste salada nwrtnai and uau hukoth- sunday dajjy pauengert except buntuy mali and paatangir kihi hall lug pnudly urltniltah poi r li hoa n our imlc t at 111 kir landing thing an lurk hi tlu dc- a rni teat i and pacnrtr fctfrbctlvh but wtk im haily a7 1u ttjls tun 1jm nn bjs pan weal is ut mljs m lii tun i jl5 pi css pan- u5 jun- 10jms pw alxia tun daily axoepl saturday t saturday only ta dally except sunday s saturdays sundays and holidays only astbrm btahdatld toil itineraries planned io all point t5ahda united siaua and ohn y r weal gw longs oomflcnonkkv fifty years of military rands am liaif a vrt k i tilt iialto umimist 10 per annum m advance 240 to usjt- lluiul ut lit iwlk jklu in fur ftkuuii wiku u wife die u hu 0011- -ay- 1 i vi on lil u a utter nubund if i had it ut ut oier ukulu hut when huhand k lib alft ul well did my duty tij lum ikld 1l calcdont i imrli dilfiruice alter recalled prhtr i jlcker uiul u luck in tlw- juipe of i r i uien ku jieacc arelic ivrui- do you rxpttcl to hrillji lion hud jnud your whok life in the vlrled dulle to trt urr then i i mi ill belueen directory ltkov uau klc ooeeoreaacy ttmuo bid uui u tukmnetu u lancbon hnuv lullimr may tillli hxt uoric uooe to lon oocetumla btieet south tm your watchman m llluum to ik fcurw al vni mi a inimw ixrroiie walclmiau ul tlit nattm tune i tuarj onr luuit again aw-rircncm- fir autmeti aidummm unwrlfntntf ntwl e lliupi that a itaf- xn in llc lc uf rtpu laical familm- xa1 ho thv ilmit hap- u to jou it ti in case htcy jo it alwava wue to 1 irjartm til worlt for very iiltlr too tuily a tew csciiiji tlay it of rlrhct ijrl jc iimjk tduul no cli h tin- imp i rrur u i luill con ldr lunoluc full u re ii 111 ut fifty year uy u an viqorfor nervous rundown people lulluntliu o id i lhiur uy kttk i lie nitmbei of tile old ixumhliilc of 11m- deudt u w i lewtd ul 11- l he lt ulnette- tlil t iurfi clit viil lit uil till vrth uinjiu of fifty tnthui umli n lulu u taho umi ou ux ton n in u twli iii ute diiwtii f jurjiji to tnett other enthu lu tu rlutx heud rd hiwuidt inknto atul ull tjuiit ihry ment ot hi ixwly i ut icioni tdjon rxhiulrd fir lrr aith wuiai ii iii leliil utid will tyjulill utwi jimmy juevmui u ulti in th vin liyurd liurk in tlwut 1aj umi ihi the uiji aeliui ijiirtww lratn uum ufiluiue the kxrtlohi and the 0 lik- of allium tuut tlur durf rut or oraivlll imu uieluimlay tioij- ujd to in il rxntrjou to ijurllaii luu lli ci uhen n iluuly hud fnnh i niotuy utu men tiiud jiroht out o ittolnu to cjlpp tut till j crilu wr day in the kovi rnhienl rluthew aiul fouimt though lure iierr ku much fouid uheil tile cutuuliuti noth wej tiuj ikllflf lumae leaded jiiul loru- of fubnloa ueltb and oiortunily re on ry totiifur leti the arvetoun iftft olllce u fir- 1 lro iettid mwl the control irvy ier it au wa beifun aheu gun w afui rnei to- iiu tlu cwlnr feiut rail klkn eolwrt uiul tlie ily to rol a hiej ifcere tood people too 1 think un toduy hut to do viui band1 urul iiroolrni and are many dajk and liamy liatuiler lluin ke tli orturle hai and their trouble in a juall io bjlmmo ktmecmsrka trmt tum uar n a tufmmtmn in ik limit i our ij u fi wji kujly wwjjr ni i- iaav 6 mjsr w c cauttt kriaf kit ooces uill uret oonttowa fcrin lhoo j34 ptt uax 1m fekankv guydon ilawftenctf cook i tay kt jc rtmmr tuttey klc u jbdwajrd cook oordort graydonxa uin si kortli iw maion tvuyhoftd vu ilurold b- lawrac lohlaw lhuldjag umaijton telephone c13 fc k watmkn tons ulixs onc kloura to 5 kxcpt tuurday alicooiu x k- jacamh euajl sttocakiof to the ute pr oouop a m nielsen cliirofmmctor xray drtlem ttteraput lu tljni ouca ovr nwlnww qtare botus 1 s yit ug p m5 miajaclmc yirl uramy vuv vmutei af ky slraitt w euu la a thih kya hauiu is trwe w uu aw w rbd m kri aailhy tlataec b jat a twumtur aa ay tk lark tily hi wit- csau4i o t walker ro ajtohktmj5t hvlmioirt stcujist hiabfua b b ti kobws bttua srouc c ik ifi wuuj f fewy bwlli or m uiuh o y wm t ww ib la knakba iiafc3iv jfcic- jijc- ldwer rail fares camvihui 7 you to tuna tut oleodm- ahtd rrod wait ricw into a sumntr vacaiiort u kwou cjubmia kvy ftolf hcmde the blue pacdbc tootor umiuch oraac proves and kl rtorota aihta in ky iollyood- yoorcjio of route uvrlimlcth ptcturcaque canadian uockim rh vnoouvcf aod victoria ad iutifm ami full inronatiom u to round trip first class fah intekmediatc fare coach fare 0 ai to my aol canadian national lwdliiu a bundn o atvall town not unlike dti any other lolun leer ofkanumtkut u lui madjuate flnancu kujiorr and in tlie ue of the bond kitif a txarcity of mu leal talent in aii atlilrtlc team it li eaj er for the iittdetr l iiunvd on hy hero uorsjup and live ciieer- of tlu crowd while tile bulldhiif murician lias hotliiia but hi art aiwl hl at u not alajy a railed by hu neigh btkin alio arc likely to jjmce tlielr lielahbopi xon at iimctlce their tu-ih- llo am uielr iwujhbort cliick- in the fjme catecory a- fuiblk tj frank petch cinllmlnirt vra oxwbxil url vf 29c monuments pollock ingham thtotettcn b cur worth ga onl ihuiuu r i i hw hu butt our wok in arcatooxj dr devans fills a i k hi t lywuw iow kali b r u ux m tlmy prevent fires by tadua ulloc dkk loot nmowr ttauray all boot irooi uove and timmjm tltm citbantyt unoka aucka bouar tuboa he do not diijrir kum la any ay uaxwhiooj ua wry boa wira tkrf boa tea iuy tmtod knd anjrwvd writa or awly j kkkmia atloua street w l to oul liouul at rd ad grcn f fruit gums weiloa ckocollc ecuti biscuits 2 ktuog allbran i pis 19c 5 a edtjtnt skoflaia9 cu domestic i it pig 13c 3 w lihbyi ocalu pitt tomaio juice i 2 o ot tai 9c 3 souit clothes cla j chipso a duu ij plo isc3 k fiv sti9 corn brooms 29c aaaaaaiidaaadaaaaaaadj auiir j buih pears 16ox in 15c stagaporc sliced pineapple 2 no 2 t 17c wagtutf ratphrry of strwhrry 3am with pectin 32oz 27c marmalade 320 i 25c 2 clult cooked spaghetti 16 oi tin 9c 3 m aylr goidj bjum i corn red label no 2 l 10c a salmon 3 4it 25c aaaaaadaaaadaaaaa kcio e h 29c 3 3 wb 25c 3 car limited nulince to you liandma ler liave many troubles ami a liae barvdjiien and io have all uioj public jiiriled -oul- ho trhe io keep oole orsauumuaii golnu in tlu communlt wlui no thauuht of regard attier tlun tlu- uitlfactloii of hm inu made ome mall contribution to the welfare of the 4a er and utterenoe ls uie badjft of all their lnbe and all thf oilier virtue uiul irohobly the mfi ure or uielr jutienoe l the lenplh of time they ened a uondma ur he- fore dlounmtiiient and dl vx cortcd them to tiie de linev from uhenrie lliej walclied uie tnme iiro- cwd under tlir direction of jmie ele there a oluaj a neurleu of baiuljiieii n hie lovm for any ne bandmaster to tort with iloaever u tiroup of uiwiwiaulr u muj cianr uch a will ryndall oliarlle vulentli c and many oilier and around twt band- mere bunt up by hie different bandma- telri llut more of the j inli r much mw of the- jilajen or the old rd lnyiital band u itliout ulinr jn ice no bandmfl- trr could hai e arcomiilijied much alberum came in the late eighties about ibs8 and patience wa not tlie outstanding i irtue of baiidmu- ter it a albertui he liad a nar record a rare ihliux in tliole peace ful victorian day and had ened in the fled i tiler icxiirdltlon under lord wolej in 1810 for fuller measure he had been captain of the oakulle comiiany in tlie ilevimenl and tuul tuchanfied hl word for a ha inn o few yer turlief lie ud a ne word dlrijjine and accented tlie ecoiui syllable af i tir uie manner of many till llic great war tauicht tlie not on ulial i atril and ho it jiouuj be pro tmunrrd he eniiectcd uie bandnen their in trumenl and uielr i d poltji their boot and jjui tlxir jurls aitliout any fnll fuel hi introductd many iniunu ilun tlul unt at ilrut que uoned by democrat member of lite toau uiid wlio mt lok diniocrac for quality and lexnted tl e voire of mnund or the tone- of authont on one occasion tlie tund under al lert on unit to milton to a hand romeptltion heine in military uni form they acre told to clean up their equipment ahlch all did aie the baritone alio appeared un minutes before the competition with boot and rquliunent innocent of the liable- t attention olu me uia linm ild the ratliy alberuon and taklim tin horn he took hu lihice in the circle of baudnen in tlie dual rapacilj ot leader and baritone player tlie band ald nothlna but feared much btu alt rton iilayed the liart through and the band wan flnt prize und we take it tliat tlien ua- no more bar lone iroublo in tliat bond during the ieaderjilj of it a alhertan we doubt if lliere eier no much barftcne trouble in the ilegitnentat band nor was there er n dun tult in uetlinv a mujclan to take of hits mo t impurtani liv lr mrllt wlll joltll ilull ihttivlf u lixiiihlrnt pliii ut uil it tau ukn oi r by will lyndijll vini- lul und ellieiint ji icr to uli hmd i- veil tenienilmied i tl bv tl pe ul lt oerutliul lot he puiktl tht pwrt ur unit und iunnj tin leud hip oi muiij imiimiihu 1 i uonng llu udmlnl uimmi d ur ivmh kjiuli f- iriuciiul nf lht lub lie eiwol uimi al ut um to hl nnry will ryndall au i pturiitrd b jopu lur uojflilkml with liuuu uieiit aid uu in tiument fdf in k id the buiwl ad in tw xi hand of it- if nuiinijml wife over dm- ikuft when un u nvrdh ul orkuiiixution wa put toiun f h xir rrl t uiu rlicl- hi to do willi rtlbwiljui and hi imiki uik hl uu- wi imi t tu willi linn inouj h it l rt dnlwiilt u follow him for hi ia in und uui and up und do n and alt oier uie kuiee fhl wa due ih doobt to the tal of linuiicv it the uutort of uu- imiiui hi thif direction lu iu irr lcen xlruiuaiil lh lhi riimnil iinvr u anali ajooiiiu neier mrjn j1joo6 and uin w- kupuenu tiled by donallons fiutn tlie oin-r- 6 uie hatinieiit to itiin hu added an ainiual urunt from etn coujictl a yrwiii tliat wu irmytally ljaiu- of teiuch objec utfjr ui uie part of tlie rauttayen f look of lhenii alvo live hi a world of fucl and future tuul addina mac hiik and reality mudr a uw uould hkt lo uiar to tin dd to which i niulc and uie funv arts belong if alitor ljj i liad luvd steady tm- idoynitiu in uie loan for live ynir- i- would have built up a ureut buna hot lie luuj to hie und uhlle mujc i iiwki a tin acconiiviimmtiiit to a kood dinner and lu- wrliie in uiolli tin a avue brea t wi iiaie yet to lear of a cie alkre it filled u jiv me itotuaxh x in ahrrton tlnu band uie oor net- were playd by w ii wilon will tytulall i rank uiort uilly uc lrod kith lyed ilarber ilaylng an f flat comet- tlie clarionet te hj alec hu ion county council iui ttia iiuii kydir atul franl ucmater eraiik liarwr luaying an oboe buritone kil iilayed by jolin mi fry and jolin krlu on um and uark ua lilayuue aunethliik or otlter udly tliomtkui will tar- wood joe hume rred inrarch albert ttird and uen krwiii on uie ulto atwl teiuxr part wiui danny taylor and fred liildon on uie j drum- and jolin late w lor at tlie ba drum al bertoin played eluier a corpet or clar- iionetle on uie marcii from which it aould apoear uiere wo iilenty or lead ihn many of uiem do you know 1 hey were all geoelown boy at uiai ume tliere i one comet iilayer ohrnt from u1l1 rarly band of alberton a younu fellou alio liad led tlie band btlon uie amaluatlon of uie two jm- uun to form the itei imental bano he liad oied a jiar or o before and ni- poin a a a ureal lo to uu hand and to iil many friend- in uie community itil wa john ualrd lie a a- an influence ui the band lon alur la death of w h wilon en let to tlie baio a- player and baiidnuuter and isiit cormu ne will liao mare to u lar he woj the mainstay of tlie band for over twenty lcar and 1 i doubt if uicre l ony one iilayef or tiaiulma ter ho lia- doiu u much to keep uie band tagiuier and up to concert pllrli in uil service lie wa jojully uiijiorted by will tyndall hud it not beili for w h wilon the band would liaic moied to ull ton ur oaliulc long anre and uie iinvaiil excellent organisation might neer liaie been formed ve all ptul on the jioulden of uie men oi otlier days w mu1 not forgut uial aim while the present band nui y haie liad a landing tort it l well to remember tliat uie back ground wa made by uiee mtlaclan alth ahoin tlica article liaie to do itn c cuullauedi m irving uruj wuk wn rvr kxirin wrdrw hwufl 4 mmlum aku ir 1 iiiuiuuml tneeuiiff uf halton rounti roimril ya itrhl if ultlun ml mrt lmu tueuiay jn lath all merntr wme reiil except n a tnjikln dput rve of -jue-l- the im-iwnn- of ihjr eoutkcil wt tiuuh lijv a- follo- trmfalvr lieew rvirtn hall rmity ryve norman itltrrt aimv inii lteer oejrre aur irpuli iirrxf h a uotbituon a4tiaryb ltv cdor-ft- conkat oakville tirv ja i llrwvm pe lt y kerve jojui t- hyrf nurtinci ji ite a a laiuni uthri itenvnj iil uituki 4teve jolin irving act tirr h j mccuulron ni jul lrve john ucniwn lehity- iteeir lihe krnu mmjs oordon xccuulkx xim u alld krnl- were 111 new member- of uie council nomliuitkav for tlw olnce of war den wtrrr tnmdr ax followr ur jai fx klewtxai rrevr of ofekvtue lomln ted by ur uuberl aecondnl by ut alki ur jolin irving 4iocnlpled by fr currle cqddred by ur ucniv i uf victor hall lomlmund by r cunri krootvded by ur gilbert j liotii ur hewon and ur hmll y- quefled uutt uveir names be wiui- drwwn ur irving ku tlierefore lecus draan for 133 hy the unaill- mou iote of uie council ur irving a wardenelect tnade hli dccuratlon of omce before hb honor judge uunro after uiank- hur uie members of the council for the lionor conferred upon him the new warden look lie cliajr and uie ritfuur buiineii of uie day got under way ur george currie retiring warden prufnted the council with a uurree group pliotograpli of uve 19k coun i lo be hung in the court houe he landing oommiluea a rcc4aui- mended bv uie striking commluee were a folloati finance ilcwidri fall allen carrie education cur ie gordon lualr davis printing uccutelkon kwwf gilbert byerx county buildings allen ucklren ito- i bertson uccutcheon special com- i munlcatloiul ucnlren byeti gilbert gordon itoiiita accountx llyers kerns davl allen itobinon rail ways legislation agriculture and re- fortftrauon gordon kerns gilbert currle lualr county brtdgec davla robinson lllalr gilbert pennanent good roads hall currle ilcwson gordon ucnlven uoied by ur currle seconded by r gordon uiat uie treasurer ba authorised to make naymenu to um arlo4l school boards ma folio c georgetown i 00 w un ton tooo oo acton mo 00 nurlinglon llooo 00 oajcvllle oo0 00 rev w g o tjiompum was ap- liolnted a member of gcorteetown ilih school hoard for uiree years uoied bv ur uonlien secotvded by ur kerru uial we do tiow ad- iourn to meet on tuesday jan 3ih i at 1030 am milton tlie annual meung of the hal ton agricultural society uil held here an tuilay hut alien oblcer- aeer eleo- tid for uie en ulna jtar a follows hon frfmdcnt ut w clemen lr prrklent kdgar ijlenuui 1 l vice- jire4hnt n a sinclair 2nd lice prt adent duncan held ecrelary rex urer a i macmohb auditors k u clemtntv k- w pa directors nu agiiaeya w held i craaford iuacklock tquetlng k harrop j a klllott a u hume ivrc lrlle nelaiil d hartley k sj rradlnad h agnear geo agncw tralalgarw u scott a k wood ley g c gihfjui w fc uccready il iiujlehart allan duon ullton dr c ii hcslop a u ctiambers r sjer a fc waldie w uouefleld ttie date of uie fair acre el for friday and saturday sept attjj and 2sui 1337 couiicillor w h uorden of tra falgar alio l till a patient in tnron tn general h pital i unfortunately nut making quite a rapid jirogre- as could be wtdied the mi hl ter and choirs of bl paul united church ullton and the united chtirch acton excluitiged du tie lat sunday evening liamiilon acton uie annual meeting of acton pair hoard otueers for 137 were electad as folloa5 president o a dhl- first vlcenrcsldent da unn eecond vlcenreldrnt j j slew- art uoara of ntrectors w k graliam u o jolmton j k pearen j u mcdonald d ucdougall g w uur- ray georgt gomervllle h u david- jui u symon c uckeown d d waldie c woodhall tl jolmton a kerr it j kerr il j rafauhftw ii i g frwer arthur uwackjiamer wm goadle v u rumley r w lowrie urs- h u wilon of georgetown attended uie funeral of tlie ute ur angu uckadiern on wedneday pfienu are indeed pleadlo learn uiat urs clias wilon has kumcient- ly recovered from her terious lllneti to return home yeterday from uie hospital in toronto rei t urtllinger received ui ud uaurs yesterday of uie deaui of his mother at chippewa ur urilunger left inunejuately and will remain there unul after uie funeral urv d wheeler underwent an operation for appendicitis at guelph general houtal uie past wk and fiiendi are pleased to learn uiat her condition is satisfactory and wui lier prompt recovery free press father so youe been flghung again liaie you then you go to bed wltliout upper young man freddy all ribht dad re onli got two teeth left olij tiow nh t going a utsourl wonxan advertued for a liuband qlie bh one at a oot of two dollar he enlisted in uie army and wai kdled slie got 3 000 in in suranre and will get a widows pen- ton a- long as jie inns yel uiere are llioj- a ho adiertljng does not ia iiallng l an in ufferabte tojc for thoe alio liaie been taught to wok are told but theres a surprising number of lieople ays uie prafeor who arent doing any uttering main slreel georgelowo u free delivery phone 3sv turnips 2 lb 5c spinach cwrty aud cvi 2 1b 17c lettuce lxr fuu luula 6c head cabbage sluiint gmi iitjui 5c lb new carrots mitt large utakube 9c tomatoes llru ul lulu loc lb grapefruit tevkm slalmt ul large 7 for 25- j- tber goldthxkw jurry tl ilahrad imfwnka um- abil bmttea uuille y rf mrumja 1 un going id tuarry kr bamulata v ksav brd th kind t a t haark tnm ilud-k- phoiy time b fr- ta fad whvn kva 1 aol ehaalu w bud w wlwaya rah a doer 1 bad out if hla broftle ladlgrktloo u wvmv h wkm bm urutaa ibat h ja alg to gr dl wit bout a tlonbt i do bj imit khn tn lo anybody m- beuaa wbra it eoafh id marnaitn- uudilh b alialur to ibw bather wbi u4 lo mirk hu toea in lb water hut d bt want l rw tt imd ikl yauow kd trthlw ml- wold biahry y mltklgv g -im- tld uudder rrtdl and all abe rqutm b that i fclve up tha turf abd go into a tale imb racket hk tba uaodry bualaa sow tn hoi cmm at all if klud- dr grta butrrtrd bevausr whlu it btakml m rmd af a taaa in mm- way it krfj klta rroo bag a tu i ti af utbrr way iwdd i in kvar- hnl for oaany yvar atl an a harry ibe mokmd llut iikw woaa wbn want to aukc a dfw huw f ikhr bualtakdm 14 irfiamtblag be again kluddrr baa otai blir pal fr tng thw and wr do hot want to umm um h b ktmtws bow lo rear a edt ao ibal be will rua ry lakt therrfurm we try lo rbangv ku atlml lui d- wot grl aaywbree al all twim la a verv hrrlmm uiattur ladnd brraue we ure at lite ruelmf ftlabl at ltm lluhato in itnirf lo aln m uuaay raek an we enii with ikir wiring of bangtail it mmliur u k grf ga about thla g itjuxlw thai 1- d avt lay aay mllvniliia tu thr- ittilmata ami rrall when oar hi ut gi jo ib post tby ar- n ran r vharp kml trled to win ii it ih unw am atmava befir vhi mud ler luhi low it cit0 us hkkiiei ih imu- way ir un olhr and tfau link it liuiik rnir packfla lueuly hwiiuw when ikjr foaua ruu artiund the iraet they hbt rr lard lo aw wblelt miii eiw in uvt that lu wby wbd uinbur invito u to tfce wirddlng vm a vituiday w arv tkki by wo toapa oirtiuih ivltb v ad wbeo ba avks llrry lb imiilmad t tlve ibe bridle awuy hurry taya ive will ibal little iblug but be baa got ms huyra rroul wbni be tas it- wi tit day uf umlwi tl una wt cbiw up at the cliureb liriht and earu wltli the vleilti abn all lull out in his uvup ml tldi as la il ruu taai at weddlag sad funeral whll- ii is only ui day alnce uuhl r pro powd to ike girl that lq a long thai lu bis ytiung lire and alrra h ue h wimdvrlng if aoaybe luf nhtuil hi i try to aoaki a break for frwdoiu llut uiklder la ike klml ut a man wkti will tut a thing tie prnu 11 ir ba eaui had ao wuy ut ami li ul la now thai wt bae h liltu a hi cliureh harry und i tonuld twit ul lilm get away fur we have hmt u tuuih limuy du arcaunl nf bliu lbt pnki wnel ibal we will mil aton at not lit ti- l learn blui a kmui unit will ehkj fur khu ilmevir when a hour has uj ami the bl iad frilly d not uil in au umkmnibm uuddar takva tba bit in hl- tth and um vry dlkgukied in deed l hsv prwmmd la ovar a thuu taml jit umui lu ibe past lea rars be ielalu 1ml i ida pi ibe urst ivna wlui ba ever h uie u hr ux tbe all ir aim bene i um ut i he btrrter wllb iue uarter all nadi ti tui the w nl uiil i1m do tutl miuiw up win i utmild tutl uvarri her nw irlu r fa ilk r glie we istuurklll h uu 1 funu fur a wsl lln prekeul tlten miithbr xtjinu ul of the etiurt b wllli ui ft ii lulng blui ntl to give it i lu a chance i j wr tin iui i l ikie iblug and un lur llarr am i i alt- bliu down it iu i in for a vnvk auil k4i w bliu llit niiiiii m ul ut vlu auiliulta kovcrnuu ut ttiut was i be drat wlhiiz hull i ever inatle miubbr jh alien w at l hark ml yuu tan lu t be bank ibal wlille i uie i will neier mak auitlber ttr are gla i in itear hlui fax that bicaue wa liardli uiuru t iumliiuc- bani when lite 111i iii h us hiiwn ruab lug up and erl ull ner mn i ler 4 black unit whin ieet b ilsrlhii dta 1 zrlalnii 1 1teaa terrible rrleiuu if jmin lured uu 10 stable and liw ted hit tn ui ibal w null 1 1 1 nrrled hu i i r lkt ham uiul iu s ie rullur i 10l hut we iuil ipeu uur nttiulbs as u- raauot lit hit ur any ihlnr intent ling to vjv ami but la a kutul time i 1 vai no i int i am v r sum ug ir uditer uiiti tu uur 1 um if i iiuh not bail us all itlltm for a ti l ui j v ill lu vy bufi k imi u v i buif ile led not in 10 intn tin luumlr lmclui iutit if un wini ti lw tlte wlfu uf 1 rut iriit 111 in wi can li mar- rted at llie iluhl- i utal lirluhl kim un ladv w bad btll r 1111l1 it l 1 1 rrt u tuil mini k r atria 1 ua r- ruu hut ti w ii irrv mil i lu um we are nil guli- in li ur irihu r an i pil tn tin tui 1 ut ui male it a ju hit 10 uiirhliir mud ler u t if 1i1i in l i 11 iftmi t ulilrli lie i h iu 1 in ilw lit mill utw we ln u ibil ut nil ut if human ton utiii lite ii in muiller jt li imirou hiiui il 1 rtiilh uuwn la waver okandts medium lrge 2dc lax new navk slm swmi large 43c tlox idle ltrkiums juicy g 25c o1u011 met siare 5 lb 9c carroles 1 limited 1 norval kriui ijlveter and hud carter or lla- vlllafie liave been choau to plai fur uu ulack hawks on uie tiorge town uklgets taam thin eason the new huieftajt ga station at olnclally oiarii for bumney tlalunlay tills inodem brick bulldhig contain lug lunch room reu room and oince l an acquisition to uie village tlu lights on tlie building and viiii- all liefp lo light up uie maid mreet al night 41uelii lit georgehia ti ut uie arnia ui friday conk ami cher uie boys lo victory

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