Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 24, 1937, p. 1

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j the georgetown herald q seventieth year of publication iwcraptown herald wedneaday evening february 24th 1937 sijso par annum in advance 200 to ilsa 1 in grrirelwii herald j m muokfr i iilll i r ifaptulbr mil r r 111 ciillulllull vjrrkh try salad ora ngftl jmaxjl t1i1c1k tt rcds rim au i ioe- wind uphill llm jmjk a o ml ion cnr i line lebtc i lie live sepi 71 u mir ul salad will i tin i hi r ii m ll ii i mill i in j y only oil wr i l n r iiiitt m ill luhi i r i j iifti r md mull 1 i j 111 i mil iv uiiij 1 it ii ir xc 1 1 it iij ojrvr nlh mill in i i i- nir going hmu m ill nilti pu- cilgur 7l turn roi tiia pan ptn aru pill i piu d an b travel hvt new schedule i i- r f tiy l ill- it nui imc i lav gloltgetown ijaily west lu j i in u7 1j aai llj ujll 0ii aan 1 jj p 11 1 00- pan jj p 111 1 pll 445 pan 7 00 pju b p 111 d la p lil 11 a pill i 0 u ul i duly except saturday i i ittlurduy only uu duly xc pt uuduy j itui luv tllul i ulml holiday only uiwin ial anijaltd lutlv bunr irlt planned to all point in cu idu u died slate and t xlco uu kuj walt ui llw wjy riwl lit luv journey taki loot dy t vwim rnmu lo night my friend iiul l there or like night i re- linir- plurev a tmtl for wiirii llu- jo uutk llalirf itryii aim not oif darkliew liulc it froe mj lacrt r jou eupnot mui thai 1 1 in hjiult i meet til her way farr- ft i night jthm- wlio luavf none- befiir wn muu 1 kltuok w- rati when juxt in jjithlt 1 hrv will lrt- kri 04j walllnjt i llu- 1 hit lltull f flml comfort unitfcmur utm oi uwot vu ijmtu liiwl the lum uill hkiv br imslj ivf jnr aini ftii v wculur all wiw com jfllutfw rvkeu 1alk i tlu turfxiad mtitiual lalloii it 1uir wul far- hrkl at crforiftujwii on uwrdi 13 alui is stale- ltjdenl 1 j unnrklf itiu cvtill u kmi mirnd by uir acuui idjuruiitf wi county ul malto1 aurirulturaj gocl rlt and primarily ls ftwf uu pur- mmw ul brlnuintf tqvrthr uue who luive usr kraln lor jiw aiui uxu wl ar tookiitk fo d icralii atul unall rd- tf ftood commercial quan church rcotttiiard hi uleit and tt it ird krain t fcoina u be a w- article in llalton ihl uiiitf und ukrt- art- uwxe havlnit uriilu- ed i roducrd in 1615 i ir 1u3g would ijc xku advised lo bt hfty years of military bands and tunumatcks tu- llaltts itlvtimknt lly u cdtii i ja lliluntnu- djo vij hvliirc lakiiitf up tw- ttk itt air cuurlhr lllul it ut ii to nkr a ii trmf4iauih in orr lhat ihl ind toji lr iiirmilv ulid inclivtur of h1 ikr halmlrwll ij uf itrieltucllli 1 luti imntldilk sjtvicw j j kuddy wim w uiw il ilw ifimm in umf ukd ol kjr wuiwr aftd wimi look a ip liitfu4 ul tin- band kor tuaitj yiri altpt onc a bandnutti aiaa a baioiiwui and ur ihlddl w ui rkchkj u live ttjtr uui ktt in tuuch tih llw haikl uj ulf vara aikd a aak trdy mill uuimf inlcrtuix mic p cuihrr daj and vnatr ol lh- iurtt bv uioiy itioujth tin br t lo niluic 1 iumdviantiy btnlurd to iiau thai w it wluoti iuia ud u buwl in ihn olni foy nrmrlylv joail ar trr which ik- return tu his diilcu wldi the hntunviiul uiui s nekllcd out piufeuioaul liiller too we iumj a teuutmii in tuvc ol llu- bund who could whuue he imd lone like tlwj whu titroaud ir vow at id whciwrr ike butst ibto tale til hi rcuuc cadeiixa prophr would um jwiri and lblm lo hi fcxqulotc varhirag he tooted acrciu line lien he warbied awa till qoie wsw coinuu your ueal acni longs lonilct10nky sttftow directory iuov dal icc uarrktrr and saiuiimt gcorlctown ontario olllce qrttory theatre bldtf uill bl klvnltu xl langdon lurrlur solicitor koury ule 1 in uortuaue maiuiy to loail l oilln fulu street gouth iliutic an georsalown w c cuany lurn i r he oiiicl mill lrect get i llu u erin plume 2j4 po box 1u itantv uaiiom lawucncl cook uorrlaurv ltc 4c2 llay su xoroiitouraa otl 1 arucr itaxiey kc ii ldwurd cook gordon graidon 33j main iiu kortli ilrampton iclcpluuie t2 lluald it unruicl loulaw uuildinjf drumptoii lilephoiie cu v 1l watson iidk mssl gtortct town ollld ilnur p to kxccpt thursday alternoons j l jackson dds siirci or to uil late dr gollop ojhh evcnlncs pliaur 2zlw gcurvtawai ft llmiuuulu a m nielsen 21th war of praxtlce chiropiactor xray druglesb tlitraput ijidy atlrndaut ofllro ovi r dominion ctore ooruetown hour 3 5 7j0 dj0 pja llawd tburuuy lluui luw mlllirhhihhn it frank petch ikvshi auctionajjkt fur llir countuu of kvl an prompt uervlca tlcpluuca clulltnliuin jg r xi aeortfttown 61 r s io t oftlce chellenliaw monuments pollock ingham fiucccom ui cater worth gait out itrsjxiui on iliqiwat kttuia uu in pitj our work in greenwood cemetery alri i i pll i yen it in aid o in i limit not xarlly i i oi h i iitimi nlal hm tliur i it uil fir it in futlh i twcln ti ft 1 i ml h lioint irk i ittl lli n tin llu r wu i itr tun nun rulkd in u ou uwlay i itlir ii 1 i hut u hill i ittl dor th n dudd hi jiut ii i i ill tin i rtlli irv mu i nu i n u mm uluut hurl dkl it limit r yt i un i kid mi my dnl l in tlu iidurtlmuit i tmin vim lit vi r tun uil liy tlu way i ftlliiu n ann ii in church wie llu i hi irrh hli clirl llanlty wiui him uu n i tif tht wtek sure you ftt feluafe mr btowartt odj wu could m aloog wubout ft lot qfiotkcarttiiiaigk loo your cw for j aduj tflati hiv tractor over tcrc atmi lo oft oitkvk tbait your kdva rint juu to get aloms iwa iiit mr btot you kovesicc money to thomi othesr frw because they gn yom gonti nxm obiter a nuoey cxmdior or cnopneac and so mr brown mxmarwomjh boocr youre tanuttg ft tw lb wmuj frfwcwu j h kttura kf hwmm ff ftnti tofojmrnt drop into oje tmuvtl uhticm theyll tai you kajcrd him to warble awai lhe church uclkcit wliicti lie did by nuiutf uvc church to iu capacity wlndi k- mhui roc tlutt we taut warble ulocui lo the um wlvei ur a 1l catdl it clraiud up aiui traded in tlm lor j came lure irooi wiarton to take lhe d www thi cvriit wldch ituirye ol uie band aiwl al uie pre- wtt inltlatrd lor uie hru unve lae bytruin ctioir yr wa urkelj attended and hie i l uial u band rwrlcd icommltue anticipate- lhat thtre will a rwadenl dirrctor one with ume be un evi laraer tjirrfout for lit- cul tallcnee and tact combined with i projrataine on uw afternoon of 111 hjuiua ability rtectar to develop econd day which include- addrvrs a j aid uua keep it loeirutcr b dr o i chrwle of quelph aiwl ur caiiell meini all thej f j stiavluc provincial roriter we qualltl- olid hl services to live nel- unutntaid uiat lite annual juiuor enl and u uie churcli and hie furmor judghuf comueutin hi k i urf w ui aathjactlon irult and vetablr and emu grad b h11 k lm i came here tnc will be tld in conjunction witti in 1906 aialned in omce tout lhe ij tlr on lhe toomlntf of sal ule twn removed lo inlay march isth nothing ytux for what it omas k ra telephoke si1utom acrlculttkal vocltties kuglllv comoienloedi lllsluiate in which place he la ili nteltante of a band j a a line lntluence in uie jlegi ment as a warrant oowr l well a a uanduultfr contrary h popular oilnlon iokucrr do not talk of mill tary matters while in camp nearly lontf lion with ur ca uil u fllhd with lnureinu ulk and hwyt at uw annual convention of the onttrio aiociatlon i arieulturi l uli imcirli- l in toronto hut week j a carroll suiwhn undent of arl- cultural socleti for ontarto made f weur and ux the followliui comment during uie i jp i auout mlliur rouru- of his address j few lf aber of uie llalton contitmtent tliat went to ute f lwjmbobftj tk yonr eyes ll li it i a l ii tea fc flfc wh w llanuaaclkes timl awwy 1t r y ii httf kbye iufaui w fctlh it a lltk eya fcn ihirt lfi ijfuk ow lam ww im b- t tpaaiktf thi ia la jai awy af ike hunt city fc i cbjmwm ot walker fel orromctvlst cylicikrr stalalb wlm la u kobira iuc syoul af acy i or wuy eawawm o t diiy aito i received a vrr encouralf hut letter from j e wliltelock aftiri cultural lieprciseniauve for llalton county which u here quoted ttie asrleultural tocltl in thi county in my oilnlon are playing a more yoruiwhue pjrt in uielr re peue eoatmunllrc utan in any previous time ttmrre are uiree societle each of which i bivlna plendid oopera- ff f be ood lor wv -t- jiu iitwi r u hesdment eer read lercenteari celeurauon at quebec in 100 at which tlie trootir marclied put kim geonje uie m0i uiefa duke of york the prewar ilefilmeni all knew him and appreciated hi fellowship and his keen ene of humor l well his urvicea a- bandmaster tlie iimii tranrtloati to rtxrtomii for band ikraiui and luck aitd llboughl ikothh a f u llu- hill tv in ue hand f xjr cro llnr uui frrmi lialtoll aid uurii u ukim wlk hxi a lutid in u nminiuulli l maljl- ijiii1 by mrnul jcilhtr i b juv umm uh none of liters mil cum riknuojud in um arti lr hu umi not iwimi hunihiti nl houi a uartlte fir ui rttknu ttnrr with lui otikr rouiiteililion itiult the rnvr- nf doilui ianntlliills uelul ill like 4ttiimuniu anil tlu h of tieliii uuuuiu tello or klndivd itirit no lis i win ja irr ha evr teiiei hmu than u imtulitf lor uie time inn ha uiit in butldlbk up band jivj ui ie t no uallunul h t who ii not iundal the ijjj noir ul dbjmr nitemnit at lime- aui wondrrtsl if the wtrk and rrire reulb korlh wlille ktut uj tuck to 4t fthd lpdall tuck to it and ho and all uk rsu jot iotkiuiuu noriiuttt dlil oil wlwij- liaise hi bml omitted lron llw w ii cro hnt- up tlon by 5povrin club promts wlut v lrrt vouiuf jme h oonduelhv field he ecy ll held uri you he props by oonduetlnk tieltl tltoe yean- and tkirina uie earlj mop eompeiiuoru and oooperallni l1 t r county sed rvhr kncld httin colonel xloore liaiewuh lr a cop ol a circular letter announcing a eries of majhitf- he liad nine uiterfehia cliaructers in his hand aiul utere are a rret ajuj ujuk rahcatsituisllsilfiss of muiarint a pecial two or thrtk net plajcrs urt weuon victor uc a w uh2r sl were on uu ouier cornel- iuy ur cairroll concluded iu- commtiiu in uii connecuon by adding i con ututulale llw otflcen of the uiree eieue for succeful cooperation in prokcl which undoubtedly will totmn much to uie future of atfri culture in uiat county o kujt vlu cheese i6c lua fx imilx ba tolua licorice allsoftts carrolls j 15c fuxiwuu tuna 0nt patties h 21c p ag u p i soap 519c tliotnituui cliarlie tuetr and ken ucdonald were in uie alto action w illalr and ferl ool on uie irombones wlui pelo tori on ft tenor will tyndall till nlayed uie bari tone and j turner and w turner iduyed llwe- bascs wiui artlmr her bert un a double d pa in the rcd ection wa- clurlle rive tone gordon dribble and orvu tune jack llatchelor and tvddy colenun were bn uie uruais along uith jojjna jack llatclielar jim smtui from acton unit to rump willi thi band a did gearaa attnew and turn condor of thii long tit only arthur her bert ken ucdonald and flay thomp jut are in uie preent band and they have over uilrty year- ervice tioinewliere in uii period will near plaitvl uie baritone but uie exact ume u dlfbcult to fut i remember him oi a musician of much promt- who like many allien urorukd ou lo meet the demand ol bujnevv prohably uie outlanding penonall l in thl hand was jolin tracj oiaeiune a caiitaln ui uie ilestment he liad lived in elquesjntf mot of hi- uie and wa- a walkinte uhrarv ol inhumation about die erher eulen le lad of uie dayr wlten stewart town wa- a thriving villafil and nor val too and oeotletown uien calkni lliniiio hollow an unlmitortant lilac two mile di4ant irani uie credit juver uie uien line ol tnmimrtaliun irom iort credit north he wa- hill of lhe uorie ol tlie etllement which he had learned from hi- ieo pie alio were among uie plonecn o the townid p he wa- an enthui u tic iniulcian and for iejif walked halt6n presbyjtery iuvj kk- urkjl4m anl kuv lift ckurdl hlxau or tokotl afc aubussl ihcelvtyl uio late jor la t week on tuesday momiliu rvb loth uie weijivteo of halton avmbled at ju isiul- united church ullton ltciird wltli urtil internet and pro- it lo lie addrer of itcv g c pidtceon wjv dd and itev dr uc leod ol toronto wlio after tellknu ol the origin and iiroure of uie ureal united movement i tlu rvan tilin of canadian life ave an lu juring me jic on the ub cl wi re jius nauv all prote tunt bodie have yilii itti the erfort w hlch at fir t took tire in the lamer ctiilrv- und it liradually iinadinu lo tlu remotft liarts of the dominion in january uie lhliop of uonirta led a lfai jr ice of witne- to w hlch iieonte rr4onded enuiu-ia- tlcallv and which liueadlnit now hi uie lenten period in all directions team nl worker liave been ierv littf in tlie uaritime provhicre in london humlllon wui- tilpek bajctooii calgary kd mot i tun ind oilier cvutre ttic movement trees an entire eonl jeronal aid ocutl lldfcrs of variou- churches are ajcins uiem-elve- wliat about life a- an eider what j my u to the conarecauoit und wliat my duly to uie church a- a w ivgle youny people elder- ano pator- are ajtint what l mi plare in uii movement and each are try ins lo lac- uieir problem ui their way reallsuiil uiat then l- need of pa auiate uelwpteiie- ui god- wdk and iha they mut make definite dexnand upon ihemejjive in uie openlnu of the lour jear iilan it wa- ursd uut all chritian leaden en deavor to make uie period irom now until 1l ter u time ol ureal helpful nesi ucleod lried uie fact uiat wiide the inullectual life i uefut we are aved only by uie liuier iir let il recojnue the infinite u iduin ol ttod hi translormhie poair and hi ledeiuium love we are tiwt our ive wlien we are under hi con irol let u- e him in our live- our community and our land and uie dark and unkind uiln- will melt nwj sell i hit only priun which can hind u luvv l tlie onlj re leave it brum uie lnnl which i eternal and ulonou tlie tioclal service committee ol prelbileiy bromjlu in the lolloiii2 itcommendaiiorl i tliat pecial ervlct be held in all church alien it u pa able on good 1ykliv 3 tliat we heartilj unions the laynen- uovement 3 tliat realhun uie urealnea olid untency of tlie temperance ailuation ux give upiiort to uie llalton tvm perano organization- tlie ul uiiuirj and ualntenajtce committee rejorted uiat wliile juu cliaryej luul glviii le thi- year uk6 imd iiicreaed their offerings wiui uie reult uial llalton prttrbvlery -lioa- an increae of 1g000 over 1d35 acton at lit- annual meetlntt l the oti urn ralr a otiattotf held in loroii lo u i urek ur it j krrr wk tlect 1 hi t vlre llrdilrnt uf uir ali jiuhi w j hill ot uuiloc wu cho ii ll ml lit col o llroan wialent of uie roriitnn iston in tall d uie oin r i ol arlon abd dt trirt lo l hr7 uluiluu lion utji for tlie nl um r at tin- rvhruarj metuii ol un brazil wednrluv liill ol la t werk 1olujklnif a la t illne- of thro wrek- ur j w uathrirre entered niu ii- i at ic hdiir f mill urrtt iiiiaruia iii tier hlxtvunrd y whlh lhe u i dhior uil of hurt dirtufii ur luarbmrtre liad but in ivulv tilvivnl llwr be i oi llealth a re4uvul of acton for uie pa- t uiiiy jer eyiici jolib crilnl pd awu un uunday at hi ifcotne tui cliurch sttrel he liad pot en wnrd wmj hoalth for huliy yeam but ubio to he about until uiunui or io ago ur and uj a uan lit by r lor thi- week for k vl it of d we or o hi r1orida uiv jajucune carrie of winidiam l vi lihig at- tie ikunc id ur archie currle lirvck aveuue w ilr h j kery v l wricht and g a dill were rrprrnlauvcri iiom arlon ut the annual mls con um ion in roronto la t weea rvtfe iri milton johli georue laing of ullton pa-s- frd atauv in uie hamilton general hoiilal tarlj jmday morning fol lowing week- ulnei dccd was in hi aoth itar and liad been u rei dent ol ullton lor many jear6 com- tnt hen from ouelph he was cariiet wavrr li trade survlvhig are hi widow and two um john and william at itonie ur uckerude llelt wa- uie guest of ur and urs l uaude over uie wiek end and vefy ablj conducted uie civure in grace church sunday eien- uil clnru- bums ol kilbride received liauilul hljurm lo hi lelt tiand while cutiuig wood with circular uw at lhe tiome ol hh fauier james bums on wcdi eoay of last week dr c k steveilon of ullton was sum moned and ur burns was removed to ouelph general hospital ur aiul ur lurokl ueally of hamilton and ur and un- r ion ard widte and ui- euiel brerman of uuton attended uie valentine so cial in uie united church alert wu- llam- on ubnday evenliuf all beina gue l of ur and ur w j hill ur and ur j tv ellenton a nounce the engagement of their daughter alice uae to ur arnold iviwell on ol ur and urs win powell lowvtlle tlie- marriage to take idace uii monui champion banish grey hair uuk 1 u4 it 4tj liilrc kilrly zinoelioue n oiiey iwir aestorer u j i i i- u llul w i thf maccommaclcs drug store u7 ceorreuw erin outide baken who ell uieit bread in knn irom door todoor and uirough local mercliani liave for am tunc been trying lo get uie lo cal bakers to rai uie price ol bread to 0c iwr loaf and ii tivey would not cootierate one outof iwn cotn- lunj lia- cut uie iirice lo 7c wlui uie imp of running uie local bakers out of bujnes ur john col urs peter col and ml- l ucclure pent sunday wlui lrtn frierwiu uem ruben salmon or toronto and robin salmon of stratford pent the ueek end with uielr mouver urs salmon ryiend of uri s rldler were ileaed to ee her able to com lo uie village afur htlrib oaiifuid to uie houe for am ume utfering from fracture of two mall bode- in lhe lelt loot ittamed when uie tep or a udder gave away under her h tung her fall to uie floor ur and urs- h petunger ol to i onto iave a alenun party in hon or of their aunl urv wm davulon erin rrlntives nre nt wcrt ur and ur j w smith ui atu smlui fr d for tcr ur and ur root smith ur and uru petunger r ur and un i- t howell all liad a ver enjovable time advocate ii you fiould get nliglon hie a meuiodll mid exitertencc it like a uapust und be poltlve of it like a dtciph mid be proud of it like an fpleoiahan and lay for it like a pre biteriaii and propagate it like un ad v must and enjoj it like a neiro that would be jmi re llglon men can laugh at women intul lion if unj vvunt la but let uicm try tn decide which i the front and rvar of their wive- hat tinu i n mighty serious ubject some ji time coe on i thi l not otimr iav ute a on keep thi upiierrnn t in jour head we go nan i happv in l ucceful onions 5 lbs 9c ummniai mala street geotfefemfli free lelivery phone 357 furww carrots large ttwwbea 2 for 13c turnips aied txlra cd 2 lbs 5c lettuce lar iitm crip i 2 heads 15c tomatoes luui and uiw 2 lbs 2sc grapefruit v for 25c spinach fvriy aivd rrl 2 lbs 13c oranges htm naveb site use wecl 2c doz cabbacet new lirm and hrn 5c u celery stalks nice sue 5c each carrolls history of glen wihtaum united church rruin uie varlie t miiiuli- lo which we llavr guliud af-c- 111 tofontu wt uarii tliat in ih3c william jjurtf now glen william wu- a preaching lilain oil uie guelpil rircult llrv trulien browiiwell wa uwrlulrodenl nihil iter and wa itvi ifj by t i rrt adatru on a large circuit in 1jm0 rtrv ulth r itice brramn vueririteownt ami u btd in ftey n might wlui uie help of uev kggruni tyeroti uu y bewail u jte of tperlal wrrvicx- ut william buitf whirh rtvultrtl in a great min tltal revival a- ill ie uil o a deep tied plnluul llfr and at aretjun of hew member i the peoue decided to build a church the prtelry oil which tlie church now 4alid wa- deeded to thf uculo- dit kpleoul crturch by urlienalah william- tjtft nalnej of umj tru teh of the ueeuni home as it wa called ere uonri- kenlied henry oiass fieorge kennetly charle wu llal- and jarob william- a urllio db1 ciiurch wa organid in george towd the luiie year uh0 tlie lin sunday scliool at wl llanavhurv w organised in lau with uie following ofneen jacob wluialn- preudwit robert ruuy jeciery jolltt cook ueauref cliarler wif hams librarian a fee of one hill ing and uiree iiciicc was charged for lhe year seven and ft half pence for every uhseouent year consutuled the membership lee of ui asocuuoir and ue payment of ten hlllltur j3j10i in one year conutulu hie membership- the nmt lea meeting wa- held by the sunday scliool in uie afternoon of uay liui las4 ttie clutlr wa taken at one o clock tlie speaker were rev joetui alexander a ife liyterian mlniter elder clark and ur bern tea was rved at two o clock tlie admlsion lee was one hilling uiree pence for adujl- and jrven and one lialf pence for child rn under twelve tlie proceeds were fourteen pound- and fifteen hilling t about t73 75 about o0 peotila wera pnkenl in unyj n stone foundation wa- placed under uie building width wm- uien painted on uie outside and reno vated inside in 1903 uie frame dructure was bricked and the interior transformed and decorated the roof which was was changed to uie shape and con dltlon as we now see it and electrl city war installed ipollowlng these splendid improvemenu uie rroiienlng wa celehraled on sunday and uon day november lcui and 17uu when rev george rlcliardson ol toronto preached at both service- on the sab beui oil uonday evening an enter talnment was held when rev dr buck of palermo acted as chairman til following sneakers took part rev george smltheirman pastor rev dr wtulamon burlington rev r j patteron grand valley rev d a uolr oakvllle rev william hunter erin rev auun polur georgetown tlie addrese were in terpersed wiui a good program tlie follow ing were uie tru-tee- at thi time hm3 william tost w mcgregor now residing in st george tlteodare wnjtham theodore nor ton robert logan jamas owens and join wlieelcr uve only msrlvlng trutee living in glen william- tlie committee in charge of bricking uie church was william ucgregor rtteo- dore whluiam and w twt in 1631 the ninety first anniversary a celebraled with rev j u aiken a former pastor as pcaker since then ui fallowing preachers have poken on anniversary occaions uie 03rd spl 17lh 1633 rev w e s jomw ua bx a former pator uie wui oct 1934 rev winlield hunt a former pator the wui oct icih 10s5 rev c ii ellioll toron to uie 9ut oct ihui ibm rev p w u brailey hamilton and the 07 ui fvb uui and luli rev maason doyle ba d d toronto a relate secretary of chritlan educauon of uie united church of canada both of dr doyle- -erman- in pi red much uvought and action and have iron gthened the spiritual life of all who were iirlvlteged to heir him tin at tendance wa- good and uie choir rendered excellent ervice on mon day evening a fln1 la- program wa- given during the pat year uie church lux- enlojed considerable progress tlie sundav school which has hovin i new plrit reached uve 100 mark n attendance two week af pedal ervlces were held at uie beginning of uie j ear all financial obllgatioiu have been met and ui womenr as ocialion has built a room in uie bacdient to ervc a- cla room meet ing room or kitchen the congregation has reorganised for 1037 with uie following a- jjme of uie ofnciai elders ur robert blyth ur william bell ur john wheehr urn william behuue mrs w ii uarth and mrs william lo gan steward mr w l tna- urer ur j wheeler envelope irw anl ur cujlan allen ur cecil barth auruiuj school suinrlnlen dent and convenor ol the ui ianary and ualntenence fund ur robert blyth president of uie woman s as relation ur- robert blyth prci dent of tlie yountf people society utss dorothy wugtaffe uentor of the trail rangers ur allan law or t mr- jack addy ul uury wiietlcr and ul dorothy waif tall secretary una itfcordiuu suward ur cecil barth the united church at olcn wu hum j ho- a noble heritage howaver cannot live on ouier- reputation wc in our day and lciierution mul take our place and uve ouf life or ganhuttlon lor ervice i necei 41 ry but ofilcers and member mu t alo have the desire and puxpae to live a did our greater leader for ouicrv what uon uie church stand fur it purpae i to in plre nobk living uu a 1ft ji ervice loving deed- a for ulvlng pirlt a- with lib help ut attempt greater thing for him und our fcllovtmlii to be a qhri tiun mean to fallow chri t to upcndi r ur liver fully to him lutiliu i urn ihwt and in ui- pirlt und h hi help dally trying lo win uthor to chri i und his kingdom thl i thr ureulej tak hi the world mimeuilng we can all ivray alio it und luce rely and earnestly try to do lu is realise uie vital iltortuiice ol llv ing constantly far j u urn r 1- luaiitihl of him but vtr kiuit to givt mure of our tlnu tahni uiui inuimrs to build up ib kliumotli on earth and make tlu church m lh lug lildljien ibli pwcr in uu luiii munlty hev g i steplu 11 j 11 in ent ia tor in i limited rvlher i uevt r uuiktni wa your uge 1 hum you will b unit to aiy that to your m win you do u up iun not with luh 1 itrulght fiuu a you do dad

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