v the georgetown herald seventieth yer of puuclon the georgetown tiermld wednesday evening feortuury 3rd 1937 ji50 per annum in advance 200 to usj 1r georgetown herald j m moou member of un mewtpmner cuuullati afitqclauon cnr tim tail fcrfcalu r 27k lw standard lima pumnr 1 15 ara kaamicer and uall 1020 am nil mill u lm ror truhi6 iojti iro bundayj only 71 un ci w4 pwmnief and laajl bu aro paaaepccr 3u linl lainr and wll 50 pjn xmeacer ilunday 1113 pm dally pmxixnfft exorpt bunday li35 arn fctati and ruumr 3 atn cata hmmtu mall and paaracar ui ttjn unenvs sjcrr mi llw ilkavk qkofccktown ua1ly bis aw 7 is amn 11j6 un oil ma 1js tun 1j pja 4ja pin 7jj0 pjn ii pjn us tun 1055 tun aluso un daily axcept saturday t saturday only al daily except bunday saturday sundays and xboudaya onlv astbui btandabja tux ll plannad to all kolxuj 3 onada unltad btajaa and emai yaar faoal atarai longs conrccttontutv directory lakov uaue icc huikb aaj salklur oaorxelown ontario oo oratory thttr bid 1u11 bl unnml m lancuon fearrmnr oaucuar urf huk mrst uortttati money to loan orncea main street south pfaone oaorxatotrn w g gkan luikfar ue ouoas u1u street oeorgetnwa krln ipnnoa 34 po xku 1m hanky ckaybon lawucnca a cook aarddoa tela us hay so taa1 himaua oml c rramer uaney rffi ii unu cook jordan oraydon sjj uw gt north br ifelenhooa m harold a uitarence loblaw buudlnf brarptnn telephone 643 f watson ujols ulixs otace hours d to 5 except thursday aitanttoos k jackson ojajs fhwveetnr to ufa late dr oollop open evening a mw caiauoa a m nielsen uui year f tvaetlea ourotmutor xray drugkaa tkq lajy auiuabl omoa nver duulitlon store oeonjetnwn lloura a b vo 040 pju c1 yatjny aaa lw t frank petch ueaxaao aiienomiait ua caastlaa at rw uj llalua iproupt serlo0 clultenhaui u r a oeoraetawn ci r 3 poat ornceghaltenruuii monuments pollock ingham aucoenavs to clr a worth galt oal xtuklvct our work ui drenwood conuury dr dvans fills hu i rt- layyi itvlu jlll rvlu t m rw tab kl uoctmafjk iwv bum prevent fires uy liuixk uvh dlvk uot rckuovcr doktroy fcll boot iwca uoo and furusotf bbw ciibutttyia uuoktf uaciu bolier lubeh flc dou luit lm dajm la tuiy way lmrclkmul oa mry boau wic par box iic uliy leaied fuki ahtfoved- willa ot klhiy t j xsaou arloiu uut uvxtniii lo otu istwiut t u oi4 ralls a i mi lut tikf 111 1 a uiuk u ikev h u- u lut l ir hi i mi bit lunr llr i j i t do tiilvtllilll ut ull iii t tllllr kw op do ii i i lt t i ii hit d ii i i in ritttit ukth hi llr llklat u tmr- i knw imuiij w wont u ju 1 3l u fjiim llr utcll u if rl or play u iruitt jiul uikr n bom and irv r curf isslkas o llaif si issi1 i i rifty years of m1utarys bands t inliliu ilklufin ami msiilatllts ot tll if al tos hkiuint d it nti r t jld bf rluinl u fv t dad utul rlul ii w of lull fun ivrt urn ut dl ih rmitti iiijulj 1 ubipult c m i w i1 v a v in iif vwt hurl ttldb i v i ixb r ut mn hy lb 1 till r if i uvts t urn i vn r tfull 1 tinr it hllplhll it vi id uit 1 ij7 fell fru r tr v pit- tlnl 1 1 m a 1 l i u ir r ci t 1km i l- llr j l x ii ii 1 twd ult t ii r nami ill ibr idf 111 il 1mii thk i if 11m- fhlllti 1 1 t pi iht- ural old thj lull i n d ilv ilctl ji a lululttlik ll- it t llnrnul iud it 1111 lfrllnj rllli hut tipnwt i imtlid bti ul iln und lllll till llm 11 i iu j bllb liibt utwl dr- jiuiuxts xif duv ubii it ri n nt l to w lnli uil la llw timd ii i j nr v und bt utlr 11 ol 4uud til ruk bil buppiind aii d l tin r tin lkmd n1 nil mr ti ir tr u v tr llllrl a iu bi nlid tli until i 1 hi tr tli tr mr mimii luu bii mlutntilh id jthrr in lin wnt m- 0ln tlinr utwl hit i ju rlt nr uiwl b in quulln ulna hi ban wlndrdik r tin po i uiwt tw- cojrr aiv nn of llu irk uillwmt intrnrujviutd dii forts fit nth uaniul rriott pri- jnlr ta ibr lklkoluildcr bon id tlie cmnuny to huvi uinifl u ikmxl inr ivjurff la f rt n hi tnd il tb jr urn- jjni rtvuliii air la nra af sliot73 00 uk-v- uuraa lb yrar utnouhud ui tan utiluia homrla urrmtin har mi rmul rttiipli during llkr tr krh oyl tbp bet jetif m ktfy of 470aw 7 bl ihc cky i tlw iur rjvourd u raji iwluan oa jiund ol 11 m ulth pi in unantr d he nlua rtlk aw fjid hfll ntukr ibv imaulliubkl kktr vus idp i uv fill kail itlut blm uiui i it ju nut pul 4ii ivi rjthlilij ur do aivl in thrr t u dror blu baj i ui ld w ri old pl too am p cittllll iiavt4w hoistiim hubmlfrs kslwuo 1t4il u 5j4c1j h und total sjatni m m uboi vui ttith fmr b irr tvw pn- unuliti o imirt m n if the italics bn li tin urllrf bjiid unit 1- i f ahmhm i uilmt trwiit r ixwr cioj laid ciidi tbr lat irkinl ui- of vidlmlukn i ut ami an i ilr tmilt daf thi- dij ultra tin bund un drtulb- i bmy liub i idul txud chjrjt it iii iatrbdanira ol liivt i ml hrutljfiiruf la urtl a tin iuu irul tilrbriiiua of tb inruwl taoi u ullle kmrrut und tvf m i oa a trr htt tlwr iwind it ilnlr li- or brurd uu m ualr li vrrit- at tbr- innual rutntw ujd r i iv tail oil tbr hirmorubjr duvi ovr iitrnllmianl wit ii ut ban i una to r irnj uti alailj biotllbt ulo titil icul liul alirr the additkun of muicutiv fioni blltrr ijkcf und la oai rji i rutins it ik i buv im a uddrd in id r tbui tbt band ml h mif tin rial l la inimtnlatltia uad in ublr to bold it nut ui u- u tiiurclaria bund in roniiwiitnii uittt tji bund of lb olbi r n tnw ut ni tlr ciiuy i dal inind it had rmbl la 11m i titan irmilfll jll 111v of iii- piatloll ktr l ih lb i ru ait ibnl b tbt lltah la tbi nrrrlj ol- luitlv liy lb djiilutil a tit wni la if tjto lurue r lukm tip or i m uwl bilmrl 4 ikctiqoitnl uad ll plpr rlu airumirb wl roj bookri up mid u btiidlrrtt hld ua drlill ukrirmir ot vltl jli iwl d jiwrihr ui it plv it ll bulidi fill 1 1 via a i hit i lit tin nali day bid t i blmnii k illd iurh rtillod ii k ri i f lb urmu id jarr uppio pauuxl 01 tlw iwarui ibunliu n iti tivtnt ufi u jctabittnui uuirrh uad r ibr pjnw khr mountuii uk un 1 u- i i nv mix r it moj planl b ui luttul oa till pdrllciih1 occicjon jih b l e uuimi in po hi on uiib ibrir kt irumnili larklpiv nti drr i rt n uw jtmni a and ibtbbrl r ultli bl dram title poik4 la uir u lw wuil for llw lluai of uu on tlut lunnrli bl imad oa tlw loan marib uuht irivrb fuvtrr tbaii outu till 011 lbl principle ibitrdmiair tactid imd lartrd lit tx lttilj vabtliirr tlw band n rm ar not bat uirj urrt- itaih mul tin 1 jesus the ught of the world i tklfotta knniuy wbntmry uu 1037 liillolx k in duikar liicbt of ho ialaflr 1 ii jolijl ll j ol til willi busjlrr noli uinx cis- 10ut1 it mornlllj and younr ttmr ma t a blrktn both old to plus of tlw poultry o lw tli oruutiiiutloii uutf- vlrlor lrrac- lrvtur rri urrr of tlw hulton a- oc latum at tla untpiul nwftinu of tlw oruanluttloa held in milton on ttjurwluy u t tlw auditor- reior hoivj u rulirtuntuil anihir urwl 4lsr b tlw coiinlj jilri aaent lvrc ljle lunounted to morr titan t06o at tbi cni- and nojul ilio- halloa lrt-rjrr- ken url to uu- fore at tlw fontwr jiou ha tor brerdrs tjc blbllrtl i7 brad this atanlirr iwlnn txcdcd onli ui one ouwr comity wluus tlilt l uariicularlv nmirv majrallj and a a mlr had to i ulc halloa htilr nawrly oxford in tlw inu-j- coualj al romwercuu ikyk t dtw prob- i lu hiavcb tliraimti four or he xrux comiwrl comiwtlluin tlw halton iwrd plcd w l ni rxlrnt to uw unna lime- eceml in competition ulth itrwil condition apibr which uie a duls iwnd uw bnd ua out be brrtl from rljiht otlwr count le tills birds ur ivou xb and fcl durina a r- unrlw and unnblliu it uas ttr under land i uw bilwt lioivour j i br u iout 1 tlu niaiu of tent rope and ever uon bj a hal ton houteln herd unitary urrounrtina liich many ul t bra to it place in i-anull- march but ar the band rolloiri by the hreedert uloi made urans nnt a miintaim i the retneds hrove iherv ihe law of tent lietan lu maln suarii atui ni u d hlbitr at local rhowj ami alo tpon- coar luv in arvmlrinu moiv and ulwre the men ot live york uan suintl a llo s ilokteln calf club rleiillftr lean led la the care of cf 1 w umorotul j auctrp und not which proved to lie uw oul tabdliii tl tw tippllratlon of tblt oiw bit tat r- twl in tnarllul mujc livestock exhibit at the mil ton rir kiulede over a tamtrr form in at uit far end of uie camp wert llryon a jenvey holstein zeldman 0u ruvulry aruj ll artillery and th- for wrlmi ontario kn uw aueit tlw nrt lep advll by the all itun that a- hrej at uic command iwaker on thursday lait uking ax witle l uie lukipllon of a lu- of uw nrrnl of uw uin guard liuxl omeihlna bij wa- iolna on and bis raibkct tlw alnriity at mood r lirocrammc for yaljna uw d from which uw tlavr ws taken t the itelinunt line itreodlntr at uie same time o c ot pullet w that they to betfin uw lone march acr uw i r llu h of the kua everj llw caiap broke inui uw livit and for u minute uw f du i bund it had to travcr- utt mli audible in uw con whole iront of uu cawp uiiw fu i mt lnr dlod ftu4y dulls and jnce iiilim al lhc uj ni lll muirh came uxati mile and lace the tand had jj lhr a- uw men of uw hitinuoajy uw band liad tui lm allu ou lh rpvent eunditlou phijcalli iu well 4 to uw un of march to looked and liou uiul uowr uwy dtaippalnted in uhat thfs uv or iward alona ihe line of march the applaud lni old tar gathered to ntcb the our oixn line uic npplauw be ume wild cheer and even in tlw hor- line tr ivor left tlwlr hav on 1 oat aivd tumptxl and whinnb l ihrlr drllkbl as tlwy reoiiiixel uw tone and march of their aw11 bond uiul luww uve speaker complimented uu mem bj los ibw or paratlc eamn ilelween uw york llanger bers on uie proffre- made bj hal ton infcitatlan and infection- dlea-fe- and the mounted corps were uic awoclauon durlnff uie pa t yar uj or hoaj secondls hj ilealmenl- from all uw counties of poinuny out over 560 carloads of vaccinating when nece airy at the tcntrnl ontario irom nlaaara emll holteln cattle had been rxiorted to jwoir time or the control of uch o the soo the united state durlni the nt diuji a fowl jiox aiu larynaotra houiver there l iiouilna ver ro- year over pultlnu diuoi a fowl iiox aiu larynaotra hou clwia later if pa j hie 10 eradicate nvanllc the election or officer resulted a uwe dla- follow ire ident h inaleliart vice tlilrdlj dl poj of all ou bird freldent uorlej walton and a a lrevlou to houin new crop of pul there l iiouilna about turnlnu out before uaban sees trea v lawrence directors nu aiibwesa c m lee eujue inc u j ilrown and tvrcs leslie neln arthur llelop aivd j c bell trafalaar a k woodwy edgar lyom and w h luaaar letr on the farm annualls wlwre dta a ha been epidemic regard ir- of how valuable an old hrn may w a a breeder jie land indicted a a ouree ot iwtvt of the dleac trouble uiat arc carried ov er from generation to e neratlon lum0r x uvt your eyes elojaew titj drwy bcun mr yvrtyti ky oraim w hec 1m a t ky tfyimtua is y ttiau o- uk uw uw m fini tlt4y kumm ta i a rue u ay aff um larc elty haia mil ot walker ro oknromrnusx tvtiiigirr brtciauf bbkuu wlw b ai teobtf ufcuc stou c tk inmj wdamday i avury -it- or ym laay ciiuwu o t wmw at lb tiki 1i kwavmum kaavm f aavav aav o v dawn on a cold october mominc wlui the fan lionitlnl over uw lent and iu road to be covered a inditlnct u 1 counlr lane when sour head hht have failed and w will jur thai iurt ol tlie ervicc- a duty band and pa uiroubb the iaj to the hour of unei which in the arms 1 call tj hi treat we do ivot know when und w here uie ceremonle- attendinu the ettln of the un oriuialcd but we a ume with uw sun worhlpwr ll l a ureal druma wiui uw ua plasma uie leudlaa role in uw heav a and on earui all uve icntrtea liiarov haulers drutrarvers mid uw duts bund ploying uwlr parts on uw ac and all uie rct of uut gun- on tallnc part a inlenried ivecta torx and watcblna tlie iiroceelinu uiui un 1 11 1 ere- 1 uiat never halt- no matter how lone one l under il influence in all arml it t cele bra ted but in uw drills army it is a i urn t kin once xfii will iwvcr b- forsottcn today llu ofllciatlns band t tlw band of uie i lai ton uetfunetk and uve das bos boen at tattoo the march wa repeated and uils time the band wa- accom panted bs a hol of lor h ijeoren und attain followed bj the piajuet uw main uuartlhjrt inu mounted at headquarter in later car a the relmenl were oijrn it- xi tbr w rl i be lull not wulk bill b ii u w u oa a a ineii apd uhll aim und linn ut the fr- t in lemp aal latledrufduu ihm 4 lull rb nil md pruser ui t ivfiiiiii cri oat lu ood in liviitit fkml li llirn- hlnlon whlti ylw uxbl t llfr 12 air k an liud ibal unvonl hotijil oi of haiirtf i tan llw lju of ut uorld j wi urprtd iia uhili jr if makf uu- latrmrpt tid l only otir w wvtnd httt 4 utlna if mu i kin lb doir i ma uw bnail of llf i am tbi rr iiriertloa alif lh llf i am uu wus uw truth ami lb life 1lulnls ohrlt 1 la a ditty rrnl culiaory irom otlar when tu cuii uts uch word wluiout otfrnce he b reuds to buve a pgt bl word- to uu tiv t lu cballeaye u- lo makf an exiwriment la in ron txptriiacl he ihut fol low ttb me tliull ivot walk in durknt j out luill have un uubt of life ur durkiir bs trlllni about god uivd putlbia it ip touch wlui ood he rrllrve our ulooni about ourlvt bs ulllnu u or oodc plrlt within u he tnablr- u to uivdei tuivd our fellownun tbrouub ymjulhs when wc are in prili ty about coivdiict the onnm on the mount and the example of chri- 1 point uw was when wt are appll- td bs the inks darkae- of deaui chri- 1 ul u of uw life beyona chri- llan exiwrwnce demoiv irate uiat chri t t the uubt of ufe otu- lljatlatlm ait word diclu nifuit orange pekoe blend salada tea jbbbwffpbff8wi t tw cold tlw iwtht dtxlplt wen lunur uw chool of jr- u he pent much time l ucblay uw truui lw wisjtrd uwm to irani and tbiouab umhi to 11 v to uw world a urowiai ciirtj bin ni ik t continue lo be a iranwr ot jru- ubul the end ot life some das chool teaclwr become wears of lea chine eltmeiitarj oiibi3l jear after sear but cbrt uan teaclier and tudenl can alwas find more advanced tnitli to think through u uws iek to live the word of chrtu lit rachni can u know n ade quatels only uirouub experience hies tuds couruut jiiirivaw and united action bnitlmrnlalits mul emotion all m are uwle except la u fur a s lead to action heliunc the fellad s ii ror thou-oind- of ar smpauiy ha been felt for uw blind ttirj alter mans deprivatloiu and mf mans joy and their friend- liave urwvrd for uwm it l bnly in recent sears tiowrver uiat pracucal iupf have been taken on for uu preven tion or bllndne- tlw federal lov t nniwnt in canada i lntroduclna lealjatlon t ulve imhjon to the blind alter a certain aae ttirodah irulmnc mans vocation are now open lo tlie blind by mean of banter t of uu world liter cut down to jtellon reslments ainl lead to life and action rather umn to the number of retflment in enmp theors and conviction to memorixr were tewer the cervmons became le uu word ol jcu or lo analsc and imprejve but it wa a 1 real how i clu us them i helpful bul w du- the time of tlu on at wir cover their ihintr power uhen we act ami the outtandina da- tory of the band of ihe hei lineut it t a 1 reat peclacle u ureal m 1 1 cal thrill but in the word til 1 eci tain fyrnch 1 1 nernl cel mat mil que nun i a t ia la item tto be conunmtli acton upon them when wt feel imprioned bs tloubl fear or rc4ntmenl lirac ileal obedlt ace to uu teachings of jt u- will liberate- u ior in uince il ic reallj arop uie ecrel tif ht teachuil that loviau t the eerel ol ru hi bvilt we are delivered irom the bondage of a lot of iwtts rub and tp out into the liberts ol ut 1 o pel chri t had no fear of fact he welcomed truth and tru ted in it iled or heart 1 1 how different uu uie reaction of uu duxiplc and jeu a they all lookid at the jimt blind man tlie ia t fautijis tvenlna the en let tt uw united church wa in charue of the ladle- aid and uu re was a ptendld con relation jr jame ssnvon the pre hunt had charve or dlxlple dl ptasedliitetlmiurcurilt the jnice two addre- j- wen an t 71 wantctl to lart an argument en mr hurrs noble of toronto naj o lllbt conccnhiib the dwelt on the tlwme coope ration 1 unncjple- ol lurcdlty tlw dlauion and mrs f m morrow ubject wa- mufht i jiarpcned the wit of uie tlw poor rich man and the rich dloripur but it would not have aiven iuht to the blind man the repone i olwn rendered be luliied much of uie wcakne fvir man a ladle- choir led in i crvlce rl niik and ml ruui at j ll ttlu immeduuls practical in bitunu it intniwu and equip icaadl 11 ip uc wuui man a uhcrrr u ment into condillon to meet uw doa uni n morton and babt lelt en or more iilpkllans uiat it will on u ninht for klrkland lake liave to lace before uie day is ov motleni nllgion l that too mucli effort i expended uon 1 spin nation to join lur hujiand who lia been nn too utile on mlded acuon in um for uw puit few 1rurtthn mi jtur uier inu been a con inc nianv irtend of mr peter uxuers aboul forelan ml ioil but hll x will be ayrs to leam that he p neighborhood of ml ion bar cecille shottlbmeads jelit jetxy koots 11c 6 ra 25c eaoatt blueberries tifw tduo catsup 2ua25c s6ubalab lg cream of oyster soup st 9c ptcalcca wax beans monroe rvukheluj oatmeal 5 a2c evaporated milk 3 25c dc a dc l vallev rtlka dssebt plums lombamk nos 10c 10c rtinllned to bed with blood poljin ma in hi- rlflhl lea all bow he mas liave a rapid and complete recovers un s rljc had tlw mljortune to lull on llu ice seierdas at tlw home oa purk avenue and u tahiptl a fractured hip she uu- removed to direct tlie li the hu pilal in toioutj for treatment and ill wth her a prompt recovers mr and mr ldwin cripps acton wlji to announce up encaaemeut i ujetr dauuber sad it catlyirme 10 john oeorwe wclli of duncan ont jin of mr aivd the lati mr john wrlh lukinla oat tlw manrlact to lake place qulctls tin latter jtart covwam plctom cocoa ruaioaj peas sv 4 asicj sj bacon t 25c 2no juioc p 28c 4jij 27c smola wooot aothes pegs 2aj- 10c slbou floor wax 25c washing soda a 6c r a mai wu rinso a sic sterjlixed f01 purity 3 o 25 old dutd cleanser 19 soap 5 chipso 1 n 19c ious 5a pancakes plouk a 16c cuir aaiat syrup u 91c c a jj c syrup 37c if i bru irs r iee ln pi uit w here cutarucl are b inu niovetl and uie blind enabled to ee no miehe art nectjiry tlwre u loo much rutltude and jos far uveor win irl ttanils l heart educa uon tlie head lw t truce ls to rt not to ipiduni it ftarkneu ubt 4 7 wlut ire the dirk plan- or uu inn to d is are uws alone in lentrtl alnci or india or are the alj in st callett civilized lanil dom uuiti 1 b jcituuaii and nuilerlal 1 in i 1 twiihuib ctnturs cnliuht nmeiil lor citiun to detros their sink k tvpobts tlie hihiroxlrruite number of cattle and calve exjiortid inmi canada lo llu unnitl statt dina 1 13t up lo deremlwr 17 wa j17i3o a com liand with li3c3j la tin rom k 11 1 intc iwntkl or 1135 riw uraild total ol hot radtd in caiuida durli it 1 k or i03c wa- 3a72i0fi crea-j- of cm git cm tht hum a r iad i la 19j- r0uhi in i13g the uimbtr or ho 1 radi i b carco- ui ctj774 a- anuia t 111 7tti tj irlnp lu com- pond in f jl ww li i 1035 ijiiploer applicant ou wanted can ou do the wtik whv f u foreman wt rf i capital cits in a revolutlonarv i uur with million of peopk an t inp t j and b pendent uion relief li it a ii 11 of uood ana or the na 1011 lo be p lulmi tt 11 bllli m dol lar in ont ve tr upon annamcnl i it an ctunnui d iiion for a nation t m a i tor bevi nt t ulcohol double th ini it thai 1 4 iwiil tor muratl m to lati tlu a uiumialn l uuls a l irt wt ma t wotl to rt mi d tluin u n jt 1 iu a blind ni in be fell thai it w v a hull m to i 1 jvin tl u iu it it i il attuud uu i 11111 1 w rt tin wtalc id him that j 1 uu ui 1 1 l tli uu ailht 1 rt 1 wl a 10 man run work apvrouhtiu probli in- wlui such it rtt ul tit t ruunuluia h louivd j lutioi inlllcultlt dti 1101 jtkc theinuf ua s nb t tie jilved bs nture l available for uvore who leirn to rvjul by touch- rhe larrp number of ldirr blinded in the r ha resulted in much ilenlinc re rurdi a- u wsi of relieving uw moivotony of uioe who are hi dark- ne through lou ot tight in ak thw remedial measures tlie spirit of chriit lia been at work clirist felt drils lor uu blind but lw war not content with an cxpreion of enu ment he uent right into action autll the blind man aid i receive laht- pus tor uw blind v idle uiat doe not lead to ome practical och lev t menu of helprulne qlmltttvtt rmr dufwvluw 1 wliat l uie light ot life 7 j doc jrlence give mora freedom 2 which l our liawt unnkinc with out action or action without think intt 4 whs did chri i have a cne of urgency about hl work 5 whs a uw cured hcriar a reads to wltnc- 7 milton i milton public behaol ijoard luu elected the following otflcer for 1037 chairman ii ii uroune proiwrty committee i- mlddlelon rev canon u j r naftel it j burnflcld fin ance commltux r w fx a ijyank tliompon and ii ii ilrowne ecre- tars f f ate- un j s wlllmotl uffered a stroke a few da uao her many friend hope ju will uav a iwcd recovers v jolm t hannant who underwent a jrlou oiwrntlon lu uw general ilapital hamilton on mondas ui doing a well a ran be expected lu mans friend- hope lw will ivuve 1 peeds recover wilbrrt hllaar of trafalgar town jiip carrie a hiblc with him all lh time ii ukri very htue room in hl iiocket iking only one inch quarc lvplle uu diminutive proiortlan- of the volume the pnnt l quiie clear and readuhle on the lis leaf l tlw inscription michael ulltmr maj 1s34 mr hit ar tl much tore bs uil una ual luble which l- a lamlls hrurloom tlw annual meeting of uc milton horticultural soviets wa held lat sat ui das when ihe following officers were tit lid for 1037 ire- idenu ttev canon l j ll naful llr t vlceprcd dun mr n a sinclair xcond vice pre- iden iwrt jone third ice pri l lenu it 1rwfn jcrelars tna urer ta sver dirtcutr judne uun ro mr c wdl011 mr h s adam oeo who t r a hutchlnm mr w u aiu a a uccevjaful sear wa rejiortij an1 nearlv 100 member en rolleti nun w v a balance in the bank of 4u03 u wa planned lo maki cvrral local uiviieovetuenl in cludliib the beautif slut of uie agrl cultural umundi cliainpittn lit rt s oindhln tpiet r jnd lhc denti who liad been dnlltiii into n tooth you aild tht tooth had never been filled but i und flakl ul old on the point of ms tlrlll i knew a moaned the puuriit you havt truck inv bck coll ir tad tttttt bananas atoeti eluw taaj j 2sc doz spinach cwrly and crip 21b lyc turnips table qallly waxed 2 lb sc grapefruit texav needtewv l urge 6 for 23 cabbage 5c lb lettuce lavrge ihlni cvkp 2 heads 15c tomatoes 1rui auj ltia 2 lbs 2dc main street georgelown phone free delivery 3 0hants new navels nice slic sweel hu licit 27cdoz new carrots onions miuiki atid dry 5iu 9c 3c carrolls limited toiirivt travul to canaija klloui sltalu- rise in ycata lltuled uu4 la c-w- ml cwkudx u vtuuj toy wamwrk mu1 twu um ynpdtl moiitreal juntiary touriu atwl conventioir travel from uw united stale and ouwr countries lo canada during lat sear toulled in numbers approximately twice uw population of uie dominion fetattd c ka how ard manager tourut and oonven hon uareau canadian mational rail was- in a review of canadas tourlt t rattle for 106 lued here today la t yer we enjoyed a oonunuation of uu increasing number of amer can lourf 1 vlmtlna canada aivd uie gejicral v lew among uvo direcuy conrrnwd with uw development of tlw toutist tratoc in uiis country b highly ofuimuuc un to the prospects for 1037 tube healthy condition pre vailed from uve atlantic to uw pa ciflc u repart received from varloun tourist organuatlons froca nova loo- u to urllih columbu all indicate a iubstanua1 livcreaie in burdne over uve wevlous year after uw setback resulting from the economic uplieaval of a few sear ago uw tourul indutry ha again commenced on uvf upward climb to new 1 wights wlwti oifielal figures first began to be compiled in 1b20 uie tourut trade was valued a ts3 734 000 in ifcto it had reached m hiali of oooxtvooo and in 1s3 uw botton or uw depreslon it dropped to 1117 134 000 since tlwn each yer ha jvown an increase until it now u at an etumated value of 1275 000 000 for uie ron or 103ft teprw t nting txjvenditurer or traiiporta lion purcha s and acconumlation or uii total it ir tvumalrxj uiat 20 000 000 were spent by thou attending convention- anotlwr 30000000 by il hennen and liunters and co5000 000 by touru vacaunouls indulging in variou ouwr form- ot recreauon al acuvitle in an analsla ot uw tourll lali tic for tlw pail eoion it u interet lng to note uiat tourtsl came to canada from many countrie in ad dnion to uie united states aluvough by far uw greater propotlon came from uw latter countr probably no country in uw world l vuited by uch a large number of lourtd a li canada it l eumated uiat in uw couro of a jear canada l vljted by number equailina twice her papula tion canada and uw united states do llot herd any bon ententes or peace conferencfl to iirovide mutual under landing and good will tlw tourist- are eeing to uw development of uie cood neighbor policy quite aitltaf lords aid mr howard la i sear canada pbiyed host to approximate ly 15 000 000 american a number uiat exceed- uw entire wpulation of he dominion by about 4 000000 ilws reprewnl of ooune vlilora wlvo crw ed the line into canada by all mean of traasnortatlon the bal ance of trade however is not enune- ij lopsided ror it l eumated uiat more tlvan 3 000 000 canadian paid a return call lo uie united stales and igured on a wr capita ba4 tlili reurejil a ivretly fair iiiece ot 1 ciprocitv in nelghborlliieca- 1 lie total convention held in canada during 103c repretnl u ub tamml increase not only in uie numbt r of uch gauiertngj but lo in the total attendance a com ia red wl h tlu previous sar stated mr 1 luu a ni last y ear u we conven units held tn tlw principal centre acnua canada nuinborod sci pru ducing an estimated revenue or t3t jidiou ui uie cille- concenwd mort than 100 american oruanbuiuaa iwld onrenuon in canada during lal seur and atreads tlw liulicatiail are that uil number will be coiujder ubls exceeded during 1jw7 convention ivarts movemeiil dur inu 1q3g to principal liotcl and urn our re jiru of uw canadian national itallwass in addition to all expense touri and general tourit trofllc to ouutandlng cvnlc area from coo t to coa t on or adjacent to our linen sluiwed a marked lncree over uie previous sear jaled mr howard lorcatwn trafflc blo conunue on the upgrade uw facilltlet offered bs our repjeteutauvec for ouutluna and l ulde at uune of tlw be t hunting and i l jung area on tlw north aim nun conutwnt being uch as lo lulls latlljy an experienced clientele tnt result being uiai mans return sear alter sear to enjoy uils form ol recreatumal aiui port uctlvlts all inlert l concerned wuji the i nimotion aiui develoi imut of tour l t traffic to aiui through canada an vtrs otitlnusur for 1037 und this are inianimoilis agreed that pnispecl uie bru hi for ihe ctmllnuatlon of tbt tmprovemtiit which tarud in li34 und conuiiucd during i03i and ni i 103 concludetl mr howard w titi job lrinling of ev trillion prompt orvice and rtt ubli lurlce de i radio repairs ara uvuj 4 mm w ktti vim iuvia j u trwuej ktwdto xfclf bcmtfuter u yww fr 41m woiim hugh lindsay