tjie georgetown herald wednesday evening march 3rd 1937 p 3 v brills specials 1 for one week only guest towels ipeo1 c 15 big b work shirts in a hoice of three hard wearing clolhn reduced for thin week to 69c ivfens all wool work socks re 25c pr eciiil 17 jr or3 pra for 5 ladies print aprons 15c mens 6eyelet cum rubbers ke vy k ikmlly reduced to 149 p mens black calf oxfords it smart w mylei i ins 13 it ijhler quality sioe tharv this imci if prirv would indicate 2 95 ladies spring coats hove jlil arrived with an unusual selection of fctyjeh and lnatrali drop m to see them menoon t falj to inspect our made tooleanurc and re tdy made sinti and topcoats for spring d brill co phone 167 comer mill and main streets georgetown bucks m t bargmes black pepper la wat 19c baking powder 15c tia pre ataanlag table salt 5 f 25c skeuless raisins 2 25c uurs tomato soup 3 f 23c alcon pickles ta r 25c n clb pork loins pott fcoasting fresh shoulders lb legs of fresh lamb 25 front quarters lg lb stewing lamb 2 25c ntemi stewing- veal 2 lb 25c rump roasts of beef j7 lb hamburg steak 2 25c boncllus pot roasts 12c oysters 9 oz jar hlkiil si smoked fillets special lake herring whitefish z u 3 lb 27c 15c- 3- 20c 15c new cheese 1 0 lb old english cheese lg kraft velveeta vi 1g nippy old cheese 23c we sell for cash phone g- t di talt we 28w ialjolv deliver hockey excursion io toronto montreal xvkujien v totonto maple lbala rvtarje jtf cuxlekia saturday marck 6tk 830 pn ketal ynb rat by biltmore hats umited wttt leave orlpl j pas s ai aeuaa aad csetwtt nott- ticket- also good going on train leaving ouelpli 0 40 am acton iuir7 atn ami georgetown 10 jo ajn hrturvuag peelal train will pave tttronto 1150 uldnlght saturday round trip pare prom guelph tl 10 acton 60c georgetown 70f children of 5 ami under 13 years lialf are ulloc leaf garden hockey tickets will be on sale at canadian national city ticket oflur ul wyndluurt street guelph unv1l vt pjrf- wivdnkkdav maauu 3rd canadian national aitenu ut acton ajul oeoraetown will ohlaln ikockiy ticket lor uwlr v- tnrr trooi city pisiin- aeenl oujih canadian national radio repairs m u uiu u u u i hugh lindsay eatons cleaners dyers mutm ooafh baaiuiau kyhfly cti mr umi uy tlkmvlck aita quautv liluco a huffman local new3 food pviday afarrh xui knoltun ron llh fclrch up to now rtla la cnttinll vr to ionjitct hrw of lte kim txjpi rr kuximi alcotl agpnt or a h crih it i fltonly cup dnau upit lt vx cauxlhrnk ttiuxuday v pin kuxaj ciiwy rrc jt timi local council of wumro will hold thrlr annu1 1u llrlck lea on luirday alatrh 13tl llir rott4 u ont tlie aicotl uoili a fc-u- t day till um oru f uuy iladloi krlvlovtors aiayta wujurj flmiiu 11 11 a icil mtlii o ur lialton educational auoclatiun will w beld in ttw court iioumt uiiuki ouuajt uui at a tun kiaarp r tattuiday utlrfiauon 1 m f llaitilliuu tuiulefraudt vfc jknadleus crl hajt jollal ttabr bleberl jotuiify uacitott hrwa h ilicic will be several bl rvanu lu iorwrowa dtwiii onunnlat yrar 19j7 tvll ybtu- triends and kavc hlxfa villi um ojul imou- town an ttucltou kl bl iaim tmxk aiuj irnluraxtiu wiu lkl at w arttown by th ksutr of u lair win 1 uulod tlur lauer wrt of xarch ailni bciac clwrrd loa thrc days taktowii lliali llchool reropcnd oa uonday with a full fcuff of teacimrs ulwi tmairly i0o iker cnt aliendance ttie ikrw ltatuna kyiw ant6 room and loun vom at the cana dian lrtion club ktoom have added tnauyially lo utc tfuendid quarters of ir lcuan- r lwl aiutuuli of hmtaplort u cor new itationraaitrr t the cnjjl to- ful uk vacancy caui d by tlie ttoircrohtt of ur uui wt tnonlh llirv tut uennelu fa uth liulu wiu kpck at the annual meeting or uie lpcr ulukn in ttw lilitut church widay uarch 13ut nw or conservative aisocl a lion will hold a general tneunaj in uit hiw jland hall on tueday even ln lur 0i at 15 ldiw cordial ly invited it ur and urs a uacumi tnitr ualiwj a number of men at uitir liome on tuesday evenln when the flnit of a urles of broadrafct spon toured by tiie lay axociauon of the united church took place tiie elchtl annual meetilc ol the tlalton irkoiyterial of tlwe woman utuionary socieiy of the unitej cliurch wul be held in at- john a church 0kvlh on thursday war lllh three emion 11 verdun kebekah lodce will cele- hrate 1w lmh birthday on imday uar sui in tike arena when a euchre will be held commencing at ud good pnae lucky number priae ilfrlunenu keverybody welcome admhon s5c it notice to the public we ajia11 iend cards from every american city we visit to our culomers if we aru winners in the uayiak competition radios kelvlnatort uaytas waihert iruh linday and oordon jlkott phone 11 u love to ifcmtful and hound u tlte title of uut musical comedy for st patrick enlfertainment un der uie ausplms of holy crou church in the oreory theatre georgetown tluuntday uarch luh don l mii it ucsaerved teat plan tt nobbi laruj giore it xteiulve clearbaic aale of hhjh claxs slock ahorthom urade and helfcn lmplemenu hay eld seed train oaford theep of jolm hamll ton lot 1y sui uat erataioai 4 mllca weit of llockwood on wednesday uar 10th is o-clock- incliuwl in ikoriett percheron mare yrs- weigbl 1500 lbs- in foal to pwrcheron liore real type terms caih jl j kerr auctioneer phone m acton it u you want to catch lhftt gprin feelln just vult aiiver depl utore w litre you will find that spring hu arrived everything for mildy that her litart dirs lor takiea- and the boring season fie lha uaartaat variety of womens optin coala and bulli ravlihln atylea in utluhury and ahoea jor the men we muu ad mit that we hava made our urmml preparations in yemrs doaens of new uut fete are amvlnx dally attd every weudreasexl marl will feet hla outfit at culvers- and remember in quality we lead but our pahoea are lhe lowjeal suuggkhii atuknatvs impair your health rumacaps twoway action quickly cleanses and inviitor- aua the tcidaeys- tjue rumacapc robb drue store nd laacoormacki dmy store it pefcsonals- i1 a alcolhrrmy am1 bj aukotttar f m ha ended lor oiia hockey hut t siu haw our mvtteet mjijl aiml um- juvenile play- lo look for i a ii wllfm of woodvlimjk u a vluilor hi un ht wrdueday uf ai 1 mis w l houauu aikd uli jack of ivimtlo fr wk nu vhior al j u uuujr ur aiwl ui llarpy mciortaid l turot to viuled wlui rnruin it- lalirr- duriiui tike eek mr harvey wljhi ol iirunto menl uiwlaj hi tiyn lth hi par inl ur and mr w ii wuod mr and mr j can hrll ol wr ton aprnt witurday with ur aikd mr- y l mktlvriii mr w if loitif w i of tl kuesl of hm central ontario uu tat the tpeiillit of lite tmnlwuial ttuilay iv 111 chlrutto la i uit urday i mr fiwvid o itot ol hilukirkf i wikj receilly uiwirith a crttknl 11k lliuw- meat defined laallh oifrralkivi at hm- cunrrnl llkniiitul lo j a- tone hi ikockey at lhe arena laxi rjmito h retortrd to be imilrovlnit uhl 3 to 1 tiia am ti1at un sport ij kihjbtr w iourneywd to breaton with tkvr kldi uwr ulacfc hawka whuv ukey turned it on lo win or tlw luimcueax 3 lo 1 fratoo have a vtnouoi palsinc aaxieaxailan of mid atu who are a irewt to wmuh and u vu mily throuah hard imllna and tiwmr- exikritencr uaat i lie hawtu w blr to pull out a win midgatt ktan1at cvp atat oown8 mm rftoclksss the anaertcauu aivj the leals met tn lhe aeoond ium of lbetr utree same teriea but tfaunday rdebt and roccly at uf hiil kuittr vxiimiuitb n hut ijv iicl la t nk ulj luuy ltli i imlpil ol mr jruti wit u jluelpli mad lu r iirjdji aint rum tuilon in piano mr lloht urkuv of amulto lor rncrly of glorxcloti wlto uiiurraviit a severe perauun at the ittvatr pal mi tsi 1uvukmi tmuilo liwl lit pita vm- able to rrtujrn to hls itoru tueulay ur ail uk j h ulllco iul u vlojft vwehhter an atlriidhuc tla luuutr cdnvrtillon ltonl york hou1 march uu iul and 3i room 1 1 ij ttfternooii uml prnlntf ltcture drmoiuhratlrott tilut modem style revlems among uiom from uut uf loixiiala attended uie funeral of thr- ule uu clara u uecaniwl un monday l l were airx s fainu uu vwhf ouelpli mm wm ukli waurloo rred a mcconricil ikirt colbome mlvl calbralth ur and mn wm mc dowel and dauuhlrr turonto amoiui tltomj from out ol loan alio attended ule funeral of the late ar thur l ijulre on moiuiuy were mr and mrs charles wellmaii kort huron micji ur and mrs arthur dutton inycnll ur maurice thornton ulu inna thornton mr georee tlmkmton ur fedward lowil bury woodvlock ur and uir gor don lybus and un norman pybu- hciuajl ont mr and ur a l smlth grand valley dr arthur oqulres and mil ion iqulre of toron to ux lloi geuntlier htvplcr dr and urn ci j hard niylor gait ur membett ol lhe lioru ctub and caiuuhan lrloti will play 1 hull piuw tu uw hkaret phxyoflt mkc on ttuirlay kilaltc kxach play vf muu be over jo and what excite- tinin thu kaane sitoulat causf h was a aeau jaaa ye olka- it mh a kreai aamn for hii- j intor oj1a entry and the thojihl predotadnani in our ladnds lkouu be wl dtne boysj 4 a ional fchmcgke hi lhe jraapnajr ttroup miktedule wtlu ony threw teaaai on tb nkd then thr urcaiuov hoaxm alui ilonve kaur for lite ktoup chaan vltoihlp atwl tnvally the hectic hoc ta in ute ojf-aapuydowu- acton ahd oranxeville who were in lh ktoup uii rauuai were wjorthy rivk but they wul havw u adcadt crorvtton had jua the edce on iliroij every victory was won taot by luck ur chatter but by hard and irady tain from uart lo finish i tla ttroup plaoo acton had lookea like a touch tem to beat but ute local lads made them look mxy b anmlti hi two atraicht feamea lh- core bcinc j 3 and s i alter rmerulna triumphant iroaa the feroup they were pitted acaint the water loo dominions a team carrying a much faiter kalina crew in the liome aame georcdown gave their bmt and after uty minutec of ouk- taiulilla hockey that wiu w down in hbiory utey came through with a 3 score lait thursday riiaht aent to lauhener for the t turn tpiua and put up one of the 3 uiey bcit futhu for a further berth in the and ilrt quraciutn cvolt ittrantlord i lin- t could be expected oa ul rwn lr r lq l handicmpped by ue wt- tmemely faj ice and a tewat that un dan jackorf camlachle kkmx v v ttre youiik lv pli met on uoiuay evenlnf uareti 1 wlui tile areident the chair after uie devotional exercises and arlou items of bul neis were dealt aiui tlwr reapaktde of uie meellnfl took uie form of a mou inlercuintf dtru jon in which all til young people were uivcn tlie opportunity to nmunt any irobleta uiey mhilil huve and luc it rxiuain mi in i plendld manner by rev ur davkion of toronto wlwmi uie jountf people were very fortunate in liavlruf at utelr meeuntf in ui- abence of their pastor the meetina uien came uld have won the taine- a dose wlui a solo by helen uc lrcy luckburn is to be skated much faster though very er ratic around the beta the blue and white hewr gave up trying and it arms not oil lhe anal bell that water loo could be called winners by a t core on the pat and i in the round three of theae coals besne of lhe soft variety georgetown uirouciaoul the uauia played k wide oken brand of itockey hockey ihat cave ute uni uxnethlnar to cheer for ihl l the lund of hockey oeoraw- toan faiv like but when they were leading waterloo by a uncle goal on uie round in the third period of the ft w- i m wand gam more tielenuv brand xs jt uurchy and uie lords lrajer church news betip4are yexl h eaaae eveu ta pat as the traatr aad sinicerb were as aak la raake aae fcwtul ts be tteara ha araklng aad tksaukiauj the lara and when they lifted p their vwler vub the trwabu aad eyartkau aad uitrua4eiu t uaaic aad wra the lard sayiag lar hat u g fr hta kaercy ea darctk fajrever that thrt the ha was tuld with a euad even tw baase af the lard far the gury af the lard had oiled the ha u gad t chrau 5 ii i staek hjr tium georga laughlln prominent cale- uon township farmer and stock beted- r died at his home near cafedon luge last week he is survived by ois wife formerly ijus jcfuue c aonu and three daughters ulsa ruby laugloin toronto ulss edvtlie laughlln ttramplon and mrs watson wiggins caledon lufd u caufamu albert ldward maw wlio left georgetown for the wet some fifty years ago died at iwrkley california on prkiay heb luli ltyi deceased was in lus itui year and was a bro- uicr of urs w j mcdonald george town lagua ctarcrt ihvuay concert and aocial evening for lcflon members will be held in the legion hall on friday night good prograni refrasliments tlie gueal of honor will be capl c a ruuier- ford vjc and three other lfeglon members wlwo were awarded the vic toria crus 1-1- dadraya luaaa relieved to ltave been caused by an ovcrlieatad stove pipe fire early oat urday thiroyd a house and oon tents owned by oleplten coxe nassa gaaeya towniup tlie are was til coverad by ura coxe uy ulb time nelktaars luul been sumnonad uie uuiulhig was a masu of hamas lota etlmated at 5 000 partly covered by iruurance ion uie way he handled his team this j inter and his untiring effort in try- ing lo put a winning beaaa on the ice for georgetown in the face of many dlucultltas we have to admit that i tlie team was not made up af homebrew players at will we have a team of all georgetown players fc a few years jcc but the fans had a a inning team and that is what they i aanud again we say well done georgetown i according to the kitchener record i ihll weilcr wa- playing right up in lil own alley last thursday night it reads as follows mil weller erstwhile resident of ilsucn new llamlaarg toronto and now georfaloan is geuhvg to be quite a liokkey louriit since oru re vealing jul hockey talents as a i mewbr of uie hew ilamhurg entry in tljp junior cuy league during the a inter of 19us he played hockey in toronto last ainur and tau night bobbed up alui uie georgetown sex tet rblldence in toronto and georgetown seems to have taken soeae of hl piclureoue pennsylvania dulca linguage liom him- khll evm cuss more fluently in the pennyhmnia dutch than in lhe kings english wlien tie played for hew lumhura but hut nigla ike beiiaved uite weu and had no occauon to exprtts his uellng veliemently in either tongue and further uie record says wa terloo dominions are glad they are utrough with tins scrappy georgetown jjuad or lhe latter proved a tough aionel at that waterloo had lo ktawwlul pkaeel l out ou top r c- rv n 1 i i r outskaurui the vlsitora how- rev k g baxter wlnuer 10j0 apparenut the breaks which aa sunday school 7 run evuna cmme uieb- way were woapensatton service peter uie denier lord i or uie bfcd uieyhadu oontend wlui down in georgetown in uie latter place the o goaue lilayed a wonderful game while last minute j nuttt hl work was vey spotty he let in three goal of the soft variety sl geargew charrh rev w g o tiiomikuui rector uotherlnn bunday or 4ui sunday in lent sunday chool 10 am holv com in union ii aan corpora le m munton of w a and sons of st gemini lvnuoiur pin lenten ervlce on ttiurl even ing at 70 chart h gleu wuliaaw uouiering sunday and uh sundav in lent sunday school 2 pan len sang and litany 3 pan lenter service on wedncday en ing at 8 o clock supper unit church rev p c overeiid ba the minister will oontlnue uie mom ing and evening preealr series of ermons preaching in morning on uie i t georgetown rasebau club will subject prom depair io hope tad lid their annual meeting and t4c- in uie evening oq when chivalry is i liqa vtneet for lttl in the uc- on uie throne suy gibbon nouse on thursday lo-mor- nlghl at a nm kvrrybody in trre led in baseball in georgetown this year are reoualad to he preient mens bible cu a ill meet at 10 a m i r ii alton junioils to hold judging oomairrmovis lu grahm irvul and craa an march 13th at a recent mtreung of uie execu uve of lialton juniors it ua decided to hold the annual judging coeapeu tloru in utfl fruit and cream grad ing at uie countv bd pair george town on saturday march isui we understand from pnvodent walter iitnliani that the regular uveuock judging comiietillan will be lield a usual in june but the chamiilorljilp trip to ottawa will uo to the com lieutor landing hlglie t on uve ag gregale jir of tl e two conipetttloru george town v ill ttverefore be inc meoca for lialton junior purnur on uie mortiknu ul ulunlay march 13th aufle kkws jailed clareh yjrmj on uonday evening uar 1st uie young ieople of the united cliurch held their weekly meeting with preti dent alan ucdonald presiding it was decided uiat the young people ihould meet as a group on tueaday evening uar 3nd at uie home of taabej ucdermld to hear lv george kiugeon use feuevt speaker on uie first of the seriea of broadcast- ar ranged by uie laymen it akaociat ion of uie hamilton conference ur overeiul kave a very egoellant ao count of uie addrew which wu gtv en by uiat outstanding hitematiorui oauaman a mualonary lv at stan ley joiiea on mooday afttmoorj rmi zi 111 fcuhjaci wax ttse trial of organlaed rtauapvas- oeruocatea ware presented to lhoae who atlciid ed the leadwrahlp trwlntak acliool held in october durin the evening uh ttuui glffmi and huui kvana iwndarad a lovely vocal duet tlie meeting dosed wtth uie young isjo- pwa benadieuon appreeialion we appirciate vt rv much the generous re hnf lo our lieal lam week ur u t due ubcf li l ons tu thr herald and thank all llvou who reiionded as uarrh l uir riul of our unanciul year we uie iijthia all uiwe in an ran or the herald to kiiullj rrtnil ua the amount due a look at our latu1 will tell you un datr to which our subhcrli tlon h pau we are mailing nut u nuinlwf of suh- jrittlun acrount each week and would upprctulr u prutuiil rt- juuise it is aluolulely xee ary uiat all arrtar due u on ulxxrlp lions be iialtl b lure the end nf uarch we will uiank you f lr your kind fo hwrallim j u uooittv publisher nerval agaia kwfau mwm on priday night last use hauulon mile club viatad the horval range unu were defeaied by a margin of eleven points doui leafitu shot re markably well tfie score for twelve men on each team are as follows hamilton uu points norval 11c3 pouits at uonday nights club shoot five luemhen tied for uie weekly gold button and on use slioolon ur w wllon won wlui a perfect score pour members of the club each made ikyjble cores of 100 points via 1l w hall h nurse p johnson mcklnney tlie soortc for uie aggre gates on uondayt shoot are as fol kw ii nurse 100 h uckhiney 100 r w halt w hohlnsoa vi p jaluuon 67 w wusoa k7 v hustler w o browne s w lisk fta lv stevenson hfi tlie norval team will visit toronto on priday uarch sul in oompetltlon with uie norui toronto rlne club and will also revisit hamluon on uonday uarch till for another oon tel game apiece on carra overthne goal achrtner and jackson aoored the other goals lo aula the score 3 the canadtenx vraai their second round by liavunaluag lhe last and strong uaroona by virtue of their tnree goal lead g in their flnx meeting theae canadlma whue they are a big fast team vet they play a good clewn game and uie players are gemiemen both nai and off lhe ice on monday night tte toronto maple leads eliminated the new york americans from the stanley cup playdowni by the sows of i 0 the amerks while taking she khot end of uie count weae jual as much hi the hunt and deaerve great credit for the brand of hockey ihey displayed their passing and batckchecking held the lewis lor boost of the game and their swarming taclicri around the lrmtlan citadel brought fear to the hearts of the toronto supporters tney are ruminated but they did credit to lhe glen the leafs are now wmitlng their encounter with the urong canadieoa the bxt game wul he heal on thursday of this week erode played ills usual steady came in lhe nets to register his fourth shutout of the year and har vey jackw was the caring stair with his winning counter midway through lhe third jiertod the defence of homer and posrler played an improv ed brand of hockey and apps turned in a good game al centre lee the other boys played well and thea leafs wftl bear watching in the finals the finals tor the stanley cup will be a fivegame series with use win ners lo three g being the cham psrms these game are played to a nnlsh in case of a lie the first goal fas the overtime decides the game eaedab wiu be given la the victors the midget fsulldog of woodslock were use visitors in town monday evening pnor to lhe hockey game lhe woodstock players and suppor ters were the guests at the legion rooms where they were welcomed at dinner provided by lhe womens auxiliary col brown president of lhe canadian legion was lhe master ttiewvonle speeches were made by mayor gibbons gordon alcott manager c btacey howard teasdale and ur steele and lv wilson an old georgetown boy now irving in wvjotsstock the woodstock boys while they were defeated 0 by the faster canadiens showed promise of aoaae good hockey aaaierial and it was a pl lo tee lhe enjoyment the boys derived from their trip bcotty enioyvd hlmftelf too if it can be arranged the canadiens will play a return vhil otev efcalty bl brampton and howard taasdaie ol rkoirval were lhe referees special bargains for one week only i 16 toweung to 20 all pure linen ioweling 32c special price ahl i 7 fancy linen for i leavy brown linen i owelin brown anrwhite linen toweling owrhnu hrvy 30c nnd 2sc yd 30c 25c yd 22c yd 21c yd 23 rej white and blue lill i men check towel b 27c yd 24 check llhen i owclinfj i5c for 27c yd broadcloth 36 enghsli broadcloth plain colors 124 y- wools i m balls 2 ply shepherd n woo i oac balls 4ply ralvenu finkeriru supplicity patterns 9c ox 9c cat 15c 20c 2st agerus for langleys cleaner and dyers ivtcbean co phone 64 we deliver georgetown ad an auatar team in pxaton and the- preston allstars defeated them by lhe score of 4 3l oamjtii ttos wsx3c thursday stanley cup finals canadiens vs leafs klng clancy referee saturday canadiens vs hamilton undefeated lio cecil uart gag- hoo jouat and fiabe setbert referees tommy uunns of lhe globe and mail will also be present at this game uonday of next week stanley cup finals leafs vs canadiens hamilton stdco vs uaroons umehoose both the girb from umehouse who tried toronto conservatory piano examinations last week were usoceas ful doris ultchell passed grade xl ah liono and isabel stephenson orfcde tx with honours 1 are hoping to attend the temperance pederatlon con to be held in cookes pres byterikn church toronto on thurs uay tend priday of this week on sunday last at the united church a most excellent temperance address was given by my l k davey of toronto he showed in no uncer tain terms lhe devastating effect of alcohol in causing dangerous drivers broken homes and broken uvea uany have pledged theeaselves against this lramc and trust before long our gov- fcrnmeni will make it poasible for our young people particularly to grow up without this temptation to tvu around lheea uany in uie village are suffering froae severe colds and some are eon fined to bed with jnttuenxa ur ken stephenson was at liome for the week end a save wm safety at your rexall store bat ceukats nxvk pood jlkjl taujets lag jw aukfcmk l-fc-o- ta5 atushxan mlntutax ocl specals fa this week sac sw ms uuc lotion re laverock srjaving howls m iulk of magnlsia taaun sroitic hahy rownctc a nuiioct tcazok bxju1cj mff lfts avl ca alnji mi i haratac nasal atomrzeks mrlil rattics ui cwu ifloo wax ua tk hayin catlbi s to sum robbs drug store niw ra kzxall sroke- uzoaoaro rrn snar o radio repairing 12 ycmk e4ericrvce we sp3cialize on this work ballihafad vr pred shortul is recovering from an attack of the mumps sympauiy is extended lo ur and uxa jas longstreet in the lot of their baby daughter delia aged seven monuis the funeral lr place uonday from use home interment lu bell cemetery uiss u young has been confined to her home for the pat week with the fiu the february meeting of uve wju s was held at uie liome of l wiley the meeting was well attei ed and uie roll call was answei with a scripture verse on porgive- during use business part of uie meeting plans were made to hold the thankoffering on april 1st tlie scripture study on use apostle james was taken by urs b vannatter and use topic by urs p w sliortlu a duet was rendered by urs r slior- till and urs v anna iter let the lower lights be burning several lavleretlng items on cluna were gw wa for uie watch tower the meeting closed with singing gpd the mission band held its regular meeting on saturday afternoon urs a kentner uie assistant superinun dent having charge of use meeting tlie attendance was small due to so much lunals- the story from uve tudv book war ably given by urs u- ucknery and uie leaders talk by urs kentner j sanford son pwc georgetown 34w tutooaia coa5i wtlkv at gataxioaty tuaattuc did you laugh at it happetul one night did you roar at ur lvedi goes lo liwn out of the same ludlo comes anouver riotous roman tic comedy theodora goes wild youi ko wild wlui joy as the aosic hilarious of heroines writes a sensa tuipal novel tries to uve up to it tirtv a man out of his apart- uunl makes love to lhe gover nor upfcets two happy homes lands in uae lieadiinest and theodora wa just getting started glorious etltertainaaecu with tfreaa duruve deliciously welighlful ul the creeti treat that sets a tow high lor tail uughil at oregory theaua uakch wth and lath ualton milk kaoulujlats and molstbun haaatlaa uakk pulns rom annual banouat rev g a leichuter of college sl kiaptivt ctiuxcli toronto noted after dinner speaker and singer ls to be the guest speaker at uie annual ban que of the lialton ilolsuin and milk producers associations to be held in uutow on uarch sotli stales l de- vrte secretary of the utter organ nation other guests will biclude h w parkinson newly elected president of uie holsteui priesian association of canada l ii clarke secretary of whole uuk producers league uve and hyron jenvey western ontario pieklman of the holsteui association according to ur devries uve ivrogram pronusea to surpass even thai of lhe pait two years and music and drama lovers will aho find much for uialr eatjoyment ttvoe bilerested oon eluded ur devries would be well ad vised uot only to buy uveir tickets at once but also to be on time on uarch solh in ai much as uve acooaunoda uwd la liaaued ashgrove a liappy evening was pent togeuier on wednesday peb mth when uie young peoples union from hornby united church were enurtained by aihgrove yju the worship service was conducted hy hornby uls uar- ttaret eyre read the scripture ur stanley may president lead in pray er and some beautiful uvouglils on opportunity were given by uls dorothy isrowtl the remainder of the evening was spent in games ajid contests under the capable leaderslilp of ulsses elsie neill and isabel wrig gleworth akveryone present enjoyed this dehghtful occasion another regular young peoples meeting was held on sunday night under the direction of uve missionary vlcpresidenl ur john dird the beauuful udes on david cop- perfleld were sliown on uondav night at uve- united church by rev b eyre ijl the regular monthly meeting of uve aihgrove w i was held at uu home of urs- r j graham on tuesday peh a after uie opening exercisen and buines discussion uie roll call was answered by remedies tor imple ailmenu bums etc the motto uart know thywlf heal uiy self was uuarged upon b ur r hepburn uls isabel wrluelesaorth contributed a piano solo and all en yed oommunlty tinging for a slvort we were fortunate in having rs joe hunter a our special siieak al uiis meeting slve gave ui many valuable hints on first aid and also a splendid demonstration on bandaging lunch was ervotl and a social lialf hour was enjoyed t uve close of the meeting t kteai prame ivouse on ontario st eight roouu light and water also garage jolin w armstrong po box 15 phone luv tf hawdaaai fr sale a quanuty of sawdust and a num ber of new wheelbarrows for sale edar logan victoria st college view piione 1s5 georgetown s b hl klajny cluctch ilatclied from our own nock gov ernment irupected and bloodlested under ojld for six years come in ami ee our nock before you buy dis count on orders placed in advance walkins poultry parm r r i acton one wile wesf ol acton on no 7 highway tp glxnwuxlajvts uls wlnnirred jones of toronto was the guest of ul vlvunne guyol of glen haven over uve week end urs a uonfield of georgetown held uie lucky ticket in uve draw organu ed hy uve loyal true clue lodge the uraw was made at uie regular meet lug last evening uu calms and ul schales are holding mlsion ervlce in uve unit ed church iht week commencing at 8 oclock opened auction sale household etjatnttjlt tlvc undersigned lias been instructed by cearge llkiatr to ell bv public auction al his premj es ualn street north georgelown on saturday uaatcli cth 1u7 at 1m inn the following walnut dining tuul walnut buffet g dining chairs ihllco b tube radio long and slvort wave bed chesterfield and 3 chairs simmon u bed with springs and mattreii large mirror mahogany chiffonier child oaa child s crib childs camp col rocking- chair kitclven cabinet quebec heater piillay kitchen range uamerpieoa gyro tor electric waslwr rin sewing machine floor lamp 3 table lamp axmlnster rug 0 x 13 howr linoleum indow blinds curtain camivhsg equipment medicine cabinet vice electric toaster electric iron electric heater coal oil heater el of tire cliblru tricycle childs klivuergarteu loys kitchen uterulls dishes bakers equipment uioveu quanuly of dry wood numerous ouver articles ihl- l an exceptionally good lot of luniiture kveryuilng must be old a- mr ulener l leaving town thjius cali itp prank prtch a ictioneer uayyag cximrietition last uonday gioftcevown kwlvs lnttatt tlie uaytag couipetillori fir on tarsa swung into lis first week lat uonday and uie drive l now on be tween all uaytag dealers in ontario of towns lux and under tlie first ten will be given an all expense trip through uve talev hugh liiula and gordon alcott are j prvillng georgetown it new aivertlsiowtekts lvr sale uetal clad building ti x m ft at slewarttown station apply lo kstate w d jolinston georgetown a tkndlai kolk yahwat tenders will be received by uie un derslgtved up to uarch aui al live ocloek pm for a ton truck for uie towu of georgetown the lowest or any tender uot iieoessarily wc teradp b kkarriacm dark it baby chicks ilarred rocks new llaniiuura reds u c white leglvoms from lock bred for high pro duction and conformity to tan dard all egg i from m io 30 ounces custom hatching limited pare at te hev egg sell ulg priday tliurj llaulving atlolph sandusky qae sl aad 1u liae w ickc na 3 paae 324 r it asalamaton a tnauv a rwvlved in to tliem wave h iower lo uiave the uu- of cwid fvni lo uvwn tlvat believe on hl lutmr j41i111 1 13