Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 7, 1937, p. 2

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page 2 i isibhqau iitl miaft spring feeling bow suits and topcoats made to measure 1900 to 45 00 hundred of samples of new spring woollen lo ejtaoose from m silvers ranges of madctooicature dotke we are exdusive agersts tn geocgeiowm fori la sale style tailors w r johnston approved clothes manler clothes gome in and see their lines before buying elftetrbere cornpare our values remember every silver soil or copcoai is uncondiiiofiaily guaranteed town council the georgetown herald wed neada evening april 7th 1937 silvers dipt store where your dolw goes farther phone 37s georgetown large bonus votes richardsons hardware on these special priced items beatty washer model s b 300450 vote on display at campatm oftve beatty vacuum model 97 1 945450 vote beatty floor polisher 1026350 vote beatty wringer post btoner 1152450 vote crescent ccjwl bicycle 790350 vote standard com bicycle 873g00 vote wm rodgers sons silver 50 piece service for 12 l 14250 vote ton dwlar at campaign offlnt martin senour paints 1 gj 40145 vote floglaze enamel 1 quart 7g50 vote for the balance of the campaign all wallpapers and paints will carry 5000 bonus votes per 100 we deliver phone 25 ukuner op ceorafrrowk business caupaigi i elotn uxxx3ra at the guelph general llntpltal on april 1st tot to ur and ur calvin t uiller wt wool wich st guelph ont nee pior- etiee oook the lift of a baby hoy med hun hilt at the sick childrens notrotal toronto on tuesday uar solh lkst robert ilenry infant son of ur and urt p w hunter aged 10 months leslie at ouelph general hospi tal on tuesday april cth 1997 uary ann thornton beloved wife of john i lealle in iter t3rd year the funeral will be held from her residence charles st georgetown on thursday april 1th service at u0 oclock zntennent in greenwood cemetery georcetown ik latof ojuau sleiantflqlue in loving memory of a dear husband and father ar thur bjetghthnlmf who passed away april mh 1835 death comes to us just to show we love more dearly than we know but love in death should let us a what love in life should always be ever remembered by wife ana daughter cajtd of thanks we hereby convey ourjftxt sincere j to friends and nelghbors for he many kirulrtecvea and sympathy extended to us during our recent sad bereaement in the death of our be loved wife uul mother jbrrpb uarchment and family the audito rs syhcj no rled report we hare just kllnml to the clerk what we consider to be the most complete auditors report the town of georcetown that has erer been published the wry infor mation that should be of tniereai to every lulrwrr of georcetown will be found tn this report and a perusal of um- index will show you at a glance on which nige you will find the fol lowin reports and statements psges 4 to i carries the report of the auditors 9 to 11 the town halanrr- ihw 13 to 14 abstract of cash re ceipts and disbursements for the year 14 to 16 the operating state ment for uir year it statement of debenture debt is waterworks profit ana loss account is to 19 housing commission balance sheet 19 hous ing commission agreements receiv able 2d public school board receipts and expenditures 31 high school hoard rrenpls and expenditure 32 ohvetwry uoard receipts and expendl- tair6 23 cemetery board securities held dec 31 uqg 34 public library hoard receipts and disbursements 35 itrcodciliition of tax role with assecs- ment and statement of tax eollee- t oris in 193 sc list of properties owned by town or associated boards aid t t s 37 to 39 mti of insurance earned xi is the doty q thr ratepayers to secure a copy of tlus 133 report which is given free al charrv by applying to the clerk ur p h harrison and know for ummnjtrt the- true financial pociuon of he town in which they are tuwd to be ritiams cbunnl brt at pja- oci twaday april till mnnini ptml mt uayor gibbon itfmr hvis ouun- alki ci cruh- llu cousaii itvoits aitd 1rr uuiuu- j pr oic tamtuip w ttmd avid cynnrrnrd sir j i krlly rrrf camissio- t kiiwdr hl tcimmt l the tnunlh oi plre chief ltmmy addrcsrd cuuii- ril w hfnnni comratbuft harold uarsjiall aiul j icudiie u brtmlf of ifw liajbaji club asknl tauae terfc be doiwr on the tiutuoiml the naattft ws uft kith tike l oaaaunlt tc- conunupicatkos vrr tvmti tttmt liquor coituol hoard in rtcrd to ikours of ckhang lluy umltli counl kuuwcr mord by lvfct lecxamnl by oosli- tn tltat uw trsurrr pay the 1w- 1ui commission uc- wim a ui pn atardi accotmis- carri uoxtxl by cwi seoiodod by crih hiat ua tywmsurvr pky the ouoftmt accounti lw krwui us jm tor1 ut- ij vvu ward court srnrwsm 400 k c tiaianpoa ourt iarcr4 k imblic tobrry board rent 3jtx if c aloclurv aubtdanoe uao coovaercial talioiwy and xvintiaa co staliooery ub bu ttwpbone co w j1 sikceudrpt storv ukform nicht constable liw x j blackburn uniform chvf corutable mbo w h krwlnei at jjon coal w 11 iceotner ju qoa com 34jm jenkins it hardy uoc audit 2o0 speiahtlt garacr repairs 0j p c whitmee su il h thompson a co- 41s hydro lwtric cootm- sldcl georcetown herald prmling wj w g uanhall pooace x90 uovm by hall seconded by lyons that the ontario hydro ttlrctric com mission be allowed to erect transfor- tners outside the subslalion ana erect a chainlink fooee around the transformer and substation as per lan h if carried council adjournad ceargdtwa distrid cwanip gaias rt oats 11m uuhj sxk uf um cxntetowii i lfit caanpaucn ofjeiih and um -rc- uiul knk ul tlte jcampmiaii ckuus lll 47 iuilrillll ttttliniyl at lite juaiutj aiul raruitc to to lor i ttvmtntutil cajjl pnvr ul s3o0o0 tott titer atui 1 ullur aluble prijar iieinl lo llw l4 ikouboruuf mcr- clim in wlh oor unj vole are lmuu kollrd up dilj oimc- ucaiil tlir hcwdguartrrs c lioru wiiliuujllfit tluit tlio cam luln u vcrcduiu all normal expec uuoil crrlil card uutk arc lilllfmt llu- box uti uie inmiuuart4 r table tuiiy iiwj lure clcrki are busily wo ail out boiill otrs aiul credit jud kxtra vhlu uvtertauiird boo-4rn- a wv cmtkdklat or aiiutlicr grimly jili lie ilu poolntf of ualvt kii and vtolv ui put uwur fuvour- iu v tlw top juuk is almut apparui ut tins lb btuiis at oie uxr1 ul llu- rck f cam ui slowly briorr u4 dav- 1 wr tljj man jn clian rrpuru it tiad condbeud jotluu til by the car load ami uuck ruls urk wwl se uk coutetanai out alicr old aocounls uenertiu uouw vou arv lilveu above uuvuiibl itwjnij aroaunb paid up ahich ary ut ocut oumanding tlte uwure ihc- aoooutit l offtuandiiui tlte lar- lr is the bonus you can lielri your javountr by crediting tucli paymenl ul ukras rtucsszsrranoyj to mass gudys uujl at knox young irfiomxs on uonday vtmla april sth the young people held tneir regular wekly meunc with the vioe-prosl- dent in the chair the devotional exercises the various lux business were tkalt with and the re mainder of the evening took the form of an appropriate wvddinajpto cram and a presentation to alias gladys hull huwaocous wddmg ren by betty pmh mp- a urtngxton and jmaie hiu wcrv followed by a 4bck wedding ha which little as minister wm in bonds of marriage horace hurley the brine to jack cunningham groom at the eoryjiwion of the ceremony while the tjr was be ing signed jack uclaren sang ttse prisoners gong all of which heartily enjoyed by all present then came a most interesting part in the meeting when the bridetobe wax called upon and jack cunning- nam presented lo bet a casserole and silver tray while the following pres entation was read by gordon martin uiss gladys iu1l dear gladys the members of the knox presbyterian young peoples society hare cathered here to present you wlui this tilt we ask you to accept it as ait outward expression of our innermou feelings toward you during the many years you have been with us you have proved a friend and companion to us w nov that you are about to he mar- ami are leaving us we would uke you to feel that our best wishes for your cood health happiness and prosperity are with you always the evening was then brought a close by all joining hands and sing- tnt par shes of jolly good pel low glen williams ur jack graham spent the week end at his home here his many fnend- are clad to see him around again after his two months sojonro sfc uicheals hospital toronto we hope lie will sootv be able to dis- flcfttiirvtln his crutches while at his work on tuesday ur william ewron had the misfortune to break bis arm in two placec the ladles guild of he albans church held one of the most success ful bazaars in its history on tuesday of last week table homemade baking table and treasure cliest met with a great de mand or thru wares and a quick clearance was assured the guild wuh uis guyot as their president is to be congratulated on tlws splen did effort for use church midgets kntrtottarved the canadian was host on uonday night to seventyfive boys representing all the teams in the uidget hockey league the boys led an attack on the bet dogs and pop at i piti alter which a program of coeamunuy singing magicians and catnedlans ti at half time the eats were again in demand tallowed by the s half of the concert with the final avrault on the wetners and pop taking place after the sing ing of the national antheaa duruvg the evening short addresses were given by col brown and uayor gibbons who presented tmllr uur- phy of the canacuens with a medal for winning the scoring honors ol the league the boys were entertained by bui arnou and urs amott harry rltby and geo lament with joe young as a checkup at the close showed that ery little damage had been done to the furniture and that ore hun drod hot dogs and four hundred bottles of pop had been carried away by the mlogets who reported a good time and no casxialuea people rich in experience are often poor in spot cash kelvinator cuts the cost of better living hugh lindsay ltw grand opening saturday april 10 grays garage corner mill and markets sts- free motor checkup for first 200 customers certified mechanics phone 113 all work guaranteed georgetown tlllis ani that iis sport by g v maple loaf hockey tetun banqueted by lions oub rkkslktatlon mtuk to max- ackk uvflmk lvan uonday kiight ks an outstanding llluht ror um- uaple leaf uidgsj nhl tutii teimwn of tlw nhl clumpuuisliip tlw ktatily cup and uu- ontario m hjl cvuimpionudp kiun tluj wm uiidwd a bmnqut ay tlw cummrtown liotis club wu spousorrxl uwlr tram tn uu- k-au- kry liockry untm- brouslil tww thrill for um- bo but uonday lilxlil tluy trc uirild bound word tkll 4lw liil uofi 11 tublr- udttl tli url ueluacw n tafkk dork trtujf bran and uv rrram aiul rak vi boj i aiml- uial wouldnx nmr nil and tlw liopft wrt liapplly repaid fiur lhtir trforts in iioitmiruig tlu- uami wheo uwy looked in la um- brijtit arouttd um- arious tablea after all had don justice to the rxoelunt menu chuf um bill long ikroporxl a toax vi the king which was lollowtd by live national an- titoo ur gtnes of newmarket uu- trxl ul commiiifily xoujing wllicli rrtade a hit wiui tlw boy while uuy wvr- aooaauitainvd on tlw- accordian by uy gorse walji alip of newmar ket- by a vory trick numkpulauoti jpalafalatalalalalaia tlcy are also out hi full force for i of wwd ut glevef ihm aaug a solo um btg amateur nile wliidi u tie um ikul tn uw gregory tratmtre on rtiurula april isui at 411 imn pnaes ui credit cards wul be given to uie winning actw extra voles wul be allowed lor uie contestants sell ing tickets and urge extras will be given to use contestants sponsoring the winning acts uakeup an act and help- your favourtles ttie uanager of tht campaign issued use following statement to use public somewhere in uiis community and known to you is some person who in your opinion could readily use the macniucent priae offered in uiis con- icsl by the merchants sponsoring this wul you get behind one of uiem as a contestant and xhow that neighbourly sportsmanship which lias put georgetown on the map by really putting your fatourite over the top it costs you no extra lo vote and it means so much to some con- ictant- the luqe of which a to howdy do jklr soandiio how are you tach ume filling in um name of one of um uaple leaf players lion rev w g o thumpon caw um- address of welcome in which he urcd um boys to always -ptay- the tame fair and square be it hockey or onyuilng else tlve may undertake lo do uirough life he congratulated um- team and liad nouiing but use highest praise for ihetn a number of preentations were made during uie evening the first one being of the njll pennant by lion harold ucclure on behalf of the club ur browri also presented the leant with a beautiful hahdmade mat design with the name of the stan ley cup winners worked in wool qe reg paul and chief long made the presentation of me to eacn boy on uie team and lion bd ma- whirter presented them with a copy of whos wlio in use national hoc key league a book pm by wee ucknight and distributed wiui uie compuments of the st lawrence stareb co gordon alcou prvsident ol the uidget nhjl adnvvfessd the lather ing briefly outlining the year acti vities and presenting the howie uor- enx memorial cup tn the uaple leafs and congratulated them on winning uie ontario championship sudie lunan who lias been man ager of uie uaple leaf team came in for some very cowpumentary re marks during uie evening for the way in which lie handled the team on behalf of the lions club he was presented with a windbreaker by lion harold ucclure ur lunan thank- the tea room sewing led the lions club for their co-oper- ii buoo jyfoujijom uie saion ajwj i for the gift the lions club had a number of distinguished cuets at this gathering among whom were the ontario dis trict governor of the lions dun lion harry lambert and uie deputy district governor hon dr vander- voort of newmarket lion lambert addressed his remarks to uie boys and presented each boy with a dcaen coronation pencils the uaple leaf forever brought uie evening to a dose baijl1nafad ut and urs r n weir of toron to spent the week end with ur and urs prank blnnle ur jim weauierston of toronto spent sunday with friends in the community the whs field their tfaxnk-offer- 1ns meeting thursday evening in the irhurch the ladies of uie georce town auxiliary attended uie mee and proskkd a very spl pro gramme urs rev overeod taking charge tlw- devotional parts were taken by urs w tyndau and urs preure uiss betty speight and uiss uarton overend favored us with vo cal and instrumental solos a most interesting address was uiven by urs overend on what christian missions lias done for the world at the close of uie meeting lunch was served and a social ume was enjoyed by all umehouse uls nelhe swackhamer of detroit vimted wiui her mother and sist urs d swackhamer and uiss uar- caret for a few days last week on sunda ur and urs thurston and ur and urs arrowsmlth of toronto also tlited ul urs swa other visitors noted in the village over the week end were ur and urs alex grant of toronto ur and urs c uummery ur and urs robinson a their revjiecuve cottages ur and urs wn uilllere and family of urampton with ur and urs wm uiliicrr sr ur leonard uumlord with ut ken stephenson ux joe edwards at ur sam glsbya the regular meeting of the wo mens insutute was held at the home of ura wm gowdy on thursday artemoon a special feature was a lalk on law by uiss bennett of huttonville this was much appre ciated by the members ur fred packer held a sale of foods on tuesday of last week as he is planning to leave umeh for a tune ur leslie campbell is taking charge of the farm during his ab sence we shall miss freds genial face and his splendid tal but wish him everything thai is cood- uus calms and uiss scholy who have been conducting services in use united church are now at churchill tach evening the kind invitation of the george town auxiliary of the wub of the united church to attend uielr easter meeting on tuesday and to hear uu tail of vancouver japanese uission was much appreciated and mhw of use llmehouse ladles enjoj- rd a very happy ume ur and urs wm gowdy spent uonday in toronto several of the llmehouse branch of um- womens institute attended the lauunng al the parish hall acton on tuesday afternoon a prclal iktuliaaune was riven wtven uiss war- lltc irom tlie unwrtment lu toron to spokr on uie subject tlie impor- lanor of litet in heal in and this was much enjoyed oordon aloott wlu originated use uidget n ii l in georgetown durtng the past viaihax legion axcct orircams the election ofifficers for branch 130 canadian legion resulted a fol lows hon itesident 11 davidson ksq 1reaident o o brown 1st vicepreaidentvw j honey and vicepnsluenti il smith flecretary j v uocartney trrasiirer wauarr ttstanpson kxrcuuve h fihenliefd f yalea 1l parr h harlow hgt at arms av il uoqul chairman of committee j uur- phy c utacey b lladley auditors geo hau a c honey zone itrfireaenuuve j u uc- donald assisted by wm gould and fred wright conducted uie electiou special week end prices al i kings slw kads beaty rm steads beef 15 prime rib rout 23c lb boiling beef lie fc short ri rout 18c lb ji trail stewing vei zkc m try stylr largs nuiht sausage 2 lbs 25c 1tj tout hearts 10o lb choice veal roasis 13c lb shoulders 17ev vn wlk b porkbutts krl hni port skouty 17c ul side pork 15c lb llk- mil wtitlt jlcaj 21c lb t brejj at rwon 27c fc otug tfsst jskcon rrkfei ge roil 21c lb htsxtall tulk wctuacw ktau ceaery butter 2 lbs 61c fancy ipsh kippers 15c pur fillets 17c lb sumon stejcsn 18c lb halibut stejk 25c hj frtmh vegetable cturrot 4 bunches 25c cabbage 5c lb turnips 5c each rvoh crtr spinach 2 bm 15c cleanser 3 tins 14c j lhjetm loaf cheese 25c b r nirrv iu cheese 25clh cooking apples- 61v 25e c3sy toilet sbat icidl 4l 4 in package lscs kovax yolut orange marnalade mnhwrf ripfci r cl w n lu 32 ox jar 29c jvicy swm oranges 2 rloz 39c tejeahom 27 wm king rrompl delivery son uidget njli hockey was introduc ed to georcetown for the first time and it was taken by storm by the hundreds of fans uial cauiered al most nightly at use arena throughout the winter the uidget njlu brought together over one hundred boys between the ages of 10 and 1 and gave then a chance to ct into organised sport we have this winter fty use thanks of use dtiaens of georgetown to the managers and exeeuuve of the latetrmediale and junior hockey clubs but we have not added our words of appreciation to the exeeuuve of the uidget njll and in particular to cordon alcou wlw was the instigator of uidget njll in eastern canada ana president of the league gordon alcou has done a wonder ful job for use boys of georgetown this winter he has given them uie chance lo play hockey like they have never known before and for this we extend use thanks of uie aporting public he has riven of his time in no snail manner that use boys might get the chance to learn the came and be hockey players of fu lure years for georcetown let ui lire gordon a big hand and hope uial he may be able to organlae uie teams next winter after fifteen years georgetown has realised that if they want intermedi ate and junior hockey players they zatst start at the bottom and coach the boys through the years in ume they will have players that will take their places among the best in use ice lanes and so we write finis to a very suc cessful hockey season and look for ward lo use 1939 season with greater enthusiasm than ever before the nightcap to hockey in geokgctown po tuk 193c- tatason hockev in georcetown this winter enjoyed one of the best seasons u has had since uie arena was built in 1933 ptfleen yean have elapsed since one of the finest arenas ontario can boast was completed and ready for use and filleen years from that date george town can boast of having one bf the brcatrt liockey easons ever there must have been a reason for this sud den turn of uie hockey tide it lot just happen one of the hlgcesl boons to hockey in georgetown this winter waa the way tn which some of our public- surited men got belilnd the various teams and worked for the advance ment ot a apart uiat was strangling itself to death hockey at uie be- ifliinlng of use 193c37 season was on its last legs in georgetown and had it not been for jpc irenevred efforts of uie cltiaens titeorgetown would have faded out of use hockey picture in ontario but that was not to be uie case for georgetown is one of the best hockey towns in on t aria and when they can itarade a winning team the arena is not any too large lo hold the fans which bather b the hundreds tills fact was borne out when 1 1c3 cus tomers filed past the boxoface for a single came uiis winter we had a stood intermediate team uiis year and the harmony that existed w 1th these bays lias never been known before kvrry player was a credit to the team but they were a luckicts cre and after slartlftg whai looked like a season packed fall of victories were la the end dropped lo uie cellar position of the croup ttiey played a fine brand of faabkrav and their efforts deserved much bet ter treatment the first of the season saw the exe- cutir pondering on whether they should enter a junior team in the oha and after much discussion did so had they known that v would take the group championship uiis year a lot of unnecessary meet ings could have been tirwam of the juniors vrere a videkwakv afcmb this seaknn and after defeating acton lo win the croup utle went oa and met waterloo tn the playdowns winning the first came by a three- soal lead they were forced to take defeat in the second eetto at the gat- rhener arena however we are proud our juniors and hope they may to on to greater luinors another sea- to the stoking public sports editor georgetown herald dear sir we have ended pur first year pro hockey and speaking from my personal viewpoint i regard u as marked siicrecs uy sole alia was to provide organised sport tor the younger boys and encourage them in a cood healthy program this x am sure has been done lecme enum erate a few of our vm m n we have twwgiit equipment tor six teams use teams have had practices and approximately twenty gan every team has been tn the us leaf gardens toronto after each came each player was given a renah- mem ticket every team has had an outside enaageaaent and sticks were bought for the needy three cups and twelve medals have been pur chased ask any boy how be has enjoyed his winter and x am quite sure what that answer will be on uie other hand it has been most discouraging and hurttul the deuucuve criticism which has been carelessly thrown around the value of organiaed sport for teenaged boys ca be mmufhl in pecuniary terms and yet this subject has been brought to uie fore too many times i am giving below a financial state ment of approximate figures verified by use bank of commerce we have no outsandlng wymti itbcetpra gate receipts tltbooo booster tickets 6000 donations 130 00 kxtkndrtofus arenas proportion 4 tiooao 1ractices 1c00 iiiipmrnt 31s50 lojreshipents 6000 ticket taker 1500 pro games ioojoo referees 1500 ihvone calls 30 00 banquet 3000 photos 35 jw printing 3500 cash on tiand 3100 i 11 woo ii has taken ume plenty of it and a rood deal of patience lo keep over 100 boys in tune i seek and ask no personal aggrandlseasenl uy pleas ure comes in use enjoyment that use boys of georcetown derive from my efforts yours very truly gordon alcou play safe iwt i jmr uj vswjf 1 ttjk oajlhywdt lwk ahhukancb co gordon alcott oast otmsl budi nsonk m gboascktown grsj3y theatre friday april 9 the man who uved again atyaiery traaaa aarriag b l kartoff colored musical gnernn circus pictorial no 2 popeye cartoon fox nws saturday april 10 xeneiu spanky ealertal far the wkafa rauiuy atarrtng biaawky mejahawal ptdttlau lawatea aad fraak biargaa comedy freah from the fleet band musical charmers cartoon farmer alfalfa and runt chapter 12 flash gordon llallaae at s tuesday and wednesday april 13 and 14 women of glamour daringly aaadera picture oarrtag vlrgskla brae aad uerrya d iaglsa comedy love comes to mooneyville novelties cartoon court of human relations sport magic snapshots watch our window km sranrxt ux cbkah bhccujb nb ootanaotsamsaar trcaital frail satis 13c 2 far 25c longs confectionery i save weeks feeding get 6 weeks fxtra eggs by buying brays started pullets also 3wloold pullets or noosexed chicks at attractive prices 1 the key to success in poultrykeepins today is the earlylaying pullet the flock uiai lays uie most eges between july and lsscember had uie double advantage of hlahest averase egg prices and iowett average production cost we sold more early chicks this season than ever be fore now we offer ou a chance to catch up with these early birds and get in on the big end op this ojpohtonitv cweeaaou new hamuli ire rvuleu sac each these pullets belong to andrew christies famous ftpinerinktum strain famous for vigor and hardiness they are all hatched from eggs weigh ing 35 ounces per doxen and over they are well grown and well feather ed they should be laying by late july or early august if well fed uirough the balance of uiclr growing period and right at the height of uieir production from getpember to christmas they will wre you weeks feeding and give you g weeks kxttla effgs during the lughprofil half of uie year pwlleta er kaasexrd chicks 3 weeks ou these chicks are past uie critical stage or brooding so they wont take much ume during uie seeding rush alien minutes are precious they will save you 3 weeks of feeding tlw lullels will give you 3 weeks kxtka eggs during uie most profitable lialf of the year and uie cock erels can be finished and marketed in ume to catch uie high tourtt- scsmhi prices 3 weeks old sexrd pullets 100 guaranteed xtnv- proflt grade ctam per 100 3weeksold male and female clucks not sorted xtra profit grade tum per 100 your choice of new hampshire white rocks white wyandoues or luiode island reds at the above prices standard grade chicks if available le ier chick le leghorn pullets rrma ageri write for prices order direct pram ttoa advert tr ran twt ttie above price apply nnlyi to clucks now on hand for immediate de livery act quickly order direct from uiis advertisement or phone us to reserve chicks for you dont target uial we also have a constant supply of dayoldchicks your choice of seven breeds xtra profit and biandard grade fred w bray limited john st north hajuittou ontario oa george brown agent nonral ontario 4

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