the georgetown herald s venbetb ycr of inakcmtum the ceorxctqwn herald wednesday everting march 24th 1937 150 per annum in achrmnoe 200 to usa the georgetown herald kasoiafr mmt vkkv m0rn1no not only then tttr nc yriili fm t tepj mind lun the thielmal of mi d il i rveri main r wulliiu t-arin- lly to aovrw wlts at u wwogw and tall sunday dauy rva3fatfcr exxept sunday 0u nati- mall hod ksfcsengwr i3j t f mewsc41e m tmenvc sin wtk ax uuvi qeouuetowtt bjuor 1jj4 ua us km 1mi i us itm tjh tj- us tu- klxjm luteu 11 aonfcor omy bolkhj only usmm staniusd iso joks confxcnonkk aauij directory ifcmttr baut kjo oou oratory 1txt bid uul ta kknnktv ml lamolmkm ii m h ir thhq fr wlm uii sum smui ho m w c cum imte kte oole uul gut mutt m po boa in a t rw bar tux b tlhuj cook omfatl qolova xxi tfaja st worth r m wtson cuts mjs oak moure- la keet tbiutd jl k wckson tojut nyt v- u tbl u dr oauad 4w c a m nielsen uu v x wuo ohirofinbctoir xray dnlgfets thekpiat ttoolf s s li s lul make old iece5 new again you cn work marvels with a lurusd und 4i can of lowe brothers nepiolac cnamel tfir latest development tin heat imd mois ture resisting porcelain finishes ncpto lhc quick drying enamel luruslies esilj on almost anything woodwork floors furniture walla toys forch floors hler meul etc it flows on smoothly and doesn t leave a twrushmarle it hides o well that one coat is usuahy enough dries in 4 to 6 hours to a durable high gloss finish ash for neptolnc enamel color card show ing 24 modem colors holt i w 4h- tlml utll i miti 1 1 tium iri ut ix- incrtv i juh j r truth iiul niwi li t hitll ih iliriiuhlf kitouliiu wl rir rmi 1 which ll within my ir u tlj u ri tfrul uu it wmuj rv luriituth vhahwr uutd ur clwjjii hit ill tllt-4- tuo thinjt i ijiull try a ftradfat fnlth u rhlwltkr inut hi m1 rtlruct noel cntvirll r h thompson co plumbing tinsmithing heating and electric wiring ttuone 4 georgetown stkar lxk haii m1 s wvf jiuiit-ilk- la ulm kfrf be ftim uaaulntt- mgldroit tin wxjiw tuy hturtiooti tut cjurur jkettv uuju wert rlltld u tovt ukc nmu umwiiiik ev to bf irdrxt by ft hunuvlllc court rtie lad limxj in hfc from 13 o 14 yr cimrit- history of georgetown s gleaned from htstorcai atus j inlaid v aliilr of no kbwcjb i uiijili il- i ttdimj ax w wxok hrll i firh uul in hu ioui yr mr ai i fu ten ll icimxbii locally i tunu h tii iult in tiuiillka illukr a u yhl inati hr ixcatiir liilrr- t lot iif rlll i illlhti ihu ulid flrrd uu kv rlmnl tiu utvict- on lirltutiiiii urwmuu uok in ihr cn jliill t l hi rovrrl ilw ui diltn iv i hi lutrutwrk jd wms lllll utrtilmr wilii tbr 1 lutirh flm 1 ihl mkt r rrtunitxj 4u ill i hwil till lurmlhkf ill la jiaiwry l liolllltl ulirn r itrrjitn- llitwitt- 1 it in rn ihtuuf mui inunmiml sfcorl ii ivt id liumrruu uacn ui til iim ii unlud hrw r a mtl u u i v aril ii of hakoii county h mr akiuw juld li omft lintil tin i wl innurrafy of the muotcl ia n lihril at nkvuitfutavu ur wua inbiiri led in uduabcitix tducutliui ami jirut fctilrr in thrf- cttunty iuru lunul oci h hr nriffinjilly ki h minihr of th j- clair ulxhiiij lodiir- wilton but lulwd found uic jww cuinkijrll laditf cipbrllvltlc dui- to fitlunu uuh he tturcd root tnunlriiuil dflt tut on dlffertrtt oe ciuion- rircjntid tli towntip oi nnvjikutja in itka and municipal hjuttrr lie h urvkod by hl wldo lvit uu- oordon nnd doujlux rw our luuuhtfr fvtlyn antv r wo t you look as young as youtt hair looks twtl tu lml yg frua v im femclmdy ul h n w fa yr kk- iwk lo n mlr a a mtj mmu tm f m bwf tta aar tto wl i wuw ngelioue oreyimm restorer maccortnacks drug store rttokt i7 gfimcatown had bcn uul kkirut uem by chief i avrrt ano tilt frafcjul carbon who recovered oinc of ujf iroods ukn a flnt woiioal to iicnnit th li off on u pended nlric uo afttr wmnis on rvcommndatuui of chief carbon amended to a rrie- of rtrap fuiu for hcti whtn um court adjourned chief carbon took th boy into the b mtt of the liall and rarrw out lite flrl buulment or uie umpplnss 1 it war irovldd uuu ui boy miit alltnd cltoo ilally if lhtj are re mrid kbftnt for a unifl day with out irtnl skui uie remmmder of uie ujtainuruv will hnurw due they are lo to keep cprated rrom ech other and ftre not t be found on the street hftet 7 phi violation of any of the regulation will immed lately rail tor the adminlirallon or the remainder of the lajif for each the wntence ruru for one year and if d urine that time ther ldi crupulairjy obseprceuie tipulatlon of ue court lliey will exape liie re malnder of tlie wntenoe chler carson latcs tluit uil l the rvt in lance in which the trap ha been made a imrt or a local court nunce he lay tlmt the courts in caef or juvenile delinquency are ijronuly reoomftendlne arapina in- llmd of die reformatory tuirtlcular ly with nrst offender- ttic trap ud was a heavj leather one and the boy were compelled to bare their back for uu trapping the punuiment it is believed was severe enough to deter the lad frorii furoir depredation hunlvill radio repairs y4 ame invited ta ram b ouj talk wr ywr ltadl iwuenu tke adylee f a trained kudlj service tttcifcer u ynrv to tke ftuibir 1 ruonk h hugh lindsay in ih iju tiwk frank letch ltcxmssn ivcimnu uv balki a kd uj lbta cmmlhim m r noumimii uu wit owm ctlhnm monuments pollock ingham suuusws k ckur worth gk onl c 25 reward e- au hy oh j coten sjulvc w wy fhu iw cons oat caix- oussti kt glaki atej fcimnil otih swa ftpmiiiiim iw iw ajaj twy uw oal at m ow a woaoan had fcow li kmuathi fdr lh oru uaw ut her life oti lkr llbn id loudutt ih ekpfvad hrf saf as qttlw iunwised at umi ooaa tmuwtirv dvtuatkm of ur horut ou kdalbii cuuoans at ltwed ins rapidly h ild i ui a uuw kwtt ukv st akwlrewi lhy uave a bio t mw ginger ale i u 12c bsosn com starch j 10c vitone o s7c uj 47c chocolates 85c allsorts vttulu icy wafers wttk j 21c pears 2 s 19c frtsruit umuiclau eclkltcl tea golden tip vt pu 33c cheese 2 wipihi 29c molasses 2 uioc bird seed 9 tui 17c vinegar hwfots s 16ha ui ssc asparagus aylrtf tuty cut uli 14c spinach aylar cutmcm domestic 1duad pock i4c oiiuito sold paj pn pumpkin 2 iw-svib- 19e wjiusi puh cv marmalade 39 u 23c pure lard s 1 29c olives lu iu 14c walnuts ueauj 9c uly puu wj lkwu iuv lushus fi puu 15c smu lnil catsup 15j bold 10c no 2 u 1 5c sunlight soap 3lium 16c hawes wax hf fiwm 1h ba 43c castile soap st gain s i 13c carrolls l i h i t i su free delivery 3 linku ofe stvalt it i only agriculture which lielps a man not to be a uxur and that a man can lie fnmou in tlie world by lw iii called kins rven pcruuv ulwi jiof uold ilver jewd and clotiiinir belt from asrieulturit it l food which i life il l food which l trenfith and it t- food tliat in the ouree of all life agriculture l uie life of all animals thl quotation l- taken from a sanerit manuripl of uc 1m0 in u prayer lo thy glory or paratara a hindu ialnl revered for renturiea a uic prolote of agricultural ilence more tlut a thousand years hoaever before the advent of fra- rjra the fumi w tlu source of food clolhinif and tlw other ectaries fituna aiul rejoicing at the vari- ou national fe uvau particularly at thr comlnjc of siirina a emphaind and recorded in the tatultx or china by tlie kmperors pu hi in 1qc 2sj3 and shoununs in dc i860 the lutter be ins known a- the divine labourer and inentor of agricultural implement at eater or sprinff time as at all other ancient fe thal the farm was idealued a tlie ource of food by uhlch all men and animal aere en ablrl to live and today whether tlil important fact l recounuced not tlie function of the farm as thtt producer or food and the source of cuillzation lia not altered without food aiul clothing the celebration of kapler would be impoejuble taster without iiaxhal eca- kaler wluiout ljiter lamb and 1lter witlvout eas ter parade of the latert fahlorl in uomen flner and the lateu modfa in men clotlitr for they all come orainallj from the farm would in deed be a dull one tlie ancient tifi nlflcance of re birth a ymbollaed b the form uould ia into tlie limbo of farcotlcn in accordance alth the ancient tra dition that tlie morld vlil hatclied r created at ea ter tide ega- were prejntej bj the earlv persian- jew- kiliplian and llindiu to friends as a token of the princ or rwcreatlon of the orld tlie earl clirltians adopted the cil torn to ymbolut the ilt urrectlon and a lint coloured tla ecu nd in allujon to the blood of their redemption in tlie greek un i latin imisuase tlie term patcha from the ilebreu pach m over uu ujki and in tlit way hie chris tiun cilebrutinn of extcr l linked uitlt tlie hebrea pu- and tlll c uller willi the paaan fetival of it creation the ancieut non aod i or prlnu or fertility was octara in anuloiiaxon eatre or eottret lun the enallji name easter on the farm or the northern heml ph re blir i u buy time in uie preiiarution for medina the crop- tor tin nation- rood and clothina ijled in 87th tr ijic fum rat took place moiula mar 15th of ur eltuabelh maw life loni readent of tulhimor dlitrlct wlio died at her home saturday in her 87th jear doualitcr of the late jolin mckee of ilrainiiton mrs uaw ft a predeceased b her husband 23 ear aao mie woj a member or st marj anaucan church and l uniiwi b tuo jins walter ami norman of tullamore and four daughter mr- u illnnle georae loan mr william hllolt llramji- ton mr c drain and mr ii phil lip 4 caledon eat wi hiard a minister a the other i tint ii iuu put a barbed wire rnre ou each ode of it you could wit keep ome men in the t might lid uurrott iioth continue our account hi tor j of ueoruetoati at taken rrom the lluturicaj a tla of llm county of haluiti dated 1btt which wui puo illied lout wk crfetowt i raeary rnlj factory wa- iteited by mr k c whit in 863 and luu lnce beun m tin u uy in 0eration tny biactdpefi are all american make tltert ale live envelope machtites earh capable of making looooo envel ope per day tlerc it hho a bua xw r culler ailji bo tuurr tn envelop kbuiid ai oilv factory are of a uperlor quality and lake ry well in i he market liaj and rwpr hktirx mfkl mtg cwamany hticm ieal aal mrzak creemtat imotllert of ohl toaii were appointed agent for tve celebrated frail and ioje khlttina uachux uiat wer- inanufactured ir uucyrus ohio the bujnefw incremilrur o fait in canada owin tb the reputation whidi uie machine kltalned the creeltpan brotlierb entered into partnership with the original firm and tartnd a factory hi geonttowrt tile ma chlnery cooiku of 3 mluer 1 lathe 3 drills 1 knmch and afc the nce tary machinery for the nnuhlna- o live macliinca tlvey will manufac ture about 4oa machined per year kfe4 aaxl skar maaaracury ttie boot and ilioe manufactory of mr j u tvyfoot haji long been a ource of wealth to uie town he vm tiloyins resularly from so to 100 men he manufactures principally heavy boots and dlipotns of uiem generally in the city markets the machinery l of the latent patterns cfwroelawu carvlar fketaey thl exteniv ttblklimeht ls owned by meuxs culp and mcken the building is a 3 uorey brick building- m ft lojf ftm m su wlde utuated on the touth tide of vmain btreel the businesa done at this factory u enormou their carriages tiers and wagons are to be been all owr the country it l no uncom moti thiiuj for them to carry off all the flru prizes on all tlw- articles they exhibit not only at county ithows but at uie central fairs they keep cotuoanuy employed 15 hand ur d mctonxle odd of uie firm lias been teembet- of uie village council for a number of years and now occupies uie poitkm or iteeve tlie firm started bujiuu in llfea and were bumd out hi tlie ptfcitiu building was built in ibtc d mcklnnon keera gencrajulack- mlui and jobbing lhop wntch he oarted in i59 tlie buiuings are of stone and very commodious in addition to hl general blackmlui ing he carries on uie wagon ard carriage making lie alo manufact urs a very urge number of plows and harrows during- the year he employs zix hand alen greves alo carries on a blacksmlthlng busjne- and plow manufactory mr lawrence rose hav uie only grlt mill hi tlw vuuue it l i frame building but we ununland uiat it is the intention to replace it with brick the mill does a very larae cutom trade besides grinding- large quanutlcs of flour for foreign mark ets mr rose deals heavily in grain of all kinds which contributes gruy to uie prooerlty or uie place the mill contain three run of tones and is driven by water power and team the capacity of uie mill is about forty barrel per day new feature in uie manufactur ing blulnu lias been started by moirs j ji day and co tiili etabluiment l for uie purnoce or manulacturlng paints tlie machln ery consits of a four iwrse englns and boiler and eight paint nulls tlie good manufactured are called superfine quickdrying coach paints and varnl tc5 the drying qualltias and coloring are patented by uie firm rtiey are ell ground in best goldsite japan tlie mints are put up in uiu which contain from half pound to five pounds and sell at an average or from 50 cent lo 11 per can tlie eight nulls will grin j about 100 tun tier iear mr edain warch haj for a number of year- manufactured brooms in this village and during the hlt ear gone man largely into the bul- he upplies a large number of merchant and hu brooms are highly spoken of mr j c iillocl ha ht tannery at the present ume in uie old woollen factory belonging to jouiih uarber esq he did a urge tanning buans until hl stablkhment vil delroyeo by nre in l76 it is uie intention to build a new one shortly mejs crawford urothers ijih door and planing fac un orginauj owned by crombie i co l ltuated on main street and l aell ft tod up alui uie liecary machinery for do ing a large biuine- the eng hie is liieny five hor power it l con fldently expected that there will be lmnuau building buslnes done in uil part of county during- uie coming jeur and bultdens and lum beraien beiirauy are iireparlna for brtk trade tlie priuclpal archl lect and builder hi ceorgttoan l mr walter mckvy who lias been en gaged h thls brancli of builiuaj in thbi tillage lor many years he b ako ail active member of uw volun teef force occupying uie iuftltion of strgealil major of uie 3oui daltalloii he was preeiitnd alter uie lam en cumimiinit ut nugafa by uie ofscers of the tiataiion wiui a beauufu laord for hl energy ikerwverahce uiuj irici utteiimon to the dulhv of hu bfllce r wtiw yeiri uw peohj of the villago unered male tla lh loi the want of a grahi market several grain btiyr wuhiug p make il uieir head quarter but owing u uu- aalil of tiiehoua they could not then a public netting ua called and kliare ul oner ubmbed ufncient iu buld tile tirernt cumniotlku ttutliouie kt the aril talion immedulely ali grain buyers lutm iu alu tio uien ii a gooa market hot only for grain but fur all kind uf larmeri iroduce tile llrincjiial woo buyer arr u utleod aiknon t co tand it- t mcmaster the exteltvlve do kootu busiliea ikjw carried on b mclod ander viii l co wa- una erlablksikef by ml ar- v darcuy and 1 a u ac tio uga id in lug this partnership aa uhjilvro by ur macdougald re tiling in 1840 mr uarcuy kept uie buuneus idmself until iftfij when he associated wlui him in partnership uejre w mcleod and jami uc lean on tlie deaui of ur ucn which look place inlb5 uie buslners na carried aiw under the name darcuy at mcleod the buslne was carried on successfully by uiem until 1671 wlien ur dar cuy retired and uie bulnes- from uiat time ho- been carried on by tha precnt firm mcleod andetum ju co tlie store l a urge brick one two storie high 100 feet in length the average lock on hand amounts lo nearly moooo and uiey culm lo do a bulneu of over tdo000 per year tliey employ oontanuy from twtnti- hve to uilrty hantu tlie buiiixi now carried on by mesrs grant tliomson ju co was in uie first place started hy mr james young- in about 1m3 the business tiassed from one to another until the present proprietor became pa uf it hi ini they deal exclusively in dry goods and strlcuy adhere to the one price ailem the principai grocery business is done by htcsxn il d ucmauer il mckay uoool lum drouien wm thompson and w t jackson these gehtlemeii also buy largely of country produc mr john wilon and mr chat thayer liave each an extensive fur niture tataullshment and manufac ture urge quantities botldes import ing heavlli tlie liardware trade is reiureented by d held and thos whlttaker uie drugs by ttias lius ton and dr star uie jewellery busl- ne by n armour and t j wheeler bool and slioec by d c waton and w autin bakery tim smauaam and wm meadow- stoves and tin ware s statham and wm p moore hamet j p taylor hotels tiioa curk ii dennett d ttiompfcon and ii h kplers tlie viluge liar four doctorc vu dr ranney dr free man he starr and dr standlsh ml uiree lawyers n porsayeui j d mauion and q q goodwlltle the only newpaper in uie village l- uie georgetown herald owned by mr t j starret uil paper was start ed by mr isaac uunter in 1k6 uiough various ouier papers had tarted and become extinct before that mr hunter old to ur jos craig who old to mr t ii hums in 1874 ur dunu old to uie pres ent proprietor tlie paper u conser vative in politics and l handomely supported by all clases tlie liop indutry in the vicinity of georgetown l a umlng urge pro- ikirtlorl and uie soil lia- proved veri favorable to uielr growui about 300 acres of hops were euluvated last year and uie general average is from 600 to 800 pouiul to uie acre the following are principal growers j smith lletsey rose i huston d cross ii hos c dams john mur ray wm jojee ur durt jo ken nedy s kennedy peter rowe ja- roberton jolin mcnaughton s uc naughton jolin mcklnnon alex mcklnnon wm mocolium jolin hunter lau on drouiers wrn- uoore mr logan lu ey a proxer jolin halner the traa berry biuineas bltl fair to be a letldlng lndistr of uil ectlon alreodj there are about 50 acres un r crop the average yield ier acre about 3500 quart- to the acre the end found a little dog hy chafclotte mi5h m isb ii at 1 1 lf ralieeed ur ber aa liable a baa hal realty u wa her lod tb limiat la her irou up at iter kueslutliiay 4- cuuiuieni ly hh couldstw il tiny eart drum aiag milmf kwv s thar ke bt cmjrac- por oal aihtf n m lac vfan rrtjbr med too but it i listed rw itul hat ut utoilkj au atuj hinltm-er- lag haiti jrtkwvld bid ruled hr u lar tor ao loo that uim matilda wm lly waa bbf kaora baa ralotly wrr that br ufa was bot her uu th do wa ao e hj a pitiful u waa awrovr tuaaat ll rallza king george l stahs available apiul iu the pa t office department luij an nounced a nea hon commemorative l ue of canadian potnge tamps bearing the uortrart of kina george vi will be available april 1 t in de nomination of one cent green two rents brown and three cent- red pi rther denomlnauoiv of thli eries in fo ir five and eight cent usuea were fkiifctrd to be luwl later de la i ol the xicm coronation l will be announced uter tlien i one nice uiina about be ing hone t you don t need u con tilt a lauer to find out ho ban i al4u rl i 25 tttttttttttttt bananas 2sc doz celery stalks 6c bunch spinach curly mud crli 2 lbs 15c oranges 29 cabbage 2 lbs 9c carrots siw ha sc tw siw huiwbev grapefruit ivxaa hwjuwj ml urge g for 25c lettuce 9c llru iuj potatoes 39c pk turnips 2 lbs 5c 1 ckn taut quully carrolls limited that if hkd br trusted ur tmordl ataly tbat be ad rent ikb atret actually aanl aometalojt a aimtber craalurp laxtfalbu or eura to tblnk af kaeftln- u tat kb wuld tk it ami and fwd h hat tla or ft iavlng irew ibrougfa tke window hattla alood walilnr a urge impr- alv bjrur wllb tb oruw4d aad puffy y ilk turtle ilcavaba- abftr what ihatr u dc ula matilda axpulaed carfully w vry alee d abd ifa loaf aad im gnlnx to glv it water and food aad ua rolnr to atay ovembxl aad tbea 111 flad lt bo- duuin tbe tlr prk ta ob breath lrt mlsa matilda mtaewbat wladm b inaawd uwply ready tor tbaxt qatlon wbteb luml ut l b h alattimdt w1l it eaot hlay beee klallu tutcd toward tbe vlmbiw as if ex peetlag ikat mlaa matll u would in- ktablly hloo- tb out nf it it eaa an li will llataie mum matilda deeured b ln lb i booan in btb of ui aiwl i gtkra hi keep a dog overnlcbt if i waht to overalgbt r iwrvr im giilnat to hd bar bow iirt dobt tll m ibat itv- hattl could bftt brtri hraeir to volca tbu gbaatly auaplclon a fmabj dnl crtalrtly um a girl dw sereuy uim matilda beraeir ftl thu almliuo waa allfbtly abady but ber t a waa admirably aaatterof fact uffl d take it away ihtmedtatrly uatllda l ewr auiwr ui uatlbu atalltl in- te tb licbo ami nrruird the little dot a dlaar hb waa nwar that ab badot felt ao a live iw w ihtereted in abytblnr r- yearn alawkat ulaa matilda tbnubt she could turn baaely flubotvc liior tb vaat hirrtlabieuln but n ao abe raallked reluctantly llalil would cer tainly s aay advvrtl ebilbt ad tumaod adloa no clalu appeared in th av rain paper and ular on ulij uatll la at nut for a walk wltb the llttw dut sk waa goo for hoiira when alt re lumed ber fac radiant abd la ber arwa a fluff or glda fur haiti met ber at that ikwu- armed wllb tb after- booa papar ttyv adwvrilkedr haiti looked triumphant and excited i bob ltd uedutely matilda its a leblbniu addreaa am taereb a reward of hfty dolurat she heatnwed a eunee of pool live atntettoa upa u uttl dog fifty ilnlur i think we abould take il were entitled h ibdeedr aor a aboeked instant hattle thought her alater bad aald h yeabt it waa the toa its anotber dog mlts uatllda addled haiti read slowly wltb polated etapbaals lort yesteitow small rddea pouerablao fiuale anavtera to dolly tfji rewar ob no tbls ian t any liolly mba uatllda returneil easily hea a lioy do iv twui t rail him petey by dog hattle gaitpj uul you aid you dutlaetlv salj u tometliim on autke uttl biuuka this 1 pvter pbon if yoa like it aiaed wnrclv uiinb whlht uut hattl telephoned rvthhting coafuted- ly that perhaps ide adverttnwnt evu talned a mlblale t io aa ills matilda bearxl tb your docs been returovd b perroruad m rneatt jig hr heart was mario ibe bugrd petpy c iwr perbapa they will adwrtlse tow vr- row hattle dure tel hopefully aa she put down ilw 0uvne perhaps uu mat i ida rtums it waa not reallv on untruth ivrhapa aooie oo would hut it waa unlikely moat unlikely aa a blatter of fact ivty never had been loat uiat uatll u had bought hlw at the lt btotd kb bad koo tber directly froai lb penthoaae oh ah bad bot wallet to gt borne to ax- aula tb aftenhum a uartuetautl t bought blm ptfiy dolura if hattle aver found out i hut ou golden pomeranian loiikfi much like another and mib uatllda bought ivtay aarly that afternoon with lb arty dollar re ward for dolly however this waa a secrvt between ulas matilda and iviey a secret both werv very certain to kep tv icarakal slaey th hutory or tin- karakul abep and tbe tiiim of ita furry pell dataa back many tbnuaandn or jsaru arrbe- ologuta baxiag u up tnummlea liurlihi for aoim yearn that were found to lw wearlna thin inniba mr in per fect condition thi fart that the rur t its ht inn t im lalen rrom tamtui hlauchtrretl iml tun or three jaya after 1 irth teu la l b il d n produc- ii m uim even bail n ih o iiktaut pjut- 11 1 llllj t f pvllllctl kb coatoation saats rkcvs afeun tived lught hon lultiy mutrdonald iord iresldciit of uie council an iwiuiwed in uie hou of conunon re cntl uiat uie charge for uncovered eatu lining uie coroiutloii route would he 15 fjillllnav each t315 overi khklr will cost t llulillgi and sixiknw t5b0i thee rat will not be old to uie genera public but to grouiu of iierom to wliom uiey are to be allot led nothing u brighter uian a bah 10 mlnub brfore 11 bedtime sayi a mew lapia a utile leamliig u a danicetous uihig kniwrieiic will teach new lajkpa uiat a baby u al way- brighter ul two lu u aaoniin