page the georgetown herald wednesday evening april 7th 1937 try salada orange pekoe blend salada your eyes uwikhm ltir4 brwww vwg are yik4a f ky steak w mirii la a lhal ky lwklum 15 k4ai osw 3c ww u swhw w wwuty gua b jai wj h wavy t iw targ uy aseta 0 t wajlkeft ro ortomrrwjnr tvthiairr sikctamst ww w hi kobvfi davu kyofeat um i sic i dryer thaiithe sahara m tite sahara dwrt has its ease pool of refreshing water along the caravan route but moisture in m telephone cable meann trouble conaeouenuy one of the many important steps in the makmr of telephone cable la the expulsion of moisture here a unjrth of cable comprising twelve hundred telephone circuits- 2400 wires la shown uavirur on of the huge oven in the montreal plant of the northern electrie company lhviiled where a temperature f 275 p ia maintained under a vacuum which remove ry perceptible trace of moisture from the cable tha cable is then wheeled into an airconditioned chamber at the rear which in dryer than the sahara desert here it awaits its lead covering which is applied in a hot plastic state under several tons pressure without the cable again eneounterfaa the natural atmosphere it is then ready for use wasjlga beach now busy all vkak what was a wilderness cry little inhabited forty years ago ana of late years a mott popular summer resort vllh large hotels and hund reds and hundreds of cottages with literally thousands of people swarm ins over the beaches wasaga beech is more and more becoming a place of yeararound residence upwards of 30 families have spent the post winter st the beach a public school lias been kept open uiroughout the eor with an attendance of upwards of thirty during the winter mouths rev dr robert pocue who u his first winter in residence at the beach has been holding service for worship almost every sunday and a sundaj school has been held resularly aunt uary and what did daddy say when you told him you had woo firs prise for dietauont bobby he said well well you are netting more like your mother every day worried by pimples andjczema complexion unuwusbed after si weeks of kruscftken tw the post two yrs writes a wosnan my face was covered with kiard ptmpkw and kvd blotch and i kkao had rcarnw on toy nrk and fore-arms- i tried lotions creem and ointment with the kllshlet trtact wax so worried orlurulely 1 decided to give kruscheii a trial and without y faurtwm wuh- lii tw my was wtllioul u hlemuh ami jl have not luul u hgn of rearm jdncv i utkr kruscheti vrgularly every momlng and would t vaol be wtutmil lturri ja 1mur and eceritw arc irrquiilk i due to iirfpuritk ih the- bioodhi lliant polu which sium body rrkn ri failing ul cxpl imni ic vtrat jcnirlun sal hrlp io itmv ih body oruttay fund lonlnkhormulu niui braltlilly thus prrvmitllia tlw arcuniillatloii f impuirul in llw blood w when it bt kiwiwn a mo it r- uolnv to visit a hoilv the rxttfcunt par enta alan tmder just ubat he ij bolnji to leaw them he ms a frv whimsical old- bird for uy twwr kno jifthmf io expt a babi boi or bb ulrl or wliethr it wtl be itralllo end ihuuj 6onrunv im sunwia ihem willi l bmbi or even thr or mor but when e conxidvr ll mil from uie uorkt- point of view we ir that lie works accordliui to quit definite ruw the trouble u uiat in dalaa o mucli work he pays very jlltyt sttention to che kixhfts of tlve individual families vter in and yr out he brino more boy babies than itlru in can ada it is 105 or 108 boys for ever 100 btrfe he has to do this to keep the balance even ifor the infant boys are not as strons as the girls and four of them die for every three of the hlrls the stork has quite a fixed rule too about the number of times he brines more than one baby year after year he refuses to make 100 trips without brinstna two bablc on one of them about once in w or 6 times it is and in the ions run for every 100 times he takes twins he once takes triplets on rare occasions he carries four or more perhaps if we watched him ions enough we would find that he bruits uore than three about once for every 100 times that he brines three he has done it twice in canada in ten years while he has hroucht triplets u3 times and 2m00 pairs of twins to carry out this rule he would bring more than three only once in about one million trips ktesolv rok evkkv taolln foot nmlntf rmily not oatly wltrll thr nn uiif tincl upon lh- oiivsjmtld uf my ur hall i utakr ttmnlulioii rvrry dawn uvall find kne waltlnk to to tu lue ow titriour lout of iiw brwf iuy imkly and iirfwly kl my h tti jtrrvr if llmrr ib led for taici io tl u if uierr arfiuld bf tlw wa ui rn4 alul i hall ulaa trj tnrrfr tvi arcu lor imlli ulu hiwl ii if i rati f liall im- rluirllnblc ynomu rti ftootl khlrh lu tttbln m frlloroait i erotild ur clvrvftil a ad f vmwm u- bnr uriieali hlfrr lud ttr rlii tni liu rod ami rtjtf thrr wo lliltu f hli iri to vknp i a mvudra t faith a chlkljlk trut lit chwl i orri- nolrl cwvll v friday next apr gregory theatre georgetown admission i lucky number draw t fame n-uv- of 3mfi lmrtui un ufv rut r ur tl 1iu1 rf ul jtr tt m i io in rwitlhiit jryv trly jmith t wir ii t m wimh on 1my j vm it- i iiiri calherla- iu mi it duiiktitfr nrl tnlulil be h1i m pllnt la fetd 1hlllp oharlm tttk man amd dos uotott the owner of a car drove into arate when he got out he cough- ttd and blew his nose the coush was of the variety which seemed to start deep and it had intensity which threatened to tear out some tuhlnc tie called the man who generally looks after his car and from a note book read over carefully the thin he wanted attended to the umtal was not exact and the carburetor uemed set a tittle too fine for winter driving there was a little rattle in some other section after that ha coughed come more and blew his nose tome more jmd admitted he was feehn rather ragced but had decid ed to fight off bat he thought was a bad cold or a touch of the flu lie remarked i admit i am fussy about the car i like to have it in perfect mechanical condition all the time when 1 step on it i like to know i am going o get 100 per cent response and then he coughed some more and blew his nose some some more yes very careful about the car but the truth is he needed to go in for an overhauling himself more than his tax did uen are rather queer that way peterooro examiner adovl ls shoun tlir rlrlcpalton from canada at tending the recent opening at the nutionil trail vuyi faystem milliondollar bus depot in chicago tjift to right uic arc h j hymen superintendent central ontario trallwavi torono john cambers aacnt guelph pred wevcn agent kitchener j simon niagara palls p j butler p 11 1 lay hurst l cotnian limited and central oritario trauways j toronto leo francu agent itanoier leo cherrier rrsfttc manager canadian american trallways 1 wlmlor ii cobr ln reari hamilton ii a harper brantford ocorgc bworlh iin rear parts hoy robinson gent lontlon dr lchon agent tu- our w h long agent georgetown w j poser tbllnd agent brentford robert williams agent wlndar c cooler president canadian- american trallways windsor at the right is o view of the new depot which is modem in every degree and offers trallways passengers every fadlti for enjoyable bus travel l satisfied with nothing but the best cooking materials utensils and appliances mrs h m aitken in her famous cookery demonstration uses mcclary electric ranges and general steelwares enamelware cooking utensils exclusively general steel wares i ourtmir ni st tmwrta ll n iti r ih ilrl t vrxnce pimua4ll hint i- rmv rwmue the pnt of foun llb i- n nch colony in lite nf v rl i tarlir vl uill fnni ml prll jo 1111 ullh two hlft kll kill li men the exiiedltloa r htl i m bum vuia nn the ent eti i i st ft mil ijtml na uit t ml nt n 1 fn to whlrh be tare tin nauve r i inith- rlnt imw cslui mulliu lh aj ut sotae 1 1 iiw eip rlnc tht i i 1 ulamu iluiut newfonndluml ntil tin n huiw lur lle atilnluml i rttir ri miaamk unedalen m1 trlixt i dwunl mando tor hie niilnlsmt but m vvclwsl what is now sew tnnnwli u and there tuml frlendu wltk a lrlm nt itidlsn rrni quimk- two or whom bt mrrte1 off wllh blm he flnnllv deddod act to rta in tikvrlre tint yer aad mumihi te fran- tcb- inc st ualo it ileaibrr ptom lt44 until hu walh at hl uau m eptiiawr 1 1m7 rrtlr sp- peara to have tlaae little eu llian elve technical awvlce in nautical mattera and act aa certuruee laterprvter ialladelnjila record jmmm eclu ctrotaa jubw isreuikt hire by alrtcau beuad ta lass rbrtluua to which ear ears wave beenwa accustomed there is a backeraiinil rmm the oilier ihle of the earth th uneanny meter the noise and primitive quality tj th music are aa echo rroai the jonjcte we catch the sound of tosetom of bare feet of african tribe as they dance slxuit their ceremonial flrea of course or mericaji jasa waa broueht to us by the arricaa obnarvea a writer in the wanfatngtoa star a story is told of a southern colored taasj wbn was performing a wild dance while his frlrndn t tltne with their hanthj and channel to aalntaln the rlivthw- a theatric i wan who had wltneyl the dance approached the- rolnred man at ll rtvnclusl and asked what kind or a dance was that the bub replletl je jsss ash ha jjuur and ihe name hsa brn papalarly applletl to that particular bom of dance ami lis accounts ay tag nuic ever aloce tv black aaj taa tavviur outside of their slturt ilosuy coat the most distinctive thing about the black and tab terrier is ita ssarklngs the tanned atoaxle with the jet black asssl bona tbe tan spot ea each t be and over each eye and hair la ulde the ears the aaase color tbe fore less tanned to the knew with black ptbdl marts on each ttie vrllei butb uaasfield ih the uafthlnxl n sat the average weight is around seven pounds the dos has a ssod- erateh idiort body corvine upward at tltt htlnx ribs well uprunc back tllchtl arched at the loins and rail au acsin at the jololtut or the tall to lite mime height as tbe sboultkr fctralebt legs feet mora inclined to be cat tbun harehuiled asotwrate lenctb talt tbe bead la 4oog dat narrow it1 aad weugvshated with small uirklliig and dark je oblong la nliaie tbe coat is chue vmooih short and glossy juu1m the hal luulag the hat in defereoce te a lady is atlll a mark of a kotletaae it xhe stops to iqteal with him be will nmure hla hat for tbe roneratlan and carr it in hla hand unless be- hum of hu ae or of inclrnieot tther she rtquecta blto to rejac h u ao be will again raise hla hat ttheit 4te leaves th fact that wntt youne men la celkre tgaere the cour tesy doea net affect geatlemaaly ite- havlar the ertglb of the courtesy la apeculatlve oae veralee is that it arose la tea day of chivalry when la daference te hla superior aad te tadiea a knight reieoved hl heedgar utarary ulgeel mifciag cmbm guaa owinuo glsaa is made by mixing mi parlm or white sand urgoly silica 33 parts or soda ash dry washing uhls or aodluai carboaata aad is parts t llmeetene prladpally calcium carbon ate thlk mlstu9 la placed la a cruclhle and heeed te 1300 decrees ceutlsraite 13h0 deareea fahreehelti r more until it uwlti to a ciaar wai bout as stiff aa ordinary nvilassea an m warm day in addition to th raw taalerlala a large perceeuge of el hroteo glass cuuet is also used early peutual rvrtu washington aad john a4aas were pederaliata hut u ashlogtoav elec- tloaa at least were net a matter of patty and were unanimous jeffer son aad john qiilncy asfma were elected as members oj jhjpd j3ea- creuo repuhllcaa party commonly called the lupasucaa it wa much the same party which elected jack ami tm i ll had then begun to he rtilled the iwinocratlc a scul vardlel a sratrh vtrdltt umuum not proved a jury in a criminal trial in srollaad r ui brlii lit thin wrthrt in iertula pirn lliv il feudaiit lauoni thee he tried again oh tbe suuxt vkarga the famous canada starch companys cooking school under the direction of mrs h m aitken ll the sin of adam and eve imlrrtuluttsl rkdfwrm smmdv xcltaal levmmt aaeil 11 1st gou3kn ttoct tlie jtil that mil nelli it hall die e klel u 4 lsson passaof qctieis 3 115 whj ccmr irmptailon but for man lo meet and n trr ami mnkr crtmrh lw ncoth hli foot and o be pedestaled in triumph sbt ar sms 1 tlvcrc is hltl alue in spending time heoruunc or argulnb about in in tlie abslmct wc mut deal with our suv- tlicj become verj concrete when we begin io deal with them ono by one the genesis itor of tern ptatlon doc- not give a phluxoph of hie origin of exll but it does show adam and eve making a greet deci sion in hu lareachlhb chrl t dalt with deflnite sins impurity lovelot neul luirdlveertedncs dtfchonell our immediate concern l y to for mulate a theory of in uiat way come later in order to win moral ictory the first thing necessary u tc awaken consciousness of failure lr concrete experiences individual act and opinions only in this way can the eentra concept of jn have any intclligtole meaning aenbed to it the old testament shows that with out repentance for concrete sins talk about sin is only abstract theory and will not croat a contrite heart to quote emll brunner the path must be trodden from the knowledge of sins to the knowledge of sin teeaatalu x 5 the genesis picture of the tcmplu lion of adam and ke lnthe garden of eden is a story o defeat it may help us if we rid our minds of mb tons imagery in psradisc lost and learn a ftmr helpful leeore from this ancient narrative so full of modem meanings the woman was tempted by having h curiosity aroused tlie hint was thrown out that she waa be ing denied freedom she was led to believe uiat in her particular the laws of cauc and effect would not operate ihc wtl bribed with the promte of fuller knowledge and enriched experience so he yielded to subtle lemiiulkm tlie new ts lament gives us a companion picture of temptation that of christ in tlie wilderness wtli this difference that the temptation of jeus ended wlui moral victory not defeat how did christ win victory be had at his command noble words of scripture etting forth moral pjinclplrc he sought to discover the will of god and obey 1u aim tie was so committed to a crce cauic that he could not be swerved rrom his chief punmt we do not need to be defeated even by uddcd or subtle temptation suf ficient help is available from god to buaranxrc iclory cwtsvcieisee c 1 our ohlcr safeguard agniivst cu lies in our capacity to be shocked at lu wc haw to be- on guard againa evil in order to be ensilue towards good when we become indifferent to distinctions between goad and evil tlie moral sense l losing its cutting edge adam and eve followed the senelca dare to try any tiling once and immediately conscience awaken ed instead of ignoring canclous wi do well to tudi it and learn its slg iilflaiice an inner voice distinguishes between right and wrong wlui llfcs growing cxwrtence an increasing nu mber of jungs become matters of con science a modem motor car driver luu to be consclenuous about many things undreamed of in the horse and bugjq age it n our duly to educate our conclnc today it u- not odt- quale to be mttct shout matler q individual tonsclcncc wr must liavt qulckejietl jclal consclenct v as well itie publcaicn of tor w aiie alei stiould l us uneasy con-xlence- about oir con cilisenshlp sjionsibilitlas liowever beyond rtiiroacli our owti business conduct may be wc should be ttiankful to those who tab our consvlencca broad awake auhu 13 inerltkbly sin iiroduces fear adam and ee trlod to hide from god among tlie trees then adam w as challenged he tried to place tlie siionslblllly upon eve and then aad himself kve ought to dodge resoii- stblllty by blaming the servient how modem it ail is we blame our homos schools motion picture and industrial systems and try over our wrong desire- and choices it is characli rtstlc nals that they assert uiclr liuiociiicc and put all the blame upon ctrcum nances tliey are slow to admit their own gullu a young man from a fine home with an excellent cduca lion and social advantages has brok en his mothers heart by drink sloth and theft but he always has iilenly ol excuscc seemingly lie is unable to re uiat he l in any way at fault ttie tlnl suni ui anting free rrom our load of eut is to cunfess our ins a christian hie without con- rvkm b not the normal thing al though ll li right that iherv hnuld be no law demanding n it will sel dom happen uiat a man will mate a real advance io life or fullti wluiout refteated voluntary confrlon prank conlesmon brings idea caaaaence it ll it ls a huxli day 1 cliaractcr olu catlou when w fully and finally rva lue that uier 1 a difference bclween rtglit and wnuig ami ihtu ihere is a relation between ntitj- uiul effect in vain do e try ui deceive ourscue god is not mocked for what we jiw dial shall we also reap tlie mills of clod grind slowly but uiey grind ixceedlng aire when wt yield to temptations we tnvlir frer worry re morsi and retnluiuoif ui enter our lives but this uniisupy duasler amy it bt pre vi iill through the love and unrcy of god a hlglier hie may bo our herllaic the new testament lei s of a qualit of life in which tin chief accent lies not uwm uie tact ih it wc an mill sinners but iinm our release from tlie pocr of sin the chief uienvc in the new testament ls not lamrntauon over invincible in but triumph over uie trr nihpitlon o slai ery to sin life with christ means not only to be free from the guilt of sin but also from lis tyranny thlr i not merely omcuima in tlir futun but at the same lime a power effectual in ulc irijiiu tlnnks be io god who kle- uv the victory through our lord jc u chrlt qieuians far dkewiii 1 is this 4tory parable or history 3 how do you resist temptation 3 do you supprc or encourage your conxlciicer 4 do i accept moral repoii ibllliy for my conduct 5 in what ways are we urcounlable to god kill kill kill on with uie dance step on it wc art late hello there are a couple of car- that have run into each other headjum hurry patl there are dead and wounded peoile there on the gros we might have to go to court as witnesses or carry them to a hospital shoot uie gas lo her you can pass that truck be fore we get lo tlie top of uie hill hurry goji you almost hit uiat old uidy t why do people allow women as old as that to get out on the highway they are all hen- mlnded we might have hurt her there is a hole you can break lhrou in uiat line of traffic give her uie gun i gee that was close 1 did you hear uiat fellow swear wc didnt hit him whats he got to com plain about blow that liom and make tlial luj get over where he be long whj uie fool wont give iu the rifiht of way i he cant be going more than forty five how can tic lx licet to stay on the iiavemeiil at uiat pace hit her up around the right side there t boy thai cored him maybe uiat will teach him to keep over where he belongs i uiouujit far a minute we were going to turn turtle look there is anouicr accident that car is on its top wilh its wheels in uie air look like a hug on it back doesnt it there was blood on uie gras some one mu have been badly hurt crosy fools uiey don t know how u drive yet uiey get right out into traffic watch uiat woman qhe is driving all over uie rosdl bun up alongside her and give her a blast on the hornl whew 1 didnt her fender nick ours when she swerved i believe it did tliank heaven she didnt lock fen ders with us ii might have caud an accident i luite women drive rm cut around uiat fellow never mind uit curve there isnt anything com uig crojil where am i what lias hapiien cd to me doctor my ug l b taken oh my oodl jimmy t at breakfiist table i well dad ive done m good turn for uie day dad what youve been very quick about it what did you do jlmmyrlt was easy i saw old mr brown going for the seven thirty iruin and he was afraid he would mu it o i ul our dog loose and mr brown got to tlie station in lime tested recipes in view of uie demapd for lamb at thlr time the following recipe- may prove iljvtui bretaune important part ttttskt lamb a bennr form on important part of this recipe cook the desired quan tity of beans shelled green ones wlten in eason pry pound for the amount dciredi of finely sliced on ions for live minutev add flour and uien milk or water to make a sauce tnd cook fur 15 minute pour uve water on the beanr and add uie on ion fauce after the roast has been prepared for the oven make four or more incisions wlui a fork or skewer and place a wliole clove in each in cision when the mutton l roarted serve wllh uie beans and sliced to matoes chsmlkvallatts onuru style tht l a recipe for lamb or mut ton cliops pan broil 6 to 10 chops for two minuter prepare vpnions t sliced t and potatoes sliced or cub ed i place chops ul casserole add vegetables eaonlngs and sufficient boiling water or stock to prevent burning cover and cook in oven until vegetables are tender serve liot uteeaw heart stew seats etyu simmer lamb orjnulton hearts un- ul tender bemove and cut in two- inch squares slice onions and fry in cooking fat for five minutes add hearts and potatoes cut in same sute as uie hearts cover with boiling water and cook unul uie potatoes are done thicken liquid and serve hot cealced laaah en casseeale 3 cups cooked lamb 1 tablespoon cooking fat 1 cup cooked carrots i cup cooked potato 8 small cooked onions leftover gravy cut lamb in cubes and brown in cooking fat cut vegetables in cubes put meat in casserole add vegetables gravy and enough hot water to mois ten season with salt and pepper cover and bake in a hot oven 400 degrees p f or m minutes these recipes ore taken from uie publication enllued selection of lamb cuts usued by the dominion department of agriculture and may be obtained free on appllcnuon from uie publicity and extension branch dominion department of agriculture ottawa grey hair restored lo its natural color the natural way idngelique n earr nam kstoaer mt a r a ilb ifc c tftcawumia mm kw catta 1 jut to 4ltt ferry ulunl tblor j m imm uuu 4v w at th bllr drug and a mm mjcoirittckg drue sto wood for sale chain beech and uiplo at oim infu cord ulxed halls 1xxa vet cord uucd wood ott da cord j bkandpout hut k5 w ttxj oartuurta qsnapshot cuil i photographing home made i hollywood miniature sets picobac pipe tobacco fci a mild cool smoke 25 reward aul a hu u aatia t lloyds thy- molatcd cokm salvk far ay cant ar rallawi tiicv caiuaa tllli ikla wattlbrral aaw a anyarllaa far coknb ok call ouses ii atuadush aad rellams aal ilk bnt iuiun par aab uaecaraaacki urtts mar aftc ll si trucking cartage all kinds of hauling done thorough ly and reasonably p c whlunec phone 341 georgetown tf baby chicks barred bocks new iiami- jilrc beds a c white leg- lioms from stock bred for high production and conformity to standard a eaipi set from 34 to 30 ounces ier doacn clilcks marcli 30ul nd 37ul be each custom hatching le pkr egg set setting thursdays adolph sandusky qeen sl aaj lat una w ilk ne 3 pketie 324 r 14 bttamrton wkat sslui tke seriaanreat tlie lords hot willing uiat any tdiould ivrrtsli but uiat all hould come to repentance 3 peter 3 tola waa not photographed in the vwlltumass but on a labia top l the home of an amataur photonranhar th lake is a mirror as almost every motion pic ture opr knows thu holly wivod nludloa are continually fooling ua thoau days wlh aconos photo- rraplkd in miniature aucb as a vil inge strvet a cuallo in bpaln a rural wltiti r anow scene a hlp at hi a an alrplauo wr t k and what not i lie so ch i rly ar thosu nilulaturt hi la dmlgued and photokraphod that in thu picture their lai k of rv- allty dtflia dinciion and whn wo are lot in on tho mcret we do not mind at all lndcd admlru tbo achhivenioal have you i vi r tried crtvatlng mlnlatun wtmu joumelf and pholnkraiihlax tlft rti wllh your own camera ita fun lie pond lag uimin your skill artlttih ability and tbo niaihrlau you t mploy you may construct and pholurrupb mllilatura nits in your own honn thai will rival tin stmblaiite of rvallly arhhvid in holly wood or if you pn ti r you may crtott are in n of faulattv conn dy or hurlftqu to t univan- wllh a nhol la an anlmat d rartoon for a at ui camera this in r ally uulblug el i ihun tahh liip pbolug- raphy nuili ui hsa ioiir ihii prar tind by uiiiahuih hut whhh now ih pliolorraiilih ill mudt lr for thu auiuli ur than ii uaid to hi bo- cauii of tin n r nt liilrodiictlon tor huiui um ot iixin pwi rful artltirlal hkhting m iojii for tahh tui pho- lotraphy ynu tan v ry ihtaidy with two ur ihroo of tin i brighh r home flood hslit hullin rival tbo htthllng thiulpim nt of hollywood atudlog und what la mort do toad work with an liu kpt nalvi fix d focet cam ira provhhu you us a ptiifrait at tach in dill lo ttnur tin irttvaaarj cloaoup fttcua constructing ono ot these sets rtv qulns of course a certain am mnt of tlmn and natiinrn with tht ex p4 nae depending upon the mat d rials you put into lu very amunlng sceoea may be created howevar without introduclni elaboratu de tails hi rt are a few auccostlona for tho malerlals whlta or light gray cardboard makvi sky a mirror mat a a lake twlxa and amall punta mako trves and hinleta moss sorvea for grans chalk salt or hour for snow toy autoumbllaa tralna boats air planes huuaea human and animal okuraa ma be obtained at uie flvo- anildlnio store if you aro handy wllh tools you ran fashion varoua props yuurself ujiur soft wood or you can uao plantlc moddhik malurials a few points relative to tho pho tos phy workliik at iiol range tbo dupih of field or thu hna is uul lllatly ti be gnat so in building your sut keep tho eh inuiila within aa abort a olalance front io bark aa imihslbh eu get th b4hit tffnia by uuii k tin lena at a aniull oimiilng ip u r make about three sbolu of a st t ting varyliui the exposure hon i bo sure ot obtaining a perfect ncga tlvw pocua nxactly ou will hive a lol ot fun play ing with the light homitlthu k ainglu strong flood llaht will k yoli what you want kaln you may want one 0tur to bin ml out hrti llantly wtlh everything else sub dued por this a lari ploti of jrd board with a bole in ll will provide ft spotlight paurhromatti t h k tbnboat rvmlorhik uo john vvn otll out