Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 3, 1937, p. 1

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the georgetown herald rvcfitielh year of publication tkc georgetown henu welaeovy evnin march 3rd 1937 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa hu georgetown herald m mooki tb pr uluidluii 1 a otutioil cnr ft rfeetu tunc tables i limlltd hiilrl mm ftavi 7 is jj 102a ktn cu p m loirt pm 111 pm 4w- uet klul xll bioh 2o8 p iul mil 5u it iiiimiuv 11 is ii put l ib- r jbwsk f new schedule iikiciivl strf nth iu iiiu okouottouv uah v urt ia jjj hi a 7 u ujh mijj u ill 0j3 sum 1 j p ill 1 00 1uu 1 j o put 4u pan 4 ii 1 in 7bq pm uji i p iji 0 15 p m hloj pia a j a in i daily lxcept saturday i ojluruny only io djiii xcpi uuuuuv mriui amuitti und holluiv only uls1ucn mandajld time uiiururux plajniud to pjl paint i caliuda united male uu lixlco lomult yr ucl awa um s conffcctrbntuy directory lcitoy taix atx hanrtuer j slielr cicon clown ontario crvcary rheaue wtlj ulll ul kjwet1i u lancuon uarrlar sauciur nury kkui fir l uortjquu money to loan otic maui atroal booth 1 hum lu ofcorgwtown w u cltaic lurrvter tic olllces mill street c liimi t uii erin miane 034 io bo ih uaviv oltvvlmiv lawklenca cmk barvtoen etc- 4cs stay sl tuuultawui 00 -hr-vrmxcrr3xm- vjo ii la ward cook cordon gruidon 333 main st- north hrumplon tekplione 73 mar id 1c laurence loulaw building hrumptou lucphone g43 r u watsov djjt ujuji gerretwn oliux hour ii to 5 except tlmruuy ajuraooiu j i- jackson ddk uecoor to uie late tir gollop ojieli fvenlnas lhtte ziw gmtuwm a m nielsen 2llh year i raua cliiknopractor xray drugless thcrapul lajy auetulaul office over dominion qlore choree town hour 3 9 730 p cluj nwrs4y jriav uw frank imetch uonsld awcnontsjt irottpl gervloe chclunluiin m r js 0ort0wn urs ihwt laiflce clieltenlutm monuments pollock a ingham succc or to cater worth gait onl jiu w lutttu iuw w inpwt our work in arcnwood cemetery 25 reward i wfu ba pu bv 1 imivhv s tiy- ia1vi cown salvk tr awy ctrm iur ru yllftv ruw rvowrf stlb i1u uru ucw vutltic tuhuti tur cmkftcns or jiix ollsft s ii tw iuvitlwk fctej rrllvn pitlu wtu firvt aimtum iw hair lu ijciu f uu u uoillull i r twmt- ri uuu fvr vu u uunltttn iii- run vt uu- our mfll lovi 1 u iitiim uiltluhj 1 1 nur or in jjuii rw wtu a u 411 11u11 liul jihiu uku u 111 i w8- biul u df tniilnii hwh i jianir unrlfiit in ir ire the world ual-u- n uul fewer steps i v in trie household routine th telephone actual lotm 111 tpira koowluiuu car- irird oi orr jwrimu of 20 tlaya altowej liul the lioiihcwtfe with a itlrkkom tokil 23 f frut looltrltl ill i lie- xiihf- of her daily roiitnif tlulic tliati tlm luuc wlfn 111 llir ll01u uhtiuul m lelcpkoo tlic telephone aaa tim anj eorgy prtoniolcn uuul rotttacta and u an ver- olert wnlnifl in libit- of ttaienjwry i tllfc mkanlftc or pain iltr cry uf tnali s atigulji mit urilo ohi ivmj lkkr atvhy pakit ilif jvdn uiat darhriu tlic world 31uhj liit budr jlir clou ooulntf clialn ilml iurnjifm ttw lvrirt uir burxlrn tliat rlatu iti tw wliigs tlil would ur uirti uk ktoiy pmln irotn tiw worui iltou liat md illt it 1v- tlr ll mmrl itkril uiwnl tiw tool u uir cry j ills world utll i utk away iwtn alul u h ttir powrr of uw ttntl to yiulurr klltlc lroim by tin- turalnf uull i uke away ijly tlmf knll imlt lo hrmrt aiuj crlne iiicht will yr iom all yir rwro- tlot lift from uw hry r- whit brows tlw siy uiuii 1 uk uwy urfj hint rnwt wlui a price and hnilltrx at iu ka7 can bttat- irum your uvri tliat vtoilld climb into taliw tlu cnrkl on mb crotr thompsons barred ruck chicks tor greater profits mrj lur uallty hy malkdnly aud iw a lll- cvmoltalum f lfkl ftkk uwd mrat hvwlmctux chirk tr lintclud from auclwl chu atraije ovtr i5 ounce jw dnt n all chick arc from our oun uocl which had own blood t 0 mil in o 11 s for over eii jear- llmllrd iuatillly r new llafcatblrv ttat ai fr uw 100 livf delivery ouajiahtpfd w francis thompson mioi urs gfokcfttowj kkfr wmtmcim i your eyes k5 llulub firt urowhy funic are fcyaauam tj k siralrt wfl nftfullf b a tharaucb eye ikvwjawlua u yar wl o 134 taw uw prioa m fbai aaiuy fcbhrt u wt a m aa any w tb ur elty hwiw ckhaali o t walker ro onouttuit kvtsioirt mcuusi buk k y 1 bobbf dkug inrouc wt u- unli wrjnl f cvry j liarry dasrir hy- abd cmi pau ftlrly tin witr you c may be carrylnk rlrctrkliy wimn uicy are kept up in lh air thvy are of no danjfrr to ou but idkiukl you coe in contact wlui one you ml hi be itrrlouly ui- jurwj you will be in no danger if you ulw remember tiiat 1 wlre are filaced on polo and r true tur- lo bcrve liome lciioou hoiillal itorr and factories and lo ikrotect you 3 it lr uajufcrour lot climb poles or true tur- upportlruf wires or treen through which wire pa-jt- 3 llirowliux kloiios to break liuuu- tors may allow the wire lo fall and may interfrre with uie tervlce f electricity a wire lumtcln from a tree pole or lower or lying on ute urouiui may lie danfeorou to anyona touching it keep other people away from it and kuard it call up the hydro and tell them about lt fences are placed around electri cal uauans to protect people it b dangerous to climb these fence 6 if you wuh lo ay a kite go into the country or a park and fly your kite away from wire tu kure the ttnruz you uut for nylnx it does tvot contain metal of any kind each year several boys uul ktrls have been injured or killed by not ob rvlnj ihese precaulkkvs waterloo ttjiniiiales georgetown in first round ol junior playoffs winning the second game of the playoff last thursday nigkl 7 3 waterloo dominions won round 9 7 large number of local supporters present free for- au break out end of second period artificial ice handrcapa georgetown oewy rfrktanc convention a temperance convrtitlon of very unusual interest u to mt in cooke a preibyteylan church in the city or toronto on uarch 4tli and 5th the ureal uue century old but vital and urgent at the present hour iuls come to a crisis durinjf the past ftw months- ipolicle louthlna coi- pans for tducatlonal and legislative obectlvfc5 are to be formulated all iihajlfrs of the problem will be can- pvery orcanlxauon in ontario in sympathy with tlie pederauon thould he represented ucduced rates on railways are available ttoln from february 37ui to uarch 5th and for return journey ftood till uarch loth tlw wliole province jiiould be con cerned that wle and ajtre ac lion jiould be decided upon qh sre ive not seen old urs wlkklru utely how is shet lvad ur wliat jolrud uie areat maorityr oil no lrt slie wajt a fcood enouab woman ar far as i know sbuj fillets saui7j herring glasscos new seville orange marmalade xestons cream tea assorted isandwiches 2 lb 29c uit oku nowu bmluf lr 23c cowmm pwjct0 cocoa butter bix g00j eaua figs peaches 1 it 25c rt 10c 2 15c 21c sardines 225c ghm gual tip f asparagus 25c sav tka coapom to cauuii spaghetti caatptttt teathta soup ij- 1- 16c 9c vvaterlim uumuiuml qualified tin tit third joiumj of junior n cjiiji tmnpetluoiu at the kcllctteiur auli luvium llt itiufmlay nlnht lin liul defeated cmrieeloii juiiur b 3 keore tlirirby wmnip til vound 0 1 av tlit- will rwi bul luw ujt1 herr tuesday kilitiil 4 j 1 ivunluwukt fuuixd tile cierurly tartaru to brut and lliouuh liry luyi m ood marojll 4j play tiley wrt3 muu lullier fortutiale ui win tliree k1 rdlted to the liomlnwi re of tmr mjl variety atrtiitit fcoalkeepuu like tlurrowy dlilayeil hi uw tuda tcetne wtiufd luvr um thrrn buttllini tiexprralely to may in the runuuik ttame uu quite ail inu retina melee upmrt frum hie flnt period which wai tnarved by coe clieckliuj aad jow liockey aollon incrrahed a- um minutes flitted by breaking into 1 cllmav at live end of uir vond aiuta wlieti a jrreior all brokd bu the flglit was u typical free for all melee willi tile playen on both tnatn- dippfuna tlielr lickr iiui wadinu in wlui tlielr padded ulovr- no one was hurt atul wlieu it feus over uie eratwhlla puciluu lkaud off uie ice wlui arms enlwuied atul apiuiiently no ill feellmr at all durhitf uut biurval itefcree jack lurrell decided uial decker and lan deraon fuu been tlie two bellluerenl who had started the ttiuc frxplouon but when uie uilrd ieriod oarlwl he found uuu decker hd been ervinc u penally wlien uie period ended and luul anouier 33 seconds to put in ob- iouuy nonplussed lie told uaruutcr lfro cfcyof uie waterlow- team delcnate a placer to urrve uie major penalty wilkens volunteered and therefore wail credited wlui uie ma jor penalty hi the five minutes ulat the battlers twiddled their uiumbei three markers were rapfied home waterloo had a tough job tylntf tlie score on uie round but unall accompuhed it on nelmes tao ot fcoals prom uiat point on it was hammer and tones all the way with neiuier team more uian one cool u on uie total score until uie lait lo minute when uanaaer leo coteya okleat oflspriruj relieved papas agi tated nerves with a iiretty individual koal vvausrloo scoring was led by nelmes and ootey each ijetuna a pair white wilkens itelbel and hr got one each por oeoretowii soloskl upplled tlie bulk of uie oal ueltlns action wlui a pair and an alst on uie third one waterloo had tlie edge in uie first period and dcerved their olllary counter even uumgh it was of uie colt variety nehnes col credit for ii at uie 16j0 marks when a jow j id lrur sliot from uie blue line elude burrows in uie oeorvctoun loal early in tlie tarua a waterloo iaal was tllillowed when it wo- put in tlie net by a player boot cleoive town adopted u close checking ue fenslve ityle of play uiat tuul uie waterloo quad rotlicr demoralucd at umes at uiat uiey cot into dan eerous iiosltlons in front of tlie wa terloo net several umes but sabcnr ouuttueticd uielr trifea- ttie second period produced belter hockey wlui a flfiht to add spice after the bell ranc nelmes made uie score 0 early in uie stanka when tie cot another soft counter his sliot was deflected into uie net by uie goalies jtate tlie to trams put on a is unifdlaplay uuit ya1 un product ve- unul uie ust minute when each counted once wllklns made it 3 0 for dotninloru on a pretty comblna tioti play wiui i leer but goloud put georgetown back in the race wlui an equally pretty counter from a face- ofl in uie waterloo defence area hu tally again tied the core on uin round the llilrxl period opened with a torm of coals wiui ceoruelown twice forging to the front on the round only to have waterloo tie it nfifltn and finally move aliead to taj it was a limtlc period as tlie tall which put the game on ice did not come until there here les uian 10 mln utes of play soloskl bagced uie flrt counter by taklns the puck in i ram a futeoif near uie waurloo goal at tlie 38 ec and mark cotey retrieved it le than a minute later when he batted uie puck in as decker hooked it out from behind the net weller put georgetown ahead again on the round at 4 41 wlien lie japped in the rebound df soloskis jiot le tliun a minute was needed for dutch itet be to get uiat one back decker feed inn him a rinkwide iia on which lie made no mi lake heer jiot from bejond centre finally gave wa terloo an advantage on uie round when it slid under die goalie as he dived for it for the next ten mln ules george town staged a tmng of fervjve but they could not tally and soaps gm soap is3c 1 4c mams cmiioke sttcso ovqltine 38 58 98 p rvwdf oirydjt21c gttt lvoy soapsi tiuilt tii lilull cob j lirok u um- uhiiii v 3 on flu tuin utul u on tlli rouitd hrtt un cul ljurrovii 4 ip tmiirh jud wriithl irnl ltorktoid jiu itmidjii and w ll ul lt uni atrhlbjld llilltner 11 lal und guldtuiii wuti fuuctuo u hlkr led li roi und lxk r r nlii col mi knpjw tf uiu ni liuii 11 1 lie- wilknu iblui lindlutiili kurkfl fi rejiirk iturr 11 ih juipon y irxi vrod w rlm -nelqie- ivtailli itotltfod nrlim krntxl rvrkd wulrrlfio nclinr wulcrldo wilkin 1 1 rt cleor u tow 1 1 olq jt 1 ivnuituwright gro illuwr tbix4 rvrud ucoruttown uoloukl vulirioo couy ideckiri teoruclowti wfiur ulokl waterloo icetll decker waterloo heer wul rloo colej kviuiltle ttinde rnn and major j weiler 10 llliu 10 u cotei erin i ur t4iuuul ruin mi imiduy cuii id loiirh duinug- win n ihr ru h of itulrr ummimi n uur und rut fciuji oil l hi uu xmiii in tuuiiy plut a loriin r l- nil buy iiu ed awuy ut icuotito wi 1 rii hi pltul on iun- jj1 i uiiufi jl luji in uu- iicrttii ol linhl j wllui uioil hu iudd o ainiiiit wullnr id i urvutd t hi will iwic litiuitr itolxtl ol liimjio urul iuo 1 trr ada mru ron mujuiir oruiiurotlo uluiili mr juu ctulromil 1 rin xli walltr cuinivbeli y ho under- wtih un ojk lallon uhd iiu lneit 111 ihi ginlph griurul ikxpuul ioj th pa l tn iwrlo uluajid limn on i iijiiu uiul b roinuuiilnif l tculht run nur- if d troll uwli i vjliuwl ullh u r biouur li und mr uui niir uuelph iui willuiin hthjr of u durham uu tiiljll ujwi fertiirrl u e rin died ul liw tlulph gnu rut lipltjl vurly id jitv hiorlilliu hi jrvult of u fru- rd i pine jp ufuird when lie fill fnduiii u lung night ni hop on 11 la i ruhiy rteiiimf vii ei hluliclll alullll alld ckulji of foronui ip4iu til iid vitli uin k c uhd ml in i ah tin advocate ioii front action i hoodod baaiptnl were quite uie common uiini on uunduj when ihf ju htavi raliw cumf 1tui woid ha been received uy wr ii j it ddn t 1 a matter of principle uy 1 1 obkvan j n 1 vlh kcl ii hlwaya 1 jrnu1 i lit ul 4 in h i kl iii vh m j jl i il ii ii lti l iu 10 wilkn ontau1u uaus im fuin iii tlie fir t three montll ot opru lion up tojaiiuan- 311 34jj louiu totalling tljll li7 win mude uiidir uie liome improyeuicnt loan plan in jaiiuao alone boo loan um- irmdi amouhllim to t3o2jh the province iulj be 11 orianliud under the clialrmunliip of inland 11 nc to iiromote uie plan and uwir hu nupcr tvloti commit lets ure being named in all muiilciiulitlc to curry on uie work in an advuory capacity all uiat wilt be required no is for uie public to get behind the cheme and help put it aero the home improvement plan li a jngu one and out uiul uiould ap peal to tlioo who have somt regard for their country and what it u in ina to do to boo l trade under the new plan any repon iuil home uiimr in good credit standing can ecurc u loan up to t3 000 from hl bank to finance home impovemtnt an in tercl rote of 3per cent l charged and uie money may be rejiald on a implifled lntalment plan over a ier- lod up to three jean the existence of a mortgage on uie property doe hot act a- a bar to ecurtng loan of uil kind the ole requirement l that uie monij be ucd for liome im proveniint of a permanent nature uch as for example a ncu roof a lie bathroom or mademlzatlon of an old one minting or ducoratlilg irltaliatkon of a new funiace build lug a buemeni rrcrtatlon ruom erect tng a new garage laving tuu con crete uulk- or any other project for making the honn a inure conilortablc mid pre en table pluc in a hich lo live tlie main purpaa of the plan ore to aid uio ivomc owner to umuuue the cont ruction tndu irj and to pro vide employment suoce- of un plan deiiervd laixclv upon the meo ure of cooperation reccivd from every communltj in canada the oveni ment ha jt ajde tlil um of t0 000 000 which will be u ed to luarun lee the bank- up to 15 u r cent of uieaiuouiilol loaiuriavade bytliem alrvaily hundreds o loan have beui artanc- and with uu comlrm ol spring a great wave of home improve ment uiuhr ul plan l autlcluttcd ncrow canada while live uuject l of peclal in terest to builder lumbi r llrm ban ken plum ben painter and ouicn directly conclnicd in the building trade it l ulcruto oi tmjiortunce lo uit ry btljne inttret in tin com l muntt it l a 1 aldj11 opportunity to improve vour home and put mniuv in circulation v icro or uie nuft arrival in 1ngluivd jji ol mr cro who left acton a couple u 03 of week ago op kf ondu v enlng ut war uro geo jutterif of guelph vl lied live brellirm of wulker lodge in acton he poki to the breuireu on the vi- lowcruft degree hum low mr and ur clio w wllnn wtrc entertaintxl ut ouelph on sunday by ur wlloiii famlli in lionor ol their t went j fifth wedding unnlvr airy uunv- will rtgret to leani tint bill llollowav tui been ill faf uie paw two week wltli piilumonla but all ure nltaed that hl condition l im proving mr t urll of windfum- and ur and uri luird mcdonald and uur ruj jr of detroit ulcli njcnt uie week nui ut the la rental liome willi ur and urs il u mcdonald mr and urs prank lirownlng of toronto vitiated wlui uielr sister and brother her over uie week end ul mto dtll wlio hor been spending a fi w w eek here returned to toronto wiui them mr george green ho been admltt ed tb chritie street llo pltal toron to for treatment i if has been sick ut hl home for everal week froe ire ml tut hi ri tbt h d i fm ai in- d kmiuamli ml olv wuiutu r ullh wa till wy r jiitlryiic 1 u wrakiitu fur ih ralrvf i 111 nvr lv ahililiv l h ui mill r vimmu m lo tu4 ifc ltl would ilr lrv aud two uwka lif bad to mrutij ovt r a rll cad abd he d uxn i ul lull ii kiir with hr ullh a huiiilrrd miritl h year inc m hill au wrll atrrd u aquaiidtr a little now nod tl11 hut whn be lella you th horae4 havr krpl ma bn ke- h m ldlri yu a runaround if aaentii a 11 hi nrotifrauti whn yu atop in r iuidrr that it www a horaf hut kfit till trttt unihirf tlw inly woman dot fur hu i km lutaiy atlij out of hfr hand if h hipbkl 4 m baht at a iuil tlob in hat rlco liar mur wi ltty iu atd bhw wm a hrunli wlih hai ya and a eotnpwxhu llkw a aiap advrtlae- bvaut dill rati luto hr at the ttr and whd tbif eya bmt they aetually aparkled it waa lv at mrat night 1 to tuutler who h win milton anytbuif bomi tar aftr the ilattlc of waterloo whin tin duki o welling ton uos one of the bt t lnown men in iurope iil face und figure fauil to milliolu lit attended a gar den partj a tryngir uppniached ul bowing aid ur itam bottom i btlltvi the duke niurdcd him in lit net for a moment and tin n n plied well if 1u b hi it- that vou would l urvt umthlli uarrvru iluildlim lviniiian you art tin lad wot jug might r oot ou out lo luild uu hlfih mile hie mm ktep knocking otf ailtakiiiuj u for noon whl tie dr and mr w l roorlon re lumed home yesterday from their vacauon of aeml u-etk- ui louu ville ki mr iticliard white is we are orry to a conllned to her bed through illnc iler nurnj irieml hope jie will hnvl a needy recqyery t it and mrs pearewjlher brotlier lloi turner and um tjtvph dojd martin btrett left on tuesday morw- 1111 on a motor trip to morula where lltej will vllt lira clarence ii tur ntr uho im been in uie sunify gouui for averal weelc financial arrangement liave been fxincluded to reojien uie plant of uie milton ilrick com pan j umltcd tlie plant w ill be oierated by uie firth unck and rile co umltcd a num bcr of men have already been taken on to get uie equipment in condition for brick making oiieratloa which will begin on monday next uarch 1 when 11 l expected uiat at leat co men will be employed tills l cer tatnly good of milton at a director meeting of uie jial ton agricultural bocletj held in mil ton 011 fridaj afternoon plans were mode for uie annual count fair to be held bept 24ui and 26 ui manv interc ting and novel idea and im provemtiil btlng iufilctcd ixtcn plan arc being made lo enlarge arope of exhlhll uiul uie jcuti l ponorin f rulf club in hot teln ami jeraj and a boys rain club muai d uorden oakville eva chtholm and uuth cartw right mil ton wire appointed on the board of director cliaanpinn lupt raliui a fanntr wa lo ui hl paiiruct tmi temper trying to drive two mulra into a fit id whtn un local paron cumc b und aild don jieuk like uial to dumb unl mul kurmey you nrr ju i un man i want to ce iar cm and whj furtni r irll 1111 how dul noah it uu into tin ark one 111 did ou mark thai puici where tht ftjiing wu j uood guv ru-o- yt i jmt un x un uu ide of the lioal flrt guv that s lll what if wi hould net another boat auotutj jail dtttttb jelit nw bv cutl haddie custard by kuh fat suj miracle whip brooms 6 pi 25c 2 7 01 i 1 5 i6j u 23c 19c i 29c avlmer ipork and beans party blue back salmon cheese macaroni corn syrup awl jw flow lx pancakes oufw maple syrup i2le h ai 16c 320c 16c red main slreel georiektwri 13vijm lb tin ctuery 5c stauct nim uar ivrji cabbage ew virta oreen ilatbt sclb spinach urly aiul rip 2 lbs 13c oranges tsj 25 carr6ts nrw calif rulanke uw sclb lettuce rirw tviwy lleaibt 2 heads 1 5c turnips table quality waxed 2 lbs 5c grapefruit rav sjuvv ij ll v for 25c free delivery photo 3s7 onions souiul and dry bananas ripe nir si 10 uu 19c 25c do carrolls limited whar ha ctttam from ii frll fur hr ilka a ton of hrlrku and before th fvenlug wa ovc you eoultl ne that lt hmik in bin fyj thf next day hill rtl hr at hi track by upiioluttant mhe occupied a lix la the try ml aland and one roriior had bn vrl i ltlll i don t knew haw tha ward tt around but sohtrbody lipped un ntt about chpiretla 01 rl in tb hfth race thl wan to be htr umliun rare and w wa u pivoted to lie sc nd couuln sr aomeihlhg to fiallant fnx tli dop 011 her aald h waa plenty fast aad to wuleh hir run awa with th rare vie made imidh irxjulrl atn ng the boys in i ha know and they were all lay i q thalr dtoeb on hr it wax buppoetl to ba one of thoae rarea that nrv naturala for th auart boy with u whal bf a price right arroaa th brd it lookad llk a gfwvd bet ao thr or four of uv plankhl down a few atwbucka sow when anvthlng like that geu tt hill ha go nut and one of the lioya mw lo it that hill waa in the know he uft tha box and cauw down to and ua when we conbrvied the re port itlll blade a be line f r the tvaareat window he eame awav unill lug and flaihed ua a two grand ttikel sow two graad is a i u or dough to wiim on any in ne lt aliut od that rumiltig b r niald n ract nl when there a nothing more auutmitlat to go on than mm r uut hill wa that wy jupi before tbs rac hill lift th box aad cata 4awu where vp wer ths boa got away beautlfullr with clg- artta clrl tatakliuf a nlct khowlng t the quart poat hlia swung aaitlty into i ha uad and bald it hut t t luilf aba begau to lag thca droppd tiack it waa obvhoua tbeu that alia had be- kua to tire and wouldn t be hi tha moay the held tbundared bonve with c4artt olrl about eighth or ninth mil was all burned up nly at o hut everybody hi geoeril he claimed it was a rut of th wok makers or aoiaebody ue aald audi horse abouldn i be parwltted ou tha track that aay horse should be re quired to run la al least three racea bafore tb public was allowed to bt on thui and a lt nf nther rhlnga hfteen mlnuk 1h r wi minltrej bacl i u ward tha box and ran into lotty i ou sha dlda t look so cheerful hr- wlf without walling ror itty i n to say a word hill far led in lambasting the daylights nut or tint little ruire that had coat him twu grand nytwwly that d run a runt like that on a track ought h im in me whipped ha declared ha an uutrag iople who fllbiflaia tha rnrlh llk thst t no principles i know hurvaa hill went ou in bis erratic wsy and i kn w people whatever you mw u jutliahbll ilka that ud tb tracl it a a cliuh the peo ple who put him there are juul an rot ten la principle mi the horse la in pe- rortsance it oubiu to lw mopped ir hill thought hi wsa mullne aay bit with letl i mi v bin tlrad he had another aii ciiuilni it was evident that bin wuh not smpathellc tbsts alwsti inn is it aay la ninety nine mi 1 1 fa hundred llirjeyes actualh i 1 t lleller than it ui hill asserted id un a buudrv ur cant tru it newer rails people who are reaponal bit for horses like that ure no hatter thin the horaea vjiwhi day ijii 1au fctld 1 ae you ve u lot te learn shout hsruea and mopu and with thai she lrippd up the stairs 1111 started after her but aoavaoaa pulled uw hark hut shed gut no buslne ettliuj huffj st we hill protested w hat a i do to her tlenty red anautar aald i don t suppoaa it would er occur te ou that she salllht own a horfce ilka that that you ve beau telling her for live mluutea what you think uf her aad bar tribe uer dad owns dfartte olrl ha tlwe i la tlalpar ta kirdnar how lea- will yuu still ba pruilug that irar lurdavu- frmi top af lsddur about aa bour or so ualper katunvtl all right but fcurry up ilia boaa baa told aie i suw tl 1 iree dnwu imphov ujfcmt in cmh uuvvnir montreal feb 47 all inert u in iiurutliiit revenue of 14oj7fw for junuun 1037 u compared willi jan uari 1u3a and un imprtm im ut to- u t rri t uue for uu lumitti nt jj9 t3 nvi r uuu of january ilufi i sluiwn in uu maiiuilj lati uu nt of op ru tiny revenue nperulluu 1 xu n j uiul net revenut j uu cuiuidlan ma- tumul itallwuyt all tiirluive ilituu l- luvl at lieaitguurti 1- toduv 0rmlinir revniui lu t month win ll4fm3xj ua ciunpared with hj7u 4 for uu oorre iioiulluu inmith ol lu t year ofieratliur 1 xiien w n sisubuljo u roiiliiunvl with h331h hm for january lui uu slutemeul jwtw net revenue of huctl lul inofilli copipsrixl with a net tvvetiue iwiult oj utiluo for january lfctt

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